Does anyone else look at the topics/subreddits on /r/ALL and wonder how they're getting upvoted so highly?

59  2017-03-25 by [deleted]



Fake upvotes for sure!! Many of reddit's users will not tell you the truth. It's dispicable!!!

troll and bot armies are real, for sure... it's also possible/probable that lots of users come to reddit for stuff that we think is dumb or shallow.

I wondered if I was just out of touch with the things people find interesting

In my mind, scientists, philosophers, and artists, are all pretty out of touch with these types of things... maybe the same is true of more thinking types... the question being, where do you put your (free) time? From what I have experienced, conspiracy folks tend to be much less about satisfying a need for entertainment than a thirst for information (or at least the opportunity to theorize about it). I think that it is the cost of being "woke" or questing for freedom. still, just my opinion...

I mean, people are allowed to have other interests than conspiracy theories. I assume people posting here also post about music or video games or cats or whatever.

Maybe reddits way of trying to look busy

or a way of forcing material away from the front page

It's the only way our handlers can get Reddits front page to Mirror CNN, and NBC

Wait, are you being sarcastic? I don't understand how users could be held responsible for "fake upvotes" (whatever "fake" means in terms of upvotes).

The users are real the upvotes are fake.

Why are Reddit's users responsible for the fake upvotes?

The Shilling is real. We're veterans of that fact around here.

I just look for the stories/topics that should be there but are absent. Makes it simpler to see the agenda.

i agree with you, wrt that cross dressing "reality" show

S l iiiiiiiiiii de.

Reddit was changed a few weeks ago so that a different set of subs show up on the front page. A few humour based subs such as the pics of mini Trump one. This means that more 'satire' and postings mocking Trump appear (and indeed outright anti-Trump subs) and thus gives the impression to anybody looking that there is an enormous consensus on Trump bashing. Trump bashing really being more of a means of distracting from all that happened around those leaks all that time ago. You weren't going to get much of that in the boring old science based subs etc so the space is now filled with cringy anti Trump stuff instead. I was going to mention writing prompts as an example of a sub where there wouldn't be much capacity for Trump bashing then whilst scrolling down the page spotted a posting saying that this is now 'compromised' in it's own way funnily enough.

I'm always amazed how /u/maxwellhill and /u/mvea seem to hit the front page of /r/all every single day for months and months.