Dear Trump: the bill is now on your desk. Veto the shit out of it to protect the privacy of people YOU work for. Grow some balls and stand up to the swamp you supposedly were going to drain. If you don't, we WILL fight back

16565  2017-03-29 by FUCK_TPTB

This needs to be said.

Edit: to all those who think I am still a Trump supporter, just so you all know, I WAS a Trump supporter, but have become extremely disillusioned with him and his administration. I plead to other Trump supporters to open your eyes and mind about him, being a little more skeptical about who he is, and his actions. I have learned he is a CONMAN, and he is no different from previous presidents before him, including Obama, Bush, and Clinton, PROBABLY worse.

We must stand up to him. We must not blindly obey him just because he said he was going to drain the swamp and you think he's playing 420D backgammon Chinese checkers. It's all bullshit, he's full of bullshit, and you all need to OPEN your eyes.

This is r/conspiracy for fuck's sake, NOT r/the_scumbag, or any other biased subreddit.

Be skeptical of ALL authority.

Edit2: I never voted for Trump. I stopped supporting him before election day. I bought into his bullshit during the beginning of his campaign when he was promising to drain the swamp, but I eventually realized how much we've been played and DUPED by this fuckwad.

Edit3: also if you want to sign a petition regarding this issue, check out this link


Haha... how are we gonna "fight back"?

Hypothetically, one could form a militia, and exercise their second amendment rights, to overthrow a corrupt government.

Yeah... you'd better keep that shit hypothetical.

I have held teatime in a burning minefield, other people's opinions mean very little to me.

Good... cause you won't bat an eyelash when the judge's opinion is "Guilty".

For what? Citing the constitution?

I'm sure they would think of something... but yer all good... you went hypothetical with it.

idk why people are giving you shit for an obvious and logical idea...i.e., if the gov't is fucking with you, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING.. lol

Well said

Lol you just know this guy wears his V for Vendetta mask until mom calls him for dinner

Big talk coming from a wannabe taco bell mascot.

If you're nice mommy might get you some Taco Bell on the way home

I spent my twenties clearing landmines from school yards, you watched movies. My actions kept children in one piece, while yours have lead to that less that witty comment. What are you doing with your life besides my mother?

Oh suck on it bro. This isn't World War II and Vietnam, nobody drafted you and forced you into it. You made the choice because you either couldn't get into college, or fell for some retard recruiters stick. You chose the "10% off at stores" life, go wax poetic somewhere else

Ooh, opened a bad door did I? Get your shit together.

Lol nah man don't try and act like I'm The one offender or bothered.. you're the guy who's "clearing land mines from playgrounds" which is about as dramatic of a thing to say possible. Go back to flipping over all the rocks on base, you ain't fooling nobody

What's this pic supposed to be? Did you think I didn't believe you that you joined the Army? I was just laughing at you playing the role of thinking you're special, if not you some other idiot from Arkansas or some Ramirez/Martinez would've done it.

I was being polite.

Why were there landmines in school yards? How hard is minesweeping? Where do you learn to do a job like that? It sounds like you have a cool life story.

People are assholes. it's easy, but you can only mess up once. The army, ask your local recruiter about an exciting career in Combat Engineering! Yes I do, kinda sad at times, but it would make for a good read.

LOL... dreams are free.

All you'd accomplish is getting yourself labelled a "domestic terrorist" and being wiped out.

I love the naivete of this sort of argument. Yeah, go ahead and fight a government with drones and tanks with your AR-15 and $400 nagant.

Takes more than machinery to keep a population suppressed, you need people at the controls and boots on the ground. Soldiers ate normal people and in most cases of justified revolt I'd suspect they side with their families and friends over the government.

Considering how blind Trump supporters can be I wouldn't bet on the military siding with the people.

Trump supporters are the military.

And don't confuse the talking heads you see on TV with the military.

Trump supporters make up the grunts. Air / Navy / Intel agencies are at best split.

and in most cases of justified revolt I'd suspect they side with their families and friends over the government

Please see the overwhelming majority of every military dictatorship and civil war ever.

Ideological differences between first ad third world nations extend largely into their revolutionary actions as well.

Ahh, American exceptionalism at its best. Please see my other post.

European too.

Europe has seen enough civil wars in the last 100 years to know that governments will use heavy weaponry and aircraft if they feel it's needed.

Europe? Or do you mean the second world states that are part of the EU? Don't recall any frenc revolutions this century.

Lol, alright then. Please, read up on European history before you make even more of an ass of yourself.

Why don't you enlighten me?

This is actually a justified case of American exceptionalism. We've done the successful revolt for liberty thing before. Our culture is different from most cultures due to its advanced individualism, and that makes all the difference when it comes to determining whether a revolution goes full circle. It isn't enough to be a warlord in an individualistic society. Individualism thus agitates against revolution, but makes it more efficacious as a means of change if the necessary threshold is reached.

That's nuts, you can't even begin to compare the difference in both theaters. I also find it hilarious that you seem so thoroughly convinced the core of what you said exclusively applies to the US.

Technically, you've overstated my case. I didn't say it only applies in the US, merely that the USA has a valid claim to specialty. I'd name Switzerland as another nation that could have a successful revolt for the same reasons. It's just not as likely. Switzerland doesn't have the same problem with persistent government overreach.

Soldiers don't turn in revolutions until their money men tell their Generals to turn.

Revolutions, the kind you're talking about, don't happen because of internet privacy, they happen when there's no food on your table and half your family and friends are locked up or killed by the government, or when someone with power manipulates the poor into joining their fight to take down those who currently have power.

Actually it's usually the second one.

I'm not saying this is revolution time, just arguing that the government really doesn't have this iron grip when it comes to citizens. If it got real bad, all the drones on earth wouldn't be enough to win a domestic war against its own citizens.

You're absolutely right about that. It's not in the interest of a government to kill off all its own people.

I disagree, I'd say it's not in the interest of a government to lose power or wealth which at means keeping citizens on side somewhat. When jobs become automated and citizens aren't nearly as required I think we'll see some fairly awful things from the top.

Jobs don't pay taxes or keep an economy running. You can't just start killing off your people, you can however ignore hem long enough to make their living conditions hell.

When automation takes over I believe you'll see the military and military police forces expanded drastically, even private forces possibly. It provides work for a certain percent of the population while making sure the other part of the population who are poor and desperate are kept in line. It runs in line with how other countries have handled it when the gap between the haves and have nots becomes too big.

You really should read some history, especially about Russia in XX century. Secret police with massive privilages and big oppresion institutions (like famous Gulag) is all you need.

Successful revolutions happen only when government is weakened by inside fighting and economy is about to collapse.

I know the history of the USSR fairly well, can you explain how it's relevant to my comment?

$400 nagant.

Who the fuck pays $400 for a Mosin? I paid $125 for mine.

It was a joke aimed at people who buy overpriced ones. It seems because everybody has got one nowadays you aren't a true /k/ommando unless you buy one, too. People are being overcharged left and right.

Prices have gone up lately. Also just because you can buy a cheap one doesn't mean there aren't good ones out there too

That's fair, I bought mine a while back.

I'm jealous :)

The idea of fighting the military is dumb, but if you honestly believe they'd utilize tanks and drones on home turf you're even dumber. A drone? Really? Sure let's drop a bomb and cause millions of dollars of damage to the infrastructure that we have to repair. It would be like going after a fly in your home with a sledgehammer.

Sure let's drop a bomb and cause millions of dollars of damage to the infrastructure

Whoever talked about nuclear weapons? Or do you think they'd just drop bombs on bridges and dams for funsies?

if you honestly believe they'd utilize tanks and drones on home turf you're even dumber.

It's clear you know nothing about history because that's exactly the way civil wars progress once they escalate. At first it'd maybe be just "regular" armed conflict, guns vs guns. Do you think the military would just keep their soldiers unsafe because magic or something? Once casualties start increasing you don't think they'll use armored vehicles?

I'm Spanish so I know a thing or two about whether a government would be willing to bomb their own population or not. You don't have to go back in time, though, look at Syria, look at Ukraine (not bombing but shelling separatists with artillery surely counts), look at Egypt (not bombs but tanks). You don't know shit about history if you think a government would care about material damage in such a situation.

I can't even tell if this is satire or not. Drawing a 1 to 1 parallel with Syria and the United States?? Sure thing. History isn't comparable to modern day and Syria and Egypt are not the United States. I'd love to see the government have the balls to drop a bomb in Manhattan. Nothing gets you support like wiping out hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens homes and means to make a living.

Nice straw man! Is that the kind of enemy you want to fight? lol

I'd love to see the government have the balls to drop a bomb in Manhattan.

Alright, this tells more about your general mindset than anything you could possibly say.

Again, look at Spain, look at Greece, look at the Balkans, look at Portugal and their Carnation Revolution (which thankfully backfired on the government - this is a point for both of us), there's plenty of examples with different cultural backgrounds. You're delusional if you think the US is any different from the rest of humanity.

What the actual fuck is your idea of a armed rebellion? You just take a mass of people with weapons and rush at a government building? Anyone with a brain will target hospitals, train yards, power plants, shipping docks etc. and hold them hostage. You want densely populated areas like manhatten precisely so they absolutely cannot use heavy force against you. And if they do they considerably hurt themselves in the process which is still a victory for the rebels.

He's a shill meant to discourage any type of resistance. Don't let these fucks get to you.

I'd love to see the government have the balls to drop a bomb in Manhattan.

This guy gets it. That city is a cage. If the government bombs it, the inmates start spilling out everywhere.

Syria l, Iraq, Lybia, Algeria, Soviet Union, China, and more all prove you wrong. If you want to retain power you don't care about infrastructure for the people. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself. It would be more like destroying the palace to keep the castle.

So you're saying that all these awful governments serve the purpose of keeping people too afraid of government to rebel against their own awful government? <3're fine to do nothing and continue being an oppressed slave, forever? I'd rather fight and die free, anytime anyday, than roll over and GET FUCKED SOME MORE like you, cuck. fuck off with your pansy bullshit

Well, suppose there was civil war, at least half the military and a quarter of the intelligence agencies would go against the government. Not to mention the American Government doesn't have a very good track record against poorly armed guerilla insurgencies.

The American Government has a terrible track record against poorly armed guerilla insurgencies, and none of the countries that have humiliated our military are anywhere close to as well-armed as the American people are. There's a gun behind every blade of grass in the continental United States.

And consider the morale costs of fighting a foreign insurgency! Our soldiers come back insane from the stress of it. A domestic insurgency, where there's no going home to escape and you have to live with the knowledge that you're shooting your own countrymen, would have such crazy morale problems that defections would be common.

^ This guy fucks.

Yeah but if you do that then you better have a damn good idea of what comes after you "overthrow the government", because a revolution with no goal is pointless.

Exactly. People hold up the American Revolution like that is the norm of a revolution, when in reality most revolutions look like Syria.

What people are you talking about? People hold up the American Revolution as evidence of American exceptionalism. Nobody says it's the norm of a revolution, rather that it's the result of a revolution in an individualist culture. In case you haven't noticed, Earth doesn't have many of those. It's an exceptional case. Most people in most places are collectivist and/or authoritarian by both intuition and long practice.

People always talk shit about folks that remind us that this is an option but I think it is important to remember that the option does exist.

Is it futile? Probably, but rice farmers and goat herders have beaten the same military so in theory it is possible.

Will they use this on their own people? I doubt it that sounds like a recipe to lose all international support. Not because other nations give a shit about us but we are the largest consumer base in the world so being driven into the ground would upset that.

Buy browsing histories of everyone who supported the bill and publish them any and everywhere.

Like they won't be exempt haha

"Haha just give up and accept God emperor as your daddy haha"


They actually aren't, there's no provisions for members of the legislature

What, how'd they fuck that up?

That gives me a weird feeling of mild trust in the bill that wasn't there before.

True, but more importantly as far as I'm aware there also no provision that they must sell you the data on someone you request. Good luck convincing any telco to sell you the data. Why would they willingly try and fuck over the people they pay to fuck you over when they gain NOTHING from doing so.

Money speaks. They will fuck over the people who passed it cause guess when someone is running for election now they can give someone they like even more the information to kill the opponent.

they gain money- i also don't think the salesmen of data are the same folks that bought the politicians. I could request the browser history of my congressman that voted for this bill (he's relatively low profile), and I doubt the ISP would know.

You think a tiny little one time payment is a blip on their radar? God to be that naive again...

if you're talking about the payment of senators sarcastically (and I think you are?) as the "one time payment," no, I don't think it's a blip. But I'm saying these companies are fucking enormous and I sincerely don't think the executives and lobbyists are the ones selling the data. We don't know yet, but I doubt it. My congressman isn't high profile in media, nor does he take a ton of money from Telcoms comparatively to say, McConnell.

Don't mistake my analysis for naivete, I'm just saying we don't know how data will be sold and I doubt executives personally will know everything my dude

Do you really think that the ISPs will sell the histories of the politicians they bought? I'm pretty sure they don't HAVE to sell if they don't want to. In fact, I don't see why they wouldn't start charging an extra "privacy" fee for those who don't want to be intruded upon. This is capitalism.

i don't really think i have to ask the lobbyists that bought them for the history. once the bill is enacted, i'd imagine you purchase it from like, sales reps or some shit

Yes, there would be sales representatives from individual ISPs that would sell the information of their customers. But they are not obligated to sell information from every customer. I wouldn't be surprised if Rep. Blackburn's history is not for sale.

true, but i am fairly optimistic in capitalism inevitably fucking over its goons, so i wouldn't be surprised if everything was for sale.

That's definitely not how it works.

Not saying that I agree with the bill, but we have no reason to believe we can buy an indivdual's browsing history.

I hope you understand it is literally impossible to buy de anonymized data from these people.

It looks like a lot of you bought into a sensationalist lie.

Right, because for the last 10+ years we werent protected by policy that prevented ISP's from doing exactly this. Where the fuck have you been? Sure it's sensasionalized but do you blame them? Is it so bad to bring this to the attention of people who otherwise wouldnt give a shit if it werent for click bait? This is a big deal, stop downplaying it to make yourself feel better about having nothing to hide.

This is not a big deal.

The regulations were never if effect. You haven't lost any protections, and have not gained any. Absolutely nothing has changed.

Right, because for the last 10+ years we werent protected by policy that prevented ISP's from doing exactly this.

Your ISP has been doing this for as long as advertising networks have been trying to buy the information. If I recall, the 1984 cable act is what added the personal identification protections, hence why your data is anonymous coming from someone selling an analytics package.

You guys seriously don't even know how the laws work, or what regulations are in place.

Haha okay you're right. I too introduce new legeslation to change/create regulations that were already in place. Nothing changed, it's always been this way, my ass still has always hurt. Sorry I'll go back to my government approved bubble now too. See you there!

There's plenty you can do regarding your browsing habits to reduce your footprint if you're at a tinfoil level of paranoid.

You're going to have to sacrifice convenience, but your complaints fall on deaf ears.

You can't do this people! Stop sending your money to that random redditor, it's not going to work, as you can't buy personal data.

Remember when Ashley Madison leaked and you had ppl crying that their life was over now... now that's on a national scale.

That browsing history is corporate property. What in the world makes you think they'll willingly part with it? You don't kick a good dog, and congress congress is being a pretty good dog.

You can already do that. These protections everyone is whining about do not exist.

They have never been implemented.

Start by getting rid of Trump supporters who only hurt the fight of the people.

Creative protests would be fun. We go to congress people's houses and start rooting through their trash on facebook live. Stand outside their window with binoculars.

If we had this on mass it would likely force them to make arrests and use violence. Watching some people that showed up to essentially troll irl being beaten to a pulp would piss people off.

Sousveillance! Who watches the watchmen? If we don't, nobody!

Vote Democrat in 2018.

They are gonna have to come up with something other than "We're still not Trump."

Disagree. The Democratic platform is fine. It's voters that are going to need to learn that a party platform can never 100% fit anyone.

Everyone knows that Republicans have all the sexy girls... I vote with my dick... so ya'll better get Tulsi Gabbard up for the presidency ASAP.

Haha, the party of bloodthirsty Obama is waaaay off of 100%. They're like 5% fitting the interests of the people at best.

Super PAC made by the people for the people

Haha... fuckin great idea! More PACs! We need anti-Lobbyist Lobbyists lobbying 24/7, yo! Who can I hand my money over to? They need to take it alllll now!

Yea I know it's a pipe dream. But we outnumber the elite, and if everyone donated $10 we might finally have an entity they cannot ignore. Of course we would never be able to unite enough people to make a difference. Divide and conquer is their game and they are damn good at it.

Yer gonna have to explain this plan a little better if you expect to get my $10 cause someone is gonna have to be the dude holding those billions of dollars we give him to bribe the government with... so ya gotta get an unbribe-able briber bribing seasoned bribery pros.

I'd be unbribeable. I'd be happy to demolish the White House and live as President McLivesinahut. Watch as I never get anywhere of any political significance. Hah.

I don't know, maybe not vote for the party that views you as nothing but a thing for corporations to use? If only the other side was completely opposed to this bullshit. But no, emails and hurt feelings matter more than actually not letting the government fuck you

You'll have to be more specific... exactly which political party isn't trying to fuck me?

It really sucks to live in a one party state, doesn't it? We ought to have a choice other than the globalist demopublicans.

Armed revolt is looking more appealing everyday.

Yeah... you just leave me right out of that "idea".

Trump is "pro-surveillance".

Yep, he is for the surveillance state. Rand Paul called him out for that...

Rand Paul also co-authored this bill. So pot calling kettle.

Rand Paul believes corporate freedom>>>citizen freedom.

Corporations are people too. It's the Republican way.

But people aren't.

Unless they're unborn.

Then you count more than an adult female citizen.

It's because they WANT people to not be able to have abortions so they become poor. Because poor people are easier to control.

No because they don't want to spend their resources on another human being like the greedy monsters they are. It's murder, not "women's choice". If poor people are that concerned, stop having unprotected sex like morons.

If poor people are that concerned, stop having unprotected sex like morons.

It's almost like the funding towards teaching them that was removed by... oh REPUBLICANS

Nope, I'm talking about selfish people REGARDLESS of party affiliation. You know who taught me about the birds and the bees? My family and friends. I don't need big government to hold my hand and tell me about unsafe sex like a good ignorant tax payer. Notice how the Democrats clamor for funding organizations that called for "cleansing" of poor minorities? Planned Parenthood is so good though /s

You know who taught me about the birds and the bees? My family and friends.

facepalm You know who doesn't know about that? People who have parents who don't know about that. It's almost like it's a cyclical thing. Destitute people have destitute friends.

Democrats clamor for funding organizations that called for "cleansing" of poor minorities?

Jesus fuck. So democrats are equally trying to "cleanse" poor minorities AND destroy white america! THOSE DAMN DEMS!

I don't need big government to hold my hand and tell me about unsafe sex like a good ignorant tax payer.

Unfortunately a LOT of Americans don't know that. And yes, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a lot of conservative Americans are in that group. The number of times I hear about people who don't know where babies come from are either those under 18 or adults (sometimes married) who never learned basic reproductive science.

There are an astounding number of people in the country who don't know how their own genitals work, let alone those of the opposite sex.

You know who taught me about the birds and the bees? My family and friends.


This is why people get pregnant at age 16 and men can't find a clitoris. These are not people who will give you objective facts. And even if YOUR parents and friends will, you can't rely on other people's families to give THEM good information.

Uneducated people can't improve the economy. Money brings power. The ultimate goal of every ruler seems to be to make their own nation powerful, often through questionable methods.

In my meaning, the ultimate goal should be to help everyone live together in mutualism. It might be impossible but that's just a hypothesis. We can't know for sure unless we try.

Uneducated people can't improve the economy very much. Money brings power. The ultimate goal of every ruler seems (to me) to be to make their own nation powerful, often through questionable methods.

Why did feudalism work so well then? I'm not arguing it seems like you may have a pretty good grasp on the subject and I'm looking for further knowledge.

I'm really not the guy to ask but I'd guess it was because of the mutualism between the peasants and knights. The peasants gave them food and they repaid by protecting the peasants' land. The nobles were the highly educated people and so I guess people looked to them for answers to problems. Farmers sold food and paid taxes, taxes were used by the king to hire knights and knights fought for power.

In today's society, an engineer generates more money for society than a farmer, through taxes. You need a degree to become something like an engineer and thus, education is needed to improve the economy. Well, on paper at least. A person without a degree may in some cases be better fit for a job than a person with a degree, but filtered out simply because the lack of a degree. Thanks to the internet, we can gain and share knowledge easier than ever and there is therefore much less need for school when aiming for certain careers. Also, an educated but stressed person might perform worse than a not-so educated but calm person.

TL;DR: Anybody could be a farmer, which were the jobs that paid a lot back then. Today, you need a degree to get a decent-paying job, as work tasks have become way more complicated.

Unless they're rich.

I can't wait for Walmart to be called up for jury duty and for Starbucks to be drafted into the military. It will make things very interested.

Don't be silly. Starbucks is 32. Way too old for the draft.

With all that sugar that gives you a buzz, Starbucks is probably not even fit to serve.

Plot twist: the govt drafts walmart and they just send checkout clerks to fight off the A-Rabs.

Not just Republicans. Did Obama arrest the bankers? Both parties help big corporations, just one of them does it a bit more than the other.

The bankers didn't do anything illegal dumbass

The bankers didn't do anything illegal dumbass

Are you fucking serious? Representing a loan of $500,000 from a migrant farm worker making $20,000 as AAA quality isn't fraud?

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Obama literally established the Consumer Protection Bureau to protect Americans from corporations doing this exact shit.

Republicans fought it tough-and-nail and are actively de-funding it.

This quote was born under the Obama administration. Remember that.

By Mitt Romney, a Republican.

Rand Paul just believes that the government should stay out of everything. And when he has a chance to do something about it, you bet he'll take it up, even if it's not in everyone's interest.

It's not ""even if it's not in everyone's interest", it's more like, especially when it's in the interests of a few elite moneyed interests.

That give him money.

On the list of "things the government shouldn't be involved with", there are about 100,000 things that should be taken care of before we ever get into a philosophical debate over whether the FCC should create rules about ISPs selling people's private information. Let's not pretend anyone picked this to be a champion of small government. This was picked to be a champion of large campaign contributions and comfy post-government "consultant" gigs.

Good day: Government busy doing things to let the rich and powerful fuck over the poor and vulnerable. This is free market small government deregulation.

Even better day: Government doing things to protect the rich and powerful from everyone and everything. This is crime and terrorism prevention regulations.

Rand Paul just believes that the government should stay out of everything. And when he has a chance to do something about it, you bet he'll take it up, even if it's not in everyone's interest.

If he really believed that, he'd be against the existence of corporations and the enforcement of intellectual property laws, since they are both "legal fictions" that require government enforcement above and beyond contractual obligation to be viable.

you are too stupid to breed so don't please, thanks.

Solid argument buddy.

Rule 10, only warning.

How is your freedom being violated?

You are free not to agree to the terms of service if you disagree with them.

Websites such as reddit and facebook are not possible if the companies are not allowed to sell the information they gather.

How about total freedom? Without government involvement we wouldn't have an internet at all, or much of modern society. And we'd be much better off for it.

I'd like to see the nuclear arsenal hijacked and used as a reset button to tribal society.

What a joke.

They are all puppets feeding off of each other.

For real? Seems like something he is against or his father is very against

Rand Paul =/ Ron Paul

He co-sponsored it and then abstained from voting.

weasel bastard

Co-sponsored, not co-authored...

Right, Comcast & AT&T authored it. Well, ALEC probably but close enough.

And i think that the reason he didnt vote on it is that he realizes that it alienates his younger base and that this was going to pass without his vote.

Rand Paul had an opportunity to vote against this bill and decided not to vote instead. He's a hypocrite.

He needs that re-election money

So what you're saying is that no matter Trump does, it's proof that he's not on our side?

And honestly if he DOES veto, it will be under the advisement from TPTB, because there's too much pushback and they won't risk tarnishing his image with all this publicity for the bill

I couldn't really care less what his reasoning would be. Politics at that level is all an incredibly calculated PR move.

So whatever he does, he will be the bad guy regardless?

oh stfu you idiots wouldnt give him credit for anything anyway so foff losers. Seriously. It's hackneyed at this point.

Removed. Rule 4.

Fair enough. Thanks.

So what you're saying is if he signs it he's an asshole but if he doesn't he's still an asshole because it was under the guidance of someone else? If he vetoes it he should get credit for doing the right thing even if it took advisement from others.

Are you fucking kidding me? You think they'd all vote on this bill if they didn't have Trump's promise locked in fucking granite that he's sign it?

Politics... what is it?

So far the biggest successes of the Trump presidency are things he hasn't done (FIrst Amendment Defense Act, TPP, war with Iran), yet.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't lol

Rand Paul is a consponsor of the very bill as well, what a mindfuck

At first I thought the bolded edit was a Rand Paul quote... and kind of smiled. Then I realized it wasn't and laughed at myself and had to re-read.

of course he is

and remember all those internet IP bills, they are going to strut back swinging their balls in your face and will teabag the fuck out of America.

Aren't privacy protections more beneficial to the government? Maybe people will start encrypting their traffic more after all of this visibility.

Except when he's the one being watched

Or being investigated

Somehow, Trump supporters will find a way to tell you this is no big deal.

no big deal, don't worry

Its the Russians.

Methinks the Democratic Left complains too much.

(the Russians - HA!)

I visit r/the_Donald regularly and I've seen zero support for this. Can u link me to the comments posted that make you think this will be the case?

Look like 5 comments above yours. There's a couple telling us how this would be a good thing.

Where? I can't see any comments saying this will be a good thing

They're there. They're almost all replies to comments saying it's a bad thing. I'm on mobile and on my break so sorry but you'll have to find it on your own.

I've searched, but cannot find anyone saying it's a good thing.

Even is there is one or two comments saying it is good, does that mean the majority of t_d think it's a good idea?

You're definitely not searching good enough then.

One moron upthread was saying it's a good thing because it takes away power from the FCC I'm not even joking.

One post does not define a subreddit

I, like many others over there, do not agree or support it.

Can you link me to a comment in t_d where they critizice their god emperor? I'm not visiting that cesspool.

This thread. Sort by controversial.

This isnt t_d....

Could've fooled me.

It's a common argument tactic I'm seeing alot. See something you don't agree with? Demand a source! Put the burden of proof on the other guy. They provided only one source? Must be an outlier. Or then they'll latch onto one incorrect detail and call the whole thing invalid.

After the sourcing argument they'll move onto "well I work it that field so I think I know a thing or two" and just stick their head in the sand ignoring reason.

Uh yeah no shit, asking for sources is a common tactic in an argument.

Asking for a source on something that doesn't exist is illogical. He said he hasn't seen any support for it so there will be no (or very little) posts that support it. He did not say that the people there were denouncing it.

Nope, he asked for a source for someone criticizing trump for it.

Can you link me to a comment in t_d where they critizice their god emperor?

Yeah but /u/xenonsupra didn't say anyone was criticizing it just that people weren't supporting it.

My mistake then, thought you meant the comment from /u/Deimd

Yeah, my bad. I should have used specific names instead of just "he".

He also limited Trump supporters down to just the_Donald. So looks like everyone is an idiot.

That's reddits shtick tho, we ask for sources.

They ban you for that shit lol. "Muh full time rally"

"Full time rally"? They have the most creative euphemisms for "safe space".

You spelled "echo chamber" wrong. Seriously, people there are proud of the fact that it's the only place they ever visit on the internet.

You spelled "echo chamber" wrong.

I say "safe space" because they ban people who have unacceptable opinions and refuse to admit they're a safe space because that's something they accuse every other subreddit of being.

An "echo chamber" or circle jerk isn't always a safe space because being downvoted heavily by a circle jerk is much different than being banned by the moderators in addition to that. The cult members know the difference they just choose to conflate it so they don't have to admit they're the biggest safe space of all. All they do is either deflect about /r/politics or come up with a euphemism for safe space.

I hate that about t_d.

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TLDR : some do express concern but most still go with "no big deal" or "not an issue" or " we are over reacting"

I've actually started using my alt account to attack the people in the no no sub who question anything, even in the slightest.
The top comment earlier this week in a post about the failed healthcare bill was from a guy (his post history showed he was an obvious red hat) who said something like- "I'm as loyal a pede as there is, but come on, Trump was pushing this bill and it failed. No big deal, but be honest about it."

I laid into him using all their typical "cuck" talk. Told him he wasn't a true pede, and was obviously a paid shrill. Others joined in, and now his comment has been purged by the mods, and I'm assuming (based on my experience) that he is now serving a week long ban.

My thoughts: This is how they will implode. They'll split from within...I just want to make it so so when the average supporter in that shit hole eventually questions something, he gets harassed and banned for a week. Maybe it will opentheir eyes to experience what it's like for the toxicity of that circlejerk to be focused on them for logically evaluating something (and also how they protect their safe space)....

and now I'm excited, because it sounds like if he signs this bill I'll have a chance to get back into character on my alt acct, and lambast some motherfuckers!

I like the cut of your jib!

...Damn. This is some next level shit you got going on.

I've always like the idea of strategically downvoting any reasonable comments or questions.

4D chess.

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Well, Trump can still act against the bill, so probably that's why they still can have some discussion. But we all already know how things go over there, it's a sub for supporting him blindly. I hope that I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that he won't do shit to protect internet privacy, and then t_d users will go for a narrative that justifies it, like it's GOP's fault, it's Obama's fault, the bill isn't really bad, he's playing 7D chess, or whatever, we'll see.

Exactly. Just angry liberals who think they know better than everyone else. Nothing new

impossible. you see t_d is sorta like north korea, if you criticize great leader or speak against the OFFICIAL PARTY TRUTH you will be immediately banned and deleted.

so obviously you won't see any criticism for him not vetoing it there, once he inevitably doesn't veto it. only in forums that care about facts and the truth can be debated openly without first checking in with the party masters for the acceptable narratives of the day would you see such criticism. Never in the donald, or if you do you can go back five minutes later and see how its been swept into the memory hole.

I'm banned from every Hillary and anti Trump related sub for making like three comments in T_D, don't act like the left isn't a cesspool of censorship.

What Hillary subs lmfao

Are you implying that there were never any Hillary related subs?

In a joking manner, yes

In comparison to the rampant Donald and Bernie subs that gained massive traction on Reddit, Hillary's subs were ants in an ocean

Hurr durr whatabout clinton?

Excellent rebuttal.

It wasnt a rebuttal, it was a summation.

Yes, I was being sarcastic because you added nothing to the conversation.

Then it was a truly accurate summation.

And I was banned from the Donald preemptively, it's to stop trolls just like the mods at the Donald told me

It's always black and white for you guys. You said something bad about our dear leader? Well look a what the DEMS do!! Bengahzi!!! Emails!! BLOW JOBS!!!

He didn't say one thing about the left. So there was no reason for you to bring it up. Most ppl in this sub are beyond parties and realize they both exist to keep the wealthy in power.

citation needed. or to put it another way, i think that is a lie.

also i'd like to quote another user here:

This is usually what Trump supporters resort to. Whatboutism that paradoxically insists the thing he's been accused of is fine, whilst also insisting that you need to focus on this other person that did(n't) do something sorta like what Trump did because they're worse.

The Russian connections are the most frequent, but they'll do it with Trump's ignoring of Saudi Arabia on the terror list and Clinton's supposed ties to the Saudis. And they'll do it with his "kill the familise of terrorists" whilst also saying everyone want's us to go to war with Russia.

so, tell us some more about how its fine that t_d is a den of censorship, because hill and anti-trump subs do to, supposedly.

Did I say it was fine that t_d doesn't censor people? I said the left does it too, it isn't an exclusively t_d thing.

Head over to /r/askthe_donald

They will support him til their dying day, they are total fanatics.

They will support him til their dying day, they are total fanatics twelve year olds and Russians.


It's been a few hours and you have a handful of comments, but no answer to your request. I think that sorta answers it.

I visit all the time and have seen zero mention of this. They ignore it because it does not fit the narrative.

Probably ignored because you'll get banned 10/10 times for criticising his policies which is extremely ironic considering how most of the sub criticises other subs for being liberal echo chambers.

It's hard to find any forum on the Internet that isn't an echo chamber, unfortunately.


You can't even ask questions about policy there or you'll be banned. I was banned over a year ago for asking what his stance was on net neutrality in a post about net neutrality. They said this wasn't the place for discussion, but it's obvious they just didn't want any of that in the comments because they assumed this type of thing was coming down the line.

Are you fucking stupid ? They just ban everyone

This is what I think will happen, when he passes it any mention of him supporting the bill and how it's betraying the American people will be immediately deleted (and you'll probably get banned). If he vetoes it the entire front page will be how much he loves every American and is sticking it to the GOP.

You will see zero posts about it there. Doesn't fit the narrative of their dear leader's perfection.

Same way they call his support of the wealth care bill 4D chess instead of the failure it is.

Zero support yet, once he signs it, it'll be spun like a fucking top.

People actually go there for serious discussion?

I haven't seen a single post about the bill, not even one. How is that possible? These are people who are tech savvy and use the internet all the time, people who's values, based on other posts, clearly go against the concept of this bill, yet no posts denouncing it. How can that be?

[;sh=dbffa5f3](They're claiming it's no big deal, everyone is overreacting, and that t_d has the most knowledgeable tech people...)

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And the top comments (as of now) are against it. Never bad to see both sides of the story as the OP presents.

I am not a Trump supporter. It's no big deal.

It is no big deal. Nothing has changed. The rules were brand new and we didn’t even have a chance to experience the internet with the rules in place. Why weren’t you fighting against this a year ago? We were literally in the exact same position then.

So he will make a friend out of you for dumping this bill? Hahahaha

What if this bill was a softball to win him some affection from the people?

Or, what if this bill is to prove he is heeling like a good dog?

I'm not going to like trump just because he vetoes this bill though.. I'll be happy if he does, but I'll still be skeptical of all his actions now and in the future

He's gonna sign the bill. Watch.

Of course he will. He signs anything put in front of him. Watch him remark in the coming weeks that "it's terrible how Obama stripped away internet privacy" legitimately not realizing that was his dumb ass.

"Oh, I thought Habeus Corpus meant internet privacy. I did that?"

Well considering the White House has already told the press that they support's not a matter of if he does. He will sign it. Consider it done. Sorry yall.

420G internet chess! even if hes filling the swamp hes ACTUALLY draining it! MAGA!

420G internet chess! even if hes filling the swamp hes ACTUALLY draining it! MAGA!

no, hes not. hes draining the swamp right into his cabinet! thats why his cabinet is goldman sachs from top to bottom! and thats also why he didnt veto the bill! how can you support this man?! he has done nothing for the american people, only him and his rich buddies! hes not "playing 4d chess". is him not vetoing this bill not proof enough for you that he is only out to serve the interests of the rich?! what more proof do you need? when will you wake up and realize that this orangeman care nothing for the struggles of regular people!?

3748329 DIMENSIONAL CHECKERS! haha you're right i was just being fascisious. FUCK TRUMP!


Not only will Trump supporters not criticize him on this, they'll find a reason why it was in their best interest to pass it.

Fuck this country and it's dumb citizens so much. The left and the right are so fucking stupid. I want to move to Africa like Dave Chappell

lol you sure bout that?

They only show you the ghettos of Africa, they have billion dollar cities and have been receiving billions from China to build even more.

20 years from now, America will look like the African Ghettos and Africa will look like America.


No, the stupid americans keep voting in the same bunch of clowns.

It is not ironic, it's iconic.

America has a big part to play in the future, it's not one most will be happy about but one that is very important to our creator. We made this bed long ago, we're just sleeping and living the American dream while it lasts.

But we can't sleep forever.

What a poet


No creator.

gg no rm

If that narrative is true, America is The Whore of Babylon.

The virgin daughter of Babylon who has never been touched.

God bless America.

If the people who live in the middle of America had an inkling of understanding of what say a city like Shanghai is like compared to one of their podunk towns, they'd be so pissed they couldn't sleep at night.

Most people have a vision of the world promulgated by the media.

The clueless sleep soundly, my friend.

Put that on my vision board kemosabe.


very unlikely

I mean you've obviously never left you suburb.

I dont even know what you are trying to say here. I live in Amsterdam, having escaped the immigrant ghettos where the police would not help us.

there are some crazy nice parts of africa and your dollar goes a long way there

i got a buddy who's house is built with a waterfall inside of it his mortgage is like 800 bucks

Where at? Do mosquitos live in this waterfall?


Dave Chappelle lives on a farm in Ohio.

Yep only an hour away from me

What's it like in Ohio, Africa? Does he have lions on his farm?

Lol Ohio is a pretty boring state really, but Dave probably wanted some place to "get away" from it all. It's serene, flat, and peaceful out here.

I use to live in North West PA, not too far from Ohio.

Isn't his parents from Yellow springs? That's why I always assumed he was there.

I ran into him backstage at a concert at my college in OH. He wasn't really famous yet...this was post-Half-Baked but pre-Chappelle-Show so I knew him but saw that he was sitting alone. I had just crowd surfed and hugged De La Soul, so I was pretty happy to suddenly see Dave Chappelle, too. He immediately noticed I was very high. I was hapy to point out the same qualities in him. We hugged for a moment. Then people started taking pictures and we parted ways. Two high souls in the night.

Lol for real? That happened? That's a cool ass story man!

Chapelle is a great human being. I have a lot of respect for him as a comedian (amateur comedian here) and as a person who stands up to the system and speaks truths.

Tell me a joke

How many police officers does it take to break an egg? None, it fell, okay?

I am a bot. To summon me, include "tell me a joke" somewhere in your message.

Damn that's a rad story. And the best part? Nobody can take that experience away from you, that's yours for life. Happy Wednesday!

I saw him at a gas station once. Some guy at another pump yelled "Hey Dave Chappelle!" and he yelled "Yeah, I know!" and drove off.

I never felt more starstruck.

The left and the right are so fucking stupid.

For the record, the bill that was just passed was strictly along party lines. This piece of shit is on the right.

10 republicans voted against


Thats literally not the definition of "strictly along party lines", tho

Strictly across republican lines. How can the democrats be blamed in any way if none of them voted for it.

Its not strictly across republican lines. 10 republicans voted against

Oh hot damn, that makes the parties identical!

He lives in Ohio. He visited Africa for 2 weeks.

Not one democrat voted for this garbage.

Not one.

dave is in ohio

mos def however did just up and move to africa

I'm a mild trump supporter and I'm gonna be pissed as fuck if he doesn't veto it. It'll just further prove that he's like every other politician.

Will you be pissed enough to voice this to other trump supporters you know personally? For me, that's a petty important measurement of dissent. Keeping it to yourself or not.

I mean yeah sure but I can't be sure that they will actually listen.

I applaud you for at least holding him accountable and not being totally brainwashed like the others into supporting a person regardless of what they do...

I hope you can see the light, that he is truly not on our side brother.

The only brainwashed person here is you..

Yes, /r/The_Donald is pretty fuckng extreme and do not allow dissenting views for the most part, but if you think this is how all Trump supporters are you have a warped grasp of reality. Not even most people on /r/The_Donald is like that in real life. Stop basing your beliefs on the fringe extremes.

Either way, Get a grip man, if he's still your savior you need to rethink your inks..

Says a guy who apparently only posts on t_d

Jesus christ you sad pathetic fuck.

Somebody got triggered :( did your wittle alt right fee-fees get hurt when you called on your steaming bullshit, snowflake? :(

Nah, not triggered, just telling you like it is. You dismiss people because they post (not even a majority of my posts are in /r/TD) in a sub that you don't like.

You're a pathetic fuck and so are everyone else who is downvoting me.

You are awfully angry pal. Better watch out or you'll develop high blood pressure. Don't know how you'll fare when Trumpcare 2.0 rolls out

I live in Sweden so I'm not really worried about your health care.

Look, I think Trump is a fucking buffoon, but that won't stop me from conversing with Trump supporters. This is why I hang around on not only /r/The_Donald, but also /r/MarchAgainstTrump, /r/politics and /r/OurPresident. (Even though I'm banned from the last one I still lurk around.)

But no, you see that I've posted in /r/The_Donald and suddenly I'm not worth bread and water in your eyes... It's funny how you bash people on /r/The_Donald when you have the same toxic attitude yourself. Which is why you're a sad pathetic fuck.

Oh good, you live in Sweden. How about fuck off from talking about our politics in general then. Good day :)

I didn't talk about your politics. I talked about your assbackwards idiocy of judging every Trump supporter for the actions of a fringe extreme...

Is it really that weird though considering you get instant permabanned for pretty much anything unless you meme around and praise trump/are angry with whatever propaganda they post?

I was banned for saying "Well that's ironic". So unless you're banned it makes you think.

I agree they are very ban happy, but I honestly think that it's pretty understandable considering they are the most brigaded sub on Reddit.

I have been banned but they removed it after I messaged them.

Eh. Idk.

I think it's hypocritical of them, because people who are heavy trump supporters often go to to other subreddits where they disagree with others, which is fine - to each their own with their opinions. But it bugs me how I often hear that t_d is good with freespeech when you get permabanned as soon as you disagree with something.

At times I've agreed with them in there because I think it's been stupid how violent some people have been with trump supporters.

Sure, I disagree heavily with trump and think they've done some.. Interesting things to say the least, but violence and the like isn't good no matter what.

Sooooo... You think that Trump supporters should be banished to /r/The_Donald and not be allowed to interact with the rest of Reddit?

/r/The_Donald knows they are not allowing people with dissenting views. Them touting "last bastion of free speech" is a meme that was born in response to how large subs like /r/news, /r/politics, /r/worldnews and such acted around the Orlando shooting and Reddit at large was going "WTF what is this, why do I have to go to /r/The_Donald to get any news about this?!"

See, you agree with them sometimes.. They are not monsters.

See, you agree with them sometimes.. They are not monsters.

I never claimed they were?

And no I don't think people who support Trump may only resident in t_d.

I simply think it's very hard to take them seriously because you get banned for sneezing in there.

No, but it's the general consensus on Reddit. Good on you if you don't participate in the circlejerk.

It's just very hard to take T_D seriously when you know how much 4chan has aided it all with memes n stuff.

I believe pretty much any candidate other than Hillary would've won over Trump. Trump's probably worse, but Hillary was a black sheep too.

As long as it doesn't drastically affect other countries outside of USA, which I hope, then I'll just be the bystander that might be able to enjoy the somewhat dramaesque fiasco.

Oh the irony.

You think I'm an extremist Trumpster because I called /u/chaozhammer a "sad pathetic fuck" I guess?

Don't be sad lil guy,Trumped tricked you,you liked his gold and stuff.

You're part of that community and part of that insanity. That sub is a fucking disgrace.

Stop basing your beliefs on the fringe extremes.

Someone should teach that concept to /r/The_Donald

Now where have I heard of a past president like that

"like the others".. have you seen the falling approval rating? His supporters might have been "not Clinton, no matter what", but that's different from "supporting what Trump does, no matter what"

Lol I hope you're right man...

As someone who has posted regularly and been vocally anti-Trump on this sub, I would like to politely invite you to voice your opinion to your friends.

You want them to hear you out, not do as you say. They may have a perspective you may not have considered

It's hard to try and get people who have been voting one party for 30+ years to change their mind.

Change their mind to vote Democrats?

Last time Republicans voted for a Democrat they got 8 years of shit and virtue signaling bs.

The feel good President Obama?

Wouldn't sully his image to actually get anything real done.

Aren't most Trump supporters like 12 years old?

Based on the bile and pure hate I see from any Democrat when trumps name is mentioned, I think everyone is 12 years old. All that's missing is an "I fucked your mom last night"

In reality, do you ACTUALLY see this shit posted anywhere that isn't The_dumbass?

I mean you go into that sub and it's very obviously 80% teenage trolls. Internet trolls have always been around and they are now harnessing all that teenage angst into trump memes.

But memes

Will you be pissed enough to vote against him in 2020 if he's not already removed from office? Will you show up to the polls to vote for Democrats in 2018? We're really very nice people, and none of the Dems voted for the bill IIRC.

Trump supporter here.

I always express my complaints and concerns with Trump.

When he was mentioning giving the feds control over marijuana again (which is against what he said while running), I voiced that it should be a state right and that what he said saddened me and made me lose a some of my respect for him.

I had many people comment and ask why I support Trump, tell me that they too felt the same way, others telling me that the states will probably vote against that and not to worry. Overall a healthy and fair discussion about my thoughts and concerns, and I was even able to get a few others to see Trump in a different light when they previously vilified him. You don't have to like the guy, but we should all be working together to shape him into a good president.

But in those comments, I had many people telling me I "deserved that", "thats what I get for being a racist" (lol, wut?), and even got many pms slandering and threatening me. "Oh, you post in (insert one of my most used subs), no wonder you're a stupid fuck." Many people even went through my post history to spam some of my comments telling me to kill myself.

I took all that with a grain of salt, albeit I was disappointed in people, but I can see now why many people dont dare voice their opinions (wether positive or critical) on Trump outside of their respected subs.

I will gladly voice my disappointment and anger if he lets this bill pass, as I've done before. But dont expect many people to, due to the possible backlash and hate.

Has he done a single thing that hasn't disappointed you?

And if not, then why consider yourself a trump supporter?

Oh man.

For all the phony outrage and Trump hate, the thing that's doing him in in the end is his low energy. He has no clue how this all fits together and can't be bothered to figure it out.

Or never wanted to in the first place and just liked being in the spotlight.

If that turns out to be the case (which it's looking like more and more)... Then South Park once again is an oracle of sorts.

Simpsons did it first I believe.

Not exactly. They predicted he'd win, not that he never wanted to.

What phony outrage is that?

He's done many thing that I feel have been great.

As with any president, they may have a couple ideas that their supporters either support or don't. There has never been a president (or any ruler/leader) that has done everything that every single person they lead liked. There will always be at LEAST one thing they do or say that someone somewhere will dislike.

He's done many thing that I feel have been great.

For those of us international lurkers, could you enumerate some?

Edited :)

Beat Hillary

He edited his comment to add things Trump promised to do. Please allow me to clarify.

  • He promised Mexico would pay for the wall; Trump was too cowardly to actually see that through (or even bring it up) and it's now American charities who are paying for it

  • His Muslim ban was overturned, not because of politics but because of legality and the constitution.

  • The U.S. was never in the TPP; they were negotiating its terms but got to the point where both Hillary and Trump were running against it

  • He promised to spend less time golfing and vacationing than Obama (he hasn't; he's actually setting a record for most vacations)

  • He promised he had a great Healthcare replacement plan to keep everyone insured (he didn't; he left it to the GOP and then yelled at them for fucking it up)

  • He promised he'd prosecute Hillary (he didn't)

  • He promised he'd hire experts and the "best people" for each department (he didn't)

  • He promised to appoint a commission to investigate voter fraud as soon as he became president (he didn't)

  • He promised to reveal his secret plan for defeating ISIS when elected (he didn't; post election he ordered the Pentagon instead, to present a plan in 30 days - they presented exactly what Obama has been doing and the Trump administration has been quiet ever since).

  • He called Hillary a crook for being under investigation for corruption and is currently under much more serious investigation for treason.

But it seems like now /u/McFatts will lose respect for him.

What's one thing he's done that you like?

Edited up top

What has he done that is great in your opinion?

Comment edited

Ok... So name one. I'm all ears.

Had this same discussion with a die hard Trump voter, and they kept giving me either hypotheticals or things that didn't happen, or complete nonsense.

Fair to say I'm skeptical. I'm also a radical. I'm of neither party and think Hillary should hang. But despite all this, unless you have one specific reason that gives you hope, then you are in denial... Just sayn.

Check original comment :)

I have hope, friend.

But we all need to do our part whether or not we support him. Do what you can to make your voice and opinion heard.

You may want to re-edit the wall comment... That will cost us 20 billion and years of labor.

Drug cartels? We fund them. It is well documented. The DEA, CIA, and ICE... All ok record... That was the entire point of operation fast and furious.

I think you need to look more closely at how we got here first, and then check whether he is actually doing anything or full of hot air like every other candidate.

The one thing on your list I'll give him credit for is killing tpp.

All arguments aside, the US funding drug cartels is absolutely disgusting, and let's all pray to whatever god(s) we believe in that having the DOJ task forces fight them is the first step to cutting funding and abolishing them.

The DOJ will never stop drug cartels buddy, idk what world you've been living in but it's either been under a rock or you're 14 and ignorant.

I never said they would stop them. I said hopefully this may be the first step to their end. I never said the DOJ would stop them. I said they will crack down on them and fight back harder against them.

idk what world you've been living in but they must teach you how to put words into people's mouths.

Lol @you're 14

Nothing screams maturity and intellect like assuming someone's age in a demeaning manner.

Yea, they'll just use their magical DOJ powers and just work harder than they were under other presidents. And it'll be Trumps doing!

You're a fucking moron, don't reproduce.

Under other presidents they were not doing as much as they could. It wont just be Trump's doing. It'll be everyone that was involved doing.

Don't know why you're being such a jerk. Healthy discussion is great. But name calling and overall hostility just makes you look like a moron, not me. People disagree with me. I disagree with others.

No need to be such an ass.

Because you're just ignorant. It's fact or fiction, not disagreement bud.

Because you're just ignorant

"You're a fucking moron. Don't reproduce"

Yes. Im ignorant for being polite and discussing what J think, while having my own beliefs, but also being open to other beliefs as Ive mention on this thread a couple times. I've even said Im open to be swayed to alternative view points and I've changed my mind on many things before.

But yes, Im ignorant.

I think we're done here.

Yea that's why you're ignorant, it's because you have different "opinions" not because you blatantly ignore fact. We were done when you started supporting Donald trump, that makes you scum.

Oh ok. Makes sense.. have a nice day..

We? Don't lump me into your garbage attitude. You are telling me you were never duped by a candidate. Or were promised false hope and took the bait?

Be nice or don't. People that respect each other tend to actually listen to each other.

Removed. Rule 4.

If the health care bill had made it to his desk and he'd signed it, how would you have felt about it?

Cant say for sure. I havent been in the US for quite some time, but am coming back in April. I would just hope his replacement would be an honest and fair system.

I think its important to have a great healthcare system in place that works for everyone, but it cant rely on being paid for out of people's pockets who don't even use it.

I hope sooner rather than later we have a great healthcare system that makes everyone happy and allows everyone to be properly taken care of.

your silence is deafening


Can't go through them all, on mobile, but after a quick skimming...

Signed the executive order to begin the building of the wall on the Mexican border

And then proposed a budget to pay for it with US tax payer money. Even if his supporters say they'll pay for it later, I've never seen Trump himself clearly explain this, and I don't trust any politician. Until I see it in writing, I don't buy it.

An order stating that when an agency adds a regulation, they must abolish two others

Why exactly is this a good thing? I understand the attraction in theory. Everyone likes to say there are too many federal regulations, but what does this measure do to get rid of those that are actually bad, instead of those that are merely hindering corporate profits (e.g. dumping coal ash in rivers)? If you want to remove some regulations, remove those regulations. This broad measure is just lip service to the "don't tread on me" crowd.

Temporary suspension on immigration from countries known to be heavily inhabited by Muslim extremist groups.

A. The heavily inhabited by Muslim extremist groups is a point of contention. Also, even if that was the goal, he missed a lot.

B. This is a success for him now? Pretty sure the courts have been killing him on this one.

hiring thousands more Border Patrol agents

Again, why is this a good thing? Obama deported more illegal immigrants back to Mexico than any president ever. Less than 1/3 of illegals actually come here across the border (most are from overstayed visas). It's very clear that immigration is an important issue, but what problems is he actually solving by dumping massive resources into plans that may or may not be solved by these measures?

US will withdraw from the TPP

Amen. Something we can all agree on.

Not just US tax payer money, it's being paid for with tax money while the same tax money is being cut from budgets like climate or cancer research.

Trump is cutting science to pay for a wall that won't do anything. Superb.

And his anti-intellectual base is cheering him on while saying they're "not tired of winning yet."

Is there a source on the overstayed visas? Could be handy to have.

Yea, sorry. I was on my phone earlier. It's a paper published by the Center for Migration Studies. Here's a few key findings:

  • The unauthorized resident population was about a million lower in 2013 than in 2007.
  • The “Great Recession” was not the principal cause of population decline.
  • Annual arrivals into the unauthorized population increased to more than one million in 2000, then began to drop steadily, and have now reached their lowest levels since the early 1980s.
  • From 2000 to 2012, arrivals from Mexico fell by about 80 percent.
  • Between 2010 and 2013, the total unauthorized population from Mexico declined by eight percent.
  • In 2006, the number of arrivals from Mexico fell below the total number of arrivals from all other countries (combined) for the first time.
  • The number who stayed beyond the period authorized by their temporary visas (overstays) exceeded the number who entered across the southern land border without inspection (EWIs) in each year from 2008 to 2012.


Been collecting these examples, along with stats on refugees in the US and other countries, for awhile. Great to have for reference.

On the wall: you realize most illegal immigrants won't care about the wall? Most are entering the country legally but then overstay their visa limit

On the Muslim ban: beyond the fact it's unconstitutional as fuck, it was also placed on countries from which very few actual terrorists came from

On the wall- many illegal immigrants still sneak over the border illegally. Sure, not as many as there were in 2005, when it was nearly 800,000 a year. As of 2015 that number was down to close to 200,000. Which is still too big a number.

On the Muslim ban- how is it unconstitutional when the people living in the seven countries mentioned (which are in fact inhabited by many extremist groups and even in the middle of war) are not even US residents or citizens? It is not just Muslims not allowed to come from those countries. It is everyone in the country as a whole. Muslims can still come from countless other countries. Just not the seven mention due to those countries being way too unstable and dangerous.

•An order stating that when an agency adds a regulation, they must abolish two others

Literal retardation here. Regulation isn't inherently good or bad. "We passed a regulation that says your barrels must be larger than x, and also had to remove the regulations that say you can't dump your waste in landfills and rivers."

•Temporary suspension on immigration from countries known to be heavily inhabited by Muslim extremist groups.

Everyone who doesn't have trumps dick in their mouth knows this won't reduce terrorism and only writes isis propaganda for them.

•stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities

They legally can't do that, and even if they could they wouldn't dare piss off the parts of this country that are subsidizing trashistan. All those cities give more to the fed than they get. Furthermore sanctuary cities exist so illegal immigrants aren't too scared to testify when the state needs them.

And there's nothing he can do that will make a state value immigration law over locking up people who are actually dangerous.

In fact most of your support of him seems to shoe you care more about the appearance that we enforce our laws unquestionably than the actual real world consequences.

•US will withdraw from tpp

And without any alternative the Chinese will monopolize trade in the region.

How is the wall a good idea? Not that hard to tunnel under/climb over. Bad for migrating animals, a visual blight. Seems like a waste of money to me.

•Signed the executive order to begin the building of the wall on the Mexican border.

Which he says Mexico is going to pay for. It won't be effective, and the money could go on feeding the poor.

It's a folly.

Im all for immigration. My mom's family came from Mexico. But they came in legally, not illegally. Its important to go through the correct process to come here. Having undocumented workers work jobs hurts the American people.

Where does that come on the list of priorities though?

Doesn't Walmart not paying employees a living wage hurt the American people?

There's so many more important things out there, that would cost less to fix - apart from the political fallout.

It's easier to attach immigrants than it is to attack CEOs.

Don't you feel ashamed for picking on the weakest group, rather than the strongest?

•Three DOJ task forces will now fight the drug cartels and help to prevent crimes against police officers.

The war on drugs is an utter waste of time. Literally everyone knows it.

•An order stating that when an agency adds a regulation, they must abolish two others

Although it doesn't state which ones.

There's always this fantasy about "regulation" - but they are usually put there for a reason. Republicans always moan about regulations and then - bam - they mean they want to dump into lakes and rivers, or they want to sell Internet history etc.

Regulations are there to protect people. Not to hamstring big business.

But consider this - maybe the global corporations need some regulation.

•Temporary suspension on immigration from countries known to be heavily inhabited by Muslim extremist groups.

More theatre.

•stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities

•hiring thousands more Border Patrol agents

Government jobs. What about thousands more teachers?

•US will withdraw from the TPP

These are some of the biggest ones of many that came to mind.

EDIT- I will say if he allows this bill to pass giving up our privacy, I will lose all respect I have for him and will speak against Trump. I just hope it does not come to that.

The thing about seemingly all of these rules is that like most conservative thinking - they want things that don't work to work.

Just build a wall, stop brown people, get tough on drugs, make it so businesses can make more money while the citizens get less protection.

It's just an old tired way of thinking that seems to make sense but decades of experience has shown us doesn't work.

Modern problems today require solutions that are counter intuitive.

And that's the thing that in my opinion the Conservative mind accept.

It's like these Southern states that ban sex education and promote abstinence only - then a few years later they end up with the highest teen pregnancy rates and high welfare bills.

Just banning and smashing and stopping doesn't work.

But the real tragedy is we already knew that's how it worked.

But then a new generation of assholes comes along - reads the Bible, doesn't real anything else and then that want to ban sex education again and the cycle continues.

That's why there's so much hate for Trump and the republicans. Because they keep letting people who don't understand history and politics govern.

I appreciate the opposing viewpoints. Im very open minded, and let me tell you have given me some stuff to think about. I may end up changing my view point on a couple things after thinking about it with a different mind set. I mean that.

Thanks for the healthy discussion. I would have typed more but I am actually in the middle of something (packing) right now.

Packing is a nightmare. I feel your pain!

FYI, he's pretending to be open-minded, contemplative and discussive. Have a look at his post history. He calls Trump his God Emperor and believes in Pizza Gate.

You're being bamboozled.

He was still being polite to me in that moment.

If he took the time to read my words then good.

Wait you think he genuinely bothered to read what you wrote?

I find the memes funny and ironic. I did actually take time to read what he wrote, and found it to be very intelligent.

I like to poke fun at all the Trump memes. I like to make fun of Hillary. If you look through many of my comments, you'll see me countless times questioning Trump and asking other supporters what they think of his choices.

Apart from you telling me he wasn't, he seemed to be polite.

I'll just treat everything on face value for now, thanks.

Dont listen to the troll. I genuinely read your comment and was actually being polite. I swear on my own life and my future children's lives that I am genuinely being discussive and open minded. I have no reason to be impolite to you considering your counter points were educated and said with no ill will.

If you want to talk more, you can PM me if you'd like. Or we can talk here. Its almost midnight so I may go to bed, so you may get a late response. But I will respond.

It's cool. Carry on the discussion here!

Late response because I was watching Westworld. Back now, though.

Not true at all. No bamboozling here. I believe that there is indeed something shady going on with human trafficking and the US government. Sue me. I am not one of the extremist r/The_Donald posters by any stretch.

Have I posted funny memes on there for laughs? Yes. Do I call him God Emperor un-ironically? No. Thanks for speaking on my behalf though. Really does wonders. Must be great being able to read people's minds over the internet.

I do actually enjoy being open-minded and contemplative. You should try it sometime.

You voted Trump?Are you. The klan?

It's easier to attach immigrants than it is to attack CEOs.

It's far too late now but the entire reason that CEOs and the 1% were able to consolidate the amount of wealth and power they have is because of immigration and the ensuing balkanization. Humans are innately tribal. We function in homogeneous groups and we hold leaders accountable. When we are mixed with other tribes, we start voting stupidly and defensively.

The USA started its dowhill trajectory as soon as Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed, as this effectively opened the flood gates.

So, for those who hope to regain what the nation stood for and regain a sense of community and honor, any hope at all is to get a wall in place and a strong effort to remove people who are not of us. Hopefully this explains the less overt reason that immigration is a force of destruction.

Well that's just absurd.

Capital begets capital. The wage gap grows as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

How could it be anyway else?

A distracted populace allows the rich to consolidate wealth and power.

A fearful populace can be convinced that they should support politicians who, ultimately, help the rich consolidate wealth and power.

An angry populace...the same.

Balkanization will never work. Culturally homegenous nations such as those in Scandinavia have shown us what humans are capable of at our best. Sweden has decided to take a different path and will soon be an example of what I'm talking about as they import other tribes and the corresponding chaos.

Flood a nation with chaos and those who navigate it best will be opportunists, not the humble and the honorable.

The threat of the wall has immigration down 40%.

Walls work.

"if it weren't for me you wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration"

That's right, they would be talking about more important things and not praying on petty tribalism.

And how does a threat of a wall prevent immigrants?

It stops them from walking across the border where there is no barrier.

The threat of a wall. Not an actual wall.

How does there not being a wall yet stop people crossing the border?

Changes the mindset that it is easy and safe to cross. That and Obama literally telling boarder control to stand down.

The wall will work.

So was it the threat of the wall or did border control just achieve the same thing

Is there any evidence that Obama told border control to "stand down"?

Maybe, if the border control did their job then the wall is unnecessary?


And yea, you are right, enforcement helps a ton. Here is a video of illegals just walking across.

Your mom's family came over from Mexico legally? How many of them? And were they legal the entire time they were here or did they become legal while here?

They went through months and months of paper work, took many tests and citizenship tests, and then came here legally and got dual citizenship. There were MANY of them. Like, well more than a dozen. I think more than that. Like, the whole family.

We were never in the TPP. Worth noting he hasn't really done anything but play golf every weekend.

He wasn't Hillary. REEEEE.

All the mean Bernie Bros didn't cave and vote Hillary! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! They ruined my life!!!

And can you name a reason you support trump? What has he done that you are proud he has done?

Because as of now, all he has done is sold out the american public to big corporate interests.

Nominated Neil Gorsuch to supreme court Nominated Mattis Will not destroy the 2nd amendment Isn't pushing a SJW agenda Under his admin, Flint receives 100 million for the water crisis. Unblocked keystone/dakota pipeline Reduced the price on the new fighter jets Still aims to impose tariffs on imports like every other country does. ICE and other illegal immigration stances. The list goes on.

Seems like a fair assessment. Thanks for your honesty and bravery voicing a contrary opinion.

Reduced the price on the new fighter jets

FYI, Trump didn't really do anything. This would have happened regardless.

What about Neil Gorsuch do you support?

What about general Mattis do you support?

And golf. He's played lots of golf.

As a vocal Trump-nonsupporter, I think my my lefty friends and I are being brainwashed by the media - not the real media like the NYT, let's call it the "alt-left media" of disappointing Jon Stewart spinoffs and terrible blogs e.g, Occupy Democrats and Truthout - to be unnecessarily divisive. I've fallen for it too, and I'm a freaking Southerner and some of my dearest friends and relatives voted for Trump with good intentions. AND I'm a tin foil hatter. So if I can be tricked into calling people racists and rednecks, when I know full well it's not true, imagine the typical San Francisco bubble dweller who doesn't even know any rural Southerners. It's too easy. Smart people are easier marks than average ones sometimes.

Anyway, good on you for keeping your own reaction to disappointment. But if someone or something is trying to tear apart the USA ("United we stand, divided we fall" is more than just a catchphrase, it's an eternal truth), this isn't an accident. It's psyops. And it's working.

I hope we can all figure out how to rise above it, and accept that people on both sides can be fooled into acting foolish. And call it a human weakness to be forgiven and overcome rather than personal failings to be avenged and punished. Otherwise, whoever is doing this will win.

Well spoken and very true.

The minute that ANYONE does anything to put the American people in jeopardy, I will turn on them instantly. I get why people don't like Trump. Hell, I know he isn't the best president we've had like many die hard supporters say. But in my honest opinion, he was the only choice for me in this election and he has done much good while in office. I hope to see independent business owners thrive, and America to be about America only again. I will completely dump Trump if he passes this bill because this goes against America.

But at the end of day, the president isn't who makes the choices. We are. And we all need to work together to fight for what we all want and for what we think is for the best.

Many people will downvote me because they disagree, but will never give reasons why. That saddens me because Im open minded and love to peacefully discuss politics, and have been swayed to new view points before. Its important for us all to stop labelling each other, and think together.

but... he's already doing things to put Americans in jeopardy

I agree with you, greenlemon23, but my point is that lots of us are being brainwashed into being mean to each other. Trump's the President, he's not even 100 days in, and while I disagree with most of everything he's doing, I get why people still want to stand behind him. And I feel like I was almost tricked into calling my own friends and family rednecks and racists on Facebook of all places. I got all spun up reading left-wing blogs and started talking shit. Wish I could take it back. Not the marches, not the protests, not the calm, reasoned arguments against his policies - I stand behind all that even though I know it upset and angered my friends. But the name calling. Even if they called me a snowflake or a libtard or whatever. But if we can forgive each other, that goes a long way (well, a way) toward standing up to whatever forces seek to divide us.

And McFatts, thanks for your comment. We CAN all get along. But we've got to try.

America only....that's my reason for down voting you.

And we all need to work together to fight for what we all want and for what we think is for the best.

Is there a subreddit dedicated for rich/poor left/right dem/rep to work together to solve problems?

There needs to be..

And it's working

what if the thing the US needs is to jettison all of its conservatives? seriously, what if that is what we need to be unified again? they've dragged us down for an extremely long time, and it's getting old.

Good luck trying to jettison all the conservatives. That's less likely than getting all the Muslims to give up their religion. But at some point we need to get the debate back to a civil level, and it seems like someone, or a group of someones, is conspiring against us.

I think it's a subset of corporate interests trying to create a neo-feudal society, and so they're breaking down the middle class and democratic republics into bite-sized, easily digestible chunks. Breaking apart the EU and NAFTA. Calexit. Etc. And the meaner we are too each other, the easier it is to do. So maybe try to be civil? And honorable? And respectful? It's a start.

You're a trumper in disguise. Go back to r/asablackman.

I think the hate is because you all allowed a populist asshole to manipulate you into voting for him, and it's having disasterous effects on the US.

The racism comes from trying to ban Muslims, the Mexican wall, the deportations etc.

The reason why it's racism is because the real reason for lack of jobs is insanely high disparity in wages between workers and CEOs.

But it's easier to blame immigrants.

It's just standard shit from the demagogue playbook.

The reason for the vitriol is because time and time again Trump supporters do no listen, you're all being cheer led by Russian oligarchs, and you cut off communication.

You have all done something really stupid, and you want to be taken seriously, but you won't be.

You're absolutely right that many CEOs are responsible for job losses. What with moving production and business out of the US. Also for hiring cheap illegal labor. Which will all end due to no illegal immigrants to hire, and having to bring business back to the US.

I think the racism stems from both sides. The majority of Trump supporters are not racist. The majority of leftists are not racist. There is racism and bigotry amongst every group. Theres blacks beating white. Mexican beating blacks. Whites beating Mexicans. Muslims beating blacks. The suspension on Muslim immigration is not racist. Neither is the wall. It is not about race. It is about preserving America's safety.

You made it a race thing. Not me.

How will not hiring illegal immigrants bring jobs that are sent abroad, back?

That doesn't even make sense.

Bringing back companies that are abroad to the US to manufacture here in the states will open jobs

Companies not being able to hire illegal immigrants here in the states will open more jobs.

Sorry if it was kinda jumbled together. I can see where the confusion stemmed from.

Bringing back companies that are abroad to the US to manufacture here in the states will open jobs

Agreed. Although how you do that I don't know.

Companies not being able to hire illegal immigrants here in the states will open more jobs.

Very unskilled low level work.

Maybe the American people should think about using their position as an advanced nation and do more high end jobs, in the year technology sectors, rather than being forced time and time again to compete with cheap foreign labour.

I mean, cheap foreign labour exists no matter how you look at it... Capitalist countries will find a way to utilise it.

Maybe Americans need to be on the next tier. Making use of their education opportunities.

Sorry if it was kinda jumbled together. I can see where the confusion stemmed from.

The real reason we lack jobs is because all the easy jobs for the masses were automated long ago and only tradition and refusal to change has left them in place for as long as they have been.

The economy has shifted and while there are enough things to do for everyone, those "things to do" largely aren't about survival anymore (ie: food, shelter, and heat; ie: agriculture, construction, and energy). The economy has been based on need, and most jobs similarly based on need, for a long time. Most of those jobs are gone forever. The want-based economy has been growing for a long while, but we don't know how to structure that yet.

Personally, I'm for UBI to take care of needs, so that "wants" have room to grow unimpeded.

We're going to approach a point where UBI is all but necessary. Many of those need-based jobs are automated, with more heading that way every day, and we're already working on automating want-based jobs.

The UK has had to largely switched to a service economy.

Pretty much everyone I regularly socialise with has a job that didn't exist twenty odd years ago

Instead of coal jobs Trump could be subsidising training people to work with renewable power.

Jobs that would be useful for a very long time, instead of just trying to keep everyone in their pastoral little place.

Funny, Clinton campaigned on that!

Interesting now there is the big trend towards minimalism and not buying a home and junk to fill it. I imagine the high end stores are going to starting hurting soon like William Sonoma, Pottery barn. Seriously who spends 99 bucks on a orange owl to display for a few days at halloween? Buy experiences not stuff--but the economy relies on people buying junk so the ppl making the junk have a job.

All of this.

And I would add that the Trump era is a direct and logical result of the modern Right, which uses fear, division, and misinformation to push an agenda that benefits the wealthy and turns the nation backwards economically, socially, culturally, and educationally. It is not just Trump but the entire Republican Party that is ruining this country.

This is important to remember, because what's going to happen next is republicans are going to try to distance themselves from the Trumpster fire, and act like they are the better, sane choice. Don't forget that midterms are right around the corner. They are counting on the short memories and lack of attention of their voting base.

I only hope that everyone has a little look through their browser history and thinks "am I glad that people I voted for made this public"

Hear, hear!

This populist asshole was better than a guaranteed deal with the fucking devil, you fucking retard.

In regards to your last line, they all want civil discourse but elected a guy who is not capable of it. Good for the goose good for the gander.

I mean - you just can go to the do Donald and present a dissenting opinion.

I mean, let people downvote it - let Reddit work the way Reddit is supposed to work.

I mean, is NOT our job to shape him into a good president. He should have had any qualifications beforehand. If he proposed some bill or measure that was actually beneficial, we should probably at least listen, but we don't have an obligation to work with him on destroying departments and services.

No one is the perfect president when they come into office. Yes, they need to be well rounded to begin with, but it is indeed important for them to be able to cater to EVERY single citizen, even the ones that voted against him. If he pushes for something that may be harmful in the long run, then it is important for the American people to voice their opinion so he knows what is best for us.

I understand what you are saying, and I do agree.

I don't believe you and if you support this idiot then there is nothing positive to say about you.

You sound just as hateful as the guy you hate is! What a shocker.

I'm fucking sick of idiots ruining this country.

Good to know. Noted.

You seem like you've thought this out pretty well, why trump? I get hating Hillary, can't stand her, was he to you just the best of a lot of bad options, or someone you really thought was going to go out there and try and improve things for other people? Im just trying to get into the head space because I don't get the appeal.

A little bit of best option out of nothing but bad choices, but I do genuinely think he can do more good than any president (or choice) we've had in a very long time. I do appreciate a lot of what he's passed, although I am skeptical of a few of his choices/possible future choices.

I support the temporary ban on immigration, the wall, opting out of the TPP, bringing jobs back to the US, etc.

But if he allows this bill to pass then I am completely and utterly done supporting him.

Ok, well I pretty much disagree with everything that he's done and think he has no actual plan to bring jobs back to this country in any meaningful way, I don't think there's anyone who's anti Americans having good jobs though.

But yeah he's probably going to sign this so I'm glad to have you on board the anti trump movement any way possible.

"thats what I get for being a racist" (lol, wut?),

If you look at Donald Trump and see a competent leader, you're a racist and an alpha-male-icon worshipping sexist.

Prejudice isn't just negative, where you see other people as bad. It's also got a delusional construction aspect, where you see people as being things that they are not, because your head is so full of false projections of their superiority, ideals and abilities. Trump clearly possesses none of those, and anyone who saw/sees him as remotely fit for office of president, is clearly projecting prejudicially favorable fictions out of their imaginations onto him.

You don't have to like the guy, but we should all be working together to shape him into a good president.

That's terrifying. You fucking vote for a person who is qualified enough to be a good president, not vote for a dumb ass and try to change him like he's a shithead boyfriend.

Poor word choice. I stated in another comment that no one is perfect when they get into office. But its important to push for bills and make sure he knows exactly what we want and appeals to everyone.

I'm working hard to shape him into not being president. Russian puppet needs to go.

Well, you do what you feel is necessary.

Thanks, bud. You too.

Lol, do you really think there's any chance he vetoes it?

no, but I secretly hope he does to punish the GOP congressional reps for not voting in his wealth care bill. I would LAUGH. but for reals though no way in hell.

As a guy from the UK who has not got much stake in this. I dislike trump if he vetoed this i might gain a little bit of respect for the bloke.

As a guy from the US, you would still have more respect for him than I would.

Must really sting that hes your president, huh?

So you think we can't criticize the current leader? That sounds pretty fascist to me

I mean, there's a significant portion of our population who believe that anyone who doesn't worship Trump and Ayn Randian policies is a libtard cuck.

I dont recall saying that

Considering he's driving the country into the ground and is objectively the worst president we have ever had, yes, it kind of does.

Sucks for you

Yes. Yes it does.

Fortunately they have antibiotics for chlamydia...not our president.

We're currently in a race with you guys to see whose government is the worst. It's going to be an absolute photo-finish.

At Theresa May isn't an idiot like Trump seems to be, I think Brexit will be bad for the UK but nowhere near the shitshow America is gonna be for the next 4 years

Wealth care bill

Ryan Care

Well another situation where Trump is screwed no matter what he does..

As the president he could have made his own bill like he said he was but since he knows absolutely nothing and is way over his head he didn't and now him and Ryan are blaming each other. They are both morons

The President does not create Health Care plans and bills.. that's just ridiculous.

If you want to blame Trump for trusting Paul Ryan and his appointed Tom Price than fine.. just part of the Art of the Deal

Oh so obama had nothing to do with the ACA. He shouldn't get blamed for anything I guess since the president doesn't do anything apparently

I'm not sure you want to take credit for the ACA.. but no, I bet he had his people tell their people to put some bill together to fck the middle class into submission. It would have worked too if Trump hadn't of won. The end game to get single payer Health Care after ACA inevitably failed.

I agree but my point is the president does have a say and can play a big role in what's put in front of them. Trump is just incompetent and knows absolutely nothing. He has no idea what he is doing. The ACA is better than before but it still sucks and trump has done nothing to replace it or come up with a replacement. He just hung Ryan out to dry(deservingly) and seems to have no intention on making actual pocily just cutting taxes and programs that make him more money

Why do you think he hung Ryan out to dry? Not sure you give ole man Trumo enough credit.. you'd have to know a lil bit of something to become President of the United States.

How to manipulate and con people into thinking you know what you're doing. I fully believe Trump is capable of that. He played on his supporter's emotions and fears. He continuously lied about crime rates, terrorism, and how fragile the current health care and economic situations were. They fell for it.

The world isn't that simple friend. The tectonic plates of time are shifting and something's bout to give.. You don't feel it?

No I really don't. The world is safer, more well fed, and better off than it has ever been before. Americans don't think so because the rest of the world is catching up to us because we grew complacent. We stopped investing in anything long term and became short sighted. Anything that didn't give us immediate satisfaction or results, we ignored. Other nations didn't succumb to this and now they are catching up to us. But to Americans, it looks like we are deteriorating when a better description would be that we are stagnant.

The US can't survive without being first. And the rest of the world is falling apart. Sure, China is acting like its powerful now but I'm not worried about them really. Once the Euro loses, once the dollar bankrupts or if Saudi Arabia ever decides to stop using the dollar for oil then It won't be pretty.

Technology and Terrorism. Call me crazy, something worse than 9/11 will happen in during a Trump presidency in the world. But I keep getting reminded that it's just something we have to live with these days and talking about it racist and religion-phobic.

There are already a ton of meaningful measures where we are not number one. Perhaps it isn't so crazy to look at what those countries are doing and learn from them. Problem is, too many Americans have it so ingrained in their psyche that we are exceptional and automatically the best, that we refuse to learn from others or try to improve. These people think we already won and the rest of the world should just accept it.

The next great disaster won't be stopped by our military. Its going to be an economic or social disaster of our own doing.

'Of our own doing'

Cause and react. 8 years of ultra-liberalism and social justice has gotten us to today.. Social Disaster will most certainly involve the Left and their tolerance against conservatives and their stubbornness.

Economic. What do you think happens when you borrow an insane amount of money and double the debt in only 8 years?

The US military still reigns most powerful and you see why they spend so much of our GDP on military spending to keep it that way. Unless we as Americans think it would be another great idea to let China and Russia lead militarily as well. It would save us enough money to pay for more welfare and maybe another intelligence agency to staff.

You realize you are part of the problem right? We don't have ultra liberalism. Obama and the Democratic leadership are moderates. If they were "ultra liberals", we wouldn't have the ACA, we'd have single payer. When it comes to gay marriage and similar issues, that was the simply Democrats saying people should stay out of other people's business, which is something I figured all Republicans could get behind. Also, it was the Supreme Court that approved that.

As for economic issues, keep acting like the debt wasn't a thing before or since Obama. The money he spent helped us create jobs and dig us out of a deep recession. The private sector sure wasn't going to.

We spend more on defense than Russia, China, UK, France, Germany, India and Saudi Arabia combined. I'm not worried one bit by them surpassing us militarily. China is more concerned about surpassing us technologically and economically and Russia is focusing on espionage and cyber warfare. Congress keeps buying tanks though, because they will save us.

The ACA wasn't perfect, partially because of how conservative it became IMO, but it was leagues better than the previous system. It should be repealed at some point but with something substantive. Now... why would Trump have claimed to repeal Obamacare day 1 if he was planning to take down Ryan?

You can't repeal Obamacare day 1. It's not that easy, and next to impossible to get any substantive change without any Democrat help. I'm not sure if you're new, but politicians say a lot of things in their campaigns.

Trump was conceivably putting Paul Ryan in his place and showing him that we need to listen to the American public and Conservatives to get things done in the future. Polished politician? Not even close and still learning obviously.. but setting up the pieces for legislative processes down the road.

They didnt need any democrat help for the AHCA to pass.

Keep fucking that chicken

How does that kool aid taste?

Delicious. Yours?

Is Trump finished now? I need your professional advice..

HahahahahahahahahahahahHahahah the art of the deal Holy shit kid get an education.

Read a book.

Art of the Deal

These are two mutually exclusive statements.

You realize Trump didn't write that?

Who actually writes their own books anymore?

10-20% ?

Most people who don't usually don't claim they did you fucking moron.

And yes, most people write their own books.

Got it. Who cares who wrote it?

Ghost written.

You do know he didn't actually write that right?

What are you robots saying the same talking points?

Are you literally so paranoid you think I'm a fucking robot? It's a simple fucking fact that Trump did not write that book. Just holy fuck how deep does this delusion go?

If not literally, then substantially you all have the same robotic talking points of division. The Left is Evil

See what you're doing? When facts are pointed out you simply attack the messenger. God damn it man wake the fuck up!

The fact he didn't write his Art of the Deal?

What significance does that lend me in life? Other than a nice talking point I could bring up to my liberal friends..

It's just an objective fact that clearly you were ignorant of. Keep getting your "truth" from infowars and Breitbart. God damn you people are so ignorant it's disgusting and sad at the same time.

It doesn't make a difference if he wrote the damn book. The book is about Trump.

What point were you trying to make by telling me Trump didn't write the book? And why is it important?

I doubt you will actually read this but maybe, just maybe this can get through to you.

I know it's incredibly hard to break through the cult of ignorance and authoritarianism that makes up the Trump crowd but here's your chance to free yourself.

That's alright. Thanks though for your kind words

Cult of the Left is much worse

Read the article. Just fucking read the article.

Read the fucking article.

You're an idiot. This is why you're poor :D

Removed. Rule 10.

Yea, except, you know, the current health care bill.

And Trumpcare. The dude was gung-ho about the bill all the way until it was pulled, then it was everyone else's fault it failed.

Why do you think it took 17 days from start to finish? Obamacare took like 100. Ryan Care is now dead or in a better place for compromise.. it was a terrible Health Care plan and whoever came up with the Language to it is now on the chopping block.

I'd say 5d chess again, but I know that upsets the weak minded

Why do you think it took 17 days from start to finish? Obamacare took like 100.

Probably because Donald thought he could strong-arm the party into voting for the bill without ever addressing the problems because he's not overly concerned with the details of his own bill.

Ryan Care is now dead or in a better place for compromise.. it was a terrible Health Care plan and whoever came up with the Language to it is now on the chopping block.

You're right, Donald and Ryan should suffer some consequence for crafting such a terrible bill.

I'd say 5d chess again, but I know that upsets the weak minded

Oh no don't upset all the weak minded with your strong minded catchphrase!

Silly simpleton. Don't even know about the 37th dimensional robo-othello our dear leader is playing. Sad!

Occam's Razor. No reason to claim he's a genius who's always 32 steps ahead when the much simpler explanation is incompetence. And gosh, insulting everyone who disagrees woth you will surely change their minds!

I did insult him. Anybody who is weak minded.. if you feel insulted, then that's your own problem

Visit r/conspiracy much? Or are you just here to brigade?

Do you guys even know what brigading is anymore?

I do actually. Mostly lurk. Don't condone branding opposing views as from weak minded individuals to guard my precious and gasp potentially flawed world views though

Looks like you mostly lurk on r\politics and EnoughTrumpSpam though so.. You kind of lose all credibility of truth when you visit and believe what the Reddit Left is spoon feeding you. Gasp

Because the bill was 1/100 of the size it should've been, and was an absolutely fucking failure of a bill.

Damn dude, I almost feel sorry for you.

Seriously, it's like trying to watch an amputee climb a ladder and not being allowed to help them.

Ohlook, another r\politics zombie... Did you get distracted by another anti-Trump post on r/all?

Well done ..

Says the chronic r/The_Donald and r/conspiracy poster. Seriously, how the fuck do you guys not see the god damn problem with Trump yet? This is beyond fucking absurd.

What's the problem Yay? Let me walk you off the ledge.. The main problems I see are coming from Establsihment Left and the dumbed down populace

Someone please help this man

Wow another r\politics hack .. Where the fck are all of fcks coming from? Lol


The only difference being, I actually enjoy the subreddit r/conspiracy

You hit the front page and now the light is being shined on you. And as cockroaches often do, you people are scrambling to run and hide from the light of common sense and logic. It's actually pretty sad.

Your masters made sure of that. It's sad when a site built on free speech had to be algorithm'd to death so the Left could have another safe space. I am sad for a lot of the people who have no clue to what's coming.

It's sad you can't understand that you crazy people are in the minority (especially on this site) and cry victim 24/7 because your ego can't handle that fact.

And please do enlighten me, what is coming that we don't know about? Is it losing health care, defunding the EPA, building a useless wall, creating a bubble in the market, stopping climate change research, tax breaks for the rich, tax breaks for corporations that pay minimum wage to their employees, less regulation on banks and oil companies? Because I fucking know that's coming and/or has been done already. How the fuck can you not comprehend what's happening!?? Get your shit together.

You'll see, I don't even really know. It's not going to be any of the stuff you're worried about. Its going to shift the world. There are some messed up people pullings the global strings and if you ask me, we are moving towards a breaking point.

I'll wait for my minority victim status to kick in.. Hopefully the suffering won't last very long.

The people who don't have their shyt together.. watch Netflix, watch CNN and the alphabet networks, watch any television, use their phone too much.. it's all propaganda and meant to control people

Ah ok so you're literally insane and waiting on an imaginary event to happen to vindicate you for supporting this incompetent president. Got it.

It's happening everyday. Look around. We're living in a god damn shyt-show and have been for the last decade.

Protests in the streets. Murders. Wars. New Wars. Russia Hysteria. Europe. Nationalism vs Globalism.

Get back to LaLa Land Reddit Left . Where it's much more comfortable for you..

Hahah you're the one living in a delusional state. The world is safer now that it has been in almost all of human history. You're being spoon fed fear and hate from extreme right wing groups who want to use that to control you. Fear, hate and religion are the tools of the Republican Party and they have clearly worked on you.

You've been spoon fed Bullshyt as well. That is if you're getting information from MainStream News and you strike me as the type to do that. More people, More Crimes, More people moving to the already highly populated cities to do more crime. Water will run out. Not enough jobs (robots/open border).

Race, Gender, Russia, Abortions, Religion to the State of Free Shyt.. identity politics of the Regressive Left

You do realize rates of crime are not effected by population size right? This is just dumb. Religion and abortion are far right issues used to rope in idiots. Russia interfered with our election (as confirmed by every intelligence agency) and the president and his advisors are now under investigation from the FBI so that really isn't a partisan issue. Race issues are a concern to some people in this county just as gender issues/gay marriage is an issue for others. Just because republicans want to say "fuck you all I got mine" doesn't mean we should let them do that.

So selling your internet history, taking away health care for millions, defunding the EPA, hindering climate change research, giving tax breaks to the ultra-rich and stocking your cabinet with Goldman Sachs is something you don't care about or see as a problem? They used you ignorant religious fundamentalists to further their agenda and you idiots deep throated that shit.

So selling your internet history. It was already being sold.

taking away health care for millions. Obamacare is still here for now, calm down.

defunding the EPA. Overburdensome Government is too big. Cuts need to be made and will make companies more profitable.

hindering climate change research. Maybe. But so was Obama because nobody was researching the real answers that need to be addressed. Convince Americans to care

giving tax breaks to the ultra-rich and stocking your cabinet with Goldman Sachs. Conservatives like to make money and Democrats like to spend it. Trump is filling his cabinet similar to any other president and will judge them individually as they make decisions. Do people really think everyone at Goldman Sachs is a terrible person and is trying to take away your rights?

They used you ignorant religious fundamentalists to further their agenda and you idiots deep throated that shit.

America Fundamentalist here. Christian background but I don't really know at the moment. What do you believe in? Communism?

Welp this was an insanely ignorant comment. How the fuck do you not see the benefit of the EPA? How do you possibly think Obama hindered climate change research? This is just God damn absurd.

And no I'm not a communist I'm a atheist, economic socialist who is basically libertarian on social issues. So fucking what?

The EPA isn't disappearing. Government needs to be scaled back libertarian.. Obama didn't convince enough people it was a serious issue worth throwing trillions of dollars at. All while doubling the debt and getting us in more war.

And Venezuela took on your economic socialism. I can't think of any nations that have succeeded in implementing economic socialism because it kills competition and quality. Every time. If only the Left and Right would act like they don't have all the answers and start working together.. Civil War and protesting are a lot more entertaining though

I will not stand idly by as republicans destroy this country.

Likewise. You don't double the debt in 8 years without any consequences. Follow the laws already in the books and love America and its citizens..

This comment makes literally no sense. I think you're having a stroke.

Cool, another personal attack so you don't have to address the content..

I don't know how to respond to a sentence that literally makes no sense.

Do your best. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.

No. I literally don't understand your sentence.

You don't know who doubled the debt in 8 years?

Nobody is following immigration laws anymore. That's a problem.. Drugs, sex, pedophilia, stupid people

So you're blaming Obama for drugs, sex, pedophilia and stupid people? Come on man that's just absurd.

Also what the fuck is wrong with sex? Just fucking lol.

Fucking mindless cocks and sexualized women and girls.. Breaking up the family and causing division.

Rofl so you're just angry you can't get any huh? Makes a lot of sense really. Most of you trumpers are just sexually frustrated neckbeards.

You haven't called me a cuck yet, that's gotta be a couple Trump-cock slurps as a fine, surely.

Wow another r\politics hack .. Where the fck are all of these fcks coming from? Lol


Who'd you vote for?

Completely irrelevant. The man you support is trying to take away health care for millions and is destroying all data related to climate change. It's a big fucking problem and you people need to wake the fuck up.


Well i guess you know a thing or two about weak mindedness

Ohello.. Who did you vote for president?

Johnson in order to edge the libertarian party closer to the votes needed to acquire federal funding with the aim of increasing their prominence and fracturing the republican voter base. Didn't like Clinton, hated Trump, knew Clinton would take my state anyway and didn't need my vote.

So where are you going with your question?

I may not agree with you politically (I'm not a libertarian). But I think we both agree on one thing: Fuck Trump and his idiotic cult of supporters. This cult of ignorance is out of hand and it's a major problem.

The Reddit Left

You're in a fucking cult!

You've been living in a cult.. You made Donald Trump. Remember that. The people hate Obama and what he's done to America.. The people voted him and his Democratic buddies out of Office because Socialism and unlawfulness does not belong. Bush too, just so you don't think I'm a Republican shill.

Sorry the hillbillies have to deal with civilization.


It's sad so many of you yokels can't identify a conman selling snake oil.

El Papichon Trump

Too bad the alternative was literally the worst candidate to ever run for president thrice lol

I disliked Hillary as well. But just because you dislike one option doesn't mean the other is a good option. Trump is a conman and you people have been played.

You take what you can get. There are plenty of people I'd rather have as president.. blame the game and the Democratic Left who drove people into a corner. The Left stands up for whoever is currently claiming victim status to garner the sympathy vote and virtue signaling. They could care less about your personally.. And those hillbillies are catching on to the fake news and fake politicians before the college educated snobs.

Holy shit ok so you've been brainwashed.

Not an argument.

Lol ok so you're saying I'm a bot now? You people are so fucking delusional it's amazing.

Also since you keep avoiding my other comment that started all this how about you do a little reading:

It's funny how any time this is brought up you run away.

When you say "the people," what you really mean is "me and the people I listen to."

Your rhetoric is almost as bad as your president.

Why did the Democratic Party lose some 1000 seats during the 8 years of Obama and specifically after a terrible Obamacare roll out ?

The map is red. Sorry I scared you with rhetoric again

I'm not a libertarian either, I just hate the Republican party's policies and approach to politics, and I had the notion that a libertariam vote would be more damaging than a Democrat vote.

Also, let's note that the useless goon I replied to didn't bother to follow up. He just wanted to derail the conversation by moving it in a personal direction.

Yeah he's been spam messaging me. He's completely off the deep end.

Oh how well thought out an educated you are! Fucking sad.

Who'd you vote for pussy? Lol

Clearly it doesn't matter and that's my damn point.

Of course it matters. Obviously, we are all still in election mode and validating old suspicions.

Whenever these type of brigaded anti-Trump posts makes r/all.. r/conspiracy all of sudden turns in r\politics2.0 and would like to know who I'm wasting my time arguing with.

You're being exposed to a group outside of your hillbilly bubble and it triggers you.

Cute. The problem is you're being exposed as well

See what happens when you're exposed? You just turn around "nuh uh! You are!" I wish there was some way to help you but I think you may be too far gone.

This is a worthless comment. If you continue making comments like this you'll be banned.

I'd say 5d chess again, but I know that upsets the weak minded

this is some poe's law shit

5d chess shit is like when my Christian parents try to explain why God is shitty. He's not shitty just mysterious.

Hahaha you want it to be RyanCare but everybody knows it as TrumpCare. Scientologists have more independent thought than you guys do.

Trump knows nothing about Health Care lol, kidding me? He knows nothing about the Republican House I guess too. Paul Ryan, and Tom Price health secretary.

It's almost like Trump is a liability regardless of his intentions.

Typo or not - that is gold

Trump doing something out of spite and revenge sounds more realistic than doing something for the good of the people, so I think you may be on to something.

This is just another part of the "complete mess" he inherited from Obama... And he will sign the bill with a smile because it will undo another law passed during the previous 8 years.

I'm sure this will be spun as if it is ending some job killing regulations.

Something something " end to Big Government sticking it to private citizens and businesses just trying to work hard."

"Just think of all the jobs we'll be creating for working class folk to sift through all your collected porn search terms!"

"Mr. President, in all likelihood that will probably just be done by an algor-"

"THE JOBS!!" [waves West Virginian coal miner in front of cameras]

If everyone just mass tweeted him and everyone in his cabinet to veto it he is bound to read at least one of them

I hate him. But I'll support him if he vetoes it.

This is not good for anyone.

ISP shareholders and CEO's.

In the short-term, maybe. In the long term, this will have a chilling effect on the Internet. It likely already will, just due to ISPs not standing against this.

2018: Oh, so you mean it's NOT a random coincidence that the two most popular search terms this year were "Oh, nothing..." and "Everything is fine, happy thoughts, HAPPY THOUGHTS!"

And all digital advertisers just got a new valuable product

S/he said they are a trump supporter - so thinking is out the window.

Refer to it as IT you cis privilaged freak/s

He is not going to veto it and he shouldn't.

The point is to take power away from the FCC and give it to the FTC. This is to ensure FCC censorship powers are never an issue with the net.

They are undoing what Tom Wheeler did under Obama during the net neutrality scare.

Unlike the FCC, FTC don't/can't censor shit.

The framework they were building to push the PC culture narrative for more control and censorship under the guise of net neutrality is dismantled.

Next step is to get back control of Internet that Obama gave the UN.

There is no legal leg for the FCC rule to stand. This rule will be repealed and then they will create an actual legislative bill to stop selling our data.

The part I don't understand is how does the selling of our information factor into this?

Federal Trade Commission

Did you even read that article? The whole thing talks about how moving to the FTC would be bad because the FCC is who has the consumer privacy protections in place.

He's clearly incapable of reading or rational thought

Or maybe he just disagrees with the article?

Then why would he link it to try and support his point? Unless he's just talking shit.

The FCC are a bunch of goons, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

And the FTC are the good guys?

Are you kidding?

Yea they want to get rid of fat people, make the world a better place

Damn dude. Are you stalking me now?

See you next time.

Never said that, I'm actually against ANY entity deciding what happens with the Internet. We already have monopoly laws, those are what should be enforced. If an ISP sells your data, switch to a different ISP.


he haven't even passed anything yet? those a lot of jobs created were from Obama era, he's just taking credit for it.. most of the things that happened were decided in 2015..

"Thank you for clearing this up.

Everybody who hates trump become it's easy are just echo chambers of the "news" notifications sent to their mind numbing iPhone. Anyone saying they actually care should do some research on the situation at hand before trump was in office. He seems to be making a positive difference...

Creating 227,000 jobs last month

Decreasing debt by $68,000,000,000

Illegal border crossing down %40

I could go on about all the bull shit "CLIMATE REGULATIONS" That apparently just kind of make a lot of money for a small few....

Trump knows we can do better than what we have.

He needs to wake America up on the whole "nwo" shit if that's what we want to refer to it as.

Why are we all in r/conspiracy ?

For truth? Or just to conspire?"

I accidentally deleted my comment so I'll just leave it here ...

Alrighty... you're sure about that? Final answer?

I can't tell what part of the guy's post you are actually responding to. It's almost like it's copy-pasted from Google translate and is just a bunch of made up numbers. Fine morning in mother Russia, comrade?

lol wut? his comment seemed coherent enough to me...

Did this guy just pull that "Russia" bs on me? ;(

Shill much bruh?

Uh, my comment's right there "bruh," why don't you just ask me directly you fuckin cunt?

Fuck outta here with that made up shit.

who the fuck are you responding to, "bruh"? check yo self, before you wreck yoself....aka YOU ARE retarded, and if you're a shill...i would recommend to your bosses you don't get paid anymore BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY CAN'T FUCKING READ WHO YOU RESPONDED TO, MOTHERFUCKER!

In English?

What are you gibbering about?

From the article you linked which I guess you didn't read

Nobody should fall for this privacy shell game. The FCC’s broadband privacy rules are currently the best protection consumers have for their personal information online. They would make a fine template for rules governing edge provider practices. Any weakening of the rules by either the Trump FCC or Congress will leave consumers unprotected from ISP data collection, use and security practices that might violate their privacy. That is certainly not the result the American people want or that policymakers should support.

Trump is not playing 4d Chess, he's selling out to the ISPs

Isnt he arguing the ftc can make another pass at net-N, censorship and other shit in the future and this prevents that?

No I think he geniuly believes that Trump is some master tactician and everything Trump does he has to twist into some 4d chess move by Trump so he doesn't have to deal with the fact that Trump doesn't give a fuck about him or anyone who voted for him.

It's that how Trump supporters are spinning it now?

Jesus Christ, who comes up with this bullshit?

More importantly, who buys this bullshit?

Are you fucking kidding me? You can't possibly believe that line of bullshit. That's like saying they need to repeal the child labor laws to take power away from the corrupt Department of Labor because they fully well plan to give those labor laws to a different department that is better suited to deal with this a later date, of course. You have to be fucking joking. Your post has to be parody. There's no possible way you believe this line of horse shit unless you're too mentally handicapped to put together complete sentences and your caregiver typed your post up out of 45 minutes worth of rambling nonsense. That's the only other option.

What planet are you from? You're talking about a bunch of schmoes who devalued public land in order to sell it off easier, with better profitability for their buddies. Goons whose approach to healthcare is "Fuck you, poors."

In what conceivable reality are those assholes planning to pass legislation that stops private companies from making money by selling your information?!

Get a grip.

What do you think about him saying -- in the press conference after the health care repeal died -- that he never claimed that he would try to repeal Obamacare?

Wtf he never said that

He said he wouldn't do it in 64 days. He did say he would do it on day one though.

LMAO who would possibly prefer that doo rag that passes off as a media site?

I'm still not convinced that one day we won't be doing and interview, look the journalist straight in the eye, and say, "I was never president."

Very misleading. Be ashamed

Get your facts straight, the reality is bad enough. He claimed he never said he would repeal it quickly, which was also a lie.

I watched the press conference when it was live. I don't know how to get the facts more straight from the horse's mouth. Anything further would be douchey speculation, which you're fulfilling here quite inappropriately.

It's your right to interpret his words that way, but it seems pretty clear to me in the video that he interrupts himself like he usually does and the point he's making is that he didn't say he would repeal and replace it within 64 days.

When we offer the worst possible interpretation of his meaning, we open ourselves up to dismissal by the people we want to convince. It's better to not give them that option. The strongest criticism is the least deniable, and yours was easy to look past even for someone opposed to Trump.

I don't know what my age has to do with anything, but I'm 28.

I mean, he did say he would replace it on day 1.

Yes, he lied about what he promised, so there's no need to weaken the criticism by exaggerating.

I interpreted that statement as him doing his usual partial-sentence-then-interrupted-thought-and-bounce-around way of speaking. Like this:

“I never said repeal and replace Obamacare--you've all heard my speeches--I never said, repeal it and replace it within 64 days.”

The sentence, without his interrupted thought, would be, "I never said repeal and replace Obamacare -- [that is,] I never said repeal it and replace it within 64 days."

Do you see how that can be interpreted in slightly different ways? He's a horrible speaker when he talks off-the-cuff, and he often does this thing where he repeats the same thing multiple times but adds slightly more context to his meaning. Then, if you take one snippet out and ignore the rest, it's possible to come to a conclusion that doesn't mean quite what he was trying to say.

It's really bad because his words can so often be misinterpreted like this (apart from when he's just flat-out wrong anyway) because of his stylistic approach to speech.

yeah he said he'd do it day 1 in office lol

He said that he would do it on day one. Forgot this "I never said I'd do it by day 64" shenanigans, he said he would repeal it and replace it immediately, possibly within hours of each other.

That's exactly my point. He clearly is lying about that so there's no need to muddy the waters with a question of whether he's denying promising to repeal it at all.

...Jesus Christ, did you not know he was like them yet?

VETO it? He hasn't even MENTIONED it.

What has he done (hint: not SAID) that made you think he might be different?

You should gather up your trumpster buddies and have them all tweet at trump to veto the bill. Trump loves twitter..

I'm a mild trump supporter as well if he doesn't pass it I'll be pissed as well that dam son of a bitch.

If he doesn't pass the bill that ends internet privacy, you'll be pissed?

Yeah I'll be pissed we need our privacy.

I think you have it backwards then. You'll be pissed if he does pass it.

No I'll be pissed if he doesn't veto it and pissed if he supports it.

Yeah I know that's what you originally meant, but it's the opposite of what you said.

This is what I probably unfairly think of Trump supporters. Angry and frustrated, but not paying enough attention to know which thing they're angry about.

Oh well. I don't care if you're pissed. I hope this passes and I hope trump is everything you never wanted in a president.

With all due respect, what were you expecting? There was never any chance that Trump would oppose a bill like this.

I'm a mild trump supporter

aka a sucker.

Or maybe I only somewhat support him because I only agree with some of his views. Those views in which he isn't holding himself up to right now. I don't get how that makes me "retarded" or "a sucker". This sub is bad on both sides. I'm getting insulted for just simply supporting some views from a certain party. You guys can talk about how bad trump supporters are but here you are doing the same shit they do.

I hate Trump but god damn people but that dude was being a dick to you. can't people just disagree without making petty comments?

He won't, trump is a fucking scumbag and could care less what's good for you or for the people of the world. Fuck him.

Couldn't care less*. Could care less = do care some


He is going to sign it.

he's like every other politician.

nah he's unlike every other politician. those at least know how not to look like a fucking idiot in every single possible situation. trump is unique in this regard. he manages to look like an illiterate buffoon in even very trivial and easy situations. gotta give credit where it's due.

Yup, he's doing a politician wildest dream, he's showing his true colors on camera and he fucking won the presidency.

I think he is simply incapable of not being an illiterate buffoon. that's hardly the dream of politicians.

It seems like at a young age, he was aware he NEEDS to be a buffoon in order to get the vote of the people.

The whole interview is pretty interesting, he seems so different, it really puts things in perspective, he's playing a character for all America to enjoy/mock off, while he does his work in the backyard.

It sucks because I don't think the things he's working on are the best for the people of the US, but it seems people are eating the Trump character everyday for breakfast.

Nah he doesn't do his work in the backyard. This administration is the most unprofessional, vile, scandalous, incompetent and chaotic we've ever seen. Trump can't go on for a week to not contradict himself or say something mind numbingly stupid that not only is laughable, but undermines his own and his administartions popularity and credibility. He achieves absolutely nothing that's good for him with these things. You have to face the truth that a wise or strategic person doesn't say retarded shit that upsets everybody even his own fanbase and has absolutely zero strategic value- trump does this every day.

He might have had some kind of strategy like that in real estate businessbut it's pretty clear that he is just a demented idiot by now, and he wasn't very smart to begin with (much smarter than he is now that's for sure). You need to stop deluding yourself that this bambling buffoon is a bambling buffoon because he wants to be but secretly he is a genius. People eat him for breakfast for a reason, he has the most serious job in the world yet has the knowledge and vocabulary of a 7 year old. Never in his life has he uttered anything that is even remotely impressive, and in his older days he is straight up dumb and cringeworthy.

Never in his life has he uttered anything that is even remotely impressive, and in his older days he is straight up dumb and cringeworthy.

Holy shit, not to sound like a dick but it sounds an awful lot like envy.

He's definitely done impressive things, to say he doesn't it just bitter and uninformed.

Nah he doesn't do his work in the backyard.

Just a heads up, your little "Nah he doesn't" also sounds like a kid that is bitter man.

I'm not gonna pretend I know better than anyone else here, we all know the same things and for all I know he's giving the people a character to hate on.

There's no possible way to actually know what is really happening, acting like we do only makes us dumber than Trump's character lol.

Holy shit, not to sound like a dick but it sounds an awful lot like envy. He's definitely done impressive things, to say he doesn't it just bitter and uninformed.

what the fuck are you even talking about? I said uttered. not did. and stating somebody is dumb is a sign of envy? at least try to be appear little sensible, man.

Just a heads up, your little "Nah he doesn't" also sounds like a kid that is bitter man.

again, what the fuck are you talking about?

he's giving the sane people a character to hate on. he's been doing it for decades. the dumb and the vile love him, there are enough of them to get him elected. so which one are you?

If there's something I hate is people that act dumb instead of accepting they sounded a certain way.

If you fail to understand that your whole comment sounds bitter then I can't help you, because it does.

he's giving the sane people a character to hate on. he's been doing it for decades.

I'm glad you agree that it's a character, that's the point I was making while you thought he was like that IRL.

Multiple people have said he's nothing like his public persona.

You'd be surprised. Trump is quite smart, otherwise he would never have gotten this far. Listen to some of his speeches, he picks the words he uses very carefully. He also seems to be very aware of all the lies he is telling, but it doesn't matter to him, because they get the job done.

I really don't like Trump and realizing he isn't an idiot made me like him a lot less. I fear he tells so many lies to make the media look less credible.

Nope. All the Democrat politicians voted against this, can't say they are all the same.

Prepare to be pissed as fuck. I just hope you're not surprised (you shouldn't be).

Every other politician? You mean like all the Democrats who voted against it and put the rule in place?

So am I, my friend. But /u/EnoughLeftistBS is right, because I'm sure plenty of people are going to do exactly that.

What has he done to make you think he is capable of being better than "every other politician"?

nice username

I'm mildly retarded myself.

What do you like about him?

I really don't get it. For what reason is there any hope in your mind that he is going to veto it? If you have paid attention you would have seen that he has filed every cabnet position with slimy corporate assholes. He has rolled back rules that stop the corporations from taking advantage of the middle and lower class. I am not saying that he signed things into law. He went out of his way to sign executive orders to explicitly give the rich more money.

Why do you think he will veto it?


"Mild Trump Supporter" wtf does that mean, are your political leanings like hot sauce?

Plenty of other politicians voted no on this one.

Let me get this straight.

You didn't care about the environment, minorities, paying more taxes for a useless wall, a shitty health care system. You didn't care about all the evidence mounting up over trump/russia connections. You didn't care that your president is making your country an international embarrassment.

But when someone tries to mess with your internet THAT is what gets you to wake up and realize he's a conman?

At least it's nice to know that everyone has their price. Being a racist bigot only earns you so many brownie points. Lesson learned for trump.

For what it is worth, and I would be shocked if this actually reached you in any way, Obama would have vetoed this bill and the Democrats wouldn't have passed it in the first place. Both parties have flaws, but both are not the same.

Tagged as "functionally retarded".

This bill has nothing to do with the swamp. Trump hates federal regulations, almost all of them. He wants things regulated on a state and local level. This isn't new ideology.

This is what it will take to convince you that he is like every other politician!? Nothing before this did it for ya? Please don't breed.

Lol how stupid are you?

Trump has never suggested he was pro-privacy.
You are just spreading FUD to say you thought he was.

I highly doubt he'll veto it. I mean, the guy appointed #1 cunt of the USA, Ajit Pai...

I'm with you, this will prove a lot.

White House came out in support of it. Are you pissed as fuck, /u/wormpetrichor ?

you're thinking of the obama/hillary supporter ; the better question: why did rand paul co-sponsor it ?

Rand is a Libertarian, any and all government regulation is tyranny. Its the fatal flaw of the ideology. Shifting power from big government to big business is worse for virtually everyone. The logical conclusion of that line of thought is corporate feudalism, at best. Somolia at worst.

It doesn't move power to corporations, it moves power to consumers. If we know which ISPs do 'bad things' we know to not give them money. In a free market we'd have better competition instead of this government granted monopolies that we have going on.

What powers does a consumer gold, if he has a choice between 3 ISPs who all do it? Many regulations are there for a reason, otherwise monopolies or oligopolies take over everything and just do what they want.

It doesn't work that way. Saying that consumers have power here is like saying that cows run ranches. Free markets only exist if all sides have equal risk, benefits and power. The ISP selling your info in no way benefits the consumer. If I don't like my ISP, i'm SOL, I have no alternative provider. Businesses competing is bad for business instead they form cartels. Antitrust regulations aren't enforced.

This is not what's at stake, and it's moving the goalposts. What was decided here was whether your information was your private property, and they decided it wasn't. Full stop. None of this "regulations starve the free market" bullshit. Friend, the telecoms haven't had a free market in 50 years. They all collude and control everything. They were once all the same company. Nobody wins here except them.

It. Costs. 150 billion. To. Install. Internet. Infrastructure. Nobody in their right mind would say lemme go to a saturated market and compete with someone else. They all pick their turf. Verizon tried to encroach on TWC in NYC and their shareholders nearly lynched them. This isn't government granted monopolies but rather a cost prohibitive utility to install.

Uh, well, I mean, except for the fact that those fuckers all fought like hell to keep Fiber out of their monopolies. You know why Adam Smith hated monopolies? Hint: it's not because he hated government. It's because--regardless of how they're created--they are bad for most everyone but the monopoly owners.

i disagree. most power of government becomes tyranny in the end. the world would be a better place if more people ascribed to the libertarian mind set - no government should ever be blindly trusted by it's people otherwise we get zombie sheep like we see know who are all in for things they have no clue about.

All governments fail, everything has an end. The US is an empire now, empires exert more and more pressure on their citizens until something that can't be fixed fails then they fold up. The American version of Libertarianism isn't about not trusting your government its about getting rid of government itself. No public schools, utilities, prisons fire-stations, roads, healthcare, environmental regulation. All of that is done by PRIVATE companies. The owners of those corporations decide everything. People don't have any power other than to not do business with the overlords. If you aren't rich you aren't human.

I've done some research on this for a bit I'm a Trump supporter and have been following the "net neutrality/FCC shit for years. What this boils down to is the FCC has been trying for years to exert their control on the internet. The ultimate goal is to control content like they do for radio and TV. The internet has ushered in a Wild West/free market place of ideas that is beyond the control of "favored" media like the newspapers and "big three" tv channels of yesteryear in which the "correct" narrative can be cemented by the "elites". This new bill's goal is to null and void a borderline illegal power grab by the FCC in October of last year. There are numerous laws at the federal and state level (including wiretapping laws) that protects your privacy. Don't be sheep. Understand the end game to all of this.

Edit: here is a good article to start with;

It really is more than it looks. This is about controlling the FCC, not allowing Newegg to send you more junk email....

Has no one thought of why former President Obama did some of these things just before leaving?

This is not some game. These people play for keeps.

If you have not read the bill and considered both sides, you are a fool.

(I did not vote for Clinton or Trump, or Obama, or Bush, Or Clinton, or Bush....)

(edit, I wrote Sanders when I meant to write Trump) (I wrote in Sanders on my ballot, knowing he would not stand a chance.)

You know... we all shouldn't have to qualify our statements with prefacing our political stance like "as a trump/sanders supporter". The facts of the matter are pretty easy to understand if you look for 10 mins beyond the attention grabbing headline.

The internet was born, making anyone a journalist whose success is governed by the resonance of their ideas

The FCC did not foresee these happenings. They are in the business of controlling content consumed by citizens

The FCC over a span of a decade began using doublespeak names for bills and executive summaries that give people warm and fuzzies but in reality are legally ambiguous, not to mention unnecessary. Oh and they do it right as they are ousted from power

Free market idealistic conservatives are forced to repel cleverly titled FCC directives thereby triggering redditors seeking internet points without looking beyond the shocking headline and seeing the intended end game

The real question here is: How can you support anybody in us politics... It simply doesn't matter if you are conservative, liberal or what ever. In the end they are going to fuck you

I'm sure you've already made up your mind, but just so you know, not a single Democrat voted for this.

I know. I was talking about politics in general

Bullshit. I am a trump voter and I am willing to go to hell and back to get this shit thrown out.

Don´t worry Trump is heavily working on the hell thing

I never supported trump. But I am willing to let this pass just because you voted trump. Let it all burn

Yeah that makes sense. Jeopardize not only your's, but everyone else's privacy online because you are a spiteful prick.

Let's go

That's what you did by voting for Trump. I already did my part. Can you elaborate what you'll be doing when you described it as going to hell and back? More Reddit comments?

Well I have already made calls to my representatives and emailed them too. Which as you can see has been to no avail so at this point enlighten me on what more I can do.

So basically what you decide to do when you voted for Trump in the first place?

How so? I voted for Trump because he most represented my views out of the two candidates that were worth voting for. Maybe the DNC shouldn't have fucked Bernie.

Ex-Trump supporter here. I don't support Trump anymore but I do know many Trump supporters that strongly oppose his Saudi deals, his love for Goldman Sachs, billionaires and Wall Street, his climate change stance, his stances on privacy, and his unfounded claims.

If they oppose that much bullshit why would they support him?

Probably something to do with him "telling it like it is" and the "PC culture ruining this country."

Maybe dems should ease up on the pc stuff and start winning then

It's funny because conservatives are the ones constantly triggered and complaining about how they need safe spaces.

Yes, nobody criticizes conservatives anymore

Yeah... ok

Its true, right wingers are the whiniest SJWs there are.

They are offended that other people are offended when they speak offensively.

PC just means getting called out for being a dick

So stop calling people dicks? Lol

No, stop being and dick and doing so proudly.

Hm no i actually quite enjoy democrats out of office

Stop caring about being called a dick. "Fuck your feelings" remember?

no i much prefer violent leftists being voted out

Which violent leftists are currently in power?

None, they lost

"man I really support policies that disenfranchise minorities"

"hey stop doing that, it seems a bit racist and its bad for reasons x, y, and z"

"wow stop calling me a racist"

every time

Every fucking time, I'm starting to think it's just a law of reality for racists

you missed the part where the leftist turns violent

Poor you, must be so hard dealing with a daily onslaught of leftist violence. I don't know how you even managed to type that without being assaulted by a leftist.

its because hankfully the leftists were voted out of power. Without the leftist AG holder to defend organizations like BLM, liberal attacks have decreased significantly in the past few months

So then what the hell are you bitching about?

That there are still attacks...

I can tell you don't go outside very often.

Which is funny because most people who hate "pc culture" can't handle being called a dick.

This is too true. It's always funny watching people get upset over jokes about white people and shouting about racism. They're always the "anti-PC" types too. Anyone protesting or speaking out against some racist or sexist asshole is "attacking free speech." It's so fucking pathetic and hilariously hypocritical.

What PC stuff has the Democratic party done?

Yes, some feminists say stupid things about movies, but that doesn't mean "the left" is like that.

Yeah people need to realize that feminists DO NOT REPRESENT ALL LEFTISTS. I'm a humanist left center person, NOT a feminist. Just like you can have a conservative who is anti-globalism and one that is pro-globalism. Although ALL conservativism is bullshit to screw over workers. Except MAYBE the most moderate of conservatives but those types do NOT exist in America lol. America is shifted so far to the right that American "center right" is equivalent to far right in Europe economically if not also socially.

Didnt you sabotage bernie to run a candidate with a vaginer

it's funny because what Trump supporters call 'being PC' is really just not being a giant fucking asshole.

Arent lefties physically assaulting people on the streets? Seems assholish

Yeah left handed people are really violent

But theyre using their right hands to punch republicans

That makes no sense, why would you use you less dominant hand for that?

Affirmative hand action

now it all makes sense...those damn cultural marxists

nazis* but hey, if you wanna call them republicans you'll REALLY be pushing a liberal agenda now.

If they were nazis... wouldnt you be gassed by now

yeah totally! A+ analysis!

Its not an analysis ..

I'm just not gonna argue with you at all, you've been yelling straw mans in this thread all afternoon to avoid the fact that Trump's presidency has been ass ¯_(ツ)_/¯

whether its been ass or not isnt the issue... you are saying he is a nazi

The dems are compromized like the repubs. Both parties are right wing excluding a rare few exceptions like Bernie who is about centrist. Democrats are NEOlibs (very right wing pretending to be left wing) and republicans are NEOcons (extreme right wing pretending to be moderate right wing). The "PC culture" thing is bullshit. IMO it's manufactured to piss people off. I'm left center on the political spectrum and I don't like feminism (biased and compromized ideology, while humanism is much more balanced) and I don't buy the "WHITE PRIVELAGE" bullshit (I mean, technically it might exist but it's being overblown as if white people can't be poor.....the majority of Americans in poverty are white because the population is mostly white).

I think the alt right movement is the establishment buying itself more time because people are waking up to the fact that "left center to centrist" candidates like Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein are the REAL anti-establishment candidates. Trump ran after Bernie ran. The alt right uses scapegoats such as "immigrants are the problem" (instead of blaming corporate jobs outsourcing AND WAR which facilitate immigration in ways that reduce wages for immigrants AND natives WORLDWIDE). Another scapegoat is the anti-PC bullshit. I understand that OVERLY PC stuff is bullshit but to jump to the other extreme end and be ANTI-PC is equally as bad. Most people are in the middle, they don't want to be rude and assuming/judgemental (anti-PC) but also don't want to make shit up just to further an agenda unknowingly (overly PC).

E.g. if there was a incidence involving a muslim, the idiotic anti-PC thing to say would be "SEE IT'S DA MUZLIMS, THEY SAVAGES!!" but the OVERLY PC thing to say is "IT'S JUST THEIR CULTURE, DON'T HATE!!". Absolutely both are RETARDED statements. In fact, I'm not even sure overly PC idiots are THAT stupid, I think the ANTI-PC idiots just make the overly PC idiots look more foolish than they are. But both are stupid groups to be in. The NORMAL response would be: "Firstly, it's Wahhabism not NORMAL islam and certainly NOT the majority of normal muslims. Secondly, SAUDI ARABIA, an ally of the corrupt American government, is pushing for extreme Wahhabism in the middle east and funding terrr....or....ism.....along with the U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies and military industrial complex. Thirdly, most or all incidences on America/European soil are FALSE FLAGS so you should be so easily manipulated to fall for the divide and conquer tactics of hating all muslims and wanting more war in the middle east because your warmongering government says so." Do you see what I mean? You don't have to be in either extreme. It's like being feminist VS sexist. You can be somewhere in between like a humanist who acknowledges that sex differences exist so TRUE equality is not possible but relative equality is. Men and women are equal BUT NOT THE SAME. I'm a left center person and not one of those idiots who thought Clinton was a good candidate...LOL. I cringe at the shills/useful idiots who protested for Hillary after she lost. Screw her and the DNC, they rigged the primaries against Bernie using multiple dirty methods including diebold machine hacking. Bernie played fairly and got screwed over by the establishment.

"All that corruption stuff is cool, but I'll be damned if some fag wants to become a girl!"

Because Mexicans.

Mexicans and Muslims

they believe clinton is worse

Clinton isn't the president.

The choice was clinton or trump... unless youre saying they should elect trump to stop clinton then do everything to sandbag trump and grind the country to a halt?

Trump voters would do well to apply the reasoning of the sunk cost fallacy to this presidency. No need to throw good support after bad. We all make mistakes...

There is a difference between being a "trump supporter" and being somebody who grudgingly chose one over the other on election day. Calling oneself a trump supporter (to me at least) implies an active form of ongoing support and admiration.

Because emails

Because many of them are racist and cling to his message of white nationalism above all else.

they're easily led?


Because brown people scary and take jobs and lazy.

Because they were conned and people don't like to admit it when they've been fooled.

Because he did something very well that the other candidates did not.

He sold fear. He and his campaign promised a warm blanket for everybody to keep the bad things away.

My grandma (a trump supporter) has some bizarre really unhinged hatred for muslims. Last July I sent her a friendly email saying hello and just regular conversation. I mention a joke about Clinton and Trump both being disliked candidates, and the email I got in response was like a 4 paragraph rant on how muslims are ruining and over-taking this country. 😳 she didn't even respond to anything else in my email. Apparently she watches Fox 24/7. So to answer your question, it appears a trump supporter, like my grandma, is so balls to the wall crazy about one issue they don't care about much else.

Because they'll support anyone with an "R" next to their name.

Trump's approval rating is still in the mid/upper 80s among Republicans.

What low standard these people have...

So basically you guys wanted Bernie...

I went from being a strong supporter to just a mild one. Getting real tired of his shit when it comes to surveillance and the climate.

I'm not a Trump supporter but you're so fucking wrong. Trump's ties to Epstein? The fact he flew with his plane once?

I guess you're the kinda liberal that would never bring up Bill Clinton's ties to Epstein


Wierd, from your own comment.

You were never a true supporter then with realistic expectations. You were living in a fantasy. You thought a populist was going to overthrow hundreds of years of government control in less then 3 months by himself? Like anything, you have to often give a little in order to take. It is way to early to make judgements against someone in his position.

Instead of picking strong and successful people from Wall Street who have the ability to stand toe-to-toe with politicians, he should have picked unknowns? more politicians? Who? Sounds delusional to me.

But seriously we can't let him have the launch codes

Ummmmm, another mild Trump supporter here. I hope he vetoes it.

The reason why I support Trump is mainly because he creates a lot of conflict, and conflict promotes change; which I want. Idk whether the change will ultimately be for better or for worse, but I'm hoping.

Not everything is black and white.

Im sorry but this logic is not working out. The only thing Trump creates is political standstill. The conflicts you mentioned are not causing anything positive. Best example is the health care act

Can you say that Trump will not create overall positive change? Why?

Tell me one positive thing he has done. He is basically denying climate change, he is constantly lying, he puts people into positions without any experience, his secretary of state is best friends with russia and so on. He is a fucking tv personality. The fact the he and Clinton where even able to run for president is enough proof of how broken this system is.

Withdrew the US from the TPP

This is debatable but what about the rest I mentioned? Do you feel fine with his decisions and actions? Is this the way a US president should behave?

Dunno. Who am I to say how a president should behave? I don't think they should act like Obama, since among other things he pretty much kicked all the Haitians to the curb right after they had that earthquake. Bush was a puppet. Him doing his thing is just whatever to me.

Him doing his thin is whatever to you? I mean don't you want a future where your kids will still know how a fucking tree look? Or a healthcare system that actually helps people? I just don´t get it...

Why do you think trees will no longer exist in the near future?

There are some things he says I disagree with, most notably his autism - vaccine statements, but overall I agree with his ideas.

And what I meant when I said "Him doing his thing is just whatever to me." I was talking about his twitter thing, which I should have made clear but I only noticed the mistake when I was already in bed. Even if I may disagree with the contents of some of his tweets, I think him putting his views out into the open to be scrutinized is wonderful.

I thought shitting on other nations for the benefit of Americans was what you guys were all about.

That's not what I'm about, no.

Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration


I said "Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration"

I said "Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration"

I said "Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration"

I don't get it... Where is this coming from?

Are you criticizing Obama for bowing to pressure from corporations?

I am criticizing Obama for lowering the minimum wage of an already destitute country.

Which he did because he bowed to pressure from corporations. I agree it's bad but it's exactly what Trump has done time and time again in his short time in the presidency. And is doing right now with this bill that sells your privacy.

If your only defence of Trump is "Obama also bowed to pressure from corporations (in a way that did not affect the American people) in 2011" then that's not a good argument.

Ummmm, do you perhaps think that I have to 100% like someone and vehemently defend all of their actions and that I am now allowed to have a mixed viewpoint? The only thing I said pro-Trump so far in this convo is him withdrawing the US from the TPP... Why can't I disagree with some of Trump's actions and agree with others? Why can't I like some of the things Obama did and despise him for what he did to the Haitians and the civilians in the middle east?

You realise Hillary was also set to withdraw from the TPP? The only good thing Trump has done is exactly what Hillary was going to do


Who am I to say how a president should behave?

You pay taxes, right? That is money going directly from your pocket to his. You employ him. Not the other way around.

What I meant was that I have very little education on how to run a country.

You're a fucking chaos supporter? I'm sorry, but you're an idiot.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

I think they'd react better if this site didn't pretend that Obama walked on water for 8 years, during which the bottom basically dropped out of the average person's livelihood in America.

A bunch of college kids who gave the last shitty President a pass mostly because of his political party, just don't have the right to criticize people who give a pass to the current shitty President mostly because of his political party.

Obama claimed the right to summarily execute his own people, and reddit didn't say dick about it. Why should I listen to reddit now?

The bottom dropped out of the average person's livelihood? What are you referring to?

Probably the economic crash that happened last time we had Republicans in charge. Thanks Obama.

The bottom dropped out a long time before that, I make between 95-135k a year. My father makes upwards of 450k a year and even he sees the problems. The problem is everyone leveraging credit to grow their wealth and squeezing it out of anyone they can. There is no way to stop it or fix it. If you raise the interest rates, loans are much harder to get, these overleveraged businesses can't keep up because they depend on the credit and they sink. If they sink, we all sink, that's how many of them there are. It's a snowball of debt.

There is no way to stop it or fix it.


Communism won't work, you put too much responsibility and power into the hands of incompetent people and they've shown themselves to be incompetent. We'd need to design AI to take over the governments responsibilities and then maybe Communism would work if AI ran the government.

Reddit flipped the fuck out when the NDAA was enacted that year, and they flipped out when net neutrality was on the chopping block, too. You're rewriting how it actually went down to suit a narrative, even economically. During the past 8 years there was a slow but steady recovery after a major recession that started before Obama took office.

I'm sorry, where have you been? Reddit did nothing but complain about Obama, do you not recall the whole "Thanks Obama" thing that grew of it? Because everyone was blaming him and bitching constantly about everything? srsly? c'mon kiddo, get your head out of your ass

I am a Trump Supporter and I will be really fucking pissed at him if he doesn't veto this. And I will make it known.

Start to get pissed. he will sign it

He probably will, yeah. I'm prepped to be pissed.

This is probably the only positive thing out of this. If this is what it takes for people to finally see that Trump is not the answer to our problems, they are ready to stand up.

I think he could be, but he is woefully uninformed about many things and refuses to acknowledge it.

I think he could be, but he is woefully uninformed about many things and refuses to acknowledge it.

Like being the president of an entire country.

Oh come on, be fair. No other president has experience being president until they are president!

Many career politicians have a good idea and are typically prepared for the role. The Donald thought he was just taking on another CEO position. He already has the golfing down, he thought the hookers and blow was the only other part of the job he hadn't encountered yet.

Yes, but career politicians are also the main problem with this country.

Corrupt politicians are the main problem with this country. Now, granted, if you made a Venn diagram or career politicians and corrupt politicians, there would be at least a 90% overlap, but they aren't the same thing.

Corrupt politicians, corporate money and lobbyists are what is wrong with this country.

Might be a bit more than 90% but yes, you are technically correct. The best kind of correct!

And billionaires like Trump arent included in that problem? Do you think Trump socializes with Kentucky coal miners? No, he spent his days and nights schmoozing with career politicians and other corporate executives and officers.

I never said he was the best option...

The implication in your comment is that someone who is not a career politician would be inherently better than a career politician.

Better != Best

Man, I can't believe you still think he was the better option.

It is just my opinion. Sorry!

Yea no shit, he was the entire campaign trail. Internet privacy is what makes you realize it? Christ, no wonder he got elected.

No, I was just hoping he'd have better cabinet picks.

Still better than Hillary.

Yea, cause emails.

You're a joke.

No, cause she's a Clinton.

You're an idiot. :)

Oh, you voted in the objectively worst president in Us history because of the last name of the other option. Your decision making skills are on par, for sure.

Was it draining the swamp by electing a billionaire?

Or was it "we can't have a president who the FBI investigated" while Trump is under investigation 2000x worse the Clintons ever was?


Objectively when viewed from the the system norm... he will bring about change, that's for sure. We'll have to wait and see what that change is. Done with you, though :)

What kind of English is that? You probably aren't even American you disgusting piece of shit. Kill yourself.

Your reading comprehension is lacking... read it again. And again. And maybe get your mommy to help you.

Again, just slit your wrists. You're a waste of humanity.

Please see my edit :) Blocking you, now. Have fun with Gender Studies.

And there it is.

How foolish we must be that we have to hurt ourselves before learning a lesson.

Ehh. maybe 10% of his supporters will change their mind, if that.

vote him out, man. Vote the Republicans out in 2018. Democrats aren't perfect but they don't fucking pull shit like this. There is no comparison between the two parties. The Republicans are always much more shitty.

no more anon hahaha

You've been bamboozled

Not quite yet... we'll see.

You have been.


So when he signs it will you admit you've been bamboozled? I'll be happy to admit he has done something positive if he for some reason vetoed it, but I find the odds close to zero.

Likewise. I'm starting to turn on him. I'm trying desperately to keep an open mind and give him a chance. I supported him because I couldn't support Hillary and I loved how he offended the SJWs.

I'm not nearing the "regretting my vote" point, because he's still doing better things than Hillary would have done to us, but he's still approaching the danger zone.

Will you turn out for a general strike this May Day? Will you help us shut down the United States and not allow it to be started back up until the masters fucking surrender and kill themselves?

If you sound less crazy and explain more... maybe?

That is perhaps the most reasonable request for brake-pumping I've ever heard. Hah! Okay.

So the way I see it, the masters--the various groups and factions that own the U.S. and endeavor to own the whole world and everything in it--they've rigged the game so that only certain methods of protest are deemed "acceptable". Voting, for one. WeThePeople petitions. Protest marches that get corralled into "free-speech zones". That sort of thing.

It seems clear--regardless of where you happen to fall on the political spectrum--that fundamental change is needed, and that it has to occur very, very soon. Every day the "long train of abuses and usurpations" gets longer. We cannot afford to wait around for the next set of popularity contests, which may well be rigged anyway.

Violence seems to be off the table for now, which is okay, because that's the very last resort. As Frederick Douglass wrote, "this struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be moral and physical, but it must be a struggle." In other words, our methods of resistance can be nonviolent or violent, but they have to be resistance in the first place. Voting is not resistance. WeThePeople petitions are not resistance.

What is nonviolent resistance, however, is the weapon of the strike.

May Day is the traditional day of labor resistance. Hence I am advocating for a general strike, across all industries, to take place then. The idea is to grind the gears of the machine to a halt, and not let them restart until we receive adequate assurances of our future security.

Love this xD

i really have to ask: how gullible do you think you are?

You think a super-wealthy branding mogul / corporatist who has zero ability to navigate politics is going to have a sudden moment of conscience and go against his party?

Once a sucker always a sucker I suppose.

And then you will be banned and shunned.

I got a spot in line over here by me for you to join in the outrage. Welcome!

Here's the White House's official statement on the bill. Time to make it known!

But you'll get b&


why did you expect a born rich billionaire who has screwed over the american public at every turn to be a good president? what will be your final breaking point to say that you don't support him anymore

T_D opposes it, it's a bipartisan issue to all.

I've been looking for 20 minutes and haven't been able to find a single mention. Those sheep are ignoring it doesn't fit the narrative.

I'm sure they'll delete any mention of it.

There can be no criticism of the dear leader there, even if it's warranted.

2 days ago exactly, it got over 2,000 upvotes. Then someone called them out for it in the comments of a post and I everyone openly said they're against it. T_D is not universally for it, a majority against. Maybe the most brainwashed are just because of the (R) but it's not a T_D supported bill. Many said in defense that they're Trump supporters and not necessarily republicans.

Here's how I see it happening: they'll claim they want him to veto it and once it's passed they'll switch to defending it.

Very likely.

He proved that he's truly working for everybody, this bill will help bring pizzagate out into the light by allowing ISPs to share the browsing history of pedophiles! (Obama and his FCC were actively keeping cops in the dark, sick and sad!) Just more 927 dimensional basket weaving my friends!

I figured I'd better make that a quote, since it will soon be the official r/the_donald narrative...

Jesus christ

Like how /r/politics was against the TPP until Trump came out against it?

And they still were.

Or are you trying to say that you saw someone who liked it and you're going to use one person to try and claim an entire subreddit believes it?

They're already saying it's not a big deal and that people should be looking into Clinton's emails instead.

They're narrative doesn't have much room for Republican wrong-doing so it's not a top post now or a huge thing T_D talked about but even though you don't see it not many are for it.

Then why the fuck don't they speak out? They pay lip service to anti-establishmentism but are just a Trojan horse for special interests.

Look at my other responses to the thread with the link to T_D.

They don't speak because speaking out would criticize Trump. And we all know Trump can do no wrong.;sh=42436d66

Correction from my last comment, it was early yesterday, not 2 days ago. My sleep schedule's off I'm confusing my days.

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The lack of mentions is how you know they don't support it. T_D gets extremely silent every time Trump does something indefensible.

That is pretty pathetic if true. The silence is deafening.

To be honest that is true to an extent for /r/politics too. But not the same as t_d.

That's because t_d is supposed to be an echo chamber. R/politics is supposed to cover all sides but obviously doesn't.

That weak ass excuse for /r/t_d is getting tired.

"We're only pretending to be retarded!"

It's not an excuse it's a simple explanation. It was always like that. There is AskThe_Donald if you want an actual discussion.

And you see no hypocrisy with them complaining about "safe spaces"? Those are designed to be echo chambers as well.

Why do people think r/politics needs to have multiple viewpoints or address politics neutrally? Content is voted on like in every other subreddit. I've never seen anything in the rules that says it's supposed to cover all sides.

Because it is called '/r/politics' not '/r/liberalpolitics'

Is content voted on? Yes, but the mods also remove shit they don't like. Yes t_d does the same thing, but 'politics' is supposed to be neutral.

The situation is different.

/r/politics is heavily left leaning and actually have been controlled in the past by a pro-Clinton PAC as I heard. Still they cover the negative things too. Comey letter about Clinton, etc. was covered, upvoted, etc. Before the end of the campaigns it was actually very much pro Bernie and many times criticizing Clinton. Right wing comments are not removed and many times upvoted if sensible. The things I don't see covered is hate attacks by left wing people or the such. Opinion pieces and sensationalist shit is posted regularly.

/r/The_Donald is a shithole that is spammed with conspiracy theories, insults, memes, personal attacks, whataboutism, mocking of muslims, half truths and lies, senseless hype about stuff. Everything that is pro-trump gets heavily upvoted be it the stupidest lie on the planet, everything that's anti-Trump is banned including comments, nothing anti-Trump is covered, and it pretends to be the last bastion of free speech. It is not just trump-leaning subreddit, it's a dishonest, stupid echo and spamchamber.

Do people just not know how reddit works? Votes determine what reaches the frontpage, and mods determine what gets deleted. In a turn that surprises everyone from /r/the_donald constantly, it turns out that most of the active userbase on that sub is pretty liberal and progressive minded. Most conservative submissions and comments simply don't get the votes to end up in the spotlight on that sub.

Agreed, as a liberal r/politics is mostly an echo chamber. T_D though, is basically one on steroids.

That means they don't want it to cloud their narrative. If they actually had posts that criticized Trump then the sheep would start to question their God Emperor.

It's more than that. Any attempt at discussing anything negative is removed by the mods. Even if his supporters wanted to discuss it, they're not ALLOWED to.

Yeah they can't have negative posts on there. Their whole schtick is that they're behind Trump 100% of the way. If they start having negative posts, people are gonna start to have real discussions about Trump on that sub and the moment that happens, they're ruined.

It's an amazing little fantasy land they've constructed over there.

There could be a huge, scandalous, incredibly important story going on about Trump, and their top post would be some random tirade against a liberal politician or something. It's the epitome of willful political ignorance.

Or a picture of someone who was killed by an immigrant 20

Or they'll just be really loud about something completely inane.



Took me about 20 seconds. Literally search "privacy" within the sub and about 100 related results to this issue come up.

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OK so you found a buried post with under 300 votes and 75% of the comments are in favor of the bill.

Thank you for proving my point.

As others have said, there was a 2000+ upvoted post but it must have been deleted.

Your point was that T_D is ignoring it, but theres your evidence they're not.

So they are either agreeing with the bill or censoring all negative talk of it. Much more comforting

The point is, not everyone is. Yes, some people support it, but as you see in this thread a vast majority of T_D people are highly opposed to it. You can downvote me because you want to believe all (R) are the same, but were clearly not or we wouldnt even be having this discussion.

I'm not going to downvote or judge, but I've spent a lot of time on TD, I've seen the poison they spew, the unwavering love they have for their Dear Leader. And I'll be incredibly surprised if this passing causes them to think any differently of him. That's not all Republicans, just the ones from the swamp

Have you clicked on my links or other links to T_D? Nearly 5000 upvotes to vote no on the bill.

So you're saying that they are suppressing it (deleting threads) rather than ignoring it? Even worse.

I never said that, I said the majority of us don't like this bill. The mods don't speak for us.

The Russian day is ahead of the US day, so it gives them a lot of time to prep the days news for Trumps fans.

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For the record, there's now a discussion two threads under the pinned threads on their front page.


Indeed, I do understand the argument that our data has already been collected and sold by multiple other companies, but that's not justification to further perpetuate the issue.

It's just the perfect example of an issue that they would have endlessly attacked Obama for.

TD only opposes it until Trump signs it. After that, they'll start insisting that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

The worst they'll say is that it's 4D chess or something stupid like that but I see what you mean, regardless of whether he signs it or not, I still don't think anyone sees anything positive in this bill.

Until he signs it. Then it becomes what's best for America and only liberal cucks hate freedom.

Is it? I guess every single republican in congress didn't get the memo.


Source to T_D posts? There's a ton of them. Search "privacy" in the sub. Otherwise, I've posted sources to posts there a few times in this thread already, look for my username.

Oh you're a psychologist now

It's a 5 month old regulation passed under a near lame duck administration, and which grants ISP's the right to sell data provided they add some fine print to their terms of service.

This opposition to it is a product of corporate ISP-owned media outlets convincing fools that it's an important rule when they've never read it and know nothing about it.

Take a guess at where Comcast's MSNBC stands on this legislation.

Seriously. Take a guess.

6D underwater chess!

This entire post is about being critical of him. That there is already evidence that Trump supporters will not be sheep and can think for themselves.

I'm pleasantly surprised about this too. I think most are.


Trump supporter here. Ready for criticism.

You are a dumb fuck who voted for a white supremacist.

heyy now I voted for the burn

I'm a Trump supporter and you damn well better know I will rib the hell out of him for this.

50% of the reason I supported was because he was against Hillary, it's closer to 80 now.

Ooh, a strong ribbing! That'll bring back our privacy rights!

You're pretending that I'm condoning the actions of our government.

We have no control over this. No matter what happens we will always be limited by the government.

Stop placing the blame on everyone that you disagree with.

No. I'm mocking you for acting as though a ribbing from you--a ribbing you can't deliver anyhow, since you'll never actually meet the giant talking yam--makes a fuck.

You'll rib him? You can't rib somebody in absentia, much less somebody who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire--ribbing is jocular criticism delivered in person, occurring in the context of a personal relationship.

Why not just criticize him for not being what he pretended to be?

Oh no!

I am openly critical of Trump which is more than can be said for the entirety of TD and more than can be said for liberals when speaking of Obama, Clinton, and Sanders.

Cut the holier than thou bullshit.

Oh no!

I am openly critical of Trump which is more than can be said for the entirety of TD and more than can be said for liberals when speaking of Obama, Clinton, and Sanders.

Cut the holier than thou bullshit.

Uh. Do you know any liberals? I don't personally know a single liberal who thinks those three are above criticism. I have seen a certain number of idiots on reddit defending everything the Democratic Party establishment does, though. Fuck them.

(That said, I don't know a single non-idiot who thinks Sanders is much like Obama and Clinton in the ways that matter most.)

But I do personally know a few reactionaries who seem genuinely unable or unwilling to admit that there are huge, gaping holes in between everything Trump says and most of what Trump does.

(On which front, I wouldn't say clearing the hurdle set by t_d is anything to be especially proud of; the bar gets lower, I guess, but not by an awful lot.)

Several. A grand total of 2 actually said Obama made a mistake or even so much as aknowledged that Clinton is a criminal.

The republicans and Democrats do equally stupid shit. We're held by the balls thanks to this stupid 2 party system.

I know too many people who think the red presidents are just flawless. But I know an equal amount that think the same of the blue. It's a mob mentality that isn't exclusive to Trump supporters.

Well, the mob mentality bit I'll give you. You're overstating the case, though, at least relative to what I've seen in my interactions.

Republicans and Democrats do equally stupid shit in many, many domains. In terms of sheer, rapacious indifference to the wellbeing of their constituents and the non-owning masses in general, Republicans consistently do more heinous shit, but the Democrats shovel their share.

But that's not the point here. I was mocking you because Trump is, by any measure, absolutely full of shit in super-obvious ways, and "ribbing him" is not really an admission of that.

That said, it was needlessly unkind for me to mock in the way that I did, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for that, and wish you well.

pretty strong Trump supporter here but if he doesn't veto this he'll lose a lot of my trust and support

Haha, what should of happened the first time you heard of him is about to happen now.

what do you mean by that?

I mean you should of realized trump was a fraud and out to fuck you over atleast a year ago.

Not to be a dick, but how do you still trust him?

to my knowledge he's been keeping most of his campaign promises. I've been keeping up with the executive orders

He promised Mexico would pay for the wall (they aren't; American charitable programs are)

He promised to spend less time golfing and vacationing than Obama (he hasn't; he's actually setting a record for most vacations)

He promised he had a great Healthcare replacement plan to keep everyone insured (he didn't; he left it to the GOP and then yelled at them for fucking it up)

He promised he'd jail Hillary (he didn't)

He promised he's hire experts and the "best people" for each department (he didn't)

He promised to appoint a commission to investigate voter fraud as soon as he became president (he didn't)

He promised to reveal his secret plan for defeating ISIS when elected (he didn't; post election he ordered the Pentagon instead, to present a plan in 30 days - they presented exactly what Obama has been doing and the Trump administration has been quiet ever since).

That's just off the top of my head. What are you talking about?

Get your facts and logic out of here! /S

Why do we find out if trump has vetoed it?

We conjure up another fake invoice

I don't understand

Trump printed off a fake NATO invoice for 300 billion and gave it to Merkel when she was visiting. It was just another thing showing everyone Trump doesn't understand NATO or how it relates to other countries that are part of it.

I'm assuming he used this reference to show Trump doesn't understand this issue either possibly?

Edited my response to show the invoice didn't happen.;sh=42436d66

Not as many upvotes as it should have considering that's a key issue right above anything else today but promising comments in the thread.

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This is why congress passed this. They know he will veto it and it will make him look like he is antagonistic towards congress because 'his' healthcare bill didn't pass. It will be used as a smoke screen to cover congress' ass.

Nah. They passed it because they passed it, and he'll sign it because he has no idea what's in it and doesn't care to find out. Someone will tell him what they want him to think about it and he'll take out his pen.

I think hes as dumb as the next person, but hes not mentally handicapped. I think hes going to hear on fox news what the bill is and say, "oh shit. my internet? my nephew told me to be careful of what I let out of the cyber."

Uh... you're talking about this guy, right? Who pretty much gave that exact answer? Not his nephew, but his son.

that was the joke, yes.

I misread your other comment. I thought it said "I don't think he's going to hear...". But it doesn't say that at all.

They passed it because they need as much campaign money as possible for the midterms.

Oh trust me there are/were many Trump supporters who criticize, they just get shadow banned or banned. Vocal ones get shunned or silenced. /r/asktrumpsupports banned me for flair abuse and "not posting in good faith" after I criticized him taking from meals on wheels. It's bullshit. Twitter has been doing it too. I woke up recently and realized I got gamed and brainwashed into the nationalist agenda.

I'm a mild specific-issue supporter...I'm also a rational person that doesn't have knee jerk reactions to everything I'm told to react to.

I've been reading through this bill and not finding anything substantially horrible. I'm finding the undoing of arguably unfair laws that target a few private companies that have been around for literally 5 months.

Stop overreacting.

Had enough Rightist BS fuck?

And this is unlike liberals who will find a reason to criticize everything the man does, whether it is related to politics or not.

News - President decides not to take his salary

Liberals - "What!? How dare he? Who does he think he is. He is breaking the constitution"

Yeah, republicans were really chill when Obama set up death panels, took everyone's guns away and imposed sharia law. Oh wait... that was just the rights hysteria.

And seriously, is donating his little salary when making millions off the backs of taxpayers all you can come up with?

And seriously, is donating his little salary when making millions off the backs of taxpayers all you can come up with?

How does he make millions of the back of taxpayers. Is this what you were trained to believe?

If you think he hasn't profited personally off of his presidencies and is costing taxpayers more than any other president, you're the one who's trained.

I'll wait here for you to provide sources

How he has made a profit from this?


This one is not even about Trump.

It's not like Trump took in donations and arranged government positions for those donors or was taking in millions and millions in donations from foreign countries (which would likely result in favors down the road) or sold valuable natural resources to a country and had his partner go to that country to promote the stock for company they sold it to....Of course he didn't, this is Hillary.

You can give it another go on providing sources from Trump "profiting". Remember, the keywords are "Trump" and "Profit".

I saw that in action when the bill first passed the Senate.

I'm a Trump supporter and I cant say I'm excited about this nor can I argue that it is in our "best interest" however I do think I understand it (I may also be mistaken and I admit that).

The these companies do not owe their customers privacy. We do not have 4th amendment rights against corporations. We must take steps to secure ourselves with outside services if ISP's refuse.

I am a trump supporter and if he does this it will definitely be a tally against him come re election time. This is definitely a shitty thing.

"Not being able to sell your personal information was killing jobs! trump is doing more for jobs than obummer!"

WRONG. Hey dummy, I'm an everyday guy. Not a Russian bot. So I'll be pissed about this and probably much more so than you. Pull your head out your rear end

Already happening. Reasons I've heard so far:

1) Those companies provide a service, they need to make money
2) Since a lot of sites need ads to make money, wouldn't you rather have targeted ads than generic ads like the radio
3) What are you trying to hide?

I'd go along with the second argument if not for the fact that the cable companies have a fucking monopoly in a lot of places.

What ? Are you telling me you don't want to see what porn Bernie Sanders looks at? /s

I'm a trump supporter and I've been for passing it without even knowing his stance

"I've got nothing to hide, why would I care if they know what I do?"

"I like targeted ads"

"This will go great with Siri and Alexa."

Well, that's an outright lie. Do you get your information from CNN?

Please show me anywhere other than /r/conspiracy where Trump supporters are speaking out against this bill and calling on trump to veto. Seriously, anywhere, hell ill even take a Breitbart article...

You willing to take even The_Donald? It was on the front page as an against post, even calling for members to remember these people in 2018.

Either way... ZeroHedge and Breitbart, especially the comment section of the latter, determined that it would've been better to be for privacy, than against.

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TD is already pro signing, I've seen multiple comments saying it will create jobs and competition.

I am a huge Trump supporter and I 100% do NOT support this bill. This bill goes against our core values. If he does sign this I don't know if I could ever recover my support for him.

It will clarify the position on whether ISPs are allowed to share your data or not?


not true.

Username doesn't check out lol. O_o Is it an ironic statement or an old opinion you had? Not all leftism is bullshit. The extreme stuff like feminism (which is biased and compromized) doesn't reflect all leftism especially the more valid types such as democratic socialism and social democracy. Just curious about the origin of your username.

stfu, we've been fighting this from the beginning.

Oh yeah, you can totally tell by going to r/the_donald. /s

If you started posting/commenting there you'd be banned... just like we were.

Look at the front page of td moron.

Oh, you mean the stickied post made literally 9 minutes ago? Way to stay ahead of this one guys...

Dude, please just stop. You want to whine incessantly? Go to your mum.

Go look at the post asshat, they aren't criticizing it.

You mean we have rational discussion and not just hive mind blind fervor?

Hahaha. You should probably head back to r/the_donald man, I'm sure all those rational people (and bots) miss you over there.

Dude, your account is 90 days old. You're literally a shariablue account. Get a life nerd virgin.

Riiiiiiight. Here's an approved sharia blue comment. Fuck David Brock, fuck Hillary Clinton, fuck the DNC, fuck Donald trump, and fuck you too.

Go back to your circle jerk.

Rebellious teen years are tough.

Removed. Rule 10.

They already have a reason. It will "protect Americans" from Muslims that are searching for ISIS stuff on the net.

A little false flag and the rest of the cattle aligns as well.

Do you know what a false flag is? And if so, please describe how this bill has anything to do with one.

Please come back when you can comprehend basic english.

I'll take that as a no.


Trump listens to one group of people: the people cheering for him

They are the ones that need to stand up for this.

If they don't, they're simply hedging their bets for when Donny signs this thing.

Are you kidding? He'll go do another victory rally in Coaltown, USA and think everyone loves him because the country bumpkins out there cheer nice and loud and the polls are all fake news.

You think?

Then I hope he does sign this bill immediately regardless of the scaremongering.

Spoken like a true cult member.

Yeah... He lost the educated vote. Have you seen his supporters? Or read the shit they post in t_d? They don't understand computers, security, or the impact of this. They voted for The Apprentice guy, man!

But if those cheering stand up against this then they aren't on his side anymore so he won't listen.

He will not think twice about signing it as his boss told him to, then waddling off to play another round of golf.

Who's his boss?

I'm sure he's referring to President Bannon.

Papa Bannon

Couple of questions please:

Do you think you're well informed?

Do you know what Commissioner Pai's plan for Internet privacy is?

Have you read his opinions posted to the FCC website?

Have you been getting your headlines from fake news?

Just because a news network doesn't like trump does not mean it's fake news.

Well sourced response. Thanks for the contribution!

ie. "no i havent read them, lalalalala cant hear u MAGAAAA!"


I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking into this, but isn't this all about getting rid of net neutrality that we all hated so much?

Everyone wants net neutrality you spastic.

No, we all were against net neutrality because it was meddling where none was needed and a just power grab.

You're another uninformed yank idiot. You already have net neutrality which gives websites an equal playing field. The Republicans were trying to remove it, and there was uproar.

Why the fuck do most yanks know fuck all about their political situation beyond a passing catch phrase or two..?

You already have net neutrality which gives websites an equal playing field.

You show you don't know the situation. This sub debated net neutrality for months and months. We didn't allow CNN to do the thinking for us. Net neutrality was Obama's internet censorship infrastructure.

Oh I get it, you're one of those.

Onya mate, most of your country vehemently disagrees with you, enjoy your slide into political obscurity after this mess.

most of your country vehemently disagrees with you

Most people don't research subjects and think for themselves. They just allow the corporate news to tell them how to think and feel on every subject. Real people think for themselves and have lively debates until they come to their own conclusion.

This guy knows what's up.

The little leftists marxists are just upset President Trump is doing exactly what he promised to do! Drain the swamp of oppressive regulations that cripple buisness!

If you don't like what the ISPs are doing, cancel your service! No one is forcing you to have Internet.

The government has no right to tell ISPs what they can and cannot do. We live in a FREE country, not a communist one

Now let the salt flow you crybaby libbie cucks :) :)

Poor Verizon, Comcast and AT&T... So stifled and oppressed.

Nice to see that these small businesses with thrive now.

Despite what the liberal Fake News media tells you, the cable industry is drowning in regulation right now. Why do you think they charge so much for services?

Less regulation=more profits=lower prices. Less regulation helps consumers

Nah, the cable industry is hurting because of things like online streaming and Netflix are becoming a bigger thing. Check out /r/cordcutters. They're pushing so hard for bills that allow them to throttle Internet speeds for certain services and the bill mentioned in this post because availability of new technology and services are eating into their profits. So they're trying to change the rules to prevent the growth of the new successful services and shift the favor to their own outdated services. Idk, sounds like bullshit regulation to me, but designed to give certain businesses an advantage. So how is that "the free market" exactly?

ISP should have every right to do that without government interference. That is free market..

America is not a truly free market in the interest of protecting consumers and workers from exploitation. Unless we want to go back to the era of monopolies in the 20s, but if I remember correctly that didn't turn out so well.

What are you even talking about lol

Trying to explain that the extreme of a truly free market comes with its own set of shortcomings.

A true free market economy leads to many problems such as monopolies, which is when a single company controls the entire market for a certain commodity. If we look from a business standpoint, this is a poor situation because it encourages practices such as price fixing. Also, it usually means higher prices for an inferior quality product, thus poor consumer protection. This kind of control over a market can also ensure that competition does not arise within the country. Which overall is bad for interstate and even international trade.

A truly free market economy also encourages poor treatment of workers, which is why the government implements things such as minimum wage, to prevent the exploitation of lower and middle class workers.

My reference to the 20s was taking note of the era before the great depression, where there was little government regulations in regards to business. Even though the Sherman Antitrust law to deal with the monopolies listed above was enacted in 1890, there was still a very small government presence in business. There was a stock market crash at the end of the 20s which can be seen as the catalyst for the Great Depression. However it was only a catalyst. The real problem lies in the fact that so much wealth was controlled by such a small amount of people. It does nothing to grow a country's economy when the money is not moving. In addition, banks operated without any sort of guarantee to their customers, which in turn created an environment of panic when times got tough. There were no government guarantees that you'd see any of your money ever again if the bank went under. When the stock market crashed, people rushed to pull money out of the bank. The banks could not deal with the sudden huge influx of demand for people's money (which was invested in other places due to the nature of business in which a bank operates) and crumbled under the demand, closing for good. Since then, the government has implemented laws to make banks protect their consumers to prevent such a situation.

The point in all of this is that neither a purely Communist nor a pure Capitalist system has had success historically. It's ignorant to say a true free market is the answer. The answer lies somewhere in the middle. In this particular case of ISPs (where ISPs are a sort of legal natural monopoly due to the rarity of its business) many people feel it is important that the consumer's privacy is protected from any party wishing to use that information with malicious intent (including government entities). Overall, there will be more faith in the industry which will continue to encourage competition not only in the ISP business, but also by seeing the Internet as a business platform. Basically preventing large ISPs from holding a monopoly on all business that resides on the Internet, thus preventing growth of the country's fastest growing business platform.

Liberal nonsense.

Well, I see you're just a troll now if that's your only response.

Literally denying our country's history.

Who's cares about hisotry, Bill Clinton is a rapist

Cmon, you can do better than that. I've seen better trolling from kids on Minecraft

7/11 was a part time job

you are quite naive to think they will pass off savings to the consumer.

They will now that President Trump is in office

you guys really need to come up with better insults. sounds like you all have the same script.

And you all need to hope on the The Trian! Finally we have a President who is putting an end to government corruption left right and center, and r/conspiracy won't get on bored. Sad!

Removed. Rule 4.

While I don't agree with the bill, this site couldn't even get Bernie elected by throwing money at him.

People here have no power outside of imaginary internet points.

Well stated. Every time a movement gets created, if it isn't paid for and setup by a shill it shortly gets flooded with them and co-opted.

Can confirm, I've seen it happen with my own two eyes.

It's kind of hard to elect someone in a rigged system, so.....

It's kind of hard to elect someone in a rigged system,

Trump supporters did it.

The Podesta emails/proof of collusion against Bernie which damaged Hillary came out after the primaries were already over, plus Trump led a populist movement in the general election, whereas Sanders led one in a Democratic primary

The Republican primary is not nearly as rigged as the Democrats. No Super Delegates is the most obvious one but the chairmen of the party was also way less biased, he even became Trump's chief of staff! There is just no way DWS would get any position if Sanders would have won.

Except there are a large portion of his base that are young, tech-focused males that likely agree with OP. I've never seen more vociferousness on Reddit than when an internet privacy or net neutrality bill comes up for a vote. This could be damaging to his support from many who frequent T_D

and /r/politics suddenly loved TPP the minute Trump vetoed it.

Sorry, what I said sounded like it was more "at you" than I meant.

More so, I meant it as a comment that both sides are so hesitant to dissent within because it seems like we're fighting against the other side more than we are fighting for "our own side", whatever that means anymore.

One day we will hopefully unite. Surely a majority of people can find common ground against shit like this.

A well worded message of unity, brought to you by /u/EnoughLeftistBS

I'll be pretty disappointed if he doesn't veto the bill, as it does seem to be exactly the kind of legislature that his strongest supporters rally against, but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes through.

The problem is to go against the bill would be to go against the entire Cabel/Internet Lobby. Making enemies with that group would create a lot of problems down the road. Trump's fighting enough sides as it is, to throw another one on and make the midterm elections even harder then they're already gonna be is gonna be a tough sell.

I think the bill is bullshit and shouldn't have even gotten as far as it did, but I don't think this is going to be the bill that Trump's willing to take a bullet in order to veto. It's probably part of the reason it sped through congress faster than a lobby-lubed up bill normally does.

Politics is more than just sticking to your principles at face value on every issue. Concessions need to made sometimes in order to deal with larger problems.

That's why I said he needs to GROW SOME BALLS. Otherwise he's just like the other presidents. Come on, he promised his supporters (I uses to be one) he'd drain the swamp, but he's full of bullshit and lies, and said ANYTHING just to get elected. He's the worst fucking conman there is.

Did you know that conmen would get nowhere if their "marks" were not begging to be conned?

The problem isn't that Trump is a liar - they all are - the problem is you were gullible enough to believe he was telling the truth.

If you're angry, you should be angry at yourself, not Trump. Trump did what they all do. You're the one that gave him the power to con you.

You got convinced that trump wasn't full of bullshit and lies before the election? Who gave you the koolaid? He is literally oggie boogie from nightmare before Christmas but instead of being a burlap sack full of bugs he is just a sack of shit and lies. He tried to sell you shit steaks. He tried to get you to go to his shit university and he tried to get people to go to his shit casinos in NJ. What the fuck did you think was going to happen. He is just spending 4 years to make as much money for his family that he possibly can. Nothing else.

I just wonder why you and his other supporters didn't come to this conclusion much much earlier.

Redditor for 15 days. All anti Trump posts.

I sure as hell didn't vote for him

Yea sure you were a Trump supporter, lying sack of shit.

I stopped supporting before November 8, please read all my posts

Please read all my posts

Please don't take the charge on this. It seems like you have no clue what's going on in the world.

Does this really surprise ANYONE? Trump and the GOP have been shilling out for corporations since day 1. There's not a corporate wishlist out there that isn't being granted. Funny how internet privacy is the one to get Trump supporters to take notice. I guess trying to up your healthcare premiums and lower your coverage wasn't enough. I guess his budget and policies getting rid of anything that protects consumers from greedy corporations wasn't enough. I guess filling his administration with an all star team of pay to play special interests wasn't enough. I guess getting rid of protections put in place to prevent the 08 Financial crisis wasn't enough. I guess getting rid of rules to keep rivers and waters clean wasn't enough.

Riiiight. It's the GOP's fault.

Because partisanship matters!:)

Look how the GOP voted. Look how they vote on every single corporate shilling piece of legislation.

I'm not saying they aren't shit. They are. It's just not a left/right thing.

No democrat (except for one) voted for this bill. I agree that they're all shit, but in this case the blame can be solely pinned on the GOP.

*Edited for accuracy.

Nah dude, the blame lays completely on the apathetic American doing absolute shit to free themselves or their family, friends, and neighbors. Politics and politicians are there to give you the illusion of choice. The ownership never changes, just the faces and names of the puppets do.

If you still think you or any politician has the power to vote you free, you haven't been paying attention. It's a rigged game.

Riiiiight, it's never the GOPs fault. Cause regular ass Americans are the ones that introduced and voted on this bill right?

Lol, what an ignorant statement.

One, if you're still blaming any political part or side, you're not quite as enlightened as you thought you were.

Two, you're damn right it's the average American's fault. If you believe voting counts (which I don't) then who put those bastards into office?

Fuck political rulers.

When one side specifically puts it through, yeah, of course I blame them.

Shill city in here. Why all the down votes for non-partisan truth?

Maybe because you're wrong? But nah must be shills. /s

Ok mr.shill cuck, here is the comment I responded to, WHICH SAYS NOTHING ABOUT WHO VOTED WHAT ON THIS BILL, DUMBASS!

Nah dude, the blame lays completely on the apathetic American >doing absolute shit to free themselves or their family, friends, and >neighbors. Politics and politicians are there to give you the illusion >of choice. The ownership never changes, just the faces and >names of the puppets do. If you still think you or any politician has the power to vote you >free, you haven't been paying attention. It's a rigged game.

How many Democrats voted for this bill?

Ok mr.shill cuck, here is the comment I responded to, WHICH SAYS NOTHING ABOUT WHO VOTED WHAT ON THIS BILL, DUMBASS!

Nah dude, the blame lays completely on the apathetic American doing absolute shit to free themselves or their family, friends, and neighbors. Politics and politicians are there to give you the illusion of choice. The ownership never changes, just the faces and names of the puppets do. If you still think you or any politician has the power to vote you free, you haven't been paying attention. It's a rigged game.

What did that vote count look like? I must have seen some other vote count based on your response. Go ahead and find/link it for me.

Ok mr.shill cuck, here is the comment I responded to, WHICH SAYS NOTHING ABOUT WHO VOTED WHAT ON THIS BILL, DUMBASS!

Nah dude, the blame lays completely on the apathetic American >doing absolute shit to free themselves or their family, friends, and >neighbors. Politics and politicians are there to give you the illusion >of choice. The ownership never changes, just the faces and >names of the puppets do. If you still think you or any politician has the power to vote you >free, you haven't been paying attention. It's a rigged game.

Because it's not truth. The truth is that every single yes vote came from the Republicans. 0 Democrats voted in favor of it.

Ok mr.shill cuck, here is the comment I responded to, WHICH SAYS NOTHING ABOUT WHO VOTED WHAT ON THIS BILL, DUMBASS!

Nah dude, the blame lays completely on the apathetic American >doing absolute shit to free themselves or their family, friends, and >neighbors. Politics and politicians are there to give you the illusion >of choice. The ownership never changes, just the faces and >names of the puppets do. If you still think you or any politician has the power to vote you >free, you haven't been paying attention. It's a rigged game.

p.s.....learn how to read, faggot. but i guess bots and shills aren't paid to read, just get others angry and divided. so good job, shillcuck.

Actually, not even 1 - unless I'm missing a joke.

Yeah, you're right lol. For some reason I thought I read that a lone Democrat in the House voted yes on it, but that isn't the case.

And if the makeup of Congress changed, that would change and there would be enough Ds bought off to pass it. The continual handouts to corporations have been going on for many decades now regardless of which party is in power.

Jesus Christ educate yourself.

Umm, I have. I've seen this going on my entire life. FFS. Educate yourself before telling others to.

If you can honestly look at the vote tallies on bills such as this and say the republicans aren't just shills for corporations then you're either stupid or willfully ignorant.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that a large portion of Ds are bought off when they have a majority. So just voting for whatever corporate D the party throws at you will not fix this.

The democrats are not perfect by any means but if you honestly believe they are anywhere near comparable to republicans in congress then you have been brain washed. Please go look at any bill that you actually oppose and then look at the vote tallies. I promise you it will change the way you view the party.


In general politicians are shit. But who's shittier matters in a broken system. And the GOP is the de-facto corporate shilling party.

50 Republican Senators voted in favor of this bill. 0 Democratic Senators voted in favor of this bill. 100% of the votes in favor of this bill came from the GOP.

Acting like party doesn't matter is complete bullshit.

This is only a surprise to Trump supporters who fell for the "drain the swamp" bullshit

Aka the dumbest of the dumb

I just want to let out a little of this astonished bemused aggravation I've had over the same issue; reiterating, the -dumbest- of the dumb.

Well he did drain it... So it would he easier to scrape up the bottom and bring the real shit to the top of the swamp

This is not a drain-the-swamp issue.

He just never told us: The swamp is the American people.

Trump literally explained how "drain the swamp" was just something he said because it played well:

"'Drain the swamp.' We put it in about two days ago. I said, 'Drain the swamp.' I didn't like it. I didn't like the expression: 'Drain the swamp in Washington,'" Trump said Oct. 26 at a rally in North Carolina. “So I said it three days ago; the place went crazy. I said, 'You know what? I'm starting to like that expression.' And now it's a hot — it's like trending all over the world.”

Its like that bit in south park when he starts making fun of women

Trump and the GOP have been shilling out for corporations since day 1.

Well, I thought that was kinda the definition of left and right?

the dead peoples foundations and corporates fund the think tanks

the think tanks develop policy to suit the corporations

The government selects the policy from the think tanks

its such a corrupted system

Bush said it out loud, but you know damn well every single President and Presidential candidate has thought it:

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.

If you were stupid enough to believe Trump was actually on your side... welcome to the real world.

but you know damn well every single President and Presidential candidate has thought it:

I'm willing to bet Washington didn't think that, especially since he was basically given the opportunity to become king.

More recently, I doubt Carter felt that way.

I don't believe Washington was given the opportunity to become king.

You may be correct.

Many sources say he was, but historians doubt the credibility of those sources.

I'm always blown away by the character of Washington. To be so strong and determined to lead a nation into taking their independence, yet so humble and true to his principles to realize that even he did not deserve the right to single handedly rule forever.

I can't imagine too many people in his shoes who wouldn't be tempted by their new found power.

Because it is a lie lol

Washington & his ilk owned slaves and then sold you the lies of liberty. Do as I say, not as I do.

What does having slaves have to do with willingly giving up power after 8 years or ruling?

Because it reveals his values. He didn't 'give up' power, they were establishing a corporatocracy. These were businessmen first and foremost, not so much patriots as they'd like you to believe. Washington's nickname is The Town Destroyer for a reason.

Washington owned slaves because it was economically the best decision for him as a southern plantation owner. That is a terrible, immoral thing to do, and should be condemned, but everybody of any wealth at all in the south owned slaves at that point.

And during the war, he came under the influence of abolitionists, including the Marquis de Lafayette, who convinced him to try his experimental tennant system in Mt. Vernon, and he freed the slaves he owned in his will.

Ok but those are two separate things.

You're right Washington wasn't a saint, but in regards to how he handled his immense power he did better than 99% of people in a similar situation.

As Abraham Lincoln said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Abrah Lincoln was a drunk

I too admire him but we should recognize that as our first president he's going to be near deified in our history books. So I'd just bear that in mind when making comparisons.

To be fair, he was near-deified by his contemporaries too. That's why he won 92% of the popular vote for his re-election.

Those are banana republic dictator-level numbers.

Well yeah but that's partly because the voters had only ever had one president. It's not quite the same as elections today.

he was close enough to the shit to remember what he was fucking fighting for. now everyones so fat and happy they dont care. as long as I can drive home after my 12hr shift at walmart and watch lizard lick towing while blacking out on generic brand vodka why should i march in the streets? im already free to do what i want!

OP said easier, not better. A dictatorship is easier to run, just not better for the people.

I don't see how this is a response to what I said.

When did I ever say anything about "better for the people?"

I'm just saying that I believe Washington and Carter would both agree that a dictatorship was easier. They just wouldn't have wanted that because it was not in the people's best interest.

Well it depends on who is the dictator. Some dictators are actually very helpful to the people and seek what's best for the nation in the long term not what makes people happy in short term. But given the track record with Dictatorship​ most couldn't care about the people

Exactly. The thing is, you could swap Trumps name from your post with just about ANY politician and it would still hold true.

I think Trump took it a step further.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?" Trump said at a rally in Sioux Center, Iowa as the audience laughed. "It's, like, incredible."

trump will veto this once he gets wind of it i promise but hes a very busy man first he has to handel the wall and locking up hillary and obama and then he needs to deport all these mexicans and muslims and then he can focus on this veto he is a very busy man give him time

Well I got it. Upvoted.

I will bet you any amount of money he won't.

You are being a sarcastic cuck but you aren't wrong, the Mad Man works 18 hours a day, takes no holidays (INB4 MUUUUH GOLF, guess what cucks, 50% of buisness happens on the golf course. It's what real men do, not cucks :)), and everything Trump does is for the AMERICAN PEOPLE

You can't blame him if he doesn't fully understand 1 single bill, especially if all that bill does is remove oppressive Obama era regulations that cripple buisness just like the President PROMISED to do.

You dropped this: /s

You mean how he was caught watching golf or tweets shit he sees on Fox and friends every morning? Sounds like such a hard worker.

You can't blame him if he doesn't fully understand 1 single bill

Your opinion is completely invalid after this. I'm hoping this is sarcasm.

You mean how he was caught watching golf or tweets shit he sees on Fox and friends every morning? Sounds like such a hard worker.

The watching golf thing is Very Fake News. The President doesn't have time to watch golf. As for Fox and Friends, what's the big deal? Would you rather the President stay uninformed on the state of America?

Your opinion is completely invalid after this. I'm hoping this is sarcasm.

Typical leftist marxist, trying to silence opinion you don't agree with by calling it "invalid"

The amount of buzz terminology coupled with the username makes me think this is someone trying to discredit trump supporters, not that you need to try very hard to do that.

This is kinda scummy though.

Bill Clinton is a rapist []()

Justin Truedeau is very attractive.

I got cancer from your username even before I read your comment

Hi from /all

Here's a conspiracy worth discussing, this dude is at most 13 years old. Discuss.

And get a few rounds of golf in, of course

you promise do you? that makes all the difference

"We WILL fight back" is not how democracy works, what precisely are you trying to do? Threaten or bully the president/government?

Other than that I totally agree.

It's in the Declaration of Independence, actually:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"

Okay, so under that logic every citizen has the right to stamp his foot and threaten the government every time he doesn't get his own way?

What if I hold the opposite opinion from you and also try the "If you don't we WILL fight back" approach? What would we do?

So, are people not allowed to fight for their beliefs? I don't understand what you're saying here.

I'm saying your only power is to vote in someone different next time. An armed uprising of the people is undemocratic. Saying to your officials "we WILL fight back" is either an empty threat that has no power, or you're taking to the streets and getting yourself arrested as a terrorist.

I expect your system is different to where I am here in the UK but if I want my party to adopt my opinions on similar matters I have to join the party at grassroots level and lobby my local officials that I want things done a certain way - if they don't agree then I either have to accept that or vote for someone else next time round.

Our PM Theresa May is pushing through a similar anti-privacy law known in the media as the 'snoopers charter' which is going to make her very unpopular. Any apposing party who said they were going to veto that would gain themselves alot of support next time we have a general election (so far none of them have!)

Sorry for third message but even if that is your constitutional right to 'fight back' then how would that practically operate if everyone fought back for every government action that they disagreed with? If I was a US citizen would it also be my constitutional right to 'fight back' against your 'fighting back'?!

Who said anything about armed uprising? There are plenty of non-violent ways to fight back.

Got any examples?

Lol, really? Ok.

  • Marches/Protests (there are 3 major ones next month)

  • Calling Senators and Representatives, attend town halls (just like people did to stop RepubliCare)

  • Civil disobedience (my favorite)

History of non-violent resistance around the globe

The Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) These people aim to overthrow dictators and fascists by non-violent means only.

I seem to recall some kind of event that happened in 1776, that literally created a democracy, and didn't involve polling booths...

I should never underestimate what a big deal 1776 is in American culture, here in the UK the average man on the street wouldn't know the significance of this date.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Yes. Yes he does. Whether he will find support fighting back over that particular issue is unknown, but if he does have the right to fight back on every single issue. Enough people wanting to fight back and you've got a revolution. Not that I want one, but that's how the American and many others have started.

Actually, protesting and calling Senators/representatives going to town halls, etc all make a massive impact. Career politicians care about the public's opinion, not because they are good moral people but because their job literally depends on it. They are up for reelection and if a bill hurts their chances of being reelected they will not vote for it, because it works against their self-intrest.

Also, if you are unhappy with specific contributions/lobbying money/bribes your senator is taking, call them up, let them know you will be voting against them for that specific reason, and then do that.

If people start losing elections because they take money from lobbying firms for bills that go against the interests of their constituency, they will stop doing it. It is simple as that.

Or you can victimize yourself and do nothing but whine on the internet.

I hate having to explain to Americans how they can apply pressure in their own political system.

Billionaire elite becomes president, doesn't help the masses but protects and aids billionaires..

Stop the fucking press...

It's still early folks. Stop the fcking fake press is right though

Yeah like brietbart

It's all biased enough to be considered fake. Unfair to single out Breitbart when CNN's articles contradict their own headlines.

CNN doesn't make up things and when they get something wrong they say it

Hahahahaha r/conspiracy now believes CNN is honest and unbiased apparently. Let me grab a link or two, I'll be right back.

No they have bias opinion pieces and many of thier anchors are bias but that doesn't mean they are fake news. They don't make up things people don't seem to,understand what fake news actually is

Wow this sub is trying so hard to be anti-Trump that it has become Pro CNN.


im not a fan of CNN or any other cable news source, but none of them go around making up stories like the White House.

You mean like the story that Obama surveilled Trump during the campaign that CNN was fake but then today a top Obama staffer admitted it was real? Like that?

That doesn't make it real. That's just he said she said there is no evidence in that

... yea. you believe a staffer who had zero intel in that sort of thing over the FBI and NSA director?

your so desperate its kinda comical at this point

-Posting in conspiracy sub -Trusts Comey and top NSA officials

you're so naive it's comical.

Trusts top Obama staffer

Easily the strongest argument in these comments. You're right I shouldn't trust her.

However, it seemed pretty likely that it was accidental if you watched it. She hesitated and then it was awkward after. Seemed like it was an accident which in my mind would be more likely to be honest.

And I trust the FBI and NSA directors because they testified under oath.

Okay, being under oath makes it more likely they're telling the truth than not being under oath. That being said, I'm still very skeptical seeing as NSA/CIA officials have lied under oath before.

Do you think you could link me to their testimonies or summaries? Or is it private for now?

I'm probably going to hold out on my decision until we figure out what's going on with Nunes. We may not know for sure either way for a while.

Their testimonies are on YouTube. Definitely worth the time to watch the entire hearing.

If you understood how warrantless wiretapping worked, you'd understand that this means they were caught on the Russian end, and that everything that was communicated is legally available to capture since it amounts to espionage.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I didn't say they made things up. I said they contradict themselves (within a single article nonetheless) and are biased enough to be considered fake. "Fake News" is the deliberate spread of misinformation. When they post a headline/article combination like this they are intentionally writing a misleading headline. They know it's misleading. And they know many people only read the headline. Those people will have consumed intentionally deceptive information. Which is the very definition of fake news.

I'm not even defending Breitbart here. You're delusional though if you don't think CNN intentionally misleads people.

I'm not saying they never mislead, but they do report real things calling everything from them fake is fake news

Did I everything from them is fake? Relax man. You didn't say everything from Breitbart is fake, because it isn't.

It's just not that black and white.

Breidbart is the white houses mouth piece that's the difference and why thier fake news is more important. It's from the president. I think fake news is a dumb word people use to discredit everything. My first comment in the chain was a joke

I didn't suggest that CNN was worse or more important than Breitbart. I agree with you.

The term "fake news" doesn't discredit the source inherently. The source does.

From that little excerpt you provided, it's clear that the computer scientists, when talking about their evidence, were referring to the pattern mentioned in the end of the article that something fishy may have happened, but they did not have direct evidence. You shouldn't call media sources fake news when you lack simple reading comprehension.

"... believe they have found evidence..." "... they had not found any evidence..."

So the headline implies that there is evidence found. Then the article says there wasn't any found, but they maybe had a lead.

I can read thank you.

EDIT: That is intentionally misleading. That is textbook fake news.

Do you know what believe means?

Do you know what believe means?

You say it's a misleading headline, I say if you actually read the article, they are saying that computer scientists believe they found a pattern that would suggest that the votes had been tampered with. They end the article by saying that even though these experts are coming forward with these claims, there is no solid evidence. That's not misleading; in fact presenting both possibilities is good journalism.

Sure, you can say that they are intentionally misleading people who only read the headlines, but is it CNN's fault people take things out of context when people don't even bother looking for context in the first place? Should all titles have a beginning, middle, and conclusion? That'd be a hell of a skill. But they don't want to save you a click; they want you to read the article

It's not their fault that people don't read past the headlines, but they surely are aware. Posting one-sided, speculative headlines isn't exactly transparent. Also, if you see that headline and choose not to read, you leave with the impression that evidence was found.


RIP r/conspiracy. Never thought I'd see the day that I'd be downvoted in here for saying that CNN is biased and misleading. Sad times.

They are just snowflakes that strayed of the beaten Reddit Left path..

Do you see how bad I'm getting downvoted on all my comments? -35 for suggesting CNN is sometimes intentionally misleading. Hahaha

I know, it's getting worse.. They are trying to stop the Trump love or anything against the Reddit Lefts narrative.

is this real life

Surely this must be a joke. Or have you people suddenly switched sides and now love the mainstream media?

I was never against media they are our best weapon against the establishment

I don't usually say much I'm more of a lurker ...but this... THIS has to be a joke right? The Clinton News Network is a tool against the establishment? The news networks that are paid off by the establishment are a tool to... Defeat them? And these "fake news " things that you're all talking about.. So what if it is fake? A lot of what people and the news networks are calling fake news isn't fake at all - but yes there are some that are. And so what? They have every right to be able to say whatever they goram want because ...omg.. News flash... We are a free country with freedom of speech and freedom of press. I mean how long have tabloids been around and that's not fake news?? Nobody has said anything about those things ever except not to believe them because they're trash. How did we know they are trash? BECAUSE WE DID OUR RESEARCH BEFORE BELIEVING THE CRAP. Just because the means of delivery has changed doesn't mean we need to all if a sudden crack down, it means we need to inform people more. Maybe if the news covered things that mattered in a way that was impartial rather than Kim kardashians ass, we wouldn't be looking to these alternate news sources in the first place. And still either way you should question what it is you're being told. Do your own research before digesting bullshit from any source. I'm done. //EndRant.

You should stay a lurker with commmets like that. The press is the best weapon against our government and freedom of the press is what makes the United States a great country. You know there is press other than CNN right?

Also can I have proof the networks are paid off?

If there were proof it wouldn't be a conspiracy. Oh... Somewhere along the way did I portal into a different room? It SHOULD be a pretty common theory in this room that the networks do whatever the government damn well pleases.

So I can make anything up and call it a conspiracy because lack of proof is proof?

Lol dude. Troll if you wish it's not about convincing you of anything, and like I said that's not even the main point of my comment.

Peace and love <3

lol I got your point that we should do our own research and always question what we are told. I agree with you. But i don't understand why you seem to be arguing that the press is working with the government. The press in America has always been here to protect us from the government. As I said I don't like CNN but they don't report fake news. They don't make up stories. The White House and the current on the other hand actually make up stories. CNN has slanted opinions but they do report on real events like most other news sources. Other ones like then national enquirer make up stories.

I never once said that they make up news. I don't know why you are arguing that. You made my point when you said they are slanted. And not only are they slanted but they don't report a lot of things that should be told. Instead we are fed a lot of celebrity news and propaganda. Not fake, just not the whole truth. That wasn't my point. It was just that this war on fake news is bullshit. Like I said, some do make up news for the attention. But they want to put limitations on anything the government deems as "fake" which is also bullshit.

i must have misunderstood what you said originally sorry. I agree the war on fake news is bullshit.

That's what he's doing. Trumpers' "fake news" refers to CNN, so he's pointing out their own fake news.

The WH has mislead people. I wasn't defending anyone at all. I literally said in my first comment that it's all biased.

No, Breitbart posts actual lies and untrue news articles. It is literally fake news, as in news that is fake.

Completely made up news is fake, sure. And yes it's worse than misleading news.

From Wikipedia: "Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via the traditional news media or via social media, with the intent to mislead..."

CNN intentionally misleads viewers and readers. I'm not sure how I could be any clearer.

You made it clear I just think you're wrong.

About the definition of fake news? Or about CNN misleading readers?

That CNN is "fake news", and is comparable to Breitbart.

Well, I clearly proved that CNN has by definition published fake news, so I'm not sure how you can disagree (on that one example at least).

I did not claim they were comparable to Breitbart. I'm right-leaning and consider CNN to be more reliable by far. My point was merely that Breitbart isn't the only fake news source.

Breitbart in my opinion is the most openly biased of them all so I agree with you there. Breitbart being reaaaaaally fuckin' bad doesn't mean that others aren't just bad.

No you haven't given proof, just said they're extremely biased, as long as they present facts they aren't fake news, and they do.

Im confused.

Do you not think Trump has the bill on his desk, do you think he will veto it?

You realize you cant just cry fake news and make shit go away?

Nothing to be confused about bud. Yes the bill is in Trump's hands. I didn't suggest that? I literally never said or implied that.

I don't know if he will veto or not. Like everyone else here I hope he shuts the shit down and plays hardball.

What am I trying to "make go away"? My claim was that most media sources are extremely biased one way or the other.

So whats fake about it?

You literally just said its all happening... You didnt like the headline but thats not fake news thats a click bait headline.

I was talking about an earlier headline that was misleading. I see nothing misleading about this privacy bill coverage.

The earlier headline implied there was evidence of crime. Then the article revealed that there wasn't any. That's misleading. That's intentional. That's by definition fake news. I cannot make it any clearer than that.

I was talking about an earlier headline that was misleading.

So misleading headline not fake news.

Glad we cleared that up.

Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?

It's both.

Fake news: Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via the traditional news media or via social media, with the intent to mislead.

the intent to mislead

the intent to mislead

the intent to mislead

Intentionally misleading headline = fake news.

Okay, you do see how this is a problem though right?

You didnt make any points just yelled "FAKE NEWS" as if that is in any way a discussion.

This whole thing started when a user called Breitbart alone fake news. I was suggesting that other media outlets are fake too, not just Breitbart. I've proven CNN has published fake news.

Point made.

Thats even further from what we are talking about!

Dude we all know fake news is a thing. You just got a little too defensive about breitbart being fake news.

Do you not think people on conspiracy are aware that fake news is a thing?

I wasn't defensive of Breitbart at all. I didn't suggest they weren't fake news. They are. I even went so far as to say they were the worst all, just like 20 minutes ago.

I was merely trying to clarify that they weren't the only guilty party. I know people in this sub are aware of fake news. I was still downvoted to hell for saying CNN published fake news sometimes.

This has been unproductive though you're right. I'm the one that pushed the discussion off topic so that's my bad. I think we're mostly on the same page here though.

I don't downvote. I singled out breitbart because that is news straight from the White House. I don't like this whole opinion news and misleading stuff going on either. I'm not saying I like CNN but they aren't fake news like people suggest.

I got carried away, we're on the same page. Breitbart is worth singling out for that reason.

Yeah, like FOX

Yep, just Fox. And Breitbart. Just the right leaning outlets are fake. CNN is fair and honest all the time.

Neither CNN or Fox lie repeatedly.


Looks like the Reddit Left have shown up...

Even a poor boy born in Kenya if given power would still help the billionaire elite. :)

Didn't see that coming at all. at all.

at all.

Apparently nobody in The_Dumbass did.

Hey, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear right?! Right?!

anyone here remember when Trump said he would investigate then arrest Hillary?

Yeah right. YEAH. RIGHT.

Now Hillary will run for Mayor of New York and join forces with Trump.

His Cult Followers forgot that Hillary is one of his best Friends, a good person by the way; they were always Friends from the beginning. Only the Clueless Cattle couldnt see that.

Hillary a good person? This right here removes any legitimacy you have and reveals you are a shill.

Go waste your time trying to convince people in Libya and in Iraq and Haiti that Hillary is a good person.

GTFO with your "shill" crap - people can think differently than you dontcha know

I think that was supposed to be sarcasm on his part.

Perhaps but someone got down to work to downvoting it.

The OP was creating a hypothetical trump monologue. As in, that string of words or something similar is what Trump would say about hillary

You can tell because the sentence is broken and Donald can't English good

Broken english with a semi-colon being used properly...

"Semicolons are the finger in the dyke of a poorly crafted sentence"

-Michael Scott

I'll have whatever pharmaceutical grade you're having bro

Gold paint?

The dankest

Hillary was literally on the front row of his wedding. Bill and Hillary attended the reception.

So you criticize Hillary bots too that think she actually was against Trump? Just making sure that you're being fair and balanced.

did she go as strongly against trump? I might be misremembering, but I'm not sure about that

She wasn't nearly as vocal as he was which is obviously due to Trump's personality. But the things that she would say about him at Rally's and/or interviews were equally harsh in my opinion as things that he was saying about her. He was just yelling the loudest and had more media attention because of it.

did she ask for him going to jail?

lol still blinded by your irrational hatred of Secretary Clinton I see. Never change r/conspiracy, never change.

I don't care if people find my browsing history because I was born to good conservative parents who taught me to take responsibility for my actions. This bill will help stop ISIS but the liberal-islamic-terrorism-loving-snowflakes want to stop it so they can make memes about how trump failed to stop the ISS!



Yes, I loved the ISS reference. Of course we only need to stop the conspiracy about it because clearly nothing can get through the firmament.

But now they totally love the elite and fully support their God emperor in his decisions to fuck the people over for profit of billionaires

Like they have been saying all along, "Fill that Swamp!" Make America Great For The Established Elite!

"We're gonna build a wall, and who's gonna pay for it?!?"

"American taxpayers through a series of budget cuts to other important agencies including NIH, Coast Guard, and the State Department!!"

That's definitely what they were yelling at their rallies, right?

I thought it was:

"We're gonna build a wall, and who's gonna pay for it?!?"

"American consumers by paying more for everything because of tariffs!!"

I think you nailed that one.

Trump really hasn't enough experience to be President. Sure he's made a bunch of money doing shady deals and showboating on TV but what he's done in his life doesn't prepare him to be President.

He's just an excellent bullshiter. Bullshit may take you to the top but it won't keep you there.

Great.... the Reddit Left showed up

Because there totally aren't any independents or Reagan conservatives who hate Trump's lying ass too.

money and bullshiting ability seems like all it takes to become president. I guess you need to be popular too.

Pretty much... Trump learned all he needed to become President during his short time in Professional Wrestling.

Ya gotta know how to work the crowd.

We are one president away from Idiocracy. God help us if Dwayne Johnson runs.

The Rock would be an objective and absolute step up from what we got now... regardless of his political ideology.

probably get stuck with Oprah next time around to be honest

He made a bunch of money by being handed a bunch of money. Don't fall for the "master businessman" branding -- without his inheritance he'd be selling used cars. It took no skill at all for him to get where he is today and anyone in this thread could have done the same.

Seems to me that by doing business in Manhattan for as long as he has that he'd be very friendly with the local mafia.

He was talking about the election being rigged against him. Don't you think that someone like him and with his connections would get help from his friends in low places to rig them himself? Who would the American mafia turn to? Seems to me that their Russian brothers would be the perfect choice.

Yup. If he had just invested all of his money into index funds, he'd be richer than he is now.

And what is politics but bullshit?? He's more right for the job than any other piss brained no backbone leeech status career politician s...

Wont keep you there.. lulz

See obama

Trump talks in circles. He'll fill the air with adjectives about how great something is without actually going into any detail.

At least Obama can speak in complete sentences.

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but... complete sentences like that?? u mean obama can read complete sentences with a teleprompter otherwise hes a stuttering stammering mess? ok

You're both right.

There it is. The thing that nobody is talking about. If he forces Mexico to pay for this wall that I'm sure they won't tunnel under (/s) then Mexico will place tariffs on American exports, thus increasing their price to the American consumer, thus making the American consumer pay for a pointless is literal stupidity.

The point is threatening to virtually embargo Mexico, totally destroying their economy. It's basically "Do what we say or we'll nuke you" without the threat of MAD.

Which would violate the WTO and given Trumps great friendship with other members of WTO/s I am guessing they'd use the Nuclear option too aka no more copyright or patents protections outside the US. Mexico may have economic issues but ours would be far more complicated and extreme given how many companies like pharma, entertainment, technology, and more depend on said system

"American taxpayers through a series of budget cuts to other important agencies including NIH, Coast Guard, and the State Department!!"

Wait, they are really cutting budget of Coast Guard? Because Mexicans don't have boats?

Phew, don't forget the coast guard were one of the agencies that concluded the Russians hacked killarys emails. They've got mad Intel skills...

I love how he is being tough on immigration by cutting the funding to the one organization responsible for intercepting contraband on the coasts, where the majority of illegal commerce takes place.

Not gunna lie, as an SO of a coastie I was REALLY hoping he'd increase the USCG budget. It was already tight to the point where my SO could barely complete his tasks. Fix the prop on this plane. Oh, but we don't have the parts. Not in the budget. Figure it out. But nope. Can't even do that.

I wish I knew who the original author of this was so I could give them credit.


I demand on know who's paying you. Who's paying you, that you just made this post in public?

The established elite? Coming from you, that's funny.

Except you're wrong because I'm a Trump supporter and many of us will walk away from Trump over things like this. Do you really think we give a fuck about Trump as a person? No. We care if he is going to do what we sent him there to do, if he doesn't, he's useless to us and we'll find someone else who is useful.

Except you're wrong because I'm a Trump supporter and many of us will walk away from Trump over things like this. Do you really think we give a fuck about Trump as a person? No. We care if he is going to do what we sent him there to do, if he doesn't, he's useless to us and we'll find someone else who is useful.

Try posting that in the_donald...

You mean The_Dumbass. FTFY

How clever. This is /r/TinyTrumps levels of scathing. How will the president ever recover?

How will the president ever recover?

Bannon will never recover, that's the joke.

I have posted things along those lines and it has been upvoted before.

You elected him to sell your private browser history for profit?

You need to work on reading comprehension because I've said nothing of the sort. Get outta here troll

You care if he will do what you sent him there to do. So I'm wondering if you sent him there to enrich his wealthy friends at the expense of everyone else and create a new level of contempt in society.

Nope. But you need to show me where the fire is not just the smoke. I'm not going to to deny that some behaviors have tipped the meter to oppose Trump. I just dont clutch my pearls at any rumored hint of impropriety. There are major things though that will make me not only oppose but actively campaign against him. Such as him voting for this bill if he does. Because I'm an american before I'm a Trump supporter. Unfortunately millions of others show loyalty more to their party.

I continue to wonder what the deal breaker is for the staunch trump supporter. On day one he pissed off Mexico by claiming the country is sending drug dealers and rapists. Throughout the campaign he showed an obvious allegiance with Russian government. And he acted like an imbecile toward merkel when they met. There are countless and very serious problems with this man that are completely overlooked by his supporters. This goes far beyond party politics into the realm of delusion.

Honestly a lot more people would probably be willing to switch sides but one side has continued to spit on and call the other side racists, sexists, or even traitors. People have said I should be hanged for my vote for Trump. So dont be surprised when ppl dont jumped to the other side when Trump has inconsequential missteps.

We all have our different issues that would turn us, for me it internet privacy among a few other important switch vote topics. He hasn't signed it yet so I haven't flipped. But to be honest i wont flip democrat, i was a democrat all my life before this election and what the dems did in the primary is unforgivable and is a stain on a democratic election process.

It still remains to be seen whether or not Trump colluded with Russia. I'm waiting patiently for the smoking gun because I'm more measured in my judgement than most.

I support the side the does not actively engage in bold lies and conceal their illegal activity. Politics is a very diligent and purposeful endeavor. Electing trump to that office thinking he would be successful would be the equivalent of hiring a plumber when you need heart surgery. There have been trump supporters with proven racist histories much like those who opposed Obama. Nobody thinks all trump supporters are racists but they do believe they are willing to accept a president that embraces racism.

What if I told you that their is another side other than left or right? You can be in the center on issues or focus on whats best for America and not just whats best for republican, or democratic parties.

I feel, as do millions of others that if Clinton won it would have cemented corruption. The kind of corruption that goes unseen and ignored. Because so many feel that democrats are immune to any wrong doing. So that corruption would have gone unchecked. Corporations spent over a billion dollars trying to get her elected. Thats how badly they were relying on her for their agenda.

There have also been Clinton supporters who have sympathized with terrorists or support Sharia law. We need to both agree that those ppl, the ones you and I mentioned are the fringe. However a lot of press would have you believe that Racist that support Trump are in the millions and thats just not true.

There are alternatives to trump or Clinton. There is not voting. I did not think Clinton was a good choice either. I feel the same way about Clinton to a certain degree and I believe the Democratic Party has a long way to go. However you are supporting trump, that is your choice so there must be something you thought he would do. After decades of self enrichment in his seventies you thought he would suddenly change his whole outlook on wealth and people outside his sphere of influence. You supported someone with obvious ties to corruption and self enrichment. I am wondering at what point that support ends. I am not tying insult or demean your right to choose. I am just wondering when the fallacy ends.

I guess, what I find hilarious is that y'all believed him in the first place!!

It wasn't a blind belief it was more so that we knew for a fact we would get corruption with Clinton so hey, let's see what happens with Trump.

It wasn't a blind belief it was more so that we knew for a fact we would get corruption with Clinton so hey, let's see what happens with Trump.

You mean you havent seen enough already?

Well I'm no longer a cheerleader of Trump if that makes you feel better. But you have to respect that there's a spectrum. On one end you have God Emperor on the other end its Trump is a Russian plant. I'm in between. I haven't seen enough conclusive evidence. Even the FBI hasn't finalized the investigation into Russia collusion.

You dont see the fact they dont want to investigate the numerous ties to russia as suspicious? Its not like its just one person in the trump campaign tied with russia. Every week someone new comes out as having ties. You dont find the fact the nunes went to the person involved in an investigation before the committee as suspicious? Any conclusive evidence there might be isnt evident because of obstruction by the trump administration. The blatant lies by trump via twitter should be enough for any reasonable person to see the character of the person in charge of the most powerful gov in the world. The fact that hillary was a horrible candidate isnt a justification for whats going on with this presidency. Even just forget all the corruption he hasn't done any thing he claimed he would do

Yes I find it suspicious but suspicious isn't conclusive. There is also opposing views that go against it but ppl won't hear it unless it comes from the same beloved news outlets that got it wrong during the election and have been on a witch hunt ever since. So if I showed you a video of someone breaking it down that there may be nothing to see would you try to accept it or would you just cover your eyes and ears and dense. Hers a video If you want to see such a video.

I love you just assume anyone critical of the shitshow that is the current presidency they are automatically a dem or "covering their eyes and ears". I see the absurdity on the both sides mainly the crazy money in politics. You actually reference that in another comment but yet are still supporting the richest cabinet in recent memory and what could be argued as widening of the swamp. That video is interesting but it also is using the same sources you claim are unreliable " beloved news outlets" as proof that something didnt happen when numerous times in the video he says there isnt conclusive evidence but there also isnt an absense of it. He then goes on and says the case is closed. How can you say that isnt covering your eyes and ears/ isnt biased? When talking about corruption and ties to russia people arent only talking about hacking. People in his campaign met with russian officials and lied about it... that is a fact. That should be enough for an independent investigation. I love how you claim to be so objective yet site a video that says for a fact the russian issue is "closed" yet you will admit there are suspicious things going on.

My point has been all along that there isn't enough conclusive evidence. Many people take those news outlets as the word of God. Which you can't deny because its easy to find people calling for Trump to be hanged along with his supporters for committing treason after the headlines they've read on the politics subreddit with stories that are based off of inconclusive evidence.

The video doesn't speak completely for me, I was offering it as a different view, not that it was point for point my view. I said that I want to see investigation go through to the end but Im afraid that if nothing is found ppl won't accept that there was actually nothing there.

I just wanted to say thanks for your candor - I don't see many Trump supporters coming out to say they don't back 100% of his decisions, usually they cast even mistakes as "16d intergalactic chess" or something.

Yeah the 4d chess bit was funny for about a week.

First of all, i was talking about t_d, not all trump supporters/voters.

Secondly, he's already broken a lot of his promises. Lock her up? He's said he just said that because his followers liked it and he didn't mean it. American steel for the pipeline? Nope. Obamacare immediately repealed and replaced? Nope. Isis defeated in 30 days? Nope. Drained the swamp? Nope. Have no time for golfing? Nope. Drain the swamp? Nope.Divest from his businesses? Nope. Maga? Nope. Muslim ban? Nope.

So tell me, why do you still support him?

Fuck trump for the reasons above plus many more, but the steel issue isn't his fault at all

He shouldn't make promises he can't keep. That totally is his fault. And anyone who believed and defended his laundry list of bullshit lies - I have a bridge to sell you since you're so fucking gullible.

I would love to buy your bridge since it sounds lovely but my assets are currently tied up attempting to get a Nigerian prince back into power. When I have my money returned I will most definitely contact you regarding the bridge. Trump 2024!


I said "anyone who believed and defended his laundry list of bullshit lies" so if you defended them, then yes. If you didn't, then no. It was a general statement.

Oh, gotcha

Regardless of whether it's his fault, it's a promise he made and didn't deliver on

The steel was already purchased for that specific pipeline. But whatever.

Then why make a promise he knew he couldn't deliver on?

Oh yeah, he's a liar.

Who says we aren't going to use American steel for pipelines? He wasn't even talking about the specific pipeline that's using Russian steel. Fuck I hate that im defending him but facts are facts. Lets not stoop to their level and make shit up.

I can't wait for us Hillary voters to buy your online history and see what you've been browsing.

Do you have any confessions to make before we reveal everything about you Trump supporters?

This just goes to show how unamerican you are for wanting to do such a thing.

Your fault for voting Republican. You get what you deserve.

Ha jokes on you because I voted dem down the ticket for the most part. I only voted trump because Clinton was a horrible candidate

Too bad you didn't vote for Clinton. Now we get to see your internet browsing.

Again, do you have any confessions to make before everything is revealed to us?

The best part is had Hillary won, the Trump supporters would be asking the same of you because there's absolutely no way she'd veto this bullshit either.

lol some people actually believe that.

Of course they didn't; it's bad PR for the opposition, which is good PR for them.

"And if the Democrats were Republicans, they'd vote like Republicans!"

You're making the mistake of assuming the two parties are the same.

Don't do that.

Remember, one party got you public health care.

Naw, one party got me a ramshackle fuck-up attempt at public healthcare, and the other party had 7 years to come up with something better and managed to fuck that up somehow.

You should tell that to the people that got healthcare from the Medicaid expansion, since you seem to know better than them.

I'm sure they'll totally appreciate you calling their Medicaid "fuck-up attempt at public healthcare".

As long as the left is sore, they're happy

"Well, it'll hurt me, but it'll hurt them too. Let's do it."

One might even go so far as to say they act like cucks?

Funny thing is, I'm a liberal and I'll fare better than most Trump voters.

You think that now, but you won't be laughing when they bring the coal mines back and they all have mansions

Maybe this is a moot point now, since Donnie failed so hard at his promise to "reepeeal and replacccce". But I don't know any issue illustrates your point so clearly.

The older cohort -- more Republican, more Trump -- raised a generation of liberals totally on accident by instilling religious values into them. Now the Boomers are getting old and their health is deteriorating. But that's cool. We're comfortable with paying more than we spend on healthcare, young and generally healthy as we are, as long as it's negotiated collectively and the most vulnerable among us are protected. And THEY turn us down on the offer on a matter of principle!

It's like, if you knew you wanted to live in a co-op? Where every housemate has chores to complete each week? And Germophobe House tells you "hey, we really want you as a housemate! Don't even worry about your chores, we'd like you to do them, but honestly we actually kind of like doing them and will probably just do them for you."


Really, just... breathtaking stupidity.

You know, I get the whole thing about negative and positive rights libertarian argument. I preached it when I didn't have a penny to my name, because I didn't want what little I had to be taken away from me. I must've done a year's worth of research on how to renounce my SSN and on the evilness of taxes.

Now I'm older, established, have some savings and things are going well. I could have held on to my beliefs and cried foul every time I had to pay taxes. But facts are facts and it would be better for me economically now to be in a single payer system. Hell it would have been economically better for me then, as well.

Some people refuse to change their views because it would violate some principle of their ideology. They tend to take it to the extreme as well, like saying they are forced to buy insurance at gunpoint. It's the whole I got mine thing. They don't understand the importance of the public commons. They don't understand the implications of a functional society in their lives. They'd gladly cut off their noses to spite their faces.

Like you said, breathtaking stupidity.

As long as what they think the left is is sore, they're happy

these people legit think clinton and podesta are, like, diehard socialists. lol

I browse that sub every now and then but mostly just out of curiosity. I'm neither pro-Trump or anti-Trump, but they take it to another level calling him emperor and posting random pictures of "the most beautiful first daughters ever."

That sub completely plummeted in quality about a week after the election.. Not sure what happened, but now it's just an unironic circlejerk of literally anything trump or anti immigration

Don't forget anti Clinton posts, despite her not being relevant for five months now.

But. What. About. Her. Emails. Tho. / s

Only a enoughtrumpspam poster would say something as retarded as this. Maybe it's what was in the emails, and the other illegal things she was doing that was discovered in them. But I guess at this point what difference does it make?!!

It doesn't make a difference, and it hasn't for months. For your information, I was a Sanders supporter.

I'm just tired of the constant drum-beat of ultimately pointless stuff about Hillary which is nothing more than a transparent attempt (perhaps one could say, a Conspiracy) by the sitting Administration and it's supporters to obfuscate and distract from Trump's crimes.

Yeah, I was a Sanders supporter too until it became clear that the DNC was corrupt as shit along with Hillary. And Bernie in essence selling out to a "elite" that he was supposed to be against. Before I looked into Trump I even thought Hillary might be the better of the two, and even got sick of the constant EMAILS headlines. But unlike you just declaring that "its just deleted emails, its no big deal, everyone does that!!!" I decided to actually look into it.

Oh, you want justice for Trump's crimes, but what Hillary did should just be gone and over with? Yeah, you sound incredibly fishy.

Wow, this is like a month old. Okay, I'm going to say to you what I said to people the entire campaign after Bernie was out, the DNC didn't want a non-democrat to get their nomination and they actively used their rules against him. Was it unethical? Hell yeah. Was it criminal? Certainly not.

Bernie in essence selling out to a "elite" that he was supposed to be against.

Oh, you mean choosing to stay politically relevant instead of simply fading away? The Berniecrats are the future of the Democratic party, the fact that a guy in his 70s managed to galvanize a group of 20-somethings on a shoe-string budget and nearly topple one of the most potent Democratic candidates was nothing short of incredible. So yeah, I don't think he's selling out so much as he's an author of the insurgent wing of the Democratic party.

"its just deleted emails, its no big deal, everyone does that!!!" I decided to actually look into it.

I would be more than willing to 'look into it', but the issue is that it has been repeatedly stated by those in a position to do so that there's nothing actionable. Simply repeating the same point does nothing, you need to have people willing to prosecute her, and there aren't and likely won't ever be.

Oh, you want justice for Trump's crimes, but what Hillary did should just be gone and over with?

Por que los no dos? It's not a binary choice, you can in fact have multiple investigations and prosecutions running at once, the US government is capable of that. If there was new evidence that turned up that was enough for someone to re-open an investigation into hil-dawg, I would support it.

Yeah, you sound incredibly fishy.

And you sound like a deluded partisan who wants to beat up on a straw-man. Don't be a pussy, just call me a shill, or a (((globalist))) or a pedo.

so I'll just assume that you won't entertain things go against your dearly held beliefs and will perform mental gymnastics to keep thinking you're right.

Prove me wrong. Right now it looks like Trump's administration is going to go down as a national embarrassment, even if the investigation into Russian influence on them is shaken off, they might in fact go down simply due to their obstructionism into the investigation. So how about you let me know how you think it's goin to go around October of 2018.

Maybe it's what was in the emails, and the other illegal things she was doing

NAME THEM. Right now. I 100% guarantee you won't.

Because if she had done anything illegal, LAW & ORDER Trump would have "locked her up" by now, right?

Trump and his followers only care about the idea of campaigning, they can't move past that to actually govern. It's the dog that caught the car; They don't know what to do now.


It's pretty true, before the election the only strong political position he had was anti Obama.

I know 1984 comparisons are dime a dozen, but the vitriolic hate for Clinton and to a somewhat lesser extent Obama reminds of the two minute hate.

Ding ding ding!

People on r/conspiracy defending Clinton?? What the fuck is happening??? FUCK YOU SHILL PIECES OF SHIT

Don't forget anti Clinton posts, despite her not being relevant for five months now.

Said no genuine member of this subreddit, ever. Try /r/politics instead.

He was talking about her not being relevant to /r/the_donald, not conspiracy. Re-read his post, that is an unjust ban

Did you actually ban someone for saying Hilary Clinton isn't as relevant after losing the election?

We got mods who lack reading comprehension?

LMAO, illiterate mods in r/conspiracy, how fitting.


Do you get to decide who is and who isn't a true /r/conspiracy user? If so: could you elaborate on how you reached the conclusion that he is not a "genuine member of this subreddit?"

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

He was talking about The_Donald, you absolute imbecile.

So the same mod just banned two different posters in a row for talking trash about a sub that was obviously not r/conspiracy? Only one possible explanation: T_D has obviously payed people to infiltrate the mod team and censor any Trump talk less grandiose than his own self-praise.

/r/conspiracy gone meta

So two people banned in the top chain. T_D definitely didn't start enforcing their influence here though. No sir.

Literally a conspiracy in /r/conspiracy

Lol they deleted the comments

Just like Trump's people cancelling the investigation meetings.


I didn't look at it until well after the election but I agree. I can see agreeing with him on immigrants and certain stuff, not saying I take one position over the other. But they tend to post racist stuff. Making funny cartoons about Muslims. Just one the other day somebody posted what looked like a Nike commercial for a hijab (I think I called that right), and they photoshopped a machete in there also with a Nike symbol. They just tend to make themselves look awful as a community.

You must of missed this one about the Westminster attack. Apparently it's "funny" when it happens in another country. I have a hard time imagining how some of the comments aren't hate speech. No doubt they'd be reporting this if it was anti-trump.

Hell, for them it's funny if it happened in a state that leaned towards Clinton.

Fair point. Anything's funny as long as it happens outside of their little homegrown bubble.

Holy fucking shit, went down that whole thread expecting someone to call the post out for just being totally disgusting, but there's not even a vaguely dissenting viewpoint. Terrifying honestly.

If I were to wager a guess, I think such messages are just banned anyway. There is a insane amount of linearity in what's pushed, of which I have never seen the likes of, literally anywhere.

Well, excluding certain hate groups on FB and what not.

Nope, instead of calling it out they encourage it. This one is nearly as bad when you look at the first stickied comment as well.

Reddit admins are fully aware of this and seemingly couldn't care less.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Jesus christ, everything about that pisses me off.

I keep seeing weird moments of lucidity followed, of course, by denial

It's a mix of 4channers addicted to shitposting and the bottom of the reddit IQ scale.

I'm sure there were many people on it who really thought of it as just a joke and were sure hillary would win, then realised shit just got real and jumped ship

It's almost like an underground and illegal foreign super PAC suddenly withdrew from the online space because they had achieved their objective...

Rule 10

Yeah it totally reads like a right wing Christian slightly racist facebook meme group now. Sad!

mods probably got confused because their day job is modding in the donald

The moderation of this sub is the conspiracy you only mention once.

This the perfect place to anonymous​ly present unsubstantiated (but politically useful) ideas to a community that is inherently vulnerable to them and (as you've just found) the rules are written so that dissent is easily censored.

But if it's any consolation, you've lost nothing of any value and neither will I when this post gets 10'd.

It was a setup. Trump-supporters were forced there because they were ostracized elsewhere on reddit for supporting Trump. Then, after the election, when the real eyeballs left and went on with their lives, the sockpuppet accounts in the_d went into overdrive spreading things like blatant pizzagate disinfo. This was done intentionally to blame Trump supporters for spreading bullshit.

Evidence of the coordinated pizzagate disinformation campaign

There are a couple of mods here that are hardcore Trump apologists. I know who they are and have started letting others know. They're starting to act out because they are afraid they'll be found out.

but they take it to another level calling him emperor

For calling dissenters 'cucks' they sure love calling Trump 'daddy' and 'emperor' quite often.

This is a very valid point.

Also hilarious considering trump and his wife don't even live in the same state.

I'm sure Mrs. Trump is snapping off toned, athletic cocks right and left now that her pudgy piggy bank has fucked off.

And banning any form of dissent at all. I got banned for asking them to stop being so clickbait and to make me believe again.

i say this with respect, how can you not be against that guy? for starters if you pay your taxes here, we're literally giving him money to go on vacation.

I try and stay pretty neutral when talking on Reddit because I see everything turns political fast. And every time both sides are hard headed, stick to their views and do not have an open mind. This is 99% of discussions I see on Reddit, as a result I try and not pick sides (online anyways).

because they're really fucking stupid, and they want to be like trump some day. They think if they worship the billionaires enough then maybe one day the golden shower will trickle riches upon them

uh, because those billionaires ALL worked VERY hard for their money, and not a one of them EVER relied on ANY sort of government handout. /s

What's that stupid ironic meme they always use? Oh right...

wtf, I love the elite now!

The funniest thing is, they probably think voting for him somehow makes them a part of "the big club" ...

Fuckin' sad.

are you going to take back what you said if he doesnt pass it? just posted it there to see what they had to say. lets be real here, the working class voted for trump and the leftists are foot soldiers for the establishment, i mean fucking hillary clinton? trumps already had an eo thats taken some of his powers. socialism is literally saying yes i want to the establishment to be in control which is what dems lean towards. other than the healthcare bill you dont have much of an argument for him being for the establishment unless you think america in general is an establishment and helping the citizens in any way is helping that. if he passes it, people will be with you, but youre accusing him of being for it cause repubs were when a lot of them hated him the whole time. im not sure how him bringing jobs back to america and telling them not to rely on the establishment is for the establishment

Erm. What?

Democrats are not socialist. Did I say anything about the establishment, let alone about being against it? What's Hillary Clinton got to do with this? How is socialism in favour of the establishment? The hate for 'the establishment' is about the entanglement of politicians and big businesses - politicians making decisions based on who's paid them/what's going to make them and their mates more money. That's capitalism, not socialism. Socialism is about providing for everyone. Yeah, the working class voted for an out of touch rich guy that is rich because his Dad was rich, who has shown no evidence of caring for the working class (quite the opposite) and think he's going to use the presidency to help them. The same guy who turns up to AIDS charity events, pretends to be a donor and leaves without donating a cent.

hows socialism the establishment hahahahah cmon now. maybe not pure socialism but a representative one like what bernie wanted and pls find me a successful socialist country, other than venezuela haha. democrats lean towards socialism and would push for more i didnt say they were outright socialists, how do you think bernie attracted democrats?. ok, hate for the establishment, who do you think is paying trump off? have you watched the primary debates where all the donors there dont even clap for him yet he somehow wins? hes not a part of the establishment and youre a retard if you think that, even if his plan is to creat a diff establishment hes not a part of the current one where theyre selling influence to foreign countries. and i mentioned hillary to point out dems are for the establishment or just dont care. find me 10 people who inherited a mil and turned into multiple billion if thats only reason hes rich. youre a fucking moron or have never been an entrepreneur if you think its as simple as having money. i cant believe you mentioned "out of touch" as if anyone gives a fuck about your subjective view

I'm going to attempt to translate that and understand your ramblings..

I didn't say socialism was the establishment, quite the opposite.

Did I suggest socialism has ever been successful?

Democrats are not socialist, Bernie has some 'socialist' (every other developed western country would just call them common sense) policies.

There's two parts to 'the establishment', the people giving money to politicians so they push agendas that benefit them, and the politicians accepting the money. Trump was one of the former, now he's the latter.

What's that about not selling influence to foreign countries? Him and his team are up to their eyeballs in an investigation into their dodgy dealings with Russia.

He was given around $14 million, several decades ago, and an established brand being his father's last name. Not to mention the rest of the money he'd inherit after his father's death. Then he's had multiple failures and bankruptcy (hence why US banks won't lend money to him.) He would be richer now if he'd just left his money in an investment than he is.

He single handedly ended the recession? Aha. Okay..

I don't think I've ever even read the Huffington Post...

im aware socialism is the opposite but it's IMPOSSIBLE for america to not have a gov and representatives cause we deal with other countries and are a super power and until every one in gov is pure of heart itll lead to special interests. and yeah, i just meant they lean more towards socialism thats what i said. i guarantee you have no actual idea how the healthcare works other than everyones covered which sounds nice in theory but its a tad bit more complicated. "common sense" there you go again with your subjective smug faggotry. common sense says its not that simple.

i guess i am on r/conspiracy if youre mentioning the russia investigation thats been going on for 8 months now w no hard evidence. its plausible as most conspiracies are but unsubstantiated. also you claiming him taking money for certain agendas is unsubstantiated and its not illegal for him to give to a cause.

and hillary said he helped contribute to end the recession. neither of us have facts on that but why would hillary say that when he was a common businessman? its stupid of you to just automatically assume cause of the name mentioned its false.

huffington post is better than reading nothing i guess

keep mentioning his inheritance as if it even matters. this is just you being a stubborn little bitch. obviously its a huge boost but to make it 100x bigger isnt something everyone can do.

Erm. You know socialism means you still have a government and representatives? .. Right?

No, i understand that healthcare is complicated but i know the basic concept of how "socialist" healthcare works, at least in the UK. Everyone is taxed some % of their income, the government, like it does with a lot of things, allocates healthcare a budget. Everyone gets covered and nobody goes bankrupt because they got sick or in an accident.

Yeah, if there was nothing to the allegations then went wild the Trump administration be caught in so many lies? Why would Trump say he has no relationship with Putin despite previously saying he did? Why would there be new instances of dodgy connections and events almost daily if there was nothing to hide? Why refuse an independent investigation?

yes but theres a lot of negatives like wait time (saw bout 40 weeks for back surgery in canada), no benefit of actively keeping yourself healthy, no incentive to better yourself basically. its more than just extra tax. and nunes isnt bias hes saying what he finds out and it just so happens that the dems were the ones breaking the law... the people claiming hes in bed w russia also thought he got pissed on. these people arent that credible sorry until theres hard evidence i dont care. notice how its moved from rigging the election to influencing to just working w trump. they have nothing. trumps not even personally under investigation

the establishment is attacking trump how dont you see that?

That's not a symptom of universal healthcare. No incentive? You know, not dying early is always a good one. And you don't just need medical care because you didn't take care of yourself.

Nunes is clearly not able to do his job. He's refused to tell the committee things. He's told Trump stuff before the committee. He's closed down the committee because they don't want people to testify.

A well respected ex-mi5 agent isn't credible?

It hasn't moved from rigging the election. That was something Trump said. It's always been about Russia influencing the elections. 25% of Pro-Trump social media content was from Russian bots/shills.

yeah it is a symptom of universal healthcare haha. and most people arent going to keep themselves healthy so they can live twn years longer. there wouldnt be any fat people if that wasnt the case. youre not budging i guess. youre a fucking idiot honestly. 25% of russia bots are russian shills. don lemon tell you that? prove it fucktard. and no the mi5 agent is about as credible as CIA director clapper otherwise the dossier would still be mentioned (position isnt relevant). nothing substantial in there AGAIN. is the establishment going against trump? yes or no and move on from there cause clearly youre too hung up on trump being a meany to consider you may have been played for a fool cause emotions.

heres something substantial: trump was spied on by the esrablishment. they dont have anything incriminating yet. what facts do you have? oh just accusations? ok

It seems you're the emotional one.

The dossier is still being mentioned.

He's known to be reliable.

Who are 'the establishment'?

Google Manafort. Inform yourself.

i thought i asked for facts? and the government. are you for real? all democrats, obama, mccain, ryan, graham. need more? ya know everyone whos been in control of gov for the past 8 years HAHAHAHA

"known to be reliable" hahahahhahahhahah!!!

i dont even disregard the possibility russia tries to influence our shit. but you dont think we do theirs? notice how you have to make up 25% to prove your point cause that sounds like a lot? stay in your lane. election wasnt hacked, they mightve told us the truth about hillary but im ok w that. suck the dick of the establishment harder if you dont like that

and how about hillary selling 20% of our uranium or podesta lobbying for russian bank?

can you pls give me something substantial or admit youre fooling yourself

So the republicans aren't part of the establishment?

Yes, credible. Another

I'll admit i can't find a source for that figure I've seen somewhere, but here's a figure on Twitter at least.

Nobody is saying the election was hacked.

Influencing foreign elections, while not a good thing, isn't the real problem. It's the collusion. That's potential treason. There's a shit tonne of smoke, and that's why a 9/11 style independent investigation is needed. Manafort is pretty damn incriminating. The lies are incriminating. Turning off the recorder while taking to Putin is incriminating. Etc. Etc.

i dont care if his buddies thinks hes credible i didnt think it was just you saying that. and idc how credible hes been i care if its credible this time. and they are thats the point. mccain, paul ryan, and graham are known republicans along w more aka the establishment who have completely been against trump. i agree w you the collusion would make it a huge difference. and the unfortunate thing is, is that does seem incriminating turning off recorder but do you honestly believe no matter what he said the media wouldnt turn it on him unless he was just a total dick which wouldnt help anything as far as

Did you also miss what his job was? He's probably the most qualified person to have delivered that dossier.

Oh okay, so not Tillerson, the ex-oil CEO. Or the multitude of Goldman Sachs that are now on trump's administration.

Trump's gonna help CEOs make more money, he's not going to help the working class.

omg a ceo! obama had people from muslim brotherhood in his admin. 250k jobs and bringing more back to america doesnt help working class? tax cuts dont? answer my question or shut the fuck up: is the establishment against trump?

"probably the most qualified person" so we must take it for fact said everyone incapable of thinking for themselves

"clapper testified under oath NSA wasnt spying on people and i dont need proof cause hes in a high position" thats how retarded you sound mentioning his position and friends

notice how you keep pivoting

answer my question.

I'm asking you who you think the establishment are. It seems you only think democrats are the establishment, or republicans who have actually spoken out against Trump. Yes, if that's who you think the establishment is, they are against Trump. Just like the majority of the USA and a lot of countries considered your allies.

250k jobs created by doing what exactly? Name what he did to create these jobs.

I linked you an article previously that gives the man credibility. If you can't understand that then I don't know what to say.

and i said the majority of government, repubs and dems. an article saying someone is credible doesnt make them automatically credible, pls stop acting like it does. bringing ford and other companies back. obviously you arent following if you arent aware lol. and yeah were talking trump, and your complaint is he was rich before to help him get over 100x richer and the russia conspiracy. give me something of substance

It's like talking to a brick wall

IBM was planning that before, I'm not seeing any thing about it being because of Trump... Seems the Ford moving to Mexico wasn't even something that was planned to happen anyway.

I'm not going to even give credit to a "news" source that starts with HEY OBAMA...

Even if this were the case, just creating jobs isn't necessarily doing anything for the working class. What kind of jobs are these? Do they require much education? Cause if they do, they're not for his voters. The trouble is automation is taking over low skilled jobs, and a "Pro-business" ethic is definitely​ not going to help that.

Bringing back coal jobs is also the dumbest thing to try...

yet i bet you would read a HEY TRUMP article lol

"creating jobs doesnt do anything for the working class" buddy... cmon now lol wut

this is about you being a pompous dick who thinks theyre smarter and have a better understanding of the world than ANY trump supporter. he likes trump but you can skip first like 15 min to get to graphs. and not as dumb as you think even tho you dont personally understand the science at all

No I wouldn't.

Why put something in quotes that isn't a quote?

Not all jobs are for the "working class" A lawyer isn't part of the working class, not a banker etc. So I was writing querying what type of jobs these are. Coal mining is from the past, it should stay that way.

And do you honestly think that creating a few jobs is outweighing his incompetence, the amount of money spent on his trips and every other negative thing?

And here's one from your playbook - Obama reduced unemployment. Trump isn't doing anything better.

hes not creating lawyer jobs? lol why bring that up? youre just being stubborn haha. trumps been in office for two months you dunce and created way more jobs than obama in amount of time. i rather trump go to maralago than loan iran money and fund rebel groups that turn into isis. and again, you know nothing about climate change so saying coal should be in the past makes you a retard

So you don't believe in climate change?

i do, but i believe how were destroying habitats of animals is the bigger effect we're personally having. watch that vid i gave you, monckton uses math and ipcc's own predictions to show how our role in climate change specifically has been exaggerated

Yeah, destruction of habitats is terrible. Our role hasn't been exaggerated, al gore aside.

NASA Here's a handy guide to climate change.

The Earth gets its heat from the sun. The sun's energy output is actually currently getting lower than it has been, yet earth is still warming. The more greenhouse gases in the air, the more heat we trap, the hotter the earth gets. It's us making that increase of greenhouse gases. Coal is a big part of that. It's an old resource that's dying. The future is renewables, that's what Trump should be focusing on, not some outdated coal jobs.

but virtually no money as far as the gov goes have funded what kind of changes would be occurring naturally while weve spent like 60 billion over the past 10 years. i was just being a dick about the al gore thing but i think its naive to assume that a rock in space for billions of years has generally been 0-100 degrees fahrenheit. we dont know and its turning into religion where we have plausible reasoning but its not really 100% proven. IPCC predictions keep being wrong and they dont even try to fix the next prediction even if the one right before was off. im just skeptical about it. co2 has gone down but not temperatures (could take a couple years to effect environment tho if temp lowers in next couple years) we probably wont agree on this. im still pretty much 50/50 i think were making it worse, just that it was exaggerated. but at least consider that trump has looked into it more than just him conning coal miners into voting for him. you dont have to watch the vid but actual climate scientists say they have talked to trump about it

So, what you're saying is that, yes greenhouse gases make the world hotter, but just because we know that, it doesn't mean we know pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere makes the world hotter?

co2 hasn't gone down, the amount we're adding yearly has gone down a bit. We're still adding to the amount.

Yeah that video is one guy. Why believe him over the masses of scientist who agree we are causing climate change? (It's something like 95% of scientist agree)

Here's a simple video to explain how climate works. well watch this and youll see bill nye doesnt know EXACTLY the numbers and this is what i mean. i wholeheartedly believed in it until this month. all the people advocating for it keep getting predictions wrong and dont have an answer for how much would be happening w out humans i just saw this a couple min ago.. this is what started it all

Jesus that guy is as dense as he is irritating.

Bill Nye answers his questions, he just either moves the goalposts or ignores the answer.

Why exactly is it that you don't believe humans are causing our climate to change?

watch it again. hes just trying to get a direct answer and bill nye keeps pivoting bc he doesnt know the actual numbers. not once does he give an actual figure. he just says shit that he thinks has changed bc of it. bill nye was not able to answer how much was done by humans and thats the point. they dont know and you dont make policies based on faith when the climate scientists who think its caused by men are wrong over and over again.

He does answer. I think you're willfully ignorant.

if he answers, whats the answer for how much humans are contributing compared to how much would the worlds climate be naturally changing? thats the main question. and the world naturally changes climates. again, do you think the world has generally been 0-100 degrees fahrenheit for all of its existence? cause if you dont its also reasonable to assume it's naturally changing as well. why would they need to lie about the data unless its not as bad as they made it seem?

He says 100%. That without humans, we'd have a climate almost exactly the same as the 18th century.

Yeah that was a dumb thing to do. I don't know their reasoning or even what happened. Doesn't change the fact that we've actually underestimated effects.

Monckton also claims to have created a tonic which cures multiple things including AIDS. See here That guy is a terrible source for anything factual.

If it isn't humans causing the unprecedented rate of change, what is it?

unprecedented? heard of the ice age? you dont know the history of the climate of earth and it changes naturally. what makes you think bill nye knows that lol thats not even measurable. you cant take speculation for fact and bill nye isnt even a climate scientist. he doesnt know the numbers even. if you want to listen to bill nye's speculation opposed to numbers and people at the heartland international climate change conference thats fine, theres a lot more than just monckton if you look it up. im glad it turned to a civilized convo but it seems im not convincing you of anything

RATE of change. It's the rate that's the problem. Nobody is claiming that the earth's climate doesn't change.

It's not Bill Nye alone. It's nearly every scientist.

If it isn't humans causing this rate of change, what is it?

ok and im sure the ice age's rate was much quicker, naturally. i dont know but you dont choose something by default bc its plausible. not how science works and its not a democracy. its not nearly every scientist either, do you think they asked every scientist in every country? dont be naive. youre acting like its a fact and im saying we dont know and the numbers are in favor of climate deniers right now.

Nope. NASA guide to climate change

Here's some info on where that 97% figure comes from. So yes, nearly all with relevance are in agreement.

The evidence says the climate is changing at an extreme, unnatural rate. We know that greenhouse gases cause heat to be trapped, and we know that we produce way more greenhouse gases than would naturally be produced. This theory hasn't been plucked out of nowhere.

again thats w the assumption thered be no change naturally and still doesnt answer the question of how much is caused by humans

It's not that there is change. It's the rate at which that change is occurring. We can see from historical evidence that this is unprecedented.

saying were 100% responsible when all you see is the change and youre relying on faith theyre right cause you believe it and thats not what science is about. again you dont know the science and wont look at the predictions compared to the actual results. theres no definitive proof its 100% on us. unless you can see into another timeline. no legitimate climate scientist will say its undisputed fact that doesnt need more research. youre arguing that its a fact and the scientists dont even say its done being researched

97% of papers on climate change show that it's humans. That's not faith, I'm not the one using faith. I've explained this already, we can say that the climate should be almost exactly as it was in 1750 because we know that down to nature alone, the climate does not change as rapidly as it has done since. I don't know what numbers you want.

Let's pretend the chance that it's entirely down to humans is only 50%. If we don't do anything about it, we've got 50% of being wrong and creating a global catastrophe. If we do do something about it, then we can mitigate the damage if it was is. If it turns out it wasn't us, then we're screwed anyway. The best way forward is to do something about it.

you just cant even imagine youre wrong about it. you keep citing 97% as if thats relevant

We know it's not natural. Multiple links I've given you have explanation on that. The last link is especially great. We've known about greenhouse gases for over a hundred years and it's not been disproven. That's how Science works.

I keep citing 97% because that's the amount of studies conducted by experts on the topic who have concluded it's because of humans. That's why it's relevant. People who have done studies that evaluate what's happening and why it's happening, and their conclusion? It's our fault. How is that hard to grasp?

dude its not all experts lol and have you read the dissenting opinions or are you just siding w the majority. yeah pollution is unnatural and were adding extra but attributing the change to solely humans when we havent put money towards finding out what happens naturally is god awful science and doesnt answer the question of how much we are contributing to the change. is it one degree? 100% of the change? you dont know until we find out the rate itd naturally occur at which hasnt been done yet so saying its all humans when weve only done half the tests is retarded. no one can predict the climate and that should be clear by the ipcc's awful predictions. the 97% keeps getting it wrong other than the fact were adding pollution which no one disagrees with

Either read something, or keep believing your fantasies.

lol keep believing its not confirmation bias when you cant answer the main question of how much change would happen naturally. why you think its good science to keep pushing the same bullshit when the science isnt meeting your quotas. you dont know shit about the science and think speculation from bill nye is the ultimate truth cause it makes sense

Confirmation bias? Pot calling the kettle black there. I'd love it if all the information on man made climate change was all bullshit and wasn't really happening. Unfortunately​ it's not a Chinese hoax.

I've answered the natural change bit already, I've given you several links that provide facts and data on that subject. The onus is on you to provide proof that shows the natural cause for this rate of change.

I knew about climate change before i knew who Bill Nye is.

The 97% isn't from one survey. It's from multiple studies using various methods. One of which is to look at all the peer reviewed abstracts that involve global warming/ climate change and out of those, 97% of those that took a position, agreed with the consensus that it's humans causing it. Here, look for yourself

If you think Monckton is an actual, reliable climate scientist - even just a scientist - you're deluded.

no but he looks at the math. not only scientists know math. and yes confirmation bias. you believed bill nye was right about our climate would be the same as 18th century without even attempting to cite a study, it just made sense when you believe in man made climate change. you didnt realize that bill nye has no idea how much would be occurring naturally but you didnt care cause you believe climate change needs to be addressed so you dont care about discussing the science that makes you believe that

He uses the "math" incorrectly. He's a terrible source for anything. See Here

Okay. Lets do some research then. So if we imagine humans never entered the industrial revolution and so we never started burning shit loads of fossil fuels and adding tonnes of greenhouse gasses back into the atmosphere. What would our climate look like today based on what we know.

First of all, what effects the temperature of the Earth? 1. The sun. Well the sun's output has actually been falling, as the graph at the top of this page shows so we might actually be a bit colder if it were just the sun. But there's other things..

  1. Volcanic eruptions. This gets a little complicated because large volcanic eruptions can actually cool the planet, as they release aerosols which can reflect the sun and have a cooling effect. However, this only lasts for 1-2 years. They also release CO2, which as we know is a greenhouse gas and contributes to warming the Earth when there are extended periods of volcanic activity. Fortunately, people who are actual experts have studied the effects of volcanic activity for us...

A number of studies have used a variety of statistical and physical approaches to determine the contribution of greenhouse gases and other effects to the observed global warming, like Foster & Rahmstorf and Lean & Rind. And like those studies, they find that volcanoes have had a relatively small contribution to global warming, and in fact, likely have had a net cooling effect over the past 50-65 years (Figure 3).

  1. El Nino, the southern oscillation. This only really effects short term temperatures, as it's a short cycle. So not really worth anything when comparing over centuries.

In conclusion, there's nothing to suggest that natural causes have caused any change in the average climate since the 1750's, and definitely not to explain the current conditions. Without some major events, the climate doesn't naturally change very quickly at all, we're talking thousands of years. Since they're hasn't been a major event, or any evidence of anything else, we can conclude that the climate today, should be very much the same to the 1750's.

So if you think it could be natural causes, please tell me what those natural processes could be.

so you admit that you have some confirmation bias? i didnt see any you try to refute that... i doubt youve even watched the videos ive linked

I think everyone suffers from confirmation bias. I like to be aware of it so I can be more vigilant so I don't believe delusionists such as Munckton.

I like how you've picked at a tiny insignificant point because you can't refute the facts.

This is a problem on Earth, and will make it even more unsettled as it gets worse.

dude go thru our covno and youre the one pivoting. this is the first time i made you answer my question and i address your main points or try to. and yes but youre not even looking at the vid i sent and claiming its not right. you dont need numbers and you believe it. i dont give a fuck what monckton says, i dont take his predictions and speculations for fact. i just consider what he says like i do everyone but i base it off whats fact. if you havent looked at the numbers dont act like the people who think its exaggerated after looking at the numbers arent being realistic

I'm sorry, but at this point you're being delusional. I've provided multiple links to statistics and evidence. There's no speculation. You're a delusional child who still believes in a Santa

confirmation bias must be nice. get back to me in 5 years when bill nye tells you it may not be as bad as he thought

Aha. You know the IPCC claims have actually underestimated?

prove it

 claims that the IPCC is alarmist are not supported by evidence, and there are clear indications that the opposite may be the case.


hahhaah "the opposite may be the case"... in the future im talking about predictions already made that have been exaggerated. how many times do they need to get it wrong for you to question the prediction

Yeah, predictions are complicated.

evidence for them being accurate

ipcc is repeatedly not accurate

get off that propaganda my dude.

You know that's not a quote, right?

yeah im taking thru the flawed logic of your own inferior mind. the evidence suggests its not accurate and exaggerated every time


aha do it i dont give a shit about your echo chamber

Just the worst echo chamber of them all - the_Donald

im not the one looking for people to make me feel good about my claims

Neither have I...

cause you know im right

Whatever floats your boat buddy

how are predictions accurate when they dont match? how come its not necessary to redo the science for the next prediction? you, sir, are a dumbass

They do match. See here

Currently we can't match the future predictions to anything, because it's the future so we have to wait. But the same predictions have matched so far.

Whether they end up to have been underestimated is rather irrelevant to whether humans have caused climate change.

start at 15 min (a little before if youd like) and watch a couple minutes. this is why you dont only listen to the side you agree with.

Really? Monckton again? He's a well known fraudster.

I can't watch the whole thing as I'm at work, but his bad use of the IPCC graph is explained here.

He makes a comparison to a sine wave, which is clearly wrong as the net value of a sine wave is 0. There's a clear increase in the average temperature graph.

Also is he wearing a MAGA hat?

oh my god he talks about the sine wave and how it has a net value of 0 and youd listen youd know why he brings it up. watch the video im not responding til you refute specific points made. im tired of looking at your shit when you dont even listen to mine

If you look at the previous links about him, they will refute his delusions.

I'm not listening to "your" points because it's an hour long video of a well known liar. Give me a credible source and I'll listen.

This isn't about it being political, it's about bias and motive to lie. But, at least his bias and sponsor are on show.

"whyd he bring up a sine wave? ugh actually i dont even care i dont want to hear his reasoning. uhmm how about like no im not willing to hear a 5 min explanation cause trump:(" hahahaha see ya fucking ignorant smug retard

I was simply responding to the part i was able to watch. I can't watch any more because I'm at work.

Please, tell me his point about the sine wave if it's so important.

And no, it's not just about Trump, Monckton has no credibility anyway.

Don't you get it? The only problem is totally the fact that politicians are in bed with billionaires. Its the politicians that are bad! Surely its not the billionaires, the actual group of people actively trying to consolidate their interests using politicians.

It still baffles me this day how this mess happened. I understand the appeal at electing an outside to stand up to the elite, but... You have a problem with politicians acting in the interests of billionaires so you directly put a billionaire in the white house? Let alone one that inherited his wealth, had daddy had to bail him out and then just making a fortune by selling the family name?

This is pure insanity. And then these people unrelentingly still treat him as a deity when he's got nothing to show for because they think he's eventually going to do something right. Its like they can only see in black and white. Democratic politicians are the bad guys so surely Republican politicians and billionaires can be bad too, right? People need to see the bigger picture, its never just been about the Democrats, if you think that's a case you're just cherry picking what the problems are so you can defend the party you prefer.

People from The_Donald would drink poisoned kool-aid if Trump told them he's waiting on the Hale Bopp comet.

Do u use facebook ? Zuckercuck got his little prick in ya (id say deep but he has white make micro penis syndrome)


Stop talking shit on whole groups of people. That's not what this sub is about and it makes you look like a shill

Trumpet detected.

I'm a Bernie supporter. You a shill?

Not really sure what that has to do with anything I just said.

You changed your comment and then called me out for my reply. What's the matter with you??

You must have replied to the wrong person or something, I haven't changed a thing.

You a shill?

It's common courtesy on Reddit to state what edits you've made to your comment, like I did.

In fact, prob the biggest asshole thing you can do on this site is ninja edit a comment and then lie about it.

Any comment that's been edited has a star next to it. Your comment does... His doesn't.

Yea it was clearly a ninja edit what font you get??

Go back to td.

That is exactly what the sub is about. They hide behind the "meme" excuse only when it starts looking bad but the base of that sub is made up of Trump supporters that somehow legitimately thought he'd put the interests of the common man first. My work is 99% Trump supporters and I hear this sentiment every where. All of them got completely conned. He's not interested in "draining the swamp" and he doesn't give a shit about your less than $40,000 a year existence.

WHAT. THE. FUCK. Stop fucking shilling or go back to to r/politics

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Are the new mods fucking up this sub??

You mean I wasn't there already ???? Could've been fooled these past few weeks

Liberal tears are yummy. Kek

Going to be funnier when people get denied a job because of their browsing history.

You're the epitome of someone who would let Donald Trump shit in their mouth as long as a liberal had to smell it.

We will not bow to the left and their out of touch ideas. Please get kek'd in the mouth

And most still don't.

Or many other subreddits, like this one, having trouble with critically evaluating news stories that might disagree with their own narrative.

A lot of them did actually. The 4channers who spread memes and shitposts everywhere knew he'd be terrible, they just didn't care.

Fucking hell get a room

Apparently nobody in The_Dumbass did.

You could literally argue the same for Clinton supporters.

It's laughable when anyone wants to pretend that either of those two had anything good in mind for the average person.

You might be right, but here's the thing. Republicans have zero illusion of caring for the interests of the common man. Democrats, while not being perfect at least lube up the dildo and go slow. If Clinton was in there at least the two sides would be stonewalling each other's attempts at fucking us. But with Trump it's a 100% free pass to go in dry and fast repeatedly.

You might be right, but here's the thing. Republicans have zero illusion of caring for the interests of the common man. Democrats, while not being perfect at least lube up the dildo and go slow. If Clinton was in there at least the two sides would be stonewalling each other's attempts at fucking us. But with Trump it's a 100% free pass to go in dry and fast repeatedly.

If that were the case, all the shit he's tried to pass would have passed.

I think you vastly overestimate how "put together" you believe either side to be.

I'm talking about the GOP not Trump. Yes Trump has been blocked on his agenda, but anything that republicans agree on just gets rubber stamped by Trump and they are having the time of their life. I will be absolutely shocked if Trump vetoes this. Republicans aren't giving Trump a free pass, but he seems fine with giving them one.

how many democrat senators voted for this bill to sell your ISP info

I'm really glad someone who vote for him is admitting they are wrong. I am very scared that no matter what he does his supporters will go along with him just so they don't have to admit their faults. I don't think he's gonna be the new Hitler or anything but he could really fuck us over despite being a glorified puppet.

Apparently nobody in The_Dumbass did.

Can you imagine if the OP reposted this in The_Dumbass? It would make me all giggly seeing those shills trying to defend their elitist demagogue.

GOP and corporate shills are there subverting that sub. Look at what they did to the 700th club, it's pure gop shilling. Disgusting I'm tired of this matrix.

You are acting like a better candidate was neglected.

No, the only truth here is the other candidate would stonewall republicans and vice versa. Trump will rubber stamp this because he doesn't actually give two shits about being president.

Lets see, when faced with a choice between billionare elite old hag that openly says she is going to do everything you hate, or billionare elite old man that says he will do everything he can for you, which would you choose?

Except the reality is the old man is a pathological liar, yes even worse than the old hag. The real issue though is the old hag would be surrounded by people who hate her and who she hates, so every time they attempt to fuck us over they cock block each other.

The old fucking man was only concerned with winning an election and now wants to just golf all the time, and he lets the real villains aka the Republican Party sell out the American people as fast as they can write the bills.

"worse then the old hag"

No you are wrong, kiddo. He has yet to do anything close to how bad clinton would have done. Open borders vs not letting your internet be anon is not comparable.

Funny you didn't seem too concerned with all the golfing obama did.

That's because Obama's golfing cost us $10 million a year. Trump has cost us $10 million in 1 fucking month. He's going to cost taxpayers 480 million dollars if he keeps this up. That's six times the amount Obama cost us in half the time. Are you ok with that?

We don't have fucking open borders. In fact this entire problem with illegal immigrants was caused by republicans in the first place because they are constantly slashing funding to federal groups, including the ones responsible for keeping illegal immigrants out. You don't know anything at all kiddo. You are quite literally the poster boy for republican ignorance. They cut funding to government programs so they can complain government doesn't work, and you idiots don't realize they caused the problem in the first place.

Santuary cities are the result of republicans huh?

Let's see... republicans cut funding to our border patrol and coast guard so we can't stop them from getting in, then they cut funding to ICE so we can't properly remove them after getting in. So we have to figure out a way to deal with them because Republicans removed our means to prevent the problem in the first place and that's somehow all Democrats fault?

Also good job ignoring the question on Trumps golfing. This is the common response from the right whenever his egregious spending comes up. And they are supposed to be the ones that rail against wasteful spending. What a joke.

And demoncrats ordered these groups to not enforce the law, cutting funding is the same thing as openly saying do not do your job huh?

Not do your job after the problem has been created you mean? You're telling me the person that tells the plumber not to clean up the mess is worse than the person who comes in and clogs the toilet and creates the mess in the first place? If republicans weren't so desperate to break the government to prove it doesn't work we wouldn't even have this issue to discuss in the first fucking place.

WTF I love losing my privacy now!

I was banned for pointing out his Rothschild connections. I was also banned in Hilary, politics and world news sub reddits. Yes, I know such a bad ass. Girls dig it.

And honestly if he DOES veto, it will be under the advisement from TPTB, because there's too much pushback and they won't risk tarnishing his image with all this publicity for the bill, not because he's a fucking hero. Remember that. Because I know every trump supporter is going to go waving the fucking flag that he's on our side if he did veto this bill, they would use that as leverage to beef up his anti establishment image and it's bullshit. Just want to nip that in the bud

Stupid sexy Flanders Donald

Quite sad that people fall for the same crap over and over again.

It's ok to admit you were wrong.

I wish I could afford to give you gold, friend <3 <3

Leopards and faces, people, leopards and faces...

Idk what this means but it reminded me of that movie sleepwalkers...

it's a reference to a tweet

"i didn't think the leopards would eat my face" says woman who voted for Leopards Eating Peoples' Faces Party

What has he done to protect the billionaire elite other then a few of them in his cabinet?

Well I'd give you a list but they're either Russian oligarchs or simply haven't been logged by Mar-a-lago.

Not just trump, all the Republicans

Not just all Republicans. All politicians.

Nah just the repubs for this next few months.

Notice how only the Republicans are voting for this bullshit

Q: How many Democrats voted for this?

The bill passed 215 to 205, with 15 Republicans joining 190 Democrats voting against it.

In other words, zero. Zero Democrats vot de for this.

Seriously, anyone who thinks that the parties are the same should just read through some voting records, including the bills that don't get a lot of media attention. The votes don't lie.

can you read me the bed time story of SOPA, daddy?

Tell me, how many dems voted for that one? I'll wait and check back in a few hours.

Zero. It died in committee.

you did some mental leaps there to avoid saying zero

A hidden "not all Republicans" subliminal message is implied in the reply's over-complicated answer.

I bet we could all name those 15 republicans without even looking it up.

Why wouldn't you just answer the question? ZERO democrats voted for this.

Zero but democrats have supported plenty of other things that are just as bad

But I can't and won't name those "things"

Democrats haven't voted to sell our privacy or DeVos. There's a greater enemy, but we need to start by recognizing all these old white fuckers are treasonous and clearly the biggest issue.

Bringing race into it devalues your opinion.

fuck white people

Fuck does them being white have to do with it?

Wrong, just Republicans.


lol Trump regret is a thing and it's real.


I'm planning a party for my family when the fog clears from the eyes.

Hopefully they are not like my pops who is ever a damn the torpedoes full speed ahead republican.

/R/conspiracy is the definition of trumpgret. I can't decide if all of these posters possess enough introspection to see it.

How about those of us who never supported the fat bald bozo in the first place?

A lof of people that get called "Trump supporters" just didn't want Hillary to win.

I was in this side, I thought it was the lesser of two evils.

But now I'm seeing that it never matters who is up there, the whole president selection process is just to give people a false sense of participation.

I disagree. I saw fanaticism from the right for Trump just like I did from the left for Obama in 2008. I was, sadly, one of those. There were tons of people who thought that Trump would be change.

I don't understand what are you disagreeing with.

Do you think it matters who is appointed POTUS?

I disagree that "Trump supporters" aren't Trump supporters.

Oh I think you misunderstood my comment, I'm not saying Trump supporters aren't Trump supporters.

I'm saying that people would get called a "Trump supporter" just by not supporting Hillary, I understand he has real supporters but plenty of people didn't understand you could think both were bad for the job.

I was leaning a little more for Trump personally but for really selfish reasons, I hate people with smug attitude and braggers, all of my friends were supporting Hillary and acted like I was retarded when I said: "He could win tho".

Election night was pretty awesome in that regards.

Ah, my bad.

I didn't vote this election but I wouldn't hae voted for either. I was just frustrated with both sides

Sadly we were dirty shills a few months ago.

Still waiting for my check. It was supposed to come weeks ago :/

it's still shockingly pro trump. how can conspiracy theorists ever support who is in office-- no matter their political affiliation

Considering they believe in conspiracy theories, it isn't that surprising they couldn't see this coming. - sad but true

shillary paying posters with Soros is real

No it's not. OP is a fraud.

Why would we regret trump? He is still the better choice between him and shillary clinton, who is owned by the Saudis. So no, no regret yet, I hate the system and hate our choices being limited to them, but still miles better then "barely able to stand" clinton.

You mean the Saudis that Trump excluded from the immigration ban?

Exactly. I get people not liking Hillary but that had to of been the dumbest reason to vote for . Sadly, probably the most common.

I always understood people hating Trillary or Hump but never got people activity liking either.

This. I get people not liking Hillary's style, or preferring Bernie to her, but Jesus Christ if you live in a battleground state and didn't vote for her you better redeem yourself in 2018 and 2020.

They won't. They'll buy into the next wave of propaganda.

How about fuck off?
If the Democrats want my vote they need to earn it and there is absolutely no indication that they have learned a fucking thing from this election.

Right now I would vote Paul Ryan for President over any Democrat since they kicked Tulsi out of the party and I want Paul Ryan primaried and replaced.

How about not vote republican or democrat and make the real change that Obama and trump promised?

Wrong, as usual from useless emoprogs like you. Tulsi Gabbard is still a member of the Democratic Party, and Paul Ryan still wants to totally eviscerate the welfare state progressives want to expand.

Your use of alternative facts makes you sound like a Trumpkin, actually.

Tulsi was told in no uncertain terms that the DNC would no longer fund her campaigns for reelection.

They are going to shift to the right because of you. People like you killed progressivism, but you never really cared about it anyway, did you?

I don't even know what progressivism means any more.
If you mean the Cultural Marxism that has taken over the DNC then no, I never wanted that and hope they party dies.

Lol what are you twelve

Also tulsi should be kicked out, with machin, but they weren't and won't be kicked out.

Do you actually think that your vote matters? Keep buying what they sell you if it makes you happy.

The fuck are you smoking LMAO how the fuck would hillary have been even better? jesus christ what the fuck are you even sayin bud thats weird as shit fuckin fail how about mentioning someone who actually gave a shit like stein ROFL :D

Yes, Hillary is the reason the democrats lost. It's time for them to recognize it and do the necessary changes so that such a fuckup doesn't happen again.

You think Hillary would stop this bill? LMAO

1200 up votes? That doesn't happen in this sub unless you're part of the shill force. EVERYONE knows it except you stupid motherfuckers. lol Idiots. lulz

Yes I am part of the shill force. Currently banned from /r/hillaryforprison, r/the_donald and /r/politics. I must be shit at it.

Oh look! 300 more up votes in the last 15 minutes! lmao

You say he's no different than Obama, Bush Clinton? Where is your proof? And I'm not interested in your feelings. Facts only please. (you have nothing)

They are simply put, cunts.

What has Trump done that can be equated to the deep state puppets who have been in charge our entire lives? Did Citibank pick Trump's cabinet too?

Nah, he went with Goodman Sachs this time.

As expected, all you did was say "Frumpfffff!" while foaming at the mouth. I'm supporting Trump until I see EVIDENCE that he's f'n my country over. Your stupid quips and regurgitations of mainstream bullshit means nothing. Now go scream "Cheeto!" from a mountain top, lemming.

But he did employ ex goldman Sachs?

What has he done? If you can't even name one thing then stfu.

It hit r/all you numpty. Or do you really think I'm being paid to Reddit?

Of course it hit /all. Every anti-Trump, bot fueled post does. Are you new here?

Removed. Rule 10.

How's that for conspiracy? Up to 4400 up votes, gradually increasing at an even pace. You'd think with so many people agreeing, there would be more than 7 down votes on my comment pointing out the bot activity.

But Hilary's emails!!!

Are also immensely important as it is merely the surface of the corruption and criminality so prevalent and unpunished in politics.

On a scale though? Barely registers.

Exactly, these trends must exist on a curve. If she was president, they'd be of immense importance. Now, we have more important issues

Colluding with Russia is not important suddenly. Hmph.

That's sort of true, but one of the big advantages that Clinton had over Trump was that Trump has no problem with telling whopping lies. People have a short memory: if Clinton had simply refrained from telling obvious lies during the campaign, this could have been a big talking point for her.

But after the server (where she lied to a judge, though lucky for her not under oath, and to the US public), and after other tiny BS like the pneumonia (the takeaway from that being not "people get sick" but "she lied to us about it twice before she told the truth"), that was demolished as a talking point.

That's pretty stupid, short sighted thinking. If our incarceration rat3 is what it is, surely the system can handle a few more individuals.

Plus that's a completely arbitrary lens that leads to an inevitable slippery slope - and is de facto saying "it matters less when people in government commit crime".

Thank god you don't run a country.

Fuck her for so many things, but not the emails. So many were doing the exact same thing she did by having a server. This a woman who cannot operate a desktop computer for Christ sake. Pick another cause to get her on. Or better yet pick one that actually matter to us now.

Pedophillic pepperoni!!!

So her corrupt ass would be any different?

...still a big deal.

The biggest thing I learned from this last election is how the people have been tricked into thinking they only had two choices.

I guess selling State favors to the highest Arab bidder (which is what the email server was for) is totally fine but Russia rigging the election by exposing the DNC rigging the election is foul play.

Let's ask Anthony Wiener to weigh in on why Huma needed access to all of Hillary's emails while she was SoS.

Did people not know that beforehand?..

AND blind supporters like my brother applaud and pray for his reelection. I'm going to resist being pissed because the Democrats sell out too they just do a better job of throwing the powerless a few crumbs while they screw them.

What planet are you on? Trump is doing an awesome job fighting the deep state and mashing the government work for the people. He has got a long way to go, but he is doing well.


What would happen if you found that you were part of the Deep State all along?

I'm open to new information that might change my opinion but I haven't seen any. If anything, encouraging people to question the establishment is a good way to ensure freedom.

Why the fuck are you kiddos complaining? become billionaires yourself and reap the rewards of the system.

Oh yeah shit I forgot to just become a billionaire.

Fyi Obama Admin this bill was written. If anyone should get shit it's him. Obama has had many problems with wanting to fuck up US privacy protection.

It was introduced by Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on 3/7/17. Not by the Obama administration. It disapproves of an Obama administration rule that protects consumers' privacy. Stop lying.

Lololololol Obama and protecting privacy??? Da faq

Standard tactic of someone who doesn't have an actual reason to believe what they believe. Just act like something is ridiculous without having to bring in any facts.

And just in case you're thinking of bringing up something irrelevant to the conversation, I want to remind you I DIDN'T say "Obama always worked to protect privacy at all times." I said this rule created by the Obama administration protected consumers' privacy.

And just in case you're thinking of bringing up something irrelevant to the conversation, I want to remind you I DIDN'T say "Obama always worked to protect privacy at all times." I said this rule created by the Obama administration protected consumers' privacy.

Learn to accept.

This bill repeals Obama administration protections that were not yet in effect.

Are you saying that Obama wanted the bill to defeat the privacy protections he himself pushed for?

Huh? Maybe there was a misunderstanding, I was driving when I wrote my first message. What I meant was this happened during Obama's administration. Not that's his administration was directly responsible for it (however he did nothing to really help protect privacy throughout his presidency, e.g. NSA empowerment and other intelligence agencies rode to a new high point directly under him)

however he did nothing to really help protect privacy throughout his presidency

Except pushing for these privacy rules that are now being eliminated.

Obama had different privacy priorities. He was okay with NSA warrantless bullshit, which was bad, but he was not okay (or at least much less okay) with corporate intrusions into consumer privacy, which was good.

I'm not buying it. Not in this case, Trump isn't in that club and the government is embarrassing itself wholesale in the effort to make that clear

Shocked. Shocked!

Interference by the corporate elite serving their own best interest at the expense of everyone else is the biggest problem with the current system... but somehow electing the corporate elite is supposed to stop that. Real sound logic there.

If he wants to protect the billionaires, he better repeal this shit. People are already getting money together to buy the representative's internet history.

Stop the fucking billionaire elites. Minus the good ones. The good ones can stay.

I for one, am shocked. Shocked I tell you.

I kind of want to advise all Trump voters from now on, rather than using their own judgment, find a Clinton voter and use theirs instead.

Because we fucking saw this coming a year in advance of it actually happening.

Stop the fake news!

But muh Hillary and her E-shmails

Yeah, I never really understood how his supporters (especially poorer ones) had this idea about him that he would come into office and tear apart the legislation that's enabled him to be the rich guy he currently is. Why the fuck would he hurt himself and his friends and do anything for the middle class and poor?

wew lad, my almonds are activated.

It's wonderful propaganda that so many people believe this bill means shit.

I can buy your information RIGHT NOW from a hundred adware companies.

The three letter agencies have whatever they want on you whenever they want it and so does anyone in the private sector with a few bucks.

Your privacy was gone years ago, it's highly likely that one or more of your devices is infected right now and all your data is being stored in some for profit companies servers.

People would be shocked how easily a person can access everything about them, every google search, every password.

There are companies I can pay $500 to directly target you with attacks to gain access to your devices with you clicking a link in an email, then I have access to everything you are up to.

Preach it.

I'm usually more of a lurker myself, I'd imagine a lot here are usually lurkers too. This topic and the thread got me to comment though; it's genuinely nice to see that this sub isn't absorbed into T_D yet. And, well... this is an issue that should be seen as bipartisan. I sure hope it is treated as such. Whether it had been Trump or Clinton who won, the obligation to their country to veto the bill remains the same.

442,386 readers

1,293 users here now

I mean, yeah?

Try again. Hes done plenty to help the plebs. Turning on coal lower energy costs. Executive order telling the irs to face fuck the obamacare mandate.. loans to small businesses. Buy American tol boost manufacturing. I think you belonf back in r/shillpolitics.
This might be a mistake of trump signs it but it's basically meaningless unless internet privacy laws goo back to pre Kenyan imposter.

What exactly does this have to do with Trump? Has he signed it yet?

The "elite" are trillionaires, not billionaires. The billionaires are mere pawns.

There are no trillionaires.

Yes, there are. The Bush family is one. Rockefellers, DuPonts, and Rothschilds, to name a few. Bill Gates is not the wealthiest... not even close.

The Anderson Trust had $1.2 T in it in 1946. I can only imagine what it is worth now.

it's almost like he literally campaigned on expanding the police state

No. The leftist shilld and CTR are here..

Every 4 year circle is a test to see how much further they dumbed down the masses and how much can they fuck with them.

This was the ultimate test,put a daddy's little billionaire child who never made or earned anything himself besides his family money flying in plane made of gold living in apartment made of gold to solve poor people´s problems. Because who can understand poor people better then a guy who was handed everything in his life by simply being born.

He strongly supports the the bill. He is a mogul, he said that he'd make America great again, not Americans. That means more money for the rich that may or may not trickle down to the rest.

Spoiler alert, it won't.

I wish I could upvote this a thousand times, it never has and never will.

Serious question. Then why do so many people believe it?

Like, what was the research or evidence given that trickle down works on a large scale?

Personally, I know a conservative guy who uses the following anecdote to firmly cement his belief; i forget what year it was, but in the past few decades a luxury tax increase caused sales of yachts to go down, and a company near me that built yachts closed down, and a bunch of people lost their jobs. He goes "if thats not trickle down, I dunno what is."

Does he have a point? Does this argument hold water?

Supply side economics is sort of like economic chemo, at least back when it could work which I will get to. It should be a last resort when there just isn't money changing hands but the caveat there is that you have to ensure that the rich will spend instead of hoarding which they tend to do. It seems to work in the shortest of short bursts and usually only when the tax cuts are given to businesses rather than individuals.

People that buy into supply side economics, without any ulterior motive, tend to believe that myth that Job Creators are the foundation of the economy which is a very bourgeoisie kind of attitude. They believe these high earners are all going to spend their money to hire people or to buy expensive things infinitely as long as they can but as our growing inequality demonstrates they are just going to keep it.

Couple this with trade deals and automation and it becomes unlikely that this strategy can work in modern times. Save some magnate a few million and he doesn't hire more workers or bring back any that were laid off, choosing instead to keep his factories automated or overseas for a fraction of what it would cost for an american worker.

Trickle down in this day and age is simply a way to reroute our money, as the non-elites, up to the top much like countless other things.

He has a point but it's a point illuminating the problem with trickle down...if everyone could afford a yacht the company that builds them doesn't go under

There are relatively few rich people versus not rich people. Yachts are very much a rich people thing. Their market is already targeting a very small group of people, and some rich guy in Wyoming probably isn't going to purchase one making the market even smaller. Additionally it isn't a product that you buy more than one of very quickly so you'd probably have lulls in sales that could last a while.

There are so many things that could have caused that company to go under that it is impossible to blame it on that luxury tax. Heck, some company could have flooded the market with cheap quality yachts and stole all that companies business. Who knows.

Anecdotes are extremely poor sources of information. On net people lost jobs working on Yachts for this specific company, but if that tax money raised went to programs with a larger net impact on employment obviously it created net jobs. Similarly, if spending on Yachts went down and the rich instead bought from more labor intensive sectors that also creates jobs.

Your friend is being short-sighted and self serving. The unemployment can be the lowest in history and I can still find a single person who lost their job when their company shut down. Ideology sustaining anecdotes like that are a dumb way to think about the world.

Serious question. Then why do so many people believe it?


Then why do so many people believe it?

Because many poor people in America don't see themselves as poor people. They see themselves as temporarily embarrassed rich people.

who said that?

Relevant username.

"Wait, that's not rain!"

Is it a spoiler if everyone but the idiots knew?

Real spoiler alert, it did, over and over again, many times in the past.

Ask a Somalian or Venezuelan how their trickle-down is working with their economic systems.

Okay so what's your point by citing two failures as countries? Is this an anti-socialism talking point?

Nah it will, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get that third job... Trickle trickle.


I'm a programmer in NYC who has been client facing iver the past few years to some large company heads and their marketing firms. You can bet your ass that they are salivating over this horrible bill. Most are too computer illiterate to understand what that law will mean for their owm internet history. They dont care; all they want are as much details on our habits as possible to either sell it or justify their cozy jobs.

Hasn't this protection being revoked only been in place for like 3 months?

Reddit, where everyone has an opinion on something they don't understsnd

It isn't even in place yet. Literally nothing at all will change.

It'll trickle down through a few shell companies into a bank account in Panama.

Lol you're not going to fight back. In fact nobody is...

This new bill that has Reddit up-in-arms, is a repeal of a bill that was passed at the ass-end of the Obama administration.

Some effects of the original bill have been in effect for about 3 months, while the important parts of the bill have never even gone into effect.

In other words this whole thing is a dog-and-pony show. This new bill that repeals the old bill isn't some massive sea-change of privacy.

that kinda makes sense. seeing this isn't seriously discussed everywhere, it makes me wonder if this is actually a serious issue.

It's all an attempt to brainwash you and is most definitely not for the benefit of the ISP industry at the expense of customer privacy.

If you really think Trump will not sign this you are in for a big surprise. I doubt that he even cares...

I'm not defending the bill but can't this data collection be combatted with a simple VPN?

I think yes but I don´t know what happens to data that was collected before you start use a VPN

Trump will sign it without even reading it, and then go play golf at Margalapagos this weekend.

He is their Cult Leader. Even if he signs it his Cult followers will stick with him.

Anti Medicinal Marajuana?

Anti Internet Privacy?

So what?

Hence, the Cult.....

Nor do I. I would ASSUME (possibly a mistake) that our data would be protected until this law goes into effect.

I really hope so. The possibilities of how this could be used in a negative way are endless. I can´t understand how someone can support this bill

I'm not sure but I think unless you're also preventing DNS leaks, your ISP can still see what websites you're visiting, even when using a VPN.

soooo we are doomed right?

Not necessarily, you can prevent DNS leaks. Something tells le however that if enough people get educated and start preventing ISPs from accessing this data, they'll find another way to fuck that over.

I literally said the same thing a day or two ago in response to another post of a similar nature. The problem with using a VPN to circumvent the bill is that it's the first step EVERYONE will take to get around it. I don't see the VPN option lasting more than a few months before another law is passed requiring all VPN providers keep up to date logs on all its users, and they must submit those logs when requested by the FBI, CIA, etc. If I was in a position where I would want this bill passed, that is exactly how I would combat people attempting to cover their tracks.

But to answer your question, a VPN is the easiest and most efficient way to cover yourself should the bill pass. Don't think it won't be rectified incredibly quickly though.

Isn't that very scenario why they encourage people to use VPN services that are outside of the US (like AirVPN for example)?

The VPN Private Internet Access has been taken to court and had to prove that they did not keep logs. PIA is located in the US and should be a safe option.

Everyone who really wants their data and web traffic to be anonymous should probably be using TAILS

He's a rubber stamp for Republican passed legislation, and we all know it.

That is the only reason he is still in power, if he start objecting to republican legislation they would destroy him.

I really think he isn't even reading the laws and EOs he signs with his Presidential signature.

If Bannon gives the OK Trump signs.

All he cares about is the photo op of him holding up his signature.

The Reddit Left again chooses what makes the front page.. well done TPTB well done


What's that?

The best Death Grips album, The Powers That B

It's why the Republicans keep silent on any connections with Russia and him. He's a wet dream since he doesn't read anything nor care about anything but will simply rubber-stamp and support whatever they put in front of him. Hell his EO aren't even written by him and he still signs and supports them.

Oh he does care, he cares because it was a provision added by Obama, and he is gung-ho on ending Obama's legacy, no matter what it is.

He would sign a bill giving everyone cancer if someone said Obama signed a bill to stop cancer.

In a less hyperbolic way, that's pretty close to what the proposed Republicare bill was trying to do. Cancer treatment is one of the most crippling medical expenses a person can have, and having cancer without insurance to cover the treatment is one of the main reasons people "die horrible from lack of health insurance".

huh, its 'gung-ho' not 'gun-ho'

learning a lot today.

For what it's worth, he's said he thinks it should be protected just by the FTC instead of the FCC.

Fight back? What are you going to do? Start a whine thread on Reddit? Nobody is going to do shit about it.

Personally, I'm going to take a poop in my toilet.

Does that count?

Beyond that, we'd have to actually organize and vote en masse. But...I still prefer my poop plan. Much easier.

Protests are effective and himmlosing more of his already small support is a good way to protest it.


Should have stopped reading there, but then I made it to "this needs to be said."

Gee, thanks brave internet warrior. I didn't think anybody on reddit had to balls to speak out against this bill but someone has finally done it!

But they're 1337 haxors or something like that, right? /s

There's at least 2 GoFundMe pages created to raise money in order to purchase the web browser history of all members of congress who voted for this bill. Their web history will then be released to the public. They may have just fucked themselves by passing this bill

Didnt trump place a 5 year ban on lobbying. Wouldnt this bill completely go against that? Or did I hear him wrong?

I think there is a good chance he veteos it-

Didnt trump place a 5 year ban on lobbying.

He didn't. Where in the world did you get that from?

He SAID he was going to and, just like everything else he said, it was a lie. He supporters are just too dumb or lazy to actually check if he's doing the things he says he was going to do. For them just that he said it is enough, it's sad really.

The source you linked literally says that it only bans lobbying for the agency you previously worked for for 5 years.

It doesn't do shit to ban lobbying besides make the lobbyist lobby for a different agency.

Reminds me of that lady going on and on about how great her Trumpcare is; except that never passed and what she actually had signed up for was Obamacare.

You people are delusional. He signed the EO just about a week into office.

It only applies to people coming from the government. It has no meaningful effect on lobbying as a whole.

From your source,

"Trump's ethics pledge, issued as an executive order on Saturday, includes a five-year "lobbying ban" that falls short of its name, preventing officials from lobbying the agency they worked in for five years after they leave, but allowing them to lobby other parts of the government."

He didn't ban lobbying, the EO just put restrictions on who could become a lobbyist in very specific situations. I guess ignorance is bliss though.

The claim was never that he outright banned lobbying. That would bring our nation to a grinding halt and nothing would get done. Do you really want Congressmen/staffers being the ONLY people who make very tough decisions? Believe it or not, lobbying does FAR more good than bad.

The claim I replied to was "He didn't." Yes, this EO falls short of a full 'lobbying ban,' but no one ever expected, wanted, or should want that.

Why call it "lobbying ban" at all, when that is clearly not the case?

It's pretty clear that you and the original poster in this comment chain want people to believe Trump's EO banned lobbying for 5 years, I'm just pointing out what it actually did.

In this case the lobbying has already been done, it seems. Lobbying is the part where the ATT reps convince the senate to draft this up.

I hope you're right and he does veto it, but I'm not holding my breath.

To me it may be a red herring. Im not sure how this improves our national trust in government. Thus it may be a ruse to show his ambiguity and solidarity with the people. A tactic to win over the people so to speak. I cant see a single american wanting this accept those that profit directly.

Probably why the dems didn't vote. (they knew it was a trap). He is weeding out the bad apples imo. They didn't fall for it. Yet he still gains support from the people with a veto.

So I don't see why he wouldnt consider it. Unless the home bound terror cells are gsing ground. In which case this is all being done so that intel can ise this information against them. I.e. you looked up anarchy cookbook and shariah. "Makes arrest".

To me we either have a really big problem and this bill is needed to address it. Or its a farce and always was. Money isn't more important then faith in government. Unless the government is asking for faith itself.

Naw the terrorism excuse is bullshit here. With a warrant law enforcement agencies can already access your history. There is no possible security reason for private entities to need your history. And even if they do, fuck them. I take liberty over safety any day.

If Trump has any brains at all he will veto this but from the bottom of my heart I think he might be the dumbest person to ever hold office. I don't think he has any idea what he's doing. He doesn't know how to market himself in this environment, he doesn't know how to effectively manage people that he can't scam or fire, he's been completely neutered because his sleezy, backhanded business tactics aren't functioning Post-campaign. Regardless of whether you agree with his ideas he has not been an effective leader so far. He's just going to listen to the people he trusts which most likely includes Pence and Bannon.

While I fully agree with leo taps. Marketing our data gives them a new vector of exploitation.

I think trumps the best candidate we had. Buisness is war. No owner of any company stood well with a 'fair' mindset. Thus, his practices are inebt to the world which they were intended.

Our congress needs a facelift. While dinosaurs are grandfathered in I feel that he will make the appropriate cuts as they interfere with his plans to reestablish the american grand podium and philosophy.

This will take time. You have to pull the weeds to grow the garden. Rightnow hes the laying the foundation for our future. I feel he has good intentions, great aides, and an effective cabinet. So time will tell.

It would be nice if he veto'd. It would be a wise choice. So again.. Time will tell.

Wtf! he didn't ban lobbying! He banned people lobbying right after working for a department.

What does that have to do with this?

I was asking. All I heard was a 55 year ban on lobbying- Hence the request for clarity;)

If you think Trump gives matters like this anything more than a moment's consideration and a snap decision based on who he's talking to, you haven't been paying attention.

Calling it a decision is pretty generous.

Bro, how many times do we have to explain 11 dimensions of chess? This is all the long term plan man.


All part of the five year plan.

I was elected to LEAD not to READ

I was elected to golf not to uh, got nothing.

Elected to golf, not to solve? Does that work?

/u/rookie1212 has the best brain.

I was elected to golf and pretend I'm Adolf...?

Oh my god...I totally forgot about this line. What a good fit

Ikr, except that giant domes are kinda outside the EPA's budget now :(

Born to bleed. Fighting to succeed. Built to endure what this world throws at me.

And you know that how?

Trump supports this decision. He isn't going to be vetoing it. All this does is apply the law equally across all companies, undoing special rules put in place for specific companies.

This doesn't preclude new (fair) laws being passed that apply equally to all companies handling consumer data.

Motherfucker you don't think Comcast hasn't earned a bit more scrutiny on how they handle our private information?

I mean I know your dad works there, but come on.

That's not how shit works. Just because fuck Comcast.

It's been said that he'll make decisions and parrot lines based on the last person he spoke with. I think it was around the time he went from saying there would be a mass deportation force to a "softening" on immigration to straight up asking a live television audience which he should go with.

Mr. President, here is a bill that was unanimously supported by Republicans and unanimously opposed by Democrats.

"Where do I sign?"

The bill concerns Internet companies collecti....

"Where do I sign?"

Oh and by the way this is repealing a regulation that Obama wrote, so do with it as you will

Be sure to hold it up for the cameras so everyone can see you're such a big boy!

Yummy Cuzyry Gary for the ynrwy

We can buy Trump's browsing history after he signs it into legislation. He uses unsecured devices all the time. They can drag us down but we'll bring him down with us.

Haha. It's a sad and sucky day here in England and that made me smile.

EWw it's wannabe anonymous again

It is useless although I agree 100%. do we resist?

Think what you want about Trump, but that fucking sub is just as damaging to reddit as r/The_Donald

They are all sock puppets and bots.

I think it's funny that people use the counted votes as proof of a bill being passed on party lines.

Trust me the Dems aren't really against this bill and voting like they did gives the American people the perception of difference. The reality is this bill was passed well before the 1st vote was cast.

That's why obama out it in place at the end of his term right....

Do some research next time

It's just like that awful "free" trade deal. The left was set up to fail in their campaign against it, but they were supposed to believe all the while that the Dems would be their salvation. They were never supposed to doubt that... and as long as they didn't, they'd never win.

Meanwhile, the other guy gets in, and IS the actual salvation. Turns out a little skepticism goes a long way.

Fight back how exactly?

Learn how to get involved in a democracy. Don't act so defeated.

I'm sorry, but you voted for a professional scam artist. I'm afraid there is very little you can do at this point save to have him impeached. And the cure might be worse than the disease, actually.

If I had a choice, you would be dead. Waste of fucking skin you are..

LOL. What are you doing on /r/conspiracy? Show me a politician who we would not be better off dead. Perhaps the peanut farmer, though ignorance is bliss.

Removed, violation of rule 4, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

I'm afraid there is very little you can do at this point save to have him impeached.

We can give him a second term

Don't even joke about that.

Tell that to the Dems. Between choosing Perez for DNC chair and grooming a two-faced cunt like Booker for a 2020 run they seem intent on giving him one.

Perez literally asked for the resignation of everyone in the DNC. He's shaking things up...

Here's hoping it's a shakeup in action, not just words.

We can use this as an opportunity to unite the 99%? How long will the disillusionment take to pervade his supporters?

Don't pretend you wouldn't still hate Trump if he denied this bill

I'll be happy if he vetoes it. But I'll still continue to see his actions and intentions now and in the future with skeptical eyes

Not even the point. Its not a popularity contest. It's about you this time. You will love him no matter what.

Trump knows capitalism is dying bc to few people have control or access. He knows we are almost to the time of universal income and technology replacing the majority of the laborers. He's allowing his buddies to stack up before the drop. Either a bunch of people die, the Earth gets ruined... What will happen when 60% of people aren't working.... Will they educate themselves and research, or grow bored and cause trouble? How do we deal with this?

So far it's just putting it off to the next generation/ guy. If you think he'll stand up for net sec when he will save coal rather than be middle class in a post capitalism world, you're insane.

He's not saving coal. Those people are delusional.

No one is going to fight back, you're all keyboard warriors.

Trump is gonna sign it 100%, i been defending him but if he does this he should get the FULL weight of criticism his way, ridiculous bill. And I don't wanna hear Trump supporters pulling any 'whataboutism' with Obama or any BS like that either.

In corporate America, companies buy you. I wish I were joking.

It was a nice internet while it lasted... with this bill and the one killing net neutrality we will have got rid of any chance of organising to fight back.

As a Trump fan I completely agree he should Veto the hell out of this bill.

Would love it if he did, but his handlers will tell him to sign because it cuts back regulations of course.

I'm afraid you might be right, I just think this issue goes beyond party lines and everyone should be concerned with our privacy.

God I hope all of /pol/ turn on him if he lets it go through. I will lose all support for normal politician nr. 346. He's nothing special if he doesn't veto.

That's not how cult members react to shit like this though. It just makes them more devoted.

His biggest test so far. Time to show if he really means business standing up for the people.

I agree with the sentiment, but why are you posting this here?

Let's not pretend we don't know.

Hahahah, this is so sad. The fact that there are people that are still expecting Trump to have meant anything he said during the campaign is just sad. My condolences, OP, you got fucked.

Problem is we all end up fucked.


He was so obviously a con-man. I can't believe so many people fell for it.

He's kicking out illegals and decreasing the national debt. He's doing great as long as your not a cuck.

there's no way he vetoes this.

I don't agree with the bill, but how do you plan on fighting back? With your feelings?

Are you asking or are you sending a passive aggressive message that nothing can be done in a democracy?

No I legitimitely want to know, because I see fashionably dressed hipsters telling to people to 'resist' all the time, but I never see them do anything except occasionally show up at marches with clever signs

One more sub compromised I see!

Must be weird to see something remotely against Trump outside of what you're used to browsing.

Gaslighting on conspiracy? Now I've seen everything.

Hmmm how do we know ur not a S hill?

Im a shill for my own interests :D

Fragile safe space cuck alert

resorted to raxing insults? bahahaha.

when you see what shills are doing, it is natural to assume anyone who have different opinion than you as a shill.

Unfortunately I don't have to be paid to dislike this legislation. I wish I was, since it might make it easier to stomach.

He signs and looses my vote for second term!

I don't believe you.

Why? The politicians were bought? He says he can't be bought. He signs he's bought.

You don't trust bought politicians but you're considering voting for the guy that buys them?

That's some garbage logic dude.

Your just going to vote R again like you always do. But fuck my lib tearz

YEP everyday.Don't like people killing babies and all. Thats all it takes to have my vote

Tweet this and you know he'll read it

you have to tweet it at him or get fox news to tell him, nothing else works. Make sure you point out how this is his chance to drain the swamp.

*how this gives him an opportunity to make it look like he's draining the swamp

I am less than impressed with the swamp draining...if anything, seems like a lot more swamp. HOW does violating individual privacy help drain the swamp? or fight the establishment? or do anything good for anyone, regardless of political affiliation?

that's a good idea. but that is nothing but insulting. it should be a bit more respectable to take it seriously. it feels like they are mocking him.

Agreed, should have appealed more to his ego in the note, not the reader.

Fight back?


And why is he the president in the first place?

There's no conspiracy here. This is a shit post just looking for cheap karma, so it deserves a shit comment.

Just how will you fight back? By making electing him a second time?

Those second amendment folks?

Not a chance in the world. People stop voting these guys in!!!😵

Didn't he already support it?

No one who is not in the know can take any info out of this post and be smarter. I literally have no idea what the post is about.

Fuck Trump, he ain't gonna do shit. Already indicated he supports the bill.

His luster has worn off. Sessions saying weed is just below heroin on a scale of terrible drugs is an absolute farce. Putting a Goldman Sachs schlub on his payroll is a slap in the face to America. And if this passes, he will prove he is no different than any of the previous presidents.

still better than Hillary, but goddamn.

You had me until "still better than Hillary"

As bad as he has the potential to be, she would have been an absolute nightmare.

I disagree. Shes awful and ignorant and it pained me to vote for her, but she would have been the one opposition to a republican controlled government

Political discussions usually turn into a pissing match with no winner, so I agree to disagree. The last 8 years have not been much fun. I sincerely hope he turns out to be decent, but at this point I don't have much hope. As a country we are fucked unless we can literally start over with all the puppets in Washington. Anyone who gets that office, is going to be a carbon copy of the last group, with maybe a couple differences.

She would have vetoed this

I don't particularly believe that. Money is money and she was as hungry for it as he is. Even if its vetoed, I don't buy for a second that the info still wont be sold. It would be a placebo for the masses to shut them up.

So, literally no amount of evidence can convince you to change your beliefs?

Can't be convince if you don't want to be.

With as much shady shit as I read about, I have 0 faith that anyone in the govt is looking out for the american people. Wagering that there must be some up there that are genuine, the machine is so ingrained in its own shit, that they will either end up dead, or those who really running the show will push them out.

That said, my views can absolutely be changed. But I don't trust any of them, because they can do some atrocious things, and just apologize and everything is forgotten. Its disgusting on both sides of the aisle.

Okay but this bill removes a rule that Obama created. Why did Obama create the rule in your opinion and why would HRC want to undo it?

You didn't present evidence. Why are you leaping to the assumption that the other guy can't be turned by evidence?

Check this out:

Before saying that evidence doesn't matter, consider whether it's worth your while to retreat into a state of pure Cartesian doubt.

As someone who supported Obama before he killed the antiwar movement and turned his back on his promises of transparency... I don't believe you.

Buttery males.

Well, to be fair, Donald Trump doesn't have a vagina.

Are you suggesting op is gay?

Hillary is the most corrupt candidate to have ever tried for the office. That woman destroyed nations, and we were thinking to reward her with the highest office of ours? Hillary Clinton had the gall to run on her experience!

Is he though? He did everything you guys said would be bad with Hillary, but doubled down. He broke every single one of his campaign promises. The markets are volatile, on the brink of collapsing if the next executive order is about anything remotely related to imports tariffs, which would probably cause a recession, what the fuck is better?

With as much as I have read about the Clinton Foundation, her extremely long run in politics and her connections make her much more dangerous. This is going to sound bad, but in this day, its no longer who is the best for the job, its who is the lesser piece of shit or who can lie the best. He won that one as far as I am concerned. But it doesn't change the fact that enough people we don't hear about have enough money to buy whatever they want from whoever sits in the hot seat.

Trump talked a good game, got himself in office, and now, everything gets tossed into the wind, and he can do what he wants. Hillary would have done the same thing.

He connections make her effective.

Trump's unproven ties to Russia are treasonous, but Clinton's proven ties to Saudi and Russia make her effective. You people are genuinely unbelievable.

False equivalence

Effective yes but effective at what? She could do just about anything she wants, and what she cant do in the public eye, she will get some govt entity to do behind everyones backs.. Ever see the death list attributed to the Clintons?

Which country was it she destroyed in the Middle East? Are we supposed to ask, or are we to ignore that? Her connections made her quite effective for that. Yes, effective indeed! This is why efficacy is not the last judgement of man.

Imports tariffs wouldn't cause a recession. They'd likely cause growth. You're inserting rhetoric. Are you aware that as a foreign policy position certain nations are allowed to set up protective tariffs while they build their manufacturing basis? Mercantilism was always done because it worked, as painful a realization as that has been for me. (Farewell, Bastiat's The Law. I will always love you; I will not forget you. Someday I will have your answer.)

I'm not gonna speak to anything outside of this particular bill, BUT I do think Hillary would have been far more likely to veto this. Maybe for the wrong reason (because it's a GOP bill) but I'd feel better if this was on her desk right now.

You know what would be nice? Someone who gets in there who isn't paid for or can't be bought. I don't trust any of them. I identify more with what conservatives want, but dems have some solid ideas too. Its just too bad that its all a theater act.

No kidding.. To be fair to the Senate at least, I think almost all of the votes in favor of this bill were Republican senators. I am certainly not going to forget that in 2018. For some reason the more malicious corporate lobbies (oil, telecom, etc) have clung to that side of the aisle. Not to say by any means I think the democrats are innocent. They're corrupt too, I just think they have either a better understanding of some of the issues or just a stronger moral compass.

I used to think republicans had a strong moral compass, but it turns out they invoke God when they want a majority of citizens to align with them, and then they line their pockets. Democrats seem to invoke societies bleeding heart for equality, then they line their pockets. They are all full of shit.

I'm in the sad position that my very short list of "I think these politicians are actually honest" is 3/4ths socialists. I'd still rather live under a government built upon a core of my honest politician list than our government as currently constituted, but ultimately that's a judgement on my part that honest politicians are probably more valuable to my goals than ideologically aligned politicians.

still better than Hillary, but goddamn.


fuck that guy forever if he literally sells us out

I feel like #trumpgret is on the rise, time to invest.

I bet you it isn't. They're cult members, they're going to become even more devoted, not less.

he dont have any balls

"We will fight back" but how? Calling my representative? Yeah that does a lot. Bitch on Reddit? Circle jerks are fun, aren't they? Wait to vote out my rep for someone who will represent MY interests? LOL keep dreaming. All senators and Reps (cept Bernie and Warren) do whatever the people with money want or what their party wants. We don't have a democracy. We've never had a democracy. We have the illusion of democracy in order to replace the dying influence of religion over the mass of civilization. Religion has been the way rulers control the people. Now it's dying out because collective intelligence has increased and more than enough people now know that religion is just a bunch of bullshit. But the morality that religion forced on people's behaviors is dying out too. "Voting" for people to represent "our" interests is the biggest lie that's ever been told to people. We have no control and only a little faith that who we vote for, will at least keep our heads above water. But now we are starting to drown. These people are sinking our country as fast as the money can be shoved in their pockets. I sometimes wonder why? Is it really just pure greed by many many or is there something darker, more sinister at play. What if they knew a life destroying asteroid was headed toward earth and would be here in 2040ish? I bet life would look a lot like it did now. Those who knew, trying to get as much as they can now. Not telling the world so that we ca live normally for as long as we can before descending into anarchy


Post this to T_D.

... and get banned

Their safespace is probably celebrating that "liberals are so triggered right now lol!" Remember what Sessions says about weed. They're in complete denial about that. But yeah, you'll get banned because that subreddit is the biggest safespace on Reddit. (Banning unpopular opinions = safespace, sorry)

Okay I haven't seen it posted.... how do we protect ourselves from here on and how do we fight this?

  1. Get VPN

  2. Vote

Voting won't do anything, previous admin did the same. it is like same story different party.

Bullshit, this was purely partisan bill, virtually no Democrats voted for it. And even if couple of them did they should be out on their ass just like the rest of the scum.

This whole "we WILL fight back" shit is all bull. you're not going to do shit , watch

Getting involved in your democracy? Look what happened when people got involved when their healthcare was threatened. This bill came out of fucking nowhere. Nobody had a chance to react and none of the media outlets covered it. It's not easy but getting involved in your democracy is how you "fight back". Don't be such a defeatist. You may be a quitter with no spine but don't be a little prick to those with who have one.

What happens the last time half of these redditing conspiritards got involved in politics? Oh that's right, Trump was elected.

Lol not only will nobody fight back, they won't fight ever fight back. We're all too fat and lazy with too much luxuries to lose.

It won't happen. We are all completely fucked until we can get him out. And even then it may be too late.

Yeah trump doesn't give a shit about anyone other than himself and other rich fuckers.

Vote for the Face Eating Leopards Party, brehs.

Where my Liebertarian Dudebros at?

Dear tools: They already spy on you via your TV and smartphones. You never had privacy to begin with.

Dear Dumbass: Not everyone has smart TV or uses the phone to browse the internet.

I think you missed the point bud.

Also add your computer by the way.

We are talking about paid essential service that allows you to connect to internet. It is as simple as that.

For everything that you are mentioning there are alternatives, and most of that software is free to begin with. No one is beating you over the head to use it.

We are all followed online by Google Facebook etc . Who gives a fuck really about this. If they can offer cheaper rates and sell my info then ok. As long as I have a choice

I see that official spin story is ready, to bad that is miserable pile of shit just like everything else, coming form T_D

This is my own thoughts nothing to do with trump ..Canada has same law that past awhile ago . I live in Canada and i don't really care about them selling info to advertisers . I love how Facebook feeds me relevant ads

Here is the thing, no one is beating you over the head to use Facebook or Google there are alternatives out there. Most importantly they don't charge for any of their software or services.

ISP's on the other hand do charge! A lot! And you can't even get online unless you are using their service. So in real world not they have complete monopoly over communication networks. Last time I checked there are laws against it. On top of that they get 10s of billions of dollars of our tax money to upgrade their networks. Yet instead of spending that money on introducing fiber optics for example they show it in to politicians and executive pockets.

Do you see difference now?

Sorry. I forgot America has no options for network. We have lots in Canada and I use one thats the cheapest. I'm not really worried about advertisements. Im more concerned about governments and they got us already.

That's a pretty disgraceful attitude for this sub.

LOOOL as if you thought he was ever fighting for you. Unless you're very wealthy he doesn't give a shit, sorry to say.

r/conspiracy became r/pizzagate, therefore it became a pro-Trump sub. They're just proving it even further now, dropping the act.

Whatever Alex Jones says.

I wonder what they'll make of Trump meeting at Mar-A-Lago with Dershowitz yesterday given his prominent position in the Pizzagate universe:;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=relevance&amp;t=all

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Im a big Donald trump fan but if he doesn't stop it I think even T_D would have trouble defending that

If they can't use mental gymnastics to spin it into a positive they'll just start suffering from selective amnesia

They will because it's a circlejerk. That's what they do best.

Eh let it happen. This sub literally got us into this shit with trump in the first place. Bring it all down, I don't care if trump doesn't sign this, I don't care if there another 9/11

This is pointless. The White House already said they will sign

How will you fight back exactly? Burn some more shit? Riot? Put on a pink hat and shout imginary tales of opression again?
What is the plan here?

No we should wear red hats and complain that white males are the most oppressed group in America.

What would that have to do with protesting this bill? Shit joke bro lol

Nah the shitty joke is the one about the overgrown circus peanut running the country

As a long time trump supporter I will take away my support if he allows his. The fact that the government can sell our info is absurd. It is not only a human right but our OWN property, not the NSA. All of the spying that the government has been doing is stealing our info without permission and it makes me sick.

So you agreed with him destroying the country, but don't touch my browser history? This is just fucking gold.

Empathy for others isn't in their programming.

Hiding lolicon search history is, though... remember, this presidency took Shape on 4chan.

He should have lost your support way before this.

I guess dead navy seals in Yemen don't impact you as much as someone seeing your browsing history.

How about thrusting us into war in Syria?


You only feel empathy after your personally effected? That seems to be a common trait among Trump supporters.

Its because most of them are so far down the Autism spectrum that empathy just isn't in their genes.

I don't know that making diagnoses is appropriate but I do find it frustrating how often you see it play out that way.

so, do you still support him?

"you can't beat city hall."

'Cause everybody's rock'em sock 'em robots.

He works for the Telecom lobby. You still haven't figured out everything he said was a lie? Want to buy a bridge?

Are you trying this in r/conspiracy because T_D won't have it?

There's exactly one post about it, in "rising", and the top comment is: "Pretty sure this bill isn't what everyone thinks it is and we're all over-reacting."



Bush passes PATRIOT Act, allowing broad unchecked surveillance of Americans: "We're cool"

Obama strengthens the PATRIOT Act and passes law allowing for intelligence agencies to freely share your information: "It's all good"

WikiLeaks releases proof the CIA spies on everyone: "Meh"

Trump passes bill allowing companies to buy your internet browsing history: "WE WILL FIGHT BACK1111!!!"

I think with the patiot act and such, there was an assumption that surveillance was being used for security purposes, not profit, which allowed people to rationalize and forget about it.

This is straight up people i will never see, making money off of MY personal infornation. That is super fundamentally wrong in multiple levels, and theres no justification for it other than making money.

I think with the patiot act and such, there was an assumption that surveillance was being used for security purposes, not profit, which allowed people to rationalize and forget about it.

This is a bit of a red herring. You can rationalize anything, the point is that people don't really care about legislation taking away our privacy. All they care about is drumpf.

So because you think people don't care (which a lot do, most of reddit has been anti NSA ever since Snowden) about privacy, that makes this bill right. It's damn near impossible to know everyone's motivations for supporting or not supporting legislation. So now it's time to use our own brain and stop bringing the hypocritical joke that is current American political discourse into the argument. "They just don't like Trump" or "Fuck whatever Trump is doing". Who gives a fuck? Time to stop rooting for a sports team. Trump already won the election, what matters now is the decisions he makes. Don't look at what your neighbor is doing. Are you okay with the government selling your private information?

People do care about privacy. People caring about privacy was part of why Trump got elected in the first place. Obama backstabbed his activists by campaigning on transparency and civil rights, then abandoning those ideas in office to expand the surveillance state. Obama's activists in turn responded by subsequently becoming activists for Trump.

Except the people who've been here through all of that never supported any of those things. A Skeptical mind questions everything.

you think there's a single poster here that is OK with the PATRIOT ACT or massive NSA surveillance programs? I don't understand the point of your post

Just another desperately stubborn Trump supporter

I protested all of those things. I know republicans are giant hyper-triggered pussies lacking any kind of ideological consistency but some of us Americans really do have backbones.

why do trump supporters always bring up past politicians when orangefuck fucks something ups? why cant they just own up to the fact that the man is a giant fuck up without trying to deflect on some other politician?

That retarded orange cunt traitor isn't even aware of it. Just another paper to sign for daddy Bannon.

Finally someone on r/conspiracy jumps at trump. Why you thought he'd be any different for you were working for him before. Glad he hit on an interest for some people who could do something....why wait I say. Rinse and repeat Donny in action. He wouldn't want someone here or on Wikileaks to hack HIM. Could have actual evidence. He'll wanna know. So will Putsy ;)

Conspiracy having a crisis of confidence. Mmmm. Who could've known.

Where actual conspiracies are ignored in favor of a picture someone posted to 4chan.

Dude they are going to bring down 4chan any day now


Conspiracists have always been Don Quiote types chasing Windmills. Right kidn of idea, but they're totally off base chasing phantoms.

We all know you won't fight back, unless you count complaining about it on the internet as fighting. I agree that this bill is bullshit, but stop making empty threats that aren't possible to follow up on.

I thought this sub supported Trump....

I haven't been in this sub for a while. Is this a fluke or did we take this sub back from the_donald?

It's a fluke.

Top post tomorrow: "Hillary Clinton confirmed to be lizard who raped kids in Piazza joint basements, Congress should investigate that instead" -Brietbart news

redirect your rage!

Cmon, dont act like you know what those oddly worded emails from John Podesta were about.

I will loudly downvote your comment that doesn't add to this discussion and claims an assumption that is certainly not shared by many in r/conspiracy, Alex Jones included

Cool, and Ill call you a tool lacking critical thinking. Also, who is Alex Jones and what does he have to do with the email leak that was acknowledged by Democrats as being true - thus the firing of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile. So which is it, the emails were fake or not? If they werent, why is John Podesta going to Spirit Cooking events and using terminology the FBI considers peophile related?

I dont expect to hear from you again ROFL

"Top post tomorrow: "Hillary Clinton confirmed to be lizard who raped kids in Piazza joint basements, Congress should investigate that instead" -Brietbart news"

Thats adding to the conversation? Lol bias AF.

The word is called "context"

Neerk's comment was humorous sarcasm.

Considering how often this subreddit and others repost Breitbart and act like they are the gold standard in truth telling, the comment does indeed add to the conversation. As many of us have seen such events happen.

If your comment was meant with sarcasm, I will take back my downvote and snort air with a humorous tinge

Can't we hate both parties and their scumbag candidates?

We can sure hope it's ours again.

When this gets passed I bet 4chan turns on him and then T_D will be fucked without its most powerful autists.

its a fluke that happens when a thread hits R/all. typically very right wing sub that bristles at the influx of non conformists

It's a fluke, sub still sucks

Removed. Rule 10.

So you guys literally have become T_D. Congrats. What a fucking joke. Take your censorship and shove it.

Once this post dies down you'll start seeing posts about how everyone in this thread that doesnt love Trump is actually a shill and should be removed from the sub.

This sub is such shit now. This post has nothing to do with conspiracies. This isn't politics dude

Lol look at you. You sad your Trump daddy isn't going to actually drain the swamp? Open your eyes and see the truth for what it is. He's a conman and he played us BIG time.

Holy shit, govement surveilance of your browser history isn't a conspiracy? Go back to whatever sports team you followed before falling for trump. They may lose, but they won't fuck you in the ass for it.

No it isn't.

con·spir·a·cy kənˈspirəsē/ noun noun: conspiracy; plural noun: conspiracies

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Now stfu pleb.

Yep, OP's 15-day old account is a concern troll, probably Sharia Blue or just a useful idiot. Facebook and Google have been harvesting this info for years, why is it ok for Obama's blue friendly corpos but not others?

Why do 2nd Amendment advocates fight so vehemently against ANY gun control nomatter how miniscule? Because they perceive it as a potential flood gate to bigger controls.

That's how we should have looked at privacy and big data. But it's much too late now.

Also if you didn't want FB or Google to get your data, you didn't have to use them. But there's next to no competition with ISPs, so what's to be done short of spending more money on VPNs?

** reads thread about wealthy using influence through Republican party and (stupidly naive) president to force through anti-privacy rules removal for surveillance and money **

bruv that ain't a conspiracy, it's jsut concern trolling lmao /r/politics for the loose

** reads yet another pizzagate thread **


Yep, this 15 day old account is a concern troll.

You have no idea what a conspiracy is dude. That shit ain't no conspiracy. It's nothing but ISPs being able to do what Facebook does. Oohhhh some conspiracy


On the one hand, I want to upvote you for sporking a terrible argument. On the other hand, I actually suspect that people who like sports are dumb. You get your upvote. Can I get reasons to doubt my stereotype of sportsballers? I'd rather not think of people as dumb.

It's been hijacked, notice how this one super politicized post about nothing "conspiracy" is on the front page? LOL

Shit political post

You know will be a good test of the sub right now? A post about Monsanto or the oil industry.

Fucking Monsanto, man. Nobody likes them unless they're paid to like them. Even their business partners bitch when they're off the clock. The oil industry looks good by comparison.

I agree! Now back to Pizzagate!! /s

r/the_donald defectors aren't even hiding the fact they took r/conspiracy over anymore, it's hilarious.

He campaigned as a proponent of this stuff.

eye roll.

Guys, you really earnestly believed that this man wanted to help YOU ?

Like, really really ?

Yes they did - I think future employers should have a "Did you vote or support Trump?" employment section. Just below the "Are you a felon" section.

I guess appointing Ajit Pai wasn't enough of a clue for Trump supporters

Conspiracy has been shilled

No shill, no shill, you're the shill!

Completely. This is such a propaganda post, complete with "former Trump supporters" and all. And it's a purely unconspiritorial post is r/conspiracy. It's so transparent, but I wonder how many redditors actually notice.

I bet you're still gonna be saying that after he demolishes privacy, healthcare, welfare, economy with tax cuts, environment, and his approval ratings drop to 5%. Even then, the remaining 95% of US population is paid shills, and all former Trump supporters only voted for him so they could shill as "former trump supporters"

Wtf is this comment? Do you realize that you don't have to have actually voted for Trump to claim to be a former Trump supporter. It's called lying, and it can happen even here, on the internet! Btw, I was in the trenches during the Great Meme War, I know shilling when i see it.

Are you legitimately mentally challenged? I don't want to insult someone who can't help it, but, damn dude.

I don't think I'm mentally challenged and I doubt my firm would pay me so much if I were. I have to admit that I have my doubts about you, though. This comment especially makes me wonder about your capacity for rational thought:

all former Trump supporters only voted for him so they could shill as "former trump supporters"

I doubt my firm would pay me so much if I were

lol are you seriously bragging about your salary on an anonymous forum? Whatever helps you sleep at night.

It does help me sleep at night knowing that I am almost certainly more successful and have a better life than the morons who insult me on an anonymous forum.

Ah so you and Trump are a lot alike. You think having money and a good job makes you successful even when everyone hates you and you can't deal with criticism well.

Oh no, a bunch of anonymous libtards who live in their mom's basement hate me! How will I live with myself?

Nah dude the whole world minus 60 million people hate you and all oblivious, unintelligent, hateful Trump supporters.

The only hate I see is from anonymous random people on Reddit. The people I talk to in the real world are far more calm, rational, and decent. I understand why so many are frustrated; they spend tons of money on a useless degree and then end us serving people lattes for a living. I just don't typically have to deal with or talk to people like you, except for when I'm on Reddit. Its entertaining in small doses.

SPEZ: I just did a brief look through your comment history, and my lord you are one hateful person! Constantly insulting people and calling them unintelligent. You really need to get off Reddit for a while and turn off the propaganda on the TV, it can't be healthy for you.

Yeah, you caught a troll

Er, not to step on your circlejerk, but it seems like a pretty low-key to handle criticism. You're complaining that this guy is too centered to rise to bait.

I mean, it obviously worked. His next reply to you showed that you succesfully got him to rise to your bait. It was still scummy of you.

Hey I learned it from our dickbag president. If we want a society of civility, vote out the asshole who made up cheap baiting nicknames for his opponents instead of debating policy.


Okay Manager at Wendys.

Go back and re-read the username above the quote you're attributing to me.

If you're still having doubts about either one of us, then you can probably get some tests done to find out.

Your salary from the "firm" should cover it, if not there's a great program that will help make it affordable.

If you want more info, just let me know and I'll try to point you in the right direction.

Removed. Rule 4.

The truth comes out: no one shilled harder than the army of incels from T_D. You guys have perfected The science of hypocrisy.

Do you understand what the term "shilling" means?

The Google definition:

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others

If you're implying shilling requires payment, I disagree.

What makes you think that the Trump support you have seen is in any way "an act?"

Because the only real way someone could support that woefully unqualified, immature man to be president is if he or she is extemely unintelligent.

If you believe that, then I have to also believe that you're the one who is unintelligent. I voted for and support Trump, therefore you consider me unintelligent. But you actually have no idea whether I have gone to better, more selective schools than you or whether my profession requires more intellect than you are capable of. So basically, your silly assumption shows that you are likely unintelligent.

Nothing else matters anymore. The one way to tell if someone is extemely unintelligent these days is if they somehow thought Trump was fit and qualified to be president of the country. How he acted wouldn't get him hired as a Walmart greeter. But Trump supporters are so extremely unintelligent because they lack a part of their brains that detects very obvious bullshit. He was constantly extemely immature, unprofessional, often didn't know what he was talking about and his whole campaign was unpatriotic ("make America great again" means "America is not great"... that's unpatriotic as fuck!) Takes real unintelligence to somehow think that is good for the American presidency.

Basically just a wordier "no u."

It was more than that. It was pointing out that the statement was made from a position of profound ignorance. The other person was saying that from one fact, they could determine the intellect of the other person. This is an astounding claim, and its vapidity implies that the person uttering it is stupid.

No, it's very obvious and well known that people who thought Trump was fit and qualified to be president are extremely unintelligent.

You know man, if you think "better, more selective schools" are the measure of intellect, then sigh, I've got bad news for you.

"Btw, I was in the trenches during the Great Meme War..."

That might be the single most cringeworthy thing I've seen anyone post on the internet. The lack of self-awareness is nearly soul-crushing.

Your soul must already be crushed. It's really that hard for you to reach out of your bubble and understand someone else's POV? Try to figure out what it's like to be the people you're talking to. Try to figure out what their causes feel like from the inside view. That's how you can understand their issues and find a way forward that's good for everyone.

Honestly, what are you talking about? I didn't mention my political leanings, my approach to the world, etc. While your little PSY101 lecture here is adorable, and I appreciate your concern, you're reading too much into a very simple post and projecting.

The statement "I was in the trenches during the great meme war" is a perfect illustration of a particular kind of myopic, self-important worldview. These are the people for whom the sycophantic hero-worship runs deep. They will eventually move on from such garbage, hopefully, and then we can have a nice discussion, all full of hugs and empathy.

I know shilling when i see it.

You see shilling everywhere, you senile old 'vet'.

Remember a few months ago when this subreddit was pumping out anti-hillary posts faster than the_Donald? But of course, that wasn't propaganda, but this is.

You're exactly right. That wasn't propaganda because there were tons of interesting Clinton related conspiracies. This is just a straight up political shill post. Completely different, surely you can see why.

Because it's against your narrative?

I don't have a narrative. Even if I 100% support a veto of this bill, its still clearly a shill post.


What kind of evidence would you expect to see? Shilling is nearly impossible to prove with evidence as long as they don't screw up, seeing as we are all anonymous. And I think you know that, so why ask? But lucky for you, I sat in on the ShariaBlue meeting this morning, I'll upload a video soon.

It's been five hours. Where's your video?

Still uploading, give it a sec.

Nah, you're full of shit

I'm being stalked on teh interwebs! HELP!

We know you're mentally deficient enough to need a safe space away from any criticism, but try taking the cock out of your ass and using whatever remaining brain matter you have to conjure a single coherent thought.

I believe in you!

Your manner of speech and hostility is oddly similar to some Rockfreedom fellow I was conversing with earlier. Do you two happen to be related?

Removed. Rule 4. First Warning.

I think you were getting an equivalent of "people can say anything online, and they very often do." It was a reminder that you're making vapid demands for evidence when you already know that it isn't there.

What does it even signify to call it "ShariaBlue"? It seems like a really stupid way to try to demean something since it has literally no coherent content behind it.

They oppose all opposition to Islam. Islam supports Sharia. Anyone who opposes all opposition to Islam provides support for Sharia law. Therefore, by their inability to have nuances in their pro-Islamic position, Shareblue supports Sharia, and calling them ShariaBlue is a logical outcome of their present policy positions. The name ShariaBlue spreads awareness of something that is true.

No its not dude! People on the Internet overwhelmingly want Internet privacy. Why is that so shocking to you?

This thread is hilariously plastic. Yes, it reflects general internet opinion, but this thread in particular is hilariously plastic. This forum is veteran at spotting this shit.

No this forum is paranoid and thinks it's always that, but it's not always that and it certainly isn't this time. This is t he perfect post title for everyone who believes in conspiracy shit to read, agree on, be pissed off about and upvote.

I don't know if you're trolling here, but come on man.

Just because it implies something negative about trump doesn't mean it's a shill post. And even if it was guaranteed a shil, you can still agree with one. You don't have to drink the Kool-Aid to know what color it is.

So you're saying that Trump doesn't have any interesting conspiracies of his own? Nah you're just a partisan hack

Not nearly close to the scale of the Clintons. I've certainly entertained the thought, but most Trump conspiracies seem shallow and artificial. If you know of one that you find interesting, by all means I'd look at it with an open mind.

So you haven't heard anything about his pay to play with foreign governments? His close friendship with that billionaire pedophile who's host sex parties on that island (same one that Bill would attend kind you). His close ties with the mob during his New York building phase that allowed him to be bypass permitting?

Those are all conspiracies, but here are facts: he doesn't want to release his tax returns, many of his campaign cohorts and current members of his administration have had unsolicited meetings with Russian ambassadors and Russian businessmen that are under US sanctions. Not only that, but they LIED about having those meetings under oath. He's screwed a fucked people over on his way to the top, especially small contractors and low income families (trump university).

Don't get me wrong, Hillary was a fucking mess, but to say that there isn't ANYTHING suspicious with Trump is and I'll say it again, being a partisan hack.

It's time to start questioning Trump because he is our government now, and dissent is the highest form of patriotism

I think that you might be forgetting that this is now /the_donald_lite. Facts don't make this place better, lose unsubstantiated baseless claims make it better. It is almost perfect for DJT supporters.

So you haven't heard anything about his pay to play with foreign governments? is close friendship with that billionaire pedophile who's host sex parties on that island (same one that Bill would attend kind you).

I read about those and when I dug into them I realized there was nothing of substance.

His close ties with the mob during his New York building phase that allowed him to be bypass permitting?

Haven't read about that, but I will.

It's time to start questioning Trump because he is our government now, and dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

I agree, but I think its important to be smart and aware. There are groups of people who brainstorm and make up stories to make Trump look corrupt and suspicious. It pays to keep an open mind and not just assume someone is corrupt because you have seen a few stories about them. They could do that to literally anyone who becomes President.

You have fully expressed how you feel about Trump conspiracies generally, but to get back to this post. Do you feel that Trump passing this bill is in your best interests? Does this jive with his "drain the swamp" campaign promise?

I'm against anything that can track and sell my browser history, but the bill isn't nearly as black and white as most people make it seem. If you want a genuine conversation about the pros and cons of the bill, here is (somewhat ironically) one of the only places you can get that:

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I read through that post, and a bunch of the comments. I think it's a good idea generally to look at both the pros and cons. My concern is all of the "pros" arguments were trash. IDGAF if republicans feel the move was an Obama power grab. The legislation affects me regardless of what politicians feel about it. If some bill is having a positive effect of real people, but the bill was signed in a power grab, then I am pro-that-bill. The power grab argument is the most moot of moot points. The only other argument in the "pros" sections refers to ISPs feeling they are unfairly regulated. IDGAF about what ISPs feel. I stand for personal privacy regardless. The argument from ISPs seems to be ".....but Facebook", and my reply is two fold 1) I'm also against Facebook selling data. Pointing out someone else violating my privacy does not justify ISPs violating my privacy. 2) ISPs can do this on a much larger scale than Facebook. Facebook can only collect data about what you post on FB, what you liked on FB, etc. ISPs collect data on every website you have ever visited. Every anti-government site you visited will be seen by the government. Facebook does not have that power.

If you have any other "pro" arguments which you think will actually have a positive impact on my life, I'd love to hear them.

I don't. Like I said, I agree and don't think any company should be able to sell a user's data (including Google, Amazon, etc.). I wish that were the law, but its not. I can see some merit to the "unfair competition" argument and the fact that you can opt-out, but I still dislike it and would be happy if Trump vetoed it.

Well it seems are are in agreement on this one. This goes in the same catagory as TTP, where both the left and right actually agree on an issue. I just want you to be fully ready to backpedal your 'There are no real conspiracies of merit surrounding Trump' claim if he does not veto this bill. The people on the left and the people on the right agree that this should be vetoed, so who agrees it should be passed? Corporations/governments who want to spy on their citizens, that's who. How does that relate to the "drain the swamp" campaign promise (another thing both the left and the right agree on)? If I was a betting man, I'd say he will pass this bill, and put to rest any still clinging to the belief Trump will drain the swamp.

That's where we differ. I think he may not veto the bill if he thinks it will help him get more important things done in the future. Whether he chooses to veto this or not has nothing to do with conspiracies or draining the swamp, in my opinion.

Well since this is /r/conspiracy, let me detail the conspiracy. (All contingent on him passing the bill, and I'm aware we agree on the bill)

First I'll go for the "drain the swamp" connection. Drain the swamp, correct me if I am wrong, is about how big money interests have taken over Washington. How politicians cater to corporations who donate hundreds of thousands of dollars, while ignoring the interests of the vast majority of their constituents. This falls exactly into that catagory: on the "pro" side, you have ISPs and other big money interests who have donated over $600k to congress to get this bill passed, and on the "con" side you have you, me, most all of the right, and most all the left (aka most all Americans). Now it is Trump's choice: does he side with the corporations and their big money, or does he side with the American people. This is a great chance for Trump to go back to his campaign rhetoric and win over some moderate liberals saying something along the lines of "I'm a billionaire, I don't need your financial contributions, that's bribery. The hard working everyday Americans want this bill vetoed, so I will veto it." This seems like a cookie cutter example of "drain the swamp".

The deeper conspiracy here is about government survailence. We don't know who these ISPs are selling the information to, and what those buyers are using it for. It seems extremely likely the government will eventually get their hands on it. What are the consequences? If you frequent /r/conspiracy, they put you on a list. If you support zeitgeist or other types of anti-government media/information, they put you on a list. If you support the 9/11 truth movement, they put you on a list. They can even do things like dig up porn searches to get dirt on anyone who tries to challenge the government: "Person X searches for Y porn videos, this is not the type of person who has moral, intelligent views on our current society." It's totally a way of controlling and tracking anti-government sentiment, giving them an advantage in squashing anti-government movements early, before they reach a mainstream audiences attention.

Sort-by-controversial to the rescue!

So in your mind you can't criticize the president whatsoever? You're ok with this bill?

Only shills question everything... oh, wait...

You're okay with anyone being able to buy your browsing history? Do you really want everyone to know about your god emporor fetish and my little pony erotic novels you wrote?

I really doubt the person you're replying to wrote my little pony erotic novels, and mine were already published. It's this thing with internet culture. Why would you hide your MLP erotica? You can find people online who would love and praise it! You can brighten their day if you share it.

This thread is blatantly shilled.

sees a thread about thinking for yourself

OMG SHILL!!!!!!!!!!


This reads exactly like the copy pasta "as former Trump supporter" and "when he came down those escalators" and "nuclear codes" concern troll posts that were flooding 4chan for a while.

You WILL fight back ? Excuse me ? You Americans haven't done a single thing to actually fight back, you pitiful apathetic larvae live under a Corporatocracy for decades and haven't done anything about it, and neither now you wont. Keep being angry on the internet, that'll solve things

What country do you reside?....must be a magical place for you to have such a shit opinion of the USA.

The Administration strongly supports House passage of S.J.Res. 34, which would nullify the Federal Communications Commission’s final rule titled "Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunication Services," 81 Fed. Reg. 87274 (December 2, 2016). The rule applies the privacy requirements of the Communications Act of 1934 to broadband Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and other telecommunications carriers. In particular, the rule requires ISPs to obtain affirmative "opt-in" consent from consumers to use and share certain information, including app usage and web browsing history. It also allows ISPs to use and share other information, including e-mail addresses and service tier information, unless a customer "opts-out." In doing so, the rule departs from the technology-neutral framework for online privacy administered by the Federal Trade Commission. This results in rules that apply very different regulatory regimes based on the identity of the online actor.

If S.J.Res. 34 were presented to the President, his advisors would recommend that he sign the bill into law.

gotta tweet this shit if you want the big man to see it.

R/conspiracy.... Are you ok? It almost sounds like you were expecting Donald to act on your interests, but realized he won't.

That last part is new. Where'd you pick it up? Good on you, at any rate

I hate to say it- I'm enjoying seeing all the Pro-Trump dipshits aghast. They did this to themselves. Fuck them all.

I'm not. We're all on the same ship. Prioritizing pleasure from the 'other side' losing is what got us here.

Yep. On the same ship. A ship that has a lot of chum that needs thrown over the side and fed to the fucking sharks.

Not much you can do when they have alt facts and refuse to listen to reason.

All that's left is learning the hard way. You know, like children.

healthcare fiasco: meh my parents pay for it

killing epa: meh i never leave

gutting federal programs to build the wall: meh i don't have a job.

selling your 4chan browsing history: OMG HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME??!!!!!

All those waifu searches, too bad they'll never be able to monetize off the NEETs that voted for him.

yes they will. ostracize them and throw them under the bus everytimes something bad happens. like what happened with pizzagate, the people who believed it got betrayed and abandoned.

Ctrl + Print Screen (Screenshot)

Paste into MSPaint


Thanks for the png, pal!

I disagree. This is their fucked up "take that liberals" logic.

The "I told you so" doesn't feel so good when we're all being fucked by their inability to see through a third rate con man.

This isn't T_D

I think there has been a LOT of confusion about that. Especially with the mods.

Maybe the confusion is with you r/EnoughTrumpSpam tards.

Please let me know when you realize the GOP isn't working for you.

Or are you a CEO? (most CEO's don't say 'tard')

DNC isn't working for you either. Neither of them are.

I don't disagree.

Hey, let's fix gerrymandering, so the reps can't fix the outcomes, and then they'd have to do right by us. As long as they know a seat is safe, that seat is for sale.

Team Trump and possibly the Russians completely co-opted the Conspriacist movement. They framed it as an outsider reformer vs. corrupt establishment.

Fight back with what?

I haven't seen anything close to fighting from anyone. At least the women had their march.

Imagine the goodwill he could get if he vetoes this, its so easy!

Like if he stood up for states rights against sessions? Yeah... not happening.

Maybe he will veto it.. maybe it was just a plan to increase trumps popularity, which is at an all time low. GOP brings him this massively unpopular bill and he vetoes it and comes out a hero..

Hilarious and sad that trump supporters are starting to say "hey maybe This guy ain't who I thought he was" when something affects them personally and immediately.

Immigrants getting their doors kicked in and rounded up? Illegals deserve it. Brown ppl getting murdered in trumps name? Isolated cases. School meals getting sacked? Poor ppl should always be hungry.

But God forbid he come after MY WEED and MY INTERNET... THATS TOO FAR, says generic white guy with trump hat #736352

Trump hat made in China

Lol, I have one. It's not.

Are you sure about that or is it possible you got conned like 60 million other people were?

Absolutely possible. Not likely. You've claimed not only that the hats were made in China, but that Trump's campaign (and the POTUS) lied by saying they were Made in the US. Do you have any evidence to support such a claim?

Well of course the knock-offs were made in China!

But the hats bought from the campaign? Nah.

All Trump products are made in China.

Are you made in China?

Your salty demeanour is made by Trump. So you must be made in China.

I love this comment lol

Immigrants getting their doors kicked in

They aren't immigrants, they're trespassers.

Illegals deserve it.

It's the law. As long as that still matters, that's what we do.

Brown ppl getting murdered in trumps name?

What brown people got murdered in Trump's name?

School meals getting sacked

Isn't that a local issue? States should pay for that not the Federal Government.

Found one!

Indian tech geek was murdered by your friend and fellow trump cultist in Kansas. Guess info wars didn't report on it.

Obama armed ISIS killing figuratively everyone in Syria, destabilizing the country, causing the Refugee crisis, in turn leading to Brexit and Trump and the Travel Ban. But that dude in Kansas was Trumps fault.

Saudi Arabia arms ISIS, which is exactly why Trump left it off the immigration ban list, right?

I agree with your criticism. SA should definitely be considered an enemy of the US.

Well, I'm of Indian descent and a "geek." So...a guy like me was murdered by a guy like me?

Fuck outta here shill.

See guys, they have an Indian in their group. They couldn't possibly be racist

lol, like you have an audience

when they came for the browns, I said nothing

when they came for my 4chans something something something

"hey maybe This guy ain't who I thought he was" when something affects them personally and immediately.

Reminds me of the scene from "Don't be a sucker".

Guy is agreeing with a guy on a soap box going on about evil aliens in our midst causing problems. When he lists Free masons, he has second thoughts.

Guy 1: "Masons? What's wrong with the Masons? I'm a Mason. Hey that fellow is talking about me!"

Guy 2: "And that makes a difference, doesn't it?"

Illegals do deserve it. They are fucking illegal.

Ok... So when you download anime and pony magic, do you deserve the 5 years and 50k fine? Whatever it is.

If someone is illegal with a record of violent offenses or dealing drugs, the fuck em. Get em out. Problem is ICE is breaking up families with American born children, even though the dad has been working a shitty restaurant/labor job Americans don't want to do anyway bc of a parking ticket.

If you're such a hard line, black and white, righteous law abider, turn yourself in next to you drive after a couple drinks or don't come to complete stop.

they should be able to apply for citizenship if they contribute to society, if not, send them all back. they need to repeal birthright citizenship. i dont like that families are being broken up but when u decide to enter a country illegally you can't expect to not encounter law enforcement at some point in your life. it's irresponsible and the illegals are to blame for their situation.

You Trump lovers really think he won't sign this into law? Guys you really need to stop with the cult member behavior. Getting "lulz" out of "libtards" isn't worth the damage that's being done. Knock it off, this is serious.

You really think any of this matters one bit?

It's funny how it took a bill affecting the internet for redditurds to even care. Threaten to deprive millions of healthcare? NBD, fuck Obama. Give manufacturers free reign to rape our environment? Sure, just hook me up with that clean coal. Cripple the agencies designed to protect the public? Absolutely, got to cut down on costs, just send us that bill for the wall though. Deprive green card holders, who have a legal right to travel freely, access to the country? Absolutely, who cares that the countries where terrorists actually come from were conveniently ignored.

Reddit is so fucking sheltered that it took a bill affecting the internet to open their eyes just a little. They could've see this coming from a mile away if they weren't so busy dickriding in his cult of personality and "triggering the liberulz".

Wow, I'm glad to see that we've been able to stop chasing inter-dimensional child molesters for a split second here and focus on real issues. Proud of you

Trump cruises Reddit!?!?!?!?!? c'mon, holmes.

Thank you for the bravery of posting this in Cheeto Jesusland territory!

I don't understand. This needed to be said... sure... but you realize he'll never see this right? No one who's close to him will ever see this, nevertheless relay the message.

I don't get it. Does this need to be said because you feel a need to say it? The act is utterly meaningless...

Try calling a senator or representative and voicing your opinion in a way that makes a difference. This is passive aggressive and lazy.

I have called my representative's office and Senators' offices. But they are all Democrat, and this vote was truly based on partisan lines. All Republican scum. Democrats are scum too, and I think one of my Senators is not entirely fit for office, but in this case, the Democrats have it somewhat right.

I am a trump supporter but this should be a no brainer. Trump made promises to protect the American people from shit like this. If he doesn't veto the fuck out of this I will be livid!

Sadly we won't fight back.

We never do

Trump loves this bill. If you voted for trump thinking he was going to protect your privacy you got bamboozled

you got bamboozled

you bamboozled yourself, more like.

Whos the cuck now? - Sam Harris

the bamboozlement of the masses

Aaaaaaand here comes the careful and slow pivot away from Trump after /r/conspiracy rode his dick for the last year.

Why is this on conspiracy though?

Cool are we using random subreddits to pay political opinions now?

Post it in /r/funny next!

This has to do with our privacy and ties in with how the government spies on us. And r/conspiracy has post about the government spying on us.

Is there any reason this isn't on Wikileaks now or did I miss it?

Because it's a LAW being made and it's public, not hidden from the people.

I'm not a fan of my isp but they built the system I use and my political principles lead me to believe in private ownership- and that it's the only way to innovation. It's their cables. Don't like it? Invest the enormous amount of capital to create a parallel computer comm system where you're mundane and generalized interest can't be used to sell you tennis shoes.

You think he gives a shit about the people?


You obviously haven't got a clue who he works for.

“It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..." "You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?" "No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy." "I did," said Ford. "It is." "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?" "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want." "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course." "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?" "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?" "What?" "I said," said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, "have you got any gin?" "I'll look. Tell me about the lizards." Ford shrugged again. "Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happenned to them," he said. "They're completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone's got to say it." "But that's terrible," said Arthur. "Listen, bud," said Ford, "if I had one Altairian dollar for every time I heard one bit of the Universe look at another bit of the Universe and say 'That's terrible' I wouldn't be sitting here like a lemon looking for a gin.”

I'd give you gold but I'm broke af

God his supporters are fucking idiots. Especially the libertarians who thought he would legalize weed, support small gov, and protect our privacy. Congratulations, you elected some more corrupt than Clinton.

Also those saying "both sides are exactly the same" should pay attention to which parties supported this bill.

To be fair that is likely more in part due to partisan politics, this time it's working in our favor, but most often it doesn't.

Unfortunately if you want to send a message to Trump you have to tweet it. Reddit is too full of cyber

I'm so proud of you guys, there is so much bi-partisanship to be found within this thread, this is how r/conspiracy should be, us against being lied to, manipulated, and violated, we're all in this together regardless of who you voted for or what theories you support.


If only he showed signs on the campaign trail he was a con man and a liar. We could have prevented all this.


You made this bed.

Now sleep in it.

Like Hillary would have been any different.

Hahahaha you stupid gullible mother fucker

Still Butt hurt I see lol . Libs just keep crying

Not really. I wasn't tricked by the dumbest person in politics and my job can't be automated, so I feel pretty good.

Well, let's see. The privacy rules were directly from the Obama appointed FTC. They are literally a part of Obama's "legacy". The privacy rules (and net neutrality, mind you) were part of the Democratic platform. But, yeah, Clinton's administration would have done the exact same thing. Why? I dunno, fuck you libs LOLOLOL.

She would be much better, at last she is smart and ruthless. Trump is just old fool from rich family.

clinton would roll back obamas policy?

but if the country is run like a business, who profits?

The view of the administration is that the people are customers.

"“We should have excellence in government,” Kushner said in a Sunday interview published in the Washington Post. “The government should be run like a great American company. Our hope is that we can achieve successes and efficiencies for our customers, who are the citizens.”"

um the citizens of this country are your BOSSES, WE are supposed to profit

The view of the administration is that the people are customers.

poor summer child.

if they don't give you money DIRECTLY they are not customers. In US the customers are companies.

Going to be a loooooooooooong 4 years my friends

Le reddit army is here yo destroy you meany mr trump

I'm so happy this sub isn't just another Trump propaganda machine anymore, but damn is your reputation tainted by the election and the trolls

"I'm so happy this sub isn't just another Trump propaganda machine anymore"

Since this morning?

i've seen a few big posts that has an anti-trump perspective, but honestly i'm not frequently here

LOL, you're asking a REPUBLICAN president to override a REPUBLICAN Congress on a bill they wrote. Forget it, it's a done deal. Stop voting for Republicans, and MAYBE, just MAYBE, we can get FCC privacy rules put back in place with the next Congress.

He's a populist tea party rhino like 70% of the republicans in office. It was a coup and it worked.

Would they call the other 30% RINOs as well?


He won't.

You Trump supporters realize you got conned? You have destroyed a good sub with your right wing bullshit. Now you really what you sow.

Nah, this is what Trump supporters voted for. Just because they realize this one particular thing may bite them, doesn't mean they didn't support things with the intent of doing equal or more damage to others.

Totally agree with you

If you don't, we WILL fight back

Yeah ?

Are eye's are open and we tried to tell everyone but the Republicans couldn't be stopped they loved everything about Trump and the media screwed there own party by saying hillary was gonna win and basically stopped people from voting

Not really. There were and still are plenty of republicans who hate his guts but there are more Americans who got desensitized to his apprentice bullshit and all his tv appearances over the year.

Trump is a conman and played the long con in you people. He used his appearances (reality tv, WWE, beauty pageants, apprentice) to buy your interest and make you relate. He fucking played the stupids of America and many republicans saw right through it. Once he was nominated however, it became as it always does, party before country.

Good fucking job America.

Could it be that its the republicans that hate him pidgeon holding him to this horrible bill. Im pretty sure our govt has been hijacked.. not sure why we out so much pressure on the president.. they dont want to get shot over this...

Going to laugh when he says fuck this bill.. People commenting like he's already passed the fucking bill.

Okay, and out of curiosity, what will you do and say when he does pass it? I'm genuinely curious how you're going to defend it. Will you say that someone else told him to do it? That he was paid by someone else? That he was coerced?

Or will you just admit that he's a powerless orange muppet?

He put the guy who wanted this bill incharge knowing full well what he'd do. He's not going to veto it.

we WILL fight back

Not likely tbh.

You're retarded if you think anyone could've been worse for surveillance than Obama, /u/FUCK_TPTB...

Selling out the people for a buck, man who thought a narcissistic "billionaire" ever would do that? Trump has been against net neutrality from the beginning and Republicans are right there with him.

how convenient, an anti-Trump post in /r/conspiracy during his Russian investigations.

Shill. reported.

So you don't care if all your internet history gets sold to other big companies?

This has been going on for a while anyway.

Big companies won't get: ANDY = googled what is FCC

What they will get Based on the internet history, User with ISP xx seems to be in age group of xx, male, etc.

Essentially to sell you better products.

All this negative issues being blown up is just paid shills.

They'll have all of our internet history, far more information than they need. What will they do with it? Whatever they want, because they bought it and they own it. Meaning that if they wanted to, they could then turn around and sell their information to other companies.

No, this is too far. Too much invasion of privacy.

They don't sell your identity. Man did you even read what I wrote? Or is there some sort of script for shills to respond?

Do you accuse anyone that disagrees with you a shill? Yes, I read what you wrote, and built on it.

They'll have my identity via my browsing history, therefore they can sell it.

They don't have access to your identity (SSN, credit card numbers, etc), but they have far more information than age, sex, etc. They have every website you have ever visited, every porn you searched, every questionable thing you googled, all conspiracy/anti-government websites you have ever visited...... these are serious threats to privacy and I would think this is the exact thing /r/conspiracy should be up in arms about.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Let's face it the other big companies are actually domestic and foreign spy agencies.

Did you call the shill police or T_D is losing its grip hotline? "CALL IN THE PEDES WE HAVE A MEME WAR BREWING!"

Removed. Rule 10.

Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context

depending on context

You do realize that this bill just rolls back privacy to what it was a YEAR ago.


You all realize this?

Did you outraged, resisting peeps have a problem with this a year ago?

Did you resist?


Nobody really knows anything about anything on this site.

Yea, we all had a problem with it a year ago. And we resisted.

15 day old account 🤔

I recycle mine every couple months. T_D hell hounds (sociopaths) will follow you around Reddit. This is /r/conspiracy and you don't comprehend burner accounts?

I wanted vindication that he is a former Trump supporter and did not get what I was looking for. I posted "15 day old account" in protest believing it would be buried in the comments and unseen by anyone other than OP who would hopefully comment back so that we could start a dialogue. It feels good to know that people are waking up and smelling the massive shit that is being taken on our entire democracy.

I use other accounts as well but never in my life will I comprehend the scope of such a complicated concept; "burner accounts" holy shit that's the coolest thing ever/s

You thinking he'll veto this and you supporting this guy at one point shows a real lack of judgement on your part.

This sub just flushed all it's credibility. What a shame. It used to be an interesting, fascinating, conspiracy sub.

Now it just takes unfounded, unnecessary shots at our president.

Oh, and this is a fake , shilled post btw. So long r/Conspiracy.

So you supported this sub when it fought against Hilary and Obama, but now that it's making a fair request of our current president, that's going too far?

Grow some balls.

Holy shit, you comment is hilarious I can't even tell if sarcasm. Follow the money is the mantra of conspiracy theories. GTFO. This isn't a place for blind allegiance. You're supposed to keep a raised eyebrow to even the politicians you LOVE. What's their real motive. That's just healthy skepticism, not even true skepticism.

Even /r/conspiracy is talking about this without anybody mentioning that it's preventing a change, as opposed to creating a change? The government isn't repealing long standing privacy protection, they're blocking new rules from taking effect.

I'm not American, so I don't really have a personal interest in if it passes or not, but it still pisses me off that even places like this are just regurgitating the spin instead of actually understanding the issue.

We will fight back


this is the first r/conspiracy thread i've upvoted

I have learned he is a CONMAN, and he is no different from previous presidents before him, including Obama, Bush, and Clinton, PROBABLY worse.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey stupid post this in r/trumpgret. Your blind belief in your emperor is what got us in this mess. Your low energy is SAD.

That's a shitty way to bridge a gap, man.

Lmao this isn't about "growing some balls". If this goes through then him and his allies would profit. Instead of saying "grow some balls" come up with some actual reasons for him to vetoe it.

Yet he's not taking a salary, banned lobbying for 5 years and reduced the nations debt.

Sorry, crying on Reddit won't change anyones views

Unproven dogma. Stop being a lemming.

Any loss of income is easily rectified with all the taxpayer money flowing into Mar a Lago.

It is a total sham.

Reddit is literally blowing this bill out of proportion. Nobody is going to buy your specific history

Nobody cares about your internet history, they just want to sell you more of the plastic shit you've already proven to have bought.

Such a conspiratorial mind you have...

He's doing exactly what he said he'd do... In private, to his billionaire friends

Never thought I'd see the day when /r/conspiracy would stop being pro-Trump and would call out The Cheeto himself.

What you need to realize. He can veto it.

But the house can overturn it. So it doesn't really matter what he does.

Yup, better to take no action and hide on the gold course. As all the great leaders before him said "Better take the easy way out".

You'll need to find a different excuse. It takes a 2/3 majority to overturn a veto and the Republicans don't have one, meanwhile almost every democrat voted against this.

He could absolutely sustain a veto and you need a civics class.

Okay. So if trump vetos and goes back to congress. 2/3a have to vote for approval. I know this. The margin was 215-205. So half and half.

Who's to say that they won't say the vote as it is. Think about closed door hearings right now and as there's already almost 700k on the line. Now, what would it take to sway these people. Hell rand Paul is against what the government does now a days but coauthored? See it doesn't take much to sway someone.

i agree he should veto the bill.

How would you fight back? They can see everything you do.

Now see That's a true conspiratorial minded comment.

All of these so called "conservatives and libertarians" that claim to protect privacy.. The same assholes that just passed this bill.

You lasted two months? You aren't a Trump supporter, and you never were. Just shove off if all you're going to give him is two months, all of which he has been sabotaged at every possible turn by all of the garbage piles that exist in DC, democrat and republican alike.

Talk about a fair-weather little fuck.

He better not sign that bill, though, you're right.

Don't worry, this guy is a shill. Look at his post history

Removed. Rule 10.

LOL, it's one of them!! THANKS for the help "BRO"

Nice to see this topic here because chances are it's not going to be seen coming from reputable news source .All we can hope for is for Fox and friends talk about it. Or something.....

I actually voted for Trump partially because he's a "conman". He is literally a genius at tricking the media, using confirmation bias, and persuasive speaking.

While his political opponents used quantity to try to win, by having more endorsements, more people spouting the same talking points, Trump just says something everyone with half a brain would support and then gets viciously attacked over it for the next week.

Trump: "Burning flags is bad"

Everyone else: "WTF I DESERVE TO BE ALLOWED TO BURN FLAGS" *actually burns flags*

I liked most of his policies and he's clearly capable of either A) getting them implemented or B) making people look bad for not implementing them. Anyone who voted for him and is "unhappy" or "disillusioned" with his performance probably shouldn't have voted for him. He's doing basically everything he said he would.

Insanity is often mistaken as genius (from afar.)He deals the same way with his children and close associates because: he's a malignant narcissist. It's the same (amazing) mental gymnastics it's just that he does it to protect his ego.

Believe what you want - the fact is that he persuaded 60 million people to vote for him, and did it in such a way that he happened to win the electoral college by a significant number of votes (i.e. 2 swing states flipping wouldn't have been enough to make him lose).

Whether he's insane or a genius, he's gotten results. It's probably a little of both, but if you're actually going to tell me that he just somehow bumbled his way into the most powerful office in the world, I think you might need to do a bit of rethinking.

He didn't get there by accident. He intended to get there. He planned to get there. And to be honest it's quite baffling how anyone who voted for him can't see his capacity from the short time he's been in office.

He has done his part in almost every campaign promise he's made. He's set up stuff for the wall. He set up stuff for the immigration bans, and got rejected - and simultaneously made it clear to his supporters that the ban included no mention of Islam, but that was the reason the courts rejected it. He set up stuff for health care, and gave it to Paul Ryan to fail. He started removing regulations on businesses. He killed the TPP and is making moves to renegotiate NAFTA.

Even when he's failed, everything he's done he's spun into a win in some way. He either succeeds or flushes his enemies down the toilet with the failure.

I'm still holding out for the tax reform, personally - that was a big voting point for me.

Yeaaaa, its passing through... I just don't see how this dude rejects a bill like this

Shareblue GTFO


BRAVO! Bringing /r/conspiracy back to its roots! FOLLOW THE GOD DAMNED MONEY, SHEEPLE!

Just curious why you say you were a Trump supporter, when 4 days ago, you said you never voted for him?

If you go to the original thread, the comment doesn't exist, but it does show up in your post history.

I LOVED Trump when he first came out and starting saying things I thought were awesome, like draining the swamp, and calling Hillary a criminal to her face during the debates. But then I started researching more about his ties, especially with Bannon and GOLDMAN SACHS, and I realized how much of a fucking CONMAN he really is. The rabbit hole goes real deep if you look.

Please keep posting stuff like this. It's super cathartic to see dumbasses like you having regret and crying about it.

Yep, they aren't sending their best.

Seriously. When I see people say "so he IS a conman!" I'm waving my fists in the air saying "took you idiots long enough, how did you not see it? Oh you wanted to break the system? You've fucking broken it now."

Yeah you got me. I gotta lot of eagle and American flag porn. I also have a sticky copy of the constitution. Again get outta here with your prying unamerican ass.

I am astonished by how gullible people on this board were and continue to be when it comes to this snake oil salesman

Uh where is the conspiracy?

Turd Trump Will sign it.

We sure are getting propagandized hard about this. I guess the ISP monopolies don't like the competition this will open up.

He is worse than them because he doesn't even have any fucking convictions. Whichever way the wind blows, that's the way he will go, so it's up to us to produce the strongest gust.

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Bookmark this as an unprecedented day! Someone on reddit changed their minds :P

Seriously though, it's nice to see people follow principles rather than people. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but part of me was hopeful/optimistic that he might actually do something to take on the establishment. Then he started selecting his cabinet...

The fact that you assume he will do anything that is to the benefit of American people and not corporations is cute.

He's there to fuck the gullible little people until they run out of brown people to blame.

After the hard look at the corruption within the Democratic Party and recognition that my issues have gone unrepresentative by them I've kept an open mind toward Trump. Domestic surveillance, civilian ownership rights over the data they generate, and modernizing fourth amendment to recognize that today our papers and effects extend to our devices are some of my primary issues. Trump signing off on this would shift my opinion toward him to a more negative light.

Now if he were to instead take the anti-trust hammer to the major ISPs, and at a minimum have them spin off their entertainment divisions to reduce incentive to fundamentally tip the scales of access to the Internet in ways that destroy competitors, the need for privacy protection at the FCC level is reduced. Foster an environment smaller ISPs can enter the market and compete - bring competition back to telecommunications. Coupled with scaled back domestic surveillance and clear data ownership protections - entrepreneurs working on a new business involving electronic research and communications should not have their work collected by their ISP to be sold - then there is potential for a huge PR win by standing up for the Internet / preserving that innovation engine.

How could you not see this coming?

Trump's FCC Appointee is 100% ready to strip privacy protections and help big ISP's. He has come out against net neutrality, and has fought on behalf of big ISP's to protect their rights to free speech with regards to our data.

So, with an appointee like this as the Chairman of the FCC, why would ever think Trump would hesitate to sign this bill?

Hilarious that we were told by Trumpers that we need to give him a chance. Concerns are raised about his cabinet appointments... no, no wait and give him a chance. Welp, now all the pieces are in place and Trump's ready to pull the trigger like every reasonably aware person said he would -- are you willing to continue to give him chances?

See, you're bulling this towards Trump supporters without even trying to appeal to us or explain why this isn't all spin...Calling our main sub "/r/the_scumbag", while certainly humorous to the section of Reddit who already gives you their support, isn't going to win you any points whatsoever among us.

Explain to me why this is any different from what Barack Obama has already enabled: the CIA can monitor me at will and my car can take itself off the road. What makes this any different and not just a load of spin?

I want an actual answer to this question.

You can deflect all you want Obama this, Clinton that. This is allowing isp's to sell your browsing history to the highest or any bidder.

Next time you go for a job interview they can pull up your browsing history. How's that sound?

Obviously, I'd just pull up the interviewers history and we'd both have a good laugh at the depraved interests we share. Obviously, I'd land the job.

Good luck with that. The corporate world does not work like that. Everyone needs to be squeaky clean.

Only if your ambition is to be at the bottom.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." John Steinbeck

You're God damn right.

sn't going to win you any points whatsoever among us.

this is /r/conspiracy not /r/the_orangeFuck. we dont need points from you all. in fact, this sub and all of reddit would be better off if every single one of you just went somewhere else with your biased circle jerk.

Well, considering that our guy is in the White House, and that he would probably be more inclined to listen to emails sent from people who actually gave money to his is in your best interests to appeal to us.

Ever heard the saying "Catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"?

When you stop being assblasted children, I might actually listen to what you have to say. Otherwise, all I hear is more screaming about something I have been given no actual argument as to why I should care.

Good day.

to all those who think I am still a Trump supporter, just so you all know, I WAS a Trump supporter, but have become extremely disillusioned with him and his administration.

> redditor for 15 days

I didnt notice this thread until now.

I posted this over at t_d recently:

Of course it doesnt tickle their fancy. I see posts about how people need to wake up, anti-globalist/brainwashee stuff but I think its really about waking up to their point of view.

I can see potential for many on that side of the fence to become free minds. They just have to finally give up on the belief systems in place which serve the status quo. There is more chance of unlocking alt right than alt lefties which have become increasingly close minded, divided amongst themselves with petty indifferences and Political correctness.

Im not pro trump or pro any side of the political spectrum. I sit somewhere in the middle without being impartial. I support anarchic ideals in the sense that humans dont need a single leader or a group of leaders but perhaps a truely democratic system a bit like what voteflux/pirate party is working towards. One where we freely come together to work towards common goals based on the needs and wants of the community while maintaining our individual.

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hahahahhahahahahahah. Oh, sweet jesus, the delusion here.

You all were taken in by a billionaire.

Has anybody considered the possibility that they don't have all the facts about this bill, and that the GOP maybe didn't decide to sign it just because they hate privacy and like money?

Is it possible the FCC has been trying to bully the industry, ISP's and tech leaders for two decades now?

Is it possible there's real concerns in the language of the privacy sections of the FCC's rules that would warrant them being re-written?

Is it possible that the FCC's guidelines were actually a malevolent trojan horse and we should be happy it's being rewritten?

Is it possible the FCC's guidelines massively favor monopolies and hinder innovation and competition?

No? It's just that the GOP are big evil meanies that hate privacy and love money?

Oh, okay then.

Apparently trying to regulate the industry you're responsible for regulating is "bullying" now.

They've only been "responsible for" broadband since 2015. Do your homework and try again.


The real conspiracy here is that your account is 15 days old and posts and comments about literally nothing else but trump, specifically anti-trump. "Used to be a trump supporter" hahahahaha at least be honest

Curious as to what you mean by "fight back." Is this not fighting back (debating/informing others)? Is voting not fighting back? Or are you talking of violently fighting back?

This is r/conspiracy for fuck's sake, NOT r/the_scumbag, or any other biased subreddit.

Are you sure ? I think I'm seeing the same people, the same brigading, the same opinion etc.

Wonder what foreign governments might get a hold of people's data? Could it be used to stifle dissent and activist movements in the U.S. aimed their way?

This is when you realize how true this is

We live in a bougeious democracy

This is my final straw with Trump. He can either redeem it or face millions of Americans

he screwed us all over bro, sorry.

All the High Treason, and you're getting fired up over the fucking Web Browser History thing? Jesus.

I love how this is where you neckbeards draw the line.

Not the overt racism, not the disdain for the poor and sick, not the corruption, not the russian ties, not the putting oil executives and bankers into seats of power.

No, it's having your internet history outed that causes you to get outraged.

Perfectly said. Redditurds are so fucking sheltered. But hey, at least liberals are getting triggered!

This comment

If you had their sordid and pathetic internet history, this would be where you would draw the line too.

I posted an article a couple times from awhile back where (if I recall) a Russian official was musing stripping anonymity away from Russian Internet. I couldn't find the article again, but here is another one:

Putin Makes Russia’s Top Blogger Ban Anonymous Internet Access

Dmitry Medvedev, the highest-ranking Russian official to use social media, banned anonymous access to the Internet in public spaces as his mentor Vladimir Putin tightens control over electronic information flows.

Medvedev’s decree complies with amendments approved in May and effective from Aug. 1. Recent legislation requires Internet companies to store Russian users’ information on servers in the country, similar to Chinese regulations, and makes bloggers with more than 3,000 readers as liable for what they publish as media.


B-but both sides are the same! Lesser of two evils! They said they were for the common man and wanted to help people! /s

Some people are so easy to con its laughable. And they'll still support these clowns because they felt good while being conned. If you give people an option that feels easier and safer, they'll always take it, regardless of whatever anyone tells them about how much bullshit or how damaging it is.

I'm really curious. What was your expectation of trump as a trump supporter?

The so-called "skeptics" of this sub-reddit helped enable this shitshow of a presidency to come to fruition in the first place. But at least he's not sending emails over a private server, right?

No, no we did absolutely not. Since you didn't pay any attention, do you not remember when the admins went on a banning spree of all the retarded pizzagate subreddits? Well, that's exactly when the_donald fuck boys invaded this sub, and ever since then it has been their second home. The_dildo took advantage and abused our lax moderation and acceptance of radical views. They took one of the most open-minded and tolerant communities on reddit and turned it into a toxic shithole.

Bullshit. You guys have no one to blame but yourselves for the influx of jackasses in this subreddit.

Look at the top posts for the year, and the majority are talking about what a shit candidate Clinton was. Not that she wasn't a shit candidate, but where were all the submissions taking a critical look at Trump's candidacy? No where to be found.

There were plenty of submissions related to the Clinton's campaigns influence on protests at Trump rallies, but not once throughout this past year did this community take a serious, critical look at Trump's candidacy. That's not admins fault, that's not the retards from /r/t_d's fault. It's /r/conspiracy's own fault that you guys allowed this sub to devolve into such a shithole community, and the reason is that you guys have been so singular in your focus that you completely lost sight of things.

Lmao I'm Canadian you halfwit . So I guess it was you who was tricked

This is like the ultimate test, I really hope net neutrality won't go to shit under the Trump administration, if he really wants to help the people he should not sign this bill, under no circumstances. There's a limit to the ethics of making money and this would certainly cross a line.


  1. is going to sign the bill
  2. has no idea what's in the bill and could not explain it whatsoever

we WILL fight back

No you won't. You'll rage on the internet for a few days and maybe send a few letters or make a phone call and then you'll move on, just like you always do.

If there was any chance of people fighting back they wouldn't do this shit in the first place.


Like, this guy "made" (the better word is "didn't totally piss away") his fortune on branding casinos (which are all about scamming people), a fake university (all about scamming people), etc. This guy appointed cabinet members whose fortunes were made scamming people (the DeVos family Ponzi Scheme multilevel marketing opportunity fortune, Bannon, etc.)

Their whole lives were about taking money off of workaday Joes. And somehow, this pack of vultures was going to have the interests of the average American in mind?

It's like evidence doesn't matter to conspiracy theorists.

OP supported Trump and now realizes he's an idiot. Gee, you don't say. Want to be informed and not part of the problem? Then you shouldn't have voted for Trump in the first place or visited this sub you fucking moron.

The definition of the swamp gets wider every day. He clearly laid out in speeches and on his website exactly what he meant by draining the swamp (Blocking foreign lobbying and blocking government workers from becoming lobbyists).

Edit: to all those who think I am still a Trump supporter

When were you ever a Trump supporter? Looking at your post history it's all decidedly anti Trump. Of course everything beyond 14 days is deleted so who knows. Perhaps you are one of those accounts that was sold to Sharblue.

If he sold his account to an anti-Trump organization in order to represent a "Trump supporter who has turned his back on Trump" why would they delete older posts in support of Trump.

Do you even read what you write?

You are not too swift are you? He never had any posts in support of Trump. That's why everything had to be deleted... he was never a Trump supporter and looking back on his history would have proved that meaning his entire premise is a lie.

The only reason his account is valuable is because of the age of the account and amount of karma he's accumulated not because he was ever a Trump supporter.... I can't believe I had to explain that.

Stop wasting everyone's time

The account is 15 days old. YOU claimed his posts were deleted, not that they were never there.

Why would anyone pay for a brand new account just to say what they could say by creating an account for free?

Now I see why you post in this sub.

Crap I just saw all the karma and assumed it was an aged account.

I still stand by my assertion that it's a bullshit post and the guy is s liar who has never supported trump. Otherwise why use a green account. He's a liar.

Man when did this sub get overtaken? Just another Trump hate sub.

Nice try, this sub was turned into t d 2.0 after the election. People are finally waking up.

Where do you guys coordinate this stuff? Reddit has been taken over by snarky interns. Are you in a cubefarm or do you all get to work from home?

Lol do you guys get you orders from 4chan and Voat? Questioning your god doesn't make people shills. Doing what you did does though.

You both suck. Stop labeling the sub as partisan.

Well, one lesson learned, too late unfortunately. You and the minority of voters got played. Remember this in two and four years.

P.S. How about turning your conspiracy thinking towards the rampant Republican gerrymandering being perpetrated across the country.

OP is ridiculous. Do you expect anyone to believe he just became disillusioned with trump this quickly. He has always been pro surveillance and fairly anti libertarian so don't act surprised. I highly doubt he really supported trump.

Anyone with a brain could see this from a mile away. Everyone who supports this bill was an R, fuck that "buts dems are just as bad" nonsense. People like those in this sub are the cause for this, because I know you all supported Trump and silenced those who warned you or you didn't listen. Well now you can say goodbye to the internet, and this is just the beginning. Its going to be a long 8 years.

He's a bad landlord, and yeah definitely worse than Obama or Clinton. Jr. set the bar pretty low but I think Trump is going to manage to slither under it.

Trump had no intention of Draining the Swamp, he only cares about enriching Donald J. Trump...You are not a smart person if you supported him based on his obvious lies!

he will never help the many.

OP is one of those "omg Trump's supporters are jumping ship, you must follow us" sort of shills.

Removed. Rule 10.

To be fair, its up to president bannon not trump

let's hope he is sober when he decides

You're a dummy.

I dont wanna be that guy OP but how tf did you not come to this realizationthe entire time he was campaigning. I watched one of his rallys and afteran hour i thought "wow this guy is an idiot"

Not really conspiracy

Well this is a breath of fresh air for BUTHEREMAILS.sub

r/conspiracy is r/politics now... got it

Drain the swamp? Trump is swamp monster #1, why would he drain it? You idiots have been played, hard.

Cool how you guys already set him up to fail both ways.

if he vetoes: "he only did it cause of the pushback, he's no hero"

if he doesn't: "as expected he's pro surveillance"

you couldn't be bigger dipshits, honestly

He's setting himself up to fail - he's a failure.

real hard hitting stuff there doodle

Go back to your safe space - T_D Misses you

Let's put it in a way you can understand:

"FAILING So-Called President Don-The-Con can't stop losing. SAD"

keep impressing me with your intelligence

IfTrump vetoes this bill, I will give him credit for doing the right thing. Many, many liberals will as well.

he does the right thing, it just takes him a while to get there because of all the obstruction

you'll see eventually

Well first off, he has the least obstruction of any president in recent history, but secondly there is no way to obstruct a veto.

Again if he vetoes, I'll give credit where credit is due, but obstruction has nothing to do with it. It seems like you are building a case to blame someone else if he fails to veto this bill.

he has the least obstruction of any president in recent history

not bill passing obstruction, i'm talking deep state and RINO never-trumpers

Are you saying the deep state is a justification for Trump not vetoing this bill? I still don't fully get your position. He can veto whatever he likes, that is the power of the president. No one can stop Trump from vetoing this bill if he wants to veto it.

no i'm saying whether he does or not may be contingent upon other factors

veto this bill and we'll make sure to filibuster any future healthcare you propose

it's never cut and dry

I'm still confused. Democrats all voted against this bill. They are 100% not issuing demands Trump pass it. Also, democrats are going to filibuster any republican health bill regardless of what happens in this ISP situation. That is a red herring.

Unless you are arguing that republicans will filibuster the Obamacare replacement bill? This seems nonsensical.

Exactly what do you see as these other factors the decision is contingent upon? At the end of the day Trump is president and has the power of veto, that part really is cut and dry.

the game is all about support. if you veto something all the repubs want to pass what do you think they will do?

pass YOUR shit willingly when you call for it?

trump will choose his fight. he may not believe this particular one is worth fighting while he takes a different approach

By this comment it seems like you were implying republicans would filibuster the Obamacare replacement bill, which is total nonsense.

In addition to that misconception, you also seem uninformed about the roles of various governmental branches. Congress writes legislation; the President does not write legislation. The president can issue an executive order, but these do not go through congress. You can recall that Trump's immigration bans have not gone through congress, they got struck down in courts.

However given all that, I'll give you credit for giving the best rational I've received for not vetoing the bill. (I think this really speaks to the lack of rational arguments for not vetoing.) The problem is this exactly what Trump said he would not do when he was campaigning. He would say things like 'I'm a successful billionaire, I won't be taking any money from special interests and passing their legislation; I will take back Washington from the lobbyists and special interests, and give it back to the people.' This is a golden opportunity to show everyone that all those "drain the swamp" chants were not just blowing hot air.

This is a golden opportunity to show everyone that all those "drain the swamp" chants were not just blowing hot air

swamp draining takes time, trump is very strategic

like i said, you will see. it will just take a while to happen

So here is the perfect example of a person who will turn anything Trump does into a positive. There is literally no way to defeat this line of reasoning because even Trump's obvious failures and bad decisions are just part of a larger plan that is yet to unfold.

he hasn't even had 1 year in office... you are such a baby

Again I feel you are missing the point here. There is basically no going back on this; once this law is signed, it is much harder to get it repealed than to simply veto it. There is no 5D chess going on here. It is as simple as: if he passes this bill, he is choosing corporations and lobbyists over the American people. That is not a steppingstone on the path to draining the swamp, that is making the swamp deeper and murkier.

no, it already IS a law

After passing in congress, the bill is now awaiting presidential approval or veto. I'm not sure what you mean.

the privacy thing is already law. he's deciding whether to pass or veto a repeal

Semantics. I am referring to "senate joint resolution 34" which Trump can either approve or veto.

However it looks like you are simply creating a semantics discussion to step away from the fact that if Trump fails to veto this bill he will be making the swamp deeper and murkier. The wording of repeal/pass is irrelevant here: he is both repealing and passing a bill if he approves this, but that is not an issue at all. The issue is does Trump stand with the American people and his campaign promises, or does he stand with corporate interests and big money lobbyists.

there's a few issues at play here. this might not even be on his radar since he's dealing with other shit. he might believe this to be executive overreach granting ftc power over isps when they're already under the jurisdiction of the fcc. and he might have the ego that he wants to repeal anything obama does even if it's a good bill

i'm still confident that even if he doesn't veto he has a bigger plan in store for this. he isn't throwing the people under a bus. he doesn't do that

this might not even be on his radar since he's dealing with other shit.

Trump is the President of the United States of America. This is the worst excuse I have ever seen, justifying Trumps actions. "Oh both the liberals and conservatives across the country wanted this bill vetoed, but I approved it because it wasn't on my radar."

he might believe this to be executive overreach granting ftc power over isps when they're already under the jurisdiction of the fcc.

This is an odd sentence which I am trying to parse, but he had nothing to do with the bill up to this point, so simply vetoing something is hardly executive overreach. It is literally the only way the President can directly affect policy. Trump does not seem shy at all when it comes to executive overreach. Just look at cases which could actually be considered executive overreach, like his numerous EOs (Something which republicans have been against for years).

he might have the ego that he wants to repeal anything obama does even if it's a good bill

Are you saying that this is a positive thing? This is something a 5 year old would do. It is shameful for a President, and is clearly against the best interests of the US. (re-read "...even if it's a good bill.")

i'm still confident that even if he doesn't veto he has a bigger plan in store for this. he isn't throwing the people under a bus. he doesn't do that

This is some serious blind faith. When I support democratic politicians I would never say something like this. This is how dictatorships start. We have to hold our leaders accountable, even if they are the people we voted for and believe in.

Are you saying that this is a positive thing

no, no it wasn't. now i'm curious as to why you think i would consider it so. it was in no way worded as a positive

now i'm curious as to why you think i would consider it so.

Because your entire comment was making equally rediclous claims 100% of which were in support of Trumps actions. However, I'm glad you see that as childish.

Care to address any of those other claims?

it's childish if true, but my point was it wouldn't be done to spite the american people or profit from

if he dicks over a bill just so he can get obama's name off it and create one of his own, it still serves the people of the nation despite also serving his ego

create one of his own

The president does not write bills. Congress writes bills. The only power Trump has is to approve or veto bills which congress passes. If he approves this bill, why in the world would congress start writing another bill to do the opposite of the bill the just wrote and passed? This is nonsensical.

again it's not a bill it's a repeal. he would be repealing the bill to write a new one that did the same thing (but better and with his own name on it, not obama's)

Back the the semantics deflection I see. It is a bill. It is a bill which repeals another bill, but it is still a bill. There is no such thing as a "repeal", there are only bills which have the effect of repealing other bills. All my wording is correct.

You entirely missed my point while stuck on the semantics. Trump does not write bills. Not at all. Congress just wrote and passed a bill (the one which is a repeal of the Obama bill). If that bill passes, they will have stripped the FCCs regulation on ISPs. Why would they then turn around and write another bill to add back those restrictions on ISPs? That is completely bonkers.

Trump does not write bills


Why would they then turn around and write another bill

already told you why

already told you why

You said Trump would repeal the protection, then reinstate his own version with his own name on it, but this is not how it works. Congress wrote the repeal, and they have absolutely 0 reason to undo their own work, and reinstate the law they just repealed, but with Trumps name on it. Why would congress do that? I can obviously see why Trump would want to do that, but that is not in the power of the POTUS, so Trump fundamentally can't do that.

because trump would tell them to. trump doesn't have to physically write ANYTHING himself. he just has to play golf and tell other people to

My point is congress wants this bill (S.J.Res.34) passed. That's why they wrote the bill, to get it passed. So after the their bill gets passed, why would they write a second bill, which does the exact opposite of S.J.Res.34? That makes no sense.

because they passed the repeal to get obama's name off

They passed the repeal because of the hundreds of thousands of dollars donated by the ISPs. The majority of congress does not have the mentality of a 5 year old. The passed it because they are part of the swamp Trump was boasting he would stand up to and drain. They took huge sums of money to get this bill passed. Again, this is the swampiest of swamp behavior, to prove he is not all hot air, all he hasn't to do is veto this bill.

or he could do something about it later

Holy shit lmao go see a psychiatrist

False. Liberals, be it citizens, or politicians, will never give trump "credit". Always pullin at straws

Blanket statements targeted at entire groups is what is causing the large divide in this country. I am a liberal, and I have already given Trump credit for getting out of TTP, but there honestly has not been much else I can give credit for. This is a golden opportunity, but I don't think he will take it.

Liberals were set up to fail in their opposition of TTP. It was going to be a big endless fight! A near-hopeless quest against the monied interests!

Trump gets in and pushes it over.

Yeeeeah. Dems were actually in support of TTP. They were just setting up some circuses to distract the public and exhaust the activists so they wouldn't build the bridges with the other side that would (and did!) enable real effective opposition.

It's very odd to be a liberal person born and raised is San Francisco, one of the most liberal places in the US, then a Trump supporter (who is obviously deep in their echo chamber) comes along and tells me how liberals feel. Needless to say none of the above comment is true, it's just what you have been fed. If you were on Reddit at the time, you would remember that when Trump got out of TTP, it went straight to the top of /r/politics, and all the top comments were liberals saying it was a good move, but I guess that doesn't fit in with the right wing narrative.

As someone who is pretty much diametrically opposed to everything Trump stands for, I would be genuinely surprised if he vetoed this bill and it would make me reconsider whether he is actually willing to govern.

Who. Fucking. Cares.

I'm neither a Democrat or Republican, but I fully understand why people voted for Trump. I get it, you were stuck between Trump - who could potentially be an underdog set on taking down CIA and draining the swamp regardless of his colorful personality - or Hillary, who was forced on you as your next set President option, with a trail of corruption behind her and a very likely Russian war ahead of her.

What is becoming frightening, and why I'm so thankful that you're saying "WAS a Trump supporter", is that after he has been shown to be just another puppet for the deep administration, his supporters will not admit this. Their enthusiasm and optimism of what he could be capable of (taking on CIA, giving more power to the people) has been effectively crushed, but instead of admitting defeat, they continue to excuse and defend him, stuck in a state of cognitive dissonance. That's a dangerous place to be.

I truly hope that they will face their reality soon, and that the manipulation from deep government between Democrats and Conservatives being set up against each other like two sides of a war, will come to light and be defeated. They have succeeded enormously in this election to divide the people, feeding each side with hate. We can't fight the underlying causes if we're split and blind with constructed rage towards each other. Trump/Republicans are not your problem. Hillary/Democrats are not your problem. Opposing them is like taking pills for depression, it only solves the symptoms, not the cause.

What's this? A reasonable, articulate post? Gtfo! ;)

Haha! I was actually waiting for the downvotes ;)

Hahaha you fuckin idiots

Lol, coming from a New Yorker, I can only say this country deserves it. You guys didn't listen to any of us when we told you who he was and now you people made your bed, so lie in it and piss away it's gonna be a long fuckin 4 years.

Shoulda listened to us...

"I stand to lose my insurance without the ACA. I've made a huge mistake."

"My spouse is at risk of getting deported, I've made a huge mistake."

"The bay I fish in is going to be polluted, I've made a huge mistake."

"My porn preferences are going to be sold to anyone who wants them, I've made a huge mistake."

I assume I've missed a few and I know there will be more.

"We're paying for the wall, not Mexico, I've made a huge mistake. Wait, we're paying how much? I've made a HUUUUGGGEEE mistake."

Probably the most serious is going to be on the education front, where we won't see the damage until school aged kids get out into the real world and get trumped by countries who actually educated their kids.

How did I miss that?!?!

He promised to bring our jobs back then forgot about us. We made a mistake.

Lol suck it you stupid retarded little lemmings

we WILL fight back

No you won't. Americans have been castrated for decades.

Trump just said whatever it took to get votes. He's never spent a second of his life thinking about these issues or helping other people. He'll sign whatever garbage they slide in front if him because he doesn't care.

I don't support him on this but support him and his actions on almost every issue. To completely waiver in support over a single issue when he's already proven to be going in the right direction on so many levels is ridiculous.

I'm glad that the OP has come to his senses about Trump. We need Trump voters to come back to the fold.

My only request is that he does not just change his view about Trump, but change his approach to analyzing politics. Trump pushed unhinged conspiracy theories not based on fact throughout his campaign. Those kinds of crazy and false beliefs are not unique to Trump, but are standard in the Republican party. I'm talking about climate change denial, birtherism, the demonization of Obama and Obamacare, and so on.

Trump is the symptom, not the disease. We must fight the disease by avoiding poor quality information sources like Fox News and Infowars. We must fight every Republican who does not stand up against Trump -- and as of now that's pretty much every Republican. But most of all, we must read, not watch, quality news. We may need to pay for it (but an incognito window will get you free unlimited access to the NYTimes and Washington Post).

It is not enough to turn on Trump. We must turn on misinformation and conspiracy theorizing that is not based on fact. Yes, there are conspiracies in the world. That doesn't mean we should accept any conspiracy theory without evidence. If we do, the end result is giving power to con men like Trump.

I wish there were an algo / bot that would respond to every tweet of his with a corresponding /r/conspiracy post

It's strange how r/politics isnt talking about this but they will gladly push another trump/russia article.

After all the shit Trump has already done and plans to do, online privacy is where you draw the line?

I have some pointers if you actually want to convince people that you're legit, because your propaganda needs work. PM me if you like.

To clarify, you agree with OP that the bill is bad, but think his explanation of why it is bad is ineffective? Am I misinterpreting?

Oh, you WILL Fight back? Dude, Sharing memes and Creating posts in r/conspiracy does not really constitute fighting back. . .

ITT: sheeple waking up

Trump is simultaneously the least likely president to act on this request, and the most likely to actually see it.

People had a chance to fight back on election day. The DNC had a chance to fight back by not forcing Hillary down peoples throats. Shared fuckery all of this.

I WAS a Trump supporter

Lol ok shareblue. Your less than 2 week old account post history is a smooth 100.00% anti-trump propaganda.

No trump supporter would be going RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA every 5 minutes, as if they were paid by the hour to post that shit.

Remember you dumbass shill, this is why you lost. You keep lying to yourself thinking that your side is winning instead of focusing on actually trying to win.

Doesn't matter one bit which side of the argument you are on.... you lost.

This was extremely refreshing to see on conspiracy

welcome aboard!

What? He already said he'll sign it.

NOW he wants to be skeptical... NOW he sees the conman...

Trump has and will only ever work for one person and one person only and that is HIMSELF!

Didn't you hear? He's draining the swamp! Into the white house.

Well I guess r/conspiracy has become a safe space for lib tards now so I'll take my leave .

Aw, poor little snowflake wants to take his toys home. Go right ahead.

Nothing anybody says will ever actually change him. He DOES NOT CARE about bullshit threats on the internet. Only removing him and his administration is the answer. It is too massive and complicated to ever happen. He WILL be re-elected. There is NO WAY this country will ever make a rational decision again. Reddit is collectively full of the shot as Trump. From the top down. Human beings are not emotionally capable of world peace, nobody wants it.

we WILL fight back

Yeah I’m gonna write angry comments on reddit if you don’t veto this!

Not going to lie, former trump supporter here this is hilarious watching him make big decisions.

But in all seriousness we have to impeach him /s




Solid refutation.

Massive brigade of non r/Conspiracy users. Nothing to see here.

OP is a concern troll and agent provocateur

Removed, rule 6.



it doesnt make it any less true. open your eyes. TRUMP. IS. ONLY. OUT. FOR. HIMSELF.

Hes been in office for 1 month. I'll reserve my judgement for whn he stops followinf through on his promises. Until then, Open YOUR eyes. Hes the first president in a long list to get started on canpaign promises on day 1, the other choice was infinitely worse and I have yet to see your Supporting argument.

what promises has he kept? what happened to his 30 day plan to destroy isis? what happened to repeal and replacing obamacare (he tried and failed, so no, he didnt keep his promise), what happened to LOCK HER UP, what happened to him taking a salary of $1 a year? what happened to banning muslims (another policy failure, so no promise kept), what happened to oil pipelines running through america with pipes made in america with american steel (SUPRISE! theyre russian pipes made with russian steel), what happened to never taking a vacation (he goes to mar a lago almost every weekend, costing the tax payers 10's of millions of dollars each time), he didnt veto the ISP bill. in fact the only good thing he has done was struck down TTP, but he only did that so he could start his own version of TTP most likely. hes been in office almost 100 days and it has been nothing but failure after failure after failure. his approval rating is 36%. an historic low for any president at this point in their presidency. there is a good reason for this, because normal people can see through his bullshit, they can see the failures piling up. dont tell me to wake up, im plenty awake. it you and others like you that need to open their eyes.

He removed the tpp,your speculation is just that.

He is still going after Obama care

Hes still pushing for the muslim ban

Plans for the wall were assembling as soon as one week in

Source on russian steel for pipelines? I dont think you'd just assert something like thay as fact and then just not back it up, would you?

Do you have any proof that trump wont take 1$ salary a year?

Source on 10million taxpayer money?

Trumps approval rating is higher than 36%, stop watching liberal propaganda

I understand you're salty that hes president, but im not buying your bullshit of "I was a trump supporter, but a month in, im done"

Not going to lie, former trump supporter here blah blah blah -you

i was going to keep the discussion going and post some sources until you insulted me.

You're fake and gay.

MODS: do something about this guy. i have reported him.

Nothing's stopping you from posting sources now.

Removed. Rule 10.

It's astounding that this subreddit of all places seems to have believed Trump would be a good thing for America.

You bet . I'll run as fast as I can from the stupidity in this sub . It may be contagious.😀

Just fight back already, hell it's not like this post is going to make him reconsider anything.

We need to all just admit that we are the ones who can stop this.

Did you still think he work for the people that voted for him? Bless your heart sweety


I'm glad you addressed this post to him, now he'll definitely see it during his daily browse of r/conspiracy

You don't know how happy it makes me to see this post here in r/conspiracy, one of my all time, old school, fave subs that got ass fucked through this election. I love, and relate to everything about your post.

You're totally wearing a Guy Fawkes mask right now aren't you

This post has shariablue written all over it... I hope Trump vetoes it too, but the general Trump shaming below is definitely shills

He is a puppet once he is thay high up dont u know anything yet... read up on jfk when he tried to help....

I've been having my doubts as someone who voted for him because of the following: continuing what Obama did with Saudi ties, this new ISP bill, stopping certain funding to foreign entities(which is good) except for Israel, still keeping American forces in the Middle East, and not providing a pro-American solution to Healthcare. If he does not veto this bill and offer us a replacement for Obamacare, I'm done with him and openly opposing him. I've tried to keep as much of an open mind as possible with this, now I'm starting to become seriously concerned. r/the_donald needs to come out against this as well instead of blindly supporting Trump on words alone.

I don't think he reads reddit

FUCK HILLARY FUCK TRUMP. FUCK DEMOCRATS FUCK REPUBLICANS. When there is legislation of great importance is on the line we need to work together this trench being dug via ideology is not going to benefit the populace. He is taking apart the social safety net.

Americans burned there selves for voting for him

Oooh tough guy lol

Lol you idios fucked all of us. Enjoy your swamp assholes

his is r/conspiracy for fuck's sake, NOT r/the_scumbag, or any other biased subreddit.

Yeah, no bias here...

He's going to sign it. Maybe this will be a fucking wake up call that you got played.

This case is the litmus test for what he's gonna do. If he doesn't stop this in it's tracks, he's going to lose a lot of trust and loyalty that is barely there anyway. I still enjoyed distrupting the Clinton train and the Washington elite. I didn't and don't think he will be able to or have the will to "drain the swamp" but his killing TPP (for now) was epic. As we see these evil MFr's aren't going to stop their backroom deals. Corporations/banks really own this country and have called the shots for so long now, it's impossible to wrench the stranglehold they have around our necks. One man is not going to be able to do it. Isn't it ironic that corporate America is against this guy when he IS them symbolically speaking.

Probably not the best tone if you actually want to win support?

The president is not and charge. If anyone thinks the real people in charge would ever let things like this happen, you need to do more research. The entire system is designed this way.

No we won't

If he does veto the bill, dont give him credit cuz id bet russia made them pass the bill just so he could block it and look good.

Can someone please explain to me what bill everyone is talking about but no one mentions by name. Thank you

I see you're getting hate for having ever supported Trump. Tbh I think it's commendable that you're willing to admit you did and that you were wrong. Plus, you even said you didn't vote for him.

Thank you, I appreciate it

You have a billionaire who just seeks a higher high score through whichever means possiblr and pretty obviously gives no fucks about what gets uncovered of him (carefully crafted fuckups aside, there are a couple of things that have been unearthed that don't benefit him on any demographics and he still doesn't care)

That's exactly the kind of person who only benefits from this bill and wants to see it happen.

All you people who voted for him got fucking duped. You earned this.


You've made your bed.

Gilded shitpost in conspiracy? Check

Not an actual conspiracy? Check

You sir are an outright shill not even posts with 100x more importance and credibility get close to 10k upvotes. You guys are not even trying.

So you're ok with this bill?

No, but many fail to realize this was something written up during obama's administration. And that the ISP companies have been selling this type of information long before this bill showed up. It is a huge distraction on top of being an issue to create divide using the false two party system politics.

You will hear people say "Oh the democrats were all against this, see they can be good sometimes." But they fail to realize they are both on the same side and that these type of votes are always determined ahead of time. Right now we are ramping up war efforts in multiple countries, Russia is expanding its troops into libya and afghanistan. North Korea is doing more nuke tests.. And here we are circle jerking and fighting over an isp bill that changes nothing that they haven't already been doing legally and illegally.

No I do not support trump or this bill revoking what little protections were tried to put in place. But you have to be in a bubble to believe this is the turning point where they all of a sudden start selling our personal information. It has been going on for decades.

The rule that Obama's team wrote wouldn't have been overturned by Hillary or Bernie. They would have vetoed this bill.

Hey, when is Trump going to ban Wahhabi scum from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, Kuwait, and Turkey, the biggest exporters of fundamentalist Islam in the world?

And what happened to all his tough on China talk? And why after a single phone call from Xi, Trump backs down and cowers with his hand sized cock limp between his legs, and bends over for big daddy China?

You know why? Because Trump is a little bitch.

Removed. Rule 10.

Edit2: I never voted for Trump. I stopped supporting him before election day. I bought into his bullshit during the beginning if his campaign when he was promising to drain the swamp, but I eventually realized how much we've been played and DUPED by this fuckwad.

Lol, yeah, sure. Haha!!

we will fight back huh? How so? Gonna vote? lol

Just so everyone is clear, I ran a query on his comment history and it is very clearly anti-Trump. No idea why he is advocating any sort of historical Trump support. If so, it sure as hell wasn't public. And if it wasn't backed by a vote, then don't try to validate your issues by claiming you supported him at any point.

Trump can't read. Can you maybe wrote this on the side of a trump building or something so it shows up on Fox news?

Trump can't read. Can you maybe wrote this on the side of a trump building or something so it shows up on Fox news?

No stopping it now, President Goatse will sign it. Might as well make some money off it and buy some Comcast stock.

The description of this post makes me think this is a shill.

You apathy about the government selling you down the river makes me think this is a servile lapdog.

You're not fighting back. Pussy.

This is the type of comment you come here to make? Next time you'll be banned, consider this your warning.

Another arm of the oligarchy's oppression, I see. I thought this community was better than that.

Yeah I'm part of the oligarchy for enforcing a rule that prevents you from coming into a thread to add nothing besides call strangers pussies. What a stupid comment on your part.

I thought you were better than that. Figured this was a place for ideas contrary to the bi-partisan media. Guess 6jot.

It's a place where people can discuss ideas without having to worry about being insulted on a personal level for no reason. Follow the rules or find a new sub, makes no difference to me.

So let's be real clear: OP can threaten to commit crimes if an unfavorable policy is enacted, but I can't call him out for being a keyboard warrior, hypocrite?

I didn't know this sub had given into the Safe Space, SJW agenda.

Your comment was a worthless insult, it brought nothing to the discussion. You weren't "calling him out", you were insulting him like a 12 year old. Follow the rules going forward or you're banned, I have nothing more to say.

Enjoy your night.


I didn't know this sub had given into the Safe Space, SJW agenda.

It's not the Sub. It's the Mod.

but I can't call him out for being a keyboard warrior, hypocrite?

If this is all you said to get banned, then mod Ambiguously_Ironic is truly out of control.

Where are the Mods for the Mods?

There is no hope for America. Tear it down and let it burn, comrades.

No you won't. Look at all the crap over the last 4 months, you guys and girls across the pond will just roll over again.

what has trump done or not done that would have swayed you from a trump supporter to a non?

he literally promised to be a self serving piece of shit and used all the stuff one needs to use to sway the minds of racists and idiots to vote for him in order to get in power to serve himself.

admittedly i don't "get" trump supporters (now or then) but even more vexxing is someone who is upset or surprised with how this is going

meh. trump is more on the libertarian anti statist side of things so him not vetoing this isn't really that contradictory.

the NSA already has everything on everyone...does it even make a difference at this point?

that doesn't even make sense. why would libertarian support warrantless spying? don't actually answer, more rhetorical.

selling data is more libertarian...all the spying is already there done by the government.

If any of you had even the slightest thought that Trump wouldn't support this- even with the mountain of evidence that he would - remove yourself and any direct relatives from the gene pool. Do it today before your stupid spreads.


If you voted for Trump - you are directly responsible for this. Fuck you.

Shilling intensifies. 15 days accounts brigade the sub. Fucking gilding in conspiracy kek

How to spot a shill.

  1. i was a ___ supporter.

  2. insult, insult, insult.

  3. no reasonable argument.

Nailed it

He's upset about his phone calls being listened to(maybe) but has no problem selling your privacy to the highest bidder


LMFAO. You people. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ABOUT TRUMP FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS, BUT STUCK YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR EARS AND IGNORED IT. You're now pretending to be shocked at this? Nah, I smell bull shit. Forget Soros and Hilary, I thank Trump may have some shills being paid.

If trump supports this he is a traitor to everything he spoke of during the election and it will prove that he is controlled opposition. There is no value in selling internet history other than for retarded people who work in marketing departments that believe if they advertise right people with no money will buy their garbage.

Or agencies that wish to ultimately take you down if you become a nuisance.

We need to get off the internet (he says while eating pizza and redditing at work)

Really though 14 years of my life i did fine, no internet. Internet goes public, 20 years later it's so woven into the fabric of society that it would be hard to hide from it.

I've heard people say that without a fb profile its impossible to convince people that don't know you in RL that you are a real person and not some internet bot. That's sad.

I actually think i'd like to go back to the days before internet but that may be because as 14 yr old i had a lot more fun

In the meantime the distractions using Russia, Health Care and EPA continue on in the msm. Politically for 2018 let alone 2020 this is health care bill no failure times 10. Only one party voted for this-which Trump needs to be reminded of.

If he had your support how has he lost it? He's doing exactly what he said he would do and he's exactly as batshit crazy now as he was during the campaign?

Lol the only time something gets this many upvotes on r/conspiracy is when it's coming at trump. Fucking sheeple. Not you op just the drones.

I'd like to see trumps internet history full of gay beastiality midget incest porn. The best plan is the plan to crowd fund and start buying politicians history and making it public.

Also if the population all just stopped using the internet for recreation the whole thing would become pointless. I don't really care if the gov knows i looked up manometer fluid suppliers all week but i don't want them to know what makes me laugh and what doesn't

I don't know all the details about this bill but to the redditors hating on this guy, do you think Clinton would have been any better? The bought and paid for politician. Maybe yes, maybe no, but what I do know is that throughout the whole election the only policy of hers I heard was abortion. Don't blame Trump Supporters for that, blame the main stream media. The media is why we are here today, the same people trying so desperately to destroy him are the ones who breathed life into his campaign. It's evident that no protest, no petition, and no articles are going to stop this guy in his tracks if he is the tyrant the left makes him out to be. I said I'd personally give him 100 days and it's not looking good so far...

If Trump signs the bill is or one option a VPN?

what bill?

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Like any of you are going to "fight back". Quit posturing.

Anyone want to take a fucking Prozac, explain this bill, and link to some source material?

Yea, all of you supposedly ex trump supporters and this whole pro Donny sub can go fuck themselves and just enjoy the consequences of your retarded decisions.

It is almost like Republicans are garbage politicians and do garbage things. Enjoy

So... what will the Trump supporters, especially on T_D do when he does not veto it?

Probably get banned as concern trolls and join this thread

LOL at the libtard OP

how so ?

your Trump comments are straight from Rachel Maddow's talking points. LMAO.

"my" trump comments ?

I am a big supporter of tump but what he does today will determine whether or not I will support him. Will we find out soon?

I WAS a Trump supporter


I never voted for Trump.

Yeah, ok, sure.

I really don't want to weigh in on this, but the reason most of the people at T_D have congregated and created this "club" is because they were concerned about the things Obama was rolling into motion. The mass exodus of Muslim countries has not been a beneficial event for most of Europe. Terrorist type attacks from Muslim Ideological fanatics are happening all the time. People in America were scared that if Obama and Clinton were to bring in millions like had been planned, we would be seeing crimes here, like as London and Paris and Florida, and be taxed to support them because of course they would be on welfare. They have No money.
I can understand why Donald was elected president. I cannot understand why our choice was between Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich. Had we more options, I think more people would be happy with the results. Our country wouldn't be so goddamn torn between factions. I hate the division of our people, and try to keep an open mind to understand why each side believes what they believe. There would be much less conflict, and much more resolution to important issues if more people would just stop and try to have a little compassion for their fellow American.

I voted for neither candidate in this election because our choices sucked. Big time. But I honesty hope that Donald does what is right, and cuts down this Bill before it can have a chance to be law. For someone so into fair competition between Health Insurance Providers over state lines, I would hope that he sees the same applies to Internet Service Providers.
This bill will destroy any chance we have of reversing this ISP monopoly.

The candidates that are so kindly presented to the American people have already been vetted by TPTB (moneyed interests), thats why we have a non-choice. If Bernie had been given the same consideration and publicity and fair debates etc etc etc as Hilary then he would have crushed. But Bernie has some very troubling ideas for a lot of powerful people.

84% upvoted

Hi Don_Bots!

So did anyone try to post this on r/T_D and see what happens? I would but they banned me for criticizing one of Trump's ((Goldman Sachs)) appointments

You have to know what motivates someone to be able to sell it to them. So for Trump I'd say these are the same people that embarrassed you with the healthcare bill. This is your chance to gain popularity and stick it back to the guys that screwed you.

lol Trump doesn't "work for us"

he is our Great Leader. we do what HE says now. this makes us WINNERS. like him.

I legitimately can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

If it's not, you're really really pathetic. I can't even come up with something witty, you're just... really sad.


You sound like a shill. Very likely paid by one of Soros organizations. Fuck off.

If you really want privacy it needs to apply to all. Google, Facebook, Reddit... they don't get a free pass to fuck out shit up. Halfass measures like this don't work.

You sound like a shill. Very likely paid by one of Soros organizations. Fuck off.


"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill."

"And paid by Soros"

So stop using reddit and Facebook to push your conspiracy theories, and use a street sign at your local street corner like the rest of the nutjobs.

I stopped supporting him before election day

You never supported him.

deleted from the front page?

never voted for Trump. I stopped supporting him before election day. I bought into his bullshit during the beginning of his campaign when he was promising to drain the swamp, but I eventually realized how much we've been played and DUPED by this fuckwad.

He didnt start saying drain the swamp until the end of his campaign

I don't support Trump and I would never vote for him. HOWEVER, I also understand why someone would based on the choices we had and what he was promising. To my friends who voted for Trump, now is the time to hold him accountable, not make excuses for him. If he does not veto this bill then Trump has gone a long way toward playing for the establishment and against the people already. There is absolutely no benefit to the American people in this bill, it just strips away privacy so the private sector can gain more power and wealth.

Someone who supports Trump is not a bad person. As a progressive I absolutely hate that so many on the left are willing to put all Trump supporters in one shitty basket. But I am a little concerned with how many Trump supporters I have seen that are making excuses for everything Trump does whether it helps or hurts their cause.

I am a proud Bernie supporter and it would be kinda hard to criticize him, but we have to hold the people who represent us accountable.

This isnt a conspircay.. and the vast majority of Trump supporters agree he needs to veto the bill. This post is clearly a ruse to anger and belittle Trump supporters.

Yeah Drain the swamp wasnt started until October so OP is lying

I bought into his bullshit during the beginning of his campaign when he was promising to drain the swamp

I appreciate you coming around, but that says a lot about you if you couldn't realize the most obvious con job in history.

Yes, the FCC has no business "regulating" the internet's content. Their intrusions into the purveyors within the Radio/Television electromagnetic media have long ago exceeded their original charter, which was to control the allocation of the radio spectrum to preclude interference through power and bandwidth abuse.

How in the fuck is this a conspiracy?! This sub has always been shit but at least it used to be funny

By posting dank memes?

Lol. Hello fellow caterpillar. I used to like drumpf too. lol

HAHAHAHA! Oh man. If any of you 'pedes really thought he was going to fight for the middleman - you're dumber than your sub makes you look.

This stinks. For the majority of this sub its active but not this active. You spot astroturfing of this kind from miles away. This is subreddit for conspiracies not politics, please for fucks sake fuck off to an appropriate sub.

then tell the retards from /r/the_donald to stop posting here and take their opinions back to their own shithole of reddit.

Tell em' yourself they don't listen to no one.

I don't understand how people are still being blinded by the fake left and right paradigm. No doubt Trump will create jobs and get more done for the working class, but did anyone really expect him to drain the swamp, get Hillary put down, do anything about 911, or anything remotely close to being the peoples President? Alex Jones is still pushing his agenda like he is a saviour. Even the truth community were dumb enough to get drawn in by him. Clinton would have been worse, but again, the people choose the lesser of two evils.

At no time did Trump ever remotely suggest he was for more privacy.

You are a shill.

It's all bullshit, he's full of bullshit

This is a key realization that Trump supporters need to have, but is hard to have. It's hard to admit you subscribed to bullshit, but I have huge respect for people that do. People that admit their mistakes are a million times better than those who don't regardless of conviction.

You did well.

Build the wall because hearing spanish in America is more harmful than Cancer... apparently billions of dollars worh of cancer research funding.

He doesn't give one fuck about you, to him you are a herd of livestock to shear and slaughter at his pleasure.

If he signs this into action, then this will be the major divide that rips away the majority of his support from reddit, 4chan, and other online communities.

Lol at all the trump supporters crying about how this shouldn't be posted here, you people had no problem circle jerking about all the pro trump propaganda posted here. Trump supporters are just as bad if not worse than hiliary supporters. Oh no something negative about trump, instead of debating and talking about it I better bury my head in the sand and cry shill.

Surprised the mods haven't deleted this...

Just read your voted for Trump but stopped supporting him before Election Day. Like every other 'Trumpgret', bull shit. Obvious and transparent bullshit.

You retards know your IT privacy was killed by Obama right? Like 7-8 years ago? Even before they said it was legit to assassinate American citizens.

And Bush before that. Divisive politics is a tool of TPTB.

"If you don't, we WILL fight back"

No you won't :(

Oh he drained the swamp...then filled it back up by rerouting the sewers to it.

LOL! If you really mean this you should post it to the Donald. I don't think Trump checks this sub. Just sayin

He would be banned instantly for criticizing trump.

Just assume the result rather than try? Even if he bashes Trump on a daily basis he could just create a throw away and write a kindly worded post asking for the President to take action. But also you can opt out of the data collection with your ISP. No way to opt out with facebook for Netflix though.

we WILL fight back

Hahaha. Not to any effect, you won't. There are people who have said that, people who say they're gonna fight, but... ain't nobody gonna fight in any meaningful way. A couple cases to get my point across:

• "Anonymous" threatened Drumpf by telling him to resign by February 28th... and as far as I can tell, nothing remarkable or noteworthy or significant has happened in the 29 days following that has been attributed to "Anonymous".

• Marches. Various marches. ANY marches. When has a march ever done any good, resulted in any positive and long-lasting action?

• KXL pipeline. Man, that was a mess. Protestors held for days, and when everything finally looked their way... well, nothing. They lost, were evicted, and the pipeline is going through anyway.

The day someone directly affects any actual positive change through fighting this regime (or any regime that makes worse the society I live in), in any form, is the day I get behind that person and fight alongside them.

the MLK march for equal rights.

Besides the point, I do believe Anonymous was infiltrated in a manner that has destroyed the organization. They are scattered and leaderless yes, but I do believe something happened.

Given my wording, you are correct.

However, given my intent, you are wrong. Sure, the march helped certain things along that made life for American citizens better. But in the short run of things? People marched, speeches were had, singers sung, then people dispersed.

Also, amusingly, the ANP staged a 50-person "gathering"/counter-march to the MLK march, and were "quickly dispersed by police... whereas just last November, "more than 200 [white nationalists ...] gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute.

There's at least 2 GoFundMe pages created to raise money for purchasing the web browsing history of all congressmen who voted for this bill. You wanna fight back? Use congress' own bill against. You know those motherfuckers have looked up some sick shit. They will all be humiliated by their own bill

Trumpster is a skin-mask behind which the oligarchy grins and salivates pyschopathically at you, their prey!

Hey look, a D&C post!

I WAS a Trump supporter

11 day old account that does nothing but post articles with headlines full of weasel words and conjecture? Suuuuure.

Keep pushing that narrative.

So many cucked people in here. First of all you can opt out of it with your ISP. Second of all it is the same info that all kinds of major websites have access to and sell all the time for years. This is now just allowing the ISPs to do it. Unless of course you opt out. But sure just bitch about it because everyone else is. Don't bother actually looking into the bill and what it does and if there are ways around it. Sure this isn't a great thing but hey maybe you should all be complaining about any monitoring of your private internet browsing data. Not just the stuff ISPs want. Also maybe you should post this to the Donald so that Mr. Trump will actually see it. I am sure he does not visit any other subs.

Good job coming out of the closet. Prepare for itemized insults.

Oh, my fuck. Isn't there something he can be impeached for?

You're just going to end up with a single party system run by the Democratic Party, ie the party which openly endorses thought policing.

Don't be stupid.

Anyway, there's a good chance this becomes an easy win for Trump when he vetoes it, even as it's a terrible precedent and major win for the American bureaucracy.

Supporting the FCC rule is tantamount to supporting the ability for bureaucrats to do an end-run around Congress and rule be bureaucratic fiat, with zero accountability. Today, it's the protection of some portion of meta data which wasn't being protected as early as four months ago. Tomorrow, it will be far worse.

notice how a title that paints the Donald as a savior or beacon of hope gets 14.5k upvotes, I can't trust anybody anymore

They already had everything planned, if someone here thinks it would've been different with Hillary you're delusional.

The shadow government always command, the person in power will always be a puppet, if someone doesn't obey they simply kill him.

yes komrad is good trump hillary actually same body of same of beast. American of make great once in the again!

I have no idea what you tried to say here and I think I'm ok with that.

Is Oh Kay comrad RikaMX you do a good work for the Motherland

I think you got lost from /r/YouSeeComrade

I honestly not know what the hell are you into, but proceed.

I wonder how /r/the_Donald will respond once they'll realize how this guy will throw all of em under a bus.

lmao never. Trump is glorious leader of American. We love our MAGA captain and he always look out for beest for russ-i mean american.

The Russian scandal won't budge him from the Presidency but if he dares to not sign anything delivered by the Koch Congress they would impeach him in a nanosecond.

Well actually the_Donald is divided right now on this specific issue. I would highly recommend reading some of the arguments made there.

auto_mod has to be going insane overthere with banning people speaking out.

This bill levels the playing field in the wrong direction, before Obama this was already the law isps could search your data and so could other companies. During Obama he passed the law that isps could not search your browser history BUT companies like Facebook and Google still could helping his "billionaire friends" . Trump will pass this bill even though we are going farther from the direction we need to be just so that everything is level. Obama put us in this by having a stationary server that collects data.

I don't see what the problem is. If you got nothing to hide then this shouldn't be a problem.

Contrats OP on having the balls to admit error. The fact anyone bought the Trump bullshit is just as insane as those that bought the Hillary bullshit. When will the rest of these people open their fucking eyes.

You don't understand, Hillary is a muslim terrist born in kenya. You're just spreading fake liberal lies! I'm not even a trump supporter because both sides are the same. MAGA!

You fucking goofballs who still think "the swamp" isn't just code for "liberal" need to wake the fuck up.

Interesting. No Trump posts. A few Bernie is better than both candidates tho. FOH faker

Major props to OP for coming out with this. It takes a lot of critical thinking, self awareness, and a healthy dose of skepticism to realize you have been taken for a ride by a conman.

I would think the readers here on conspiracy would be a lot more skeptical but sometimes I feel like this sub is an offshoot of The Donald.

No one will fight back. As much as we want it to, we are a country that is being controlled by our TV overlords.

Damn sub turned in the rest of reddit. Shill fest 2017. Deuces.

Name me a single president this community supports not named JFK. If you want to play part in the political charade go nuts but this community has never and will never support a president, for good reason. Dueces

I'm not sure what you're talking about. It doesn't have anything not to do with what i said.

Here maybe if i reword it. These comments and replies in this thread are copy pasted from the shill subs i cant even name without hetting my comment removed.

Perhaps that's the real conspiracy in here?

Shouldn't this be posted in /r the Donald?

It would be insta-banned. No descent, remember?

Hell yea! Glad to see a fellow, former Trump supporter speaking out!

My question is, how is our private information the ISP's to sell? Dont you need to own something to sell it?

I don't think I've yet seen a good breakdown on what information an ISP might have that they could sell. It's possible the people who voted one way or the other didn't understand the implications, either. Technology can be difficult.

As a foreigner and an outsider to America, I must say it seems really progressive and good to see so many once divided Americans, banding together to stop this defecation on privacy laws. No one cares what political affiliation is, this issue rises above that. Power to your people America, may God be with you all.

I've always thought /r/esist should be /r/evolt but people like to think the system will just work eventually. Absolute fantasy

He isn't gonna destroy the earth like you think, you all need to calm down.

How is this bill not worse than the patriot act?

If you don't, we WILL fight back

No you won't. Trump calls your bluff. He doesn't give a shit about you, or what you care about, or anything other than saying what you want to hear so you'll hand over your vote, thanks, sucker, now do something about it, tough guy, or bend your wife over. Time to learn the meaning of the word cuck.

We will soon know who he is

We will soon know who he is

Fuck, who let the anti-Trump jews and minorities in here. I'm a patriotic American, I have nothing to hide.

Would you, for instance, be ok with whatever information that gets sold be sold to a foreign government? Or a hostile non-state actor?

No. The only people who are worried about this are liberals and democrats, and we all know what they like to look up on their spare time. Are we forgetting Pizzagate so easily? Never forget what the democrats and liberals stand for. They look up pictures of naked children and this is what they are afraid of being released.

The way I'm looking at it.. he's already done 10x better than Obama! Use some zen mentality bro... breath and "wait and see".

This over emotional response is leading me to believe you may in fact be a liberal in real life.

Stupid question. Can I buy a celebrities online information and give it away to the public?

Won't cause an outrage, right?

a disillusioned trump supporter that didnt even vote for him huh?? did you write this before during or after david brock had his cock in up yer ass?

Removed. Rule 4.

Took you this fucking long to realize he doesn't give a shit about his constituents?...

There is not a chance Mr. President will sign this obviously terrible, indefensible bill!

Lol, Sean Spicer already said he was gonna sign it during today's press briefing

I will definitely not be happy if he signs that bill. You won't see me defending it if he does!

Actual numbers sometimes matter. It's wasn't a purely party line vote, but damn close. At least there were a few on the red side who voted against, which is important. Tells you who has the spine to go against the party. Senate was 50-48 along party lines. So yes, saying zero is simpler but I personally found interesting.

Why is this in this sub? Oh right, new mods and compromised.

Google, Apple, and Facebook are non-union and give more money to the Democrats - so no one complains when they spy on you.

But Verizon and Comcast ARE union, and give more money to Republicans - so when they spy on you it's a really big deal.

The reality - Google, Apple, and Facebook have a much better online shill campaign than Verizon and Comcast - so internet morons think they are "fighting the man" when they repeat the talking points they read from Google, Apple, and Facebook shills.

I don't like trump but what exactly was the better alternative?

Flip flipping Hillary Clinton? Aleppo whatting Gary Johnson? Graffiti artist Jill Stein?

Holy shit at the amount of shills. Yeah this is shitty, democrats have done the same thing as many times as republicans, it's present everywhere on the planet. Time to drain the swamp, it's not gonna be easy.

If Trump will be able to do this or even wants to? I don't know, I know for a fact that Hillary surely wouldn't though.

two cents from a german

ITT lots of single-issue voter retards. If you think people support Trump because of Internet privacy, then LOL.

Trump only started using the term "draining the swamp" near the end of the campaign. It's final month of two. He didn't even use the term before that.

So when OP says "I bought into his bullshit during the beginning of the campaign when he was promising to drain the swamp", that makes no sense because he didn't start using that term till the end of it.

Shill on Mr 15 day old acct.

Dude, this is genuine criticism. You gotta stop assuming everyone is a shill. Even if this person was a shill, this is totally reasonable criticism. Trump needs to step it up. I wanted something different and right now he is just doing more ofthe same.

He hasn't signed it yet. We can get upset if he does...until then stfu and wake up to the shills.

What about everything else? He's continued intervening in countries we never declared war on. He put more sanctions on Russia. He let hillary off the hook. He appointed lobbyists and billionaires..... He works with neocons. You are just emotionally invested in him, thats why you react that way.

Sooooo, he signed it.

Yes, and NOW we can be pissed.

Not like we could've been upset by his stance leading up to the try and get him to change's not like thats literally politics works.

Gilded...for your pleasure

Gilded...for your pleasure

Just to be fair, whoever is elected President does not fully understand or appreciate what they are walking into. Trump has given us a glimpse into this world.

Trump is faced with the decision of complying with TPTB, and living comfortably, or draining the swamp and being JFK'd.

16,000 up votes and no one will leave their chair

Absolutely magic pill for that bad approval rating.


Dear OP,

You are a coward who probably gave Obama a pass for his first term in office. Try to at least give President Trump a full 100 days in office before you go pretending this is irredeemable.

For what it's worth if you or anyone without a temperament were put in this position of stress, you would have likely already killed yourself out of fear or completely opened up your asshole to the big dick of corruption. Either way, you wouldn't have lasted the first week...

To all you losers who keep pretending Trump is "keeping the wealth for himself and his inner circle" tell me honestly what good or service have you ever provided your anarchistic "agora" that were actually in demand? Please help me here, I'm lacking examples of where your brand/service was stronger and more in demand than Trumps.

Cool 15 day old account. Shareblue.

Removed. Rule 10.

I think it's time we wipe our entire government and start over. Like, seriously. I'm fucking fed up.

If Hillary was prez she would sign this bill so what difference does it make?

If I hear another "Hillary would have been worse" comment I'm going to flip lol. No shit she's bad, but she ain't the president now, TRUMP is, and we must keep close eyes on HIM

It's like you're stuck with death and you are given 2 methods to die, one of which is a guaranteed death (HRC) but the other gives you a 1% chance to live (DJT) but before anything happens you've already prepped yourself to die not even giving that 1% a chance.

Let me ask, are you unhappy because of Trump's actions, or because of his lack of action?

I'm unhappy because of his actions. All he is doing is just clearly showing he us the establishment, and that he is in bed with Goldman Sachs, wall street, the oil industry, etc., just like Obama and Clinton. They are all the same to me now

Great post OP, day by day im starting to dislike trump. We've been duped again 😒

Shariablue thread to the max. Every single comment is against Trump. I get that a lot of people don't like Hillary or Trump, but these comments sound so fake.

Wait till he fucking signs it before you trolls and shills go crazy. Jesus fucking christ, wtf? Thousands of comments bashing Trump for something he hasnt done yet....real smart.

lol ok

lol ok what? Has he signed it yet?

the WH already came out and said they are planning on signing it.

That wasn't my question.

There is no nice way to ask this, but here it goes... How did you ever support trump? Honestly? How did you think a racist, sexist, spray tanned spiteful little man child was at any point a good president? I just want to know, did you only watch fox news for information or something?

He don't work for us.

Beware Share Blue. Trump did not sign anything.

Apparently OP is fine with ONLY Google, Amazon, Facebook, Reddit, etc… tracking him; AND GETTING FABULOUSLY WEALTHY doing it. For some reason ISPs are just evil (to the OP).

As for him being a former Trump supporter BULLSHIT. No one childish enough to fall out after two months, and a string of victories was EVER a Trump supporter.

(ok it's possible he's being hyperbolic in an attempt to curry favor, or it believes he can sway people with this line of bs — ROTFLMAO — yea right)

EDIT 1: it appears the OP was NOT a supporter of Trump

EDIT 2: Oh my now we see the truth. OP NEVER supported Trump, and is trying to appear smarter than everyone else by claiming he was first to spot the truth.

EDIT 3: Petitions on CHANGE DOT ORG or WHITEHOUSE DOT GOV are manginess feel-good BS, grow up.

No I didn't edit the post to add the EDIT portions. I'm mocking the OP for his retreat of cowardice, and for lying in an attempt to get people to follow him. Ironic, since he claims Trump did same.

Is your account two weeks old?

The Man of Drumpfft was chosen to troll you all. Called it long ago. No one believed me. lol

Haha get fucked trumptards

I dream of a day the public gets tired of this shit and forces a reform. No I have no idea how this would be possible.

It's like we watched our farm be set a blaze and asked the arsonists very nicely to put the fire out.

Lol I wish he was an anti establishment choice. Turns out he was just a rubber-stamp Republican.

Look how the GOP voted. Look how they vote on every single corporate shilling piece of legislation.

Its the Russians.

Well I got it. Upvoted.

Probably the economic crash that happened last time we had Republicans in charge. Thanks Obama.

That is pretty pathetic if true. The silence is deafening.

That's why obama out it in place at the end of his term right....

I will bet you any amount of money he won't.

I don't particularly believe that. Money is money and she was as hungry for it as he is. Even if its vetoed, I don't buy for a second that the info still wont be sold. It would be a placebo for the masses to shut them up.

I think hes as dumb as the next person, but hes not mentally handicapped. I think hes going to hear on fox news what the bill is and say, "oh shit. my internet? my nephew told me to be careful of what I let out of the cyber."

That means they don't want it to cloud their narrative. If they actually had posts that criticized Trump then the sheep would start to question their God Emperor.

So stop calling people dicks? Lol

Many career politicians have a good idea and are typically prepared for the role. The Donald thought he was just taking on another CEO position. He already has the golfing down, he thought the hookers and blow was the only other part of the job he hadn't encountered yet.

You made it clear I just think you're wrong.

Either way, Get a grip man, if he's still your savior you need to rethink your inks..

So you think we can't criticize the current leader? That sounds pretty fascist to me

Considering he's driving the country into the ground and is objectively the worst president we have ever had, yes, it kind of does.

Says a guy who apparently only posts on t_d

You're absolutely right that many CEOs are responsible for job losses. What with moving production and business out of the US. Also for hiring cheap illegal labor. Which will all end due to no illegal immigrants to hire, and having to bring business back to the US.

I think the racism stems from both sides. The majority of Trump supporters are not racist. The majority of leftists are not racist. There is racism and bigotry amongst every group. Theres blacks beating white. Mexican beating blacks. Whites beating Mexicans. Muslims beating blacks. The suspension on Muslim immigration is not racist. Neither is the wall. It is not about race. It is about preserving America's safety.

You made it a race thing. Not me.

Nothing to be confused about bud. Yes the bill is in Trump's hands. I didn't suggest that? I literally never said or implied that.

I don't know if he will veto or not. Like everyone else here I hope he shuts the shit down and plays hardball.

What am I trying to "make go away"? My claim was that most media sources are extremely biased one way or the other.

Trump will sign it without even reading it, and then go play golf at Margalapagos this weekend.

He is their Cult Leader. Even if he signs it his Cult followers will stick with him.

Anti Medicinal Marajuana?

Anti Internet Privacy?

So what?

Hence, the Cult.....

Nor do I. I would ASSUME (possibly a mistake) that our data would be protected until this law goes into effect.

You are being a sarcastic cuck but you aren't wrong, the Mad Man works 18 hours a day, takes no holidays (INB4 MUUUUH GOLF, guess what cucks, 50% of buisness happens on the golf course. It's what real men do, not cucks :)), and everything Trump does is for the AMERICAN PEOPLE

You can't blame him if he doesn't fully understand 1 single bill, especially if all that bill does is remove oppressive Obama era regulations that cripple buisness just like the President PROMISED to do.

I'm not sure but I think unless you're also preventing DNS leaks, your ISP can still see what websites you're visiting, even when using a VPN.

Your reading comprehension is lacking... read it again. And again. And maybe get your mommy to help you.

anyone here remember when Trump said he would investigate then arrest Hillary?

Yeah right. YEAH. RIGHT.

Now Hillary will run for Mayor of New York and join forces with Trump.

His Cult Followers forgot that Hillary is one of his best Friends, a good person by the way; they were always Friends from the beginning. Only the Clueless Cattle couldnt see that.

On the wall- many illegal immigrants still sneak over the border illegally. Sure, not as many as there were in 2005, when it was nearly 800,000 a year. As of 2015 that number was down to close to 200,000. Which is still too big a number.

On the Muslim ban- how is it unconstitutional when the people living in the seven countries mentioned (which are in fact inhabited by many extremist groups and even in the middle of war) are not even US residents or citizens? It is not just Muslims not allowed to come from those countries. It is everyone in the country as a whole. Muslims can still come from countless other countries. Just not the seven mention due to those countries being way too unstable and dangerous.

I'm a Bernie supporter. You a shill?

It's more than that. Any attempt at discussing anything negative is removed by the mods. Even if his supporters wanted to discuss it, they're not ALLOWED to.

Yeah they can't have negative posts on there. Their whole schtick is that they're behind Trump 100% of the way. If they start having negative posts, people are gonna start to have real discussions about Trump on that sub and the moment that happens, they're ruined.

"Haha just give up and accept God emperor as your daddy haha"

Lol I hope you're right man...

Oh ok. Makes sense.. have a nice day..

The real reason we lack jobs is because all the easy jobs for the masses were automated long ago and only tradition and refusal to change has left them in place for as long as they have been.

The economy has shifted and while there are enough things to do for everyone, those "things to do" largely aren't about survival anymore (ie: food, shelter, and heat; ie: agriculture, construction, and energy). The economy has been based on need, and most jobs similarly based on need, for a long time. Most of those jobs are gone forever. The want-based economy has been growing for a long while, but we don't know how to structure that yet.

Personally, I'm for UBI to take care of needs, so that "wants" have room to grow unimpeded.

European too.

Like Hillary would have been any different.

Seriously, it's like trying to watch an amputee climb a ladder and not being allowed to help them.

How to manipulate and con people into thinking you know what you're doing. I fully believe Trump is capable of that. He played on his supporter's emotions and fears. He continuously lied about crime rates, terrorism, and how fragile the current health care and economic situations were. They fell for it.

And get a few rounds of golf in, of course

You're part of that community and part of that insanity. That sub is a fucking disgrace.

All of this.

And I would add that the Trump era is a direct and logical result of the modern Right, which uses fear, division, and misinformation to push an agenda that benefits the wealthy and turns the nation backwards economically, socially, culturally, and educationally. It is not just Trump but the entire Republican Party that is ruining this country.

This is important to remember, because what's going to happen next is republicans are going to try to distance themselves from the Trumpster fire, and act like they are the better, sane choice. Don't forget that midterms are right around the corner. They are counting on the short memories and lack of attention of their voting base.

Who'd you vote for?

It's an amazing little fantasy land they've constructed over there.

There could be a huge, scandalous, incredibly important story going on about Trump, and their top post would be some random tirade against a liberal politician or something. It's the epitome of willful political ignorance.

Or they'll just be really loud about something completely inane.


They actually aren't, there's no provisions for members of the legislature

This is my own thoughts nothing to do with trump ..Canada has same law that past awhile ago . I live in Canada and i don't really care about them selling info to advertisers . I love how Facebook feeds me relevant ads

Bringing race into it devalues your opinion.

See what you're doing? When facts are pointed out you simply attack the messenger. God damn it man wake the fuck up!

We will not bow to the left and their out of touch ideas. Please get kek'd in the mouth


How will not hiring illegal immigrants bring jobs that are sent abroad, back?

That doesn't even make sense.

Or a picture of someone who was killed by an immigrant 20

It wasn't a blind belief it was more so that we knew for a fact we would get corruption with Clinton so hey, let's see what happens with Trump.

You mean you havent seen enough already?

Hasn't this protection being revoked only been in place for like 3 months?

This populist asshole was better than a guaranteed deal with the fucking devil, you fucking retard.

Now see That's a true conspiratorial minded comment.

Stop basing your beliefs on the fringe extremes.

Someone should teach that concept to /r/The_Donald

It's your right to interpret his words that way, but it seems pretty clear to me in the video that he interrupts himself like he usually does and the point he's making is that he didn't say he would repeal and replace it within 64 days.

When we offer the worst possible interpretation of his meaning, we open ourselves up to dismissal by the people we want to convince. It's better to not give them that option. The strongest criticism is the least deniable, and yours was easy to look past even for someone opposed to Trump.

I don't know what my age has to do with anything, but I'm 28.

We are talking about paid essential service that allows you to connect to internet. It is as simple as that.

For everything that you are mentioning there are alternatives, and most of that software is free to begin with. No one is beating you over the head to use it.

But. What. About. Her. Emails. Tho. / s

Trump and his followers only care about the idea of campaigning, they can't move past that to actually govern. It's the dog that caught the car; They don't know what to do now.

Oh good, you live in Sweden. How about fuck off from talking about our politics in general then. Good day :)

Is it really that weird though considering you get instant permabanned for pretty much anything unless you meme around and praise trump/are angry with whatever propaganda they post?

I was banned for saying "Well that's ironic". So unless you're banned it makes you think.

Huh? Maybe there was a misunderstanding, I was driving when I wrote my first message. What I meant was this happened during Obama's administration. Not that's his administration was directly responsible for it (however he did nothing to really help protect privacy throughout his presidency, e.g. NSA empowerment and other intelligence agencies rode to a new high point directly under him)

50 Republican Senators voted in favor of this bill. 0 Democratic Senators voted in favor of this bill. 100% of the votes in favor of this bill came from the GOP.

Acting like party doesn't matter is complete bullshit.

What country do you reside?....must be a magical place for you to have such a shit opinion of the USA.

Fortunately they have antibiotics for chlamydia...not our president.

I'll wait here for you to provide sources

I support the side the does not actively engage in bold lies and conceal their illegal activity. Politics is a very diligent and purposeful endeavor. Electing trump to that office thinking he would be successful would be the equivalent of hiring a plumber when you need heart surgery. There have been trump supporters with proven racist histories much like those who opposed Obama. Nobody thinks all trump supporters are racists but they do believe they are willing to accept a president that embraces racism.


People on r/conspiracy defending Clinton?? What the fuck is happening??? FUCK YOU SHILL PIECES OF SHIT

Please don't take the charge on this. It seems like you have no clue what's going on in the world.

It's pretty true, before the election the only strong political position he had was anti Obama.

I know 1984 comparisons are dime a dozen, but the vitriolic hate for Clinton and to a somewhat lesser extent Obama reminds of the two minute hate.

I interpreted that statement as him doing his usual partial-sentence-then-interrupted-thought-and-bounce-around way of speaking. Like this:

“I never said repeal and replace Obamacare--you've all heard my speeches--I never said, repeal it and replace it within 64 days.”

The sentence, without his interrupted thought, would be, "I never said repeal and replace Obamacare -- [that is,] I never said repeal it and replace it within 64 days."

Do you see how that can be interpreted in slightly different ways? He's a horrible speaker when he talks off-the-cuff, and he often does this thing where he repeats the same thing multiple times but adds slightly more context to his meaning. Then, if you take one snippet out and ignore the rest, it's possible to come to a conclusion that doesn't mean quite what he was trying to say.

It's really bad because his words can so often be misinterpreted like this (apart from when he's just flat-out wrong anyway) because of his stylistic approach to speech.

There are alternatives to trump or Clinton. There is not voting. I did not think Clinton was a good choice either. I feel the same way about Clinton to a certain degree and I believe the Democratic Party has a long way to go. However you are supporting trump, that is your choice so there must be something you thought he would do. After decades of self enrichment in his seventies you thought he would suddenly change his whole outlook on wealth and people outside his sphere of influence. You supported someone with obvious ties to corruption and self enrichment. I am wondering at what point that support ends. I am not tying insult or demean your right to choose. I am just wondering when the fallacy ends.

Trump printed off a fake NATO invoice for 300 billion and gave it to Merkel when she was visiting. It was just another thing showing everyone Trump doesn't understand NATO or how it relates to other countries that are part of it.

I'm assuming he used this reference to show Trump doesn't understand this issue either possibly?

Don't forget anti Clinton posts, despite her not being relevant for five months now.

Said no genuine member of this subreddit, ever. Try /r/politics instead.

To be fair, he was near-deified by his contemporaries too. That's why he won 92% of the popular vote for his re-election.

Those are banana republic dictator-level numbers.

Do some research next time

He's setting himself up to fail - he's a failure.

IfTrump vetoes this bill, I will give him credit for doing the right thing. Many, many liberals will as well.

Yeah people need to realize that feminists DO NOT REPRESENT ALL LEFTISTS. I'm a humanist left center person, NOT a feminist. Just like you can have a conservative who is anti-globalism and one that is pro-globalism. Although ALL conservativism is bullshit to screw over workers. Except MAYBE the most moderate of conservatives but those types do NOT exist in America lol. America is shifted so far to the right that American "center right" is equivalent to far right in Europe economically if not also socially.

As someone who is pretty much diametrically opposed to everything Trump stands for, I would be genuinely surprised if he vetoed this bill and it would make me reconsider whether he is actually willing to govern.

Which is funny because most people who hate "pc culture" can't handle being called a dick.

In regards to your last line, they all want civil discourse but elected a guy who is not capable of it. Good for the goose good for the gander.

I don't care if people find my browsing history because I was born to good conservative parents who taught me to take responsibility for my actions. This bill will help stop ISIS but the liberal-islamic-terrorism-loving-snowflakes want to stop it so they can make memes about how trump failed to stop the ISS!



Where do you guys coordinate this stuff? Reddit has been taken over by snarky interns. Are you in a cubefarm or do you all get to work from home?

If I were to wager a guess, I think such messages are just banned anyway. There is a insane amount of linearity in what's pushed, of which I have never seen the likes of, literally anywhere.

Well, excluding certain hate groups on FB and what not.

you promise do you? that makes all the difference

no i'm saying whether he does or not may be contingent upon other factors

veto this bill and we'll make sure to filibuster any future healthcare you propose

it's never cut and dry

I think there has been a LOT of confusion about that. Especially with the mods.

Who. Fucking. Cares.

Well, you do what you feel is necessary.

Only if your ambition is to be at the bottom.

fuck white people

So the same mod just banned two different posters in a row for talking trash about a sub that was obviously not r/conspiracy? Only one possible explanation: T_D has obviously payed people to infiltrate the mod team and censor any Trump talk less grandiose than his own self-praise.

Yea I know it's a pipe dream. But we outnumber the elite, and if everyone donated $10 we might finally have an entity they cannot ignore. Of course we would never be able to unite enough people to make a difference. Divide and conquer is their game and they are damn good at it.

We? Don't lump me into your garbage attitude. You are telling me you were never duped by a candidate. Or were promised false hope and took the bait?

Be nice or don't. People that respect each other tend to actually listen to each other.

Not exactly. They predicted he'd win, not that he never wanted to.

Rofl so you're just angry you can't get any huh? Makes a lot of sense really. Most of you trumpers are just sexually frustrated neckbeards.

You think I'm an extremist Trumpster because I called /u/chaozhammer a "sad pathetic fuck" I guess?

but if the country is run like a business, who profits?

The view of the administration is that the people are customers.

"“We should have excellence in government,” Kushner said in a Sunday interview published in the Washington Post. “The government should be run like a great American company. Our hope is that we can achieve successes and efficiencies for our customers, who are the citizens.”"

um the citizens of this country are your BOSSES, WE are supposed to profit

So two people banned in the top chain. T_D definitely didn't start enforcing their influence here though. No sir.

You sound like a shill. Very likely paid by one of Soros organizations. Fuck off.


i thought i asked for facts? and the government. are you for real? all democrats, obama, mccain, ryan, graham. need more? ya know everyone whos been in control of gov for the past 8 years HAHAHAHA

"known to be reliable" hahahahhahahhahah!!!

i dont even disregard the possibility russia tries to influence our shit. but you dont think we do theirs? notice how you have to make up 25% to prove your point cause that sounds like a lot? stay in your lane. election wasnt hacked, they mightve told us the truth about hillary but im ok w that. suck the dick of the establishment harder if you dont like that

and how about hillary selling 20% of our uranium or podesta lobbying for russian bank?

can you pls give me something substantial or admit youre fooling yourself

"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill."

Did you also miss what his job was? He's probably the most qualified person to have delivered that dossier.

Oh okay, so not Tillerson, the ex-oil CEO. Or the multitude of Goldman Sachs that are now on trump's administration.

Trump's gonna help CEOs make more money, he's not going to help the working class.

Oh, gotcha

Haha. It's a sad and sucky day here in England and that made me smile.

So stop using reddit and Facebook to push your conspiracy theories, and use a street sign at your local street corner like the rest of the nutjobs.

Let's see... republicans cut funding to our border patrol and coast guard so we can't stop them from getting in, then they cut funding to ICE so we can't properly remove them after getting in. So we have to figure out a way to deal with them because Republicans removed our means to prevent the problem in the first place and that's somehow all Democrats fault?

Also good job ignoring the question on Trumps golfing. This is the common response from the right whenever his egregious spending comes up. And they are supposed to be the ones that rail against wasteful spending. What a joke.

And his anti-intellectual base is cheering him on while saying they're "not tired of winning yet."

Didnt you sabotage bernie to run a candidate with a vaginer

Hm no i actually quite enjoy democrats out of office

I thought you were better than that. Figured this was a place for ideas contrary to the bi-partisan media. Guess 6jot.

Funny, Clinton campaigned on that!


I said "Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration"

I said "Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration"

I said "Please don't tell me you just criticized Obama for being anti-immigration"

Is Oh Kay comrad RikaMX you do a good work for the Motherland

Be sure to hold it up for the cameras so everyone can see you're such a big boy!

Fuck does them being white have to do with it?

YEP everyday.Don't like people killing babies and all. Thats all it takes to have my vote

What would happen if you found that you were part of the Deep State all along?

real hard hitting stuff there doodle

This is actually a justified case of American exceptionalism. We've done the successful revolt for liberty thing before. Our culture is different from most cultures due to its advanced individualism, and that makes all the difference when it comes to determining whether a revolution goes full circle. It isn't enough to be a warlord in an individualistic society. Individualism thus agitates against revolution, but makes it more efficacious as a means of change if the necessary threshold is reached.

Fucking Monsanto, man. Nobody likes them unless they're paid to like them. Even their business partners bitch when they're off the clock. The oil industry looks good by comparison.

Put that on my vision board kemosabe.

There are no trillionaires.

It's just like that awful "free" trade deal. The left was set up to fail in their campaign against it, but they were supposed to believe all the while that the Dems would be their salvation. They were never supposed to doubt that... and as long as they didn't, they'd never win.

Meanwhile, the other guy gets in, and IS the actual salvation. Turns out a little skepticism goes a long way.

As someone who supported Obama before he killed the antiwar movement and turned his back on his promises of transparency... I don't believe you.

Removed. Rule 4.

It's very odd to be a liberal person born and raised is San Francisco, one of the most liberal places in the US, then a Trump supporter (who is obviously deep in their echo chamber) comes along and tells me how liberals feel. Needless to say none of the above comment is true, it's just what you have been fed. If you were on Reddit at the time, you would remember that when Trump got out of TTP, it went straight to the top of /r/politics, and all the top comments were liberals saying it was a good move, but I guess that doesn't fit in with the right wing narrative.

I'm sure Mrs. Trump is snapping off toned, athletic cocks right and left now that her pudgy piggy bank has fucked off.

Trump does not write bills


Why would they then turn around and write another bill

already told you why

Looks like you mostly lurk on r\politics and EnoughTrumpSpam though so.. You kind of lose all credibility of truth when you visit and believe what the Reddit Left is spoon feeding you. Gasp

Nope, instead of calling it out they encourage it. This one is nearly as bad when you look at the first stickied comment as well.

Reddit admins are fully aware of this and seemingly couldn't care less.

Nope. NASA guide to climate change

Here's some info on where that 97% figure comes from. So yes, nearly all with relevance are in agreement.

The evidence says the climate is changing at an extreme, unnatural rate. We know that greenhouse gases cause heat to be trapped, and we know that we produce way more greenhouse gases than would naturally be produced. This theory hasn't been plucked out of nowhere.

He uses the "math" incorrectly. He's a terrible source for anything. See Here

Okay. Lets do some research then. So if we imagine humans never entered the industrial revolution and so we never started burning shit loads of fossil fuels and adding tonnes of greenhouse gasses back into the atmosphere. What would our climate look like today based on what we know.

First of all, what effects the temperature of the Earth? 1. The sun. Well the sun's output has actually been falling, as the graph at the top of this page shows so we might actually be a bit colder if it were just the sun. But there's other things..

  1. Volcanic eruptions. This gets a little complicated because large volcanic eruptions can actually cool the planet, as they release aerosols which can reflect the sun and have a cooling effect. However, this only lasts for 1-2 years. They also release CO2, which as we know is a greenhouse gas and contributes to warming the Earth when there are extended periods of volcanic activity. Fortunately, people who are actual experts have studied the effects of volcanic activity for us...

A number of studies have used a variety of statistical and physical approaches to determine the contribution of greenhouse gases and other effects to the observed global warming, like Foster & Rahmstorf and Lean & Rind. And like those studies, they find that volcanoes have had a relatively small contribution to global warming, and in fact, likely have had a net cooling effect over the past 50-65 years (Figure 3).

  1. El Nino, the southern oscillation. This only really effects short term temperatures, as it's a short cycle. So not really worth anything when comparing over centuries.

In conclusion, there's nothing to suggest that natural causes have caused any change in the average climate since the 1750's, and definitely not to explain the current conditions. Without some major events, the climate doesn't naturally change very quickly at all, we're talking thousands of years. Since they're hasn't been a major event, or any evidence of anything else, we can conclude that the climate today, should be very much the same to the 1750's.

So if you think it could be natural causes, please tell me what those natural processes could be.

hahhaah "the opposite may be the case"... in the future im talking about predictions already made that have been exaggerated. how many times do they need to get it wrong for you to question the prediction

im not the one looking for people to make me feel good about my claims