Google was started by, funded by, and is controlled by the US government!

25  2017-03-25 by [deleted]



Google doesn't own D-Wave. Both Google and Nasa have invested in D-Wave, but it was not connected to Google in the early days. D-Wave is a Canadian Company- I should know, eh!

You do understand that if you are an investor, it means you own part of it, right? That has to be the most bullshit argument against this ever! They put shit loads of money into it and are now using it, seem like they own it to me, and even if they don't technically own it, you are still missing the point. Stop arguing semantics and look at the whole picture.

Very little of what you're saying is true. Google isn't giving your data over to the "evil guvment!!1!1!1!1", they use your data for advertising.

And quantum tech isn't nearly as advanced as it would need to be for any use to come out over it yet

The NSA, as proven by the Snowden leaks, could monitor and analyze every civilian text, email, and phone call real time. That's pretty advanced. Yes they make their money through advertising but they also give our info to the government. And as of yesterday even our ISPs cam sell all of our data. The Vault 7 data clearly shows that the CIA has the ability to hack any Mac, PC, or phone in the world, even before encryption takes place. They can and are getting our data from the bug companies like Google, willingly or otherwise. You are blind if you do not see this, especially with all of the ties they have to the gov. And what have I said that is untrue? I have fairly reputable sources like Forbes backing me up that the CIA is directly funding Google through a government owned investment firm.

You explained my point in your message. Yeah, they own part of it. But it's not "Google's D-Wave". The Semantics are important here... because by your logic it could just as easily be Nasa's D-Wave

Yes it could be, but as far as I am concerned both Google and NASA are part of or heavily influenced by the US government. It is the Government's D-wave drive for all I care because any company tied to it is directly linked to the Gov.

And the drive isn't the issue, it is the fact that Google is funded by and heavily influenced by our government that is the problem.