This needs more visibility. Tribe.Net is harboring Pedophiles & they are openly talking about it & what they have done. NSFW/NSFL

5710  2017-03-27 by Loud_Volume

It seems my other thread I posted on this was deleted, I am not sure why.

I am posting this again to catch more eyes and raise awareness. This needs to have light shined on it and dealt with.

Here is information, links, and more.

It's an early social network, sold when Facebook got popular, rebought by original owner in 2006(?).

Imgur photo gallery of texts of people talking about Morbid things backup of the imgur gallery

This website needs to be further researched:

I'll update this as we get more information. This is dark and hard to deal with but please we need to come together and unite against this problem. We cannot expand or evolve if we are still diddling and hurting our own children. The same children that will eventually inherit this earth. We need to end this and treat this problem, whatever that may be.

Please share, archive, research, and stay safe and stay positive. Meditation and deep breaths help to bring yourself back into balance after looking at these types of things.


Holy, that's disgusting.

Cant even try to open this shit.

But upvote for visibility.

Thank you for that. <3

Is this for real? Or some kind of fucked up role play? Just reading this makes my stomach all queezy.

Either way, its fucking wrong and disgusting.

Completely agree!

ITT: people who have never seen 4chan

Finally you redditors caught up.

Been doing research off of [rule #1] and I've noticed that the user "young" has more or less softcore cp.

The users can post pictures so check their albums. On each picture another user can comment. Read these comments and catalog the amount of overlap between users. You can access a list of the tribes they are members of and a list of their friends. I've found that by using "young" as a starting point I can find a reliable group of roughly 5 or 6 sick pervs who are strongly connected.

This may be a deep state operation to 'crowdsource' child trafficking victims. That's one of my theories, anyways.

The site is shitty so it will give a 503 often, just refresh.

I've gone through most of user "sofia". Nothing spectacular, closest thing to normal I've seen in that hellhole. I know that a few of aforementioned strongly connected users are also connected to her through the friends list.

Hope this gives some of you a better idea of where to start!

Feel free to share your findings over here:

There is a lot of evidence of this not being a bunch of roleplayers.

Investigation has to be secret. We dont want them to hide better.


I think I need a dose of /r/wholesomememes now

Through searching people's usernames in google, finding new usernames, and searching those. I found a TUMBLR page hosting what my fucking no-longer-virgin eyes were able to identify child pornography. What is the proper course of action?!?!

damyourhot1 is the user

please report it to the authorities... but, I know - it might be risky too, b/c they might suspect you, as well. But damn - you could end up saving a child from a life of torture.

Go to the police. Show them this thread here, tell them you investigated like some others here. I will do this too, we have to protect our children. We Cant look away!!!

I am just shocked. I just cant comprehend this shit bears a swastika at the bottom of the landing page, and is so obviously Evil it hurts.

Just look at their Twitter

The world disappoints me greatly sometimes..

I came here to defend these guys thinking it was people who felt deep remorse or only sexual thoughts but not acts, and were seeking help.


This was on the front page just moments ago, it is no longer.

Thank you oh corrupt Reddit moderators / algorithms, for giving a bad name to a platform which so many try so relentlessly to maintain for the greater good.

I just found this post by seeing it on the front page..

It does seem to have returned.... but for how long?

I hope these guys all burn a fiery death in hell

I get sadism when dealing with grown men and women but holy shit these are the guys non offending pedophiles want to kill with their bare hands.

Baby rape? It's so inconceivable all I can think of is an ancient 4chan meme involving a bad translation of a manga.

Baby snuff, murdering an infant for gratification, sexual or otherwise, is just beyond belief for me.

as someone who has seen the most grotesque, perverted disgusting, taboo and evil acts of mankind, I still have trouble believing this is real, I'm sure there are sick fucks up to this but so common and so brazen? no, I tell myself it must be some government trying to get information and pretending to blend in.

I normally don't condone violence but holy shit some people just don't deserve to live.

I can see why China executes rapists now.

Jesus fucking christ. Can you imagine how many children have been tortured and murdered at the hands of these monsters? Really makes me understand why parents who have their kids disappear cannot ever live again. I'd rather know my child was dead than to imagine something like this happen to them. Fucking hell. Evil, evil motherfuckers.

No way in hell I am clicking those. You can defo report this to police or the IWF (who work with UK police)

FBI and other groups in other countries do regularly burst open paedophile rings.

If you're anxious for anonymity, the printer fingerprinting applies to COLOUR printers as it's only Yellow that's used. Make a black and white photocopy and it's gone. It's to prevent banknote forgery, which was a concern when colour printers first appeared for consumer prices.

These guys are putting up tons of contact info, anyone got the balls to try to contact these freaks?

Someone did in November: (NSFL)

These are literally the most depressing screenshots I've ever read.

I'm very glad that these sick fucks get killed in jail. These fucks should be open game for doxxing. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm so fucking disturbed by this. Stomach is churning.

Well, the problem is we have to get them to jail first. How do we get them to jail when it seems like everyone who should care is actually involved?

WTF is this. Sick shit.

This is about one of the only things that fills me with the righteous mentality to kill

This sub has zero credibility now. Trump could be at the center of the largest political conspiracy in history and any mention of it gets removed by the mods.

Enjoy the dustbin of irrelevancy.

yall are dumb as shit. there are SO many easily accessible ways to find actual CP on the web its just sad you guys are hung up on text posts talking about shit.

Its like finding drugs or guns illegally online. If you look you will find it, and if you are willing to pay a little you can prove it. There are markets for this stuff.

I'd like to get my hands on these guys.

I'm not sure this is the subreddit for this kind of a conversation maybe you should take it off the site to voat.

Oh my GAWD!!!!!

The more I come here the more obvious it becomes that actual peadophiles are using this board and anything else relating to pizzagate to share materials with each other under the guise of 'investigation'.

Is this code?

It's a code for "Stop trolling/shilling, asshole.".

Shilling for what, exactly? You internet detectives know what you really are. At the very least you get a dirty little thrill reading this stuff and you're dumb enough that the pretence of investigation gives you some kind of moral immunity.

Report this to the authorities so the site gets taken down, that's all we want. Believe what you will, just don't close your eyes when you see terrible shit like this.

Divide and Conquer at it's best, you are shilling, knowingly or unknowingly. Blocked.

Oh shit you can block people on this thing?

I hope you're using tor or something, the last thing I'd want to happen is for you to get investigated


tumblr is a nother forum for pedos ,I reported many low life cunts but they protect them

Seems very on the noose... we sure this is not a lure? Some pedos will just fall into the trap.

Well, I hope it's a trap and not real 😡

Uhm. You should really report this to the authorities and not self-investigate. Browsing these sites alone puts you under scrutiny already.

Here's to hoping this is a trap. Otherwise, this could be argued to be 1st amendment protected free speech, as sick as it is. If they are only talking about ideas and asking if others have similar fantasies, but not actually insinuating that another human being is currently in danger of abuse, this is very gray area stuff.

What I would be curious to see/read are transcripts from private chats and/or video chats.

That being said, I don't have a ton of resources available, but I do have a lot of time. How can I help?

They are 100% claiming to be participating in these acts currently. Not fantasies

Again, what can I do to help?

This is fucked up even if it's a fantasy. I don't believe someone can think about these things without eventually trying to act something out.

The first think you can do is not throw people off that many of the commenters are in fact admitting guilt.

So I guess every writer is either a murderer or pedophile by your logic.

By your logic every writer writes pedo murder fantasy material.

Gross as shit.

This is fucked beyond anything I've ever seen.

What the actual fuck.

I'm not going to say this is a witch hunt, just make sure you reddit detectives don't turn this into a witch hunt.

televised execution with a cheese grater.

Is this for real? It just sounds like people trying to come up with the most dastardly things they can think of... It's awful no doubt, and worthy of further investigation, but it just seems to grotesque to be real...

Its a trap for dumb conspiracy theorists.

I suddenly want to start hunting down these sick fucks and start dealing with them one by one.. How the fuck could anyone hurt a child? Seriously, if I ever found out anyone was hurting my son, they would never be dead enough and for laughs I'd have to kill everyone they ever spoke to or looked at. You know... a good cleanse..

i feel like puking

ultimate evil, we need to bring this to the light

Holy shit that was really fucked up. I honestly cannot comprehend how people would want to do something like this and I think that's a sign I'm not an evil human. These are evil human beings.

Everyone that commented in that thread deserves a dirt nap in a shallow grave was for hippies - but they've clearly let evil inside. Ugh.

Don't mean to derail the specific topic here but this lends more credence to the theory that some people are literally not human. Reinforces my suspicion that aliens are truly among us because human beings with innate moral compasses would never want to do what these 'things' fantasize over.

Y'all are idiots. This is a Honeypot set up by an agency.

I think you nailed it. I thought it sounded way too over-the-top

i sure hope so.

Holy hell these people need to get caught. Now.

I truly love and appreciate how this community, contrary to popular belief, actively fights against injustice and takes a stand against disgusting and depraved shit when most don't. Many may see this subreddit as a place for crazy people, but we need to stay here, expand and stand together to help rid the world of disgusting cretins like the ones shown in this post and many others.

Beautifully said. Standing together is the only way to deal with this, attacking each other and dividing ourselves will not bring justice

Jesus fucking christ these people have some top level fucked up issues

Apart from report these pages, what can we genuinely do to stop this?

How is the government not tracking them?

I can't believe people like this exist... These people deserve death. I don't think there is a cure for this type of behavior.

That last image post tho...

Is there anyway someone with real hacking ability can find out who these people are and where they live and work and you know... Get a good ole lynchin mob and take them out

Sounds like a bunch of /b/tards to me. Did you not know that the joke about 4chan is that it harbors pedos? "Cheese pizza" CP stands for child porn... this is why it's hilarious that you guys buy the pizzagate thing. It's a troll by the masters of trolling, who also happens to all be pedo apologists!

Look I get that it's easier to think this is fake and doesn't happen and it's just larping.

This isn't fake, and this isn't larping, but if it helps you maintain sanity then by all means please believe it's fake

This is the worst thing I've ever seen on the Internet and that is fucking saying a lot. Holy shit I hope they die

Has anybody reported this to the FBI?

this is fuckedddddddd

I don't even want to read this shit! Went down that hole when Podesta emails came out..... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SURPRISES ME ANYMORE.... SICK PIECE OF 💩FUCKS‼️

This can't be real

Probably a bot that is spamming the site. Or just trolls. I can't imagine a large number of people would actually be this stupid to do this shit on the surface web, especially on an open site.

EDIT: Apparently this stuff is hidden behind a login? Not sure, OP was pretty vague and the site isn't loading for me either. Probably a hug of death? No clue.

Is clicking on the links gonna get me investigated by the police or anything like that?im a paranoid fuck

if you just look at the imgur comments you'll be fine.

How do sites like this continue to exist? Are there really people out there who believe these monsters should be protected?

Theres even this shit on youtube. Do they just flood every hosting service?

reading that just made me nauseaus. i knew this stuff happened, but its hard to believe there are human beings that are this evil. someone find them and stop these fucks before they hurt anymore kids.

I really wonder how much of this is role playing aka LARPing. I find it hard to believe most of that is real.

i found one of these sick fucks on plenty of fish. going to see what i can do to lure some info out of him

What the fuck is this? Holy shit I didn't know how horrible some people were. I couldn't read any more than the first picture on the imgur album

Managed to find details of the registrar of the tribe website. Been working there since 2008, and on her profile is the tagline "This is where we fix" Yes, I'm sure you are fixing it very well, you disgusting excuse for a human.

Edit: The company who has been in charge of "fixing" the site since 2008 is called
New Systems Associates which is "an LLC formed by long-time Tribe members who believe in protecting and expanding Tribe's unique culture."

Some more info on the owners:!topic/ba.internet/d4uG8XyRmxQ

Not to defend these sick freaks, but as far as we know these are only sick fantasies. There's no proof anything is happening. I for one, am not comfortable policing free speech on the internet no matter how perverted it is.

/u/sketch257 there the innocent illuminati stuff and then there is this stuff that comes on here that you really don't hear about anywhere else

My stomach is in a knot.

Why is this here? This would be better served in the hands of police instead of here.

Devil's advocate here, are we sure this is real? It seems tooooo on the nose. Like trolls looking for a reaction, does anyone else think so?

this was my gut reaction too, but also, maybe people are just this stupid. . . . who knows.

Alright I tried to submit a tip to the FBI but I am inept and have no idea what I'm doing.

Wtf? I'm not clicking the link to the bodymen website but how is this going on like this out in the open without being shut down asap? Someone has to have reported this before now.

Couldn't even finish reading those posts, I feel nauseous. What moves can we make? Would anonymous tips to the police be of use here? Can the CIA/NSA/FBI not do anything?

This is definitely NFSL. The discussion on newborn snuff, raping it until it disintegrates... wtf

Maybe we do need thought police.

Where is Anonymous on this? Usually this wouldn't have floated under their radar.

We as a community have to fight against sadistic monsters. Mods please pin this. Crosspost this guys. !! Call the police and ask them how you could be of help or investigate on your own if you know how to do it properly without bringing yourself in danger.

What in the Fuck?! I hope these motherfuckers meet a horrible death.

Ugh... This is revolting. Why aren't more blackhat hackers(greyhats too) doing something about this? They could get some good PR out of it and gain some public support.

Saw this on /r/All. This shit is insane and utterly horrible. Tried checking out the site and it was down, so hopefully it's down for good or it's being ddos'd hard.

Yeah it's been DDOSED hard, which is the one time I'm happy about DDOSing. Hopefully it stays down and hopefully these sick people get justice

My god I am feeling sick just reading this. That there are people out there this fucked up makes me not want to trust a single adult with my child.

I have a stomachache.

Amazing work exposing these demons. Reading over this stuff last night I left sick and had to stop. I'm usually not like that about anything but this shit... is truly horrible. Only by being aware can we begin stop them.

Keep spreading knowledge :)

Sick bastards, these degenerate fucks need exposing. Guy let's blow the lid off this shit like we did pizzagate!!!!!

I can't believe this isnt going viral... this is an epidemic we are dealing with here. I dont even want to click on this shit. Has anyone contacted or reported this to any authorities? or just hoping reddit users will say the magic word and have it closed down?

OK guys I'm on a throwaway here.

I have found for one user:

  • Full Name
  • Location/State
  • Age
  • Height and Marital Status
  • Multiple usernames and emails.

This will be pasted to Govt. Authorities.

Good work and thank you! God bless

I stopped scrolling when I spotted that one poster's avatar/profile picture featuring a young boy with his legs spread apart. Couldn't tell if he was wearing underwear or not, but that doesn't really matter. Forcing a child to pose in highly sexual and suggestive positions, clothed or not, is still sick.

Disgusting. Why do people like this exist.

seriously, thank you for finding this and sharing. the things that are hardest to read are the things that need awareness the most.

I read the comments before I open anything. I could tell pretty quick I don't need to read any of that shit. Didn't click.

What are you doing?! You have no idea if that's the same person

2015 is the time to invest in youth. Find out why here: (link: #action2015 via @WeCanEndPoverty


I think a pederast is a man that likes small boys. Hephebeophile is someone that likes 11-14 and an ephebeophile someone who likes 15-18. I'm not completely sure and my spellings are probably wrong. Obviously the younger the child is the worse it is. Pedophiles should be castrated or euthanised. Not sure what should happen to Hephebeophiles. But I think ephebeophiles should be locked up just like today if the girl is under 16

Web dev here. Found some way to access some pages. Some really sad stuff here. Send inbox if you want the url.

Like when the CIA managed to obtain a pedo site and managed to grow its userbase from 5k to 50k+. And I don't think many were prosecuted

I noticed that too. I googled his username and it came back with a active chaturbate user who happened to be 68 years old and interested in men.... there was also a Twitter handle.

It isnt fake. It's a satanist-saddist gay community. Just had access to some feeds from the website they're promoting and it very active. Very sad stuff.

Pedophiles are mostly white men.

I googled the one that ended in 1948. There was a chaturbate user with that same username who was 68 and interested in men. He also follows many others on there. Also was a Twitter handle with same name.

It's definitely interesting but we have no way of knowing if it's the same people so I won't link it. Last thing anyone should do is go on a witch hunt and accusing them.

That will only hurt any legitimate investigation and let them know they are being monitored.

Oh yeah, because they know what brand and type of printer you have they will track you down. Of course.

Gebruikersnaam komt overeen

Aroused huh? Sick fuck.

It's easy to read if you only read every many words.

Delete that link man. What if it isn't him?

"Truly if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of man."

How'bout they just bust every motherfucker with their webcam pointed at their corrupt fucking erections penetrating infants? The Skype usernames are right out in the open.

I'm a good reptillian. Maybe.

More than 3 people. Even in the crazy surveillance world, it's waaaay more than three people.

If people couldn't pass messages undetected on the internet, we wouldn't even recognize the internet. <3

What, really? Nobody here trusts the MSM. You have to go outside of it to win ANY arguments on r/conspiracy. Even Trump-Russia complaints should be investigated without reference to the MSM if you want to make headway on this forum.

Your real complaint should have been that the comment you replied to was useless, because nobody here buys anything because of it being an MSM claim. It was just reinforcing the status quo of the forum, and would have been empty noise if it hadn't revealed that it is a status quo of which you are evidently unaware.

Ritual sacrifice only shows up in the most extremely hierarchical societies. One of the basic principles of extreme hierarchical societies is that lessers belong to their greaters. Children belong to their parents in such societies - otherwise, they could not be ritually disposed of. While established only by circumstantial evidence in this case, it's extremely probable that they abused the fuck out of everyone vulnerable. It's a pattern which has been observed in human cultures.

you can swap "redpills" with "unpleasant truths" and sound miles, MILES more credible.

Civilization is a conspiracy of the 95% civilized to infiltrate and take over the groups that are only 40% civilized, thus defying the expected outcome of who ends up in charge. <3

Bi guy here. People who sleep around with STDs are real. They're a pox on the community, and occasionally end up disappeared for their shit.

That doesn't make you a terrible person. That makes you pretty normal, actually. Just keep it in balance. Focus your hatred and make of it a tool to protect what ought to be from what ought not to be. Don't be your hatred, and don't be controlled by it. You'll do fine.

Karma nor the devil exist. They're childhood myths taught to make you think something bigger is out there.

I have known way too many horrible people that prosper from their actions with zero repercussions.

This is the way of the world. Hoping on karma or a mythical creature in a mythical afterlife is childish.

Oh shit just realised I'm in r/conspiracy...

Carry on with your madness 👍

No it doesn't make me think at all, ramblings of a delusional person are not worth contemplating.

I can believe pedophiles are in the world more than I can believe dracos and reptilian people are at the top, y'all people crazy

It sounds like you're having an "oh shit" moment. :)

No they just like to put pedo symbols in the logo for their businesses.

You mean every single person that has a pedophile tendency? Or only the ones that would interact with children?

me too, I read all of them but the last because I almost started to puke and had to stop.

Maintaining power > Bettering humanity.

Wow what a loss. First they came for the shitheads and I didn't speak up for I was not a piece of shit.

Lol, free world.

Well, historically "God" is responsible for more evil than anything.

If anything, humanity is maturing. Violent crime is down, sex crimes are down, life expectancy is up, humanity is generally trending towards the positive. The news would lead you to believe otherwise, but the hard numbers don't lie.

And it's no coincidence that religion as a whole is losing support as people are more capable of learning. Eventually, the god myth will be looked at the same way we view vampires and goblins. Interesting stories, but only a crazy person would actually believe them.

That day can't come soon enough.

Wear a hat, dark glasses, and dark clothing.

Print at a library.

Isn't agnostic atheist an oxymoron? I thought that Agnostics believe in an unknown greater power atheists believe there is no higher power. Edit: Thank you to everyone who took the time to talk about this. I feel like I have a better grasp on this now :). Not an oxymoron just a bunch of misunderstood definitions and experiences.

P. S. This is why discussion works.

So weird to see supposed skeptics putting faith in fairy tales en masse. I remember when conspiracists were hostile to fantasies of mass delusion not some weird new age belief in a battle between ultimate evil beings and beings of purity and light. Very strange times we live in.

Haven't read much about MK Ultra but have heard parts of it. Inducing seperate personalities into test subjects was one of the things that happened, essentially turning someone into a vehicle with multiple pilots with varying triggers for them getting into the pilot controls and taking control of the body so to speak.

Horrifying stuff.

Wouldn't surprise me if they were just careless about being caught. I'd imagine there'd be a rush for them to think they could get caught, mix in some people who are too stupid to take precautions about getting caught and you have a potential mixing bag of pervs and sickos.

A honeypot isn't out of the realms of possibility though.


Yep. Better to build a case that you know will for sure bring down an entire network of these sickos than just attempt to try one person and potentially fail to convict them.

I also am sure they are apprehensive to reveal their capabilities as not to encourage people to find ways to counter them. The enemy will eventually adapt to your tactics the more you use them.

Yeah the constitution is a non issue. Welcome to new conspiracy where everything is made up and laws and rights don't matter.

The claim isn't that he thinks they exist, it's that there is a society of people who believe this. If Scientology exists, sure as shit other equally retarded stuff does.

Yeah, I'm kinda torn.

Obviously sexual attraction to kids is a disease. It is a sickness, much like autism or bipolar disorder. I don't think by any means that that rids them of guilt or fault in any way, but they're so heavily stigmatized (with good reason) that they wouldn't dare see a therapist or seek help. So they either bottle it and eventually act on these desires, or maybe they share some disgusting fantasy and it helps them refrain from acting it out.

That's my armchair psychologist theory anyways.

You are misinterpreting what he said. He's saying there is a group of people who believe this. Not that he believes it.

I bet that murder fantasy is really empowering.

Most definitely, natural selection will work it's way through these morons

Most of these people will just be making it up as part of some twisted fantasy, while jerking themselves off in their room alone. I highly doubt that any more than a tiny percentage of the stuff written there is even close to being true.

If you're anxious for anonymity, the printer fingerprinting applies to COLOUR printers as it's only Yellow that's used. Make a black and white photocopy and it's gone. It's to prevent banknote forgery, which was a concern when colour printers first appeared for consumer prices.

Printers are like $20 anymore, cheaper at thrift stores. Just use it like a burner?

Not trying to be that guy, but I honestly wouldn't bet on it being fake. Obviously NSFL, but videos like Daisys Disaster (don't look into it, if you want to have a shitty week) have been sold world wide for hundreds to thousands of dollars. Snuff films on infants (which I fucking absolutely hasn't no idea why) are a thing.

Then you have people like Ian Watkins (famous Welsh singer) who actually coherced a mother into letting him rape her infant baby. Plus a list of other fucked up shit. Don't read into him or the infamous court transcripts if you want to lose more faith inhumanity.

These are only a couple people that got caught. There are communities of sick fucks that out there that need to be brought out to the light and exposed.

Throw them off Buildings.

That is the most neckbeardy comment I've ever read.

damn i remember when i was 12

How do we know? Genuine Question.

ShariaBlue is protecting David Brock and his lover that's why.

You don't get the win the argument just because you say you're not willing to have it, retard.

I have reported things that I have found to them. I stumbled upon some once and was so disgusted and shocked. The woman taking the report felt bad for me. They can't go after you for reporting something and you can be Anonymous.

I don't see anything wrong with her. She is just someone who is more open about sex than most people.


Another is about these boys in Iowa and the guy that kidnapped them stepped forward and revealed a bunch of information, it was a great watch, very sad, I'll have to remember it and I'll get back to you, maybe someone else can reply as well

Who Took Johnny

I know one off the top of my head is conspiracy of silence.

Bug chasers and gift givers are 100% REAL. True degenerates.

These sick pervs are probably the same kind of people that orchestrated 9/11. They are fucked up psychopaths to the highest order.

There's been pedos/hebes since humanity started, even if they got all the ones "out" on the internet now, there's still the latent ones as well as all the new ones born everyday.

Scooby Doo taught us that human beings are the real monsters.

This is why I signed up. More of this!

You have multiple lifetimes and reincarnations to face this. If you reject it in this life time you will have another chance. But consider this, if you ascend to a higher consciousness in this life, you could be reincarnated with some or all of your previous knowledge.

You're right - life is black and white, and we shouldn't make exceptions or use common sense when children's' lives are in danger - absolutely

Bay Area??

They are not only pedophiles

Yeah, it's way beyond that. I wasn't expecting newborn rape, torture, murder and whatnot :/

Maybe it seems like edgy shit. I hope it's just contained in their dark fantasies for the sake of everyone... but I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did this stuff or plan to do. There are many monsters among us. It's fucked up.

I clicked on one...I will have nightmares for a long time

I dunno. You can be open to one existing and still think that even if it exists, it can go fuck itself with a tire iron.

Or even using tails to save it to a USB and mailing that.

I only read one.

At the very least, these people should responsible for each child's drug use for however many years, and treatment and therapy/medical care in perpetuity.

Unfortunately if someone can fantasise about it, their is an ever sicker person out there who has done it.

It's because this is actually how humans are. Or rather, can be. We have been told a gigantic lie that life is civilized.

"Degeneracy" is a real thing, unlike what leftists will tell you - this is where moral relavitism leads

Cut out letters from magazines stolen from local hair salons and individually glue them onto a piece of white paper in the same order as the evidence. You wanna create a replica of the chat logs using USWeekly and People magazines from 2009. That way you can avoid being traced through your printer.. /s

It does seem since the election society's trash are starting to come out of their holes. Maybe they are empowered now by Donny I'm not sure.

Came here to say this.

The scariest people are both smart and evil. They know how to blend in. How to fake empathy and normalcy.

They could just be making it all up

But they can still see us with microwave surveillance!!

The video of the child screaming is fake? That isn't acting.

You just gotta do a little research. I found the video last night and did some before coming to my conclusion.

Shit like this makes me really reconsider religion

I haven't played the new one yet, don't spoil it for me!

It's possible that you don't

Look up guro. Sadistic fantasy is definitely a thing. What stops them is the legal system and "moral compass" programming in civil society. And such "deterrence" weren't commonly present, overlooked by the ruling class, or neglected against outgroup back in medieval times and before.

We could wipe it out, unless it's institutionalized.

The bigger issue there is people believing bullshit news.

What do you think of priests that cast out demons? Not the southern Baptists ones in church but ones that are called by families say when they move into a new house. Granted these can't technically be confirmed. most seem to cast these negative entities out using Jesus. Wondering if you think he holds some power.

Wipe what out? People saying horrible stuff on the internet? And even if they did go all KGB they couldn't hope to prosecute all the wackos and cross they'd find.

I recommend this book here often hehe, so here goes. "Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil" by Paul Levy has been a tremendous source of understanding, support, and sanity to me when I became aware of the amount of darkness in the world.

Though fate, or simply luck I discovered this book right around the time I really began getting red pilled a few years ago. I've read it cover to cover a handful of times since then, and often find myself reading parts here and there when I start to feel the slightest twinge of hopelessness settling in. So, lately especially.

He breaks down how evil works from a sort of spiritual/metaphysical (not new age at all though) yet rational perspective, and what we can do collectively as well as individually to push against and neutralize evil's power. Especially relevant to the topic of PG, really, I can't think of anything worse or more evil than harming children. Just thought I'd mention it as a positive resource, as hope can seem rather elusive and short supply lately.

Do you think photocopying the pages, then photocopying those copies, etc. a few times to degrade the quality would eliminate traceability? Just curious.

Fucking hell, mate. I saw this from /r/all and thought this sub was about a bunch of nerds talking some crazy conspiracy theories. I thought I was in for a laugh.

I'm absolutely disgusted and shocked from reading those images and how those people talk so casually about doing those things to children. That's just so sickening.

It's not fiction, they are literally planning meetings and stuff. The pictures in the imgur are just the tip of the iceberg.

That whole comment chain is proof that there is evil in this world. These are evil, sick, twisted, broken people. We need a real life Frank Castle (Punisher) for these sickos

Djinn Archons

what is this?

I'm thinking burned alive or placed into an area with great white sharks and just cut them up a little bit and toss them overboard.

I would love a very public execution involving animals of some sort. Great white sharks, Alligators, Tigers, Gorillas.

The roleplayers are in the MANY "ageplay" tribes, this is fucking real. The imgur is just the tip of the iceberg.

Tie them to a tree and let a grizzly bear eat them alive

More evidence here:

Again, what can I do to help?

This is fucked up even if it's a fantasy. I don't believe someone can think about these things without eventually trying to act something out.

relax, tough guy.

Since I could..

Is this code?

Satan isn't a bad guy don't group him in with these sickos.

Same here, it just kept getting worse and I had to hit the back button.

They talk so casual about this stuff like they are satan himself

Dude, I have a feeling this goes too far even for the devil.

It was about high level pedo sex trafficking

I looked to check that it wasnt some sort of support group for pedophiles who wanted to change, and that it was a witch hunt against them. Nope. First image, talking about wanting to drug and rape kids. They can burn.

When the pedogate stuff was first coming out, I realized (or rather started to believe) that Satan, or some evil entity or force exists in the world. Made me sick and I had to start believing in God or some force of good, or else I'd go insane dealing with the fucked up shit and knowing there's no retribution or even opposite force.

It's also possible that it's just immature dipshits trying to be edgy and weird.

I mean seriously they're this open about it on an easily-found website and LE isn't on that like flies on shit? Yeah right.

I approve.

if this was fake then that means this is how they really talk, the slang and abbreviations. makes it creepy.

Thank you for this info, very nice read.

Just beware, you might get into trouble by accidentally visiting such sites.

Is this true? If so that is a bit overkill...even kids stumble upon fucked up shit while browsing the internet..I mean(not an illegal situation but still) when I was young and on a Dragonball Z site it flipped me around onto a fucking Hentai site and that was not my intention when I was that young.

That's stuff is so fucking fucked I can't even put it in words.... i couldn't get past the first picture on imagur. The guy talking about injecting meth to the 14/16 year old.... and wants the kid of find younger victims..

Some fucking sick stuff.. Holy FUCK.

Someone plz slap me awake.

Me either :\

im not talking about torturing someone, i am talking about ripping them apart with horses!

Cut letters out of a magazine and glue them together on a piece of paper using gloves and tweezers.

It's like y'all have never held anyone for ransom before.

Solution: take all the pot heads out of prison and put all these, for lack of a better word, retards in their place.

Don't worry, it's just some roleplayers according to the shills...

Evidence is here:

I'll be your Robin.

If it's connected to your computer the driver could potentially dial home with the microdot code.

They can trace the printer. Low-effort honeypot, or someone who's never watched a crime procedural?

Buy a $29 printer at Wal-Mart for cash. Do not register the printer. Print it out. Throw the printer in some random dumpster or put it in a Salvation Army donation box.

Only under 5? what the fuck are you talking about? can you at-least read about puberty?

Mods should fucking sticky this

This is getting far more attention right now as the #1 post in /r/conspiracy. If we sticky it, folks wont see this in /r/all anymore.

Surveillance state was created for controlling the masses not for saving us of criminals or "terrorists"

There is no evidence that they are born pedo. Biology factors in procreative sexual deviance/pliability, but like paedophilia, people simply aren't born wanting to be punched in the face or to suck toes. I don't mean to suggest that sexual preference is changeable or indicative of moral character--I agree with you that anti-abuse pedo support communities promote public well being and safety. I have some sympathy to the pain and loneliness of non-offending pedos.

Not meant to be nitpicky or combative (: I'm just peeved by U.S./West's "born this way" mythology--many in the LGBTQ community have started to dismiss/divert attention from it for the reasons stated above too.

Happy healing from one survivor to another <3

there's always r/eyebleach in the meantime, friend. :-)

we shouldn't stoop to their depraved level though... we're better than they are...

There is no right way to react I guess. I would assume objectively, depending on whatever the laws are.

lol no you won't

When the puppet masters see their puppets doing this, they never worry about them becoming a good Politician.

I sort of think this is the case. I really hope this is the case and this is just all made up sicko fan fiction or whatever but you never know.

I've seen all sorts of human depravity and brutal executions, and this is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Jesus.

Print from an office depot, pay in cash

You're more likely to get in trouble if you see this content and do not report it. I can't find it now but a while back I read that if you see such content then you are required by law to report it else you are considered a supporter of such acts.

Gnosticism = Lucifer worship. It's warned about repeatedly in the Bible. I honestly don't understand how some people can discover that all of the elites worship Satan and then proceed to reject God/Jesus. I guess they are all just retarded and Satan doesn't exist though (lol).

I also find it amusing that people think they are "enlightened" because they read a website about aliens yet they've never even picked up a Bible or done any studying. Sign of the times I suppose.

It made me go pretty cold and shivery. Fucking weird seeing people talking like that about raping and torturing children. Chilling.

the term "burner printer" has been used somewhere else in this thread

This feels like a meme in potentia

Beautifully said. Standing together is the only way to deal with this, attacking each other and dividing ourselves will not bring justice

It's the ink/cartridge purchase that's traceable, not just the printer

What makes you think these people aren't flagged? People like this get busted all the time.

Unfortunately their discussions aren't illegal. And I'm sure they would argue this is fantasy/fiction.

Russia and Trump or if Obama spied on Trump are huge deals. National security and/or executive over reach? On what planet are these considered distractions? Even if either party is lying about their accusations then it still a big deal. You think these things are resolved over night? We live in a bureaucratic democracy not a dictatorship. This is the slow drip of the law.

Miley lives how she wants to live. She is probably the healthiest of all the child pop stars that grew up. She managed to game the system and have some fun. Your puritanical ideas need to GTFO. Miley is an adult, she is free to do whatever she wants to do so long as it isn't hurting anyone.

There appears to be a pattern whenever TPTB what us to accept something new. A sitcom will introduce a side character, that has some bizarre quality. Everyone laughs, becomes comfortable with the topic, then soon there will be an entire show based on this bizarre quality. By this time, viewers have been programmed to accept this as normal. Integration and homosexuality are major examples. As of late, we have been hit hard with vampires and zombies. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Yes!!!! The biggest rabbit hole of all.

a wild mod exists!

The real Miley Cyrus is dead, that drug riddled slut screaming on your screen is her clone (or one of them). Original got wiped out when she went full Brittney and stopped taking the Disney drugs. Cue in hair chopped off, pizza and ayyyy loving Miley on a wrecking ball of molly. New Miley doesnt even look like the original lol, different hair color, nose, jaw, eyes, and missing moles. You can find youtube videos of her Hannah Montana concert days where they swap in like 4 different "Miley's" during costume changes.

Happens to every musician who is killed off or cloned. Drug problems>rehab>come out looking completely different. Most recently, kanye hops out the asylum with no entourage pickup party, freshly bleached hair, and looking nothing like Kanye. "Dont kill me Jay"

Those things are reality.

Shut the fuck up

It bothers me that I think I understand mob mentality a lot more.

Jesus christ

I realize that, but isn't it worth looking into? Even if it's one out of ten that isn't just talking about doing it but actually doing it, that's not nothing. Freedom of speech only goes so far. I can't wave around a gun and say I'm going to shoot someone, and doing so online would likely result in some FBI agents at my door.

Those things are reality man

You wont go to jail because you visited this site for a minute or two. You go to jail when you download a bunch of pictures etc.

Talk to some police investigators. Ask them what you can do and how they want you to help. Stand your ground and convince them

Yeah, our media in the US keeps everyone focused on meaningless shit like if ivanka trump went to a meeting or trump spent time at some stupid resort he owns. Where are all investigative journalists that used to chase leads down to expose this kind of shi- they're too busy filming protesters hitting each other w flag poles and pepper spray.

Those subs (/r/pedofriends and /r/Pedo101) are no longer in existence. There was a google Hangout group that was very pro-LGBT but hidden in the messages was talk about age of consent and shit. I don't remember the name and I auto delete my search history when I close Chrome.

1- Okay, I haven't read this shit because I really don't want to... but from what I've gathered from other comments, these creeps are merely writing out fantasies. And while we may find their fantasies to be despicable and disgusting, that actually does not make them illegal. I could write stories about robbing banks and assassinating people all day long. As long as I don't actually do those things, I've committed no crime.

2- If pedophilia is a thing that we don't know how to fix yet, I would much rather have a pedophile sitting in his own home fantasizing and jerking off, than going out and actually harming a child.

3- That said, we also can't pick and choose which types of speech we find acceptable. Because there will always be someone out there who doesn't like what you have to say, and would want to stop you from saying it. First pedos, and no one cares, then racists, and most of us don't care... and then what? What if someone thinks you shouldn't be able to talk about religion, or atheism, or certain types of politics?

It's much better if you and I can say whatever we want, and we just don't have to listen to each other if we don't like it. Free to speak, and free to listen or ignore as we see fit. Just like I'm not going to go to some pedo website and read their creepy stories, because I find them gross and objectionable. Fortunately for me, I don't need to read them.

Now law enforcement could still look into these people, and bust anyone who's comitted an actual crime. But doxxing only leads to vigilante bullshit. And doxxers don't always get the right info. So if anyone does any doxxing, I strongly recommend turning the info over to the authorities, rather than publishing it online. But that's just me.

Hello Mr. Gutenberg....

/u/Occasionallyyeah the pics in this thread is cleaned up text only, the original thread on 8chan exposing this had the actual screenshots with blurred out pictures(like the media would do reporting this) that shows this to clearly NOT be LARP. It was shared on this sub 2 days ago.

You are wrong in this and your many comments throughout this thread minimizing this as just fantasy is a detriment to the conversation and frankly, creepy.

Look, they may still be creeps talking about creepy shit. But a lot of people online talk about sex they never had. People write sexual stories all the time and share them online. Especially people who can't get laid in real life.

(Not trying to say all writers of erotica are sexually frustrated virgins -- I'm just saying there are a lot of people who use writing as an outlet for sexual frustration.)

I'd bet almost anything that 99% of these or higher are just gross fantasizing. Most actual criminals aren't dumb enough to write about their crimes in detail online. Most. The rest are kids, petty criminals, and morons. A lot of people may openly talk about growing pot, for example. Not a lot of people openly discuss the murders they've done. Whole other league.

These people do exist though. Just look at lost prophets and the newborns he raped with their mother's consent.

Sure thing. But even those of us who can have normal socially-acceptable fulfilling sex with other adults, sometimes write about fantasies online. Those people are out there -- I just don't think many of them would be bragging about their actual crimes on the clearnet. There are some well-known darkweb pedo sites where these people could post instead...

Yup thats just one little part of it, child sacrifices have been around for at least 5,000 years, probably longer. They are kabbalist satanists, worship Lucifer, hate Jesus and they love black cubes and Saturn. I've never been a religious person but all this stuff has honestly made me pick up the bible and start reading.... Almost everything going on is in there in one way or another, crazy stuff.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have a very strong knee-jerk reaction when it comes to kids, and subjects like pedophilia, and it's like their critical thinking skills go out the window.

Its already been proved 10 times over that the NSMEC is a corrupt, terrible organization that is nothing more than the largest child pornography database in the world. They could care less about helping children, putting the fact that they have exploited children in the title is a dead giveaway.

I don't think you realize how massive this is, or how evil these people are. I've always been agnostic but I've been reading the bible every day with what i've learned.... This is just so massive and they believe, they truly believe.... maybe they know something we don't.

Its conspiracy to commit murder, stupid - you can't plot out the drugging, raping and murder of children - don't render an opinion unless you've read the material (which you admitted you didnt do, which is just dumb and i have no patience for)

Everything done online us traceable. Better safe than sorry

this is too sick to read, I stopped halfway.

so sick no one will take action to stop them!

Deserving of the same treatment we'd doll out to a rabid animal. These sick fucks are beyond help and simply need to be removed. I am on the verge of vomiting even considering that another person is capable of doing this to a child, much less an infant. If something like this happened to my infant daughter it would completely snap me. I'd be a ruined shell of who I am now. I don't even know if I'd have anything left to attempt revenge or if I'd just kill myself. It's disgusting in every sense of the word. I'm gonna go hug my kids now.

um, guys? It's literally everywhere, not "just" the "dark net". Like literally even here on Reddit and sites like imgur and especially certain boards on the chans, I have seen many, many comments from folks who've stumbled accidentally across such images or videos before the mods could get to it, or in the case of the chans(not necessarily 4chan, since as its' gotten rather mainstream the CP has diminished to a similar level as Reddit & Imgur) the mods appear to turn their heads completely. This is nothing new. Further, there are porn sites which do the same thing - turn their heads to what, in most areas, would be considered hebephlic & abusive at least.

As for the tribe stuff: similar stories are found on all of the popular erotic lit websites. I am surprised by peoples' surprise, its as if its your first day on the internet or some such....?? Yes it's outrageous and gross and awful but it is nothing new. Yes, sick fucks exist. We know this. Have all you PGers you been living under a rock or what? Anywhere that people gather in large numbers & have more or less an open forum to post whatever they wish, I guarantee you will find sick fucks congregating. Yes, even sites like FB, twitter, youtube are not 100% "safe"/without. Humans are sick. For real.

.... do you often believe everything you read on internet forums?

eta: especially when it ends in "omg ya sewww hawt i umjurkin it sewwwww hrddd"

dude ... thought crimes ain't illegal. i agree though it may be a "honey pot" of sorts

Satan exists. If my lord in saviour jesus exists, then so does that pagan satan


If there are many culturally prescribed names these entities are described by that share across continents such similarity of character, intent and origin in the described mythologies what's wrong with adding:

  • Demons/fallen angels
  • Djinn (the Islamic version of the above after all....)
  • Archons
  • Reptilians
  • Dracos
  • Aliens/Extra-Terrestrial entities
  • Paranormal entities
  • Giant races both humanoid and animal which are obviously partly based in the subtrate of human and animal DNA respectively.

Just a recurring thought I've been having a lot of late.

A question for the US contributors - I notice there appears a high correlation between being a strong, some might say fundamentalist, I prefer strong or unwavering believer in a faith that is routinely attacked, denigrated and ridiculed that of Christianity (of which their are many interps, understandings and persuasions I realise) and being a consp. theorist, survivalist/prepper, sovereign individualist, Constitutionalist and overall to be often times very critical of and mistrustful of the govt., associated govt. alphabet agencies and the revolving door relationship between them and multinational/globalist corps.

I do not state this as a provocation or indictment.

It's simply something I am always reminded of often when talking CTs through the traps/channels and can see how it is a logical combination of themes esp I believe pertinent to the discussion of inter dimensional influences on the biological human form as the Bible obviously has it's own versions of these incredibly common mythological themes.

Many of the above mentioned positions I have a lot of time for and just want to say in general props, hello, and take care to my CT brothers and sisters State side as your culture and society really seems to be going through it at pres. which I know is a long est. tradition historically in America but even I as a non-US based/outsider can feel it's different this time around and that there is a lot at stake, being fought for and a lot of intentional ill will and hatred being fomented and focussed on dividing the citizenry.

If anyone could briefly or deeply comment on the history of the religious right (which may be an inaccurate description) roots of mistrust of govt. sentiment, independent/Sovereign, Constitutionalist , Libertarian, CT adherent history/themes I'd be very interested.

Otherwise keep up the good work, keep fighting, bringing the light to the darkness and damn you spooks n shills - y'all gonna burn.

I think that is a large, purposeful part of all these reveals - engendering rage, overwhelming sensations and then despair at being powerless - the recent Boeckman situation, what your describing here at, the twitter discovery and the historical through to PG seemingly globally linked events and groups all revealing the one degree of separation we who have researched or followed this stuff know exists between all these monarchy/aristocratic members, religious elite, political elite, academic/technocrasy elite, sports & celeb. elites, corp. elites, police/social services/mil./alphabet agency elite etc...death cult members one and all.

I want there to be revelations, arrests and executions but I fear it is simply exposure of a gradual, purposeful nature with the overall message of this is how it is, this is how it's always been and WTF are you going to do about it?

Well end you permanently if I could but that kind of makes life difficult from there on out.

Format a USB/CD/whatever. Put these images and a link to this thread on it.
Mail it to the DOJ/FBI/Three Letter Organization with info about the contents.

Or just write them an anonymous letter on blank notebook paper.

Pedophile is individual attracted to a human being that is prepubescent, meaning, a human being that hasn't developed secondary sexual characteristics yet. Most children begin puberty anywhere from 9-13 yrs (in abnormal cases, 14 and above). Males typically begin puberty later than females, so that is why the cut-off is generally 13 years old (by doctors).

Holy hell. That was awful.

mankind just has some sick individuals

From an evolutionary point of view, the continued existence of a species doesn't require zero destructive/maladaptive/"evil" individuals. It only requires the number of destructive/maladaptive/"evil" individuals to stay low enough to not impede reproduction of better-adjusted individuals. Within that framework for continued reproduction, evolution allows a species to try out all sorts of psychological combinations.

Some of which are pretty fucked up. Humans and our psychology make a helluvalot more sense within the context of an evolving system, but shits still messed up, yo.

I'm afraid to Google this topic but I have read most child porn is actually on the surface web not the dark net.

I would agree. I shouldn't have been so absolute in my response. I do feel that it has it's place.

Thrift shops usually have 20 year old printers for 5 bucks, kinda hit-and-miss as far as it actually working goes though.

I just don't understand how people become that fucked up... I guess sociopaths/psychopaths are a thing but still, most of them aren't even this bad.

I heard there's some state legislator somewhere who wants pedophiles and sex offenders to be castrated... I'm honestly conflicted. Usually pretty libertarian, but this kinda shit makes me question it.

Ninja edit: Steve Hurst (R-AL) submitted the law to the Alabama state house earlier this month. Eight other states have similar laws in place, but only for repeat offenders.

Tie em up and give a drunk guy a rusty dull axe like in the old days.

Just curious but why do you need a VPN to report on 8Chan and Voat?

And now you're reaching

While I agree with your sentiment; I find it hard to believe that people like this didn't exist in the past... difference now is that it's being broadcast to the world...

Even if it's something little, thank you so much for doing something, this filth needs to be acted against