Susan Rice Scapegoat: Volume 2

3  2017-04-04 by [deleted]



no, because trump and his crooks were talking with known enemies of the state, so they were caught by gwb's nsa wire tapes

How exactly are they enemies of the state? Are we at war with them? I got to conduct war games with the ruskies in 2012, they were cool as fuck. Just because Trump and his people talked to them doesn't mean they were collaborating on stealing the election.

There is still ZERO proof anything bad was conspired between Trump and Russia. But if you want to really talk about crooks why don't we discuss the entire 8 years of Obama or just Hillary Clinton in particular.

Until I see actual fact based proof anything happened between trump and Russia I will continue to believe this whole debacle is the doing of the democrats after losing the election to spite trump but its blowing up in their faces.

except for for flynn being a secrete foreign agent

He got canned for lying to the VEEP.

How much is shareblue paying you?

Who is shareblue? Dickhead....yeah that's what the said about Flynn, but I don't believe anything out of these fucking retards....So who's paying you Heritage foundation, Grover Norquist, breitbart, Wayne LaPierre, someone selling Chinese steal, KGB

What who said about Flynn? CNN? You're entire post history for the last year consists of Trump bashing on this sub with an 8 year old account with shit for karma. To me that screams share blue employee. Or your just a leftist wing nut.

You make claims with no back up. You bash one side of the coin while totally ignoring the other. You cant scare me with your McCarthyism 2.0.

No I'm a fat 20 yr old with a red face sitting in my basement and why would McCarthyism scare you if you're cool as fuck with russkies? Fuck trump voters

I meant you using the Russians as a scare tactic like the entire leftist media is doing now. Just like Joe McCarthy did in the 50's. Sorry Hildawg didn't get crowned bro, but that probably saved the world or at least America.

Removed. Rule 10.

oh yeah and your cool as fuck friends have friends in Syria that just gassed a bunch of as fuck....turn in your American card

Oh you mean the Americans that are supplying ISIS with arms and money? Do you really want to get into the war atrocity argument? Pretty sure I'll win of I get to use the US.

OMG! They were talking?!?!

Reading this I pictured some fat pasty 20 something with a bright red face and spital flying!

Anyway You have no evidence to back up your claim. Why was Dirty Rice having our Intelligence Agencies create detailed spreadsheets about the Communications of the Trump Team!

fucking retarded trump voter, because that was her job to track americans that were communicating with foreign enemies....did you vote for Palin too?

LOL! So angry your narrative is going up in flames. That was not her job you dumb Liberal Scummer. I'm sorry we have a Republican President now and you have to go get a job

oh really genius what was it then, and you did vote for Palin admit it, you really don't give a fuck a America do you

Unfortunately I voted Democrat up until this year. But Palin would have been a hell of a lot better then Obama. Not sure if McCain would of or not.

Right, so these conversations were reviewed and there was not only no evidence of collusion but there was no law broken period. So run that one by me again but if you could back your claim up and be clear this time it would be appreciated

says you and Sean Hannity

3 weeks ago dipshit, what Eric Prince yesterday, what about flynn

Lol you clearly didn't read the first link. What we're talking about here is if the phone calls had any sign of anything illegal going on. And nothing in the calls was illicit or illegal.

And Christ you people can't keep your narratives straight. I thought Trump was a Putin pawn who clearly tied to Russia in a multitude of ways in politics and business. But then he's going to get Eric Prince to create a back channel with Putin? So they haven't had a back channel before? Who is the Russian that Prince met with? How do we know it's related to Putin? Where's the detail where's the evidence?

As far as Flynn do you mean him asking for immunity? If that's what you mean then you need to watch this

Only a fool would not ask for immunity


What am I supposed to keep straight....the 35 page dossier was fake...Susan Rice broke the law....Trump is for the little guy....let me turn on Bill Oreilly to learn to pick up chicks and get my politics right with god and Merica....what was Cater Page doing???

Lol yes that's good deflect and don't answer any of my questions and just start making strawman arguments.

I'm not a trump supporter you can check my history. What you're supposed to keep straight is that if any of the Russia-Trump connection claims are legitimate then having Prince establish a back channel is just stupid and doesn't make sense.

And I don't know why don't you tell me what Carter Page was doing? He never met with Trump so he would be a pretty shitty guy to go after to try and get close to Trump. He talked to Kislyak at the RNC but that's about all that he's been accused of while "working", albeit limitedly, for the Trump campaign.

I don't recall saying trump is for the little guy or that all of the dossier is fake. Most of it is but that's not the issue here. A true sign of the amount of thought and effort you've put in to your research is how childish you are.

Get your shit together and do a little bit of your own research and then get back to me

I did my research and it was """Farkas""" that broke the law

When have I ever mentioned Rice or anyone breaking the law? Take a few seconds, Look at what I've said and then get back to me. Again you're putting zero effort into thinking through and reading things. It's impossible to take you seriously when you're so hasty and just keep pulling straw-mans, deflecting and avoiding points.

Who cares, I wouldn't take you serious because you voted for Trump and still need to feel good about it.

Jesus Christ this is exactly what I mean. I'm not even American! I don't support trump but I do support facts, you're either trolling or truly retarded

except for for flynn being a secrete foreign agent

oh yeah and your cool as fuck friends have friends in Syria that just gassed a bunch of as fuck....turn in your American card