I must be out of touch. This 'Trump, Alex Jones, Breitbart are all Russian operatives' narrative is in full swing.

76  2017-03-26 by [deleted]



I notice bankers aren't mentioned anywhere...

The bankers aren't Russian, that's the problem...

Alfa Bank and Deutsche Bank aren't enough for you?

Who exactly, from those banks is being threatened with jail?

None. Does that matter?

Deutsche Bank is being threatened with multi billion dollar federal fines. And has already been convicted on the state-level for Russian Money laundering. Alfa Bank's time will come.

Fines.. like always. Meanwhile everyone is screaming for the corrupt politicians who serve the bankers to be imprisoned. And they should be. But the corrupt bankers should be also. Otherwise, they'll just buy more corrupt politicians.

Yeh they should. But the Banks control the lawmakers who make the laws. Corruption is legal in America now. It's sad, but that's what happens when corporations are allowed to take over the country.

How do we fight this corruption? https://represent.us/

This website has a great idea. How to take back the government from corrupt corporations and make it work for the people again. Watch the problem video and the solution video.

Thanks. I will.

r/worldnews is a subreddit in which you can get permanently banned for acknowledging the fact that a terrorist is Islamic.

r/worldnews is a subreddit in which you can get permanetly banned for shitposting about how "Oh ho ho I wonder who it could be? Muzzies are cancer".

That also happens, but he's right. Users have been banned for stating case facts before. A lot of agenda-based mods in that cesspool.

Sure, you're cute. Except this is what I said:

I don't think that's the case. It's not hard to be angry with Islam, the latest attack happened.. yesterd- nope it happened today. Another one driving their car into people.

And I got permanently banned for it. So if acknowledging the truth is banworthy and you're a fan of that, you can go fuck yourself and swim in political correctness until the Islam fills up your lungs and when it's too late and Mohammed is ramming a car into your torso, think of this comment and reflect on all the dumb shit you've said over the years for the sake of "islamophobia" or whatever your type thinks of the truth.

Removed. Rule 4.

My bad. Shills get real old real fast

With the bipolar reporting in the news, I think we are seeing the effects of Obama repealing the Smith-Mundt act and made domestic propaganda legal a few years ago.

The heavy political shilling in /r/conspiracy coincided with the passage of the "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act".

Bots circle-jerking bots. Don't let it bother you.

The idea is if a phrase is repeated enough, no matter if true or not, it gains merit. No better way to do that than with bots. Trump did it to an extent, always calling Hillary crooked, but the media is doing it too obviously/sloppily.

Trump did it to the extreme and did it very well, low energy jeb, lying ted. I'd be shocked if there was an instance where trump said any of these names without the nickname attached!

Don't waste your time reading the drivel in any main sub anymore.

I know that sounds crass, but I'm being sincere. For the most part, Reddit is no longer meant to facilitate discussion, but to dissimenate propaganda - be it government or corporate. Its unfortunate, but it is what it is.

Any comment thread quickly devolves to the level of drooling idiots. read them they're shameful.

yeah the comments are dumb, but I have seen things like us airstrikes killing 200+ overnight on the front page of some of these main subs, specifically /worldnews. So it's not all bullshit.

Slow down there, kimosabe. That's not what I said - at all.

i see what you are saying, but I see no reason to not read any of the main subs, as long as things are taken with a grain of salt. Am I missing something?

So what you are trying to say is don't goto main subs because when they show you information that goes against your narrative it's fake news. But when it supports your narratives, it's true!

And we thought we had progressed beyond the days of Joe McCarthy.

dummed down down down.

dummed down


I'm aware of the spelling but I thought this was appropriate.

We are seeing a new age of McCarthyism that is beyond sickening.

The amount of government shills on Reddit and /pol completely coincides with Obamas signing of the countering disinformation act

The true nutjob conspiracy theorists are now the Left. I cringe everytime I hear Maher mention Russia. Alex hinted many times that Clinton becoming Prez could be better. Its so startling to see how everything has switched now.

What media is "declaring hard, undeniable evidence" that proves they are "literally Russian agents"? I haven't seen anything like that.

So I just took a stroll over to /r/worldnews and didn't see any articles or media claiming that Trump, Alex Jones, and Breitbart are "literally Russia agents" like you claim, OP.

Instead, I see things like how Trump's associates may have been in contact with Russian officials.

And some Russian protestors being hauled off to jail for protesting because Putin's Russia doesn't allow free speech.

Also, I didn't see a single article about Breitbart on /r/worldnews front page.

I'm starting to think OP is a troll

Agreed. It's classic straw-man tactics used by Trump Supporters. They throw up a fake assertion about MSM to make the media look fake to back up their arguments. I can't count how many times I've seen a post say something like "Funny how MSM isn't reporting on THIS" only to have someone reply with like 5 links showing MSM has infact reported on it.

They never reported on the bowling green massacre! As if the federal government or the media would ever miss the chance to scream "you're all going to die, we will keep you safe" as another billion gets shoveled into NSA HQ and DHS.

The fake bowling green massacre...

I thought the second half of my comment made up for the first half.

All I saw was that the FBI was investigating collusion between Russia and Infowars and Brietbart. Which to me isn't very surprising considering Trump calls Alex Jones all the time and Steve Bannon was the head of Brietbart. No one (except stupid commenters) said there was "undeniable evidence is being brought on deck" of collusion. Just that there was an investigation. Don't let the retards infect your mind too*. Don't let the narrative/article titles override the actual articles and statements like they want. They've got you and all the dummies that think there is "undeniable evidence is being brought on deck".

Deep state coup.

Government, media and the elites are trying to control the world. We are caught in the middle of this war.

The idea is if a phrase is repeated enough, no matter if true or not, it gains merit. No better way to do that than with bots. Trump did it to an extent, always calling Hillary crooked, but the media is doing it too obviously/sloppily.

Right leaning votes are not downvoted. Ask anyone if they believe that on here. Your just spreading disinformation.