How is this subreddit allowed to exist?

65  2017-04-03 by FoodTruckFiletMignon

If this subreddit is truly exposing all of the deceit and corruption throughout the world, why hasn't it been shut down yet? There really is no punitive recourse that could occur. There are only 440,000 subscribers, only a fraction of which who would organize into any sort of opposition were this subreddit to be shut down. And it's hard to think that reddit is beyond the reach of the elites, given the amount of shilling that goes on across this wesbite. I don't see why those in control would allow such a forum to exist, a place which promotes active antagonism toward the oppressive control schemes. If this subreddit were to actually one day simply not exist anymore, what could be done?


When your hideout is compromised, you just go look for a new hideout.

If they keep the hideout "safe and secure" you keep coming back. You feel safe. You let your guard down.

I would like to know how many of us have "files"

So that way they can track everyone involved in outing these control schemes? Sort of like operating in plain sight?

I mean every key stroke we do is logged by the NSA/CIA. But for the "Active" users of this sub I'm sure there is a little more attention paid, probably more so to people who post or make anti-narrative comments. I don't think the lurkers would get paid too much attention except that they visited the page. But for somebody like me I'm sure my account has been flagged for something or other.

There has to be active intelligence parties on this sub right now. They can either use it as intel or propaganda depending on the end game.

We probably all do. It is debatable how much they care about most of them, but without a doubt there is a mastigia folder out there, and it has my picture on it. And a threat assessment score. I have no illusions in that regard.

I'm sure most of us are on the low threat level. I wonder how my vet status plays into it and what my job was while I served.

Being in the military is what woke me up to the bullshit going on in the world. I miss my guys and the job its self but not the overall politics of being a service ember especially the way the culture has turned during the Obama years.

Oh yeah, I doubt many of us have a concerning threat level, just making the point that it exists, and recording data to determine that threat is part of the reason boards like this are allowed to exist relatively unimpeded.

Watch the documentary "1971" when you've got some time. Even pre-computer, the FBI had close tabs on many citizens. Anyone who dared to have a real thought in their head was monitored.

Its better to let people point things out so that you can ridicule and make them out to be crazy rather than carrying out blatant censorship imo, which would draw even more attention. Hence the profession of the shill.

And the shilling has gotten so intriguing lately. The tactics have become really interesting. Some very dedicated folks out there.

You mean dedicated assholes

I like that more. Haha stinky stinky assholes

Because the owners of reddit have not yet realized their goal of perverting the site into a top down corporate propaganda tool. And when they do, we will move on. Any day now...

There are enough hoaxes (flat earth, pizzagate, 9/11 no-planes, no moon landing, etc) allowed here to discredit anything real.


To simultaneously contain and discredit the truth.

My personal belief is that, all the while people are venting online, and able to be monitored, they aren't in the street causing actual revolution or uprising.

For me it's pretty clever. It's like we've been given an off-leash park to go nuts in but ultimately we remain inside the fence line.

Textbook controlled opposition.

all the while people are venting online

we're not all white. non-white people have more to vent about, IMO.

I am assuming this was a joke? Or you misread?

And mis-copied and mis-pated and misquoted.

Some apps just insert it for you though

So why the fuck are you falling for it?

I am conscious of it and do what I can to work around it. I have partaken in several marches in the past couple of years in my city.

The majority of my cash does not lay in a bank.

Small things, but better than nothing.

Unfortunately the trap is so well set, we imprison ourselves and ultimately it is extremely difficult to move outside of it by the time you realise.

Right now my life is about making sure my son has opportunities, so whilst I also teach him about subjects outside of school, I need him to get a degree so that he isn't struggling to survive for the rest of his life.

I don't vent on Reddit, I converse, I enjoy sharing idea's and view points with people all over the world. I don't use it as a platform of protest.

If this subreddit is truly exposing all of the deceit and corruption throughout the world, why hasn't it been shut down yet?

But this page does expose corruption, it also exposes deceit and wrong-doing on many levels.

It hasn't been removed or closed down because ultimately it is still a small page, we are a page that has minimum impact on reddit or the internet. TPTB have no need to remove pages like r/conspiracy because the vast majority of people are still satisfied with MSM.

More to the point you could use the same argument as yours and ask the same questions about Alex Jones or GLP. Those examples alone raise there own questions.

Forums like this exist to offer dissenting voices a place to speak, but it doesn't necessarily mean that those who do speak recognise the truth.

Sometimes it's better to let a dog bark into the night.

Based on recent news that reddit was selling advertising on T_D showing 6 millions subs. Who knows how many are really on this sub or what is even real anymore.

Because it's called "conspiracy" -- instantly discredited in the minds of the mainstream. It also keeps researchers and critical thinkers stuck here for the sense of community, far away from the public discourse.

I really doubt there's any legitimate researchers on here, unless they're researching mass hysteria.

We are a quarantine zone. They let forums like this exist to isolate opposition, otherwise we will go everywhere and make their jobs that much more expensive. Better to keep us in one place so they can keep an eye on us.

There is a secondary interest in using us for distribution of misinformation, but (I think they are starting to realize) that is like herding cats. The media is losing credibility and I think there is an effort to try and use places like this as more organic behaving channel for disinfo distribution.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I'll admit, I don't buy into everything that gets posted on here. I do believe there's definitely more than meets the eye and that the political world leaders in the public eye are not at the top of the food chain. I also believe that the gods were a race of ancient aliens that bestowed the spark of sentience into our ancestors and that they had a hand in many technological advancements, so that may discredit a lot of what I say in many people's eyes, but I just don't buy into the whole Kharazi Mafia and occult/black magic/inherent "evil" of TPTB, I just think they're greedy humans who are willing to fuck over the majority of humanity to centralize their wealth and power. I just don't see why it all has to be so covert though. If the world's governments are really under their thumb why don't they go ahead and enslave us already?

, I just think they're greedy humans who are willing to fuck over the majority of humanity to centralize their wealth and power. I just don't see why it all has to be so covert though. If the world's governments are really under their thumb why don't they go ahead and enslave us already?

We are enslaved.

I always pictured it as forced labor camps and martial law, but I suppose if it's impossible to escape from their imposed system as it is then yeah I guess that's enslavement. Probably cheaper for them too since we do a lot of it to ourselves.

I think it's probably the fact that it would still be too much of a red pill moment for a lot of people. However, if they can formulate a good excuse to do so at some point, i imagine they could go that route. Until then, trying to control the narrative is their plan.

Same reason /pol/ is allowed to exist.

Containment and disinfo.

If this subreddit is truly exposing all of the deceit and corruption throughout the world

Because it doesn't.

Go to the front page, what do you see? Links upon links to other sources.

This sub just shares and discusses.

Are you trying to give them ideas? Or just wildly speculating about why the government doesn't take away more of your rights?

Public Relations, in much the same way David Icke goes on an on about Lizard People, in NYC the same way you're called an Anti-Semite because you criticize the Federal Reserve or Rothschild, in much the same way Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster get lumped in with False Flag Wars, 9/11, and other major historical events that have MAJOR implications. It's better to make critical thinkers look like loons when in fact there are some major points brought up.

They are hoping the false posts and BS will hide the real shit

I don't see why those in control would allow such a forum to exist,

. . .Because the TPTB HAS to allow the "peasants" (including you) to vent. It gives the illusion that 'we' live in a democracy.

"Conspiracy Theory"

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Implying this sub is anti-authority when most of it is shilling for the establishment GOP narrative

So true.

Because nothing important has ever happened or will ever happen because of this sub.

Then what's the point of this sub existing if it serves no useful purpose?

Because t_D needs backup every so often.

I find it fascinating that people are so obsessed with minutia. People on this sub and others like T_D have put so much effort in believing that it doesn't matter what is fact or fiction. What matters are only things that let them win their arguments.

I certainly don't want to get into an argument over this, but if someone found out for the first time this year that there is a Deep State in the US that is in permanent control of government policy and controls the entire mainstream media, that's deeply impactful. Learning that what you believed your entire life was a democracy is actually more like fascism (and that's before Trump came along!) was likely the most mid-shattering event I've ever had (except for having babies).

It's not meaningless when you're learning- and millions of people are waking up all over the country.

Just some food for thought, unless I misunderstood you. I get that your overall point is most people just want to argue, and that's true, but the underlying facts are deeply troubling.

What's the point of any sub existing? Someone created it and others joined it so they could discuss the things that interest them. That is a useful purpose. It's naive though to think that this sub actually changes anything on a scale beyond the personal.

because its a limited hangout.

Because it's full of amusing nonsense.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum—even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.” Norm Chomsky, How the world works.

This is the shadow master. Cease your investigations into all of these matters immediately and you will not be forced into the FEMA camps when the day comes.

, I just think they're greedy humans who are willing to fuck over the majority of humanity to centralize their wealth and power. I just don't see why it all has to be so covert though. If the world's governments are really under their thumb why don't they go ahead and enslave us already?

We are enslaved.

I like that more. Haha stinky stinky assholes