Warning to users from r/The_Donald

218  2017-03-19 by VivaLaRevolucione

The moderator team of r/The_Donald has become infested with shills who have a clear agenda of organizing the diverse minds of r/The_Donald; an agenda of turning pedes into the classic dumbed-down, binary, left-vs-right thinkers loved and needed by the PTB.
I've spent a lot of time on that sub with many different accounts confirming this.
With increasing consistency, my comments have been getting shadowbanned (even though pedes upvote them) whenever they remind pedes to keep thinking independently and not get duped into adopting the left-vs-right, divide & conquer mentality.


The mod team of TD are the same as the digg patriots. An online Israel first conservative group that start on the website digg. There sole purpose is to kill any opinion that is not there own. There were behind all the Ron Paul hate on Reddit and use to operate out of a subreddit called nolibswatch.

Research Digg Patriots, Terry Hurlbut, JCM267 (creator of TD and conspritard), the rigging of digg, BudrickBundy (JC267's new account), Herkimer14

This guy's onto it.

The punch line is that the OPPOSITION to Trump is ALSO orchestrated by Israeli Firsters...

Liberals/Progressive? Conservatives/NeoCons? Sleight of hand...

These are just tools in that are being used to achieve their PRIMARY objective - which is to weaken, neuter and disable America and Western Europe - the people that these Zionistas see as their primary competitors, and who stand in the way of achieving their dream of a worldwide EthnOligarchy.

Divide and conquer works. If you find yourself behaving as a PARTISAN, they have accomplished their goal.

"Let's you & him fight" is a Game ala Eric Berne.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_People_Play_(book)

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 45284

Very illuminating

its not left right its 1% 99%

Shills getting dumber by the day - now referring to people as "conspiratards" on r/conspiracy

Shills getting dumber by the day - now referring to people as "conspiratards" on r/conspiracy

What are you talking about? Conspriatard is hate subreddit that use to target r/conspiracy. The creator of the The_Donald is a mod on that hate sub.

Terry Hurlbut.

A mod on Conservapedia.

Andy Shitfly.

Owner of Conservapedia.

Phyllis Schlafly

Mother of Andy "I can prove the theory of relativity wrong with a pound of cake" Schlaflyaphagus.

The connections with T_D are not a coincidence.

If you're not familiar with it, take a ride through Conservapedia in the full knowledge that is it not a parody website.

They were behind all the Ron Paul hate

Some of us dislike Ron Paul due to him wanted to give unlimited power to state and local governments. His ideas that they aren't limited by the Bill of Rights are dangerous and destructive.

Don't believe me here is the man himself saying it http://ronpaulquotes.com/Texas_Straight_Talk/tst070102.html

He's not wrong though. The "United States" of America was more akin to an alliance of independent states, rather than a single country. The idea was to spread power out as much as possible to avoid any sort of tyranny. With each administration we see the trend is to take away state powers and consolidate them near the top, seeding in a more and more permanent government in the deep state that runs the show.

What is never talked about or even taught, that the founding fathers understood, the single most important requirement for non-tyrannical societies, be they local or global, is the balance of power. Every power needs another power to impede them or else they end up with total world control. And as idealistic as it may be to hope that these world rulers are benevolent, nothing about human history has suggested anything but the most sociopathic making it into the high reaches of power. Even if they are good rulers there, it is only a matter of time before someone takes them out or replaces them that are corrupt or incompetent enough to be manipulated. Even the wicked don't stand to benefit from total power as they live with targets on their backs even among their own, and will have to relinquish their power to someone with different ideals.

Therefore the single most important role you can have as a citizen of Earth is to act in a way as to maintain the balance or power and deter its concentration.

He's not wrong though.

Are going to ignore the parts of the Constitution, as amended, that we don't like?

Some of us dislike Ron Paul due to

While that is true that does not take away from the fact that these people were running an anti-Paul bridge on Reddit.

Whereas Trump is Israel firster and Goldman Sachs seconder (Americans don't even make the list), it's not surprising that Trump shills share the same priorities.

Duh! It's r/the_donald!

How do you know that's jcm's new account?

Some of his own fellow digg patriots turned on him and ratted him out. go to /r/NolibsWatch to see.

Trump is huge on Israel so I'm not surprised. https://youtu.be/tm5Je73bYOY

Classic echo chamber. Listening only one side goes against critical thinking.


to be fair though, there's /r/politics, enoughtrumpspam, r/esist, marchagainsttrump, etc. which end up being the same even if some of them don't ban

r/politics doesn't sensor or ban anyone for having a different political view. They are way better than the_Donald and r/Conservative.

r/politics doesn't sensor or ban anyone for having a different political view.

Are you being sarcastic?

It's true. Have you been banned there?

Not personally, but I've witnessed my friends being banned/harassed/brigaded.

But go there right now - each one of the first top ten posts is either bashing Trump, the GOP or somehow chirping the Right.

Those two things add up to tell me its a sub that isn't open to opposing viewpoints.

Most posts there are anti-Trump, but that's only because it's mainly liberal. It's good to see the viewpoint of the left, but if you look (deep, past the top comments which aren't usually that amazing) in the comments there is some good conversation. Of course, conservative opinions are more likely to be downvoted, but I've seen some great exchanges.

So yeah, I haven't seen anyone banned for a political opinion, but I have seen people downvoted for them. Pretty normal in a subreddit that leans one way.

It's good to see the viewpoint of the left

I do agree with this. At the very least even if you don't agree you know what the opposition thinks.

but if you look deep

While it might be right that there is worthwhile content buried in a thread, I feel like life is too short to spend it wading through bullshit just to try and tuck some cuck. Much respect to those who do go there to change minds but imo its a lost cause.

I haven't seen anyone banned for a political opinion

And maybe that's the reasons for our difference of opinion. I have seen fuckery afoot.

Every time I've seen someone claim that they were banned from a subreddit like that for something like that (or for nothing), and the comments that triggered the ban got linked, it turned out they were completely full of shit.

People who are uncivil or break other rules then they're banned.

Care to bring those instances of 'fuckery' to light.

Agreed - I just get downvoted into oblivion. Sometimes I make really well worded posts and I get 2 points. But I've been outright uncivil (even though the warn against it!) and I still haven't gotten banned.

T_D is much more of an echo chamber because they destroy opposition, politics just drowns it out and down votes you. The effect is essentially the same though however - you have to get other portions of your news elsewhere. The main difference between T_D and politics is style of oppression.

It's not the same though. Remember all those downvote are from people that read your comment, so your message is at least getting out there. In T_D you can't even express an opposing idea. It's won't even be there to be read or downvote do.

Politics doesn't ban people for pointing out facts, which is true of T_D.

Shouldn't we compare these to r/hillaryclinton and r/loberal

That is true but because the userbase is 95% Democrats you won't get another point of view, and if you express one you will be downvoted. It's just as much of an echo chamber as the other subs

Yah but that's cause Reddit as a whole leans liberal.

They don't have to ban people to feed their insecurities.

You are so wrong. I hope people don't read this in passing and think politics is anything but a shill board for shareblue and others.


Have a source for your claim that isn't full of BS?

Yeah, the front page of that shithole every single day. It's been constant trump is a Russian plant articles for weeks because the media are a bunch of retarded children who get their marching orders from their corporate overlords and who have no idea what journalism actually is.

How does any of that make your claim true?

Lol you ain't even worth the effort.

So Yes you have no legitimate source to back up your stupid claim?

The entirety of the politics subreddit is my proof. How many bullshit Trump is in bed with Russia stories have been posted in the past month?

Maybe that's cause Trump is in bed with Russia since he never has anything bad to say about them?

Have you considered that?

That's your proof?! After months of bullshit money wasting investigations the most incriminating evidence is Trump doesn't say bad things about them? Holy shit my sides!!!!

Don't waste your breath. Politics being completely shilled to fuck is common knowledge. There is almost no real political debate on Reddit and there never will be.

Well 3 members of his cabinet did just resign within the first 100 days of his administration.

You call them retarded children who get their marching orders from their corporate overlords...

But you fucking retard rightwingers literally elected a corporate billionaire overlord who spoke to his base using the vocabulary that a preschool teacher uses to teach their 4 year old class... Fuck

Shills gonna shill.

That's the point, there's no middle ground except perhaps here at conspiracy. There's no room for nuance - i.e.: Hillary is a criminal, was working for Wall Street, did steal the election from Bernie, and Trump works for Wall Street and is a horrible militarist but there's nothing to the Russia crap

Everything you wrote about Hillary is verifiable and true. It's not a matter of debate.


Yes, and what OP doesn't realize is that the_Donald is expressly one-sided. I can respect that. What I can't respect are supposed impartial subreddits that are just as biased if not more so!

The problem with being one-sided is that it leaves a vacuum, no place with such a wide-reach for Trump supporters to freely discuss and critique policy. Recently, I noticed any comments against the administration's potential policing of marijuana seemed to quickly disappear on r/ TD. I've also read speculation that Trump's team may actually view the Donald sub to gauge public opinion. Well, with the increased removal of honest critique and dissenting views, his team won't find a true measure of what supporters think. One can support Trump and also be critical of some of his policy decisions. I've been disappointed to see that sub turning into an echo chamber.

Great, so now he is responsible for what everyone he has hired says? Pretty sure Trump said marijuana should be a state issue. Sorry but it's quite dumb that you conflate Sessions with Trump.

Not conflating Sessions with Trump. But, this one does fall under the umbrella of the Trump administration policy. Although this applies to many issues, with the MJ issue it would have been fantastic for their team to see that the majority of supporters (from comments I initially saw on the Donald) do not support Sessions views and prefer Trump to stand by his position on States rights.

A president doesn't hold any responsibility for the words and actions of the cabinet he hires?

Show me one other example of a president being held personally accountable for the WORDS of someone in his cabinet. Not the deeds. The wordsm

That's what r/ask_TheDonald is for. They mainly use that as recruiting / conversion grounds, but it allows you to ask questions without being labeled a concern troll or getting (shadow) banned.

I made a post in T_D right before the election that said if Trump doesn't follow through and actually drain the swamp that he would be a political hack in my mind - and I got outright banned ("deported") for that one. I appealed it and they let me back in - but there isn't any room for it. They do it because everywhere else is a battle ground. Ironically, its a safe space for them.

That said, r/ask_TheDonald is open to questions and conversation about his policies, but I imagine far fewer people go there.

That place is toxic. The new healthcare bill doesnt get talked about nor will his budget. They refuse to believe anything that will disrupt their meme creating or liberal bashing. Its not a politics sub, or a government sub, its an indoctrinate with hateful garbage until you can say cuck 10 times fast sub.

Any opposing opinion isn't "high energy" and then you get bombarded with hateful comments. That place is the biggest echo chamber i've ever seen.

And they are forthright about it! Politics is just as bad, but it casts itself as something else entirely.

Politics doesn't ban you for having an opinion. TD are just scared of having their views challenged

Yeah, they downvote the "bad" comments. They downvote any and all content that doesn't fit their narrative.

They also go to t_d and mass downvote posts there!

You can still post in r/politics with any point of view. If Trump supporters weren't so afraid of opposing points of view, maybe they could go to r/politics and have more say over there. Most prefer to stay in the T_D echo chamber so all that's left at r/politics is anti Trump people.

Politics is not at all just as bad. You will not get banned from politics just for having an unpopular opinion or daring to question the "great leader"

Shill gonna shill. If you have anything positive to say about politics you are a fool.

Of course not. There you will be gilded.

t_d is expressly propaganda

I think I see what is going on. You think that the connections that have been made between t_d and the white house are because the white house plants things there? Newsflash: people post there and someone in the white house follows it. It's not the white house posting, numb nuts.

It's not the white house posting, numb nuts.

Of course not, they have Breitbart for that.

Why don't you go around snipping the limbic system from people's brains then?

ive only seen TD deny being one sided

Trump supporters actually support trump on T_D? Whoa. Why aren't they above partisan politics?

We all deserve at least one safe space.

No, no-one should have safe spaces

Sorry, I forgot the "/s".

I swear i've seen this exact comment chain before.

Damn lizards.

Have you been banned yet? They are banning like crazy.

They ban for anything short of licking Trump's balls.

Unrelated but I got banned from /r/latestagecapitlism for posting 1 post on banks or something related. Banned instantly. My post was anti corporate to a Tee but it seems late stage subreddit is used as an agenda as well

i know capitalists love love love themselves the downvotes and no sense of humor!

stop hanging there better subs to hang

Are they banning people who have been with the sub for a while or people who have just subbed and started supporting Trump? Either way kind of a dumb move. Discussion should be the top priority in political subs. And yes that means you too r/politics and r/news.

They ban anyone even if you have been there for years. I saw a guy banned for mentioning Pizzagate and they booted him claiming he is trying to get the sub shut down.

Isn't that their crusade though? Pizzagate was what helped launch their sub. It's weird watching them turn on eachother. Wonder what it will do to their base in the long run.

They are fucking up hardcore. It will come back to bite them.

/r/The_Donald and /r/Conservative are safe spaces that bitch about safe spaces. Shocking!

this lol

I got blocked from r/conservative JUST for saying that medical standards and laws are very important compared to countries like india where you have rats and dogs feeding on infants in neo-natology wards and there is no action parents can take.

I thought it was buzzard, but hey, I guess I'm one of the outsiders if I descent on one small point of their narrative

dissent good comment though, upvoted

Apologies, my bad for the wrong word.

They're really sensitive over on r/Conservative. It's a nice reminder that plenty of conservatives still have a major stick up their ass.

Their obsessed with liberal bashing using strawman arguments. Looking at that sub just proves it.

Everyone is obsessed with straw men arguments. No side is immune.

Yes, but there's barely any conservative policies being discussed. It's all about libtards and far left.

They banned me, and I've never posted there once, lol. They came across one of my comments on another sub and took umbrage with it, apparently.

Yeah but so is all the liberal places.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters/ Has also began to censor voices of Trump supporters who criticize his decisions. I was just banned a few days ago, for "flair abuse" because I took a stance against Meals on Wheels budget cuts.... Ridiculous.

They do this because they know there are shareblue and other shills on reddit who have no interest in dialogue. So they'd rather not deal with paid shills who have no convictions.

Ah! Taking the easy way out, all the power and none of the responsibility!!

WTF are you talking about? They want a curated space where they can share news and not have a bunch of brainwashed, paid lemmings going "durr your source isn't NYT so it's automatically false".

I'm glad you see no problem with people being paid to promote certain ideas and facts many false, while questioning all sorts of proven stories to create dissent. Doing that on your own is one thing; being part of a paid group is another. Please understand the difference.

I understand the difference perfectly well. The point i am making is as moderators, it is their job to make sure paid shills are not on the sub HOWEVER, this does not mean they ban anyone and everyone who differs from their point of view, as they are currently doing. Sure that means they need to put in a bit of effort. BUT that's the point isn't it, if you are the mods of such a big subreddit, that comes with some responsibility.

Or you can chuck everyone out under the guise of not sharing their levels of devotion. Nothing in the world is black and white.

Pretty sure they have considered such an approach only to realize that it is entirely too much work. There are other subs for critiquing Trump. I see no problem with having one that doesn't.

You see a problem when others do it and then justify doing it yourself. Now I know you will next say that it is your right to be the mirror image of 'shariablue' or whatever, but don't you realise to the moderates that you are now as reprehensible as they are? Is that what you all want to be known as? It's the responsibility of the moderators to maintain a sub to the highest standards. It's the difference between maintaining a city or trash dump the site of a city.

If you don't see a difference between people doing something because they believe in it and people doing it for a paycheck I don't know what to tell you. I prefer my bias to not come with funding from god knows where and to not be orchestrated by god knows who.

You seem to have missed my point completely. I agreed with you already and said paid Shills are bad. But you still haven't answered my question. Are you ok with being as biased as share blue? Just because you cannot and do not want to know the difference between legit dissent and paid shills? I hope simpler English helps this time around.

Yeah, reading the_Donald does not mean I'm as biased as the mods. I don't read the_Donald as if it were some inerrant text and all truthful. But I do go there to get some halfway decent information that isn't bullshit lies about Russia. Politics is nothing but shills reposting WaPo and NYT lies.

Please understand that many donald posters are paid shills

First I've heard that they are paid. Proof everywhere that democrats run shareblue and ctr and other crap. I've seen nothing, no organization that spews bullshit online for Trump. The people that do that do it for free. Prove me wrong.

Nimble America and Cambridge Analytica are just two off the top of my head.

Adrian Chen also tracked down "The Agency" in Russia, which was a state-run online troll farm where Russian citizens were paid shills on the internet. He wrote extensively how many of the accounts he followed shifted towards pro-Trump talking points during Trump's campaign.

If you think only one political party is astroturfing on the internet then you are either incredibly unaware or are simply too partisan to see it for yourself

Yeah, Nimble America got found out and chased off t_d. And care to provide evidence that these Russians are being paid by Americans to shitpost? There's a world of difference between having politicians pay for domestic shills and having some foreigners shitpost. Not comparable at all, really.

I just gave you the author of the article's name, why can't you look it up yourself? That's what someone who is genuinely interested would do.

And I can't help but laugh at demanding proof while you go on about ctr and shareblue. Both those groups are treated like boogeymen on reddit.

Didn't Hilary lose the election? Yet we're still talking about CTR as if they're relevant.

And I just told you why there's a difference between a foreign body polluting the internet and a domestic one and why the latter is much more troubling.

So you admit that foreign entities try to control the narrative online and also admit that it happens domestically... yet you are still sticking to the falsehood that only one political party in the USA does it?

Control? Influence is much more appropriate. Again, where's the proof that Trump hired anyone to influence the election? There is none, despite months of investigation!

except that they themselves (the donald sub and its mods) are paid trump shills who have no interest in dialog

Every time you see someone say "stupid liberals/conservatives" KINDLY reaffirm that knowledge you know to be true, that the division is a carefully sculpted system of conquest by division. Be patient. Be diligent. Find respite with other likeminded friends in times of stress. Nobody said this shit was going to be easy. This is OUR time. This is OUR test. We need to keep spreading the TRUTH. I love all you peeps, just keep. on. going.

Yeah, and do you still not understand that Trump represents a divergence from this old paradigm? How dense are you?

I'm not. How dense are you to think Trumo represents the face of the ills of humanity entirely? Get your head out of alarmist sensationalism, and do more reading.

I think Trump marketed himself as such but none of his actions or even campaign promises are outside of the old paradigm. His campaign platform from the wall to repeal of Obamacare/ACA are pure GOP platform ideas. The wall got its start with WH Bush and section were built long before him. Repeal Obamacare, again the GOP has been trying for the past 7 years. I am not seeing anything outside of the ideas that have already existed for a long time in both parties. Even his cabinet/admin picks, while some are out of the ordinary they still are all in line with the GOP and tea party platform.

Totally OK with the gays and states rights for marijuana for two examples.

Also, how you can say his position on immigration and the wall is no different than standard republicans is laughable.

you reap what you sow

Have to agree. Not one mention of troops in Syria "kicking ass on ISIS"....very odd. Not one mention of airstrikes yesterday. War is too controversial to talk about on that sub, too much risk of losing control of the narrative. They don't even see it.

Didn't they bomb a mosque?

Why do people assume T_D is compromised. We have direct evidence of liberal shills, but as of yet, the best that could be argued against conservatives is that they are real people being puppeted without their knowledge. I think you've fallen for the age-old "blame them of what you are guilty of".

You're a rookie, playing a silly game.

Too much hate, but we are all with you.

Yes. I've noticed a considerable downgrade in the_d. One of the very first posts I made once Trump got elected was to please continue the inclusive attitude shown during the election (back when they were considered scrappy underdogs and welcomed pretty much everyone). Now it's back to being binary and I have no doubt there's an agenda. That said, it's still a very useful sub because people there are red-pilled more than most... especially /r/redacted which is entirely corporatized at this point.

And what is up with the "Islam is a cancer" shit? I'm all for more stringent immigration and a complete overhaul, but ISIS is a tool used by our own damn government. WE are the ones fomenting radicalization (or at least capitalizing on) an otherwise normal religion for political purposes. There are of course more primitive sects of the religion doing stupid shit like stoning, but if it was inherently violent, the world would be in massive trouble given its followers totaling in the billion.

I see the "hate Islam" as one such useful tool being deployed by whoever is modding the place. If they're pro-Israel zionists then I'm not at all surprised.

Just wanted to add to the conversation that the_donald is usually one of my stops from the front page, through the news/world news, politics, Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for Prison and then finally this sub before shutting it down. Anyway, interesting that recently the_donalds front page has been showing a lot of anti-bernie Sanders articles. Kinda ironic considering I don't see Trump having won without a ton of Bernie supporters citing for Trump in the end. Idk if they are trying to win over the Bernie Bros by proping up Donny as the true people's champ or what, but it really comes off as rather divisive and probably counter productive to any hope of Donny getting re-elected. To be honest my grasp of politics is rather rudimentary so who knows.

Bernie kind of sold out his cause at the end of the campaign.. the people who defected from the Liberal agenda for a chance with Trump should t mind co ruined to criticize the Democratic Party as its crazy members.

He didn't really. His cause was whatever was best for His Country, and he was extremely clear that he believed (and still believes) Trump is awful for America.

Yet he paid 13% federal income tax. Some socialist.

Not what I said though was it?

Maybe Bernie didn't want to see a man who's literally insane in the White House?

Then he should have run independent or teamed up with the Green Party. He would have won.
There was no candidate worse than Killary. She's a murderous psychopath and was the new chosen puppet of the PTB (CIA/Pentagon & friends). They put millions of man hours, billions of dollars, election fraud and murder into making sure she'd be elected. The want war with Russia and they were going to have Killary deliver it.
I don't like Trump and I didn't vote for him (voted for Jill) but it appears that he's not in league with the CIA; in fact the CIA is involved in an effort to get him impeached.

Then he should have run independent or teamed up with the Green Party. He would have won.

That's such a stupid claim, he'd never have won.

There was no candidate worse than Killary

I can think of one off the top of my head.

She's a murderous psychopath and was the new chosen puppet of the PTB (CIA/Pentagon & friends).

WTF! Are you drunk?

They put millions of man hours, billions of dollars, election fraud and murder into making sure she'd be elected. They want war with Russia and they were going to have Killary deliver it.

When did they murder anyone lol? You have watched too much Infowars.

he's not in league with the CIA; in fact the CIA is involved in an effort to get him impeached.

If he's not in league with the CIA then why did he give them the right to launch their own drones?


To sum up OP' post-'Neckbeard logic'.

Bernie's cause was crap. "I'm mostly against war, well, not really, but let's raise taxes and have fake promises of free handouts"

Fake promises? These things are a reality in other countries.

Yes, he completely sold us out and he had some very peculiar flaws even before that occurred. His primary flaw being that, even while trying to appeal primarily to progressives, he virtually never spoke out against the military invasions or the military budget (even though those are, by far, our most serious problems). In fact, he even talked about getting other countries in the region involved in the invasion so that the U.S. isn't doing everything on its own, which, as you may be aware, had been the plan of the CIA/Pentagon for years.
I'd respond to the rest of your comment but I can't decipher it.

T_D is butthurt after Fox News broadcasted how much more popular Bernie is than their precious God Emperor.

Essentially this. Also Bernie went to coal county and exposed all of trumps lies to coal country during a CNN town hall

Yeah, it was one of my favorite subs, even though I don't even care for Trump.
I was allowed to say virtually anything I wanted there and the primary vibe was one of anti-corruption. It's become a completely different place now, and it's getting worse by the day.

Nothing wrong with what OP said but just a reminder: no battle or revolution or war are won by a bunch of independent thinker. Thinkers tends to ... think but do nothing else like 90% of the ppl on reddit.

Wars are won by zealots, crazies, mind-dead soldiers control by a few.

If we have enough independent thinkers thinking in this world, then wars wouldn't be an issue in the first place. The problem is we have too many zealots and crazies that are too easily manipulated by the few who are most hungry for power and control. The real war being fought is the slow and gradual one over peoples' minds...making sure that the ratio of easily-manipulated : independent-thinkers never gets out of hand. That becomes a problem for those who seek to control.

TD is a very dangerous cancer. Shills being propped up by shills. Posts pushing narratives with bots. The sheep fall in line without any critical thinking all the while accusing the other side of the shit they do.

Lately they have felt much more comfortable allowing their racism to shine. Just scroll through.

The conspiracy side of me believes that some big movers inside reddit have been able to infiltrate that sub and systematically continue to keep pushing the racial boundary further and further with the hope of getting it shut down.

The logical part of my brain thinks the racist have been there all along they are just feeling more comfortable these days

its the latter

I think the logical part of your brain is right on this one.

I feel like T_D's mission was completed on Nov 8 and since gen it's useless baggage. Hillary was punished for her crap but now it's Trump's turn. I'm sick of the anonymous promises of 4D chess, let's see some real changes deeper than defunding meals on ruck Big wheels in his budget proposal.

Trade deals and the ability to print money are what they care about. Both have been taken away from them. Fact.

It's not about money printing or trade deals. That's sort of kind of a dispute between American centric globalists and European centric globalists.

Around 1900, big businesses started using government regulations to suppress competition and guarantee their wealth to a degree. If they hadn't, we'd have seen a sort of retro futuristic world like Ayn Rand's by the 40s. The industrial revolution ended when competition and thus entrepreneurship that affected big business ended.

Business now is a political enterprise. It's about who you know and what you say and do that gets you access to resources. For example, homesteading rules and the ability to sue polluters who pollute other private property would be enough to manage oil in the free market. Instead we have an almost communism where the government mandates where and when oil can be drilled. Only a few certain companies are approved to refine oil in certain licensed refineries. It's New Deal goddamn American economic fascism. Telling businesses and consumers what they can or can't sell and managing - not regulating - big important consequential industries. Little ma and pa companies still have relative freedom. But energy, agriculture, transportation, healthcare - yeah not even close to a free market. America is more than we admit a socialist shithole in ways.

The Fed enables this. There used to be 30 some odd banks in America 8 years ago and now there are like 4 major ones left. Want a lot of money to open a multi-hundred million dollar thing which will be economically consequential? What an environmental approval? Want that healthcare law waiver so you can afford you employee health benefits program? Better fucking hire SJWs for your Har department. That's the game.

The real politics in America occurs in smokey back rooms, and elections are a joke. I thought Trump represented some exception to this. Nope. His Bannon/Breitbart bullshit about America's military and factories going back to 1955 is hardcore bullshit. 1955 America was better than the New Deal, but it was 66% of the way to the New Deal from 1922, and was a military corruption money wasting powerhouse.

Nothing has been taken from "them". Trump is begging Yellen to keep the pumps flowing so the economy doesn't collapse before 2020. Good luck.

My hope was that Trump would expose the true nature of the American system which is the necessary first step to real change. But he's not going to do that. Hillary won't ever go to jail. It's a joke.

You miss the big picture. Why are regulations and taxes heaped against America? If America was really in charge wouldn't the gold flow to her? It's not, and there's a reason. Check out Corbett China NWO episode. Very enlightening.

What racism? Please post examples or shut up.

Nah I don't it's racism. Just stupid. Big difference

The conspiracy side of me believes that some big movers inside reddit have been able to infiltrate that sub

I'd say that's likely the case. There's a lot of psychology and precision involved in the current effort. It's like a branch of the CIA showed up; the branch that's in charge of perpetuating the left-vs-right bullshit through the generations.

And yeah, the main things being pushed are the usual we see every decade:

  • Hate 'muslims'
  • Hate 'liberals'
  • Love gas guzzling vehicles & guns
  • Love football & Jesus
  • Worship police and military
  • Praise capitalism and corporations
  • Focus heavily on a person's physical appearance

It may appear as though I'm just describing a stereotypical 'Republican'. That's because I am. These shills are trying to make Trump supports believe that, because they supported someone who just happens to have run under the Republican banner, they must now adopt all these 'Republican' stereotypes. The shills are trying to turns the 'alt-right' (a diverse bunch that includes many independent thinkers) in the classic, stereotypical 'Republican' because that's what they need to continue to use the left-vs-right, divide & conquer play book they've been using for decades.

I got banned for posting one critical concern over Trump...and I backed the guy. Now, I am concerned, deeply. The foreign policy and sabre rattling is getting out of hand and it looks like business as usual and worse. I'm thinking PCR is right and the Trump presidency is over. Now they'll just ride it out until they impeach or whack him.

Same. One critical post of Trump to /r/AskTrumpSupporters/ and I got the boot...

I honestly don't know where things are going. Starting to look like the PTB (CIA & friends) may have got their hooks into Trump, judging by his recent military actions.

How can you say that The_Donald supports a user base with "diverse minds[s]" when they literally ban anyone who says anything negative about Trump?

It doesn't now. The shill mods are changing the sub very fast. They know what they're doing. The user base was remarkably diverse many of those people are still there, but that won't be the case for long.

Ah, interesting. I only browsed the sub a few times when it first started, so I'm not privy to any changes that have occurred in content.

The Donald is filled with imbeciles and even worse moderators. They're banning everyone not licking balls of their savior.

Can confirm, was banned for the stupidest fucking reason.

I was banned for pointing out that the Smithsonian castle has more than one clock.

Lol ok that's worse that what I was banned for.

You get shadow banned if you use more than one account.

Not when you've got as many IP's as I do.

I'm a relatively consistent user of t_d and have definitely seen this. They're nothing if not high energy and that's extremely dangerous when in the correct hands

Yeh something about a place that doesn't allow any free thought, dissent, is hate filled, and motivated does seem dangerous. They'd be the recruiting ground for Trump Youth if it gets to that point

'Diverse minds' lol

Yeah, there were people on that sub from all across the political spectrum because of the shared interest in keeping Killary out of the White House. There's still is a fair amount of diversity but it is rapidly disappearing because of the shill moderators I mentioned. At the current rate the sub will be nothing but a new generation of violent, clueless Bush-era retards.

Well based off what you have said I could also say the same for /r/conspiracy. Anyone who uses logic and common sense are down voted or comments get deleted that support Trump in this case depending on the situation, but as I have said criticize him when it is warranted, but not if it is unnecessary. This entire post could also be said as the same as you suggested as divide and conquer mentality. Telling people that moderators on another subreddit are "shills" and try to use logic thinking, but to dumb down others to believe a different point of view just because, but I am taking it as you suggested it can be seen both ways.

It's getting better here. The T_D posse doesn't have as firm of a grip anymore. I've seen logic upvoted quite a bit lately, as well as some more interesting conspiracy posts that aren't just a rehash of the usual pro-Trump conspiracies.

Interesting. Another comment that has almost nothing do to with what I said.

Well it does, but it is alright if you made a post and didn't expect to see others point of views on it.

Did you just admit to ban evasion?

I've never been banned from T_D, but, since you brought it up, I always evade bans. Proudly.

I was banned there for asking people what they thought about what sessions said about his comments on weed. I was there for a while to. Couldn't believe it, now I realize what most wet talking about when they got banned for shit reasons.

There is another sub for asking those kinds of questions. To be fair, they are upfront about the purpose of TD.

Just because they're upfront doesn't change their hypocrisy

That's actually the antithesis of hypocrisy. They are open and clear about the sub's theme, purpose, and mission.

I can't say the same for the majority of faux political subs.

That's true, I actually never knew about that sub reddit until someone brought it up the other day though, they should be more considerate though. They are banning people left and right easily because they get alot of shills. They didn't even respond to my response to the ban.

The_Donald is so dumbed down I don't even visit anymore. They don't even have serious discussions just stupid memes and twitter posts from nobodies.

TD is the biggest echo chamber on the net. Zero critical thinking allowed

I go to TD to get away from the echo chamber.

The echo chamber of facts and reality ?

Just a few of moths ago that wasn't the case.

it absolutely was the case. It's been awful since the start.

Actually, even with the shills hijacking the sub, it has more critical thinking than pretty much all other major politically-oriented subs. That won't be the case for long though.

I doubt that. How can you think about anything critically by only looking at things from one side. Any inch of dissent is banned. Any accountability you might have for trump is called concern trolling and banned.

Okay lets see some examples

the daily thread where ppl complain about getting banned from there for concern trolling isnt enough for u

Man im glad I wasnt the only one thinking things were getting way off topic over there.


short for centipedes

The_Donald is for Trump supporters, what's wrong with that?

It's great to have a moderated forum for purely pro-Trump messages. You think Trump supporters don't get out to other forums?

It's a home base, and most certainly should be a protected space for Trump supporters. If you want debate, go to AskTrumpSupporters.

What a stupid "warning". Where is your outrage over forums that actually should be open for fair debate, politics, news, etc.

Why not issue a warning to the StarWars forums, attention!! Star Trek fans aren't welcome.

Your logic is terrible, and your shill ad hominems are nothing more than projection.

Because Trump supporters elected Trump for certain reasons and would stop being Trump supporters if those reasons don't get fulfilled. The T_D mods are shaping the discussion to keep that from happening. Outside of T_D, Trump is cancer and can't be discussed sincerely. So by framing discussion within T_D to certain issues, you can have "two" sides to an issue but no meaningful debate.

Go "debate" on AskTrumpSupporters.

This thread, and the idiotic replies are nothing more than a pathetic attempt to subvert the power of The_Donald, which is annihilating political opposition.

The_Donald has been since its inception an unapologetic fan party for Donald Trump, not a forum for rational debate.

"The power", omigerd, I can't wait til he's impeached and you all shit bricks about the powers of the Constitution....


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Nice analogy there. Comparing political discourse to sci fi fandom. Perfect.





Nice try there, it's a Donald Trump fan Reddit, not a forum for "political discourse". If you really care about discourse, go to AskTrumpSupporters and knock yourself out.

True, but the mods are a bit freaky over there. I made a joke at the expense of Hillary and cheney.... banned. They're getting perverse about it.

Your reply has almost nothing to do with my post. It's literally like you're replying to something else someone said.

I'm as unsurprised by your ability to comprehend my post, as I am at the idiocy of your accusations.


Are you claiming that moderators can shadowban?




Diverse minds? They call their sub a 24/7 campaign rally for Trump and if you criticize anything Trump does you can get banned. You can be diverse in the way you attack other politicians but if you criticize Trunp you are outta there... even mild criticism.. people got banned for asking about Trump's connection to Betsy Devos's brother (blackwater founder) and how that seems likely to be the reason he picked her for Education. Go over there and ask how appointing Mitch McConnell's wife to a cabinet position helps "drain the swamp." You'll be banned. The sub was designed to be a circlejerk. It wasn't designed to be a 2-sided conversation or a free marketplace of ideas. Go there to praise kek, blow everything Trump does and share memes. Don't go there to question the dear leader or have an honest discussion about whether or not Trump is draining the swamp. The people who post there regularly have no interest in holding Trump accountable. They are just there to justify anything he does. It's like divine command... something you might not agree with or like if a different politician did it suddenly becomes good when Trump does it.

Don't forget karmawhoring. Those people will upvote anything

something you might not agree with or like if a different politician did it suddenly becomes good when Trump does it.

Yep, at the current rate, they'll just be the new batch of Obama supporters.

the diverse minds of /r/the_donald


Hey, the insect world is filled with diversity! That's part of why bee/etc deaths are so concerning.

dat JIDF doe

lol nothing there is subtle because no israeli stuff exists

The Donald is toxic, like Voat.co

Too true. It's been infested with crap and is pretty much dead to me now. Very sad.

r/askthe_donald is the place to go for discussion. TD is a circlejerk and they're fully aware of that.

Spez removed Viking and replaced him with OhSnap. OhSnap is a reddit lapdog. /r/the_donald is cucked.

my comments have been getting shadowbanned (even though pedes upvote them)

I don't think you know what shadowbanned means.

I got banned from there for saying I disagree with all the religious shit and saying the t_d movement would do better without it.

I'm glad to not be posting there anymore

the diverse minds of r/The_Donald


I at least can handle an echo chamber that openly expresses itself as such. The liberal reddit groups seem more like wolves in sheep skins. The Donald is a farce that is openly believed in and it pisses the liberals off. It used to be a glorious echo chamber that touted itself as such. If that is the case, then what are you guys complaining about??? Of course you got banned because you assumed it was a regular political reddit. In their ridiculous antics at least there is a modicum of truth in the lie... liberals believe they never lie and think they are proclaiming truth.

my last post was about it's a place you can say what you believe... that's not the case. I haven't touched t_d in months as I'm so past having any politic subs. all politic subs and others who are invested by politic shills are a cancer.

Diverse minds LOL. One of the best jokes I've heard in a while.

I got banned a while back for something totally innocuous. The_d has been compromised for a while.

Go "debate" on AskTrumpSupporters.

This thread, and the idiotic replies are nothing more than a pathetic attempt to subvert the power of The_Donald, which is annihilating political opposition.

The_Donald has been since its inception an unapologetic fan party for Donald Trump, not a forum for rational debate.

Same. One critical post of Trump to /r/AskTrumpSupporters/ and I got the boot...

Yeah, and do you still not understand that Trump represents a divergence from this old paradigm? How dense are you?

Every time I've seen someone claim that they were banned from a subreddit like that for something like that (or for nothing), and the comments that triggered the ban got linked, it turned out they were completely full of shit.

Trade deals and the ability to print money are what they care about. Both have been taken away from them. Fact.

People who are uncivil or break other rules then they're banned.

Care to bring those instances of 'fuckery' to light.

I honestly don't know where things are going. Starting to look like the PTB (CIA & friends) may have got their hooks into Trump, judging by his recent military actions.

Yes, but there's barely any conservative policies being discussed. It's all about libtards and far left.

Don't waste your breath. Politics being completely shilled to fuck is common knowledge. There is almost no real political debate on Reddit and there never will be.

He's not wrong though.

Are going to ignore the parts of the Constitution, as amended, that we don't like?

Well 3 members of his cabinet did just resign within the first 100 days of his administration.

They are fucking up hardcore. It will come back to bite them.