Wow. All MSM channels are now praising President Trump after the Syria strike...

158  2017-04-08 by [deleted]




Blow off 60 old trident missiles with no warheads completely miss the target and the kike media is praising him like he's the messiah.

Are you saying this could possibly be a chess move by Trump/Mattis/Tillerson?

They mainstream media can't not praise him. Otherwise people would get confused.

I'm saying, no damage was done, Russia and therefore syria were warned ahead of time. After looking at pictures of the airbase and runway and hearing news of planes taking off from their later that day it looks like very little damage was done.

To me it's like a false flag was met with false retaliation.

The media can either say he is a Russian puppet or say he bombed syria which is directly in conflict with russia.

Maybe he bombed Syria to make it seem like he was not in bed with Russia?

I like your explanation the best.

Deep state pulls a chess move - damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Trump answers with a dodge. He'll attack but not in a way that matters - while informing the Russians of the situation.

Ball is back in the other court, and the media is forced to praise Trump and the military strike.

Na it's pretty obvious the strike didn't do any damage because the gas attack was a false flag by Assad and Russia. Donald can look tough by bombing an empty runway and make it look like he isn't in bed with Putin.

Is there proof that they were given a heads up prior to the strike?

If Putin can shake off Russian ties accustions, losing a few Syrians and replacing outdated fighter jets is really a small price to pay. Msm is failing pretty hard if thier goal is to destroy assad. The good news is the entire country had an anti war reaction to the missle attack and with Trump being the scapegoat, even the liberals are going aganist msm's agenda.

Putin will be puffing his chest more and any direct attacks on Syria will mean possible ww3. Majority of Americans will shit thier pants and will "pressure" Trump to negotiate with Putin.

Removed. Rule 1. Only warning.

How is saying someone owns the media hateful agaisnt them? Isn't that a compliment if anything?

Do you honestly not know that word you used is a slur?

Israel needs us to fight their battles for them again.

Like a drunk, emotionally abusive GF.

Why pretend the US has no self-serving interests in Syria? I'm no fan of Israel due to their treatment of the Palestinian people, but comments like this act as though the US is doing this all for Israel and it's intervention in Syria is all concocted by Israel.

This battle isn't for Israel, it's for US ruling class and corporate interests

but comments like this act as though the US is doing this all for Israel

Because they are.....

Ya, the imperialists are the victims being controlled by Israel. Or maybe US imperialists are fucking imperialists with a goal to serve their own interests of US expansionism

Keep telling yourself that

You seem to be forgetting that the U.S. is entirely subservient to Israel. Our "self" interest there is as far as what makes up the controlling apparatus of the U.S. - and that is Zionists.

I keep hearing this. My knowledge of the Zionist involvement in the NWO is slim. Can someone elaborate on this? How big of a competing/cooperating "faction" are they in the global domination game? Who is mainly subservient to them?

Zionism plays a huge role. I'm starting to feel like a robot repeating this so much, but it's relevant these days so here goes...

Post WW2 The Network (see Carol Quigley or Joe Plummer) decided it would be advantageous to rebuild Israel in their image. They did this knowing sheepish Christians would blindly back and do Israel's bidding because they couldn't be bothered to actually read the bible. Particularly the part that says Israel was supposed to be rebuilt by God, not by the Balfour Declaration.

Make sense?

Be the first one on your block to have your goy come home in a box!

Trump finally getting what he wanted: adulation and popularity.

The mainstream mocking of president trump is a farce as i woukd had been believed.

Honestly, of course they are. They are funded by neocons/neoliberals (the same thing) and they have ALWAYS played propaganda machine - their main missions are to divide people, to scare people, and to beat the war drum. Waste of time to even watch them. They're not going to change.

Also War = Ratings = $$$

MSN is praising Trump for "his flexible principles". God I hate neocons and their establishment Democrat counterparts. Knowing you get what you paid for, knowing you can trust their actions will match their words is exactly what I love about politicians like Ron Paul and Bernie. Lack of this solid moral compass is what I despise about most politicians.

Purge the media and governments of Neocon/Anti-Christs and these blood dances will cease. Claw back the wealth of the 1%. Claw back Constitutional governance. Break the military industrial complex and the Stasi surveillance state. Kick the CFR the hell out and the UN with them. Make it clear We are not and never were meant for empire!

Don't they understand that at some point all empires fall?

Maybe that's their goal.

The worst they can imagine is a United States and Russia alliance. Putin's goal is "to have a normal country." There is no higher goal. Russia and the US are both multi-cultural continental nations with much in common. We could cut the defense budget by 80%. That money can, in turn, be utilized to actually make America great again.

As of now we have a severe parasitical infection poisoning our minds.

As of now we have a severe parasitical infection poisoning our minds.

Yeerks... I knew it.

I think the parasites are both more common and more primitive than people expect. I keep pointing people towards r/raisedbynarcissists so they can get clued in about how something ubiquitous could be hidden under their nose.

Which one will fall first?

It's the carrot and stick method of mind control. When Trump was doing things the liberals didn't like, he got the stick; but after his missile attack against Assad in Syria, he got the carrot, because he was such a good boy, yes he was, yes he was.

Stop watching, people.

If you have a Samsung TV, it is watching you.

In Facist America, TV watches you. In Facist America, swamp drains you. We could get something trending here.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. First MSM flips a 180 and praises Trump, then Clinton during an interview on TV says the attack was exactly what should have happened...

The matrix is revealing itself. Their whole operation is being exposed for what it is.

Why are you lying? No, not "all" MSM channels are doing this. You're just generalizing to feed into the narrative that the MSM is always wrong. Enough.

CNN's mouth is watering over the potential to cover another war. People think they are partisan, but they are really just greedy neoliberals.

They might be a little less eager than last time considering 45's open hostility to the press.

They don't care, they answer to $$$, and money alone.

I think those guys at CERN need to stop playing around with timelines. This shit is getting weird.

Wow All Jewish controlled media is now praising President Trump after he attacked a country like Israel wanted him to...

Fancy that.

Netanyahu is praising Trump for attacking Israel's enemy, Syria.

Maybe the strike was him stepping in line for the deep government. Now he gets positive media for being a good boy.


All Trump has to do is do whatever Hillary Clinton would have done and the corporate media will praise him.

Solution: stop watching it.

Anytime anyone uses "President" capitalized in front of "Trump", I assume they're a t_d fanboy. Yes it's technically correct, but it wasn't the norm to use it in front of "Obama", and implies some form of reverence towards the guy, like a proud reminder to everyone that this guy is president.

Someone neutral or unhappy with Trump wouldn't freely award him this title in common conversation.

Who tf cares? He's the president

It's fucking sick. It's even happening here in Australia. I'm like: WTF the media loves any action of war. This.... is fucking sick.

Given that he warned Russian (and thereby Syria) and attacks did very little, it seems like he might be playing the MSM.

It's all a game. Always has been.

I really have a feeling that something is up, something big that they are gonna try and pawn on us. We were either close to something, or something is on the horizon that they need to cover up and distract fast. There is no way the narrative changes that fast and that drastically. This reminds me of a 9/11 era sort of support by the media.

Definitely banging the war drums

It kinda scares the shit out of me, not gonna lie. Not only the deception, but the short memory of people. Now im not gonna lie, I was/ am a huge Trump supporter, I was all for him from day one, but this has me worried. He was all anti-war, so hopefully nothing happens. But what is worrying me the most is that a few months ago every other Trump supporter was all anti Hillary for wanting to involve the US in Syria more. Yet here we are like 3 months later and they are calling for intervention and want to bomb the hell of of the middle east. Its not the deception of the media that scares me, because I expect that. It is the gullibility and the lack of memory or insight that people seem to just disregard.

They might be a little less eager than last time considering 45's open hostility to the press.