Come over to the front page of r/Worldnews... where you will see a Filter Trump button that is larger than all the other Filter buttons combined: Hey Reddit, bias much?

70  2017-03-19 by [deleted]



Strategy of Tension.

Just super filtered Worldnews by unsubscribing and deleting bookmark

Its the only answer

Did you even verify the OP claim?

No, of course he didn't. If he did he would have seen that the filter Trump button is the same size as the rest of them lol.

sure there may be bias, but you have to admit, trump is in almost every headline. So if you want to learn about a tsunami in japan or something, "filtering trump" may be helpful

Yeah why exactly is the filter a bad thing?

it's literally a choice. It's not being enforced automatically. you don't have to "unfilter." While there may be conspiracies against Trump, he's also a shit head.

But his button is bigger! I need to be offended by something today!

But, but, but it's BIGGER you fools!

What's funny is that it's not.

could you imagine an unfilter obama button on that sub?

I don't think he was in the news as much as trump, maybe I just didn't pay attention at the time... would I care? no

I wish they would add a "Filter"

I don't know what front page you're looking at, but I see 5 filter buttons of the exact same size, and the only notable difference about Trump is the "new" label on it.

op is retarded lol, literally the exact same size

They changed it since I made this post.

Amazing how this post reaches the front page. OP, thanks for displaying what a complete shithole, devoid of truth, this subreddit has become. It takes 10 seconds to go over to /r/worldnews and see that the filter Trump button is exactly the same size as the other filters. It's not bigger at all than the rest, let alone being bigger than the rest combined. Instead of taking 10 seconds to confirm what OP says people just mindlessly upvote this post because they want it to be true, not because it actually is true.

This may just be a case for r/KarmaCourt my friend.

You don't believe that people in a subreddit can have different views? I see both kinds of comments and find both sides to be pretty prominent here. People also believe in other conspiracies that i see that are upvoted, but i don't see the point in a really hateful comment berating them. To each his own though i guess.

It was made to trigger republicans.

trump button bigger than all the other filter buttons combined

This is more than just a massive exaggeration, it's an outright lie. All of the filter buttons are the exact same size. Go take your fake outrage back over to your safespace.

you would think it's a good thing with all the spam coming from anti trump though

Sigh. I wish the conspiracy thread was what it used to be, I'm sick of seeing this lazy kind of shit labelled as a conspiracy.

You, OP, are a liar.

If I knew how to make a screenshot I could make you take that back.

if you don't know how to take a screenshot, you should probably stop using computing devices.

also, everyone can go over to worldnews and see for themselves that you are lying. that's why your post has been heavily downvoted.

People are only comfortable in an echo chamber, dontchaknow?

They changed it. Because yesterday the Trump one was larger than all the other ones put together.

Perhaps someone else mentioned or complained about it to the mods?

There are archives of the sub from literally every day. The button's been the same size for the entire month.

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Then there must have been something funny about the browser settings on my own computer, because that's what I saw just yesterday.

If you want, check out my post history. You will easily be able to see: that I post plenty of stuff without having to make things up, I'm not a rabid pro-Trump supporter and tend to be balanced in my views.

Alright, fair enough. I try to avoid accusing people of things, anyway.

Anyways, if they have change the button size, I'll delete the post since it's no longer accurate.

I wish we had a trump/us politics filter here too

Reddit is full of a bunch of pussy ass SJW Bernie kids. They live in a bubble world devoid of reality.

So Reddit isn't allowing me to up its this. I can up vote every other comment and thread, but every time I try to invite this post, it say "can't do that right now."

R.I.P Reddit.