Angelina Jolie Is Involved With Child Traffickers

219  2017-03-24 by missyshimmy

All of Angelina's adoptions have proved to been handled through some pretty shady people. She has used every means to get the children adopted by her through false information and other people.

Maddox Adoption

At the time of Maddox's adoption, the US had imposed tougher restrictions on adopting children from Cambodia due to trafficking fears. In 2003, Angelina Jolie adopts her first child Maddox while still married to Billy Bob. In this article she says : Jolie insisted she went to 'great lengths to ensure Maddox did not have a living birth-mother in Cambodia' and that she would 'never rob a mother of her child.' In March 2017 A man come forward and says that she used fake info on the adoption to push it through 2017
The article also mention that the woman who was the adoption agent for her case was later arrested for falsifying information on adoptions. After the adoption : the ins suspended adoptions from Cambodia because of fraud and baby stealing happening in that country. Maddox’s adoption was brokered by a crooked agent who was later jailed in the U.S. for visa fraud and money laundering involving more than 800 adoptions. Many of the orphans parents were still alive also. Children’s rights groups investigating Galindo said they believed Maddox’s destitute mother sold her son for $100.

Zahara Adoption

Jolie adopted Ethiopian-born Zahara in 2005. At the time of her adoption, everyone thought her biological mother, Mentewab Dawit Lebiso, had passed away.

Two years later, in 2007, Lebiso came forward to say she was actually alive. It was too late to get her child back as the adoption was "legal and irrevocable." Has been trying for years to be able to just talk to her daughter on the phone and has also said jolie was a good mom to her daughter and does not want to take her back. Just to get to know her. Angelina has never even acknowledged her publicly or commented on it. Pretty funny considering she has previously stated : and that she would 'never rob a mother of her child.' And again information had been falsified on documents.

Pax Adoption

Pax, who had the birth name Pham Quang Sang, was born to Pham Thu Dung, according to IMDb. It is alleged there that Thu Dung was a heroin addict who fled the hospital after Pax’s birth. Pax reportedly had a liver problem which led to a higher hospital bill than Thu Dung could afford. The bill was for £15.
Pax Jolie-Pitt’s birth mother, Pham Thu Dung, was not dead, but only in prison. She will soon be released and possibly wants her son returned to her.

Problems for Shiloh’s Dual Citizenship

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie chose for Shiloh to be born in Namibia so she could enjoy dual citizenship. Now Namibian laws are changing and should newly-proposed amendments pass, Shiloh would lose her Namibian citizenship, as All Africa explains. “According to the proposed amendments, all those granted citizenship by birth when their parents did not have permanent residence in the country will lose that status.”

Her way around it to apply for dual citizenship.

List of charities she supports Interesting to note that she supports the Clinton Global Initiative which has been implicated in a child trafficking case involving Laura Silsby…..

Clinton Global Intitiaive and Laura Silsby

Child trafficking case involving Laura Silsby and the CGI.

Problems with Celebrity adoptions

This article not only talks about problems with oversea adoptions but also celebrities and their problems with oversea adoption.

edited to show her way around shiloh losing citizenship


That woman is Evil. Carried blood around her neck in a vial. Made out with her brother on stage. Had her breasts removed as a "precaution" to cancer. Got some distinguished medal from the queen. Worked to turn a wicked witch into a tragic heroine (with Disney's help).

I'm suspicious of any celeb that adopts from overseas. Figuring they're trying to balance their karma from killing a few to moved up the satanic food chain. Charlize Theron as well. Who, along with Adele (who gets weirder by the day), dresses up their little boy like a girl (just like Will and Jada Smith did for their kid).

It's all a fucking shit show horror show. None of these people should be elevated; they're merely stars of the clown show.

And to top it all off, she kicked Brad out, who would do such a thing !?

I don't think he was evil enough for her. He went along with all the satanic stuff---dress like a woman, get fucked in the ass by George Clooney and others, etc.---but it never seemed like his heart was all that much in it.

Word is he's a nice guy, not too bright.

Wait wait wait.. where is the whole George Clooney fucking him in the ass coming from haha?

Lol that guy. Never heard of him before but that was kinda funny

Ha ha, awesome. He gets a lot of shit but I liked his Rampage movies. Especially the 2nd one where the protagonist goes after Wall Street. It's amazing.

I've not seen any of his films, though Ive read about them. The Darfur one was actually supposed to be his best, though still not very good. But i can't say, personally.

But he nails it in that video rant, right? Guy should have his own streaming TV show, not be making movies.

He is a god damn treasure. A treasure.

Divorce sucks, but that's awesome. I wanna get high and listen to Bon Iver with Brad motherfucking Pitt.

Getting high and listening to Elliott smith is a good catharsis. But fuck doing that with buddies, we'd kill ourselves out of anguish.

Elliot Smith was murdered by his gf who used his sad lyrics against him. Love his music when I'm down.


More than likely, personally I've stayed away because Elliott, a genius as he was, had srs mental shit going on and its not within the realm of possibility that even despite being clean at the time, he still could have just stabbed himself, no hesitation .

(Possibly unrelated) I even saw this 'crazy' theory that 'Riot coming' is about govt poisoning. Maybe a little out there but hey lyrics are up for interpretation.

What a strange song.I had not heard that one. What was he trying to say??

As for his death, even his family has doubts.

Notice the "suicide note" misspelled his name...

Junkies are easy to kill.

Notice the "suicide note" misspelled his name...


My mistake. That bit was only a rumor. Still, there's much more to his death than many know.

Cool! Thanks

I love Elliott, it comforting to hear his death may not have been a suicide... I don't know if that's the right word

Pfft, he obviously commuted suicide via stabbing himself in the chest repeatedly....

Don't forget, Brad's in the family as well. Related to Obama (which kinda makes him part of the Bush Family tree), While Jolie is cousins with Bill Clinton! I literally just found that last part out.

forgot about that thanks for reminding me. :)

It's a crazy thing when dots start to connect themselves. I find myself having those feelings more and more these days.


Had her breasts removed as a "precaution" to cancer. Got some distinguished medal from the queen.

What's evil about those two?

a) The queen is evil

b) Promoting cutting off your sexual reproductive organs is part of the evil agenda to de-humanize people and trivialize what makes us as humans unique and beautiful. A sort of religious view that humans are beautifully unique because of our consciousness, so if you're not religious I don't think we'll come to any understanding here. There's a lot of background knowledge to this one that isn't exactly well known so I will be fine agreeing to disagree on this one.

Breasts are not reproductive organs. They are sexual organs but a woman with no breasts can reproduce just as well as a woman who has them.

I'll amend my statement, they are sexual organs. They still have a direct relation with growing human life so I believe its essentially the same argument.

No, she cannot reproduce without breasts actually. In nature the child would die due to lack of food. So it is very unnatural. But, I don't care. She can cut her arms off if she wants, it's her body.

That is like saying births with doctors involved aren't natural. Seems pretty short sighted IMO.

Not at all. You can have births with or without doctors (or witchdoctors) and the child may or may not survive in the wild. With no breasts, you're child is not going to survive 100% guaranteed.

Thanks I'll keep that in mind after the rapture /s

Wet nurses have been a thing for all of human history.

So have mid-wives.

We've been a fairly successful species!

She can't reproduce point because she doesn't have a uterus.

The biological purpose of breasts is to feed offspring. And, isn't the whole point of sex reproduction? So are they not one and the same?

I mean, similar, but sexual organ vs. reproductive organ does feel like a necessary distinction.


When it comes to global satanic rings, I'm sure the Royal Family are huge players. I'd say there's a good chance that the Queen of England is a notorious child killer. I started giggling typing this, but I know there's always a chance that it's true.

Don't wanna go into the breast thing because frankly, I have no idea.

Idk let me check my 1678ad Puritan handbook.

Ahhh, here it is:

had breasts, is woman, tried to not die, spoke to another woman

Had her breasts removed as a "precaution" to cancer.

I'm not convinced Angelina Jolie actually had her breasts removed, any more than Bruce Jenner had his dick cut off. This is part of a big, sick deception.

You might be right. Everything is a lie from that crowd.

Jenner still has little Bruce

Its cuz she never had any to begin with because she was born a man.

You are seriously hung up on transsexual people. Nearly every time I see your username it's followed by how everyone is a secret transsexual. Seek help- those latent urges and feelings aren't going away and your obsession is pretty sad.

No problem with them, I just don't like the deception around it. Anyways I comment on plenty of other shit, just so happens no one comments on this one. It's one of the more far out there ones.

Do you think Michelle Obama was born a man?

Maybe not born a man, but born with a penis.

What's more likely, a massive cabal of secret transsexuals that only you have the ability to see? Or that you are wrong?

How would any critical thinking person look at this objectively?

What about Adele?

Wtf that's what many parents of future serial killers did.

Henry lee Lucas for one...

Really? Yikes. Who else?

so this was at a different time of acceptance, so though the parents had their heart in the right place, most likely the kids couldn't handle the repercussions of society.

I knew a girl whose mother dressed her brother as a girl as a child. The mom was a complete sociopath criminal, always on the run of in prison. Thankfully the brother turned out ok but that shit is weird.

My little boy dresses like his sister sometimes. Its a normal part of being a child.

No it's not. I never did. My brothers never did. My kids never wanted to. None of my friends' kids wanted to do it.

Bull shit. I bet you have women's underwear on right now.

LOL. Just cuz you do, doesn't mean everybody does, Laverne.

mine is a thong.

Shhh no these childless unmarried middle aged men know more about raising children than anyone.

Are you one?

The breast mastectomy part has nothing to do with the rest of what you say, that is not unusual at all, women with the genetic version breast cancer very frequently do this because it's a very aggressive form and if you don't take preventative measures you will very likely die in your 50's.

Yeah... Some people just love spouting off bullshit to try and insinuate some weird theory through easily explained rationale. Also, "breast mastectomy" is redundant. Mast/o means breast haha.

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Yes, I'm familiar with both of these pieces of information, but thank you for bringing them forward. People should know.

And who can forget the video where she describes Illuminati sacrifices and initiations??

I'm all for trans rights and all that but the way Charlize parades that poor kid around in princess outfits really fucking disturbs me. She's humiliating that kid. Something is not right there.

I've seen it with other lesser known Hollywood moms. It's like a new form of Munchhausen by proxy - forcing a gender identity crisis onto a kid not even 10 years old and basking in the resultant attention. It's becoming more common.

No three year old kid has any idea of their sexuality. If you reach 15 and think you're not the sex you were born, it's a tragedy, a mental illness. Very sad.

Charlize Theron is Evil, though I suspect it comes from a long, horrible childhood. Why do you think she was attracted to the Aileen Wuornos story so much?

I mean, I'm not convinced that dressing a kid up in clothes and appear in photos that might later be upsetting to them is a great idea, but, are you suggesting that you didn't know that you were a boy (or a girl, old what your gender is) when you where three? I knew I was a girl when I was three.

In my (uninformed) opinion, if a parent thinks their three-year-old might be trans, the sensible thing to do would be to just keep things gender-nuetral until they got old enough to take the lead.

Charlize Theron is also a man.

Charlize Theron is Evil, though I suspect it comes from a long, horrible childhood

Having a horrible childhood doesn't mean you become "evil" - that word gets thrown around entirely too much.

I'm not sure if its that sinister. I feel like these children are kinda like fashion accessories to them.

Perhaps. But why the cross-dressing at an early age? There is much going on behind the scenes of the uber-wealthy, pursuing activities that most of us would never believe.

Because all celebrities are crossed dressed / transgendered. They start it with the kids and bam, fame.

Get back on the meds son.

It's just the one that's still in it's early form. I'm more interested in nibiru shit. Let me drink and espouse in peace

No! I love Charlize!

I saved all the web pages for this on:

Can't blame him after his wife cut off her boobs. Fits with the media coverage of her and him too. Poor bastard

Can't blame him after his wife cut off her boobs. Fits with the media coverage of her and him too. Poor bastard

seemed to be like he enjoys his beers and to smoke here and there like most people and he's been getting into some arguments with her so she peaced out.

She's going to now cougar herself out to some younger beta male who will fall in line with her views and her ways of life, like J.Lo

Or beta female. Angelina Jolie is bisexual. Knowing that about her I didn't think the "Hollywood's Princess" thing would last. Chances are she could go either way. Bisexual women are not like they are on Pornhub.

Supposedly her and Brad are both bisexual but as a bisexual guy, most of us don't see it as relevant vs "in the closet" etc. Like her when asked or Bowie in 2006, it's a matter of not lying but not making that be the only thing we are known for.

Pitt totally a bi guy, as are Clooney, Affleck, Damon, all of them. That's just the way Hollywood rolls and always has. Shit, Warren Beatty was fucking Jack Nicholson.

Hollywood has always sold lies, both on the screen and off it. The truth would be too much for people to handle.

I agree that she is evil.

The more they paint her as good in the media, the more I am suspicious.

Oh my God it all makes sense now! Also, take a look at Charlize Theron and what she's done to her adoptive child. These people are very sick indeed.

Someone also just reminded me about Chris Rock being involved with child trafficking too.

Fuuuuuck. Not Rock? I hope he ain't dabbling in some bullshit. But if anything over the last year has taught me anything, there are no heroes out there. No idols. These people are all fucked. That's why I can never look up to any celebrity ever again. Sad that I ever did, but it's really a common thing. Most I'll ever do is admire.

I used to love Chris Rock, but now I think he's just as bought and paid for as any of them.

You hear all the talk about the "gravy" black performers must give up in order to get fame. You see Rock's pedigree on SNL, which has become a training ground for groomed propaganda talent.

I remember him talking about Jesus and saying "I don't know Jesus, but..." which seemed a "tell" to me.

It's gotten to the point where all these people seem to be in the same satanic cult, just different wings of it. Sucks.

Oh yeah, if you think about it. I'm sure he's played the game just as any others. He's a stand-up legend, actor/director/producer, also had a show he hosted himself on HBO. You're not going to amass that type of wealth and power without these connections. But eh, who knows? I could believe it though.

Angelina Jolie is also an upper echelon UN feminist who was at one point rumored to be aiming to be Secretary General of the UN.

Don't forget she's also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations.

Check the section on her "humanitarian work". It's extensive.

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Omg. Bitch has to die, then, right? How dare she help anyone?

Uh, no. The CFR is not known for "humanitarian work."

Well, no, not by people who read nazi propaganda.

So you like them? Why?

waits for short glib answer

You should try reading more than just right-wing populist speculation. There are a wide variety of anti-authoritarian systems of ideas. Not all of them require you to waste your time worrying about what some movie star from the 90s is doing. Some of them involve, like, shit that actually matters, e.g., that they get you to whine about think tanks and angelina jolie so you don't have time to demand that they stop trying to kill off useless eaters with cruel policies on climate change and health care.

But, whatever, you know. Go defend yourself from the evils of rampant mastectomies.

Good work Johnston, get yourself down to the barracks for mead and some rest.

This celebrity stuff is not helpful. It just trivializes the issue and turns /r/conspiracy into a tabloid magazine, driving away new people.

Helpful to what?

Peddling bullshit.

Pff. Adoptions are messy. Ask any adoptive parent.

To begin with, it would be one thing if she was not led to believe the bioparents had passed away, but, that's what she was told.

Second, tearing a 2-year-old kid away from the only family they've ever known is traumatic under any circumstances, let alone circumstances in which the kid has to go live in a place that is far less stable and resourced than the one she lives in.

And on that note: how do Jolie and Pitt know that the people claiming to be birth parents really are, in fact, birth parents? Presumably, a blood test would clear up any confusion.

But, even in the case that these are the birth parents, how do we know they aren't just trying to extort money out or Jolie and Pitt?

I mean, it's like a win-win, for these people. Either they can ask for money to go away, or, assuming they manage to get the kids back, they're in a great position to ask for tons of money to take care of them. And they'd probably get it, too! I mean, if you had to send one of your kids to live in an underdeveloped country and you had the means, wouldn't you do everything you could to protect them?

But, even putting all that aside and assuming for the sake of argument that any of these people actually gives a shit about the kids they gave birth to, you still can't fault Jolie. Even this hit-piece trash post admits that she spoke to the woman on the phone. That means she does care about doing the right thing.

So, you can fuck right off with your bullshit.

Oh, and, btw: could you be more of a right-wing shill?

Jolie is literally a 90s Hollywood star. There is no rational reason people would still be carrying on about her unless, oh, wait...

When I read things like this, I always wonder----paid, or true believer? Or both?

Angelina Jolie, as has been oft-chronicled through this post, is EVIL.

Thanks for fighting the good fight. Don't worry; I'll still be fighting for your stupid ass by campaigning to force the elite to stop trying to kill you and your children via climate change and cancer. You're welcome.

Well, good luck then!

You can pretty much just assume that if you're a child who is in anyway related or connected to a celebrity, you're probably being raped or worse.

She is a strange she brainwashed, crazy or just creepy? Perhaps all of the above?

Yeah and innocent Brad never sexually assaulted anyone...

She is a man and unable to conceive. "She" is a male to female transgender. It's why her face is so weird !

You have a weird obsession with trannys. Like you're trying to convince someone you're definitely not into them, and it was just a brief phase you were experimenting with.

Also, she starred in The Changeling, where a mother is given an imposter child.

Brad did win custody of the children

Angelina is a man.

Pitt totally a bi guy, as are Clooney, Affleck, Damon, all of them. That's just the way Hollywood rolls and always has. Shit, Warren Beatty was fucking Jack Nicholson.

Hollywood has always sold lies, both on the screen and off it. The truth would be too much for people to handle.