Slavery was never abolished. If you are convicted of protesting, you can become a slave.

41  2017-04-02 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


yeah let's go back to chopping off hands and hangings for crimes instead

So either slavery or amputation? Why not punishment that makes you better without making you a victim too??

better treatment for criminals? here? now that's just crazy talk

The point of punishment is to show you why what you did was wrong. You should feel victimized after punishment as that is what's supposed to teach what you did was wrong.

Do we accurately do this now? Nope

Ok so the people in jail for marijuana deserved to be slaves even though now we recognize it's not a crime? They are set free and have no criminal record and are not compensated for their labor since they tried weren't a criminal. Your argument works for violent crimes, but also, you won't see Dennis hastert be a slave.

Actually .. we're going to bury you up to your neck in the ground and throw rocks at your head until you die...

(You looked sideways at a male coworker)

Some half-assed trolling there.

Check out the new abolitionist radio podcast... Great info about the current system of slavery

If you have any debt. You are already a slave