I got banned from T_D for this post.

0  2017-03-16 by heymikeyp


Unfucking real. Holy shit. Complete abuse of power, I didn't even get a warning for it. I was totally just opening a discussion about this and I get banned for it? Total fucking hypocrites about free speech and censorship. "Concern Trolling" is why I was banned.

Edit: This is the post.

If true and I believe it is,

Sessions says "I realize this may be an unfashionable belief in a time of growing tolerance of drug use. But too many lives are at stake to worry about being fashionable. I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. And I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana – so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another that’s only slightly less awful. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life."

No I'm not a shill, I donated 200$ to the Trump campaign, and was voted first day for early voting here in Nevada, and was 3 hours early for the Trump rally here in Vegas. Just curious, I know this is a pro trump page and I've beem subscribed before 200k. The left is hypocritical and doesn't acknowledge their wrong doing but why aren't we talking about something as insane and absurd as what Jeff Sessions has said about this? Hopefully our god emperor does not share the same opinion in the slightest. Discuss.


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Well we can't see what you actually posted... so it is tough to really make out what you were up to.


u gettn banned from a sub on reddit is among the least important things ever posted here, however congrats on your ban bro, proud of u

Welcome to the club. These assholes just ban people like its nothing with 0 consideration that we are a massive team here or that we might enjoy posting on TD. No warnings or anything. Just a flat out ban.

I really like a lot of the content on T_D... they dig into Wikileaks, FBI and State Dept FOIA releases way harder than anyone here ever does... every time there is a new file dump I head over to T_D to sift thru it with them. Cause a lot of people here are more interested in YouTube recaps than rolling up their sleeves and digging into the data.

That being said... I've been banned from T_D 3 times already.

That's ridiculous.

Eh... it was just me ignoring rules or them misunderstanding what I said... if it really means something to you to be able to post there, just wait a few days and write to the mod team.


I'm trying to create a hybrid of conspiracy and TheDonald here if your interested:


Will sub

Thank you and Subbed! I hope some of the partisan content will start being posted there rather than here.

It is tiring the amount of wading through MSM articles and anti/pro trump stuff I have to do around here to find the fun threads about Antarctica and Historical conspiracies.

It will be mostly free with little rules outside of the necessities like no doxxing, ect..

It's all the radon poisoning from living in their mom's basement.

If I was a mod in this sub id ban your ass from here. This has nothing to do about a conspiracy. Go cry somewhere else. We dont care.

Yet you still comment. Strong carelessness. Stay mad :)



When did conspiracy become the complaint department? And who gives a fuck you got banned from a piece of shit sub ? Do you want me to take you to the hospital? Or ?

Appearantly you give a fuck enough to comment making an ass out of yourself. Congrats, want a trophy?

no he's just sick of fake green eggs and spam

Shut the fuck up , stop crying

Lmao this guy is so mad.

??? What makes you think he "is so mad" looks like he just told you to shut the fuck up and to stop crying , that doesn't seem very mad to me .Are you sure he's mad, and doesn't just hate you for some reason? Ps sorry about your ban from Donald the censorship and ban hammer is garbage lately

He seems pretty rustled by I could be wrong lmao. And thanks.

I clicked on it, but can't read what you wrote. All I see is "Why aren't we discussing this". But it looks like whatever else you wrote is gone.

I updated this post to show what I wrote.

I got banned from T_D over some petty shit too. Fuck them and their echo chamber. They are no better than the liberals they hate so much.

Starting to feel the same way.

Well the issue is that Donald has never used alcohol or drugs, his brother Freddy died from complications due to alcoholism. I doubt Trump would be cool with legalization, but i have heard him say otherwise, just not sure if it was for votes or freedom.

The post was just about discussing what Sessions has said that's it lol

i know that, i am just saying, Donald will bring in like minded people.


Trump is actually called a teetotaler and because of that, i doubt he will bring in someone like Gary Johnson, who supports complete legalization. I think Trump will allow medical legalization in all states and basically create 50 laboratories or legal systems to see which works best

If you have been a member of T_D for a while you wouldn't be surprised by this. I frequented T_D a lot during the elections and this is absolutely nothing new. Some of the rules are quite absurd, but rules they make clear nonetheless.

I replied to your thread on t_d, so I'll do it here as well:

Jeff Sessions told congress that if they want weed legalized then they need to change the laws. He isn't the one changing the law, only enforcing it. His opinion on the matter is largely irrelevant because of his position. I agree with Sessions that ignoring it at the federal level is a dumb fucking way to go about this, but I can also agree with you that Sessions is wildly out of line with his comments about marijuana in general. That being said, it's really not up to him whether weed is legalized or not.

I can see why the post was removed (questions belong at /r/Ask_TheDonald), but if you were banned that's pretty lame.

Yea, I should have at least gotten a warning. That's crazy, I have contributed alot during the election. Its whatever I guess. T_D can only get worse IMO.

It happens more often than you'd probably think. My brother was banned for some stupid stuff as well right after the election. I literally see at least 2-3 posts a day from supporters saying they were banned.

I think it's more of an unfortunate product of how heavily moderated it needs to be to counteract brigading and such. They seem pretty relentless with the banhammer.

I assume ifs because they maybe get alot of trolls, but it doesn't make it right to ban someone whose been there for a while. Crazy.

Yea, I'm not gonna defend the mods. I love the subreddit still tho.

Yea I still go their for unbiased news, but fuck lol, now I know you can't make a post that's even a little skeptical without getting banned.

My posts are being shadowbanned from the_donald

The place is a controlled opposition memtard-fest (and this is coming from a big Trump supporter that posted in r/the_donald a lot during the election)


conspiracy mirror of post they shadowbanned:The Flynns are intentionally trying to undermine Trump

Interesting, thanks. Sorry about your ban.

They do seem to have a good eye for banning shitposters. Good for them...

I don't see why this would get you banned.

Neither do I, but it did unfortunately.

Oh well, I'm sorry.

Lol it happens I guess. Thanks.

can't you just use one of your other accounts?

T_D's echochamber is by design. The mods know that any dissent would lead to open discussion / debate. T_Ders would be left with nothing but fake facts and fake news to defend against claims and would lose any open debate. To keep the hive mind going, you can't bring ANY reason or logic to the table like you have.

That's to bad... Oh well.

I honestly mean no offense by this, but if you weren't aware that the_donald is a carefully curated echochamber with absolutely zero tolerance for any dissent or criticism, you must not have paid them any attention before now. This type of behavior has been their SOP from day one, basically.

Its not something you realize until it happens to you really. I mean you might here about it here sometimes but for it to happen to you is a different story.

You got banned for clearcut violation of Rule #2, holy fuck I don't believe it, CONSPIRACY! Fuck dude, go take that to subredditdrama or something.

Someone's triggered. Rule 2 is concerned trolling which I wasn't trolling. Lets be honest here, it went against a narrative and I was banned for that, not rule 2.

Negative. Your post is clear, 100%, undeniable concern trolling. It's also a debate that's been settled numerous times. The majority of people know that Sessions doesn't know what he's talking about regarding pot. The majority also understand the difference between the RULE of law and the COLOR of law. Jeff Sessions is an old school, strictly RULE OF LAW kinda AG. His philosophy regarding LAW is something completely alien to us these days.

*You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

*This topic has been beaten to death.

  • Hopefully our god emperor does not... not concern trolling? GTFO.


Yea, I should have at least gotten a warning. That's crazy, I have contributed alot during the election. Its whatever I guess. T_D can only get worse IMO.