I have some nsa/cia assholes obsessed with me and they're fucking obnoxious as all fuck.

0  2017-03-18 by [deleted]

You know those creepy assholes who are obsessed with celebrities to the point of appearing in their bedroom at night with a steak knife?

Yeah, well I have some assholes like that in my life, but they're cia/nsa scumbags, and they won't leave me the fuck alone. I'm going to leave the USA to try to escape their creepy stalker line of sight, or whatever.

No, it's not mental issues, yes, it's real, and super annoying. No the cops and fbi won't do a fucking thing. I just wish my god damn passport would get here already so that I could leave and hopefully get the fuck off of this continent.

Sorry, just ranting. Feel lucky that you don't live in the weird ass twilight zone hell that I am forced to live in.


be safe. document and post, if you get the chance... it might be the key to increasing visibility and/or helping out others in your situation. Good luck.

They use clicky sounds using magnetic waves. Measured and verified.

I don't know how to stop it other than surrounding the entire house in a Faraday cage, rofl, if that would even work.

They can use this tech anywhere, btw. Probably even if I leave the nation.

It's real too, other people have verified it. It's not like in my head, and they are super creepy. God damn I fucking hate them so much.

if you can identify and "out" your tormentors (without doxxing here), you might be able to disrupt the disruption. If I was in your situation, I would think that maximum visibility and self-surveillance would be the best insurance policy.

doxxing? Buahaahahaha. If I would konw them, I would have killed them with my own hands by now. These people are sick. Truly fucked in the head, and obsessed with me.

They probably have little like figurines of me on their desks or some shit. These people... they're nuts! ... but they're nuts with power, money, and some kind of fancy technology. Good for them. Fuck off. I don't want any of it. Good day!

Stay public, stay safe.

Good luck, friend.

I've got a feeling manpower of super secret NSA/CIA operations are quite limited. Why would they dedicate a cooperative task force to make your life inconvenient?

Just because? Do you know something?

If he isn't lying; they run these programs and operate on a local level through local police forces or through 'neighborhood watch' groups. Check this out: https://youtu.be/jNjTG9g1fWU

I'm sure it happens, and is very difficult to talk about because of the craziness of their methods(by design).

But most of the people I see online claiming this kind of harassment aren't trying to rationalize the weirdness and make huge jumps to even weirder conclusions. Often violently so.

It can never be dismissed, because gang stalking is real, and is designed to make the stalked feel alone or insane.

But I think the 2-3 people posting lately, claiming to be gang stalked, might just be paranoid.

Or maybe it's just a frustrated person venting?

Always an option! Gather some evidence, record, tape, identify. Whatever you can.

If recording makes them stop following you or stop clicking then you've found a solution. If not, you've got some evidence for other people going through the same thing to spread awareness.

Yeah, I've hacked the mother fucking gibbon. Yeah, I got the nuke codes. Yeah, I can predict the lotto.

No, not really, I'm just some asshole, who, yes, sometimes has a brain, and sometimes is dumb as a fucking brick.

Yes, they fuck with me. Yes, fancy tech. Yes, it's fucking ridiculous, it's fucking absurd, it's fucking real, and they won't leave me the fuck alone.

Your feeling is wrong. They have hella money, power and people. Uhhh, and for some reason, these dumb mother fuckers have decided to bother me, and I'm sure other people.

They can read this, right now, I think even as I type it to you. Wow, such amazing technology, go use it on something usefull, you fucking obsessed loser pricks.

Oooooohhhhhhhhhh magnet technology Spoo0o0o0o0o0ooo0o0ooky.... Great? Good for you, assholes! Congratulations on the magnet technology and fucking up my life beyond repair so much so that I have to try to take my dog and leave the fucking continent, assholes.

Fuck you, cia. Fuck you, nsa. Fuck off with your "space program", or what the fuck ever you keep bothering me about. No, I don't have the fucking answers, or data... or super special sauce. Go away. Thank you.

and fucking up my life beyond repair

There is the real problem. This guy feels the failings in his life can't be his own fault, so he has concocted and entire CIA conspiracy to explain them.

The problem is he has threatened violence because of his delusions.

This is exactly the kind of guy that gets a gun and goes on a killing spree. We should not be encouraging him.

What do you have that would make you dangerous to them? What is it that you know? (You dont have to be specific; just hint to it). What makes you think your passport will be given to you? Even if you left the country, if they are dedicating manpower to harass you here, they will harass you anywhere.

The only way to deal with this gang stalking is to confront your gang stalkers on a personal level (non-violent, well tempered).

Watch this - it will make you feel better, shows you aren't alone, and offers some solutions: https://youtu.be/jNjTG9g1fWU

lawl, nothing! They can see the computer screens in real time'ish, even Linux.

I have nothing. They won't go the fuck away, and they're real and it's. like wtf, good for you and your technology with uuhhh satellites, or maybe the Earth's magnetosphere (or whatever it's called), great, good for them. Why are they using it to bother me? Go away, assholes.

The State Department officers came to my house, and after a nearly bad visit, we were all good men, and they said they'll give it to me.

Non-violent? I will kill them if I see/meet them. I just want to be left alone.

Thanks, I'll give it a watch soon.

I feel that feel. Maybe not to that extent... lmao. But my computer's webcam is always, always, always, running in my background processes invisibly and I'm like... just leave me olone lmao.

Whenever I go to shut off my computer it does that prompt box like "wait for all processes to shut down or click cancel to shut down now" and the fucking webcam program is just... there... on... chillin more often than not.

how long ago did you start to notice the harassment?

about mid 2015, it started with these simple minded, loser pricks making terrorist-related comment replies to me on reddit and at the time voat.co (I visited that site for a while at launch.)

Everything got worse from there. They've destroyed my life, on purpose. They've tried to kill me, seriously. They kept failing, as they're failures in life. See, someone can be in the cia, or whatever, not because they are "the best", but because daddy or brother worked there first, I figure.

They can make the "clicks" (magnetic waves moving metal against a surface to make a tap sound) anywhere. Any cars, any houses, all over the USA. It's impressive, kind of, but pointlessly used on me. See, they have a bloated budget, and loser mother fuckers working for them, and a few of these pathetic scum, who are ruining the New United States, have become obsessed with me, for some reason.

Eh, maybe they want my cock? Maybe they're aliens, who want my juicy human cock. Eh, I'm just fucking around now and blowing off steam. It's just so god damn frustrating.

I'm literally leaving my wife of 16 years, taking my dog, and moving to a new continent and having to learn a new language and culture at the age of thirty-fucking-five, because of these inept pricks.

Everything got worse from there. They've destroyed my life, on purpose. They've tried to kill me, seriously.

What could possibly make you believe this?

They kept failing, as they're failures in life.

Then goes on to detail nepotism.

That's a very elaborate thought on people someone's never seen.

Paranoid delusions, accompanied by hallucinations and violent thoughts.

You know the kind of thing that leads to "false flag" mass shootings.

call your doctor

herp derp doctor

herp derp mental issues

herp derp magnet wave/frequency readers register it, you stupid asshole

herp derp other people verified it

herp derp the pets even hear the clicks

Can you post the readings(what are you using to measure?) or record the clicks for us?

There's an app for some cell phones that take the readings. When they "click" the app's meter spikes very high.

I once found a metal rod that someone had put into my closet. It wasn't me, and when I put the rod into one of these fields, it zapped me. I tried it twice, both times I was zapped. Weird, eh?

A lawyer is now holding onto the rod. The rod probably doesn't prove much. It's just a magnetized rod, or so it seems. I don't have money to go getting it tested.

Can we see some pictures of the rod?

If you didn't take any that's fine. Just document everything that happens relating to the stalking. Find patterns.

It's just a metal rod.

That's the trick with this bullshit. They can just use any old metal thing. They actually make the metal in my toilet back part click too. SERIOUSLY!

You probably find that funny, but the reality is that these people are insane, and obsessed with me.

Wear headphones

I do, or turn up speakers, and it works amazingly well. :-)

Can you record the clicks and upload it?

Sure, later on. It doesn't prove a damn thing though. :\

Assange? Is... is that you?

I'm afraid that I haven't done anything as heroic as Assange.

Larp, fake and gay

Let us know if it keeps up in your new country of residence...

Good luck with the move and stuff.

Why not take the wife with you?

She's in on it.. according to OP.

They're all out to get him for no reason whatsoever, but this guy is not suffering from paranoid delusions because he says so!

And if he has to kill some people to prove it, he seems perfectly willing to do so.

It seems to me this guy will be on the news soon enough.

I missed the part where OP said she was in on it. She probably put the rod in the closet!

You probably shouldn't say that, considering OP said he was going to kill whoever is responsible. I admit I used to enjoy reading these posts because I do feel it's possible that not all mental illness is in fact mental illness - but once OP started talking about killing shit got too real.

Because of the frequencies of his postings across multiple accounts, and the rising urgency of them, this feels like a either a bored and dedicated LARPer, or a setup to see if conspiracy theorists on Reddit will egg on the next mass shooter.

I'm sorry OP, I liked listening to your story and thought about it from time to time but this rise in violent thoughts on your part is extremely concerning. Let's say you ARE being gangstalked for the sake of things...that doesn't mean you won't end up killing innocent people who you THINK are responsible. If they are so good at what they do, don't you think they would be good at framing people as well? Don't these people sound like people who, oh I don't know, want you to go insane and kill people? I don't care if it's mental illness or gangstalking by the CIA....please, just don't harm anybody.

If it keeps up, I will post here saying so, and that will probably be one of my final acts.

Good luck to you as well!

No, it's not mental issues, yes, it's real

Yes, it is mental issues, and no it is not real.

Seek professional help.

Just some Century City ghost writer practicing their trade on different /subs.

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Can we see some pictures of the rod?

If you didn't take any that's fine. Just document everything that happens relating to the stalking. Find patterns.