Let's quit pretending Trump is against MSM, when he's praising FOX news and other MSM outlets. It's time to recognize him for what he is: a fascist.

0  2017-03-22 by FUCK_TPTB

I personally believe President Donald Trump is not a Republican by value, but a Fascist. I do not throw that word around, and I do not mean it as an insult, I literally mean he is a fascist.

Let me first expose why I don’t believe he is a Republican or has Republican values:

  1. Donald Trump is “very pro choice”. He stated this in an interview in 1999 on Meet The Press.

  2. Donald Trump has a very limited knowledge of the Bible. I know this is a stretch, but the GOP in the US has very strong Biblical beliefs, and many of their stances are based around said book (against gay marriage, pro life, etc). This came to fruition when he mispronounced II Corinthians as “two Corinthians”, and even more so when he stated he never asked for forgiveness because he doesn’t do anything bad.

  3. Donald Trump wants to expand government’s power over it’s citizens, not reduce it. He stated last year that he’s a fan of Eminent Domain, and is actively using it to acquire land near the Mexican border for his wall. Through his cutting back of funding for the EPA (which educates and provides regulations that keep air and water more clean), the Department of Education, and the Department of Labor.

My support for him being a fascist:

  1. His leaning towards a corporatist economic system. He is promoting massive tax cuts for wealthy companies, but hardly touching small, 100 employees or less companies. Removing the restrictions of Dodd-Frank, which protects individuals from predatory lending and collection practices is one such move.

  2. Attempting to discredit media. We can all agree that MSM has it’s own agenda, that really isn’t what’s up for discussion here. What is, however, is his attempt to decide what is “true” and “fake” news. He has labeled CNN as “Fake News”, while praising Fox and Friends. He seems to do this not on a basis of fact/fiction, but on a basis of whether or not they agree with him. Just yesterday, during the FBI and NSA hearings, he called the hearings “Fake News” even though they were literally happening while he was tweeting about it. He is attempting to claim a monopoly on the truth.

  3. Power through military. His budget proposal cuts social welfare programs, environmental protection programs, and education programs to bolster our already large military.

  4. Attempting to discredit other branches of government. We all remember that “SEE YOU IN COURT!” tweet he put out as he lost a court battle regarding the banning of people from certain nations, but the courts aren’t the only one. He has bashed Congress several times over the past few years, and especially during the election. Claiming the courts are “liberal” (ie. Against what he wants) if they find him wrong, and supporting those that agree with him.

  5. His history of alleged sexual abuse. Mussolini labeled women as “reproducers of the nation” and recommended against employing them. It’s almost as though Trump shares this view and sees them as objects rather than human beings. Whether it’s walking into the changing rooms at pageants or “grabbing them by the *****”, or the several allegations of sexual misconduct against him, we have to admit his history with women is a bit rocky at best.

  6. Racial/National division. Trump has repeatedly kicked minorities out of his rallies, including some who claim to have been legitimately there to learn his stances. His quotes on people from Mexico and Muslims go without saying as well. “A ban on all Muslims from entering the country” is one of his campaign promises.

I am posting this here legitimately out of trying to understand where he stands. I’m not trying to attack his character, nor his position in government. I’m just a naturally curious person and would like to see what you all think about this as well.


Hey Russian321 how's it going? Haven't seen your shit posts in awhile glad you're still doing your thing

I didn't realize Gender Studies had become so all-inclusive.

He is not a fascist.

But... he's A LIBERAL!

No, he isn't. Many youtube videos of interviews from the 80s - he clearly says he is a Republican.

Care to disprove any of what I said above?

No. You've been on reddit for 7 days. I know all I need to know.

This is such a ridiculous point.. OMG Redditor for 7 days! He said something I disagree with! Must be a shill! Waaaa!


Nobody ever knows all they need to know.

You have obviously never worked with Purdue alumni.

Your account is just nine months old. What makes your argument any better?

It's hard to tell what he is exactly. Too often we want to fit people into certain definitions. It's impossible not too though. I do believe he's genuine to himself. is that good for us? I dunno. No matter who is in charge it's up to the individual to figure out how the game is played and play it to your advantage.

I thought in fascist countries you would get killed if you talked bad about the leader?


Trump is a fascist. America is not a fascist nation... yet.

Also remember how Hitler pledged to protect the gay community, expand on private gun ownership , and remove income tax for the poorest Americans.

Me neither.

Op is just confusing Fascism with "things I don't like".

Leftist shills have been singing this tune for a year now.

$0.02 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for your hard work contributing to the CTR agenda and politely fuck off.

Removed. Rule 10.

Jesus you shills are like herpes

Removed. Rule 10.

redditor for 7 days

And you're point? This is the stupidest and most illogical argument I've ever heard.

Sees something I don't agree with and offends me

Checks OP's account

Only # days old account!!

Proceeds to state it's only a # days old account

Goes back upstairs to ask mom for some chocolate milk

No one is responding to you seriously because your post was...Well to put it bluntly, your post was absolutely fucking retarded. Trump is nowhere near a fascist, those who think he is are either angst filled teenagers, or liberals who don't like him so they attempt to label him something bad.

Too bad I'm neither a teenager nor a liberal. Why can't you just see him for what he is? He's not going to save us from TPTB, and anyone who thinks so is legitimately delusional

Dismissing other people's opinions (Trump is not a fascist) as delusional is a form of moral condemnation. If you'd like to make a point about Trump being an IRL fascist, please use language that is appropriate for it to be considered "a conspiracy", and cite your sources. The way your post reads is like reading a page out of a diary.

Lol OK

Thank you!

the GOP in the US has very strong Biblical beliefs, and many of their stances are based around said book (against gay marriage, pro life, etc).

You know you can be against gay marriage and be pro life for reasons other than God, right? That's like saying you're absolutely an atheist if you're for those things.

a race is just a shared characteristic between groups of people. It doesn’t have to be physical color. It can be nationality, religion, skin color, disability, etc.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I guess I'm a racist for not liking the Texas football team ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Okay, you changed my mind on the second point.

What's wrong with fascism?

It's out of fashion.

Trump's fascist leanings are plain to anyone paying attention. The poor response to your post is just further proof that /r/conspiracy has been infiltrated by Trump's shills, Russian or otherwise.

Literally Hitler /s

Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society. Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature, and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.

One common definition of the term focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations (anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism); nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership. According to many scholars, fascism—especially once in power—has historically attacked communism, conservatism and parliamentary liberalism.

When Trump tries to use violence to shut down the opposition, takes away guns from the citizenry and grow the government to be more totalitarian we can talk. If anything he's currently reducing the power of government and reducing regulation. These are not the actions of a fascist. He's just another authoritarian statist.

Is he also anti-gay? Idiot.

Heil Trump!