Refresher: Clinton foundation bestie Laura Silsby got caught kid napping 33 children from Haiti, changed her name and now works for amber alerts.

2456  2017-04-03 by [deleted]



It is stunningly scary that the people who forst know of kodnappongs and those reporting on sightings are themselves former kidnappers.

Its almost like its planned....

It's fucking disgusting.

Thx for posting this OP. These things need to be repeated and reiterated until justice is served. All too often stories like this get swept under the rug because the general public forgets about them and the political pressure from citizens is lost.

I love that t_d exists to do just this.

Except the Donald doesn't talk about this stuff anymore. They're too far up their ass about stupid memes and what some person said in the internet somewhere.

My bad, I actually thought I was in t_d when I read your post...

I do kinda agree with you about t_d... But I'm still glad it exists, it serves a very important purpose for those like myself, who support Trump (I am not a Trump fanatic though, I support him, but I don't always agree with him). r/conspiracy has much more interesting and relevant content though.

My opinion is that t_d is mostly entertainment, with news and events sprinkled in. r/conspiracy is where I come for serious news and critical thought. I don't always believe everything I read in this sub though. It serves as offering another perspective, often different from that of the MSM.

That graphic is amazing, someone or some group really put some effort into this

Call me naive, but can't figure out what is significant about that WikiLeaks doc. I assumed that funding stuff like this is common in US politics.

My guess is maybe that it's the people on the call that is significant? David Brock?

Which one?

Honestly I dont think you can talk about it on a lot of places on reddit

After the Milo incident they realized that a lot of their base is actually pro pedo so they stopped embracing the pizza gate related stuff as much. It's a shame but we all could tell TD had a lot of pedos. Too much obsession with it.

They did not realize their base is pro-pedo. That is a lazy smear. Pizzagate is anti-partisan; it corrodes partisan identification because it overrides partisan identification. Nobody's base is pro-pedo, not even Hillary Clinton's.

Have you read Trance-Formation of America? It's by Cathy O'Brien, and it's about MK-ULTRA from the perspective of someone who suffered it. People who take this shit seriously throw their partisanship overboard and start taking up any candidate who will undermine the depraved systems of social control that rule over us.

You just got yourself confused. Whether pizza gate is bipartisan or not, (which your right, it is, same as russia using trump) that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about TD reaction to it. And how it was obsessive to the point of obviously outing itself. "He who smelt it dealt it" as my grandma used to say. When Milo tape of pro pedo in religion came out (disturbing to listen to that justification) TD backed him, lost, then slowed down on the pedo propaganda. Simple timeline. Not a smear. It's good that TD is more focused. Not sure how that's a bad thing in your eyes.

Every group has its bad people.

Liberal gang members and rioters.

Right wing racists and pedos.

Drain the swamp.


You seem a little jealous about T_D. I'm not sure if you are envious or the so-called "meme magic" is getting the best of you.

I'm not sure anyone can be jealous of a subreddit. I'm also not sure who is paying you, but obviously you are some Russian shill. Don't you have a pedo like milo to defend somewhere? Have a good day. So much winning. Ps the wall is socialism. And you voted for it. What's it like being a socialist?

14 hours ago. Try harder.

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Sorry, but what it t_d?


Ahh ok. Thanks.

Sad that you got downvoted for that. A simple answer to a simple question, but whoops, the very location of r/the_donald is wrongthink that we're not supposed to post. Well! Well done. Wear your comment's controversy cross with pride.

It's a lot of boy pussy.

"Changed her name".....her name is still Laura, maybe she got married?

Yeah, despicable, but saying she changed her name makes it sound like she's going by something completely different. THAT would be a conspiracy in my opinion.

Oh yup, she did get married, look at that. Her middle is still Silsby.

I like conspiracies too, but I also like logic and reality, so...

Yeah, her name being still kind of the same makes it a fucking non-issue that a child mass-kidnapper works for a corporation fighting child kidnappings. I mean fuck, stop making it a big deal. You accused her of kidnapping 33 kids and changing her name yet she didn't change her name, you fucking lying crazies. She didn't. Stop saying she did that. She did not chance her name. This is not a conspiracy. Why are you attacking her? She is innocent of changing her name. Case closed.

Ok then please give us a realistic and logical answer as to why this woman works for AlertSense when she's obviously invested in harvesting orphans.

I need to prove to you why some asshole hired another asshole I don't know in a profession I don't know just so that you will stop having a hard on for crazy shit? Tempting.

No, not necessarily. She is not the focus. She is a small piece of this unimaginably huge puzzle. I don't want you to answer anything, I do my own research. But if you wanted to look something up and find the loose ends that no one is paying any attention to then maybe you could give me a logical explanation being that you like logic and all. All I am saying is that for all the incredible claims that people are making (which I believe for the most part through my independent research, although I do understand how hard they can be to swallow) there are no answers. People just call us crazy because that's so much easier than actually being concerned and losing sleep like many of us have after reading about the horrors of this trafficking ring.

When you read about horrors, you lose sleep.

there are no answers

That's because they ask questions based on non-realities.

Laura and a group of baptist missionaries were attempting to bring children to an orphanage after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. They didn't fill out the proper paperwork, so everyone was arrested on child trafficking charges. Everyone was released, and Laura had her charges reduced to "arranging irregular travel".

I love how the nut cases downvote a logical response. I'm not saying you are right, but it's well worded and realistic. Thanks.

Well that's not exactly true. After the earthquake she was caught trafficking over 30 children, attempting to remove them from the country, which is a big deal. We can't take minors across state lines in the US, much less to other countries. Furthermore, a majority of the children were not actually orphans. They had families waiting for them, searching for them after the disaster and this woman tried to take them to another country! Also, she had been warned that she would be charged if she didn't respect the law and went through with the plan anyway.

So I'm not sure if minimizing and trying to deflect is the right thing to do here.

I'm not saying she didn't do anything stupid, or criminal. Someone asked for a realistic explanation, and I gave one. OP only stated this woman was arrested on child trafficking charges, and is now a higher up with Amber Alert. I don't think that's enough information, and I'd go as far as saying it's deceptive and intellectually dishonest.

I agree OP wasn't perfect, but your explanation is too whitewashed in the other direction.

I'd contend that it's dishonest not to mention that she was trying to take the kids out of the country, that she had been warned previously, and that many of the children had families looking for them.

You're right, I didn't include those details. What I think is important though is to demonstrate intent. Is she trying to hurt children, or help them - and which one of those two possibilities is the reason she is currently working for Amber Alert?

Based on the fact that the 'orphans' had parents I would say it's safe bet on the former

I'm not sure what more you want though. She knew that she was breaking the law, a law that is in place to protect children. We will never know what she intended to do with the children, but for some reason she thought it was okay to circumvent a very serious law in the aftermath of a disaster, and her actions could have permanently separated children from their families. The fact that she was warned shows further disregard, and some would contend that it is compelling evidence that her intent was malicious.

IMO At the very least she should never work in any capacity with a company that exists to protect children, because she has proven herself to be at the very least woefully irresponsible and negligent to such a degree that it could have destroyed lives and permanently destroyed families.

According to the Associated Press, these parents were willfully handing their children over, saying they were no longer able to feed or clothe them.

This is from Wikipedia but if you go to the incident you will see that it is well sourced.

"On January 26, the group gathered forty children and set off for the Dominican Republic. They were stopped by a policeman, who explained that their actions were illegal. [8] [9]"

This shows they knew what they were doing was illegal and they had been warned.

"On the night of January 29, the missionaries were arrested while trying to cross the Dominican border without proper authorization. They denied any wrongdoing and maintained that they were doing God's will by helping orphaned victims of the quake. [12] The children were sent to the SOS Children's Village orphanage in Croix-des-Bouquets, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, and it became clear that most (if not all) of them were not orphans.[13] NLCR missionaries maintained that they were told that the children were orphaned. In turn, people in Calebasse and SOS Children's Villages accused the missionaries of lying about their intentions.[10][13] Although the children's relatives were told that they would be able to visit them and eventually take them back, the NLCR's mission statement clearly outlined plans for adoption.[1][10]"

This shows that they knew the children were not orphans and lied to authorities. Then subsequent interviews show that they misled poor families after a disaster, convincing them to give up their children for adoption in the US but telling them they would be able to see/retrieve them. Its pretty twisted.

We can't take minors across state lines in the US, much less to other countries.

Yah you can. What are you referencing here? Any parent can take their kid across state lines.

Use a tiny amount of your brain before commenting something like this please. It is illegal to take other people's children across state lines. Ergo, Silsby committed an even more serious crime by trying to take other people's children to another country, where they would be extremely difficult to find. Your comment seems like you are being willfully ignorant, because I don't think you're that dumb.

It's illegal to take other peoples kids without the permission of the parent anywhere. Don't even have to involve state lines. I was trying to figure out why such an obvious statement was even in there when it didn't add anything to the point. We already know what she did was against the law, the debate is about if she did it with nefarious intent or if she was trying to help out the kids.

It was in my initial comment because the person I was replying to failed to mention that the children were being taken across the border. He/she said they were being taken to an orphanage in Haiti. We on the same page now?

Where? He says they were bringing the children to an orphanage after the earthquake in Haiti. He didn't say the orphanage was in Haiti, he said the earthquake was in Haiti. I don't think there was anyone saying she wasn't trying to take them across the border. Did I miss a comment somewhere?

No it was just context. The way the post was written by the original commenter; "taken to an orphanage after the earthquake in Haiti." Is a misleading statement because a reader wouldn't know that they were being taken out of the country. And the grammar actually does make it sound like the orphanage and earthquake were in Haiti. Its a very important detail, not down the street or across town or to an aid camp nearby, but to another country.

The guy was asked to provide a logical alternative to the narrative the OP of this topic posted. The topic of this thread is this lady trying to take kids illegally over the border and different interpretations of why she was doing that. You don't have to post all the details of an article or topic again and again when discussing it. Especially something so obvious, it makes people confused that you are referring to something they missed.

Like in my case, I interpreted the question he was asked as what other reasons could this lady have had to take these kids and go over the border with them. He provided one, and then you came back with the comment that in the US you can't take minors across state lines much less another country. That confused me, because it is such basic common sense in the US that you can't take a minor anywhere without a parent's consent that I didn't know if you were referring to something specific or not. Hence the question I asked.

Well that's not exactly true. After the earthquake she was caught trafficking over 30 children, attempting to remove them from the country, which is a big deal. We can't take minors across state lines in the US, much less to other countries. Furthermore, a majority of the children were not actually orphans. They had families waiting for them, searching for them after the disaster and this woman tried to take them to another country! Also, she had been warned that she would be charged if she didn't respect the law and went through with the plan anyway.

So I'm not sure if minimizing and trying to deflect is the right thing to do here.

/u/qaaqa is slightly negative. view results - Ranked #52072 of 59998"

What is happening here

/u/lord_empty is slightly positive. view results - Ranked #44850 of 60762"

My most positive and my most negative comments are literally different halves of the same comment


I'm pleased that my commenting is just as contradictory and bewildering as my actual life

I clicked on the view results link, and looked myself up. It looks like it goes through your comments, finds "positive" and "negative" words and assigns a score.

Some of the words I saw in my most "positive" comments were things like love, great, favorite, popular, like, good, etc

Some of the negative words in my negative comments were scary, hell, torture, die, and the sentence "We're all fucked." Lol Only issue with some of the negative ones though is it takes the words of people you're quoting into account as well.

u/elephantsnecstasy u/opfeels

/u/elephantsnecstasy is mostly positive! view results - Ranked #2601 of 60784"

I think its a not that analyses your comment and tells if it's a negative or positive comment. Pretty neat bot imo.

I am a sentiment analyzation bot. I analyze your comments to detect positive and negative sentiment.

/u/opfeels is mostly positive! view results - Ranked #5403 of 62240"


His piece of the pie is larger for the positive than the negative. Am I missing something, or am I just slow? Shouldn't the bot show he is more positive?

Her lawyer is also a convicted sex trafficker...

Including an older New York Times article as well with him being wanted by interpol

I think that is where the story gets damning. The other sources don't really prove anything to me but this changes things.

Truly disturbing. We can't allow this to happen. We literally have the lunatics running the Asylum. I saw a comment on a random YT video and the person said that a large majority of amber alerts are escaped sex/torture slaves. It really makes you think....

Can't believe people believe in these conspiracies.

I cant believe people ignore rampant evidence right in front of their eyes simply to maintain a failed political belief system in their mind.

Agreed. Conspiracy theorists are idiots.

Conspiracy provers however are of execeptional genius :-)

There's no such thing as a conspiracy prover. Sad

I will play devil's advocate becuas . Why not

What if she was down in haite doing what she thought was best for the kids ? Maybe she genuinely trying to effect positive change in the world perhaps she thought the kids were in danger their? Or prehaps she was a patsy and got played herself in that lil incedent?

Now what if she later in life wants to dictance her self from said incident maybe she relized how bad it looked or was just in over her head. So why not a fresh start? Name change.

But what about work ?i still am very passionate about and want to defend the inoccense of children she says to herself. How can i help at risk kids here in the states? Working for Amber alert will redeem me and fill the void inside my bleeding hart. She thinks to her self.

Im just spit balling here and think proper investigations are much needed i also understand thous are hard to come buy these days while the second Red Scare ensuses.

I appreciate your input. It really just comes down to speculation. Her lawyer was a previous child sex offender and not to mention all the other ties with the Clinton foundation and child trafficking. This could very likely be a thing but 33 children being smuggled should give you a life sentence.

Mmm when you look a little close i guess it just looks more and more damning.

Yeah thats some stuff i kinda forgot about as well. And no doubt it all seems damning.

I think she got played tbh wether she was oblivious to it or not.

Not to mention the association of the number 33 with many other theories - just an interesting coincidence or 33 children for a particular purpose?

After the earthquake in Haiti, she lied to the parents to take their kids. She lied to the police and said the kids were all orphans. She lied and said she was taking the kids to an orphanage that didn't exist. She was arrested at the border trying to smuggle them out of the country.

I don't think she had good intentions..

Well shyt when you add all that into the mix she sounds like a deep state operative.

I am often optimistic to a fault

I am often optimistic to a fault

Well you were in the right to try to look at other angles to find the truth. Nothing wrong with that.

Ayy thats a good point dont make sence to paint our minds into a corner

I am often optimistic to a fault

I can tell. For example you believe everything he posted despite him not posting a single bit of supporting evidence.

Yeah it dont take much. But door can swing both ways

Or to play better devil's advocate, what he said is pretty much what the evidence of the story points to (example source: )

Their parents willfully gave them up as "orphans" because they couldn't take care of them, and Silsby's group could help them have a better life. Apparently this isn't an uncommon thing in places like this. Unfortunately for them, it's not legal to just give someone your kids like that which is why they had to lie about it. There's no indication the kids were straight up stolen.

You realize that there is a legal process to do these thing....

A legal process people in an earth-quake affected village in Haiti would have any idea of? People in Haiti probably have little knowledge of any of their laws. We need to know more. It's said she made up the orphanage. If this can proven it is a good start.

This could very likely be a thing but 33 children being smuggled should give you a life sentence.

Law reflects intent. If it was simply to get them out of the country to somewhere safer, a judge is going to look more favourably on her and consider it a failure of paperwork/due diligence, and not actual child trafficking.

her lawyer was a previous child sex offender

Any links/evidence?

Lots. Here's one of many articles. Breaking down her lawyer being a convicted sex predator.

Including an older New York Times article as well with him being wanted by interpol for trafficking charges.

New York Times Articles about her lawyer facing

Truth feed is not a legit site, that looks like Russian bs to me

The link to the but doesn't work could you post a working link to that plz thx

Post a working link

I think you've been in the US too long. When natural disasters happen in a lot of other places, society crumbles. I went to Belize in 2014 and it was still recovering from a hurricane from years before.

One of the girls were interviewed and was told they were being taken to a very nice camp in the Dominican Republic.. I'm sorry but I'll believe the girl over someone who associates themselves so closely with the Clintons

I'd imagine that's something the girl's parents told her, rather than "we're giving you up"

You could also listen to the parents, who admitted they willingly sent their kids with them for a better life

I could also send my kids for "a better life" but god knows what will happen with them.

Intentions of the parents don't justify the actions of Laura.

Intentions of the parents don't justify the actions of Laura.

This exactly. The parents could've definitely had the best intentions in mind for their children, when giving them up to Laura, but she then proceeded to lie to authorities about several different aspects of her being there, the children's destination, etc...

If she had verifiably good intentions she wouldn't need to lie to get the kids.

They gave them up as orphans because she lied to them.

Where do you think she was taking them? The orphanage she said she was taking them to didn't exist.

It's not like she was there to give food and aid, she was there to take children and got caught at the border trying to smuggle them out.

The orphanage did exist. They leased a hotel to serve as such, it's just not clear whether the plans were to make that a permanent orphanage or move that elsewhere. There's still 0 evidence they were trying to smuggle them as sex workers or anything of the sort. American missionaries helping orphans in foreign countries (whether real orphans or given up) isn't really an uncommon thing. They just didn't go about it the way they should've.

You ever volunteered in the third world?? I doubt you even have a fucking passport....

So how do you presume to know what it's like in Haiti?? Not just Haiti, but Haiti immediately after a natural fucking disaster....

But sure go ahead and talk shit from your parents basement lol.

If your idea of volunteering in a third world country is taking their children and sneaking them out of the country then, no, I've never done that.

when I volunteered in jamaica, parents would put their babies in our hands and ask us to take them back with us because they believed they would have a better life

More kids in Haiti under the age of 14 are dying from rape than malnutrition. let that sink in.

Oooof.. thats dark.

To bad it's made up

I just dont know what to belive now. Maybe thats point ayy?

Well you can either believe the person who says something with no source, or the person who says "you have no source" to him. Hmmm...


He's a fucking pizzagater of course he doesn't have a source lol.

I appreciate the content; but I can't tell if you're trolling, or really just write at a 4th grade level.

I legit dont know how to spell alot of words it not one of my strengths. But certain words (mostly swears) i spell diffrently sometimes to try be cool.

For the most part im not trolling when using this acct.(exept if sombody being really rude then maybe just a little ) But mostly im just super excited to communicate with ppl that think outside the box. And i also i get excited about sharing ideas or notions or vibes that i think might help others liberate themselves or others.

Like my hart and mind goes faster than i type .and i just send that shyt like a hot potato.

Wow, thanks the well constructed input.

HAHAHAHA You deleted your post?

No you don't understand if you are in anyway connected to the clintons you are a pedo and an awful person /s

She was convicted.

If I remember correctly (from browsing the pizzahate sub when it existed), the lady was working with parents to get kids out of the country. Not exactly kidnapping, though they were doing it illegally. The sub had a hardon for her, but every thread about it seemed to devolve into people looking into it and saying why the fuck is this attached to pizzagate. Not surprised OP said he was drunk while posting this.

I dont know. Looks to me like Trump is getting shit done regardless of what that shit appeals to. Idk its been two months. Lets wait until at least 6 before we come to a conclusion. And yes I agree, what the fuck. That bitch needs to rot.

I'm sorry you're getting downvoted, I comepltely agree with you but the pedo defenders don't.

Lmao thanks. I could really care less about downvotes on this sub. A bunch of negative butthurt cucks on this sub, always looking to hate on something. Not to say everyone I like that here, but reddit in general really.

I completely agree with you but the pedo defenders don't.

“I've known Jeff (Epstein) for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

“I've known Jeff (Epstein) for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

-Donald J Trump, a man who loves to walk into changerooms of 14 year old girls

Over a decade ago, are we suppose to hold peoples past over them because of some dumb shit they have said or done? Pussygate is beyond stupid, and unless Trump killed someone or has actual proof of raping someone I could care less. Dirty campaign strategies are all about finding or making up dirt about someone. The fact that all the rape accusations against trump came out two weeks before election day, and that they were all debunked within hours speaks volumes about that cunt Hillary's failed strategy. If there is hard proof I would love to see it. I remain on the skeptical side.

More about the fact he is friends with a known pedophile and even admitted he knew Epstein "liked them young"

But keeping on doing whatever you have to do to defend him...

Ah yes curious ms laura silsby. I believe she is a victim of the gladio program of the CIA. They infiltrate and trick good willed folks into commiting crimes for them. Sometimes unwillingly, usually by showing manufactured evidence and emotional manipulation. I sometimes wonder if she knew though. The other prisoners seemed to hint at that.

Honestly people do good work over there all the time. Our media has never cared. It only started to care when it affected the dirty deeds of those in control of the system in my opinion. I believe laura just "knew" she would be fine was because she knows how corrupt it really is. But cannot rule out useful idiot either.

Here is a nice infographic will some connections of hers.

Where can I download that info graphic?

left click + save image?

Don't listen to him, it's a trap! I heard he's a diddler!

Doesn't work, mr pedosta. You wanna give me password advice? Lols 😂

You mean right click you left handed fucking mutant

side effect of the spirit cooking dinners

I wonderd about it being a inside-job myself especially with the curious #33 included in the situation.

Where can I read more about this gladio program? This sounds very interesting. All I can find is about an operation during cold war years. Is it the same?

Watch george webbs youtube videos starting around day 70ish. I would recommend watching it from the beginning, but he goes into how the CIA infiltrates law enforcement and intelligence through the JTTF.(Joint terrorism task force). And coerces them to become involved in organ trafficking pedophilia, running drugs, and other CIA type activities.

thank you, friend! i will look into all of that. already started checking out some of george webb's videos.

shes gotta keep her finger on the pulse

fuck hillary and her child trafficking

One would assume anything to do with child protective services would have the strictest vetting system in the US; instead, they hire people known to be involved in controversial events involving children. Even if her actions were NOT nefarious, nobody in their right mind would hire this person.

One would probably be correct to assume that. She works for AlertSense, a company involved in the tech side of emergency alert systems. One of the various emergency alert projects they work for is the Amber Alert system. Saying she works for Amber Alerts was totally false.

I don't think Trump is going to be the savior that many people had hoped for. I don't think he cares to put his energy into anything besides enriching and empowering his family and himself.

I have very little hope he will do anything about this. And besides there was a report that he hung out with the same guy Bill Clinton did.

Okay buddy, you can keep this mindset. People have other beliefs, your whole post is speculation but you are entitled to your opinion.

" Not a Trump Supporter".

Yea right .

When did I say that?

Well you went super werid at the end of your post. Trying to use your post to at one hand discredit all trump theories because your post is so great and then also in the same breath insult his presidency. So you can see why people are confused.

Good work on deleting your post it was too level shit post

you just another deluded zealot.

He's done a ton already in fighting human trafficking.

Such as....

Such as had his supporters give him credit for local law enforcement busts. Honestly, has he even said a word regarding this shit? I don't think it's even on his radar

Yeah, he passed an Executive Order specifically regarding Human Trafficking.

It's like you guys don't even want to hear about the good he's trying to do while you tear into the bad. Whether or not you want to give Trump "credit" for this, arrests so far THIS YEAR are up 4,500% compared to previous years, and it's only April. It's crazy MSM isn't reporting on this...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I hope he starts with Trump Model Management

Oh great, you have some jokes to follow up your statement that he hasn't even said a word about human trafficking after I provided evidence he's taken a hard line stance against it.

I clicked your link, read the blurb, loled about the pizzagate insert by the author, looked at the other headlines on the site, loled, googled "trump human trafficking executive order" found an ap source but there are no details on this. I have no idea what he intends to do besides 'grant more power' to the fbi (DERPSTATE). So I dont know what trump thinks about human trafficking other than that it is bad. Any details on what he intends to do?

Not really sure yet. I think it's too early to tell since it's barely been a month since the EO was signed. He said he wants to bring the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to combat an “epidemic” of human trafficking and also said the issue is “not talked about enough.”

My overall point is that this is a good thing that he should receive some validation for, regardless of whether or not we care to attribute all (or even some) of the arrests to him.

The following outside organizations are currently assisting with the operations with more organizations being brought into the fold:

  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
  • International Justice Mission
  • Thorn: Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation, co-founded by Ashton Kutcher (you might remember him speaking in front of Congress earlier this year)

It's very odd that this hasn't been bigger news, imo.

good shit. seems like all these agencies are doing what they are intended to do. Trump does seem to be a strong man law and order type, which sometimes is misdirected on drugs, but im all for attacking organized crime, esp if its associated with cronies in govt

I replied to the wrong comment before. Here's my reply

there was a report that he hung out with the same guy Bill Clinton did.

If you mean Epstein, there were allegations of more than hanging out :

"In the most recent suit, Trump's accuser asserted that while she was exploring a modeling career in 1994, she attended a series of parties at the Manhattan home of prominent investor Jeffrey Epstein. She alleges that during those parties the real estate mogul tied her to a bed and raped her. She also claimed Epstein raped her during that series of gatherings"

Anyone thinking trump was going to be anything is already delusional.

100% but...

There is a clear word gafuffle with all this pizza terminology, because you say that you aren't a pizzagater, whereas I consider Laura Silsby a large part of what makes 'pizzagate' real. I feel 'pizzagate' has become the blanket term for govt sponsored pedophilia.

Lets not forget that what's more damning than kids in the pool in these emails, is that it shows Clinton correspondence with Silsby for like 14 years.

I feel 'pizzagate' has become the blanket term for govt sponsored pedophilia.

I think it's more that it's raised awareness and shed light on the issue of child trafficking. Yes, there were people talking about it for a long time James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Ted Gunthrie, etc... but it had never been pushed into the limelight with such force. And if pizzagate ends up being true, it's likely just a small piece in much larger puzzle.

You are a pizzagater. Anyone who thinks child trafficking is happening is a total nutcase conspiracy theorist. Welcome to the club.

Seems like you're defending someone....

Seemed like sarcasm tbh

Sorry, let me see if I understand correctly. Disregard anything pizzagate related, you truly believe child trafficking does not take place on any level?

Honestly it's just such a horrible idea that nobody wants to even think about it. We're all in denial.

low and behold

It's "lo and behold."

Glad I'm not the only ones that noticed

I apologize, I was drunk when I made this post and it won't let me edit so I can't fix all the grammatical errors in my post

I apologize, I was drunk when I made this post

That's was more than apparent.

Maybe don't drunk post next time?

Especially when OP is only 17.

Oh now we have cops in this thread?

Can you reply to my comment? You asked for sources which I gave you which you in turn ignored. You're not Trump, you don't have to ignore all the information you get.

I'm sorry, I'm getting comments in my notifications left and right. I'll go ahead and play with you since you seem to be refreshing my account to stalk what comment I make next

Yes I am. You asked for a source, I delivered. Now its up to you to respond to that. You'll learn that's how debates usually work.

Well considering that there's about 290 comments in this I can't really sift through all the retarded rebuttals, sorry bub

What the fuck do you think would happen if you posted? You just post and disappear? My reply wasn't retarded. You asked for a link and I gave it to you. Now because it doesn't fit your narrative, you're ignoring it.

Haha you can stop being a child now, I asked you to link your comment and instead you're using divisive rhetoric and crying about it

You think I'm crying? I've never sent a message to anyone about how I'm a know-nothing 17 year old who is triggering people. Seriously that's neckbeard af.

I love this because while you try to degrade me for my age you continue to reply to all my comments.

I guess since you're so young and lazy you think that it takes effort to press some buttons on a keyboard. Nope. Why don't you try and create an actual argument instead of spouting literally nothing. Your words mean literally nothing in relation to this debate.

You keep replying so obviously my words have weight

You'd have to be wasted to believe his bullshit lol.

But assuming theres no such thing as a pedophile sextraffic network us even beyond that. Stay close minded and keep living your, pre-chewed, life.

Drunk on vodka?

lol oh okay wow

74% upvoted

Why and when did this sub get all jumpy when talking about Clinton?

Trump effect.

She doesn't work for "Amber Alerts".

Alertsense doesn't issue Amber Alerts.

This bullshit claim gets posted and upvoted to the top of the frontpage at least once a month.

Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho. In 2015, she married and took the last name Gayler. Silsby is currently employed by software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA's Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events.

Thanks for providing more detail and confirming my comment.

She works "with" Amber alert. You're arguing semantics.

"Amber Alert" isn't a company or organisation.

"With" and "for" are substantially different.

As part of my job, I sometimes work with the government but I don't work for the government.

Same case here.

If you're helping the government do something then you did something for the government. Therefore you've worked with/for the government. You're trying to detract from the very real fact that Laura Silsby tried to smuggle children out if Haiti and Hillary Clinton was getting updates about it from Huma.

How the fuck am I distracting for the human trafficking part? I didn't even mention that.

Facts don't matter if they contradict the narrative, right?

Welcome to the new world pushed by the Donald fags. Facts can only be used when pushing thier agenda.

Let's not kid ourselves Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty of that charge. Edit - neither party gives 2 shits whether they are using facts to push their narrative.

Ok, yes. This is true, but the level of horse shit coming from Trump & Co is an a whole nother atmosphere.

They literally reside on bullshit mountain, shitting on golden toilets, and mouth vomiting non-stop.

Honestly I am probably more critical of the Democrats at this point. Their manipulative shit is absolutely on another planet at this point. And it's not that I don't recognize it from the Republicans, but I was never and probably will never be a Republican. I feel ousted by the Democratic party because I'm not stupid enough to buy their bull, whereas I expect to not be on the same page w the Reds.

Yeah, I think that's actually pretty fair... but I sitll think Trump & Co is the worst of the worst we've ever seen.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

How is this a rule 10 violation? It does not attack users, this sub, or mods. Or are the mods officially endorsing this place as pro trump?

Trying to detract from a story and insisting that what we don't distort the facts of the case are two very different things. It is important that we get everything right when spreading news like this because if we don't, the story is extremely easy to dismiss. It is you who is doing a disservice to these Haitian kids if you don't honestly care about getting the facts exactly right.

Yet you didn't do a dam thing to clarify or add to the discussion. You are quick to end discuss>n thojfmgh

Yours posts are far more worthless than mine. Shut the fuck up already.

Do you think it's ethical that she is working with Amer alerts, with her past in mind?

I'd like to see first how exactly she is working with Amber Alerts?

I work in telecommunications. The VP of Marketing here doesn't go anywhere near the telco part of the business.

At least she's got some experience.

To add to that, the whole "she even changed her name!" spin on her merely getting married is enough to tell us that the title is deliberately misleading.

How does any of this absolve her from attempting to unlawfully remove children from Haiti?

It straight up absolutely does not dissolve her from it.

Agreed. So can we talk about the actual issue instead of trying to wash away her crimes under the pretense of a misleading headline?

There is no washing away of her crimes here, buddy. You're barking up the wrong tree. My argument is solely that getting the facts wrong or deliberaterly misrepresenting some aspects of the case does everyone involved, especially the victims, a tremendous disservice.

If anything, you're the one who seems to be suggesting that it doesn't matter if we are sticklers for the truth here or not. Close enough, right? That couldn't possibly hurt the cause in the end. Yeah, full steam ahead on the misinformation train boys - woohooo!

6 cents deposited in your CTR account. You did a great job derailing the topic into a debate about semantics. Keep this up and you will be promoted to the 8 cent tier!

Jesus christ you people. Nothing I did has stopped any of you from carrying on the conversation in whatever direction you wanted. Again, if you are against getting the facts straight, you are no friend of mine nor ANYONE else you encounter. Nail these people to the wall, but god damn it, GET THE FACTS RIGHT. This isn't about semantics. It's about being taken seriously. You can't expect to get taken seriously if you casually dabble in half-truths and occasional lies.

They proved your comment false

Not at all. She clearly does not work for Amber Alert. She is not involved in issuing Amber Alerts in any way.

"Silsby is currently employed by software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA's Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events."

...what about all that?

What about it? She doesn't work for Amber Alerts. She is not involved in issuing Amber Alerts.

Seriously, is that so difficult to understand?

Did you not read the last sentence? It says right there that they issue amber alerts

If I sell a software to you does that mean I control what you do with that software?

She works with the software company that makes it possible for FEMA to issue amber alerts, meaning she could potentially edit the source code of said ambert alert-reporting software to make it not work whenever she's out there nappin the kids.

Why would someone who tried to kidnap 33 children from a natural catastrophe site... work with a company making software that issues alerts for when someone is kidnapping kids? Possibly to make it not report on her/their activities? Like a virus maker working for an anti-virus company to make that anti-virus software not detect his/her trojan so they can freely get access to peoples' computers and steal their shit.

No, but it would creep me the fuck out and wouldn't make me want to do business with your software company if your employees are known to benefit from the software having a "bug".

Would you want an anti-virus suite from a company that hires unprosecuted virus/trojan makers responsible for recently stealing tons of peoples' information?

Would you trust or feel right in buying a used couch from a well known couch jizzer?

I totally misread the actual quote I posted, I thought it said alertsense issued amber alerts but it definitely does not. So, I am sorry. You are right.

So she personally issues every alert?

Actaully, you're a just being an asshole. Instead of clarifying, and elaborating, you choose to dismis her involvement at all, and take a jab at people in here actually trying to have a meaningful conversation about a seriously troubling situation.

Well considering how /r/conspiracy has a hard on for Hillary, that's expected.

TRUMP is on it... but he needs his ducks in a row.. To charge anyone you need ALL the judges working..(One short so far..get it !)
Catch the BIGGER fish then the whole school are easier to corner. Obama, still has hopes of being king. Hillary has a full military funeral planned, along with her lost celebration to get over. Still thinks Obama will get her back? Then the poor kids issue will fall in place. The $$ and power people, have these sex slaves, to blackmail each other. Who will be the first to Squeal and be innocent? They are all into pedophile, ask the Pope?

Delusion at it's finest.

Nah, that's mental illness

Give Trump the right time, he is working on it. Ivanka , is pushing the President to focus, when he has drained the swamp first.

He's creating a massive swamp. What the hell are you talking about?

Cuz adding a bunch of million and billionaires is draining the swamp? Go back to the Donald and stay there please.

"kid napping"... If you ever want to be taken seriously you really gotta get better at your writing

Not a gater but a fake news truther ? Or purveyor of anti truth? This world makes as much sense as a drug fueled simulation

Literally what.


Do you allow conspiracies about Trump too or no?

Are there any? I feel like he does all of his illegal activity in the open and the Republicans just aren't doing anything about it. Hell even the Russia thing has "more than circumstancial" evidence.

The only conspiracy is why he isn't impeached yet, and the answer is because the Republicans aren't done dismantling our government / protections and getting corporations control of our laws.

To expand on that, it's more they haven't finished doing all the super shady shit they want to blame on him and then impeach him. They likely plan to scapegoat him and try to wipe their hands clean of all their anti-american policies they are attempting to shove through.

What evidence is more than circumstantial in the Russia thing?

The admitted lying by senior staff about connections and meetings with Russia, leading to resignations.

I'm not sure you know the meaning of circumstantial.

That is direct evidence of inappropriate ties to Russia by the Trump admin/campaign.

What made it inappropriate? His only wrong doing is not disclosing it to his superiors and working as an official of the US before he was confirmed by the senate. It's an unfortunate CIRCUMSTANCE but not evidence of wrong doing. Purely circumstantial. Again I don't think you know what circumstantial means.

lol. This clear case of working outside the bounds of legal authority and then lying about it and so being forced to resign is a suspicious "circumstance" therefore it is "circumstantial evidence". Do you even believe your own arguments?

Again for the third time I don't think you know what circumstantial means.

  1. Direct evidence; Direct evidence is evidence which, if credited by the fact finder, will resolve a factual issue without requiring the fact finder to draw any inferences, i.e. a witness testifies that he saw the defendant put a gun in a store cashier’s face, and heard the defendant say “this is a stick-up.” is direct evidence that the defendant committed a robbery.

  2. Circumstantial evidence: Circumstantial evidence is evidence which, even if credited by the fact finder, will not resolve a factual issue. Circumstantial evidence requires the fact finder to draw inferences in order to reach a conclusion about a disputed matter. Like other kinds of evidence, circumstantial evidence must be both material and probative of the proposition it is offered to prove. For example, the cashier testifies that someone that she cannot identify pointed a gun at her face and said “this is a stick-up” and took $325. A police officer testifies that he arrested the defendant later the same day that the cashier stated that the robbery occurred, and the defendant had $325 in his pocket.

Since you must draw an inference that: Flynn spoke to the Russians therefore he must have been colluding and by extension the Trump campaign. Thus circumstantial.

Read a book kid.

Flynn was a member of the Trump campaign and administration. Flynn had unsanctioned and secret meetings with Russian ambassadors. This is 100% direct evidence of, in your words, "this Russian thing" and is equivalent to your example:

a witness testifies that he saw the defendant put a gun in a store cashier’s face, and heard the defendant say “this is a stick-up.” is direct evidence that the defendant committed a robbery.

The above of course, is in your words " in unfortunate CIRCUMSTANCE" but clearly not "circumstantial evidence". Your weird double think is super apparent when you write stuff like:

His only wrong doing is not disclosing it to his superiors and working as an official of the US before he was confirmed by the senate. It's an unfortunate CIRCUMSTANCE but not evidence of wrong doing.

The wrong doing is outlined in the Hatch act which 0 people have been convicted for and also hasn't even been levied. Try harder.

Non-Mobile link:'s_Refuge_case

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How do I know this isn't used by you to distract and conquer? The russian narrative is way more thought out and shows a much larger consequence on the world than your word salad of a post does.

The Russian narrative is entirely fabricated and the new wikileaks docs show that the CIA has programs in place to frame other groups/countries for cyber crimes. The cia then published it's 'findings' to the Washington post, which it paid the owner of $600mil a handful of years ago. The Russia narrative is a joke, more holes than Swiss cheese.

Here's an article about the Russia counter-intelligence strategy from an author that I absolutely loathe. Despite how much I hate him, its a very informative article. Also its not from this election cycle so you can't blame it on "biased media."

You have to be joking if you think the Russians aren't pragmatists who will use every advantage they can get.

I'm not a pizzagater

Many of us think that the name choice of "pizzagate" was a mistake because it makes it seem like it all revolves around pizza and specifically one location in DC. That's never been what pizzagate was about, but the name stuck. Pizzagate is PEDOGATE. And what you describe is exactly what pedogate is. A massive ring of people in power who use sex with children as leverage, blackmail material, and incentives to enhance and maintain their power.

The most horrific thing to happen on this planet since the second world war.

I'm thinking the rape, torture and trafficking of children is far worse than adults shooting eachother to defend their country. There is no excuse or even a reason to rape children.

Pedo stuff has been around for a long time, it has taken a ton of work of a lot of people to get the publicity it now has

They can't hide it as easily now, don't you find it odd their first actual act in congress was to make it super ez for corporations to know exactly who is reading what?

Not coincidence

This post just blew me fucking mind. I never really educated myself about pizzagate or anything like that, mostly because in my mind, it's most likely true that our elite are doing really sick shit.

But the fact that she's now working for amber alerts is insane! It's like putting a fox in charge of a chicken coop!!

try actually looking into it instead of putting stock in ops unsourced rant. she does not work for amber alerts.

No I'm not just putting stock into it. I recognize this as an opinion peace, but that connection is crazy.

I'm not a pizzagater.

I do recognize that there is a massive pedophile ring that runs the world and the Clintons had a huge hand in it

Pick one

You pick one

Hilarious. Like those people who start their post with "I'm not a Trump supporter but..." and whose history is full of MAGA posts to the_donald

I swear thats the new SOP for propagandists. see it everywhere

nothing to see here guys. You must be tired, people dont continue to read. Nothing wrong

So do you want to not talk about boystown? Jerry Sandusky? Jeffrey epstein?

How is Sandusky related to Clinton's

Lol so you comelyely recognize both of those people and how high up they are but I'm a pizzagater.

I recognize them, I recognize they're powerful people. How is Sandusky related to Clinton?

Since you seem well versed in this debate you know the answer, you're trying to pigeon hole me but you obviously are avid about getting an answer about this. I don't see a real connection, just speculation.

But, thank you for being concerned. You may be a pizzagate person.

If you explain your view on something you better be willing to defend it. There's nothing wrong with being pigeonholed. If you're not cherrypicking your argument you should be fine.

Are you going to contribute anything to this thread that could help in any case or are you going to keep stalking my comments?

REPLY TO MY FUCKING COMMENT. That's all I want. You asked for sources like a smug teenager and I gave it to you. Do something with it. That's how debates work you moron.

Ad homs? I don't think you actually know how to debate

Ad homs? The only idiots who say that are the ones who can't support their argument. Give a legitimate rebuttal to responses and people might take your shit seriously.

Here's the link to that source you asked for.

Ad homs? The only idiots who say that are the ones who can't support their argument. Give a legitimate rebuttal to responses and people might take your shit seriously.

Here's the link to that source you asked for.

Epstein is interesting, since both Clinton and Trump were guests on his plane. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they both availed themselves of Epstein's procurement services (ew).

We should also mention "Trump Models" and all the allegations of feeding underage girls to elite pricks, a topic strangely ignored on this board for months, or I should say deliberately ignored.

HEY people here are VERY concerned about elites and their shady sexual activities, as long as they are on the left. I like to think that trump model management is a false flag funded fully by podesta.

IMO, to be a pizzagater, you have to believe that Alefantis and/or Besta is involved. OP doesn't need to "pick one".

Exactly, the fact that you have to be a pizzagater to believe that this shit happens is disgusting. He's trying to add satire to a horrendous hobby that has been PROVEN. It's fine.

He is a pizzagater, and his posts contain lies. It takes 10 seconds to look at his post history.

His Post a week ago

Post a month ago with disinfo/fake info in it

All he does is throw up disinfo.

She did not kidnap anyone. Check your facts jack. I do believe there is something going down but these posts make people give up searching

"I'm not a pizzagater, but let me talk about this stuff directly relating to pizzagate."

You people are fucking sick in the head. Laura Silsby was a missionary attempting to rescue children from Haiti after a massive earthquake.

Her defense was she was taking them to an orphanage that didn't exist.

She told the police the children were orphans, but most of them had families.

Silsby went to communities devastated by the earthquake and put on the hard sell for her imaginary orphanage. One family member said she showed them a brochure. Of an orphanage? If so, which one? Hers didn't exist, so was it of another orphanage? An artist's rendering?

Silsby and Co. were arrested with 33 children, some as young as 2 years old.

So these 10 missionaries were just going to "wing it", with no orphanage and 33 children (some as young as 2), until they got settled and got the paperwork in order?

If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.

They were building an orphanage and it was under construction at that time. They did break laws transporting the children but they didn't kidnap them and they weren't planning to sell them as sex slaves.

authorities in the Dominican Republic saying she never applied to get an orphanage started = no orphanage

Do you have a link to an article where anybody says the orphanage was under construction?

Anybody aside from Team Silsby, that is.

And was this orphanage ever finished?

Authorities also said they were coverting a hotel into an orphanage but you're correct, it's not officially an orphanage. I'm not sure how their ignorance of bureaucracy equals a sinister sex trafficking plot.

I've never read anything about the authorities saying Silsby & Co were converting a hotel into an orphanage.

Silsby/her lawyer might have said it, but that doesn't make it so.

Did this imaginary orphanage ever open under new management?

ignorance of bureaucracy

That's a complete mischaracterization, and a complete lie. Silsby claimed she had the paperwork but just hadn't submitted it.

With something like this, ignorance isn't mere ignorance.

Also, Silsby was stopped before, with 40 kids, and was warned the day before she was arrested that she would be arrested if she tried to cross the border with children.

She was the direct opposite of ignorant of the bureaucracy.

On top of this, it's not really a thing to be less than sure about, is it? It's not "I wonder what the speed limit is on this road".

We're talking about taking kids from families and out of the flippin' country. It's not something you make up as you go along.

At the very least, it's incredibly bizarre. Almost as bizarre as someone trying to claim with absolute certainty that Silsby was a misguided saint who just got ahead of herself.

Seek help

Ahhh, the old "I have no comeback so I'll just call you crazy" eh? Very original. No really, that's mentality isnt a huge part of the problem.

What problem?

Stupid fucking conspiracy dopes.

No one's gone to jail, no one's going to jail.

We need to enact mob justice. By the people for the people.

you will catch aids at this rate

why does amber alerts have a business development manager? What business are they into? Of selling info on stolen children? The only people who i think will pay for that info are probably paedophiles themselves. It should be everyone's responsibility to share any information to help save the children. Why are they creating a business out of this?

They aren't. Nearly everything in the title is wrong. Laura Silsby works for AltertSense, which makes software that helps suport the amber alerts system. She "changed her name" because she got married.

This bullshit again? How many fucking times is this sub going to post this? It's clear manipulation of this sub.

OP is a trump auppoerter who spends his entire existence here slanging bullshit, in hopes of swaying the narrative.

Him, KingJames19, EricCarver, chickyrouge, lily- levassuer, and about 20 other accounts are either mod alts, or allowed paid posters. The knights of new.

Also, 3 of the mods here are pro trump trash, and should be removed immediately.

You all have no one fooled. Enjoy your scam, hope the ad revenue is worth your soul.

You all have no one fooled.

They have thousands of people fooled who upvote their crap.

Its bots. I'm almost positive the mods are running an SEO scam for ad revenue. Otherwise, why post the same stuff over and over? And at times they sticky redundancy too.

This place is fully compromised.

Hello I am russianbot6942069 how do u do friend

You're not a bot. You're just a 17 year old alt-righter. You can't even vote.

You just know that bots will pick this up, and mine you sweet karma. I doubt you're wise enough to see that you're being abused as a tool.

In 10 years, you'll get it. Hopefully.

Dude you literally just exposed yourself, all of us know you guys have a list of us and our histories. Your next move will be that archive of me posting in the Donald. Hahaha I'm laughing so fucking hard you couldn't of just shed light to your operations even more. You're the third new account that has posted this. You're too obvious dude

Oh and I had a birthday recently so you guys should update your info.

Thank you.

Someone else posted your own comments on this thread, bud. A comment where you stated you were 17. Get a grip.

Ah yes thank you for proving me right

Oh yeah, you're so right.

He's alt-right B)

So I'm an alt mod Russian alt right trump supporter?

No its a fucking pun you moron but yes you are a trump supporter. We've all gone through your history.

We've all gone through your history.

DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER, again and again you people expose yourselves.

What's wrong with that? I like to know the context of your argument. Now reply my comment about circumstantial evidence.

Haha I can't even find it please link me and I'll play with you

Wow makes sense that you keep regurgitating the same stuff that Trump supporters vomit.

Why are you attacking me?

God you shills must love it over here on Reddit. Make a quick buck by diverting attention from anything by saying, " oh they're pro Trump don't worry about it" when people should obviously be doing their own research. Even if you aren't paid shills, you people are still the problem. You are the reason this happens, because no one will even entertain the idea that something fishy is going on. All we want is answers, and until we get them we will not let up.

Man, lots of fishy stuff is going on. Some of that fishy stuff is the shit you're busy trying to derail a conversation about.

Also, if you fucks were actually concerned about child sex trafficking, you wouldn't be attacking Ashton Kutcher and his amazing efforts at exposing sex rings, but the moment he spoke out about Trump's travel ban (because his wife was a refugee) /conspiracy's narrative tried to convince subscribers that he's a pedo too.

Instead you guys push this stupid B.S. that is continually fought and shown to be misleading (at best, often outright made up).

I have nothing against Ashton Kutcher but I am quite curious as to why he's finally getting a spotlight for his work when he's been working on this for years.

He testified before Congress a little over a month ago about his new program that had been running for about 6 months and was showing amazing results, and also was very articulate in his public criticism of Trump's Ban EO around the same time. The two stories reinforced his popularity, and a bunch of news personalities and radio jockies all talked about him for a week or two.

Honestly, his testimony was the first time I had thought of him as anything other than an actor. Now I'm having trouble seeming him as anything other than a force for good. Dude is intelligent and passionate, and apparently knows how to staff good and competent people.

Oh yeah, I'm the shill now? What a surprise, call out trump supporters, get called a shill. I wish I got paid to shit on trump and his cult, but sadly I don't.

But everyone who goes against trump is a shill right?

Wheres the sign up sheet? I'll gladly take a quick buck for saying what 80% of people can easily deduce. Enjoy your alternate facts.

I'm not a Trump supporter, just a concerned citizen. This has almost nothing to do with Trump. This has to do with the scourge of the earth making money off of exploiting children. And if that has no effect on your conscience then yeah maybe you should be paid for you shilling.

Oh yes, you care so dearly about the children. So much, that you'll literally make shit up, creating victims, because that's the only narrative that still works.

Sex trafficking is real, and disgusting, but you couldn't care less about that reality. You're too worried about who you can tie to it, not the disgusting actuality of it.

A Trump supporter? Shit oh my goodness!

LOL /u/jamescolepardon get a load of this

Yeah, get a load of this. /u/tardtardedtard is right.

How this user still hasn't been banned yet is beyond me.

I don't know how anyone would take you seriously with your username

Oh yeah, I know this game... Get everyone banned who doesn't agree. FFS, 90% of the older posters on this sub have been banned because of the donnies, who are just a bunch of whiny toddlers, just like their god.

You don't see the irony in saying all this from a 1 month old account you use to do nothing but push an ideological narrative?


I don't give a flying fuck dude. I posted here for nearly 8 years before I was banned for simple dissent. You know why I was banned? For calling out literal shills, who were harassing commenters that were trying to have a conversation.

Don't fucking care. The mods here are corrupt as shit, and so are many of the accounts.

Oh, I don't doubt OP is a shill or useful idiot, just like 94% of the "users" of this sub.

Fuck anyone who implies this isn't on both sides. All this is is a battleground for shills. Shills calling people shills.

PM me from your 8 year old account and I'll change my mind. Until then, you're a 1 month old account who does nothing but push his ideology, same as OP

No way, I'm not saying that isn't a good idea. It certainly is, but the mods here abuse multiple alts... And I'm sure I'll be banned before the day is out anyway.

Lol you just owned again you fucking cry baby

That's pretty insane. I think we can all agree that there is a large pedophile ring but saying it rulles the world is a bit much...

This sub, like Trump's presidency, is embarrassing.

Then leave?

Maybe she was just trying to get them out of Haiti. Too obvious!

yes she was, who is saying that she wasnt? she was smuggling them out illegally and lied to the parents of the children.

Refresher - AKA, The Russia story is too hot these days so pay attention to old news instead.

Aka the Russia story is complete bullshit and no one is believing it that is sane.

The number 33 has a deep esoteric meaning as well that these sick fucks love to use with there shady works. Last year can recall soros donating 33 million to some organization

I don't know how you think this isn't divisive to Americans yet investigating Russia is. Do you not understand the implications of this? This would mean your entire system has been gamed. The most powerful state in the world has been played like a fiddle. You should be more concerned about geopolitics than a tenuous connection between the Clintons and a lady who was charged with kidnapping.

lol where's the proof?

What do you mean where's the proof? There's more than enough circumstantial evidence. There's more evidence that the Russians collaborated with Trump than there is evidence that Trump wipes his ass from back to front. Both of these things are ridiculous yet there is enough funny shit to bring a doubt in most peoples minds. If Hillary is a child rapist than shes a lot better at hiding the connections than Trump is at hiding his connections to Russia.

I'm not a Hillary supporter, I know she did shitty things but she didn't get elected. Why don't you try and focus on someone who is actually responsible for your country? Seriously, I'd rather have a child kidnapper for President than someone who is possibly being pulled by some strings. Don't you see the difference? One of them can be manipulated to go against the interests of their own country while the other one is just looking after their libido by kidnapping kids. I'm coming from a completely pragmatic viewpoint if you had to choose between two evils.


Sure, here's some circumstantial evidence that Trump asked Russia to hack the US and influence the election.

Is there a video out there of Hillary calling on the State Department to act favourably towards her friend?


I'll go ahead and humor you and say sure, but this would never hold up in the court. If you really think that this is the smoking gun you have to be the dumbest fucking idiot on this board to continue to keep pushing the Russian narrative.

Do you have any more proof or are you just going to post media matters videos?

Wow you're dense. I said this was circumstantial evidence in the same realm as your circumstantial evidence that Hillary Clinton fixed stuff up for her friends. This is exactly what I was talking about. You're deflecting the issue. How the fuck does Russia involvement in the US election not concern you?

Don't pretend you know anything. The US education system is woefully inadequate. If you can text in class, you're obviously not learning anything. Everything I've learned about politics and international relations is based on university which you will most likely not be able to get into because of your faulty assumption that you already know everything.

You asked for a source on circumstantial evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. I gave it. Now your argument is HAHAH ARE YOU SERIOUS? You really really need to pay attention is class buddy. That's not how debates work.

lol you're paying for me to text in class :)

That's not an argument to anything relevant. You're acting like trump deflecting any questions you can't think of a response to. You're literally acting like a teenager.

So show me a video or circumstantial evidence of Hillary getting the government to change the situation for her best friend?

I posted the Wikileak, she was in office. Using US tax dollars to implement aid to Laura Silsby,

Trump said this while he wasn't in office.

Fuck kid, you need to learn what circumstantial evidence means. This is what school is for.

Wikileak is no longer an unbiased source. As much as I liked it, they release their leaks in order to maximize their impact. This was specifically address in their AMA. It's too late to do anything about Hilary so why don't you focus on Trump or do you have to wait till he's immune from prosecution before investigating him?


Please learn to read my comments fully.

First off, learn what circumstantial evidence means.

Second, actually read my comment. I did not once say Wikileaks is fake. I said it was biased. There's a huge difference. You would learn this if you were paying attention in class.

lol how was it biased it showed you the emails. The left is losing so hard

-_- kid, please learn to use a dictionary. do you know what a bias even is?

They admitted to publishing leaks in order to get the "maximum impact." That's about as biased as you can get.

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Uh it's still facts bro

You're not providing a rebuttal to anything. I'm not sure what they teach in your school but usually when someone provides an argument, you need to provide a counter argument.

In the case of my last comment you haven't said anything to make Wikileaks look unbiased. Is this how you redpill people? Annoy the fuck out of them with your lack of intelligence till they say yes just to shut you up?

It's facts b

You're such a dumb child. No wonder you're on the internet instead of interacting with kids your age. You're probably the lonely neckbeard who hates his peers hence the Trump support.

Your "its facts b" argument is nothing. I can't even say its dumb because there's no substance to it. Give me a rebuttal or sit on your thumb like a good little boy.

You people really get off on this shit don't you

Triggered? I'm just looking for an actual debate but clearly you don't the facts or intelligence to provide a proper rebuttal.

I'm no hillary shill, I'm just a pragmatist. Obviously you don't know what that word means.

Rule 4

How the fuck does Russia involvement in the US election not concern you? George Soto can manipulate the elections and others cant? What is this called?

George Soros doesn't have to answer to the American people and he isn't supposed to represent their interests. This is your president we're talking about. The guy who makes sure you live and breath?

But Soros manipulated the elections. How is it not the same?

How did Soros manipulate the election? Did he get Trump elected?

What do you mean how?

Online bots. He funded Control the Record and ShareBlue.

So he got Trump elected. Weird that you hate the guy so much.

Fcking trumptard

Wow you owned you

enough circumstantial evidence.

Media lies are not circumstantial evidence!

No but the actions of Trumps close advisers definitely brings a whiff of suspicion. Seriously the best course of action for Trump would just to be completely open if he has nothing to hide. He should pressure his close connections to testify and show everything.

So you are saying no one else has ever done that?

No one else has ever had suspicious ties to a long-time rival? Nope. I don't remember Obama being accused of having ties to any sort of organization. Did Democrats accuse Bush of the same thing even with the suspicious connections to the Saudis?

Obama being accused of having ties to any sort of organization.

Obama has ties to the CIA and Frank Marshall Davis. No one ever brings that up.

Yes because Obama is done. I don't know why people are focusing on the past when the future is way more important. In retrospective, Bill Clinton, Bush and Obama all protected American hegemony and foreign interests. Trump does not seem to be prioritizing America over the long scheme of things.

don't know why people are focusing on the past when the future

Because Obama did 8 years and not one new source talked about it? News seems a little hypocritical because Hillary lost. So now the media had to create this story because of it.

Its that simple.

Who cares, its too late. Nothing can be done about a past presidency. Do you think they can retroactively impeach Obama? Absolutely not. There's a reason that law enforcement tends to focus on current crimes instead of crimes from 8 years ago.

There's a reason that law enforcement tends to focus on current crimes instead of crimes from 8 years ago.

The past will catch up to those criminals.

Alright let's do that. Now first how about we deal with one of the most suspicious election campaigns in history?

most suspicious election campaigns in history?

Trumps team does not make the list. Who else?

Lol dude you're a shill. I've you can't see that then you're blindly loyal. Even democrats challenge their own.

Lol dude you're a shill.

Im a Russian Bot. Get your facts right.

I've you can't see that then you're blindly loyal.

True Loyalty!

Who is blind now???

Hint...not me!

There you go. If you're Russian I can understand what you're doing. I'm hoping Canada doesn't fall for that shit come next election.

If you're an American you should probably feel pretty ashamed that you're supporting a corrupt administration. History will show us who's right. It's a shame tho, it was nice having the US as the global superpower. Russia definitely doesn't have the ability to become number one but China sure does. Next thing you know we're just gonna have Chinese movies with English subs :-P

American you should probably feel pretty ashamed that you're supporting a corrupt administration.

America has been supporting a corrupt administration as far back as George Bush Sr. and even further.

Do some research so I don't have to keep educating you.

Yes we all know that. Why should we wait for a president to leave office before checking him out if there's a history of corruption? I hope you're not defending it.

I'm only replying because you look like the biggest smug dildo right now, I'm okay with being called an idiot or kid. You accuse me of having a neckbeard but you literally type like a human fedora.

I appreciate your input. It really just comes down to speculation. Her lawyer was a previous child sex offender and not to mention all the other ties with the Clinton foundation and child trafficking. This could very likely be a thing but 33 children being smuggled should give you a life sentence.

After the earthquake in Haiti, she lied to the parents to take their kids. She lied to the police and said the kids were all orphans. She lied and said she was taking the kids to an orphanage that didn't exist. She was arrested at the border trying to smuggle them out of the country.

I don't think she had good intentions..

Seemed like sarcasm tbh

I feel 'pizzagate' has become the blanket term for govt sponsored pedophilia.

I think it's more that it's raised awareness and shed light on the issue of child trafficking. Yes, there were people talking about it for a long time James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Ted Gunthrie, etc... but it had never been pushed into the limelight with such force. And if pizzagate ends up being true, it's likely just a small piece in much larger puzzle.

Call me naive, but can't figure out what is significant about that WikiLeaks doc. I assumed that funding stuff like this is common in US politics.

My guess is maybe that it's the people on the call that is significant? David Brock?

Which one?

More kids in Haiti under the age of 14 are dying from rape than malnutrition. let that sink in.

I appreciate the content; but I can't tell if you're trolling, or really just write at a 4th grade level.

No you don't understand if you are in anyway connected to the clintons you are a pedo and an awful person /s

She was convicted.

Intentions of the parents don't justify the actions of Laura.

This exactly. The parents could've definitely had the best intentions in mind for their children, when giving them up to Laura, but she then proceeded to lie to authorities about several different aspects of her being there, the children's destination, etc...

If she had verifiably good intentions she wouldn't need to lie to get the kids.

If I remember correctly (from browsing the pizzahate sub when it existed), the lady was working with parents to get kids out of the country. Not exactly kidnapping, though they were doing it illegally. The sub had a hardon for her, but every thread about it seemed to devolve into people looking into it and saying why the fuck is this attached to pizzagate. Not surprised OP said he was drunk while posting this.

lol where's the proof?

He testified before Congress a little over a month ago about his new program that had been running for about 6 months and was showing amazing results, and also was very articulate in his public criticism of Trump's Ban EO around the same time. The two stories reinforced his popularity, and a bunch of news personalities and radio jockies all talked about him for a week or two.

Honestly, his testimony was the first time I had thought of him as anything other than an actor. Now I'm having trouble seeming him as anything other than a force for good. Dude is intelligent and passionate, and apparently knows how to staff good and competent people.

Sure, here's some circumstantial evidence that Trump asked Russia to hack the US and influence the election.

Is there a video out there of Hillary calling on the State Department to act favourably towards her friend?

HEY people here are VERY concerned about elites and their shady sexual activities, as long as they are on the left. I like to think that trump model management is a false flag funded fully by podesta.

Here's an article about the Russia counter-intelligence strategy from an author that I absolutely loathe. Despite how much I hate him, its a very informative article. Also its not from this election cycle so you can't blame it on "biased media."

You have to be joking if you think the Russians aren't pragmatists who will use every advantage they can get.

Not really sure yet. I think it's too early to tell since it's barely been a month since the EO was signed. He said he wants to bring the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to combat an “epidemic” of human trafficking and also said the issue is “not talked about enough.”

My overall point is that this is a good thing that he should receive some validation for, regardless of whether or not we care to attribute all (or even some) of the arrests to him.

The following outside organizations are currently assisting with the operations with more organizations being brought into the fold:

  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
  • International Justice Mission
  • Thorn: Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation, co-founded by Ashton Kutcher (you might remember him speaking in front of Congress earlier this year)

It's very odd that this hasn't been bigger news, imo.

Where? He says they were bringing the children to an orphanage after the earthquake in Haiti. He didn't say the orphanage was in Haiti, he said the earthquake was in Haiti. I don't think there was anyone saying she wasn't trying to take them across the border. Did I miss a comment somewhere?

lol you're paying for me to text in class :)

How the fuck does Russia involvement in the US election not concern you? George Soto can manipulate the elections and others cant? What is this called?

Yes because Obama is done. I don't know why people are focusing on the past when the future is way more important. In retrospective, Bill Clinton, Bush and Obama all protected American hegemony and foreign interests. Trump does not seem to be prioritizing America over the long scheme of things.

Yes we all know that. Why should we wait for a president to leave office before checking him out if there's a history of corruption? I hope you're not defending it.