We're in charge. Repeal Clinton's 1996 Telecommunications Act, Obama's 2012 Propoganda act & Bush's 2001 Patriot Act! Call, Write, Petition

61  2017-03-30 by CivilianConsumer

Talk about this with friends, family, colleagues. Put stickers on the bus, subway, bumpers. Post fliers at school. If you want change you have to start the fire yourself.

You can whine you have no control and allow your privacy and freedom to slide shift into a Chinese style police state. If that's what you want I feel sorry for the next generation. They're the one suffering a fake reality from the forced cybernetic implants. Or whatever they get enslaved with remember you you did nothing to stop it.

Or you can take your country back from the Illuminati Deep State Mossad Russian Bureaucracy using your words and leave the future a better place, one you worked to create in your terms


The future is looking grim, the next generation has a future coming up full of heavy propaganda and indoctrination.

Baby Boomers did nothing and let the Federal Reserve run wild among others.

Generation X let the Telecommunications and Patriot acts steal their media freedom and privacy.

Millennials so far have let them create fake news and confuse the truth, creating confused violent brainwashed messes such as Antifa.

You can stop it with words and voting.

Call your reps and tell them you will vote them out in 2018 if they fuck with your privacy and freedoms.

Speak with your wallet, don't buy cable TV or GMO cereal.

Donate to groups like Judicial Watch, Wikileaks, EFF, ACLJ

Make them repeal

The Fed

The Telecommunications Act

The Patriot Act

The propaganda act

This new ISP bill bullshit

Be a pleasure to be around, kindly red pill and change people's minds.

Take your freedom back using words and hard work

Spread the word on:

Drug Legalization especially natural drugs like Marijuana and Kratom

Geoengineering, people don't know it's real and really bad and they're about to get sprayed in a major way.

GMO and Monsanto. They're being lied to and don't understand the danger.

Things you can start immediately:

Be a pleasure to be around, kindly red pill and change people's minds. Lead by example. We know the truth is depressing as shit. But I'm smiling because we can change it fast. Your friends and family are innocent bystanders, wake them up this is their future too. Most will be glad to stand by your side.

Take your freedom back using words and hard work


Don't settle with a victim mentality.

You're only a victim if you allow yourself to be.

Social Justice Victimhood is a cancer designed to keep us divided by race, sexual orientation and gender. Fuck that shit we're all Americans and we all need to ignore the superficial and unite to get our freedom back.
