Russian Troll Factories have hired thousands of trolls to infiltrate this sub and other subs all over reddit. Russian Trolls GTFO. We will continue to fight for however long is necessary (details inside).

0  2017-03-30 by FUCK_TPTB



One thing I noticed is they don't work weekends. Pizzagate thread here on the weekend was 100 percent people calling it bullshit. I make a post saying Pizzagate is BS at 3 am on a Wednesday and it has 30 downvotes in 10 minutes. I think some of them have poor English and not able to debate, they just downvote.

I'm already at zero, but of course the downvoter can't debate because his English is poor, probably calling a supervisor now

I downvoted you. PG was big 6 months ago then this sub is astroturfed. Welcome to the community, good luck with your goal

Proof of PizzaGate thread over the weekend that had 100% people calling it bullshit, please.

No one believes in Pizzagate, it's Russian agents and Trumptards pushing it, real actual pizzagaters don't exist.

proof or gtfo

sharpie in the butt or gtfo

Sure looks exactly the opposite of what you say to me.

Russia is a paper bear. just like the cold war, its all peacocking.

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16 day account acting like it knows about this sub! Buh bye!

What's your point?

That your posts are bullshit. Screenshots of a Blog are not proof.

Look at OP's post history. This is all he/she does.

Paid to do. Team hareBlue formally known as CTR (Run by David Brock who dated James Alefantis) are getting paid to piss people off so that they don't use Reddit.

Its the lefts new tactic too keep people from waking up to the truth.

are getting paid to piss people off so that they don't use Reddit.

I think you're exactly right. Their tactics are so weak and obvious that it makes me think they're not trying to convince us of their BS, but rather they just want to demoralize us and hinder open and honest discussion. FUCK_TPTB (russian321, wagthekat, or any other accounts being used) are perfect examples of that

They just want bots circle-jerking over the intended narrative with other bots. It's getting close to that already.

This is retarded. Do you realise how many countries share the same approximate time zone as Russia? Doing any kind of timestamp analysis is dumb as dog shit. For example, it's 4PM in Moscow right now, 3PM in Italy, and 2PM in England.

But, if you must, post the GitHub link. I write algorithms for a living and will be sure to check it out. Sounds stupid though.

What kind of algorithms do you write?

Machine learning and evolutionary computation.

By the way, this is just my first report. I still have a lot more solid evidence about the Russian trolls.. Also check out the links I've posted

a report with no evidence, is not a report, might as well take yourself to r/writingprompts

Not to mention those of us who are night owls, insomniacs, or work night shifts. I'm more active on Reddit between 11pm-4am est and I'm definitely American.

Regardless of time zone though, I still see people being accused of being Russian if they misspell something, or their grammar is off (even though there's no reason at all Russians shouldn't be welcomed here like everyone else, which is why these accusations annoy me).

Apparently even Americans with English as their second language aren't allowed to be pro or neutral regarding Trump, or anti-Trump and think the Russian connection stuff is bullshit.

A lot of the ones who label people as Russian, or call people "comrade" for not regarding Russia as our enemy are the same ones who get pissy over shill accusations, when in my opinion, it's way worse to disregard, dismiss, or attempt to push out people from entire countries. You may as well disregard or be suspicious of people who don't like Obama if they're any race but black.

I'm a Russian shill. They pay in wodka.

Everyone who disagrees with me is Russian!!

Everyone who disagrees with you is CTR/ShareBlue!!

"Russia Propaganda" = Put America first. ShareBlue propaganda = overthrow your president..

you know, all they have to do is work nights and sleep in the morning..

a report with no evidence, is not a report, might as well take yourself to r/writingprompts