Been coughing for almost a month now (meds did nothing)

0  2017-03-15 by agentf90

I'm starting to think its some kind of chemical attack.


For fuck sake go to a doctor.

I did.

Go back.

Go back.

Why? So I can take the same meds again and have it do nothing again?

To get different/stronger meds.

To get different/stronger meds.

They say 10 days after you finish the cycle. That was 15 days ago I'm on day 17. I'll go on friday if I'm not better. It was bronchitis.

What did they give you? I had Bronchitis last year and they gave me 5 days of amoxicillin and these little pills that numbed my throat and it didn't work, I went back and they gave me a set of steroids that did the job. Bronchitis is a weird disease to treat.

i got some steroids and anti-biotics. i didn't do anything for me.

Yeah shit happens man and medicine can be wonky but that doesn't mean someones trying to poison you. Just go back to the doctor and they'll probably give you a different set of medicine and it'll hopefully do the trick. Also drink a lot of juice and exercise if you can help your body try to fight it.

Did you consume any alcohol beverages while on the antibiotic? If so that could have interfered. Ask your doc or pharmacist. Are you drinking cows milk?

Get fresh root ginger, real lemons: look on line how to make a tea with this - add cayenne to it if you can take a bit of heat. If you can, find local pure honey for sweetner. This is not a cure nor full out rave for Natural. It will give relief and stimulate your system.

It was bronchitis.

I had a bad case of bronchitis a long time ago, and I swear it was probably 2-3 months before I was back to normal.

What region are you in?


I don't know then, here in Texas everyone seems to be getting the flu or a dry cough

Yeah its going around here.

Maybe it's just your time

Maybe it's just your time

wife and kids have it too. but not as bad as me.

Buy a humidifier

Here in Texas it's Mountain Cedar pollen allergy season (Juniper trees). My entire family was incredibly ill with respiratory problems from it. Do you have these trees in California? My sinuses became so swollen (couldn't drain) that I ended up with a maxillary sinus abcess. Whole family had horrible coughing. If you do have Juniper trees, try an antihistamine and a decongestant, along with a cool mist humidifier to see if you can get any relief. -Retired RN

I don't think so, plus i've lived here all my life --- if that was an issue it wouldn't be the first time. i am however starting to see some end in sight.

I have never in my life gotten sick from allergies like I have this year. I know California has gotten much more rain than usual- just like Texas, I know you're emerging from drought, so I wonder? I saw a youtube video of the pollen bursting forth and it appeared as if the valley was thick with smoke. Also, did you hear about the major illnesses in Australia this year? They called it "thunderstorm asthma" and had never seen anything like it. Thousands were hospitalized. My son, his wife, and my granddaughter all developed serious upper respiratory infections. In Australia the current theory involves the ferocity of the rainfall,larger rain droplet sizes, and allergens. It is related to climate change. We are all beginning to improve just recently as the massive pollen releases ease up. I am glad to hear you're seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

Its funny you say that. I've thought for years that climate change will come in the form of illnesses that we have never seen before.

I just finished the antibiotics for the sinus abscess about a week ago. It was pretty scary. The entire right side of my face swelled up, my right eye was swollen, and the pain was tremendous. That was the second time my family became ill during a mountain cedar pollen spike. It took some detective work to figure out what was going on. Physician confirmed my suspicions. Now we are all on Flonase and use precautions like keeping my little granddaughter inside on peak days, and showering at the end of the day instead of mornings. I could hear many of my neighbors walking around with coughs, and kept running into people who thought they had a very bad cold. I fear we all are living the curse of "interesting times."

Is there anyway to detect when the spikes happen? Like a barometer of sorts? And how frequently do these spikes occur?

I've found that is worthless, but there's a very good site called where you can look up your zip code. It has a forecast plus a history that's helpful in finding correlation with your symptoms. One more year of this and I'll be considering the very lengthy and tedious process of allergy shots to be desensitized.

Can you move to somewhere that's not so bad?

I fear that this may be the norm for most areas and I've only been saved in past by the extended drought. Much of the country is getting rainfall dumped in massive amounts all at once and I read that is what sets off the large pollen releases, especially after a cold spell that warms following rains. If what has happened in Australia has begun here, I suspect there is no place to hide. Even our driest states, Arizona and New Mexico are struggling with the Juniper (Mountain Cedar) and other tree pollen this year.

Agreed, eventually you're out running a wildfire on an enclosed field...but it might take another decade before it gets really bad.

And in truth, I'd rather endure the allergy shots than the loss of all that is familiar and dear.

It's cancer, congrats....

It's cancer, congrats....


Yes, now go get you some chemo and that neat robot voice thingy


Username confirms....

Gr8 b8 m8

Sounds like the Government Flu...

Not sure what that is.

Got a head cold, got a chest cold and it's three days old, goin' on forever Make you hazy, make you lazy, drive you crazy For days and days and days and days and days and Days and days and days and days and days and Days and days and days and days and days and years

Lots of coughs are virus based and there is no cure other than letting your immune system do it's thing. Meds might make you feel a bit better, but you'd still be fighting the infection.

It's a massive leap to be uncurred by a doctor after a month then get to chemical attack.

sending you healing energies <3 Get well soon

Probably a virus unfortunately. You could try some n acetyl cysteine.

I battled bronchitis on and off for years. It seemed to always come around October,than last sometimes through January. Despite antibiotic treatments and enough codeine to put a horse asleep, I bet it was 5-6 years in a row this happened to me. Than my buddy that use to work with me talked me into calling his herbalist. I said do you mean witch doctor? After a little friendly banter I decided to call and go visit him. Long story short the herbs were described to me as powerful organic foods,which is how we are meant to stay healthy and can assist in healing. The nasty cough which usually lasted months was gone in well under a weeks time. I've only been to the doctor a few times since and its never for colds or other bugs anymore.

Clear phlegm? Could be fungal lung infection. Antibiotics won't help.

I coughed for nearly 6 months...Turned out I had aggressive mold in my walls. I'll probably die prematurely from it one day. Mold test are $20...Do it.

OP do this shit, you said below wife & kids got it too.

Will do.


What is that?

Doctors suck at diagnosing weird shit. I have a bladder disease that hurts like a bitch. Pain was my first symptom (other than pissing often which I've done since my late teens so no idea it was even a symptom).
It took 9 months to reach a probable diagnosis, and over a year for the 2nd opinion to confirm it. I have probably had over 100 dr appointments in the past two years.
Just because they can't find what it is doesn't mean stop trying.

so what was it? I pee like every 30 minutes. but I do drink 64 oz of water a day.

It's called interstitial cystitis, 30 minutes is not normal, you should mention it to your dr.