Conspiracy: On T_D they pretend Pepe is a harmless little green frog; Right? WRONG. Pepe was created by the racists on 4chan /pol/. He is used to attract normies and normalize racism, bigotry, with his cute innocent demeanor; notice how they bash Mexicans, Muslims, etc 24/7 alongside Pepe.

0  2017-03-16 by [deleted]



This Video Game Culture, Feels Bad Man. Know your Meme.

We've come a long way from pissing with our pants down.

Get out.

No you get out with your evil racist bigotry.

Of course ADL Made PEPE a racist Symbol IF you going to Listen to the ADL then By all means don't Draw Muhammad, Feels Bad Man

ADL actually backed away from that claim. But we cant expect shills like you to know your facts now can we

Removed. Rule 10.

OP is outright calling other users racist. Can we please get one of the human mods to take care of this spam?

I assume you're trolling, but if not rule 6 than rule 10. Removed and consider this your only warning. I'll be keeping an eye on you.

You don't agree with OPs statement. Obviously , rasis'. :-)))

its funny how all the Racists haved flooded Reddit under the disguise of Pepe.


They are all CONFIRMED Racists and think that by hiding behind Pepe we wont notice their bigotry.

They are all closet-Nazis wearing Pepe masks.

Pepe wasn't created by 4chan... He was just appropriated by them.

It was created by Matt Furie

17 day account exists for the sole purposes of talking about Hillary Clinton and how racist Pepe is.

Is that you alefantis?

Nice catch. OP is a piece of shyt.

Anyone else having trouble downvoting this? I keep getting "error try again later".

Pepe was created by racists.

wtf I hate pepe now

Pepe is innocent.

Pepe is a meme of peace

Pepe is love, you have it all wrong man.

I totally agree.

Yeah but these Racists keep downvoting that their "harmless" Frog has been EXPOSED.

Take off their Pepe masks, and you see evil ugly vile racist bigots.

Dude its a cartoon frog. I don't care if Hitler drew it himself. Its a fucking frog.

the point of a meme is its ability to be retrofitted for multiple purposes or MEMES. pepe wasn't created by 4chan but they did make him retrofitted for racism. not all pepes are created equally

I still can't believe Hillary did a speech about Pepe. What a hilariously sad moment for the entire democratic party in our country.

Are the shills getting dumber?

Lol don't tell this guy about kek

Do you really believe this? I find it hard taking it seriously.

Eh, pepe is unimportant tbh

The alt-right is inherently and fundamentally racist though. It's a black comedy that true alt-righters are racists drowning in a sea of non-racist edge lords who co-opted the title of "alt-right" because of it's hipster appeal.

Pepe is definitely not cute!

This has to be a joke, right? You know there are pro Hillary Pepe's, pro Bernie Pepes..

'white people opposing their own genocide and wanting to preserve their nations essence and culture makes them racist'

no it doesn't, ***k right off with your propaganda terminology.

papa is a symbol of freedom and justice, and white people deserve freedom and justice too. how does that make you feel shlomo? you aren't fooling anyone with your name either.

There is a white genocide?


Tell me about it.

research it for yourself. mass immigration + low white birth rates + redestribution of wealth via proto-communist welfare states.

OK David Duke. Make sure your bunker hole is dug plenty deep. The Mexicans and Muslims are coming. White people have carried-out a few real genocides.

OK Stalin. Make sure your gulag is running nice and smooth. Evil whitey is fighting back. White people have suffered quite a few real genocides. Enough I'd say.

You need someone to blame for your situation. I understand. Might as well blame the colored people. And communists...?

No, I don't. You do though. Might as well blame the people who oppose their demographic genocide for your crappy situation.

K. The 1950s called.....they want their villains back.

you see these guys are total racist bigots once they take off their Pepe masks.

their Neo-Nazi idol lost yesterday so they are crying now LOL

hopefully you've realised by now how empty and shallow everything you've said was. these issues are real, braindead normies (like you i guess?) who think 'hurrdurr those white supremacists are at it again' are propagandized by a lifetime of marxist indoctrination. i know that feeling myself, that deep sense of judgement when you project supremacist beliefs onto whites who speak up for their rights. that was before i started understanding the world. whites are very high iq and deeply altruistic, that makes us extremely susceptible to emotion-laden guilt-tripping propaganda. free your mind and research these things.

Just looking at your account history gives me shills.

Pepe was an innocent meme.

Now he's been appropriated as a thing used by racists. Anyone who argues otherwise is being disingenuous

Kek... Bitch