Twin Peaks and the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring

65  2017-03-18 by Spider__Jerusalem

In listening to the Sword and Scale episode about Johnny Gosch, I couldn't help but think that the events surrounding the Franklin child prostitution ring in the 1980s, young school children and teens in "middle America" being pimped out to important figures, sounds an awful lot like the plot of Twin Peaks (1990). Drug running, child sex trafficking, the occult and occult imagery, upstanding citizens and prominent public figures not being who they really appear to be, and a dark, seedy underbelly hidden beneath our everyday world, are themes of both Twin Peaks and the Franklin child prostitution incident. I'm not sure if David Lynch took inspiration from the story. Is anyone aware of anyone looking at the similarities between the two, or at Lynch's use of occult imagery or interest in the occult?


Thanks for bringing this up, I'm going to check out your links. I have always loved Twin Peaks and Lynch's movies.

Keep in mind Lynch's daughter says it's not true and that a lot of the old actors from the original series were brought back for the new series that comes out in a couple months and this particular actor was not invited to be in the new series so he may be bitter.

He wasn't invited back? That's terrible. I thought he was good in Twin Peaks and really liked him in Carnivale.

I did some looking and according to Anderson he couldn't get the money he wanted so negotiations failed. He didn't seem to have negative things to say about Lynch before that.

He has made a lot of posts on Facebook about how the "Jewish mob" ruined his career and how he gets sexually harassed a lot by gay men cause of his stature. He's made posts like that for years apparently.

Interesting. I recall reading a bunch about him when Carnivale was on and he seemed like a very intelligent and rather down to earth person. I don't recall him in much of anything after that, so I can guess that lack of work can make a person bitter.

Lynch plays with a lot of these occult themes in his works. He's also a big proponent of the Transcendental Meditation cult in Hollywood.

Michael Anderson recently accused Lynch of drawing inspiration for the show's plot from his own personal life.

I have a feeling lynch is a lot like Kubrick but both are hard to read and could have any number of subtle motivations.

So they say that said that because lynch cast him in Doc. Did Billy Ray say that or were they guessing?

Lynch's works are all about the occult/the cabal. What do you think the black lodge is?

I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!! It happened when I realized that one of the most used songs in the Franklin coverup doc from discovery Channel in 1990 is then used as a staple song in Twin Peaks. Lynch must have seen it and been referencing it. I can't imagine another reason for them sharing a soundtrack and subject matter. He wants people to know of the occult aspect to all of this high up human trafficking shit. I'm pretty sure u can even here the song in some of the sword and scale slips. Thanks for bringing it up OP!

what song?

The one I'm thinking of is either Laura Plamers Theme or an excerpt/edit of that track