Curious how The Flat Earth Theory works? I'll show you.

0  2017-03-29 by soonerchad

I will not respond to ignorant comments at all. I will not say I believe this is actually how the earth is or not. You make up your own mind. I wont post up everything in this description, just the basics. If you really want to know more you can find it.

There are a few different scenarios. I will be demonstrating the most plausible way I have found. (I will speak of this as being from North America viewpoint)

Ok here we go:

Look at this image:

This is the flat earth model.

1 The outer white part is what globe earth calls Antartica. It is not a continent, it goes around the flat earth and (as far as know) extends all directions indefinitely.

2 North is still North. South is still South.

3 If you look closely you can see the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon rotate the earth clockwise completely around the circle of earth (which would be 24 hours) . The moon rotates a bit slower than the sun (this is why we have moon during day at times)

This is not to scale, only so you can get an idea of how it looks:

The sun moves northward (outwards) then around in the summer. The sun moves south (outwards) and around during the winter.

4 The sun and moon do not rise and set. They come toward you (appears to rise), goes over you, then goes out of site (appears to set). Vanishing point.

5 The flat earth has a solid actual firmament (dome)

(That isn't the best picture but all I can find in a pinch.)

Ok I found this also:

I believe the stars are on the outside of the firmament (as well as water) as opposed to what is shown in the other. However the dome doesn't go under the earth like in this picture.

Well this the gist of it. Theres more to it but I'm only trying to give an idea of what this theory looks like.

Again in not trying to tell anyone what to believe. Make up your own mind. Also again in not saying I believe this or not that is my choice. Lastly: EVERYTHING HERE MAY NOT BE 100% PERFECTLY ACURATE. Just done this to spread some info. Use it however you will.

If you want to know more I have three youtube users that I think are the best:

Search "Eric Dubay" and/or "Jeranism" and/or "Stinkycash"

Disclaimer: I don't know everything there is to know about this theory, so I won't have all the answers.


There are three subs dedicated to flat earth. How about you keep this nonsense over there.

Why didn't you just keep scrolling instead of whining like a little baby?

Hey I stopped by because you said you had definitive proof. But all you have is the same sun and moon going around in a circle nonsense. Gravity accurately explains why the earth would orbit the sun. How do these bodies continue to revolve above us and not crash down?

Dude are you serious? Please PLEASE show me ANYWHERE I EVER said I had "definitive proof"!
I wont respond to you until you show me where I said that.

Yes let's make this about words and not facts. That's how this should go down. I know you didn't say definitive proof and I saw all the distance you put between yourself and your proposed theory. I'm just going to bow out here and let you sit in your puddle of smugness (if only there were a place you could be smug all day with others that share the same conviction to the theory, like a subreddit or something). Get back to me when someone figures out how gravity factors into your large ring of Antarctica, bubble dome, gravity defying sun/moon carousel having simulation.

There is no gravity on flat earth.

So when I take a pen and hold it at arms length, then release it. Why does it fall?

One theory says its density and buoyancy. Another that I've heard is: Universal Acceleration asserts that the roughly disk-shaped Earth is accelerating 'upward' at a constant rate of 1g (9.8m/sec2).

OK... so why is the moon still up in the sky rather than splattered on the surface?

Are you saying a cable holds the moon up?

At no point did OP say he was presenting "definitive proof". Why lie to yourself like that?

The Sun and Moon are clearly hung by string attached to the ceiling, dude. When it's dark the glow stickers look like stars. Duh.

I can't believe I forgot about Thermo-Quantum String(tm). Thanks for remembering the facts in this discussion full of theory.

This is a conspiracy sub, I'm not for or against flat earth but it makes no sense to say specific conspiracies don't belong. There's a pedogate sub but I damn well want that conversation here as well.

Except Flat Earth theory is not a conspiracy. It's a time proven fact that the the Earth is round.

Would you also add the same clemency for someone claiming that a baseball is flat and proceeds to throw at you every possible nutter thought on that idea?

The point of a conspiracy is not to accept something as a fact.

Then why not the baseball or a tennis ball analogy? They make as much sense.

There are also subs for politics as well, but take a look around... This topic has more right to be here, than 75% of the shit that gets posted... Step off your high horse. You aint fooling no one.

The real conspiracies are political. Your comments highlights why conspiracies like Flat Earth are disseminated and propagated, the are noise that distracts from the stories that matter.

Mmmm. That's kinda like your opinion, no? GTFO :)

No. That is a fact. That is how propaganda works. Moreover, the belief that opinions should be respected is nonsense. I respect that you have an opinion, but it's not an accurate opinion. Disinformation like Flat Earth helps discredit this community, it discredits this movement, it is just one more absurdity that people can think of when they're faced with true conspiracies and shrug them off as just as absurd.

That is your, fuckin' opinion. Now, how about you stop wasting my time with your redundant, dog chasing tail. Don't act you are holier than thou. You have no fuckin' idea (nor do I). If you write this off, because of bias, what else do you write off? I see your username... You may want to re-think poking an actual spider.... Methinks you have no idea, WTF you are talking about.... BTW, what is your opinion on owls?

"In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird."

You yelling at yourself in the mirror, or some shit?

please get banned again and banished to your alt history disinfo sub

We didn't determine if it was "nonsense" yet.

Not until there is evidence provided to prove it false, will we cease to discuss it.

Do you have any thing to offer to the discussion? If not then why are you here?

Nice post and good job dealing with the haters.

I would post why I believe the flat earth but only the ones who see the magic can ever come to believe in it.

Don't let them get you out of conspiracy. These posts speak for themselves.

Right before you win the last thing they can do is attack you as a person. Good job.

Oh no bro I aint going nowhere. I just want people to have the info to make the choice for their self. Either way. But they should just have an open enough mind to look at it then make a decision. I'll admit first time I heard it I thought the same thing others say about it until I understood a little then I researched it more. It's silly to come in here complaining about the government lying about everything but for some reason the government ran schools never lied.

If the sun and moon aren't setting but disappearing into a vanishing point, it would get smaller and smaller until it vanished.

Ive watched a lot of eric dubay stuff, hes seems very convincing at first but eventually you realize hes just super manipulative(like a cult leader) and mostly full of shit.

watch the eddie bravo radio show with him, every time hes asked a tough question he reverts back to a manipulative talking point instead of actually answering the question. Hes either disinfo or just insanely deluded.

so if some guy with a camera zoom can do that, obviously there must be tons of telescopic evidence of people seeing the sun hours after it has 'set' correct?

Lol. No.

why not? are telescopes not real? Or just nobody in the history of mankind has pointed a telescope at the horizon?

Vanishing point dude.

ok? so what exactly are you saying the guy with the camera is seeing?

This is not happening as described by the official narrative "Sunset or sundown, is the daily disappearance of the Sun below the horizon as a result of Earth's rotation. "

again, so what exactly are you saying the person with the camera is seeing/experiencing and why can't you do it to a much greater extent with a telescope.

Actually, it is. I notice the guy did not do the zoom after sunset.

But more to the point, less than an hour before these images, the sun was much higher in the sky... what caused it to get lower in the first place? You say "perspective", but the sun doesn't appear smaller the lower it gets, that video says it appears larger, if anything.

So if the image appears larger, why is it getting lower? If it is receding into the distance, why does it appear larger at all?

If the sun and moon aren't setting but disappearing into a vanishing point, it would get smaller and smaller until it vanished.

A deeper analysis shows this assumption to be incorrect.

As size of the sun is around 32 miles in diameter (in flat earth model), it would take around 300 thousands of kilometers to shrink into a dot. So half of this path would shrink sun into 50% of size (150 housands km). So 30 thousands kilometers is 10% of diminution. So 3 thousands kilometers is only 1% of diminution. As you can use simple Pythagorean theorem in flat earth model, you can easily calculate, that from noon to sunset sun is doing only few thousands of kilometers before it sets below horizon. From OBSERVER'S VIEW sun traveled from 5 thousands km away (starting distance) at noon (from observer) to 11 thousands km from observer at sunset. So difference is 6 thousands km. In 6 thousands km the sun will not change it's size noticeably. As vanishing point for the sun is supposed to be 300 thousands km away from observer (then sun is supposed to become a dot for observer), 50% drop of size is to be when sun travels 150 thousands km. Cant you see that simple dependency? In 6 thousands km sun should drop only max 2% of angular size.

Wow. That's very interesting. Thanks for the info.

If it was in the sky and nothing was insuring it you would be able to see it with a telescope

theres a specific magical distance of a few thousand miles where everything just disappears bruh, even with a telescope.

OK, then... why does it "appear" to drop below the horizon? You've "proved" it wouldn't shrink to a dot, so what causes it to slowly drop below the visible horizon rather than staying up in the air where we could all see it all the time?

Very interesting engraving you should add: Also, here is an interesting commercial, as well: As above, so below. None of us truly have an idea what the actual fuck is going on....

None of us truly have an idea what the actual fuck is going on....

You clearly don't have any idea...

OP wont tolerate ignorance, yet OP tolerates himself.


Density does not matter in zero g. If there were no gravity things would float no matter the density.

I'm not even going to touch the second one. A large rock of ice, with a round indention in the middle, self contained orbiting sun and moon, with a protective dome, moving continuously up??

If we are in a flat earth model there is no such thing as zero g. No gravity exists in the flat earth model. You're thinking like you were taught. You have to think differently. Think from the flat earth model perspective.

No gravity exists in the flat earth model.

So, what causes the tides? The mathematics that rely on the gravitational force of the moon can predict tides to the minute, centuries in advance.

What force causes the ocean to rise and fall in perfect synchronicity with the motion of the moon around the "flat earth"?

Can you predict what time the high tide will be for a specified place at a specified time without referring to the gravitational attraction of the moon? Can you describe the force that causes the water to rise in only a certain part of the earth while it falls in another?

Let me surrender to this simulation. This mass of Antarctica that contains the world, where is it located? What does the mass of Antarctica that contains the earth look like as a whole? If it's always moving "up" at a consistent rate why are the stars in the same position? What keeps the dome in place? If we are constantly moving up, where did we start moving up? What if something is in the way of up will we crash into it? If density makes things fall, why do objects of different density and similar weight fall at the same speed?

I already showed you this "mass" is under Heaven. Other than that only God knows. I already told you as far as known Antarctica extends infinitely but again only God knows. There COULD be other domed flat earths everywhere on this mass Antartica. Honestly idk much about Universal Acceleration. Like I confessed in the OP I don't have all the answers. I'm sure if you looked hard enough on the internet you would find an answer. I'm just trying to answer your questions as I know.


"Because God"

Ayy lmao

How do the constellations progress across the sky, while we have both north and South Pole stars


If we climb to the outer rim of this ice wall with the proper equipment, will we be able to fight off the Wildlings when we get there?

Why wouldn't you just fly over it? That would much easier no? I have no idea what a "Wildlings" is.

Well poisoner.

The main reason why there isn't much transit across Antarctica is twofold: 1) its remoteness from major population centers, and 2) the prevailing winds blowing from West to East (observable in the general movement of clouds and weather) make that direction of travel more efficient. Notice that anytime you fly Westward, the trip is longer than going Eastward. Good explanations from pilots on this topic can be found here.

Antarctica is own little type of conspiracy. It was heavily protected by the UN before environmentalism was politically popular. It's remoteness and limitation of access to people connected to major institutions add lots of fuel to that fire. I am open to the possibility of some major agenda being associated with the place, but there is no end to the round globe (it is finite, but infinite in any direction - circular reasoning for you...).

  1. Buy a selfie stick.
  2. Take pictures of the underside of the earth
  3. Post them.

You obviously can't comprehend the English language.

Suppose that it is the equinox. On the flat earth model, that means the sun is directly over the circle of the equator. Now, let’s calculate the sun’s altitude. At 45 degrees latitude, at exactly noon, we measure the angle to the sun. If you have an accurate measurement, it will be 45 degrees. If we draw a line from where we are standing, to the equator, then to the sun and back to us, we’ll have made a nice right triangle. Since one angle is 45 degrees, we know the other is as well. That means that the distance to the equator from where we are standing MUST be the same as the distance to the sun from the equator. Incidentally, that’s a little over 3000 miles.

Now, let’s pretend, at the same time, we have another person in Antarctica, making the same measurement. But they’re going to wait until their local midnight. This means the sun will be on the opposite side of the equator, its maximum distance. It’s about 6213 miles from the north pole to the equator, so we can triple that distance to get Antarctica to the opposite side of the equator, 18639 miles. But, we now have another right triangle! Let’s just plug in what we know in this handy calculator and find out the angle to the sun. Side b will be the 18639 (the observer to the far side of the equator), and side a will be 3000 (the height of the sun). Angle A will represent the angle to the sun. This is the LOWEST the sun will ever get for that point, since we waited until local midnight.

I got 9.14 degrees. To give some context, the width of your fist at arm’s length is about 10 degrees. That means the sun should be no less than a fist’s width above the horizon at all times for the equinox. For basically every city in the world, it should be MUCH higher.

How is this explained in the flat earth model?

Then why not the baseball or a tennis ball analogy? They make as much sense.