Don't forget: Kanye West, in front of thousands of screaming fans, said: "I'm putting my life, my career, my public well standing, at risk when I talk to y'all like this. This is a moment in the matrix bruh... Google LIED TO YOU. Facebook LIED TO YOU. Radio LIED TO YOU." 24 hours later, he was...

1210  2017-03-25 by twentytwo11

thrown in a mental hospital against his will. He was kept there for over a week while the press slammed him with fake stories and rumors. He's since been suffering from memory loss. What the hell is going on?


The time he spent in that hospital was time when the world could not see Kanye's state, and even though we could not see his state, in that time the media arranged against him in a coordinated manner.

Even if he legit went crazy, which I don't believe the evidence supports, there was still a blatant attempt made to ensure history was written in a specific way. It is better if such things fail.

I would say his history of erratic behavior can suggest possible mental issues. It's fine if you think it's all coordinated, but you also can't just dismiss his behavior as possible signs of mental issues.

"I don't understand this person, so they must be crazy." - Dave Chappelle

I get that, but I'm not the one that's expressing certainty.

It's true.. there are a lot of mental ill and brilliant people that are artists. Probably at a higher clip than the general public.

It's really disgusting how you just slurred "mentally ill and brilliant people" together.

Well considering everything is a mental illness now I guess he may be legally correct.

Thank you.. I didn't mean to slur I was saying some of the most brilliant people have mental illnesses. I think that's pretty well proven

What are these "clear signs"? Please list them so I can rip you to fucking pieces instead of just vaguely discrediting his character.

I would assume hes probably bipolar, and if so hed likely be type 1 (manic). If this is indeed what he said, I'd say this is an example of someone who is smart but not smart enough to actually understand the complex (scientific) ideas/theories. He may have been saying up for awhile and not sleep at all during the night, possibly reading, woriking, and one thing led to another he went a tad bit psychotic. It happens to people all the time.

I know a bipolar who is a great doctor. Some kind of crazy assumptions you make here that are wrong and certainly not scientific =)

All of what Ive said is scientific; people who cannot understant theories of relativity and quantum physics but know their significance tend to lose hold of reality as a result of misunderstooding complex ideas, like the idea/theory that we live in a simulated reality/the matrix. Someone who is bipolar 1 generally lives in a manic state, they tend to obsess over ideas/thoughts that are difficult to grasp, they wind up staying awake for days because there is no need for sleep when youre living on cloud 9. Imagine the greatest cocaine binge you could go on without having to even do any drugs. Feels great until things get out of hand and that line between genius and crazy becomes dashed with an increasingly longer spacing between each segment. So which assumption was wrong and not scientific because as far as I know Kayne West has absolutely no physics/quantum physics background, and it seems like you may not no much about psychology and bipolar.

So crazy how he had a speech at his own concert about politics nobody ever does that /s

I heard he would have had to pay back all the concert tickets unless (as per his contract) there were extenuating circumstances such as "mental breakdown". And that's why he was checked into mental hospital. Any truth to this rumor?

All this, just a short while after his wife was tied up and robbed, with a lot of holes in that story too.

so was it google who tossed him in the nut house or was it the media who tossed him in?

Probably himself and his family because anyone who does the smallest amount of research can see he really was going through some mental troubles.

And once again the sane and rational comment gets the downvotes

we owe him for what momentum pizzagate still has.

Why? He said nothing about pizzagate.

he said "look up pizzagate" in front of his audience, and his overall rant was an allusion to it.

Can you show me a reputable source on that? I've listened to his speech and didn't hear him say anything about pizzagate.

No, he didn't say that.

I'm pretty sure he didn't? I've watched all the different rants available on Vimeo and Youtube, and he doesn't mention pizzagate because that was before his last big rant? But if you got a video I'd love to see it. Sounds more like you're projecting things.

I know what I saw, but I'm having the hardest time finding a clip of it. Will report back when I do. I don't make shit up like that, I remember being very taken aback and going "holy shit, he just said that". Pizzagate subreddit was gone in the next couple days after it came out, I believe.

I also read that he mentioned it in one of his last rants but it doesn't seem to be on video online. Damage control?

(If this gets downvoted to oblivion we know the answer)

i saw the video in november but cant find it now.

who cares kanye is a dumb ape

*gay fish

Bullshit, Kanye is fucking awesome, he'd fit in awesome with our community. If you dislike his music that's one thing, but dude knows what is up

His music is far better than his "ideas" which sound like the ranting of a pothead.

His music is far better than his "ideas" which sound like the ranting of a pothead.

What do you mean by that? You say it as if it's a negative quality.

It is a negative quality, no different than a drunk.

Such a closed mind.

It would be different if you were neutral on the subject but the fact that you are strongly against it just lets ignorance shine through.

no different than a drunk.

wow! Talk about Ignorant!

You're a dumb hick


Explain why you used that term.

Cause the other guy said "ape". one's learning anything!

Not really a fan, but the man's not stupid.

He doesn't seem particularly intelligent.

he 'appears' more intelligent than you do jack

I always liked Kanye's music, but after this is when I really started to respect him as an artist and as an influencer. Something about seeing this really struck a cord with me. And then seeing the media bash him all at once made me like him even more.

Yes!! I completely agree with you! I listen to his lyrics in a whole different way now.

"George Bush does not care about black people"

Tbh he was wrong on the point. Katrina was a fuck up because of the local and state governments. the bush presidency gave $5 billion a year in humanitarian aid to to fight HIV/aids in Africa. And Condoleezza rice was the first African American to become Secretary of State

TBH Condoleezza Rice doesn't care about black people. And Bush's humanitarian aid in Africa was probably every bit as humanitarian as Clinton's aid in Haiti.

If you would do your research you would see that bush made hiv medication available to millions of people in Africa. Nothing like clintons haiti debacle.

Yeh, just search for "pepfar corruption" and tell me again how it wasn't a pharmacetical subsidy.

Quit trying to rebrand bush.

Now that he's against Trump the left is totally down with the rebranding.

Buzz off with the trump association. R/conspiracy hates trump AND bush now.

They're both criminals.

LOL everyone is so hypersensitive. He mentioned Trump because it's true. The Dems hated the Bush's with a passion but now that it's all enemy of my worse enemy making the war criminals into warm and fuzzy BFFs of humanity.

How crazy scared of him are these people? I am wary of any POTUS these days but I do so enjoy watching how the world's globalists including the fake left and right are frothing at the mouth with terror and hate.

Dude all this "terror and Hate" is staged to get this exact reaction out of you...All this trump the hype is so inorganic and dishonest, how can you not see it ?

Oh I agree, but that doesn't make my previous post any less true.

You're overstepping. You're declaring hatreds when they aren't even relevant. It's blatantly obvious that Bush's opposition to Trump IS why the corporate left is now okay with Bush getting rebranded. This is true whether or not Trump deserves hatred.


  • Quit trying to rebrand bush.

Lol so true, I keep expecting him to announce his run for another term the way people are trying to change his image.

Wow you got downvoted to oblivion. I used to tell people all the time please just hate him for stuff he actually did. The whole Bush-Katrina thing was a bullshit narrative.

I know there are plenty of reasons to hate George W. Bush without having to make up bullshit.

like what? does he do satanic rituals like hillary and her friends?

Daddy Bush and Mrs.Crowley definitely do.

Indeed. The bushes are a fucked up family and deserve to be arrested for their crimes against humanity.

People don't like to hear the truth. They would rather straw man their way through an argument

Yea but we started to destabilize so we could get all that cobalt super cheap for the drones.

Watch the movie the Constant Gardener. Fir many of yhese people (Clintons, Bushes, Gates etc) aid to 3rd world counties is a disguise for illegal human testing, eugenics and plain old murder. Also money laundering.

Is this revisionist history class? Bush is a monster, war criminal, a Luciferian that likely fucks kids and should be placed in front of a firing squad with Poppy, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, and the Clintons for countless crimes against humanity.

The firing squad is too humane for these barely human figures. Id prefer to see them lit on fire, left just until death, and then dropped into a lake to put out the fire and leave them to drown. Eh, idk, maybe that I'd too humane for these cretins also....

He apologized to Bush for that. Leave is to an idiot like Kayne West to make George W. Bush look like the classy reasonable one.

He's not an idiot you just don't understand where he's coming from.

Yeah right, he's not an idiot, Kanye spoke for a lot of people fed up with Bush.

Leave it to you to try (and fail) to make GW Bush look classy/reasonable.

Apologizing is classy.

So isn't closing your mouth.

you should watch his interviews

Ive never liked anything Kanye. I now have great respect for the man. And will attempt to listen to his music with an open mind.

Lol "struck a chord"

Kanye is a very complicated figure. It's very obvious that he has battled issues with his mental health on and off, he's usually the first to admit that. It's right there in a lot of his music. His self awareness is a big part of his appeal (along with being a fantastic producer), vulnerability coupled with bravado.

That said, the media and society at large like to equate these issues with total madness, as opposed to the types of struggles that many of us also face. Any time Kanye says anything, it can be easily written off as "Oh he's just crazy", even if it's something that carries a lot of truth like the George Bush/Katrina comments. The contents of his music and his social media personality make it too easy to dismiss stuff like this, which is a shame.

He doesn't really say much specifically other than some companies lying to you which is not a revelation. I think he has always been unstable and it might reached its zenith during that show. He supposedly broke down back stage and was taken to hospital where was found mentally confused und unstable. He is not a threat to the establishment because he is somewhat of a joke whenever he says something. I'm not talking about his music but insane babling during interviews.

Thank you for summarizing the mainstream version of events. None of us knew what it was!

I'd argue he is a threat to the establishment. Maybe the things he's saying aren't new, but if Kanye keeps repeating them to his fans in this provocative way he could really start a movement. He has millions of loyal followers

This right here, even if the majority of followers just care about wealth, material items, he has the potential to get through to those like them who won't listen to random people.

Someone you idolize and listen to every day possibly?

You might actually listen and care about what they say.

That's what I'd hope anyway.

He needs to be careful, he could get the John Lennon treatment.

Kanye was tossed in the psych ward by Kim and Kris. He is under KM ultra mind control most likely and went in for a tune up. Or they cloned him and that's not the real Kanye at all.

He's didn't get the mkUltra treatment. I know it's the same supposed hospital, but that's his local hospital it's not like they threw him there out of no where

Lol dude you don't know shit.

It's not a just by chance that celebrities go in there looking for "mental treatment" only to come out zombified and never heard from like they were before they went in.

Oh man, I've never liked Kanye or his music but I do believe the existence and the invisible hand of the establishment and its control over the world but what I've learned throughout my life is that I've decided that there is no stopping whatever it is that is coming so I've just decided to be a zombie, i went to college, learned a trade, get paid fairly well for what I do, found a wife, and now I have a house, my health, a savings account, a retirement account and I could not be happier. I don't know man, I believe most stuff that gets posted here but this is the kind of stuff that just kept me up at night when I was 19. I love you guys for spreading the truth but my time among this sub is over and I cannot keep delving into this anymore

Ignorance is bliss


Oh he's lucky he hasn't gotten the Lennon treatment. The message in his music over the course of his career has been going deeper into the rabbit hole. The Life of Pablo tour was the next step. He was involuntarily locked up to stop it and scare him from continuing.

It's as if noone in r/conspiracy has ever seen someone go through a mental break. It's not necessarily some grand scheme. He was probably super stressed out and pissed off and he snapped.

Did you even listen to what he said ? Who mentions hillary clinton and obama like that?

Mentally ill people talk politics all the time

He mostly said that there's a big cooperation conspiracy against the currently best hip hop artist Kid Cudi who started fighting the extortion system, and that his colleagues Jay Z and others (no names) are pretty dangerously involved with the mafia, sending killers after the dissents who trie to break up their monopolies.

He is an immature selfish child. He's tough and stubborn but "the revelation" that big companies are lying??? Duh. He's gonna make the world a better place through his fashion line? Didn't he say that? He went around asking for money from Gates and Zuckerberg because he has "so many ideas" about how to make the world a better place. He's a joke idiot and sounds like he underwent electroshock treatment for his breakdown and he's not recovering well. I doubt we'll hear anything coherent from him ever again.

So his message is wrong? IDK what you are trying to get at? Your personal feelings are one thing, but what about this post? I personally cannot find it in myself to judge a false idol like Kanye but I can enjoy his music and understand his message. I wouldn't get so worked up over a celebrity homey, they only have the power we give them

You're right. I did mix my personal feelings but you have to understand imo, how emotionally immature he is and how that, imo, contributed to his grandiose paranoia that only he really know the truth behind the grand coverup he spoke of without anything of detail.

His immaturity, power, money, and that wife of his....yea, I think he just had a legitimate breakdown based on paranoid delusions. He's in a glass house, everybody is his yes man. That kind of circumstance of life....seems like his breakdown was a result of that life.

I like his music ok though. I don't think me and him would get along just kicking it Though. Seems like a selfish asshole that doesn't understand common logic. I wish him the best though.

I honestly think he is more aware than we give him credit for: It seem we livin' the American Dream But the people highest up got the lowest self-esteem The prettiest people do the ugliest things For the road to riches and diamond rings - He's just a dude that figured out the game he's part of I feel like. Honestly, if I had a chance to expose the system for profit, I'd be all over it. Fuck people who make money off of good people like you and I. Go out and get it for yourself, like Kanye did.

You sound jealous tbh, you're probably one of those "nice guys".

Even if he just pointed out something that you personally feel is "common sense", that doesn't mean everyone is aware.

Almost everything Kanye does is big news so if he says something like this then he is putting it in the eyes of possibly millions of people who wouldn't have known or thought about it otherwise.

It's easy to trivialize and judge someone from your perspective but I don't really see what you gain from wasting your time and energy being negative about people you will never meet.

Find a hobby bro.

They don't do electro shock that much any more. You've been watching too many movies.

Not true. It's done every day in this country. It also can be effective however the side effects can be severe if they exist.

Cocaine is a helluva drug, man!

Fuck kanye

I cannot see this comment.


same also.

I can see it but the video link is down...

Crazy, it's all working and looks fine on my end.

No its not

Well shoot, it could because it's a mobile link.

Im on mobile as well and the video is not available

It's working now on my mobile.

Kanye West- saint Pablo. One of his best songs to date. Give it a listen. He speaks truth

Yeezy with the big house, did it say different.

That's my favorite song on the new album, and top Kanye of all time.

Where I'm From - Jay Z

I dont how this did not redpill the world? Maybe it did?

I miss Kanye. Its like hes passed away but still walking around being photographed just fucking weird.

100% True!

Get Out (2017)

Yea that movie is strange and probably full of propaganda

Such a great movie I would recommend this movie to everyone. Was on the edge of my seat the whole movie, you could tell something was eerily off but you just don't know what. Didn't watch the trailer before going in so I had no idea what to expect. Needless to say my mind was blown.

Before I saw this, I want to say I really liked the movie.

But, edge of your seat? I didn't see the trailer and called the entire movie (minus the reason they were doing it), as soon as they go to her parents house. Maybe it's cause i was baked [8]. But I figured the whole thing out prettt quickly it seemed. Didn't change anything for me, but think it might have been better if it weren't as obvious in the beginning.

Movie was still solid though.

Your right edge of my seat might be the wrong choice of words. I figured something was up with the African-Americans being slaves and all but the twist at the end was on a new level.

I know people who were literally standing right below Kanye and saw/recorded the whole rant live clear as day and still dont fucking get what he was saying. It's sad. It's the reason I've given up hope on the world ever getting a wake-up call (matrix-style red pill not Reddit -style red pill, if that makes sense). People can literally have this shit shoved in their faces (by the people peddling the garbage of all people) and still not get it.

Matrix > Reddit when it comes to Red Pills

Somthing to consider. The programing is thick, deep, subconcious and taped intro individuals feeling of well being safety. Socialy physicaly and spiritually. They cling to thier personal truths and anytjing that is not in line with thar is direct threat.

I can renember a point were i didnt want to "wake up". Its scared me deeply i began questioning EVERYTHING. and even still day to day im tempted to shut mouth put my head down and stay in line.

But when it comes to helping others see the truth what ever that may be. It helps to appproch people with compasion creativity understanding (that they may not be ready) and love.

Becuase ultimatly we need the masses woke. We all need to take a personal responsibility for the mess we are in.

Do you have a link

It was recorded on a personal phone

I mean is there a YouTube of that speech

Here's a mobile link:

If it doesn't work google "Kanye west rant Sacramento"

rolls eyes heavy Payola is what he's talking about and it's nothing new. For years, artists, record labels, producers...they've paid radio stations to keep the same songs in rotation. What's funny to me are the people in this sub lamenting him as some kind of prophet or hardcore truth speaker for telling us what we already knew. Then sits there and says 'fuck looking cool, fuck being cool' and has yet to take a look at the own publicity stunts he's pulled for attention. Leather Sweat Suit anyone? Yeah, he's keeping it real alright, REAL DUMB!

Leather jogging pants, actually.

Kanye is a good litmus test to find out who's full of shit. It's clear what happened to him. Remember when Dave Chappelle gave up 50 million to flee to Africa?

I would have done the same thing. Every show of his became people screaming one liners from his show. He made enough to live comfortably for awhile. He wanted to be more than the guy with a show. I get it. It's a big sacrifice and everyone gave him shit for it, but I understand.

Really though, he didn't want to give up creative control. His show is so fondly remembered because we saw it exactly as he intended. The network wanted to cut the black white supremacist sketch down to 5 minutes (take note of how long Key and Peele sketches are), which would have ruined it. Once someone gives you $50 million, they own you, and he didn't want to deal with that.

Then he comes back out of nowhere and signs a $60 million deal with Netflix. Fuckin A, man, that's awesome. I love Dave Chappelle, the guy is on his way towards being an American treasure.

He already is an American treasure as far as most millenials are concerned

Not really.

I think he is.

I also think the dude is a one-of-a-kind type, that will burn bright until he can't anymore.

He's completely watered down now.. not burning brightest but a controlled burn

Then to now is too big of difference.

Who's making rape jokes and yelling racial slurs in a comical fashion in 2016/2017?

Oh oh, I know this one.. it's not Amy Schumer!

Aka Schumer the joke thief!

you're a little bitch.

If Netflix gives him $60 million, surely they own him then?

Not really. They released two of his old stand ups that weren't released and he only has to do one new one. Pretty good deal for Dave.

Nah man that's not how it works/s

Netflix is giving him full creative freedom

But once someone gives you 50 mill they own. So he's bought for.

It was a lot deeper than that. Watch this interview, it is one of my favorite interviews of all time.

Thanks! I figure there were a lot of reasons. Those are just ones I personally noticed.

The audio from 3:09 to 4:00 it cut out ...

That's not what he himself said on Inside The Actors Studio. He basically said the bosses were asking too much of him. But he was vague about it. It didn't seem like they wanted too many episodes or anything work related. It was cryptic and strange.

He was vague, just like you should expect someone with a brain to be when they're talking about the Hollywood arm of the Illuminati control scheme.

I'm watching his specials on Netflix right now... Maybe it's confirmation bias (not really) but he uses the same vague language that screams Illuminati to those who are listening.

Interested, can you explain this a bit more?

If you're interested I'd recommend first watching his interview from The Actors Studio (it's on YT, about an hr long, very entertaining) where he explains why he fled Hollywood, then watch his specials on Netflix.

If you have any background on Illuminati in Hollywood, he drops several stories that slap you in the face.

I haven't finished watching everything yet so I don't want to delve deeper into it, but I think a thorough analysis of Dave Chappelle & Kanye would be fascinating. For someone else to do, of course.

Well.. can you cite something he said?

I gave my sources. If you want quotes, you'll have to watch them yourself. It's several hours of video.


It's several hours of video and you're failing to provide a few seconds of evidence to support a claim. We're honestly interested in what you're saying but your lack of wanting to even talk about a section of those hours of footage makes it seem like you're just writing words rather than really expressing an idea. I think you're on to something but my interpretation of those hours of footage could be a lot different from yours, and it would be cool for you to give an example of what you're talking about so we (the people interested) can look for more examples when watching the footage.

I don't remember the quotes and I don't care to spend hours on my cellphone to pick up a couple quotes. I never said I would do this. I am under no obligation to do so. This post chain was never a debate, it was a guy saying this sounded interesting, and all I offered was more material for him to consume if he were interested. If you're interested, go watch the God damn video yourself! Leave me alone.

Yeah I'm gonna just going to drop it here as you still can't back up what the fuck you've said.

I see. I gave you what you want (a direct quote) and you about-face and pretend like you won some kind of battle. You're a funny guy.

My apologies on that one. I'm on mobile and the link you sent didn't send me to the exact post you were talking about. I checked your comment history in this thread and confirmed what you're talking about is what I had in mind as well.

My bad on the link. I don't know how to fix it.

Maybe one day I'll make a post about Dave. It would be an analysis that requires more time than I have to give, and would be more appropriate for its own thread instead of being buried in a comment section. Hopefully someone else will do this though, I just don't have the time.

Christ, just watch it and see if you agree. People's jobs aren't to spoon feed you knowledge, you gotta do it yourself.

At any point did I ask to be spoon fed knowledge? I asked for an example of a claim made and if you're going to make a claim you should be able to provide at least ONE example of what you're talking about.

Yes, you asked him to go through an hour of video to pick out quotes for you.

Just. Watch. The. Video. If you had taken the time you took to bitch about him handpicking quotes out of a hour long video and just watched it, you'd probably be almost done and know exactly what he's talking about.

So no?

Look at the state of SNL and Alec Baldwin's all orders and soldiers.

Aside from this, he was also concerned that people werent "getting" the satire in his show thus the show accidentally ended up perpetuating Black stereotypes instead of poking fun at them and eventually even busting them.

When he came back didn't he say "shut up. I know what I did"?

You guys need to dig deeper on Chapelle's situation. He didn't just give up 50 million and then take a vacation, he up and left the country and the production WITHOUT TELLING HIS WIFE AND KIDS.

Now either Chapelle has a bit of mental illness like all the greats, or he snapped because people were really out to get him, but you don't just leave your wife and kids without even a phone call until you've already landed in another country across the world unless you are losing your mind.

What is interesting, is Chapelle has altered his comedy, I've seen him a few times, and I just saw his two new (old) specials. He's not referencing the powers that be anymore, he's not pulling back the curtain, he's just doing the funny stuff while ignoring the kind of George Carlin deep thinking and truth he was mixing in a lot of before.

He played nice and miraculously he signs a 60 million dollar deal to replace the 50 million he lost. It's also interesting that Dave has basically referenced that he had 10 million already multiple times, and why did another 50 matter to compromise his beliefs? His lifestyle wouldn't have been that much better and the guy with 10 million and the guy with a 100 million still eat the same steak at the nice restaurant.

Anyway, funny coincidence that 50 mill he lost plus the 10 million he referenced as being enough saved that he was able to walk away, and now he gets 60 million after a number of years towing the line.

All of it can mean nothing, it's very possible Dave is just a little crazy, he was often known as a really paranoid guy long before fame. Jim Breuer has told old funny stories about him.

There's a video of Dave doing stand up earlier in his return to larger venues a couple years back where he "jokingly" references the "illuminati christmas party"

It's most likely that Dave is much like Patrice or vice versa, two great comics that had too much integrity to sell out so their careers were shot in the foot. Dave made it far by accident, no one thought that little show on comedy central would become a worldwide phenomenon, and when it did, the cabal came looking for their money and their new pied piper to exploit.

What are you talking about?

He has a line in his new special about the soft coup in the US. Im paraphrasing: "then the cia started experimenting with LSD, anf discovered the drug was mind-expanding. This led to an entire generation of free thinkers and progressive leaders. But then they were all assassinated. Jfk, mlk, malcom x, ayers. Free thought in America was no more."

I'm going through the 2nd episode right now.

"They said 'Ebola is the new AIDS.' Isnt that something? Here I am, thinking old AIDS was working just fine... and they already have a new AIDS out! Isn't it amazing how they do that? Isn't it weird how there's a disease that just starts in 1980 that doesn't kill anyone but niggas, fags, and junkies? Isn't that a fucking amazing coincidence? That this disease hates everybody that old white people hate?"

Old routine, been said a million times, what's he talking about that's fucked up TODAY anymore?

These old tired lines won't get you into trouble, in fact it's quite hacky and unlike Dave to use material that 100 other decent comedians used.

a bit of mental illness like all the greats

Alert: this commenter wants you to categorically believe that art and "mental illness" are synonymous.

This guy critically thinks.

It's pretty noticeable. The best minds pry the darkest corners of our reality, reflecting on it. Every comedian will tell you about their struggles, but they'll also tell you how depression or other mental illnesses tend to fuel their comedy due to the outlook.

Mental illness is normal really. We've just marketed the hell out of it and convinced everyone it isn't, that their broken, and try to teach learned helplessness about it so they can be prescribed mind numbing substances.

That itself is a conspiracy of the highest order.

  • toe'd

Maybe he ran the fuck away because he knew he was gonna get Kanye'd?

*toeing the line

He was already rich af. Money isn't everything. I would try to get away from it all and figure it out too, if I had everything else covered for life financially.

Remember when Dave Chappelle gave up 50 million to flee to Africa?

That isn't proof of anything.

It's also not a cheese burger, but it was never trying to be in the first place.

110 million.

So what's your conclusion? All I see is you misusing Kanye's mental health to make an oblique statement.

I miss the ol' Kanye...

straight from the go kanye

chop up the soul kanye


Didn't they say this was an insurance scam?

Who? BuzzFeed?

I will open with he was telling the truth. That being said, he has been having a real mental breakdown for years. Mental illness runs in my family, I know what it looks like. It's a shame he didn't do this when he had better standing as not being insane.

Ever since he sacrificed his mother, he's been real down.

People around here need to realize something.

You know what you mean, even if it's hard to explain. You can't read so far into their being off-put by your being incoherent. Because you are raving. People know not trust people who sound so sure of things -- you have to talk about it in a way that shows you understand why it appears otherwise. You can't just go out there and blurt out random shit like "Google and Facebook lie to you". It sounds like a paranoid delusion to anyone uninformed on the mechanisms of their content control.

You have to consider the context. If Kanye had found an appropriate forum, one to discuss political issues, and came out and presented rational, coherent, specific points, backed up by evidence, he wouldn't have ended up in the mental hospital. If you don't even know how to get to your show on time and play music for the people who paid to hear it, you can't pretend to be an enlightened genius who's doing some great service to mankind. You're really not.

My point is, context is as important as content. You can be completely right about everything you're saying, and still say it as an unhinged lunatic who needs mental help.

Kanye's fans turned up to see Kanye. He's not a fucking organ grinder you collossal shill.

See what I mean everybody? Would it even matter if this guy was a lawyer specializing in contract law who also holds a dual doctorate in music performance and commercial ethics? No. Because he just sounds like a cunt.

Buddy, do you even get that I'm trying offer some friendly advice, which you in particular could use, on how to be more effective and likeable? What if I'm not part of some dark money funded disinformation campaign? What if I'm just a reasonable dude?

I think you're talking to a bot bro!

p.s. I agree with you

You say some bold statements that I'm not agreeing with, but I do agree with the most part of your comment.

People go to a Kanye concert to see Kanye. But 'seeing' Kanye is not just seeing him, it's an experience and that experience changes every time he does a show, whether that's screaming out loud and throwing his microphone at the floor and rushing off like at the Hammersmith Apollo, performing regular tracks, him ranting for 20 mins about being the next Steve Jobs or that Jay-Z has gunners that he's asking not to kill him.

Not being able to get to your show on time and play music doesn't rule out him being an 'enlightened genius'. There's so many damn factors of why that statement is wrong. Traffic and time management is a few of them and I won't go into detail about it. Artists are late for concerts all the fucking time. I waited for Earl Sweatshirt to come on stage at a concert for 2 hours because he was high out of his mind.

I don't agree with his self titled genius but he's fucking smart in a lot of ways, and I don't think arriving late at concerts cancels that out.

Mental illness runs in my family, I know what it looks like.

Absolute bullshit.

Was just talking about him the other day.. forget what I've felt about him before in the past (regarding dumb shit like the beyonce/swift controversy). A fucking hero in my book for in a sense, martydoming that shit and himself to a crowd of thousands n'thousands. Respect

I feel the same. Never liked him much before, but after hearing that speech (and knowing what happened afterwards to him), I feel differently.

if you actually listened to the themes in his music, especially his older stuff you'd soon realize he knows what's up.

Ain't it funny how a man can say, "if I say this they'll bring out the butterfly nets!"? Then they do and no one notices.

Scary shit.

A few of us noticed.

deegee, ik you did. :)

We noticed

Nice username :)

And thank you for paying attention.

Thanks bro!

I tend to catch a lot of things that seem to pass by others.

Right on, sis :)

I noticed here in NZ. But we don't get your media as much here.

Or maybe he was legit going crazy?

Also kudos to Kanye for making references to classic cartoons

UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center is where Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Paris Jackson and many others were interned for "treatment." It's also been used for mind control operations for years. Dr. Louis Jolyon West used to be on the staff.


It's Project Monarch now, or mabey something different now.

Dr. Louis Jolyon West also did Jack Ruby's psychiatric evaluation.

Damn. Didn't know that, thanks.

Well, they all live in LA...

You know there's over 120 hospitals in LA right?

You wanna narrow that down to hospitals specifically treating mental breakdowns and whatnot? It's like saying "there's a tonne of doctors around!" When the context is about specifically a chiropractor.

Yeah you can narrow it down. There's still a lot of hospitals that have psychiatric departments. The comment I was replying to was the one being wide in the first place saying they all live in LA.

It doesn't really matter whether or not the decision can be reasonably justified. I'm sure it can.

What is significant to me is the largely-unaddressed issue of military and intelligence collaboration with the most prestigious medical facilities and literally thousands of doctors on projects that violate human dignity and freedom.

Dr. Colin Wilson referred to this network as "the mind control fraternity" in his brilliant text The C.I.A. Doctors, which outlines the people and facilities involved with meticulous documentation.

Memory loss?

Kayne West makes a rather pedestrian "fuck the system" rant then goes crazy - and this is relevant how? Kayne West - he's a rapper and celebrity right? Who gives a shit?

Read the lyrics for New Slaves.

Anyways, propaganda always used art to promote agenda.

Because people on this sub will grasp for anything to confirm their view of the world. Kanye is a gay fish, pure and simple.


ELi5 MkUltra

Not good

Ultra mind bendingly Bad

Try /r/explainlikeimfive. But short it's CIA fucking up people with drugs, eletrucuting people and many other ways up fucking with peoples brains just to see what would happen.

I'll probably be put on some sort of list if I post in that thing.. I probably already am lol

Project Monarch now, maybe another thing or something else now, or something else.

I always wet my knickers when Kanye smiles.

What the duck has happened to this place?

I think they fucked him up bad. They took the very thing that makes Kanye himself, his soul. It looks and feels as if he was chemically lobotomized. I don't think he'll ever be the same again honestly.

Kanye has been slowly having a breakdown after the death of his mother (who he was always incredibly close to).

His mother died after a cosmetic surgery that he bought for her. He essentially caused her death and he was steadily having a breakdown.

Let's not read too much into this. Even prior to the breakdown kanye obviously had problems (see: rushing taylor swift's stage, bizarro "george bush down't care about black people" rant

I agree. His whole, "I am a god" thing made people think he's actually special when in fact he just acting weird. I always looked at it as trying to stay relevant. Same with kim releasing nudes and such. People forget them, and they can't live without attention Still like his music though.

I'm a huge Kanye fan, but he's been slowly losing his mind since his mom died. You need to remember that less than a month prior to being put in a mental hospital, Kim was robbed in Paris. He blames himself for that incident along with the death of his mom. Nothing he said was groundbreaking nor did he redpill anyone.

What happened to his mom?

She wanted breast reduction surgery, Kanye said he would pay for it. The doctor advised Donda not to do it, because it would be a dangerous surgery, and Kanye really didnt want her to do it. She insisted, so Kanye gave it the ok and she died. No one can obviously read his mind, but his music has always hinted/pointed towards how feels responsibility for her death

Wow, so interesting that we used to hear every little detail of his life. Specifically what you're talking about, if it's true. Coverage on his moms breast reduction surgery predicament and now no media outlet covers anything about him... crickets...

He has a TBI from a car accident that almost killed him 2002. IMO he didn't take care of it properly and is now suffering from advanced long term brain damage. His behavior fits with TBI sufferers.

MK Ultra.

Wouldn't be suprised if this was a high level publicity stunt, rappers first acted like gangsters, just like kids act they're MJ, it's all a big show, then rich rappers like Jay-Z get bored and take it to another level by acting like they're part of some secret society or masonic and iluminati or whatever, maybe they are given their level in society, wealth and exposure, but chances are they are just playing a fantasy role, like Tom Cruise acting like he's some secret agent, dude's played that role so much, he probably believes it... While I'm at it, not sure what Alex jones is or isn't but chances are his recent appology is a publicity stunt, him appologizing wouldn't quiet his followers, it would do the opposite and would confirm their belief that something IS going on in DC... Just my opinion as an outsider...

It's called a nervous breakdown. He was on the verge of one for a long time and then he had one.

I know this is r/conspiracy, but seriously, he's always been imbalanced.

He forgot

A puppet show. For starters they've been doing a limited exposure on their own system for a while now, using 'their own' sellouts and shills, in an effort to forestall an unlimited exposure that would invariably follow if they didn't.

And they've been using Kanye in particular to send out covert 'signal events' using their standard covert system of symbolic doubletalk. It's phenomenally useful to them to have someone choosing to represent their "West" symbol for them - the direction associated with the diminishment of the "Light". They've used it plenty of times before; perhaps most significantly in the "Go West, Young Man" scenario of "The Gold Rush": Plenty of "Chariots" (in the form of covered wagons, destination: the diminishment of the "Light", motivation: profit. And isn't that the early co-ordination symbolism for exactly what came to pass later on.

So you get two different things being organized here with Kanye: overtly, an implementation of their overt political 'fake rebellion' using their own people, and a covert signal organizing them to 'diminish the "Light"' of the legit dissenting public by lowering their standards via the various prominently placed sellouts and shills.

Yeah, maybe he had a nervous breakdown

This was probably his publicist talking him down from career suicide and doing damage control.

If well-connected people really need you not to talk, there are things they can do that leave pretty much no evidence.

One of them is hospitalization with electro shock therapy. It was 15 years ago about, and on a super super small scale crime-wise. But I spoke to family and friends about trafficking and violent ritual abuse and was punished with ECT throughout ages 7-10 years old.

It can wipe out memory, simply scare a person, or just confuse the hell out of them.

I think someone wanted him to STFU. I lived in a little shitty town in the Midwest and people did this to me. Someone definitely could have and probably did to it to Kanye. He has a lot of fans who probably aren't that "woke"

Too big an audience and too outspoken a dude.

Personal details, please.

Trafficked/ritually abused throughout elementary school by a cult. Any time I remembered what happened and talked about it, I would be taken to a "hospital" (maybe it really was one, I don't know.) and given ECT so that I could be "better" and forget what happened.

I didn't forget every time, obviously, but it did scare the shit out of me. I learned how to stfu after a while.

Even before this election jay z, Beyoncé, Katy perry and lady Gaga were classed as the most out there satanic acts. Google it yourself. So with all the spirit cooking drama coming out prior to election who does hrc choose to perform at her rallies. Jay z, Beyoncé, Katy perry and lady Gaga. Wtf. Who does her pr? Oh I forgot john podesta. Doesn't sound like a good move to me. Nothin like a bit of demonic energy to get the people worked up.

Wow now there are hardcore christians here? Seriously? Westboro wants you back you've got gays to kill

Because hate mongering is so fucking constructive.

Thanks for your lack of input.

Why do you think he's a hardcore christian just because he comments on a theory about big music stars being included in satanic rituals? And stop the fear mongering and pointing fingers jesus

Westboro are anti-Christians

Anti-satan does not automatically denote Christian. Old Testament motha pluckaaaa

Exactly. I'm amased how so many on this subreddit keep thinking there's only two options and if you are against one of them, then you're for the second one. Like anti-hillary doesn't equal pro-trump etc. etc.

They probably gave him Midazolam which makes a person not form new memories while under its influence even though the person is conscious and obedient. So what did they do to him while he was under its influence?

he got replaced xd

Seriously? You people will latch on to anything. Kanye has the IQ of a chicken and probably thinks the earth is as well flat.

New Slaves. Read it.

How's middle school?

I'm starting to respect Kanye a lot more than I use to. I always liked his music, but I wrote him off as kind of a narcissist. Now I realize he really is an outspoken individual that is trying to help people. I read an analysis of one of his songs called New Slaves, and it definitely gave me the impression that he's in the know about what's happening in America. Link to analysis -

No offense to you, but that was hardly a "critical analysis" of the lyrical content of "New Slaves". It was a rather shallow review and summation of one persons opinion of a songs lyrics. The lyrics themselves are pretty straightforward and literal. No interpretation necessary.

I'm not a fan of West. I don't particularly dislike him. What I dislike in general is the notion that successful people are elevated and showered with praise because of said success. It doesn't take a genius, as Kanye has been labeled multiple times in various arenas, to sell a million records to 12-18 year old dudes. I know his target is much broader but I'm sure the demo I mentioned bought a million Kanye records. Impressing the highly impressionable is not the acid test for genius.

What bothers me about Kanye is that he thinks he's smart. He is probably above average for his peer group and industry compatriots, but not set against the total population. That is the definition of narcissism. Of uncontrolled vanity that is constantly reinforced by the company he keeps and the media.

The subject matter in question, that of "New Slaves", is nothing new. It is old hat. The idea that we live in a society that practices capitalism and therefore we are slaves to the almighty dollar is as old as the country we live in. Race is no longer the divisive force it once was. We are a people that measures our worth by our wealth. We are classists. We are comfortable with people who reside in our own neighborhoods, work in the same offices, and go to the same schools as our children. Wealth can also be attributed education/intellect. Once again, we are comfortable with our peers. We speak the same language, use a similar vocabulary, and enjoy the same media. We shop at the same stores, wear the same clothes, and eat the same foods. We share each others aspirations and largely, the same values. A middle class white has far more in common with a middle class black than a poor white. The poor and middle class come from two vastly different worlds.

The notion that race is still a factor in determining our worth in society is antiquated. Our worth is irrevocably tied to our income. Does Kanye think that a rich white person is treated any differently than our black brethren? The only color that matters in America is GREEN and how much you have.

I respect your reply but I have to disagree. There are more prisoners in America today than there were slaves in the 1800s. In the song New Slaves Kanye mentions the DEA teaming up with the CCA. Kanye also goes on to mention that slavery never truly disappeared it actually got worse. Basically these private prison's go after these poor African communities who's only way to make a respectable income is to sell drugs. Then these large corporations like AT&T, Victoria Secret, Boeing, etc. are using free prison labor to line there pockets. So it's basically slavery in a new form hence New Slaves. Here's a link that better explains the evilness of the private prison system -

Edit: I forgot to mention that African Americans were specifically targeted in the Nixon campaign against the war on drugs. Even members of his campaign have come out to say this. Also race is still very prevalent in deciding your treatment in America. The social aspects of racism have definitely changed, but these small plantation slave owners back then have transformed into large scale prison corporations that run business off of mainly black people who have no rights (read 13th amendment). Whites, Mexicans, and Blacks commit crime at roughly the same rate but the majority of prisoners are black.

That private prisons "go after" any ethnicity more than another is flawed logic. The prisons go after no one. The criminal justice system arrests and prosecutes.

The notion that the only respectable way to make a living is to sell drugs is another specious assertion. They could get an education, a job, avoid committing crimes, and prosper. But that's just me. People are responsible for their own choices. It seems the people in question made the choice to enslave themselves, if that's the vernacular we are using. They choose to engage in criminal activity and poison their own communities while they are at it.

It's classic blame shifting. Uninspired and lacking in insight. It is good that Kanye has developed a social conscience, but he also needs an education. The opinions he is expressing are not new and they are not really logically sound. He is also a hypocrite. He sells $200 T-Shirts while promoting a lifestyle that is destroying his community.

I respect your opinion as well, I just find these ideas extremely reductive sophomoric.

He most likely had a mental happens sometimes.

The Music Industry is controlled by a very specific group of (((people))). The popularity of Pop Music artists is used to manipulate the easily-manipulate-able (young) masses. Kanye went off the reservation for a couple days, and - surprise! - he was quickly placed in a "hospital" for "exhaustion."

This is a guy with a history of being an unhinged jackass in public, with no real repercussions - but the moment he said something pro-Trump, he gets sent to the mental ward.

If you don't see it now, I don't think you'll ever see it.

Lied to us about what?

Thank you for being the only one here asking the right shit

This happened right after the election, could of been referring to media bias there or false polling.

I bet any money that the memory loss is due to ECT

Kanye is dead, hes been replaced with a clone. I wasn't even a fan and I can see it. And no, I'm not trying to troll.

What gave it away for you?

The paparrazzi photo of him leaving the hospital (not sure if it was him leaving the hospital, I think it was tho) his face shape is completely different, like a mishapen square or something. The photos of him with Trump also look like a brother of Kanye or something to me.

He wears contacts a lot.

Guess his clone does.

Can someone give me a bit of a backstory? I don't know anything about Kanye

Um, you're kinda skipping the whole beyonce rant that suggested he was actually kinda cracking up....

Beyoncé rant was coherent. He talked about how she said she'd only preform at the VMAs if she won an award for video of the year. Which would normally be a huge story, Kanye saying something like that. But the media didn't touch it for some reason. Then he talked about how people put popularity up to high and forget about the music.

Memory loss... sounds like electro convulsive "therapy"

This fool begged Zuckerberg for a billion dollars in an epic twitter meltdown/rant, but yeah, he's completely sane.

Just like when Britney shaved her head. It wasn't a meltdown, she just knows how the world is really run.

Kanye was undergoing a spiritual awakening and breaking away from the system of control in front of our very eyes, with the amount of followers and fans he had, it couldn't be allowed to go on for much longer.

It's not difficult to notice a stark difference in the man before he was taken away to UCLA in handcuffs. Actual handcuffs guys? Come on. Just look at the footage of Kanye meeting the newly announced President of the United States, you really think the only words he manages to utter out are 'I just want to take a picture right now?' His whole demeanor and manner is completely off and it's plain to see.

Yes!! I completely agree with you! I listen to his lyrics in a whole different way now.

Not true. It's done every day in this country. It also can be effective however the side effects can be severe if they exist.

"George Bush does not care about black people"

you should watch his interviews

Ever since he sacrificed his mother, he's been real down.


People around here need to realize something.

You know what you mean, even if it's hard to explain. You can't read so far into their being off-put by your being incoherent. Because you are raving. People know not trust people who sound so sure of things -- you have to talk about it in a way that shows you understand why it appears otherwise. You can't just go out there and blurt out random shit like "Google and Facebook lie to you". It sounds like a paranoid delusion to anyone uninformed on the mechanisms of their content control.

You have to consider the context. If Kanye had found an appropriate forum, one to discuss political issues, and came out and presented rational, coherent, specific points, backed up by evidence, he wouldn't have ended up in the mental hospital. If you don't even know how to get to your show on time and play music for the people who paid to hear it, you can't pretend to be an enlightened genius who's doing some great service to mankind. You're really not.

My point is, context is as important as content. You can be completely right about everything you're saying, and still say it as an unhinged lunatic who needs mental help.

Mental illness runs in my family, I know what it looks like.

Absolute bullshit.

What happened to his mom?

Dr. Louis Jolyon West also did Jack Ruby's psychiatric evaluation.

Now that he's against Trump the left is totally down with the rebranding.

Wow now there are hardcore christians here? Seriously? Westboro wants you back you've got gays to kill

Anti-satan does not automatically denote Christian. Old Testament motha pluckaaaa

Well, they all live in LA...

Oh oh, I know this one.. it's not Amy Schumer!

Read the lyrics for New Slaves.

Anyways, propaganda always used art to promote agenda.

Because people on this sub will grasp for anything to confirm their view of the world. Kanye is a gay fish, pure and simple.

Thank you for being the only one here asking the right shit

Ive never liked anything Kanye. I now have great respect for the man. And will attempt to listen to his music with an open mind.

  • Quit trying to rebrand bush.

Lol so true, I keep expecting him to announce his run for another term the way people are trying to change his image.

Lol "struck a chord"

Kanye is a very complicated figure. It's very obvious that he has battled issues with his mental health on and off, he's usually the first to admit that. It's right there in a lot of his music. His self awareness is a big part of his appeal (along with being a fantastic producer), vulnerability coupled with bravado.

That said, the media and society at large like to equate these issues with total madness, as opposed to the types of struggles that many of us also face. Any time Kanye says anything, it can be easily written off as "Oh he's just crazy", even if it's something that carries a lot of truth like the George Bush/Katrina comments. The contents of his music and his social media personality make it too easy to dismiss stuff like this, which is a shame.

Once again, we live in a classist society. Poverty has been criminalized to a large degree. Regardless of your race, in America, the poor have fewer rights and options than those that are not.

If the corner boys want to go to college for eight years and earn a degree then sell pharmaceutical drugs at therapeutic doses to people who meet the diagnostic criteria for an illness or disorder as defined by medical science, then sure, they can sell drugs. You're comparing selling crack and heroin to Prozac or antibiotics. Do you not see the lunacy in that way of thinking?

There are lots of reasons why 1/8th of the world goes to bed hungry every night. Some of them aren't man made such as famine or drought. Others are caused by totalitarian regimes and despotic war lords who control the distribution of food stuffs as a means of exerting power. None of this I germane to the conversation we are having.

Kanye says black people in this country are still slaves but now it is economic slavery and is perpetrated by the for profit prison system. That the whole of the criminal justice system conspires to lock up innocent black people as a means of free labor for large corporations. This is farce.

If I were in prison, I would rather have a job than stay in my cell all day everyday. This an opportunity to learn new skills that could translate into more employment options when I was released. There may be some modest compensation as well.

You can choose to disagree with my assessment If you like but the inescapable truth is that if everyone quit having kids they couldn't afford, stuck around to raise them, earned a degree or certification in a trade, and got a job they wouldn't have any problems. They would not end up in prison. The only slavery is the hell of our own mistakes.

Alex Jones is a shill, I don't get any information from him. Don't just assume that "conspiracy" nutbags like myself all suck his dick.