While everyone is looking at Rice, Trump signed in the ISP bill. Trump isn't draining the swamp he is polluting it. YOU ARE BEING DISTRACTED

47  2017-04-05 by KiddohAspire

/r/technology has an article up now. I'm on mobile so I don't have the link... However, he according to the headline "quietly" signed it in. Conspiracy should be all over this, yet we are spammed with the same story over and over again.

Where is the outrage?


nothing you have ever typed into a computer has been private, you are stupid if you think that the internet is secure

That doesn't make the beginning of the reversal of net neutrality right.

Not to mention turning every last citizen of the US into a bigger product. Many don't use Facebook because of this exact issue; they are the product.

But now, we literally pay to be a product. ISPs have spent about 1.25 million bribing the Republicans to pass this so they can have their cake and eat it too.

Trump isn't for the people, "maga" no he is for self and corporate interest. The American people don't mean shit to him. Which is politician 101 but the majority of his voter base believe he is in fact "for the people" but only if the people are the rich, clearly.

I don't say that out of malice. It is now confirmed. Not to mention his "lock her up" chants and immediate flip flop on that, his "drain the swamp" and his cabinet immediately becoming swamp creatures.

People wanted something different, people got the same shit;different day.

I'm waiting for the apologists though. "Well he has to have the AG go after Clinton" who is instead trying to infringe on states rights (which conservatives like to say they promote) or some B's about "the swamp" which we have evidence that every last Republican rep is in fact a member of with figures of exactly how much money they took in from these ISPs.

So if he is supposed to be draining the swamp, why is he creating an environment for it to thrive in? Rewarding bad behavior is a weird tactic....

Anything you have ever typed into a computer has made you a product. No Legislation can prevent this; the internet is multinational

At this point you just seem like an apologist or anti-neutrality. Clearly not concerned with your freedoms being infringed upon for the monetary gain of the rich, not to mention the bits to make it EXTREMELY hard if not impossible to overturn.

Whilst every Republican in office was bribed to create this for literal pocket change from the Telecom industry.

My freedoms aren't, I'm not American. Since when is it a right to be anonymous when posting stuff on a military controlled insecure network like the internet?

Your history is already being sold and analyzed, why do you think there are so many weirdly specific advertisements?

It was all over reddit yesterday, including this sub.

There is outrage, on both sides

It was all over Reddit all the way up until it was official.

So, let's say Google came to your town and offered you a gig connection for $20 per month. As part of the plan you agree that all your data would be sold in anonymously in aggregate.

That doesn't mean you won't use a VPN or employ other measures just to fuck with the aggregate, which usually means that you just go to one side or the other of the bell curve and are discounted anyway.

Would you be interested in such a deal?

The idea of "lol use a VPN" is a shit argument. It is as much about principle as it is that this is NOT a good step. This is the first brick into demolishing net neutrality. We will be in a situation similar to china soon, "fake news" will be censored. All based on who is in office propaganda is already rampant.

In fact it's the same argument as "if you aren't doing anything wrong why do you care?"

Think of it this way, you are paying (depending on location) 30-100 a month for a half decent internet connection (this fluctuates between geographical areas in the US for the same quality from same company.)

They already have your money, making it hand over fist too. Now, you're paying them that money and they're able to throw around 1.25 million like pocket change to make corrupt politicians allow them to sell your private data (most Americans are vulnerable to this) for more money. And you can be sure you won't be getting any of that money or savings since they don't need to charge as much as they do anyways in most cases.

It's the equivalent of you paying someone to come fix something in your house; then those people going home telling their friend they noticed you'll be on vacation in a week and that you have a nice 65" TV. They'll hand over the address for the same price they quoted you for the fix.

They are effectively stealing your stuff for their profit, after you've already paid for their service. Soon you'll pay premiums for Netflix, YouTube, video games, certain news sites.

Trump is being a hypocrite, and no one wants to call him on his shit because all the shit Clinton has done and it's "Dem or Rep" mentality with or against and NO ONE wants to be with Clinton. Proof? I had to make this thread, while conspiracy is spammed with "My take on Rice." "Rice lied!" "0/10 with Rice" and so on. Literally being handed a divisive distraction while the elite fuck you over.

So, we should ignore the fact that the Obama administration committed crimes because Trump is a rich self-serving asshole?

Not ignore, but 30 threads of the same stuff while having relevant things is just glossed over.

Distraction is what is happening.

I couldn't disagree more with Mr. Trump on most things, but he is the president, and although distasteful this is legal. Obama committed serious crimes.

Doesn't mean this isn't a distraction. It can be true, but timed. This happens often, this is to divert attention 100%

If anything the ISP thing is a distraction.

Hahahaha no not at all. "Trump throws a hissy fit he's subjected to what every American has been subject to since the founding of the NSA" or "That same shit he is bitching about he is making worse"

I believe the data in question has been available for sale for a long time, illegally of course. This bill just makes it legal to avoid another large scale security scandal.

Ummm....google and facebook have been selling that information for years.

Conspiracy should be all over this

"muh privacy" was a brilliant topic to use in defending the bureaucracy's overreach. So many are so ready to throw out democracy entirely over rules which hadn't even taken effect.

There is many people who are trying to make light of this even in this thread. I find it funny. Anyways, that rant is done; privacy needs to be secure as possible now, if you elect to give up some of that by using Facebook go for it, Google? Go for it.

Those are "free" services. Of course you're the product there because ad revenue makes it profitable. However, paying for a service then becoming the product is ridiculous there's no need for that next step outside of corporate greed.