Alex Jones: "We want our listeners and viewers to hold us accountable" ... *Proceeds to disable comments and ratings*

268  2017-03-25 by [deleted]



Alex Jones is a NOC through and through. They feed him legitimate info to mix in with his bullshit, the lines begin to blur and everything he touches loses credibility.

Absolutely this. Alex Jones is no finer example of controlled opposition and how limited hangouts, how the blend of truth and lies, can create effective disinformation. The only reason for this behavior from Jones and Infowars, out of the decades of conspiracy theories they have propagated, is because this is a real story that got out of control, and now they're trying to put a lid on it. I've never seen Alex Jones back down from anything like he has backed down from this story. It is incredibly telling of his motives and his purpose. Especially this happening right now when CNN is running stories like this.

I unsubscribed from his Youtube channel, I unfollowed him and Infowars on social media. I always knew he was full of shit, though I entertained him because it's good to know where everyone is coming from in regards to opinions or beliefs and a lot of people listen to and trust Jones, but I'm not going to entertain him or his propaganda anymore. Fuck Alex Jones.

I just saw a comment on t_d of someone mentioning how they turned their significant other from other news sites to Alex Jones. As long as people keep consuming his "news" then more crap will spew out and spread among other people.

I watch virtually every media outlet available, from the networks and cable news outlets, to BBC, TYT, RT, INFOWARS, Al Jazeera, etc. I like to know where everyone's opinions are coming from. I've unsubscribed from Infowars. I watched him to get an understanding of what his viewers think but I can't do it anymore. He's a bullshit artist, a liar, a fraud. I won't give him Youtube hits, I won't give him ad revenue.

William Cooper in Behold a Pale Horse talked about how there is a traitor in the patriot movement. I firmly believe that traitor is Alex Jones. Cooper described it as an operation that collected names, addresses, financial information, everything on patriots, conspiracy theorists, political dissenters, and so on. Aside from disseminating disinformation, Alex Jones also amasses massive amounts of data on those who use his sites, buy his products, and sign up for all of his gimmicks and giveaways and newsletters. People willingly tell Alex Jones everything they think on Facebook, Twitter, and so on. I am 100% sure that Alex Jones is controlled opposition.

Absolutely. And it was designed as such.

That data you mentioned is then passed on to Stratfor who are based in the same area and were founded the same year as Infowars. The connections are undeniable.

dude u should take some time away from the news it affects us very negatively

I have to watch the news regularly for my undergraduate degree, unfortunately. That's one of the reasons why I am considering changing up my studies for graduate school and focusing more on history rather than current events when getting my masters. I'm burned out on the present.

this is what i said to myself few months ago. they will use him to discredit pizzagate because evey thing he gets involved in people dont beleive it because of his over the top bullshitting. and voila he dismisses pizza gate and now they will all say i told u so its debunked. NO ITS NOT DEBUNKED PEDOGATE IS FKN REAL AND I HOPE ALL INVOLVED FACE A HORRIBLE SLOW DEATH

Despite him discounting pizzagate specifically he's been talking about gov. pedophilia (even "gating" it) the whole time tho, am I not remembering this correct? I swear to god he mentions it in some form on his show most of the time when I occasionally decide to ride the daily meme train for a bit.

imo he's intentionally low signal to noise ratio, and he's developed a mastery of memetics and memetic propaganda that probably started intuitively(accidentally) and was developed over time—a bit of truth in every absurdist statement, frogs are gay, etc. can transfer info propagation of ideas that spread by a trojan horse of humor/memes. I think most people would've laughed at this a few years ago but its why the CIA was propositioning a fucking Meme Warfare Department.

To me he's perfected infotainment (in a less derrogatory sense of the term) but I can see why people are iffy on him though. His manifestation as Bizarro World MSM, while kind of beautiful in some ironic way, isn't the best optics for someone in the fifth estate—especially when you're spearheaded by a guy selling fucking water filters and SUPER MALE VITALITY pills with him shirtless on the ads lmao

moments of clarity, also obvious moments of garbage, overall chaotic good/10

Treating him as some kind of a leader would be big mistake.

uhhhhhhh yeah nah I'm more of a decentralization kinda guy don't worry that wasn't what I was implying

Absolutely. He is a limited hang out too.

What legitimate insider info does Alex Jones have?

The supposed 'battle for our consciousness' that he claims is going on in another dimension or his belief that Scalia was assassinated.

He's a liar.

Alex Jones is out to enrich Alex Jones. Nothing else matters. If you remember this then he is much easier to ignore.

I see his net worth has doubled since Trump took office. From 4 million to 8. Correlation is not causation but hmmm.... Now the man is backtracking on 9/11 and has an official whitehouse correspondent (so I hear).

I didn't say Alex Jones was stupid, no. He is just greedy.

I meant that comment as an indictment, not approval lol.

I meant that comment as an indictment, not approval lol.

I know.


It's beyond that dude. He's the "insider" among the patriot movement.

They have an insider among us just like Bill cooper said.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead the narrative away from the things you don't want discussed.

If people let Jones slide for this they are literally in retrograde to 2001. That is where they want to keep your awareness at.

If you're the CIA - this is exactly what you do - you get in front.

You don't care about the already red-pilled people, but the people who still swallow the MSM. When they venture out to checkout the 'alt conspiracy news' they will first go to AJ - as he is 'the conspiracy guy' in the mainstream.

It's old tactics.

Yes. When the msm was trusted they went to Brokaw or Cronkite. After 9/11 and when there was a push to undermine the narrative the response was Alex Jones. An msm alternative. AJ is msm. Hopefully more or aware of that now.

.. I see that narrative argument about any right leaning figure.

If you are talking about his youtube channel, you might want to direct your frustration at this guy: ChangeDaChannel on youtube. I don't know if it is still the case but this guy at least use to be the caretaker of the Alex Jones channel on YT.

Here is Infowars talking about this guy:

The Alex Jones Channel is run by infowars staff exclusively. ChangeDaChannel has no control or access to it.

The Alex Jones Channel is run by infowars staff exclusively. ChangeDaChannel has no control or access to it.

I know for a fact he use to run the Alex Jones channel. That was before making money off of ads on youtube was a things so I can understand why infowars now controls it.

I was talking in another thread about how he similarly backed off the Sandy Hook issue to the point where he kind of made some bizarre conjectures about it and then dropped it completely, but this reminds me of how InfoWars even had the photo of Sandy Hook Elementary School the day of the shooting with the SWAT team and medical examiner there before the "shooting" had even taken place.... of course it had already garnered hundreds of comments and generated much interest and discussion on the website but was abruptly taken down because of a "copyright issue" and I don't think it's even archived anymore.

100% fake, 100% gay

This guy is on the verge of some major, major legal problems.

This Alex Jones guy is a scoundrel and a liar.

Infowars was informed a long time ago about all this disinformation regarding pizzagate and who exactly was spreading it. Instead of covering it or calling people out, they interviewed one of the primary players in the disinfo campaign: Brittany Pettibone

When did it become OK for media outlets to interview people who just forward anything and everything on twitter without doing any actual research into the validy of the information?

It is ridiculous, and it is only happening because it is part of a major operation (involving the alt-right & the Russia narrative).

Lol that's garbage dude...

Not with arguments like that. Enjoy the truther videos....

Did he disable his water filter and survival food sales?

I think The_Donald bought him out.

blinkety blink blink @ 5:47

jones seems like he's distancing himself from the game. he's probably trying to retire.

another interesting thing i would notice in his news vids was guns or even the face book finger on the screens in the background aligned with his head as if "he has a gun to his head." of course i cant comment on the actual meaning as to whether its a cry for help or whatever, but thought it was interesting.

This guy has been proven a shill since at least 2010

if not since 2001

"wtf I hate Alex Jones now"

But seriously, didn't you guys love this clown just 48 hours ago? Funny to see how quickly this place changes its tune as soon as orders come down from T_D. I thought there were more free thinkers around here.

Are you new here? A simple subreddit search of his name will show you that there has always been people in this sub that didn't buy into his shit. But feel free to ignore that and continue spewing your t_d 2.0 nonsense.

March on d.c. and stomp Jones all in the same day. Let's clear the air of these troglodytes!

Classic Alex. Try and ask him a question about Bill Cooper and he'll run away.

Bill Cooper?

William "Bill" Cooper was ONI, he came forward in the 1980s about a government conspiracy involving aliens, UFOs, etc. He said that while working in intelligence, he came across documents pertaining to a program called "Majestic" that dealt with extraterrestrials and their technology and a plan to use that to help institute a world government. It wasn't until after he left the government that he began to put the pieces of everything he was privy to together. He traveled around the country, giving lectures on the subject. He published a book on the topic called Behold a Pale Horse. Cooper also had a very successful radio show, The Hour of the Time. But then, Cooper began to recant the UFO narrative. He said that the UFO thing was fed to him, that we do have aircraft that we call UFOs, but they are not from aliens. He said that everything he saw about aliens, about "Majestic," was fed to him so that he could be a mouthpiece for disinformation. He believed that perhaps what really was happening is that the government wanted people to believe in aliens and UFOs because not only does it make a good smokescreen, a way of obfuscating secret projects and weapons tests, but also because the elite wanted to fake an alien invasion, or alien encounter, as a way of instituting global government.

In other words, Cooper focused not on aliens, not on the sort've stuff Alex Jones covers, but instead he covered the occult origins and secret knowledge of the elites. He wasn't a raving idiot, he didn't have tantrums on air, he was a calm, collected, well spoken, well read man. He also predicted 9/11 and Bin Laden's involvement months before it happened. I'll post links to all of this stuff at the end.

Cooper's big thing toward the end of his life was going around to get average folks to create their own community radio networks, free of influence from the corporations, where people can control the news they hear, the music they hear, etc.

Cooper ran into trouble during the Clinton administration when he allegedly wasn't paying his federal income tax. Cooper had argued that there was no legal requirement to pay it.

Cooper spoke a lot about the attempts on his life. He was ran off the road and lost a leg, in fact. One day some people were partying in a pick-up truck at the end of his driveway, a long gravel road. Cooper drove down to the end of the driveway in his truck to ask them to go away. Upon approach, he noticed they weren't kids, but rather they were all adults. Thinking something was fishy, Cooper quickly backed up his truck and turned around. Out of nowhere, cops swarmed his truck. Cooper nearly ran over one of them trying to flee back to his house. As the story goes, from the police, as Cooper was exiting his truck and running to his front door, he pulled a gun and began firing over his shoulder at the police, supposedly hitting one officer. The police returned fire and gunned him down on his front steps.

It is my opinion that Bill Cooper was the real deal. The reason he is dead is because he didn't play the game. He wasn't going to be COINTELPRO, he wasn't going to be disinformation. He told people not to take his word for anything, he told them to go out and research everything he said for themselves. He would give people the intelligence he had so we could get a full picture of where his opinions and beliefs were coming from. He was the antithesis of Alex Jones.

Hour of the Time - Mystery Babylon series, Part 1

William Cooper predicts 9/11

William Cooper on Alex Jones' show.

William Cooper exposes Alex Jones as a fraud.

How William Cooper Died.

Sad to see all the hate for Alex here, you all are just being bandwagon haters. I've listened to his show for 10 years now and he's litterally the only one covering this stuff, and now you guys are turning on him? He's fighting the good fight for the people, and 90% of the show is truthful, respectful, and worth considering. Reddit 10 years ago used to be the alternative media / 911 truth / marijuana legalization headquarters - now it is filled with mainstream puppet heads that come on here commenting from Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough.

They invested a lot of time and emotion in pizzagate. To be told its not true must be devastating. Myself, i don't care to much for infowars or Alex Jones. But I do appreciate a man that can admit when he is wrong.

Anyone on this subreddit who is getting on Alex's case for spreading disinformation is either disinformation themselves or delusional.

The amount of bullshit that gets posted here gives people no ground to stand on to justify accusing Jones of the same thing.

People go on his show and give him disinformation, and people eat it up.

People come here and post disinformation, and people it eat up.

Some people really just need a fucking real hobby

The most recent thing that got me was how he's gone from constantly warning about the government herding us into FEMA death camps to silence when ICE agents demand to check documentation on domestic flights. At one point that would bring out the FEMA death camp rants.

I remember watching the Alex Jones interview with Doug Stanhope which I think really showed a human and admirable side of Alex Jones when faced with Stanhopes pessimism. But it's really hard to see that in the modern infowars that is pushing a hard political narrative.

Alex Jones is getting funded by the same people who fund Steve Bannon

Alex Jones is compromised. His opinion isn't his own. Do you think the real ruling class did not notice the popularity of alternative media and did not take advantage of it?

If you think AJ is credible then you're a fucking idiot.

Removed. Rule 4.

Wow, I just went and checked the comment sections of his latest videos. He's getting torn to shreds over pizzagate lmfao.

The best way to beat the opposition, is to control them

I have profound respect for all the work Alex Jones has done.... but I truely believe he was compromised.

If i was a nefarious organization (like the CIA) and we had an Alex Jones man constantly calling attention to me, I wouldnt kill him. I would slowly drive him to insanity, and give him a microphone while I am doing it. Perhaps "they" put psychotics in his water. Perhaps being involved in the world you are in and having no one listen to you for years will drive you to madness....

Either or, its clear he is insane now. Its clear that he supports "the establishment"..... and he still has that microphone.

TL;DR: Dude is destroying the movement he helped create. For real, just look at how the quality of this sub dropped when r/the_donald moved in

So true

Alex Jones is compromised. His opinion isn't his own. Do you think the real ruling class did not notice the popularity of alternative media and did not take advantage of it?

If you think AJ is credible then you are a silly willy

I use to be a listener.. a LONG TIME listener.. until today.. I will no longer support or listen to AJ...

I always had my suspicions.. but he told enough truth to keep me engaged.. but this james alafantis shit is where I draw the line in the sand

Classic doublespeak

LOL, you people.

The Ultimate Gatekeeper. Illuminati Trading Card Set:"Agent In Place"

Are most of us here not here because of Alex?

I don't think the man is perfect, but if he is meant to be fooling us, why are they blocking him?

He has his nutty moments and everything, but I truly believe his heart is in the right place.

I truly believe he's a idiot who just wants money.

Nothing wrong with having a business and making money.

Oh I know that's fine and I have nothing against that. But he just is so stupid with his conspiracy theories that he looks like a idiot at least to me.

I used to watch him years and years ago. Then I thought he was becoming a huge moron idiot. Now I love him again.

That's fine you have the right to that opinion. I have the right to my opinion. As long as we can agree most of the wealthy people are against the people we can disagree on small subjects like this. I like trump some others think he's with the elite. I'm not the biggest conspiracy theorist but I believe some of them. As long as we disagree in a healthy manner I'm fine with that.

I wasn't even "arguing" I was just finding some common ground, just saying I get where you're coming from. Because I too hated him for a bit and thought he "sold out"

Oh I thought you were arguing my bad. But there is some common ground. So I do apologize for not understanding what you were trying to do.

Lol it's all good man. Take care my friend

Same here friend.

I feel like Alex jones is just a stupid idiot.

Removed. Rule 4.