Why is does the New-Left defend the CIA? It's a hypocritical for a group that values Universal Equality to support a CIA that uses racial, sexualilty, gender profiling as threat-assessment to Target Individuals on a Disposition Matrix, and cyber-harass them in various ways.

248  2017-03-17 by 911bodysnatchers322

The Intelligence Community's Disposition Matrix is Racist

The New left wants equality:

  • For women
  • For all genders
  • For all sexual preferences
  • For all races
  • For all religions
  • For all creeds
  • For all substance usages, preferences
  • For all religious clothing preferences
  • For all dietary choices
  • For all lifestyles, recreational choices, habits

And yet each of these things are being micromonitored by the state and put on a threat-assessment. If you are black, you are considered a higher threat than a white. If you are male you are a higher threat assessment than a female. If you are a Muslim, you are a higher threat assessment than a Christian, unless you have a bullhorn and a stack of bibles in your home and you've been visting the local university to request a permit to acesss the student union (ie: you're an evangelical provocateur unwelcome on campus). If you believe in Scientology you're a bigger threat than an Atheist.

If you smoke you're a bigger threat than if you don't. If you have tatoos you're a bigger threat than those who don't. If you've attended a Wicca meeting you may be a bigger or lesser threat depending on which political party is running the Threat Assessment Software at the time the assessment is made. If you are a vegan, you're a larger threat than if you aren't (they want you to eat industry's milk and industry's meat and get cancer and weird diseases and be unhealthy---each industry makes money off you at every stage of your life).

They consider you more of a target (threat to their money) if you are gay depending on who is running the software; as well as whether you are a political enemy or not. Or if you are gay AND use drugs or not, which many do (club scene)--by the numbers. They consider you a threat (to their money) and make you a target if you are on disability.

All of these things make one a target for a cyber-harassment campaign.

If you complain about the CIA, or FBI or are critical in any way of the Government or a public figure within the government, or the deep state or a member of the political elite---especially on REDDIT or VOAT, and write God-bothering essays almost every day, then you set yourself up as a target. Usually though, people only engage in this activity as a RESULT of realizing heuristically and by evidence they've been targetted already. It makes people crazy. Their only empowering response is to fight back with information warfare. It's just some are better at it than others, and as we've seen, keyboard warriors--long considered lumpen trolls--have changed the course of history. President Trump being evidence that people can block a wicked war witch and criminal from becoming POTUS.

What is Cyber-harassment

This is a sampling of things that tightly-integrated big-data systems and Disposition Matrix software can accomplish, causing degradation of someone's life, leading to them to social isolation with the hopes of eventually killing themselves.

  • Degrading people's communications
  • Aggressively interrupting voice communication
  • Sending important inbound phone calls to voicemail, from prospective employers
  • Delaying or silently dropping emails
  • Flagging emails as spam putting legit emails into spam (for example someone in contact list)
  • Constantly flagging legit credit card purchases as fraud
  • Delaying / dropping / losing US mail, esp Voter Registration or Absentee Ballots
  • DDOS attacks on your computer equipment (ex: bitcoin miner) that appear to be from various other countries (why is china/russia attacking my computer, I'm John Q. Shouldn't Matter to Them) *

Can Numbers be Racist?

One would expect this system would cause outrage. But the justification that is thrown up as a kind of social justice hypocrisy firewall is the idea that all of this Disposition Matrix is simply run "by the numbers". It's fed historical and live data from police districts all over the world. It's vaccuming massive amounts of data from Bureau of Prisons, from private security firms like Infragard, USGIS, FBI, JTTF Fusion Centers; purchase data from large retailers; your amazon shopping cart; to build this "perspective"

How can numbers be racist? How can a system be racist?

Well, first of all raw numbers ignore policy and culture, but that's for a longer essay. Somehow, we can't even get beyond the numbers because there is this aggressive defense of the Establishment that's based on a very poor read of History and a very poor relationship that the New-Left has towards actual social justice and actual criminal justice

For example, if someone isn't doing anything wrong, but they just happen to be political enemies of the prevailing party that is in power, is social or criminal justice being done when they are targetted and harassed by software in various ways? The answer is a resounding NO. But try to tell the New-LEft that.

Threat Assessment

With that in mind, instead of the New-Left lashing out to their neighbors--who ought to have a right to make judgments and have opinions of their own, opinions that don't really affect others--they should take a deep look in the mirror instead and ask themselves why they are supporting a biggoted system that treats EVERY EQUALLY as UNEQUAL.

Because under this system, NO ONE is a match for some kind of assumed ideal-person a "Perfect individual" with a very low threat assessment: A perfect orwellian white anglo saxon protestant christian churchgoing technoserf that is both highly skilled and politically inactive, stable at work and personal finances, borrowing lots of money for the biggest house he can just barely unafford, who has perfect hair and teeth, is charismatic and never talks politics--only fashion; someone who follows all the rules without question and never talks about the rules and never wants anything to change and wants everyone to be just like him.


There is no "New Left" These are neoconservative shills. The New Left supported Bernie, didn't come out to vote, and are having their voice suppressed by the state.

There IS a new left. I'm a liberal. I supported Bernie and I didn't vote because there were not choices I could get behind in the ballot. I probably would have voted Trump though, if my absentee ballot had arrived in the mail, which it did NOT. I called about it and they did send it out, I did not receive it. (see essay above).

Now why didn't I drive 1.5 hrs to my polling place (i'm in the mountains)? I didn't want to be turned away because they had sent an absentee. I wasn't about to drive 3 hrs to NOT be able to vote for a candidate I was only going to vote for to BLOCK Hillary, because she is a criminal, for >3 decades a criminal.

I'll never be a democrat ever again. I believe in all those things a liberal believes, except I actually believe it instead of being a hypocrite about it. I believe a criminal should go to jail. Hillary is a criminal. Sanders may be also. All these politicians that are breaking the law need to be in jail.

As far as we can tell Trump has broken no laws but if he has then we should look at that also.

The "new Left" I'm referring to are the millenials that are having women protests and sufferages protests (why!?? WHY?? they can already vote!); and attacking people who supported trump as 'fascist nazis" and have been censoring people all over social media and attacking people.

This is to whom I'm referring. I don't understand your 'neoconservative shills' comment, unless you're saying that they are 'provocateuring' which...may possibly be the case if you also included neoliberal political elite Soros and Bryzinski into this equation as in GHWB, CHeney, SOros, Bryzinski and Obama have all been working togther. I could see that.

This is literally a fight between the public and the industrialists and they are using the media to gaslight everyone. It's just the bigges casualties are the people from California who are either young or unstudious or both--they are the ones that are being fooled the most by this and being inculcated into this New Left I'm referring to.

There IS a new left it's millenials and it's very fascist

No, millenials aren't your bigoted stereotype of them.

Holy hell that's an oversimplification. Bernie was wayy more popular among the millennials than Clinton. Trump was also more popular than Clinton.

Millennials in my peer group called bullshit on Clinton early. The only reason some millennials voted for Clinton was because they've been so indoctrinated to think there's only two choices. Most millennials I know are for fighting the establishment Democratic party to get true progressive candidates.

Trump was also more popular than Clinton.

You're telling bullshit lies.


While many expected the low favorability ratings of the two candidates and the divisiveness of this election year to keep young voters home, 2016 saw similar rates of young adult turnout as 2012. On election day, Hillary Clinton won the youth vote (55 percent) while Donald Trump only garnered the support of 37 percent of the millennial electorate. Comparatively, in 2012, young adults voted for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney by 60 percent to 37 percent.

This is complete garbage. 55% of Millennial votes went to Clinton while Trump received 37%. In contrast, Obama received 60% versus Romney's 37%. "Your peer group"? You might as well just say you hang out with other Trump voters. Anecdotal evidence is trash for a reason. Based off my own anecdotal evidence in deep blue Washington, Trump got maybe 2 votes.

Ok well i'm out of this conversation. You guys have fun

Yes they're doing well enough to call you out on your lies. You'd do well to try to defend yourself but you can't .

Most millennials I know are for fighting the establishment Democratic party to get true progressive candidates.

Yes, I only see the lesbian soccer mom contingent really still even pretending to supporting Clinton.


a generation that is misbehaving

Factually incorrect.

The "new Left" I'm referring to are the millenials that are having women protests and sufferages protests (why!?? WHY?? they can already vote!);

These are government shills.

Or people who are too stupid to think for themselves

the bigges casualties are the people from California who are either young or unstudious

Wrong. You have been gaslighted into believing California and NYC somehow have extremely different politics. Actually those vote scores are fake.

snatch ...they were never gonna let the likes of you or me vote

i wrote in bernie for every slot on the ballot

in nys they didnt even bother to separate jillstein from garyjohnson

easier to cheat all the votes to the squid monster franchise!

That's insane; how did they get away with lumping both third parties in one?

welcome to shitshow NYS!

thats the ballot i was handed to feed a machine i was told to stand in front

its the main reason i didnt vote jill ultimately i knew that column went straight to cheater fraud hill ....

so i wrote in bernie up and down the ballot for everything [it felt great .... i made a promise i would do this back in june or july ]

Yeah I've wondered how many votes the third parties actually got if the votes were tallied correctly. Given the blatant cheating in the primaries it would make sense that there would be just as much cheating in the main election, but both parties' cheating would roughly equal out leaving the third parties (no resources to cheat with!) in the dust.

well and to their own purpose!

ps is law of confusion same as chaos?

No, it is the same as the law of free will. Although it does manifest as chaos.

your perosna made me think of chaos magic which is why iwas asking

does free will exist anymore or do they put all thoughts into our heads

As far as I understand it from my own experience and from things I've read, yes free will exists. You may spend entire lifetimes not realizing your purpose in life but ultimately it was your choice to ignore the signs leading to awakening. By the same token, it is your free will to go create a beautiful reality for yourself and society where people are free to creatively express themselves in the manner of their choose and you don't have to worry about some controlling entity putting thoughts in your head. Time isn't linear; it is just our consciousness that projects onto a linear timeline - really we are constantly choosing the timeline we end up in every moment.

From my understanding, the law of free will is also called the law of confusion because we must be able to doubt the idea that we are One with creation. If we knew this, there would be no reason to do anything that would harm others, and thus you would not have the free will to choose a service to self type path. I don't think I'm capturing the concept exactly correctly, but close enough.

i think you did quite nicely and could be the nicest pereson to chat with me today and share something profound!

I'm glad I was able to share something that you find useful!

me 2 its refreshing in fact

i also am not certain we have the priviledge of choosing our timeline

maybe you do time traveler? but i know i am rooted to the here and now

You are right, everyone is rooted to the here and now. In fact, that is all that exists. But think of it this way, at each moment you have a number of different choices. For example, you could choose to cook a healthy meal, or you could choose to go buy some unhealthy fast food. If you cook the meal, you will probably end up feeling better when you have the nutrients from that meal nourishing you. Then lets say someone does something that annoys you. Because you feel pretty good from that nice meal, you don't react in a mean way. But if you were not feeling well from the fast food meal you might snap at that person, creating a negative reaction in that person.

My point is that while you may not be able to "hop timelines", you are constantly choosing whether to go "left or right" in the moment you have. When your choices line up with the universal will, they will snowball and you will find yourself in positions where it is easier and easier to make the desirable choices. But how do you know what that is? The key to knowing is acceptance and inner reflection. If you can accept your situation as it is in this moment, you can better understand the steps you need to change the parts that you do not desire. This takes meditating on the uncomfortable parts of your life, and accepting them for how they are. Because if you look hard enough, you can find that the uncomfortable parts exist as a consequence of actions you have taken in the past. So while you may not be able to change those consequences immediately, you can start with baby steps that will take you to the desired outcome eventually. Acceptance is a wonderful tool though, because it allows you to not get overwhelmed in the moment so that you can continue on the path of your choice.

uncomfortable parts exist as a consequence of actions you have taken in the past.

whoa...no doubt about it!

I think Bernie is a hypocrite traitor and I hope he dies soon

If you think women don't have any reason to protest when a man who grabs about grabbing women by the pussy is elevated to the highest office in the land, you have a lot to learn.

You type well but you're fairly transparent in your walls of text.

You were a dem but it took you until 2016 to realise the system is a game? Give me a break, you sound like a teenager.

Hillary is not a criminal, she hasn't been convicted of any crime. Neither has Bernie

Trump hasn't been convicted either, though I wouldn't say that doesn't make him or ghee other two criminals. Would you rather he had bragged about grabbing a guy by the dick? Would you rather he grabbed women by the pussy but spent a lifetime not saying so? If someone recording a private conversation is your next evidence against the guy, then this case is closed.

This isn't evidence he's a criminal, it's evidence he's a prick.

Would you rather have a prick as POTUS, or a pansy? It doesn't matter either way to me, honestly. Same corrupt system, different day. Doesn't matter who they use as their face.

It gauls me, a man with zero decorum, not a modicum of self awareness beyond his own self aggrandisation.

He doesn't consider his words, he doesn't speak with any intellectual engagement. He speaks in buzzwords and slights of hand.

He's an embarrassment to your country.

So it's okay to break the law if you can hold likable conversation while doing it? Your reasoning is screwed. If anything it's a benefit to those of us waiting for change through revolt, as it won't happen while a snake charmer holds office. My only fear is that the point of Trump taking office was to cause revolt because TPTB are finally ready to enter the next phase of their plan.

I heard worse shit in the high school locker room that 'grabbing women by the pussy'. None of us would come out innocent if every conversation was recorded and subjected to public scrutiny. If that's all you got, it's not much. Hilary is indeed a criminal of the highest order, a war criminal, a trafficking in human and drug criminal, a murderer, etc. She is an evil piece of work, make no mistake.

Were there many 60 year old men in your high school locker room?

Trump is the archetypal shauvinist, there are multiple instance of him being derogatory about women. Making lewd comments about his INFANT DAUGHTER and more besides.

You can brush it off as "just shit men say" and I can say I have known men that talk like that and they are all men I now choose not to socialise with. It is an indicator of a deeply flawed character.

When was Hillary convicted again sorry?

If you think women don't have any reason to protest when a man who brags about grabbing women by the pussy is elevated to the highest office in the land, you have a lot to learn.

this is what anti trump hysteria looks like

The guys just an arsehole.

A person is not a criminal until they are convicted of a crime. You are vey confused. You want to lock up people without their day in court? You sound like a facist, but you hate the CIA.

I personally don't know any lefties who "support" the CIA. Most of us know that we probably need some sort of spy agency. None of us want them to spy on our own citizens though.

None of us want them to spy on our own citizens though.

Are you happy with what they've done in the last 50 years since they're creation? If so or not, has that opinion changed at all over the last few years?

Short answer, no. But think about it, they are not an agency that is around to do good. Ideally they are around to spy on and provide intelligence on threats to our country. So if they provide good intell and it is used to stop a terrorist attack you will likely never know.

In a perfect world we don't need to spy on other countries, we don't live in a perfect world. In a perfect world there would be no nuclear weapons, but now that they exist we have to keep a few for the deterrence factor.

Please don't take this as a defence of the CIA, they have done a lot of terrible things. To our own citizens as well as foreign citizens. Changes need to be made for sure. But I dont think eliminating the CIA is possible, or the answer.

I don't think "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" is remotely possible at this point but at the very least it needs a complete restructuring and "draining" so to speak. They've held too much power for much too long and feel like they are above the other arms of government. The support/defense of it as a institution by the left is a hilariously sad turn of events over the last few years however.

I think you are overestimating the support/defense that the left has for the CIA.

Hey, my absentee ballot (for the primaries) also didn't come in the mail. Perhaps my mistake was "liking" bernie on facebook earlier in the year? I was assured that it was just a coincidence, that these things get lost in the mail "all the time" (actually the words of one of the ballot workers who I talked on the phone with).

I ended up getting a replacement ballot sent to me which I only had 1 day to fill out (got it two days before election day). Because I got it so close they told me to send it directly to the polling place in order for them to count it. I overnighted it (25 dollars shipping) and lo and behold, the tracking on the shipment said it couldn't be delivered on election day, because the address that they specifically told me to send it to was "closed". So the post office wasn't informed that the polling place was open on the election day. Give me a break. I called the absentee ballot guy again and he told me they got someone to specifically go to the post office to get my ballot. I thought that sounded strange; surely I wasn't the only person this happened to? I emailed him to make sure they got ALL the ballots that would have otherwise been undelivered, which he replied they did.

Needless to say I no longer have a facebook, and I didn't vote in the main election. Of course now I realize that our "democracy" is a joke, we don't actually have a democracy - maybe the main election isn't rigged but if the primaries leading up to them are, you are choosing between falsely selected candidates. I know Tim Canova and others got cheated out of their local elections, too, so it makes me wonder if any of our elections are actually fair? Presumably some of the local ones (at least in small counties)?

And yes, you are correct that the young are the most fooled. I was somewhat fooled to a degree due to the massive echo chamber my facebook had created for me. My posts about wikileaks and chemtrails were being censored without my knowledge (although I suspected something was up) while I kept being fed articles posted from buzzfeed, huffpo, etc (ie liberal propaganda). After supporting Ron Paul my senior year in high school I became more liberal believing in good things government spending could do (in theory at least), mostly due to the liberal friends I associated with in college. Funny thing is after getting red pilled by the dnc leaks and the blatant vote swapping in last year's primaries (then reading more about conspiracies and realizing we literally live in the matrix), I now realize Ron Paul was right about practically everything. But I also realize I would not be at the point where I am now if I had not deleted my facebook. The mind control echo chamber is quite strong, after deleting my facebook I was forced to look for my own sources of info and found that the world we live in is far more interesting than we are led to believe. But unfortunately my friends are currently gobbling up the Sessions and Flynn must resign because of Russian ties BS, or whatever the latest ShareBlue narrative is. I've learned now not to red pill these people when they aren't ready for it because they just get angry and defensive, and completely shut out any receptivity to the information.

And yes, Its_a_bad_time makes a good point that millenials called bs on clinton and that they are fighting for truly progressive candidates. The problem is that, even though they think they are fighting for progressive values, they are doing this within a false context of left vs right manufactured by the media and govt propoganda machines. They may think they are unaffected by this because they reject the narratives, but they don't realize that tehy are framing their choices and beliefs within the narrow window given created by the media. For example, as soon as Bernie lost they said stuff like "oh well he had no chance anyway, time to campaign for Clinton!" or "he really could have run a better campaign, now we have to get Clinton to win because Trump would be a disaster". They actually believed the narrative the Trump is this fascist bogeyman coming to destroy our country and that the primary was legitimate. Despite the mountain of evidence that I showed them that the primary was rigged, I was able to convince no one (that wasn't already predisposed to believing it) that it actually was. It's like 9/11 - the story is full of holes but people are too afraid at looking at the possibility that our government gives no fucks about us to not believe the mainstream narrative.

From my observations I think it seems to be this deep set fear of letting go of one's belief systems. Our media is completely controlled (music industry, art, film, etc), our science is watered down and funded almost exclusively for defense or industry related projects only, our politics is a circus, and our media is one giant corporate advertising apparatus. People don't want believe any of that is true because that would mean their entire lives are based on lies; their careers are based on a belief that what they are doing is good for the country or the people around them and it is too much to believe that they are just cogs in the machine. People are waking up to the corruption, though, so I think slipping in the red pills a little at at time is the way to go.

The new left then is really the liberal faction of the CIA. It's CIA+State dept 'DNC' party.

Sorta, it's the deep state using the media to control public opinion like they always try and do. There are a sizable portion of the population that are falling for the latest round, I call it "anti Trump hysteria".

This is literally a fight between the public and the industrialists and they are using the media to gaslight everyone.

Same fight that's been going on at least since JFK and likely since the start of the Union, now you're getting it!

The women's marches weren't about suffrage. You know about as much about the marches as you do about millenials (not much apparently LOL).

Socialist, voted hillary, highly critical of capitalism, play tons of video games and smoke tons of weed.

Hows my aim?

As if a socialist would vote for Hillary.

Yeah, I guess r/politics shifting from Bernie to Hillary is all shills, right?

Uh buddy, /r/politics is liberal through and through.

A year and a half ago it was socialist and anti-capitalist

Sounds like the kind of discussion that divides people into groups. Divide and Conquer?

Pretty sure you're right. There's some dividing going on right now.

Lol that is not true at all. The farthest left politician ever to get support there was Bernie Sanders, who while being pretty far left for America, is a social democrat. /r/politics has never been anti capitalist, they have always showed a strong liberal/social democratic bend.

I don't what to tell you. I've been on reddit for a while now and there was definitely a period where not only sanders enjoyed support, but there was constant criticism of capitalism and even references to Marx would get upvoted.

I've read people describe socialist utopias on that subreddit for years.

As have I, and all I've ever seen is calls for universal healthcare, free college, basic increased welfare stuff.

That was more 2010. 2011-2012 changed the demo. It was a staging ground for OWS anti-capitalists and most jumped on board

Well this is becoming he said she said, so there is no real point in arguing.

True. Well, cheers to you for being a civil guy

Lifelong NDP voter and I'd have voted Clinton in a heartbeat over the Republicans and Trump.

I mean, NDP are sociail democrats.

I'm not sure what you mean? I consider myself a socialist and they're the most relevant left-wing party that I can vote for. They've strayed closer to the center since Mulcair came to lead but they're still firmly on the left.

I never said that was, the case. I just said the NDP is really a socialist party.

For the most part as a socialist I would have voted for Clinton over Trump.

For the most part, yes. At least in comparison to the political parties of the States.

I was just replying to your claim that a socialist wouldn't vote for Clinton when I, a socialist, would. At least in the general election.

Oh. Well you are definitely an outlier, most socialists wouldnt vote for an imperialist.

There were only two realistic options in the general election, the Democratic nominee Clinton or the Republican nominee Trump. As the Democratic platform aligns closer to the left than the Republican platform(which is incredibly right wing) any abstention or vote for a third party would in essence be a vote against the left, correct?

As much as Clinton was a less than ideal candidate her platform still matched up closer with "leftism" than the Republican platform. Unfortunately America is stuck with a two-party system so you really just have to hold your nose and vote for the most left-wing candidate that has a chance at winning which was Clinton.

Yeah, I get the sentiment, but bourgeois democracy is a sham. Clinton is a corporate whore, Trump is corporate. Any choice we get is for the interest of the bourgeoisie. I guess I'm just politically jaded.

I guess I'm just politically jaded.

I don't blame you, it would be hard to not to be after all that has happened.

A vote for Clinton was a vote to save us from Trump, the Tea Party, guys like Bannon and Sessions, and the Alt Reich. I had not much against Trump politically until he promised all these fascist policies (aside from him being a living brand involved in poisonous industries, a guy with gold seatbelt clips in his personal helicopter), and I did not feel comfortable trading a possible brief economic bump for all the social anguish all but promised.

Even after the DNC debacle, I felt heartened by Sanders propelling Clinton's platform, as I happen to still think he's legit. The Dems seemed to have learned little in the short term though.

100% agreed.

There IS a new left it's millenials and it's very fascist

there is that crazy element in every generation

90% of the population is "easily moved" (netanyahu) by the 5th column (look it up if you don't know what the 5th column is).

in "truth", most Americans were naturally drawn towards berbie sanders (i.e., "democratic socialism").

what you are now seeing is a massive push by TPTB to swing the population back on track (fascism works best for the banking elite).

"democracy is a never ending battle against the inorganic powers of fascism"

-- anonymous


You are the one person other than chicky that I recognize in this whole comment section. I've been marking "F" of people for several months and these are all newcomers Just fyi, some of it seems like a forum slide and there's a lot of false outrage directed at what I said. I think its' stupid but i thank them because my skin is like an elepahnts now

I probably would have voted Trump though,

Then you're not a liberal.

I believe in all those things a liberal believes, except I actually believe it instead of being a hypocrite about it.

So, do you believe in inalienable rights?

As far as we can tell Trump has broken no laws

Do committing war crimes count? Because he's already committed those.

The "new Left" I'm referring to are the millenials that are having women protests and sufferages protests (why!?? WHY?? they can already vote!)

If you don't know why they are protesting then why do you have a problem with it? The marches were about the fact that there is a very real chance of Roe v Wade being repealed.

and attacking people who supported trump as 'fascist nazis" and have been censoring people all over social media and attacking people.

Some truth to these criticisms. Thing is, it's as broad a generalization as you claim they are making. See, the right complains about name calling from the left, but then go calling all leftists as SJW beta cucks. It goes both ways.

Not all people on the left sling shit like that just as not all people on the right do. It's extremely disingenuous to paint either small faction of either side as the majority. There are SJW beta cucks. There's also real facists on the right. So... yeah.

The new left then is really the liberal faction of the CIA. That seems to be a bit of a non-sequitur.

people from California who are either young or unstudious or both--they are the ones that are being fooled the most by this facepalm over this. You don't see the gaslighting happening to you.

If anyone thinks Trump hasn't broken any laws, or is innocent, they're delusional

Jesus christ you cite the most out of their mind lefty wack jobs and project their confised and illogical ideologies with every millennial. Why do I suspect this thought process of yours isn't limited to Millenials..

Am millennial. Agree with first paragraph. The controlled Internet through Facebook has shaped most millenials into a certain type of thinker.

Got out and recognized it immediately, but what is my perspective worth anyways in the days of Internet denial echoes?

There is no "New Left" These are neoconservative shills.


The DNC Vote had been rigged for Hilary since Day 1 it wouldn't of matterd how many people came out to vote.

He's just drinking the cool aid. Blaming the other side is an easy way to spot a sheep.

CIA specialises in divide and conquer like the aryan super race thought them to.

I wish they'd just go back to the hollow earth and live among the vril and be happy and leave us the heck alone

ditto bro!

because they are FAKE!

The CIA-controlled MSM shapes public opinion - the normalization of the CIA leaks through the lens of the "fourth-estate":

The CIA allegedly created tools to spy on people through smart TVs and other household technologies, according to documents released by WikiLeaks. But security researchers say the methods imitate exploits that were discovered -- and made public -- years ago.

For many people, it may mean nothing at all. The thousands of pages of documents refer to programs that attacked outdated versions of the software systems running on devices, and many security vulnerabilities have since been patched.

Nicholas Weaver, a computer scientist at the University of California at Berkeley, says the documents don't seem to reveal significant news about the CIA's capabilities — "it's describing a hacking organization that's doing a reasonably good job," he says.

Nicholas Weaver, a computer scientist at the University of California at Berkeley, says the documents don't seem to reveal significant news about the CIA's capabilities — "it's describing a hacking organization that's doing a reasonably good job," he says.

Also a computer scientist and I agree with this. The capabilities described in the wikileaks dump are exactly what I expected them to be, no more and no less.

Many people knew about them.

My commentary concerns the CIA's dissemination of "talking points / narratives" to the MSM through subtle language in otherwise "neutral" articles.

One of the thought-terminating cliches that keeps cropping up in MSM articles about Vault7 is the phrase "We already knew about this."

It's meant to normalize the activity of the CIA (including things like toppling foreign goverments) while also quelling discussion concerning their current capabilities and means of operations.

One of the thought-terminating cliches that keeps cropping up in MSM articles about Vault7 is the phrase "We already knew about this."

See this is where I disagree. Were there really large numbers of people that thought that hacking computers/phones/tablets/"IOT" devices was something that the CIA was not capable of doing? I read MSM articles with a healthy dose of skepticism, but I feel like the claim "we already knew about this" is accurate.

We can disagree about what "many" means.

Non computer scientists were aware of what the CIA was capable of.

My commentary does not concern whether or not people knew about it but rather the way the CIA dictates a narrative to the MSM to help shape public opinion about the Vault7 leaks as well as suppress dialogue concerning the nature and scope of the CIA's power.

The new left wants equality for all races? GTFOH with that bullshit. It's why in every college campus you can find anti white male shit. Fuck the left and right.

No, we don't care what race you are. You just can't be fat. So FOH, Scott.

What I'm the world are you talking about?

You're the World we're talking about?!

Answer: The New Left are violent totalitarians that want absolute control over everything thought, action and idea. They are exactly like the Alt Right. The only difference between the two are how they lie to their constituencies and what they lie about. They have the same goals, however.

Both groups will, if given their way, will murder political opponents. Its just what totalitarians have always done and will always do.

Very few humans, including Americans, really wan to allow other people to have different beliefs and allow other people to be free. Most humans view other people's freedoms and voluntary actions as threats.

Look at all of the history of humanity. The vast majority of our history is bloodshed, war, murder, genocide perpetuated by Kings, Dictators, Emperors (people with absolute power).

This little short lived experiment of "freedom" in the USA is a total abnormality for humanity.

What we are watching, right before our eyes, is humanity returning to its normal, brutal, violent, murderous state.

And its pathetic.

Damn man :(

I know. I know.

I disagree. I'm a card carrying member of the New-Left™, and if people look at the same facts I do, come to a different conclusion, and are willing to have a rational discussion about it, that's fine. Even if they disagree with me, even if they don't change their mind. What I take issue with is that we can't even agree on what a "fact" is any more, and forget about any hope of a rational discussion.

Where's the examples/links of "New Left defending CIA"?

And yet I can show dozens of examples on this subreddit of FBI being defended every day.

Seems like a psychological operation.

Those are neocon shills not real people

Their attitude is more like ' I knew this shit was already happening and I am not okay with it but whatever' and a lot of them see it as an attempt to discredit the Intelligence agencies by paid shills.

Those dozens of examples all by me... So not really the best metric to measure by.

They are NOT left wing.


The idiots who want the government to control every aspect of their life like their helicopter parents did for them growing up. The world must become their safe space.

Wait, is this in reference to Republicans or democrats? Because they both want the same in different ways lol.

The main goal of "republicanism" is a smaller government.

The main goal of "republicanism" is a smaller government.

For them and people like them. It's big government for everyone else. See:

  • drug tests for welfare recipients

  • opposition to legalizing marijuana

  • insane military/police worship, with no limit to the amount of tax dollars they are willing to devote to either

  • anti-transgender "bathroom bills"

  • restricting abortions

  • mandating abstinence-only education for religious reasons

I ask this everyday! So, the left claims to be social justice warriors....yet, now they say the government and CIA should be fully trusted and should be in control of everything. dafuq is wrong with these people

You must be talking with non-existant people, I haven't seen anyone on either side say the government and the CIA should "be in control of everything", do you live in a land of strawman arguments?

i live in reality and my eyes are open. conservatives are the only ones that question government and its motives. libs drink every word like its gospel. my how far they have fallen since the 60's.

i live in reality and my eyes are open. conservatives are the only ones that question government and its motives.

Ah yes, there were so many "conservatives" that opposed the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, and when Ronny Reagan, G.W. Bush and now Donny Trump expanding our military and our debt /s.

oh my gosh. youre going to talk about debt?? are you fucking kidding me?? youve lost all credibility. no liberal gets to ever say a word to anyone about debt. Your dumbasses nearly bankrupted the US for eternity.

oh my gosh. youre going to talk about debt?? are you fucking kidding me??

I already have, and I will in the future, this triggers you that bad lol?

youve lost all credibility.

People who talk about the debt lose all their credibility, please enlighten me.

no liberal gets to ever say a word to anyone about debt.

1st Amendment and our countries laws say otherwise, unless you know about some law that prohibits liberals from saying words about our debt?

Your dumbasses nearly bankrupted the US for eternity.

TIL Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush are "liberals."

if you kissed obamas ass while he bankrupted the US, then you have no credibility and have lost the right to have a relevant argument about the debt.

Bush was our president during our financial crash. How did Obama get added to bush's mess?

what was our debt when obama took over? $9 Trillion. Obama expanded the Fed government more than any president in history.

I question Republicans every single day. And seeing how all our government is controlled by republicans, I would say your statement is not accurate.

Conversations don't question government because they're too busy selling it.

i live in reality and my eyes are open. conservatives are the only ones that question government and its motives. libs drink every word like its gospel. my how far they have fallen since the 60's.

Wait are you serious? Venture into just about any other subreddit, or pick almost any mainstream media source, and you'll find no end to the liberal criticisms of the conservative government.

right. libs would criticize world peace if it didnt include transgender bathrooms for all

Conservatives would criticize world peace if it meant they had to treat transgender people like first class citizens. What's your point?

libs would abort every human being if it meant just 1 transgender got to use the restroom of their choosing.

So, you're upset with what? Profiling exists for a reason. There's patterns amongst people that are tell-tale signs of what they are, who they are, and what they could be capable of. Is it perfect? No. Is it Minority Report level Precrime shit? No. But it does work. Whether someone is intentionally being messed with...who knows. You stated that you live in the mountains but it seems you want all of the same benefits of living in the city (good cell service, good usps service). Well, tough shit buddy. You want to live off the grid, you're going to notice things don't run smooth as water. Anecdotal experience doesn't prove anything.

And while there is a Left extreme, it is hardly the all-encompassing bubble you're describing all millennials and liberals as being under. Left-leaning liberals still want equality for everyone, for everyone to have the same opportunity, and while you're absolutely correct about not lashing out at neighbors for having an opinion, it is completely wrong to think that their opinions don't affect others. Their opinions are half, if not more, of the reason why the Left is up in arms. Their opinions on Gay marriage, abortion, environmental issues are the reason that people are up in arms because their opinions are strewn throughout American policy and the way of life. I'd appreciate it a lot more if people would just keep their opinions to themselves. if they don't want gays marrying, don't go to a gay wedding. Don't want abortion? Fine, don't get one, but keep your opinion out of my world. That is the point that this Leftist has been trying to make for a long time.

And, If the CIA is looking at you, specifically, maybe there's a reason? Maybe you've done some shit, and that's why you're in the mountains, I don't know? But the world doesn't revolve around you, or me.

I didn't vote for Trump because I at least wanted hope that we could get a better healthcare system in place. So much for that though.

Dude nice post. Not sarcasm. The end about harassing shows exactly why our privacy is needed.

Why are you trying to make this an anti left thing? The right is in power now and they're not doing anything against the CIA either?

why does Trump support the CIA?

this. Anyone who believes that there is a difference between any existing political party is highly delusional.

Because Trump is controlled by TPTB... He's in on the same shit Obama was. Just look at his new Pentagon plan for ISIS. Identical to Obama's

Simple as this. What can the bots possibly combat this with?

I think the CIA is bad ass, but as of late they've been sucking bad. All they do is create chaos and suck on donor dick.

I'm really tired of people confusing left for wishy washy liberals or SJWs.

Because they think it's "fighting Trump" and the Arabs Russkies that are coming to take muh freedoms

(ie, they ain't too bright)

Lol blaming all the human nature problems on a literal agency is sublime

Because the CIA is the mechanism by which TPTB run everything...well the Vatican...then who knows.

All my millenial hipster friends in college are completely aware of how shamelessly data-mined and monitored people in US are and we all joke about it frequently. We all know to not trust the media and that the Russian narrative is propagandaEspecially about people dumb enough to buy Alexa. Not many even would call themselves conspiracy theorists, but as a group, in my experience of my more bohemian college friends, the typical younger bernie voter are pretty "woke" in terms of politics.

They care about control. People can be easily controlled when it is in the name of quality. New left are fascists in the disguise

The "new" part about the "New Left" is that they are a more libertarian approach to dem socialism and social equality, like the greens. Remember, Bernie supported your right to bear arms...and put what you want in your body. Its just like the original new left (60s) except less brainwashed by cold war propaganda and more brainwashed by the propaganda of and by the old new left when they got to the age that they made children's media for the new generation celebrating equality and environmentalism (among other things obviously).

u/911bodysnatchers322 is using Russian propaganda. Discredit, deflect and project on opposing party what his party is guilty of.

Surveillence records have no doubt already been stolen. Eventually they will be public. The panopticon will be decoded and the people responsible for its implementation will be vivisected.

I am out of the US but I can see similar activities on criticisms on the government. In this country no one would sue the poster so everything goes .

the new left is a bunch of useful idiots herded into a giant thought ghetto by well paid purposeful thought engineers who pay all sorts of opinion makers and opinion spreaders to control this so called group of 'leftists'.

this is a lost cause . the people chomsky and other actual intellectuals used to speak to used to have a the capacity for critical thought . now there are throngs of useful idiots that drown out any useful discussion and they worship the paid thought engineers, most of whom are professors in university, famous actors/entertainers and other perosnalities that are worshiped and thoughtlessly followed by younger folks with no critical thinking skills.

oh yea, then there is control of intentionally deceptive media outlets whose job it is to hoodwink the left into supporting endless war. hbo/vicenews/cnn/cnbc people like bill maher and john oliver. if you are listening to them and you think youre a leftist or liberal, youre just another useful idiot and that's why they get paid so well...........

any adult over 30 who has a brain and has heard trevor noah even once, understands the distinigration of discourse is rapidly increasing. the level of thought control is becomign more direct and intentional and obvious. trevor noah is like a kindergarden political brainwashing show for 3 year olds. but that is the average mindset now of a lot of people.............

Here's where this has been posted on Investment Watchblog.


The site's About section begins with:

"This is the place for people who are pro-capitalism, pro-business, pro-market, truth seeker, and anti-MSM."

So there's that. A well written piece that I disagree with 95% of the time, and is propaganda, like some reverse-Teen Vogue article about the Alt Right. I also wonder where OP has found evidence of New Left support for the CIA all of a sudden. Because there hasn't been a Vault 7 revolt? Because Trump supposedly opposes the CIA (even though he just granted them full drone privileges, probably because he can't be bothered with the task?) Your post is full of distortions and false equivalencies.

Because people are stupid.

No, we don't care what race you are. You just can't be fat. So FOH, Scott.

What I'm the world are you talking about?

We can disagree about what "many" means.

Non computer scientists were aware of what the CIA was capable of.

My commentary does not concern whether or not people knew about it but rather the way the CIA dictates a narrative to the MSM to help shape public opinion about the Vault7 leaks as well as suppress dialogue concerning the nature and scope of the CIA's power.