Have you stopped consuming garbage disguised as food yet? That improves your mental health and ability to cope immensely. Go organic, cut back on the meat, and eliminate processed foods and sugary drinks which spike your insulin and throw your hormones off.

56  2017-04-06 by [deleted]

Eat tons of raw fruits and vegetables. Try to limit your exposure to harsh chemicals in cleaning products, manufactured goods, and body products. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it...except quinoa, you can eat quinoa.


I have done all of these things for over a year now and I can attest to improvements in my life both physically and mentally. Highly recommended.

Eat tons of fruit

This spikes your insulin too, hippie

Fruit doesn't because the fiber slows down absorption

Fruit has valuable enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and fiber and while a few fruits have a higher glycemic load, most have a very low glycemic load compared to glycemic index.

Posting a stupid snarky google search comment is not supporting evidence to your claims

You may enjoy this:

An Open Debate on Fruit Sugar

Stopped doing the devils dandruff on a regular basis and stopped drinking the brown , stopped eating fast food and questionable foods ,never felt better in my life . Even though I still smoke 2 packs of unfiltered Camels a day and quarter of ganja half a gram of shatter pfft I'm fucking solid as a rock over here

Switching to American Spirits helped me quit smoking...gave up the green a couple weeks ago because it messes with my dreams, which are often prophetic

I litteraly quit doing hard drugs and drinking cold turkey the day I decided too ,but I'm having a really hard time with cigarettes , was doing the patch but those made me have twisted dreams as you probably know. I'm going to build a sweat lodge in my back yard this summer , hoping I can sweat it out along with the negative energy we all colllect daily

Try American Spirits, they have fewer added chemicals and slower burning paper...I'd smoke like a 3rd and put it out. Once I conquered the chemical addiction, breaking the habit was really easy

A rep at a gas station gave me some for $1 and damn if you ain't right. American Spirits burn way slower, then again, everything burns slower than a Marlboro.

I hear psychedelics are the shiznit if you wanna quit hard addictions, maybe it works with smoking too? Go over to r/microdosing and see if anyone knows any better.

I'm pretty ashamed of how many times I have dosed ,that and all the drugs I have done are my biggest regrets in my life. I feel like I disrespected myself to the point of soullessness ,and it took me 6 years to recover my soul , I was a waste for many years all I wanted to do was be fucked up ,I had ptsd and didn't know how to deal with my problems . I've been clean off hard drugs and alcohol for 6 years and I'm straight now , own a business bought a house recently, hell I even bought 2 vehicles in that time and have everything I ever thought I wanted ,now I can finally focus on what's important (life)

There's some evidence that psychedelics may actually help with ptsd and addiction issues if used correctly, but I understand why you wouldn't wanna go near them ever again after getting rid of so many bad habits.

Good on you for going clean and here's hoping you get rid of the cancer sticks too!

From your comment history, it seems like you are in a good enough state of mind to take psychadelics and it actually helping. Might want to look into it.

My dreams where like my life in ELI5 mode... I'm like dude gtfo here I live here I know what's up. No need for all the drama. Green dreamless sleep is the best.

Agreed on eating stuff that you prepared yourself should be the only option, processed foods should be a very rare treat and not one's main diet.

I do enjoy one fizzy drink (with stevia and only citric acid instead of phosphoric acid) daily, though.

I have been slowly trying to cut bad things out of my life. First was caffeine which I didn't think i was addicted to until I finally stopped pounding energy drinks. This is the first time in 4 days my head hasn't felt like it's been in a vise.

The detox from the chemicals in those products can be intense...good for you!

It's the sugars or fake sugars in energy drinks that are the real poison.

Oh without a doubt. I just have a history of fucked up tickers in my family and want to make sure I get to live long enough to see my kid graduate college.

And also, something that resembles a fitness program. I also feel a lot better emotionally when i give up wheat products.

I think most of the issues with wheat are from GMO and Roundup...I find occasionally consuming organic wheat doesn't mess me up now that I've balanced my gut flora

I have Celiac's, but I did notice that the few times I did cut corners and eat gluten, it was almost always something crazy I've never seen from overseas. Needless to say, I didn't get violently ill, just muslce and joint point, along with the obligatory migraine. There is definitely something to the GMO Roundup theory. Especially given that a lot of Celiac's visit Italy, say, "fuck it I'm only here once. I'ma eat some authentico pasta.", only to find out they don't even get sick.

My friends girlfriend's body wigs out when she eats cheese, they went overaeas, and nothing at all. Cow, sheep, didn't matter the source of dairy.

I found this product on Amazon called "Restore" that is lignite aka expensive ancient dirt...it's supposed to heal the gut and I read about 100 reviews before I bought it. I definitely noticed a difference as soon as I started taking it. Just start with small doses if you have dysbiosis already.

I had thought about trying this product in the past. Good to know. Thanks.

Lack of fiber in your diet makes the bacteria in your gut attack your guts. Eating whole grains helps, but glyphosate contamination of the food chain in the States is indeed a very serious issue for USA residents.

EU isn't far behind right now I'm afraid.

Is that the same thing as diatomaceous earth?

Do, diatoms are tiny prehistoric fossils (can be used internally as a detox and parasite cleanse for pets and humans) and lignite is the stage after peat moss, but before coal, in the decomposition of plant matter. The lignite is mined from miles below the Earth

Gotcha. Good info. I was only seeing "prehistoric" on both products, so hard to tell. I currently use DE for so much stuff, but I'm definitely curious about lignite now.


I know what you're saying. I've tried the organic/biodymanic wheat flour etc. but do better with other grains.

If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it...

Illiteracy isn't a reason to limit consumption.

Lots of chemicals are hard to pronounce, doesn't mean you should be scared of them.

Retarded people would starve.

You shouldn't be blindly throwing chemicals in your body though.

Especially with no regulation or accountability

That's such a blanket statement it has no meaning.

Chemicals? WATER is a chemical. AIR is a chemical.

You fucking know what I mean. Like look at th back of let's say an energy drink and tell me you want to throw all that shot inside since most people will have no idea what any of it even is.

look at th back of let's say an energy drink

Can say the same for every bottled product ever.

CHEMICALS that are beneficial for the body have some complicated names. Same goes for those not so beneficial.

What exactly are you arguing for here? That people should just blindly ingest chemical compounds? Most benificial things for the body don't have long complex names as they have been given short hand or colloquial names because they are common. New compounds made in labs don't have that because they are newly created and generally just a remake of something found natually.

But again what exactly are trying to argue for other then just going against everything

What exactly are you arguing for here?

You shouldn't be afraid of big, difficult to pronounce words.

The length of a word has no bearing on whether it's benificial or not.

How much are you paid to sell your soul to the devil?

We have an agreement.

So are you going to address my post or just ignore it like a scaredy-cat?

I downvote too many of your comments to consider you even human or waste any breath arguing with you.

Run along

He's just being a pedant.

Meat is fine but you need to get good quality meat. Not partially decomposed feed lot stuff which is standard fare for those on a budget and many others.

Grass fed, pasture raised from happy animals with peaceful lives, and it should be treated like a garnish...3-4oz portions

Love that bone broth with pottage herbs included. Once, you get your metabolism set your body will tell you how much meat to eat. The problem with bad food is it messes up your metabolism and you in general. That is where crazy craving come in and make things worse.

Yes, and most of the US suffers from metabolic syndrome

Bone broth will heal even the most turbulent, damaged guts. Get that guy lining back, baby!

I put mine on simmer for a full 24 hours. By that time most of the chicken bones have gone into solution and the beef bones are pitted and somewhat crumbly. The stuff is great even the uninitiated will come back for seconds.

Bone broth should ideally be simmered for 3-5 days until all of the collagen and marrow is boiled out

Good advice. Is that how you do yours? I may try it that way sometime in the future the thing is though that it would be hard to wait that long.

I don't have any place to make it, I've been buying it from cafes and restaurants who make it that way

I think I have most of the equipment required to make it. Would a large slow-cooker be sufficient? I'm planning on just throwing one or two whole unboned chickens into that thing and keep it on decently high heat (for a slow-cooker) for a couple of days. Does that sound reasonable? Got any 'recipies' or sources of information on how to properly do this?

You can actually eat some of the softer bones btw!

I cut out grains in general about four years ago. Haven't had a cigarette in two. Cooking for myself three times a day. You wake up one day and realize your fucking A L I V E again.
Hope you guys wake up alive one day, too. ❤

i have RH negative reptilian blood and apparently grains are good for my blood type :) I wouldn't know though because I have no willpower to cut them out.

Grain is the food of the gods, so you'd think Rh's could consume it. I healed my gut and only consume organic wheat once in awhile, but it doesn't affect me like it did when I was toxic

For real. Most of what is sold in supermarkets is not what I would call "food" -- it's chemicals, powders, and kibble packaged in bright colors.

I'm experimenting with a mostly-fruit diet for the past 3 months. Dr. Morse argues that humans are fruitarians -- not carnivores, not vegans, not omnivores, but fruitarians. And his arguments make a lot of sense to me.

Check him out if you're into diet exploration/hacking:

Dr. Robert Morse YouTube channel

At least half my diet is fruit and I've seen fruitarians who look very happy and vibrant, wish I lived on a tropical island, most fruit has to be trucked to me in Nor Cal

Yeah that's the catch. All fruit is not created equal. Even if grown organically, it makes a big difference the soil the fruit is grown in, whether it's mineral-rich or depleted. Best bet is to grow yourself, next best is to know the grower personally, next best is a local market from local growers, etc.

Simple, but not easy.

Yeah, someone did a test of apples at supermarkets all over the place. None of the apples they found were less than 9 months old.


Yeah I won't buy frankenapples. If it doesn't decompose within, say, a couple weeks, how the hell is your body supposed to break it down?

Where do you get essential Amino acids (protein)?

I take 35grams of chlorella every day (which is 59% bioavailable protein in addition to all the omega acids and most vitamins and minerals, even B12 and D), I eat pulses, avocados, cultured organic s. cream, ghee, bone broth, and pretty much every fruit and veggie out there, which all have a little protein in them, even blueberries.

I take krill and cod liver oil, too

Didn't Steve Jobs eat nothing but fruit for a while?

His heart was too black to heal himself

Helluva psyop, that Jobs job huh?

I did this when I lived in Ojai, CA and had access to some of the best farmers markets. I squeezed 24 Valencia every morning, lived on avocados, nuts. Only meat I ate was from the chickens I raised. best health I've ever been in my life. Could work a 12 hour day and have energy at the end of the day.

Except eating like shit is a lot cheaper and I'm broke and in college.

Considering the health risks, can you afford not to?

This movie is pretty interesting


Absolutely. I feel like a more alert, proactive, productive empowered person EXERCISING intensely every day for at least 1 hour and eating all natural clean foods.

The food system is this country is a weapon from the government to keep you fat, weak and unempowered. Fuck that Shit. They can suck my fucking dick.

Not too mention I skip their bullshit extortion medical industry because I take responsibility for my health and I am healthy as a fucking god damn horse so the medical industry does not make a penny off me. They can suck my fucking dick too.

I can't even eat most of the food anymore.

Anyone else able to give up psych meds? I was on a bunch a couple years ago - xanax, ambien, a high dose SSRI and a mood stabilizer. Now all I take is the mood stabilizer at the lowest therapeutic dose. There is no more anxiety or depression or despair and it is amazing.

Eating better, low stress life style and a quest for truth has healed my mind far more effectively than the medications I was on for so long.

Look into the GAPS diet

Fermented foods too like kimchi, kefir, yogurt for good gut health.


I think it's pronounced "kinwa" btw and it's delicious.

Eat lots of lacto-fermented foods. They help populate the gut with good bacteria that can regulate mood and strengthen the immune system. Kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, yogurt. A lot are easy to make at home and have more probiotic bacteria in a tablespoon than a whole bottle of pills.

I also take a turmeric supplement everyday. I used to eat a lot of ibuprofen for my back but now I just take a turmeric supplement to manage my chronic pain, way less toxic compared to NSAIDs. Very good at relieving body inflammation.

Same here, the turmeric I take has bioprene (pepper) and ginger in it and I take two when I have aches and they're gone immediately.

Mine also has bioprene, it is a black pepper extract that increases the bio-availability of the turmeric by quite a bit.

The ginger really helps, it's from Naturewise on Amazon, they're in Ashland, Oregon, and I am a huge fan

Here is the one I have been using. Its cheap and I can afford it, LOL


That looks pretty good...but I tell ya, that added ginger is a level up

Kombucha is an alcohol and should be only consumed in small quantities, like 1-2 oz serving, if at all. It personally doesn't resonate with me

It has a bit of alcohol, like 0.5%. Beer can have 5% alcohol. The US classifies anything with over 0.5% to be classified as alcoholic. So yes, kombucha is alcoholic, but it is very minor amounts.


It's too strong to consume a whole 12 oz serving and can create dysbiosis

I actually like water kefir better. Kombucha has a vinegar taste I don't like. I home brewed it and water kefir for a while. The kefir tasted better to me once flavored.

Water kefir is great and coconut water is an excellent prebiotic to grow it

3 weeks of no soda.

3 weeks of no diary.

1 week of very low wheat.

drink about 1.5 gallons of fluoride free water a day.

eating lots of broth, salads, and good quality high protein meat.

feeling a shit ton better already. actually starting to sleep normal.


Good on you r/Teslasmuse. This is great, something I have implemented in my life and know it produces positive outcomes for life in gen. esp. mentally/cognitively, sleeping wise and physical health.

Give me the money necessary and I will.

Yeah I won't buy frankenapples. If it doesn't decompose within, say, a couple weeks, how the hell is your body supposed to break it down?