The US, and Isis are allies... In the war in Syria.

30  2017-04-05 by 435435435

In a nutshell - this is correct ja?


Why not US worked with Al Qaeda too. It's all horse shit. Funny I was just thinking about the same thing actually. In my head I say how the hell can the average American not see whats going on?

I don't know man. Do you watch the news?

I do not

Nor do I. Ever. That's why this shit is obvious to us and the rest of the world is fucking retartid.

The play fox news 24 hours a day in the break room at work...yeah, its fucking bad. How can people not see that it takes a more compelling argument to try and convince people that the us has nothing to do with isis, when it makes a whole lot of sense the other way around?

Yeah pretty much.

We've provided either air support, weapons, vehicles, ground support or cash to all of the above.

Had it not been for the massive State support given to ISIS and the rebels (By the US, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, France, England, Jordan) the Syrian military would have defeated them in a matter of months.

This analysis here: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has been bravely fighting against all manner of terrorists over the past four years, succeeding in its equivalent of the Great Patriotic War where many others would have capitulated within a year. The SAA had previously put down a violent terrorist campaign by the Muslim Brotherhood in the early 1980s and engaged in peacekeeping in Lebanon for decades, demonstrating its lengthy experience in handling all sorts of military affairs relevant to today’s situation. By comparison, however, the intensity of the contemporary crisis enormously overshadows anything that the SAA (or any military, for that matter) had ever come up against, but still, through its skillful battlefield tactics and the supportive resolve of the Syrian population, the terrorists have been prevented from staging a full takeover of the state. Be that as it may, the SAA couldn’t fight in all directions at once, and while it was bogged down liberating its main cities from the externally supported regime-change ‘rebels’, ISIL was able to grow strong in the country’s distant and underpopulated desert regions.

ISIL’s genesis and continued existence thus came about as a result of external interference in Syria’s War on Terror. The US, Turkey, and their Gulf allies kept funneling more fighters, weapons, and money into the country for the past four years in order to compensate for the large losses that the SAA was inflicting on their proxies, thus keeping the war going. Left to their own fate, however, these groups would have been decimated within a month or two, something President Assad has repeatedly said. Since this wasn’t the case, the SAA had to prioritize safeguarding major population centers from attack and occupation, which created a security void that ISIL exploited in the northeast. A misleading Western criticism of the SAA is that it somehow ‘allows’ ISIL to exist in the country, but this is nowhere near the truth at all. If the SAA launches the necessary offensive needed to destroy ISIL (which it has wanted to), then it would be exposing itself and the country’s main cities to what could turn out to be crippling attacks from the ‘Free Syrian Army’ and others, which might lead to the total destruction of the state and actual regime change. Thus, so long as foreign states are sponsoring these militant elements in the country and until those forces stop fighting the Syrian government, the SAA is regrettably placed in the position of delaying its full operations against ISIL until its previous liberating gains can be safely guaranteed.

(Feb 2015)