Holy fuck Americans are so stupid.

17  2017-03-23 by [deleted]



If you think this is an American thing, well, you know.

Am I dumb as fuck?

If you think the best idea is a "bloody revolution", you are dumb as fuck.

If you think it isn't, you are dumb as fuck

It's the only way.

Dumb as fuck.

You're dumb as /u/jacks1000

Says dumb as fuck /u/NoobHistorian

What's that change?

Aren't you still going to get your energy from Westinghouse and Exxon?

Won't Boeing and Blackwater continue to sell to the highest bidder?

The current dictatorship has nothing to do with politicians; it's a construct of the oligopolies of the world. Each out to make their greatest returns.

People have forgotten how to service their own needs and those of the community around them.

You take down the government and the six companies that own 90% of the media will replace them with others.

But you won't. You go to a protest and walk by a police car. Look inside. The faces of all the leaders will be on a screen before they arrive.

That's a peaceful protest. There is no way to defeat the government through violence and calling for violence makes me think you are cointelpro straight away.

The only way to change things is to find different means of servicing your needs and those around you. Ways that encourage actual competition and prevent monolithic providers of health care, food, energy, education, and manufacturing.

It's the only way.. People are just too big of pussies to actually grab a rifle and take cover behind some sandbags. You're probably one of them.

Lol. You mean like those at the Bundy Ranch, in Montana and at Waco?

Yeah because that was a revolution... I'm talking about full on militia retaliation. The armed forces would completely (except for crazy holdouts) be on the american peoples side once it came down to lives being lost. And I'm not CIA or a fucking agent from somewhere putting ideas in peoples heads. I'm talking more of france in the 1790's.

How are you so sure that the military would help us? Not to mention, what about all the weapons the leaders have access to that would put our rifles to shame?

I mean, do people still think we're going to win this war with rifles? Take a look around at the weapons they are using. This is psychological and information warfare. Do you think we fight that back with bullets flying? We are playing a completely different game now. This isn't the 1790's.

I know you want to see an uprising just like many of us, but calling people pussies for not storming the streets with their guns isn't the way to start.

I've seen too many posts calling for this recently. Like I get it, but it feels like some of these posts are meant to provoke an actual incident maybe?

Like they wanna get a feel for who has a couple screws loose and keep prodding till they react type of stuff.

I think it is the second bit, they are using this to mark users that are on the edge.

Did you see what happened at South Korea? That's what America needs to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6E_AFqycrY

But no, many are too busy being dumb and the rest are weak cunts that think they're smart like you.

Good post!

If you think you have everything figured out, then you're dumb as fuck.

Exactly, I should add that

You should also add:

If you don't understand irony, you are dumb as fuck.

This one made me giggle.

Oh I understood that he was being a nasty cunt

I'm tempted to remove this entire thread for rule 4 but I guess I'll let it stand. If you're going to continue posting on this sub though, you're going to follow the rules and not attack other users personally. Consider this your warning.

Okay my bad. Starting now I won't insult anyone else

Thank you. Cheers.


Oh no he di'n't

If you think using the word "fuck" a lot makes your lack of much of a point more compelling, then you're dumb as fuck.

Watch out guys this person is scared of a certain word and to grab the rifle! HE'S A LOYALIST. GET EM!!

I think my point was pretty clear. You must be dumb as fuck if you still haven't gotten it.

Not everyone is so dumb as fuck. Though the media is trying to convince us all of that.

A lot of silent dissidents. Just waiting for the spark, and some valid leader to toss it.

If you are full of hatred and anger, you're going to have a bad time.

OP, you seem really pissed off. That is a lot of negative energy and counter productive.

Try and remember that most people are just trying to do their best with the information and resources they have at their disposal just like you are.

Sure, there are some very evil human beings doing very terrible things, but they are vastly outnumbered by all the rest of us that have no desire to harm anyone else. These evil human beings want you to be made like you are. They want you to be angry at other human beings that are just stumbling around like the rest of us.

Please try to reject the negativity, anger, and calls for violence.

We can beat them when we do not need them. They create the problems we face and then try to tell us they have the solutions (which are false). Their solutions are theft, war, violence.

Our solutions are love, charity, forgiveness, compassion and gratitude. Our solutions are better.


Violence is not the answer.

Thank you! I was going to say something along these lines, but saw that you already said it much better.

"Oh hey, I have some ideas and opinions I'd like to share. Boy, I sure hope the audience I'm writing for likes them, but how will I grab their attention?

Maybe if I repeatedly call them a dumb ass it will not only grab their attention, but they'll also read it and give it intellectual charity! "

  • Some fucking dumb ass kid on reddit who thinks he's got it all figured out

Did I trigger you? Please reflect rather than deflecting

Idk dude, what did you expect by making this post?

Are you angry? Have you recently gone down the rabbit hole?

Take a breather, its good for your peace of mind.

if you think the earth is a globe...


....you've probably taken a basic science class

... and been brainwashed....

I think you're brainwashed if you actually think the earth is flat.

At least two of your claims have no hard evidence. So I'd say I'm skeptical as fuck.




I like this guy

you had me until the muslim/israel thing.

Are you a Jew?

Yeah that was just weird

I'm ok on those, I don't get the satanist stuff.

the satanist stuff is crazy. but when you start looking at signs on the dollar bill, a ton of other stuff, it starts making sense. the free masons are a satanic organization, and they basically built the US.

The free masons are not satanic.

OP, by your own definition, delineated on your last bullet point...you may be dumb as fuck. Could. Not. Resist.

If you think Pizzagate is fake and that there isn't a global pedo ring that's snatching your kids, you are dumb as fuck.

wat? why?

If you don't think that there is a global conspiracy of satanists trying to create a one world satanic government, you are dumb as fuck.

satanic? what??

If you think you have everything figured out, then you're dumb as fuck.

you sure seem to think you have everything figured out ... what's going on man? are you alright?

It's kind of hard to do things when every time you try to voice your opinions you have two more people disagreeing with you and shouting at you.

Literally makes it impossible for a peaceful and easy change in how things are.

Not to mention how we have completely biased news outlets here.

But I agree with most of your points. Cat pics are pretty damn important.


If you fall for anger concern trolling, you're dumb as fuck.

Obviously there's no such thing as Satan if you think there is then you're dumb as fuck

the world will continue to keep getting worse and worse.

this is a giant distraction from the real goal of life, to focus on your self.

don't forget your self.

U mad bro?

Islam is my enemy and the enemy of every free person on this planet.

Lol. You mean like those at the Bundy Ranch, in Montana and at Waco?