New State Dept. FOIA requests show that HRC doesn't know how to use a computer to "do email"...

36  2017-03-14 by Ninjakick666

A couple weeks ago the State Dept. dumped like 1400+ new internal memos and e-mails... in those there is a different case number from 2009/2011 that is related to her private server, but not the same case number as before. Looks to be the very first communications related to the story breaking.*&caseNumber=F-2015-04686

There's only a few records for that case, and most are just forwarded e-mail server stories from websites... Politico, The Hill, AP in 2015.

But a couple of them show the origins of the story and a couple interesting ideas tossed about...


"I talked to cheryl about this. She says problem is hrc does not know how to use a computer to do email - only bb. But I said would not take much training to get her up to speed."

Screenshot of that part of the PDF -

Talk of getting an NSA blackberry...

"We have already started checking into the NSA bb. Will set up the office across the hall as requested. Also think we should go ahead (but will await your green light) and set up a stand alone PC in the Secretary's office, connected to the internet (but not through our system) to enable her to check her emails from her desk. Lew"

Talk about Obama's Blackberry not really being a Blackberry

"so I have now read up more on POTUS' bb (which appears not really to be a bb but a different device). is there any solution to her being able to use an encrypted bb like the nsa approved one he has in the vault and if so, how can we get her one. and if not, let's set up the office across the hall for her to use — it needs a phone etc. so she can go across the hall to check her bb."

Converstaion is with Lewis Lukens from State Dept. offered ‘standalone’ PC for Clinton’s email

Looks like the redacted bits in the emails addresses is where people weren't using "" addresses... prolly says "" under those blanks.

Fast forward to 2011... Stephen Mull on the scene for this one... Currently the Coordinator for Iran Nuclear Implementation... at that time he was Executive Secretary of the Department of State.

"On the more long term issue, I've asked our team to develop an enhanced package of capabilities and equipment that we would propose deploying with the Secretary to be as closely co-located as possible with her when she is on travel away from her usual residences. The package will include things that anticipate the normally unexpected such as hurricanes, power outages, earthquakes, locusts, etc, such as generators, uninterrupted power supplies, supplementary satellite capabilities, including satellite phones for when local infrastructure fails (as it did in NY over the weekend). Separately, we are working to provide the Secretary per her request a Department issued Blackberry to replace her personal unit which is malfunctioning (possibly because of her personal email server is down). We will prepare two versions for her to use — one with an operating State Department email account (which would mask her identity, but which would also be subject to FOIA requests), and another which would just have phone and internet capability. We're working with Monica to hammer out the details of what will best meet the Secretary's needs."

So it looks like he was cooking up an idea to have 2 different phones for HRC... one to avoid FOIA requests. This guy knows all about the personal email server... and also there is some mention of "I've asked the technician to not leave the immediate vicinity of the Secretary's residence until the call is complete in case she needs emergency assistance." Which might mean he knew the server was in her private residence, but it is probably just be about secure phone lines at her house... since he says "we are looking at how to fix the degraded line for unsecure calls." I dunno much about modern phone tapping but I'd like to think that so many people were monitoring that line that it made the connection shitty.

If yer sick of all the HRC email stuff you can always go to and skip to page 6... thats where all the new State Dept. Memos unrelated to HRC are located.


Her IT guy knows bleach bit though doesn't he? Yea, with a cloth or something.

I spend so much time reading extravagant conspiracy theories that sometimes these more simple and down to earth emails fly right over my head.

But I seemed to get the impression that Hillary was completely and utterly incompetent and these people were basically doing EVERYTHING for her - if she is this incompetent, is it still reasonable to assume that she was actually masterminding her own personal private server in order to sell classified information and what not? It seems like a stretch - sounds like they were just trying to cut some corners and these people kind of planned most of this for her

Yeah... I think emails like this are why the FBI couldn't prove "intent" to mishandle information... she prolly honestly had no clue what was going on from the technical side of things... but what the FBI found by scarfing up all her devices and emails will be enough to nail her for espionage... What she was sending is very important... not how she was sending it.

She pretended stupid to use her server to intentionally avoid the FOIA.

You can't seriously be suggesting that that 70-year old woman doesn't know how to use a computer. This sub is for 9/11 and moon landing truths, take this ridiculousness out of here

Well... she would have been 63 when this happened... that's young and hip enough to know how to use a computer.

pls print

Maybe I wasn't facetious enough, my mistake

Yeah... I don't think you were... cause it totally came off as sarcastic.

It's a fine line over text

pls print

This has been out sense the FBI investigation. I'm sorry but I don't believe it one bit. To me it's a cover. She sure was talking to Blumenthal via email.

I've seen emails from her to people. Now was she lazy and made everyone do everything for her most of the time? Yes! This was just their cover and a really bad one at that. I mean if they make her out to be dumb then she runs for president and thinks she can win really? Also the whole I can't remember cause I had a blood clot when FBI questioned her but she remembered enough right after the clot to have a congressional over site on Benghazi?

The dumb are claiming dumb to get away with dumb shit wtf?

I'm not worried... I feel like the entire email server case was just a busted tail light that got her party wagon pulled over so the cops could see all the cocaine and dead hookers in the back.

Agree OP

I'm starting to get the feeling the server wasn't an misinformed mistake. She is making people jump through all kinds of hoops to get around her need for the private server. They are pretending like she is too technologically retarded to use anything but her server that she knows how to use. But this was all to avoid FOIA the whole time.

Yeah... these documents clearly said she'd have 2 Blackberries... one to sidestep FOIA requests... they specifically mentioned FOIA requests as a reason for the 2nd phone.

See that proves she's not a lizard alien - they know how to do email!

Just noticed the url for one of the older memos when I was poking around... usually the url is based on the case number... this one was a bit different.


That's an interesting folder name... and ya get bonus bonus "Obama Administration Looks to Colleges for Future Spies" blurb.