Not exactly FBI anon, but some pretty interesting comments from a user on the Infowars page in response to AJ's pie controversy.

55  2017-03-27 by PreachyVegan

It certainly resonates as truth for me and explains why nothing is going to come of this, ever. And Comey's involvement:

"Some inside info. I know several FBI agents from church who have told me on the down low that this pedophile thing has been judged to be a "national security" issue by Comey and they are asked to stand down when they discover any Congressmen who are participating in child rape. It disgusts them but they're company men, obey orders. One was thinking of leaking to the press but prayed about it and decided against it. I was praying he'd have the courage to do what's right. I doubt it will ever happen. They have seen the "big picture" and I haven't so I can't judge. Apparently this does have something do with some "entities" that feed us technology. Nuff said...."

"Without giving me any details, I was lead to understand that this goes not only to the top of all world governments, but to the top of humanity. Apparently there are entities that call the shots on this earth that I or nobody here knows anything about. Think Antarctica. Think outside the box. It is my opinion these hybrids need the energy from innocent spirits to survive. This is their world, not ours, so unless Jesus comes back and cleans house, nothing will be done. Lower level arrests will be made, but the top will remain protected, like diplomatic immunity. Sad but true."

"They have, and they do, but they've been asked to "stand down" or it was shelved under the guise of "national security" These aren't drinking men but this issue has driven one to drinking. I do a lot of investigating these types of things and bring it up when they're off the clock. Let's just say this isn't something that makes them happy to ponder or discuss and for the record, they've never told me anything classified, just that this subject matter is national security and that 'everyone' in all intel agencies knows about this yet stands down, and exposing it would lead to your own kids being killed and raped."

From Foreverozone, Infowars


So ask your friend what the bigger picture is. What did he see. It's not like anyone would believe him any way.

Not sure what you're asking about?

See but that's where you're not even being realistic, pedophilia has existed for far longer than modern civilization, for one reason or another, for example like the Spartans taking boys to "turn into men" through training and abuse.

In my eyes it's an illness, unfortunately this opens the slippery slope that allows people to classify homosexuality as an illness as well, and just like homosexuals there are records of sex offenders crying about why they had to be born that way.

Now this isn't an excuse for them, they not only broke a law but they broke a law and harmed someone, and that someone is the most vulnerable of someones, I equally have no respect for those who abuse the elderly as well, which is almost as common but not as often reported.

So what's the solution? Like I said IMO they're born that way just as much as environmental factors made them that way, because that happens as well, so what do we do about them? If we kill them off it's not like more won't be born, just like homosexuals whom don't reproduce yet we have plenty of them. Leaving them be allows them to keep molesting and abusing children so that's absolutely not an option. Treatment hasn't been effective thus far as far as I know, even chemical castration is said not to work as well, and I haven't heard of anything else working at all.

So what is the solution how do we stop the demand if nothing else works and just killing them is too inhumane for our society?

As for little pedo networks, every bit helps, and it's not every now and then it's virtually every week a new network is shut down, law enforcement discovers a new way these creeps are networking and shuts it down.

Also outside of the pizzagate hoax, and yeah it's looking like it is a hoax, I've been saying since the beginning that it was just a confirmation bias circlejerk people tried too hard to connect this to the Clintons and I just don't buy it at all, so what other proof has indicated that there is a massive pedophilia cult in our leadership? I'm sure there are people in politics and government who are and they probably do network together if they are aware of each other but I'd bet most of them are isolated and networked into other networks from outside of their spheres of influence out of fear of getting caught.

I think the best thing we can do right now is to put something like how programmers put a bug bounty out on their software, so if you are a programmer or a hacker and you can find a bug or security flaw they reward you for making them aware of the issue. So the government and law enforcement should set up a bug bounty for these pedo networks, because they can be very sophisticated, and as these people hunt them down and turn them in, and when they are found guilty the hunter gets the reward. However this also leaves things open for witchhunts, planting evidence against enemies, and other slippery slopes along those lines.

yes he does!

There's no literal step 3. It's a series of if/then statements.

For example, 1) IF this post is true, THEN the FBI knows of politicians who engage in pedo activities. 2) IF the FBI knows of politicians who engage in pedo acts THEN the FBI looks the other way in the interest of "National Security." 3) IF the FBI looks the other way in the interest of "National Security," THEN the FBI is enabling enemy states to damage National Security by revealing the pedo acts.

It doesn't make sense. It would be easier to ruin one person's reputation/life (by outing them) to protect NatSec than it would be to guard an ever expanding ring of people connected to that one person's illicit activities all to protect NatSec.

no it wasn't that scary! except for the merman haha.

I can only imagine it's wild in New york!!

Not sure what you're asking about?

Rape and murder seem to be rampant among TPTB.

You're still falling into the #pizzagate trap though by saying this, I'm not saying anyone are saints or anything but what real proof outside of a bunch of 4chan and the_donald users confirming their biases and scouring Podesta's emails to link anything to the Clintons and pedophilia? Even Alex Jones has backed off of these allegations, it's a hoax, at least until truly proven otherwise and not by some internet witchhunt. Real pedo networks exist, and I'm sure people in power may be involved but individually, I still don't buy into the large government sanctioned pedo network theory. However if there is one the CIA would know and possibly be involved but I've never seen any real concrete evidence of that, just speculation.

but it just seems like an epidemic lately, it's no 10%.

It just seems like an epidemic because the news is now constant 24/7 and pedo's are big news so they always make sure to announce when they make a bust to make us all feel safer. Then a lot of sex offenders are people who have made mistakes as well, like 18 year olds dating their 17 year old girlfriend, public urination, stuff like that and the news makes no effort to provide a distinction of the differences to the viewers so it seems like so much more of this is going on. Especially here in Florida where they have no privacy protections for anyone arrested, that's why everyone things we're so much nuttier than the other states, no same amount of nutty people but the other states have better privacy laws.