The Don'ts and Do's of How to "Sell" Conspiracies to Family/Friends

73  2017-03-30 by WarSanchez

I'm starting with the Don'ts first because these are where I see the most issues here on this sub when we talk to one another. This is an ultra simplified guide, it is not perfect by any means, but it has always been effective for me, so I thought I'd share it.


Do not be hostile!

•Avoid being confrontational and condescending. I've seen it happen far too often in this sub. Calling someone a retard/cuck/sheep isn't going to make them change their mind.

Don't think you have to do all the convincing right now at this very instant.

•The "war" isn't going to be won over night while sitting down watching reruns of The Office for the fifth time. You have to be willing to commit to slowly convincing someone. Those of us using social media platforms should not clog feeds with a constant barrage of info, that makes you seem desperate for attention. Do it slow.

The DOs

Find Common Ground

•Easy concept, if someone feels like they don't know you, It'll be hard for you to change their mind on things

Produce Easy to Check and "Digest" Evidence

•"Hey did you see that on facebook/reddit/twitter" as dumb as that sounds that is how a majority of people get their news now, why not use it to your advantage

Create an Emotional Connection

•People unfortunately don't care about things they cannot empathize with. Sometimes you gotta use a little leverage to get the ball moving

K.I.S.S (Keep it Simple Stupid)

•Hitting them with Alien Invasion, Satanic Child Rapists, Flat Earth, Yetti Monsters all at once can REALLY turn people off. You have to sell them the small ideas and guide them as if they are connecting the dots themselves. You are "selling" them an idea and they have to be willing to buy it, no one likes an overbearing salesman.

Be Willing to Walk Away/Re-engage

•This is probably the most important one. Be willing to say to yourself ok, this isn't working I'll stop here and tey again later. It's ok to come back when emotions settle and start fresh. You might have caught them on a bad day/week/month. Humans are weird like that, be patient.

(Will Add/Edit Later if you guys give me suggestions)


Is calling my dad a retard a good strategy?

I like to bring things up subtle at family gatherings "can you pass the 9-12 was an inside job?" & "Aunt Jean I love what you've done with your, the jews faked the moon landing"

"Hey do any of your friends..."

"Know how to overthrow Democratically elected governments for the good of the Cabal? No, but the CIA does."

"No honey, I meant do any of your friends want a kitten, Cataline just had her litter"

"Did you know"

"That the Gov't exposed 1000 of unsuspecting troops to mind control test via MKultra?"

"No, that your friend John got hit by a bus. He's dead"

"Anyone need a refill of fluoridated heavy metals while i'm up?"

I have a tendency to randomly shout "9/11!" at 9:11 PM

I was told to never forget

I have been known to snapchat pictures of clocks at 9:11 saying "real George Bush hours" and my favorite, "Bush did my clock".


That's amazing.

Hitting them with Alien Invasion, Satanic Child Rapists, Flat Earth, Yetti Monsters all at once can REALLY turn people off.

Anddd your credibility drops to zero.

That was exactly my point. Thank you for proving it.

I think someone should start r/GovernmentConspiracy separate from r/conspiracy, because it appears there are two kinds of people who visit this sub: those who believe these things really exist: Alien Invasion, Satanic Child Rapists, Flat Earth, Yetti Monsters....and those who are wrong. Kidding, but seriously some people seem to think only political conspiracies are valid and not UFOs, aliens, fake moon landing, the flat Earth, etc. These things involve conspiracy theories and belong here, and their occasional ridicule here is puzzling.

That point was for comedic value.

Honestly, some people here accuse me of not being a Conspiracy Theorist because I don't believe in some of the extremes.

Do I believe in god and satan? No.

But I do believe people that do believe in that are capable of doing crazy things because of it.

Do I believe in Aliens? I'm still unsure.

It's a definite possibility, but I don't think we are clones of the Annunaki and guys out in the farm land get probed for fm"research".

Do I believe Sandy Hook has all fake? No.

Maybe Adam Lanza was prodded by someone to do that. I have a close friend with ties to one of the families devastated by the incident. I know it happened.

Unfortunately, I get called a shill, a faker, get downvoted for just sharing that at times. So I just tend to stay away from certain topics now. People can be awfully fanatical.

On this sub, you have to search in this order: New, Controversial, Rising, Top(today), then Front Page and you'll get a good mix of stuff. Frontpage is usually just one topic usually.

Thanks for the advice regarding searching. It seems "controversial" is where the fun stuff is, if you can separate the total crap and hyper-partisan stuff from stuff that just gets people uneasy or stuff they simply don't want to believe. I don't think you'll ever see a flat earth conspiracy discussion anywhere but controversial for obvious reasons. And browsing New is good to get to stuff before they are suppressed, if at all.

As far as people claiming to own the title "Conspiracy Theorist," I would tell them it's not a club, and I can theorize on anything I damn well please, controversial opinions or not.

satanic child rapists is hard enough on its own to sell!

Always start by asking them questions, like "Isn't it interesting that Hillary Clinton's largest Senatorial campaign contributor was Larry Silverstein, the guy who held the lease and the 3.5 billion dollar insurance policy to the the World Trade Center, and arguably the Clinton Foundation's largest foreign donor throughout the years has been Saudi Arabia? Those Clintons sure are good at bringing people together...

"Which lizard person do you support for this election?"

Start with Bigfoot

Everyone loves Bigfoot.

false: bigfoot is a Russian spy

Its obvious that the Russians trained their bears to walk on hind legs and create false flags all over the midwest

It all makes sense now

wrong again

this will explain just how deeply the bigfoot spies and their fellow conspirators have infiltrated the USA:

Oh... my... god... it all makes sense now.

Don't worry. With the current Rusdian narrative, everyone is becoming a conspiracy theorist.

Man isn't it crazy how many people become conspiracy theorists when an election happens. They only flirt with conspiracy when their opposition is in power though. Remember the right's conspiracies with Obama. Now you see it with the left right now with Russia. Boggles my mind.

What I loved was before the election, the Establishment was shaming the idea that there was a conspiracy to influence the election for Hillary and as soon as the Establishment loses, there suddenly is an "undisputable" Russian conspiracy.

Here's my tips & tricks on the subject, this really needed a separate thread. It's time for us to start redpilling people IRL. Here's some thoughts on the subject on a thread about a guy who found explaining conspiracies "exhausting" (it felt the same for me as well a few years ago):

it's getting more exhausting by the day.

If you're getting exhausted, you're doing it wrong. The thing about conspiracies is that people naturally don't want to consider them, because that would make their ego feel duped ("oh if the gov't was playing me for an idiot I would know, trust me").

Here's my playbook for discussing conspiracies with people who are out of the loop:

a) Never try to cold-start a conspiracy conversation, but you can try to fit in some light and proven conspiracies into a conversation about politics, corporatism, corruption etc.

b) If your intended audience is not receptive at all, and does not even acknowledge basic government fuckery, don't bother. It'll just exhaust you and you will have achieved nothing at all.

c) If the audience is receptive to some of the conspiracies (corruption in politics and banking according to experience are almost universally acknowledged), you can build on that by adding detail and information to their already-existing knowledge base. After that they may be more receptive to being led down the rabbit hole.

d) Don't go all out all at once. People who don't understand CIA psyops such as Mockinbird and politician-control projects such as brownstone, will be very hard to explain pedogate to. Always stick to the basic facts in order to lay the groundwork for explaining deeper conspiracies.

e) Be cool. If people don't want to wake up that's their own issue and you can't "fix" it. No need to stress yourself about the things you can't control.

Bonus conspiracy protip: Never start with chemtrails. Chemtrail discussions always require a primer of casually/jokingly telling the other party to watch the sky every now and then, so they can see for themselves. If they actually go through with it (you'd be surprised how many people just NEVER look up at the sky) they'll either notice that something's going on, or it "doesn't look like anything" to them. People who trust the MSM and gov't more than their own eyes will only wake up once the gov't orders them to, so again; no need to waste time there.

Example (after having identified a receptive audience): Never say "they're spraying us", stick to "they're spraying for geoengineering". Then explain what geoengineering is. Then explain how vested interests such as big oil (established conspirators working with both sides of the political spectrum) are involved with prolonging fossil fuel use for personal gain. Finally, you can mention how the spraying could potentially be hazardous to human life on its own (respiratory illnesses etc).

edit & tldr: Remember that this is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Conserve energy and don't waste effort on unreceptive audiences. Always stick to the facts (with a dash of suggestion) and let your audience unravel the conspiracies themselves.

Start with stuff immediately impact their life : "Guys, do you use Roundup ? Do you have them in your garage ? Trash them now ! It causes cancer !"

I always try to connect it to what that family member is into on a personal level.

In my family I've got personal interests ranging from: - Domestic Violence Prevention - Health - Human Trafficking Prevention - Science & Technology

I cater the conspiracies that I talk about with those family members according to their personal interest. It helps segue them into thinking outside of the box and overall helps them think maybe there's a bit more to this.