Why will NO ONE in this sub who supports Trump answer these questions? Why the need to cover up the Russian story? Why are so many people in his administration getting caught left and right LYING about it? Why are people resigning because of it?

18  2017-03-31 by FUCK_TPTB

I want REAL answers, not fake bullshit illogical responses like "4D chess bruh", or "MSM talks about it so it must not be true".

I know MSM is fake news most of the time, but this is POOR logic to dismiss a serious case like this.


Because this sub does a 180 when Trump is involved and people tend to point that out because it is out of line with the nature of this sub. Any reasonable person would hold just as much suspicion for Trump that they would for anyone else. It doesn't make sense. The man and his administration are stumbling over their own feet trying to cover something up and /r/conspiracy thinks everything's just peachy. The whole administration is a joke, and it seems to be obvious to many, while everyone else is in denial.

Umm mm, no. Have you seen the stock market? Have you seen NasdaQ? Have you seen the deficit? Fucking troll, go join Antifa already & get some fresh air.

Because the stock market is indicative of trumps performance this far? Just like the job numbers a few weeks into his presidency were all because of Trump, right? The man takes responsibility for decisions companies made before his campaign was announced, and the effects of those decisions, and you probably beleive it. And why the fuck would i join antifa; i have a great job in a booming trade and don't need to go bitch about it in public when he'll most likely unravel himself in the meantime. But...mark my words: when trump and the GOP begin to touch labor rights, or dismantle collective bargaining, or try to impose right to work in my state i will be open carrying out in the street with my brothers and sisters in protest.

Hey I agree you should go out with your brothers and sisters, BUT... its not going to happen. Best to you & your family in this new, amazing journey.

You could even go through my comment history to see i opposed the whole Russia link stuff when if was first making the rounds because it had absolutely no evidence at the time. Now it does and people are resigning or covering their asses right now. Red flags for a cover-up are everywhere and /r/conspiracy has their fingers in their ears yelling " I can't hear you"

Please provide the solid proof...I'll be waiting.

Because it's super awkward to admit you're on the same team as Russia.

Not only is it awkward but may become criminal. Just saying the Red Scare already happend once whos to say it cant happen again?

It is, look up McCarthyism...

Who won WW1? US/Russia. Who won WW2? US & Russia. Hrmmmmm...

Anyone seen OP's missing chromosome?

He needs it desperately

Anyone seen OP's missing chromosome?

Do you think that comment might be a problem?

Does that surprise you considering his attempt to make other believe trump administration actually did something wrong?

Why are you asking us? Ask the Congressional and FBI investigative teams that just declined Flynn's offered testimony. Are they really so set on taking Flynn down that they won't give him immunity in exchange for the opportunity to take the rest of the Trump campaign down based on his testimony?

Why haven't the Congressional and FBI investigative teams provided a reason for declining his offer.

And so you know - I realize you can't answer these questions. They are rhetorical questions that only the FBI and Congressional investigative teams can answer, which they have yet to do.

Let me know when this changes and then you might be on to something based on the result.

it looks like a distraction to me. all i ever hear about is russia and impotent gop congress.

Anyone who is remotely familiar with conspiracy theories is going to be skeptical when corporate media and the IC come a knocking trying to sell a narrative. They are known liars and propagandists.

Just produce one solid piece of evidence that Trump was engaged in a corrupt deal with the Russian government, and then we can have this conversation.

Of course you can't, and no one can. Because there was no such corrupt deal.

Or the investors who had stock in Uranium who "donated" to the Clinton foundation just before the 20% was sold off.

Clinton lost, who cares about Clinton. Why do you people constantly bring up someone who's no longer relevant, to deflect against criticism of Trump?

Can you answer that question? Of course you can't. Because there's absolutely no reason.

It's a current event that Trump, a members of his admin / campaign supposedly have ties to Russia. So you're saying it's irrelevant when people point out that another campaign has links to Russia too...? AND this campaign (Clinton's) happens to be linked to another large conspiracy (pedogate), and was part of a political dynasty that is linked to several NWO conspiracies on its own. How is it not relevant? You're in a conspiracy forum, not /r/politics or one of its' offshoots, it is entirely relevant to bring up the Clintons. This sub is concerned with conspiracies as a whole, despite the constant attempts of people to make this sub focus on Trump alone.

And what of the rest of his post? Where one single piece of hard evidence of ties to Russia? The server connection has had holes poked in it, the report released by the government has been rebutted by WordFence. You're rebutting by pointing out a supposed argument based on 'whataboutism' while ignoring history and popular theories that have been discussed here, and ignoring the most important part of that person' message, a call for evidence.

There's no solid piece of evidence that John Podesta is a satanic serial child rapist, yet you don't see near the level of objection to Pizzagate on /r/conspiracy as you do to anything negative about Donald Trump.

DNC refuses to let FBI look at server. they are editing the news.

I can't figure this out. I voted for the dude, because he was making all the right enemies and I was hopeful. I don't buy the russia narrative, but I don't understand what is going on either. I could be wrong but I'm going with the deep state civil war theory. Not "insiders rejecting outsider trump" but insiders rejecting insider trump, because he did something that he wasn't supposed to. I know russian media was clearly against clinton, but I also know saudi and israeli influence is an actual thing and I haven't seen the outrage. I haven't seen any evidence of Russian influence beyond a media smear campaign, and even the allegations of "collusion" seem like they are about the same as we know other countries do. This circus surrounding Nunes has me questioning everything. I just hope we find out wtf happened some day.

I completely feel you.. it's really confusing AF, I just want someone to wake me up when all the details are out and everything gets resolved, but who knows if that'll ever happen

Flynn is the only one who resigned. I am concerned that he asked for immunity to testify, but who knows what that is about. I honestly believe that the deep state actors had a plan for reigniting the cold war or even going to a full scale war with Russia, remember Hillary wanted a no fly zone in Syria that would have likely led to war.

Flynn story today was completely fake as tweeted by his son: https://twitter.com/mflynnJR?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

The Russian narrative is bullshit, Putin came out today and stated that he didn't help anyone on either side. You want to believe the Russia story because every single MSM that is scared of Trump is running this bullshit narrative.

How can they find evidence for everything EXCEPT Russian ties?

Putin denied it? Well then, case closed!

Even remotely solid proof or stfu faggot

This is r/conspiracy you don't need solid proof around here.

Then don't ask me why I don't believe it or give a shit when liberals cry about it

No matter what, it's still a great thing that Hillary didn't get in.

Why can't we trust anybody, and why don't we find real candidates of the people

The Russia Bogeyman = Desperate Liberals grasping at straws.

Screencap this message. If any real evidence comes out that proves once and for all Trump is a Russian puppet, I will admit I was wrong.

The power structure does not want a REAL investigation into foreign meddling in our election process.
Accepting huge donations from foreign powers in exchange for diplomatic favors is bipartisan.