Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, who the hell was the US suppose to choose m?

0  2017-03-15 by AFuckYou

Honest question. One appears to be a wellfair queen and has deep ties to organized crime. The other has a kill list longer than my resume and wanted war with Russia.

The real conspiracy here is the fact that our system is so rigged we are not able to choose a competent leader.


The majority choose nobody lol

Salon is trash. I can't choke down the first sentence. I'm not subjecting myself to their propaganda.

Read the DNC leaks then, they promoted him as the main opponent.

Yea, but the DNC leaks show they did that as a tactic. Because everyone else had a "better chance of winning."

That's all the article says, poorly.

Salon should be banned, it's biased garbage

Biased against whom?

It doesn't matter who they're biased to, the fact is that they are biased.

So are you?

Where have I been biased?

It doesn't matter who they're biased to, the fact is that they are biased.

Every person is biased. Every journalist is biased. Every news outlet is biased. This dream of "unbiased news" is just that, a dream.

What do you think should be banned and allowed on here?

Why does everyone keep saying Clinton wanted war with Russia?

So tired of that fake and forced accuasation.

Plenty of other reasons to hate her.

Because Clinton was OBVIOUSLY in bed with the deep state and MSM which is also apart of the deep state.

And then the OBVIOUS smear campaign on russia. With russia rigging US elections, and Russia hacking. Which neither is true. It turns out it was the CIA. Shocking.

And then Clintons escalation in talk about Russia. Saying that she would take CYBER ATTACKS as DECLARATIONS OF WAR.

Unless you a fucking stupid cunt or a paid shill, you'd see she has malicious intent in regards to Russia.

With this Syria shit, it still looks like the MIC may still get a war with Russia after all.

Smear campaign on Russia

Why are you so deadset on defending Russia? Their global interests directly go against American interest.

With russia rigging US elections, and Russia hacking

No one has claimed they rigged the elections. People are saying that they hacked the DNC and RNC, and selectively chose to decide what to leak and how they framed. In addition, they led a massive propaganda campaign online in social media, in order to make sure there was as much chaos as possibe, and with the ultimate hopes of making sure Clinton didn't win.

Saying that she would take CYBER ATTACKS as DECLARATIONS OF WAR.

Source? Evidence?

you'd see she has malicious intent in regards to Russia.

So what. Fuck Russia. They aren't our friends.

With this Syria shit, it still looks like the MIC may still get a war with Russia after all.

Trump has also been pushing war with Iran, and possibly North Korea. But you don't say shit about that.

At 1:40 Hillary says cyber attacks are just like any other attack and she will be ready for a military response. She's a fucking psycho path who promised us war.

War is bad. It's a very easy concept to understand. Do you get it? Do I need to repeat my self? War is bad.

Killing our brothers, fathers, and sons so that the banking industry can install a bank, so qudaffi can't have a gold standard, so that oil can rape the lands of other countries. THAT IS BAD.

I will never ever vote for someone who promises war.

Donald trump is associated with organized crime, he most likely runs or assists with child trafficking and prostitution, etc.

But I did not know any of that at the time. And trump did not say anything about war. So, he got my vote.

Maybe the DNC should stop rigging their elections and Bernie would be our president. Do you think that's a good idea, to stop rigging elections? Because the DNC just elected more of the same old for their new DNC chair.

This is all a bunch of fuckery and you all, DNC and GOP, are a bunch of fuckers.

trump did not say anything about war



That's where your at? You lost the argument so bad your just like duck it?

Haha, no. Why would you lie about something so blatantly?

I posted cites. If you gonna say I'm wrong cite it. I shouldn't have to ask.

Come on, give me a break. You know Trump has talked about war and using military strength.

Are you lying or choosing to put your head in the sand?

No cite

I don't think we're going to know the truth if Russia did hack the election or if the CIA pinned it on Russia for another 50 years.

^ ^ ^ lol 😂

I never believed it was Russia and I never will. All the proof I need is the media pushing a narrative and the official government backing that narrative with bullshit. Why all the bullshit, why no proof from my government? Because their liars and full of shit.

Maybe you don't "know the truth."

I don't need to see a video of two US CIA agents discussing false hacks on the DNC. Then proof that the technology exists. The a copy of the software so I can run it to make sure it works. Then a video of the same agents actually doing the hacking. Then proof those agents worked at the CIA. Then proof they did it under the direction of the CIA. Then an official statement from the CIA stating that all this evidence is true. The a statement from the president saying wow this is shocking. Then proof that they sent the hacked info to Wikileaks, like photos of the printed documents and packaging. Then a confirmation from Wikileaks that this did occur.

You'll never be satiated with proof. We have more than enough already.


There is a speech she made where she said as president she would push for military action against cyberattacks such as the one the Establishment was pinning on the Russians. The Deep State has an obvious agenda, and instigating the Cold War 2.0 is just a first step. Funnily enough, I was told I was in denial or something this person called being afflicted with 'Clinton Derangement Syndrome', after I mentioned on FB that HRC had been signaling her willingness to ramp up toward confrontation with Russia. Clinton Derangement Syndrome sounds about right.

How do you feel about Trump pushing for military action in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and possibly North Korea?

If the deep state wanted to go to war, why not those countries? Why is it Russia that you only care about?

I am not a defender of Trump, except for one point- whatever game he may be running, he will be fairly easily found out. That's a good breakdown of the 'wolf in wolfskin' comment made by Julian Assange that I quite agree with.

There is no "if" the deep state wants to go to war. It is as plain as the fraudulent stink on all of this neo-McCarthyism. I do not believe in any of the military effort at this stage. But the aggression against Russia, the insanely obvious bullshit they're trying to pour on our heads via pretty much of all of the mainstream media... There is no doubt amongst the thinking, truth-seeking citizens. WE ARE BEING SET UP. Nothing new, except Russia and the US will end up killing the entire planet with this escalation. Sure, absolutely insert whichever other psychopathic regime Trump's administration threatens. Just a little research shows how blatant the deceit of the Russia hacking is.

You just ignored my two questions.

TBH, I think that most "competent" people don't want the positions, and there's probably not enough competent people in the first place.

People want celebrities as their politicians now. Understanding policy and nuance is too boring and a pain in the ass for most people to care about.

Voting for candidates is more about emotions and supporting your "tribe" than anything else.

Tribalism is hardwired human behavior. The irony is that there is this push for multiculturalism, which is just institutionalized tribalism. I'm not anti-cultural at all, but this is a funny problem we are creating for ourselves.

Just because something is hardwired into us, doesn't mean it's beneficial for us.

I agree. It's quite the opposite in this case.

Most competent people won't even get to that stage. They won't get media coverage, funding or any sort of backing.

Ron Paul had certainly the right idea - end the Fed. Every military action has been funded through the fed and/or Bank of England. The central banks are literally the heart of the beast.

I think Ron Paul is a loon TBH, and is not competent. He's a nice guy and is very genuine, but that's about it in my opinion.

I don't agree with him on every policy but he was right on one thing - ending the fed and going back to gold standard. Rothschild has ruined billions of lives through his central banks.

Going back to the gold standard is a terrible idea. There are many good reasons why we don't use it anymore.

What are the reasons? I don't trust fiat currency. There's nothing holding banks to limit printing currency.

jill stein!

bernie sanders


The majority of voters who even bothered to vote chose Clinton, the minority chose Trump, and everyone got screwed one way or another. Even Trump himself, who was displeased with the final results of the election, even though he won. Well, the US and its allies, anyway. Our adversaries must be yucking it up over the fact that Trump has barely even begun to assert control over critical departments like State and DoD. Who knows, though, maybe it's for the best that he hasn't begun to fill all the needed appointments... because of the chance that he's compromised. What a time to be alive.