I consider myself a normie but I'm having trouble turning away from something I discovered.

9  2017-03-25 by [deleted]



The muscles that align the eyes can be compromised by radiation or other influences but a consultation is just talk and should have no physical effect on you. Define as closely as you can the images 'floating'.

I don't think English is their first language.

I've had standard eye appointments but this one was different as they used a machine with lights to measure the depth of my cornea.

You need to give everyone details on like the movie/video link and timecode and what not so others can verify. Also, was this also auditory, or just visual?

And how would we see these things without a proper consultation?

I'm not saying it was that per se but think about having your eyes dilated then watching something that seems off. The solution dilates your pupils which allow more light in. So I think I just noticed it after that and now I can't un-see it.

Ahh, I get it now. You should add that to your post so you don't sound crazy dude.

Yeah I've added some edits. I can add more proof of this stuff.

I'll see if I can upload a Bigo screen cap that'll need to be slowed. If you go to Bigo live stream and find a Russian girl streaming I found chances are it's been sped up to make it sound foreign but it is English voices slowed down.

I think you are going crazy. This is going to be a long, brutal descent into madness.

You are hallucinating. Best of luck.

Rule 4.

Fascinating, but...

see every frame a painting's Essay on Drive and the four quadrants of film

You're not the easiest poster to follow.

Have you tried rewatching one of the "changed" videos? Are the changes consistent? Can you timestamp events in the video and watch them repeatedly? (Maybe it isn't all dark; maybe you'll find something unexpectedly interesting.) I can tell you this much: what you describe does not sound like common knowledge.

Yeah I realize that it's a little sporadic but that's due to how widespread it is. YouTube, Netflix, Firestick, Snapchat, Instagram, Flipagram, Bigo. I'll upload something in a few minutes in the comments.


This is the video I'm referencing.

Give me some time to find the examples. Waiting for my SO to leave.

It's not commonly known, your description is a little alarming. I think you may need to prepare yourself to seek psychological help. A consultation is not an invasive process, no change will have been made to your eyes. It sounds as though it created a mental trigger for something though. I think you might be hallucinating

It's certainly possible and I hope I'm wrong. Do you remember an article a long time ago about YouTube being a bastion of not so adult girls?

not personally but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just that I'm not familiar with it.

Watch some of the videos I've linked to. Somehow this is all works through "color therapy". Further investigation brought me to color healing. Look up color healing on Amazon and tell me what comes up.

okay, you might not understand me here but let me try. a friend of mine has symptoms that I believe you are showing. This person ties together lines of thinking that don't make sense, they constantly skit from one thought to another along a chain of ideas to reinforce the central idea. But they don't see how incongruous this is. I've watched the videos, I've looked up color healing, a lot of woo woo self help books. I think you're reading into things the same way my friend does. Please, for your own good, seek help, soon.

I appreciate your concern. Have you ever used Bigo? I challenge you to watch some streamers on there closely. In the meantime I'll throw more stuff up. I thank you for being concerned but I beg of you to keep an open mind. It may not all be linked but I have a strong feeling I'm onto something. I have no history of mental illness nor is there any in my family. I have a well rounded group of friends and I'm very strong mentally. May others think I'm crazy? Sure. But statistically these types of symptoms appear at a much younger age than I am. Also I have never had an urge to hurt myself or others.

this is my last message. my friend made all the arguments you've made and they still had a break, several over the years. You don't need an urge to hurt yourself or others, not all illness inspires violence. I wish you the best, I really do.

Just because 'statistically' symptoms show up younger, doesn't mean it can't/won't happen to you. Also, what if you have a brain tumor or something and it's messing with your thoughts. Go consult with a psychiatrist/therapist, tell them about what you're saying here and see what they say. You don't have to be 'sick' or 'crazy' to see a therapist...honestly, every person on the face of the earth should see one...think of it like taking your car to a mechanic for regular oil-changes and tune-ups; you do it regularly so your car breaks down. Therapy is an oil-change for your brain.

Best of luck!


Ok here is a YouTube link to a screen recording through "az recording" on Bigo live. Pay attention to when the girls point to certain spots or turn their eyes and heads. Zoom in and watch for things that don't make sense in the video such as loose hair in the face (this is usually common on bigo and it outlines things most people aren't looking for). That shows that Bigo is mostly sex acts unseen. Now when you allow the video down of the"Russian" girl taking you can see it's not Russian.

yeah dude, you're hallucinating hardcore. get help, I know what this can be like so I advice you to seek help with haste.

What exactly is a normie?