Does anyone think moon landings were ... Real?

6  2017-03-21 by 435435435

Just curious in a quick poll ..


Yup... I think they were real.

Real 1 Fake 0

can you round up a result of that poll?
maybe in a few days or so, if answers stop coming in? :)

Hell no

No. I think we faked it.

Yes I think they were real.

I think they were real...FAKE

Also known as 'really fake'


Real with fake back up footage & undisclosed military space force

Fake News

Yes, but not the majority of the footage/photos.

Not at all. And this and this are a couple of reasons why.


Yes, I think we made it up to the moon. And also Yes, I think there was a filming studio involved.

90% believe we did

I see both sides but If I had to pick one I'd say they were real.


The ones on the MSM may have been staged, but there is quite a lot of evidence that there have been a LOOOOT of moon landings that are very much real. The public simply isn't told about them.

Yea they were real. Neil degrasse Tyson explains it well.

I think they were real but I mean you could always ask Buzz Aldrin to swear on a bible that he was on the moon?

Lol I think buzz knocked a dude out for insinuating it wasn't real, I believe we have been to the moon, though I'm not going to say the footage was real, shot maybe the aliens did tell us to fuck off and not come back lol

Old one here and lived through these times. The Apollo missions were very much real. Amazing what NASA and the Air Force did with 60's technology. Everything we enjoy today, our cellphones, our internet, were a direct result of the efforts made during the Space Race.

The motivation was to beat the Soviet Union for dominance in space. The had a head start on us with Sputnik, and we worked for nearly a decade to catch up, and finally surpass them by reaching the moon first. We did. It really happened, no matter what you may read on the internet.

The Fake Moon Landing and Flat Earth theories are to create doubt, especially with the younger generations that were not alive to experience these things first hand. Not everything is a conspiracy, but there are people that want you to believe in things that are not true.

The Earth is round. We went to the moon. These are facts, and anyone that says otherwise is trying to fool you. Why and for what purpose? Who knows...

So can you tell me how being around makes you any more convinced that the events actually happened? What do you say of all the "movie studio" tells in the video footage, most of all the absolutely unbelievable fact that the official explanation for the lowres grainy footage was "we lost the original"

Well, back in the late 60's, the Apollo missions were broadcast live. Granted it was older, over the air television, but there was no video footage because it was live on 3 networks. There were literally hundreds of millions of people that were living witnesses to the events as they happened.

You also have to keep in mind, that the Apollo and NASA programs of that era were all built by defense contractors. Just like any defense related projects of the time, there was no motivation to fake something that you could actually accomplish. Not to mention more than 400,000 scientists, engineers, etc, that participated in the program.

Apollo Fact Sheet from NASA

Check and review your sources, and apply critical thinking to what propaganda they are trying to convince you to believe, and why. As I said before, not everything is a conspiracy. These things did happen, they are real, and it is your choice whether to believe a handful of either uninformed or deliberately deceitful hucksters, or the overwhelming and verifiable record of history.

Just playing devil's advocate here - claiming it would require the duping of ALL the 400,000 people involved is disingenuous.

What I find disingenuous, and downright ignorant, is that some crackpot on the internet with zero credibility can create a false narrative and you're willing to believe it. There is overwhelming historical and scholastic evidence, proof if you will, that these events unfolded. Yet you would rather believe the lies being fed to you.

This is symptomatic of the era we are living in, I guess. You'd rather blindly follow leaders that willfully lie to you, without applying any of your own research or critical thought to the lies you're willing to believe. Either that, or you're just being a contrarian for the sake of what? Rebellion? To be different? To push your own false narrative agenda?

The beautiful thing about science is that whether or not you choose to believe in it, it's still true.

It is obvious that I'm not going to change anyone's minds here. If you are convinced that something that really happened is fake, then nothing I or any of the hundreds of millions of people that witnessed the Apollo program first hand can say or do will change that fact. Good luck to you.

Now I didn't actually say if I thought the moon landings were fake or not. It's not relevant to my point.

I just saying you're making a silly(shilly) statements about needing to convince hundreds of thousands when the figure would actually be much less.

To then completely ignore that point and go off on one about how much of a loon I am is exactly the sort of shill-like comment that will fire up many of the people on this site that are full blown crackpots.

Welp, you know you hit a nerve on this sub when you get called a shill, lol. I am actually laughing my ass off at this. At least you didn't invoke Godwin's Law, but I must assume that will come next.

I didn't respond directly to your point, because quite frankly, you're not playing "devil's advocate". You are the crack pot, pushing a false narrative that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people deliberately faked a major historical event. Calling me a shill only proves my point. A shill for whom? NASA? Our Government? Buzz Aldrin? You can't possibly be serious, can you?

My advice to you is to perhaps cut down on the kool-aid, and maybe go outside and catch some fresh air. Read a book or something. But GTFO with your BS.

Aaaaand you continue to ignore the point...and that's because you're wrong on this and I'm right.

Now you're just trolling. Good day sir.

I said good day...

Removed. Rule 10.

Looks like you broke rule 10, you naughty boy.

Oh, and by the way, I am playing the old Devil's Avocado, because I certainly don't think the moon landing was faked. Maybe you should have checked that before going off on one.

But if you're attempting to convince someone that they are wrong don't throw out instantly dismissible statements, like the need to convince every person who worked on the project to be part of the conspiracy, because that can be ignored by the crackpots and, as I said, makes you sound like a shill.

Yes. Definitely.
The technology to fake that thing on that level wasn't around back then. The technology to go there was.
Sadly, that is now vice versa, which makes people believe in the "faking". Back in the days? Very few people even thought about a hoax.

Just playing devil's advocate here - claiming it would require the duping of ALL the 400,000 people involved is disingenuous.