It's time to admit it. Trump is owned.

124  2017-04-07 by AFuckYou

Hit me with the cites. Trump just hit Syria. Continuation of proxy war with Russia.

It's time to wake up. Wake the fuck up. We have to do something.


You're 100%. Im not on the fence any more. Just another pos puppet!

I can no longer deny this. I have been very skeptical for some time but this is the last straw.

Guys what country should I go to once the war starts?

There won't be a war. If there is we are all dead. Nuclear war knows no boundaries.

I'm his statement he was just asking for willing nations to help us in Syria.

I'm not sure how anyone could have ever trusted a billionaire conman. Glad to see the honeymoon is over. This dude needs to fucking go.

This dude needs to fucking go.

and then what, another puppet who will do some other shit so we can all again say, "this dude needs to go"?

For as long as I've been alive, every president we have had there have been truthers wanting them out/replaced.

Its not just him, its the whole: deepstate, FED, M.I.C., Bohemian Grove, Banksters, Goldman Sachs derivatives markets/laundering, the Oil industry, Bilderberg, Trilateral commission, NATO, Skull & Bones, Jesuit, Zionist, 1%'er complex.....

We're talking a few hundred at the top at most.....that's the how do you solve a problem like that?

how do you solve a problem like that

take their power. they aren't wizards, their power just comes from having more money than other people. take the money you take the power. they couldn't have made it easier for you.

take their power. they aren't wizards, their power just comes from having more money than other people. take the money you take the power. they couldn't have made it easier for you.

How do you do that? You jut want into a bank and take the money? These 1%'ers have their money spread all around in different assets, businesses, real estate.....and even if you succeed in taking money from 1, they will tell all their friends what's happening and they will move their money into offshore accounts, then what?

they can't just sit on money forever. "you have to spend money to make money" assets can be destroyed or 're appropriated.' businesses can burn down mysteriously while no one is on the clock. bank accounts can be hacked and drained. if you want to be mean about it lives can even be taken. i think they deserve it, but i'm human so i could be wrong. with the right imagination, and enough people, the sky is the limit on what can be done to them.

with the right imagination, and enough people, the sky is the limit on what can be done to them.

You're gonna need a lot of people with special skillsets to make that happen. You need top tier hackers, banks, lawyers, armed military/mercenary types, all would have to be well funded and well organized

well then you better get started now if you expect to get anything done. i'd start with the hackers, they can get you the money you would need for the rest of them to fall in line.

alternatively, you could keep it cheap and focus on removing money through destruction or redistribution of good and services created by the more openly corrupt corporations. you just need a handful of clever individuals with a moderate amount of free time on their hands. you do it like they do in prison, pick the biggest one in the yard and end them, the rest are more likely to fall in line then to risk the same happening to them.

either way it isn't going to happen for voting, or protesting, or commenting about it on reddit.

as for banks and lawyers, i wouldn't expect they would be necessary

You would need these guys, in order to sign over all the assets they have invested in real estate, corporations, energy, etc. If we are going to break down their organizational assets in order for redistribution then it has to be done correctly with all the paperwork in order as well.

You can hack banks and move money that way, but these 1%'ers have the majority of their assets wrapped up in stocks and corporate/media ownership. So say you go after the guys who own MSM so you can cut off the propaganda arm, you're going to need legal paperwork in place that shows the new owners control the MSM and have to now start reporting the truth on Deepstate and all the bullshit going on

you don't need the banks if you have the software they store their data in, and if they make the mistake of only keeping hard copies that only makes your job easier. you don't need the money and assets they have, all you need to do is destroy them, which requires fewer people, and less tact.

you don't need the money and assets they have, all you need to do is destroy them, which requires fewer people, and less tact.

you do need to take all their assets and redistribute into good programs or else the children/relatives of the slain 1%'ers take over the assets, continue with the same bullshit, but this time hire personal security.

See here's the problem, we have a plan, but can't agree how to go about it, and what to do with it

See here's the problem, we have a plan, but can't agree how to go about it, and what to do with it

no one said it would be easy. if it was going to be easy, voting or protesting would have taken care of this by now. statistically, reddit should have all the resources it needs to stage an overthrow of our masters. too bad that isn't what it is intended for.

Trump is owned. He went to war against the establishment, got dragged into the swamp, and is fully co-opted into the new world order. Goddamn we are fucked.

And the GOP in Congress are in lockstep with their corporate masters....

God damn we're fucked. I think that's right.

It's time to look at what we can do against the deep state.

What can we do against the deep state?


We need some

Super Male Vitality

Are you ready?

Same situation if Hillary had won.

The deck was stacked against us from the start.

Get your stock piles built up...

He always was, he just fooled you rubes.

We have a winner. Don't feel bad I once almost bought a 500 dollar garbage knife set

But, wait! ... there's more


"..And if you order in the next four years...."

it was worth a try?

Not really. It was blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain. I love the poorly educated.

Did not vote for Trump, but how was it blatantly obvious? In his campaign he said things publicly that no other politician has dared ever say, like during the red dinner. He had a history of promoting non-interventionism.

It's easy to act like "o yeah I knew all along" right now, but hindsight is 20/20.

It;s called not believing a con man.

He also said the complete opposite of any one thing throughout his campaign, and continually lies or tries to claim he did not say a thing when he verifiably did. How anyone actually paying attention thought he was competent or worth trusting at his word could do so blows me away. You all got cucked hard.

Someone who didn't vote for Trump got "cucked hard"?

Many of the people who did vote for Trump wanted some actual change and hoped that someone who had plenty of their own money wouldn't need to sell out in office.

Who should they have voted for then? Hillary? At least Trump looked like a 50/50 shot at something new, whereas Hillary was a guaranteed continuation of the last few presidents.

The whole system is fucked, and attacking the (soon to be former?) Trump supporters that are awake enough to read here doesn't help anything. Get off your high horse.

He was an outsider that had all major media outlets attacking him to no end. I stand by my comment. Also who knows what the strategy here is. Russia doesn't seem upset.

Only if you didn't pay attention to the man, his last, his actions, and who he surrounds/ed himself with.

You're confusing your own desperation to maintain a superiority complex with political insight.

Nope, if you thought Trump wasn't going to bomb the fuck out of people that piss him off you seriously misjudged him.

If it's any consolation, I'm kind of glad those whole Syria fiasco went down so we can all get back on the same page. Fight the true fight!

I don't like Trump but fuck Assad. Not gonna complain that that monster got fucked. I just find it hilarious that Trump supporters thought have their panties in a bunch because they didn't realise they gave the thinnest skinned man the biggest army on earth.

remember what happened this week. bannon got pushed out. kushner, cohen, zeke emanuel, they are the folks running the show.

A multi time bankrupt money hungry man child with a huge ego can easily be bought out by tillerson and big oil? Who knew?

He went to war against the establishment

lol like hulk hogan went to war with macho man.

Imagine the power we'd have if we used the force that got Trump elected to turn it against all shitty establishment politicians. This would include Trump, if he wants to continue these disgusting policies. Say what you will about the Bernie crowd but I greatly admire how adamant they are for getting good folks into local positions

Wait for the facts to come out...

Obama did the EXACT SAME THING. not in Syria but somewhere else. If we are demanding people to wake up we need them to wake up FULLY. this includes this liberal veil that a large portion of the population can't seem to see through.

Follow the fucking money.

Follow it for me. Give me something I can post.

"It's time to wake up. Wake the fuck up. We have to do something."

"Follow it for me. Give me something I can post."

You aren't doing anything to help, even as you call for help. Text on a conspiracy subreddit won't get out to the people who don't already look here.

three days ago

Start here

The president doesn't get to make these decisions.

They do.

Trump has a lot of money, so do Republicans. I followed it to them.

what happened ? Did I miss something ?

Trump bombed Syria on a false flag attack

Trump screwed up. The lie was that the Syrian gas attack is a hoax, but then Trump attacked Syria for the gas attack. Now Trump supporters are throwing every conspiracy theory at the wall trying to find one that sticks.

My hope is that his use of force against Syria may be a way of forcing Russia to the table and to make concessions. If so they've already indicated they are open to Assad stepping down and someone else coming in.

I'm not 100% ready to give up on Trump considering he's been open to tons of conspiracy theories before..I mean he went on Alex Jones and said he wanted 9/11 further investigated, has shown lots of good hints. If we can't have at least a little hope in him we are really fucked.

I think he's dumb and easily fooled by the military he loves so much. Internal coup by Gary Cohn, Dina Powell.

Liberals must be really confused right now... "Why is a russian spy bombing a russian ally?"

You are typing this as Trump is literally going against something he said over and over again during his campaign. Take a step back and think about who is truly confused in this situation.

Trump supporters said the gas attack was a hoax. Trump attacked Syria because of the gas attack. So either Trump is a weak fool that didn't know it was a hoax, or he used a hoax to attack Syria. Which is it? Do you make Trump look like a fool or Trump as an evil man?

I'd say he looks like both right now

So many shills tonight

Anyone duped by trump doesnt even belong here on this sub. His son Jared Kushner is literally the head of mossad and the owner of 666 5th ave as his business HQ, his wife ivanka converted to satanism, and that photo of her lapdancing with the donald was taken at the bohemian groove

Lets all scream about trump so we can easily forget the boondoggle that was the 2016 election.

Y'know, where you let a private organisation determine that the shitty neoliberal was gonna be the frontrunner against a regan-conservative. I tell ya you can't fuckin win man. But instead, TRUMPRUSSIAHITLERSYRIA bombardment when some mothfuckers need to feel the heat from indian-burn rope justice

To be a devil's advocate - is it possible that they hit some empty shack with those weapons to fool MSM & CIA into thinking that they are doing something about Assad?

This is my first thought too. I have noticed a lot of concerns recently, nothing like ever before. Like a kushner conspiracy with globalism - I still feel that trump is a smart man and so he wouldn't let someone under his nose do him wrong.

I'm not American but I was wondering, what can you guys really do? Your government is entirely corrupt and most of your citizens are brainwashed and complacent. More than anything I would love to see Americans come out by the millions to protest/revolt the way South Koreans did recently but do you see that happening? Everyone has been pinned against each other rather than against those in power and that's exactly what TPTB have been pushing...useless women's marches and anti-Trump marches instead of fighting for issues that actually matter. Who will go out and protest the things that really matter?

The time was long ago.

What can we do against the deep state?

Same situation if Hillary had won.

The deck was stacked against us from the start.

Get your stock piles built up...