Can someone show me evidence that Assad is actually a bad guy?

6  2017-04-08 by mariner929

waiting for it...


He.. he.. they have a state owned bank!

And.. and.. they don't use the US dollar anymore!

And.. hmm.. they have oil reserves/deposits!

....Assad sponsors having peaceful relations with Iran.

... he did allow Russia to use his port to move almost the entirety of their navy into the Mediterranean basically catching NATO and the US with their pants down.

This was during the Russian Georgian conflict when Russia Invaded and the US and Nato positioned themselves in the black sea.


Fuck the UN.

Good goy!

NATO IS THE US military you fucking idiots

Fuck Europe too.

Bunch of dumbasses.

Found the 3rd worlder

there isnt any he was ELECTED not SELECTED or PROJECTED and now he stands PROTECTED

its kickin deep state's ass so badly they are trippin themselves up

he's not perfect, but he's better than isis, and right now, that's good enough

Oy vey, Yisrael told me he was antisemitic! Gasp

I heard his nickname was "Gotta Gas 'Em All."

President Gassad of Syria...

Optometrist are generally evil.

He is an eye doctor. He was practicing in Europe before thrusted into power.

Supposedly he overreacted to the Arab Spring Protests, which is how this civil war began. I've been trying to research just how this whole thing got started in 2011, but there's not a lot of information, perhaps someone can reply with good links if they know of any

I was very against Assad after watching a liveleak video of protesters being shot in the streets.

Eva Bartlett's talks convinced me otherwise. Then I found videos of people with makeup artists being made up to look slaughtered. I don't even know if the original video is even real anymore.

Yeah, it reeks of a Soros Color Revolution

Well if you're unaware.. the US government was sparking the revolution through social media then bringing down the countries internet at a critical point to spark the revolution.

I can't remember if Assad saw the shit comming and took down his own Internet early of if he got it back up faster. I know specifically he didn't get overthrown then because of how he handled the internet access

I re-watched this video the other day which is an analysis of other video where a Syrian reported redpills a reporter on the primary new sources on the ground in syria. The linked video makes mentions the protests you speak of and how they were infiltrated with armed provocateurs leading to Assad forces opening fire on the initially peaceful protests. I have NOT vetted this claim but it sounded interesting, realistic, and very related.

Sorry to interrupt the circle jerk, I'm just taking my list of massacres for a walk.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲_____

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Since it's been established that there is no such thing as "moderate rebels", what's wrong with butchering Islamists ?

There are now moderate rebels, NOW. But there used to be.

Sure thing, buddy.

I believe lizard people living in the Hollow Earth are more likely to exist then "moderate muslim rebels". There's more evidence for the latter as well.

thanks for the link. I notice all these reports are from human rights groups based outside of the country. Not to say that invalidates their claims, but it's worth noting. It's possible a lot of this is contrived, it's also possible it's entirely accurate. hard to say sitting behind a computer keyboard...

I've been asking for specifics for days.


there seems to be way more evidence showing staged false flag attacks.. people are insane if they believe the official narrative

Well, we need to come to terms with the fact that the media has been able to create a state of mind in the majority of americans that is insane. I think we are making some progress waking people up, but we are still a minority, at least among influential people.