This sub is compromised.

2  2017-03-29 by [deleted]



Trump - Zionist shill

Alex Jones - COINTELPRO agent

Idk how people take AJ seriously. He's been wrong about so many things. He says so many bagshiy crazy things that people ignore.

It's obvious he just panders to the gullible to sell his bullshit vitamin water Garbage

Ya, man, he peddles his wares. But hes been doing this for a long time. Used to be on public access.
Thats how he runs his own op without being beholden to sponsers. Thats why he sells. Youtube demonitized him recently. I dont hold it against him. Im a capitalist and wish him well.

Hes a patriot and one of the good guys. Hes very sincere. He believes what he says. Even if some stuff hasnt became true. But a lot is. Maybe a lot that is "unproven". I like to reference gay frogs. Scientist really did create a chemical that turned frogs gay. Thats one outrageous thing he said he gets shit for but is true. Theres plenty that probably isnt though, i realize that.

What do you think the accuracy rate of stuff is on this sub? This is important. A place for people to come together and seek answers, truth. Because much of what is said here isnt proven and are theories "technically". But hey, at least were talking about it. Trying to work through it and figure stuff out. Why the hell would you throw alex under the boss? I dont think youre giving him credit, if youre serious about conspiracies. Nobody on the planet has done more than Jones to expose stuff. Nobody has a larger platform to do so.

Yeah, I never really got all the Alex hate to begin with. The man does his homework. Sure, his spin and speculation strays from the mainstream range of allowed perceptions of reality, but he doesn't make shit up out of thin air. He relies on actual declassified US government documents, mainstream but usually unreported or under reported intel, peer reviewed scientific papers, former and current government and military officials and agents... Plus, being a 5th generation Texan, I personally know he comes from a good family. That may not mean much to some, but to me it does.

Just stay off the front page... problem solved... front page is a bot curated battleground between many factions underground... chase down Mister Hinky Dink... So no trace can be found.

First off, duh. Yeah its been compromised.

Secondly, Alex Jones is just trying to scare you into buying tactical shit. He's a peddler and not much else.

Nobody on here really liked Alex Jones before what happened. Including me

Personally i see Alex Jones as kind of a fool. I mean, it's not hard, is it?

Alex Jones shilled out years ago when he started claiming that the Saudis quarterbacked 9/11.

Anyone else noticing this?

Yeah. You and everyone else asking this same question, over-and-over in new self-posts every day now.

Yes, it's been compromised. But if you bring up the shill problem you'll get called a shill.

Every form of media is compromised, to believe there is a place that is not is naive.

Maybe it's because Alex Jones is a spineless fat cunt that keeps spreading bullshit?

harsh, lol

He's been doing that for years. This witch hunt is very new, and makes me question whether I've been wrong this whole time or not.

Maybe this witch hunt is new because he apologized like a bitch a few days ago for talking about James Alefantis?

Which you firmly believe in, I'm guessing?

I firmly believe in what?




I would agree there is a smear agenda. I'm a fan of alex but not much of an active listener anymore. I have my opinions on alex but, whatever is going on with him and this situation. It's obvious this can be done, and if theses kinds of situations are being manipulated by this shareblue situation. If fee like we're all in some deep shit.

  • but to start to mimic leftist media disinformation about Alex Jones?

The posts I have been seeing are not disinfo but videos of alex himself. Like his withdrawal from pizzagate.

He is a shill, not because people say he is but by his own actions.

  • That this evil empire of child trafficking of societies elites exist, but it doesnt revolve around a pizza shop and attaching it to the pizza shop was a mistake

Typical shit lol. Agree with Truthers then do a 360 and try and redirect them somewhere else. People didn't attach it to a pizza shop for shits and giggles, the information available lead them to the pizza shop

I disagree. Alex has been talking about pedogate for years. Before it had a name. It was just a an elite satanic pedo cult.

Alex only shills for himself. Sells his own wares. Hes not always right, but is seeking truth. Hes constantly trying to expose bushes, clintons, saudi connections, bilderbergs, secret families, globalists, all of that

He is controlled opposition. He takes conspiracys as far as Is safe then he backs away or muddies the water. Sometimes he just goes all out crazy. All he cares about is money not truth, he has more in common with the elites than any truther.

I say this time and time again, Alex Jones would receive no flack if he would just come out and say what he really feels.

He's a white supremacist that hides behind Buzz Words to hide the fact that he's really just feeding other white supremacist thoughts.

His rhetoric is not to help you find the truth, it's to get you angry and rowdy for the upcoming race wars.

This meaning he doesn't have to be correct nor does it have to make sense at any point. He simply needs to label certain people the enemy (liberals, freedom fighters, people who expect human rights that equal that of the global white supremacist conglomerate) and the rest is done by the viewer who concocts their own theory and ideologies in their own minds.

If he used Rush Limbaugh approach, he would lose a lot of subs and would most likely be shut off YouTube which is why he continues to hide behind those buzz words.

Alex Jones may be being heavily targeted currently but from what I've seen wide swaths of the conspiracy community(s) have long had a dislike for him.

I've noticed a lot of attacks on AJ.

I reckon aj is the real deal, yeah he's said some dumb things, haven't we all.

Do that many hours of live , stream of consciousness radio and of course you'll have plenty of stuff for people to make fun of you for.

Imho AJ's is in it for more than just the money. Watch him on joe Rogan with a belly full of whisky and after a few pipes - he's the real deal and believes what he says.

been compromised for a while. lots shady upvoting and people shilling.

Jones is disinfo. If people are fear mongers, and try to sell you stuff they're not in it to help the people. It's difficult to accept, I get it because I was a huge Jones fan for a while. He's even in the illuminati cards lol.

Confirmation bias. Alex Jones has been a hero/villain off and on in this sub for as long as I've been here. There is nothing new or different going on, you're just late to the party.

The real hardcore conspiracy types have been calling out alex jones for years, you are all late to the game

Welcome to civil war 2.0 . Hard to care anymore. Defending or attacking fellow mind slaves is completely futile. What next? Having people choose sides and march them off to kill each other in a war? Yup. Personally I'm gonna run. and fast!

LOL. It's not leftists that are turning against AJ, leftists never bought his bullshit in the first place. It's right wing people that are turning on AJ because AJ doesn't support their fact-less, bullshit narratives anymore.

Here's a bunch of threads about Alex Jones from multiple years ago:

Alex Jones is detrimental to the truth movement :82% upvoted

Does anyone think that Alex Jones is a govt plant or disinformation? : 77% upvoted

Alex Jones capitalizes on fear : 93% upvoted

And just to show you that what you're claiming is some new effort is not at all new:

Why is there so much hate for Alex Jones on /r/Conspiracy?

If someone is posting a link or talks about Alex Jones everyone seems not to like him or call him goverment agent

That's from 5 years ago.

As others have said, it's not liberals or conservatives, or mods, or r/conspiracy is turning on Alex Jones. It's that you and many other people are new to the game. Which is pretty much what I'd estimate at ~1/2 of the truth movement starts out as: Alex Jones viewers. If you stick around long enough, you'd notice there's always been a trend of people originally looking to Jones as a hero only to later realize he's a gatekeeper and a fear salesmen.

I'd say it's so consistent you can pretty reliably gauge how long someone has been in the truth movement by what their stance on Jonestown is.