There are 535 Members of Congress. There are 318 Million US Citizens. They Owe Us Some Answers.

729  2017-03-23 by lily_levasseur

The biggest conspiracy is them against us.

Copied again:

It occurred to me earlier today that it's time to demand tax returns and financial portfolios on every member of congress since the day they were sworn in. We, the people, should be able to see exactly what each and every member was worth when they started & compare it with what they currently own.

No more excuses: It's time to demand they show us who they're selling us to. From that, let's compare it with their votes on individual items, which committees they belong to & what bills they've introduced during their tenures.

Added: I also want to see their healthcare package.

Those muthafkrs on the hill need all need to be held accountable & they all need to spend some time under the microscope. Fuck this shit y'all.

Midterms are coming. All incumbent politicians who are unwilling to be accountable should be immiediately replaced, and we should keep reapplying this pressure until all are gone, or all are transparent.


and what the fuck they have been doin in our name harvesting organs of our children and brentheran......

off with their heads!

lily craling towards friday!

Chicky! ❤❤❤

Fuck these people, yo.

<3 agreed!

My wife and I are disgusting like this too, and make everyone on.

What is wrong with you people?


this is the sort of nonsense that makes people not take criticism of politicians seriously and just strengthens the politicians positions, talking about child organ harvesting is just nonsense.

You are so wrong but de Nile is a river

Hey, you should check out Cathy O'Brien's Trance-Formation of America. It's not about child organ harvesting per se, but it describes an infrastructure that could also be usable for that purpose.

Oh, so it doesn't happen?

But it is not "them vs us" it is Red team vs Blue team! /sarcasm

So what you are saying is the purple team should prevail? Go purple team!

i want to be on the green team. Lets just all smoke a bong and watch cat gifs.

Can we throw in a few dog gifs?

sure dog gif

That's what I am talking about.

I think we way past bong time over here. Fuck running away from the problem.

They go in poor and come out rich and corrupted. How do you become a multimillionaire on $160k? I guess you will have to ask Pelosi or Boxer who's husband landed the 2 billion dollar high speed rail contract in cali.

I demand to know.

I do too. She and her husband are so old. Why do they need the money? At least let some young corrupt politicians cash in.

Idk man. In the past I would've said "this is her constituents' problem."

Now? No. She's the problem of every person in this country.

Think of all the asshats that rep cali. Boxer, Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown...They are doomed.

its not just 535, its also the Banksters, Deepstate, Alaphabets, M.I.C.

Total if probably a few thousand, and there are 350 million of us and most of the military would side with the people. I know 5 vets who are ready

If we the people are able to clean up congress the rest of the corruption will crumble. Congress is the only conduit for laws to be passed, laws that have been used against us to benefit big corporations and banks. Limited terms is a must for this to happen. Accountability and public trials for all law offending congress men and women. Taxes and earnings reports. If 500 people want to govern the 350,000,000 people, we'd better be able to vette the shit out of them.

That's one of the problems with FPTP. Politicians only care about the opinions of their little artificial square in the ground at the expense of the rest of the country, and then only 51% of those that actually vote.

They hire family and friends business. Keep the money in house and donations coming.

They go in poor

Wait, why do you think this? Most are lawyers and businessmen. Very few are elected into Congress 'poor'.

I don't think he necessarily mean poor for the common folk but poor for them as in not millionaires

Less rich then.

The biggest conspiracy is them against us.

The biggest conspiracy is them (rich people) against us (everyone else).

The people in Congress are there for a few reasons.

  1. To benefit themselves.

  2. To stay there as long as possible so they can continue to look out for #1.

  3. To do favors for the kind of people who can make a real difference in the length (or shortness!) of their political career.

  4. To do just enough to justify their existence to the regular people who vote.

Notice how their official purpose comes in at number 4... behind all the other things the focus on doing.

Once you realize this reality, the vote on net neutrality makes a lot more sense. It still sucks, but at least it makes sense. Rich people get lawmakers to do what they want... even when it means things get worse for everyone else.

That's why the world is the way it is.

It's legal for them to do insider trading. If I remember correctly

It is. They passed a law that allows them to see SEC info before it is made public and legal to act on it. That's how people like Pelosi got richer.

I thought so

A lot of them go in rich and come out even richer.


Get out and vote, that's the only way you'll .. ahhhh nuts.


Dont neglect their spouses and immediate families in the corruption too, lots of people are married into the corruption.

Throw the 100 senators on top of that too, and none of them have term limits! Awesome!

If I'm not mistaken, the senators are included in the 535. I wanna say Congress consists of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The only people that should be spied on are the people leading this country. The people should know everything the government does. The government shouldn't know anything we do.

And this is how it happens, mike...

You were once a sex object & then, boom! Smartest man I know.


So you're saying national security secrets should be made available to the public too?

Not what he's saying..

The people should know everything the government does.

Anything in the realms of sensibility.

Exactly this

OP should have specified then.


It's exactly what he is saying. I agree with the sentiment, but a completely open and transparent government is not what any sovereign nation needs. And before you mention "well not everything" he bolded "Everything"

100% right on.

Term Limits, financial disclosure and drug testing.

Start next Monday April 3rd.

Kind of a catch 22 on term limits... lifelong whores put their livelihood and egos on the table for a vote. Obvious how that'd go. Where's the loophole? What can we the people do?

Anyone paying attention knows congress is playing the system and getting away with financial malfeasance, influence peddling and living by a better set of rules than the rest of us.

Term Limits, financial disclosure and drug testing are a good start.

What catch 22? In the military, you can usually stay at one command for 2 years. They know that keeping people around too long breeds indifference and trickery.

Good enough for the men and women getting their ass shot at? - Good enough for the scumbags sending them out there.

Let's not harp on the catch 22 part...

How. Do. We. Implement. Term. Limits. ???

Start by re-electing no one at mid-terms.

Don't hold your breath.

haha that's so far from a start it's ridiculous. have a downvote.

You should have looked it up. There is a process for changing the term limits.

Thanks for the down vote...a badge of honor on reddit.

Does the process include elected officials or judges voting on the proposal?

You can look it's the most recent SC ruling.,_Inc._v._Thornton

The states do it via Article V.

o rly? Drug testing?

They ambiguously test employees, truck drivers, pilots, athletes...

Why not Congress?

BTW....What health insurance Do they have?

While we are at it can we demand they take mandatory drug tests. Like pretty much every fucking job in the country requires.

Also a copy of their personal internet browsing history. They want to see ours, so it's only fair.

I totally agree. There should be no assumption of privacy for those in political office.

A workaround for them being corrupt but hands off would be to have a close relative setup an LLC or corp to have 'revenue' goto. Then that revenue could be tapped later.

Loving your enthusiasm, Ms Lily.

in other words, one of the only meaningful political dialectics is the Statist vs anti-Statist one

(ps, isn't it apparent who they're bought and paid for by? The central bankers- the entities which literally control the money)

Imagine if public guillotining was still a thing

The way things are going, it could make a comeback.

Yes!!. I so agree with you. . . I wish I could give you GOLD! (as if that would make your life better) Unfortunately, I can't afford it.

Gold supports Reddit, my friend. I would rather the sentiment. :)

Hands off me gold... on another note, was the first leprechaun a Rothschild?

More congressmen and women would mean more to grease. That could be good or bad.

At what point could citizens enforce this fairness? If this ever catches enough wind the momentum and support will grow.

This is what America and the world needs right now. Liberty and justice for all.

Let's make it a thing.

One term. All you get. Problem (mostly) solved.

I ain't hatin this. :)

how do you implement this? they obv won't vote for it. find a crime and run it up to supreme court? good luck. executive can't reach that far... I don't think...

We've never made a citizens oversight committee. There is no reason that couldn't happen.

That'd be a good thing but it wouldn't be able to pass a law that clearly needs to be passed. Total catch 22.

When we think about the federal government, we often forget states rights.

There are 50 of us, and only one of them.

There are many ways this could happen. States could sue, the people could sue. The possibilities are endless.

Well, let's find ONE elected official that support term limits and start there?

Here is what we do: we unite. Everybody reaches out to everybody. Christians reach out to homosexuals and atheists. White supremacists reach out to Mexicans and Blacks. Muslims reach out to Trump supporters. Jimmy Dore reaches out to the the U.S. troops. Jews reach out to Ron Paul supporters. Then, when we are all united, we will get rid of these insane cocksuckers who have ruined America, and we will make America great!

One of my favorite songs of all time:

Sorry I couldn't respond.

Was dancin'!

Cool! Dancers reach out to paraplegics.

Aww damn. Trolltrapped :(

Oh well...

Trolls reach out to mods!

Omg stoppit they're dead shhhh

Zombies reaching out to humans!

And we have come full circle, ..politicians reaching out to citizens

Does Ron Paul not like Jews?

Ron Paul loves Jews. Jews don't like Ron Paul.

"You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook." -Harry S. Truman

I can't up ore this enough

This is overdue yes

heres your answer - electoral college sholda voted bernie and we'd be on our way and not doing damage control

It will probably be hard to tell their net worth from their tax returns & portfolios. They hide money in shell companies and havens.

This is why we need direct democracy. 535 means you can buy them off. You cannot buy off 330M so easily.

Texas is a good ole boy state i hail from, but there are certain industries they wont touch, however, they definately do touch the oil and gas industry and energy sectors (Wind in N. Texas, Solar is West, Plants in Houston/Beaumont/Port Arthur. Its very simple here, you are either in the club or out. If you go to Rice, SMU, Texas A & M, University of Houston and go Greek, you will be set for life most likely. There is a reason those universities have some of the largest endowments in the country (University of Texas Austin has the largest of any college in the country). I personally went to SMU and saw peer students go through the hedge fund management program at the Cox School of Business and they walked out of college with a management job on Wall Street. Alot of the problem lies in the perpetuation of these quiet systems of keeping like minded people in the positions of power. It starts early with their grooming, boarding schools, the high school academies and the college. If we broke that up, it would get rid of alot of the B.S. you are talking about, because high level politicians are all from a handful of schools. (Yale, U of Virginia, George Washington Univ., etc)

Rice is in the Top 10 for research universities in terms of endowment (5+ billion) but only has 6k students

Yeah...enough with the Trump shit guys!!! The whole administration is being flooded with neocons. It's already back to more or less the same old program.

Massachusetts state legislators literally voted themselves a huge raise. The Republican governor vetoed it but the Democratic supermajority was able to override it anyway. Some received 40-80k additional yearly salary.

You are so wrong but de Nile is a river

When we think about the federal government, we often forget states rights.

There are 50 of us, and only one of them.

There are many ways this could happen. States could sue, the people could sue. The possibilities are endless.

Aww damn. Trolltrapped :(

Oh well...

Hey, you should check out Cathy O'Brien's Trance-Formation of America. It's not about child organ harvesting per se, but it describes an infrastructure that could also be usable for that purpose.

Anything in the realms of sensibility.

And we have come full circle, ..politicians reaching out to citizens


Oh, so it doesn't happen?

Ron Paul loves Jews. Jews don't like Ron Paul.
