Anyone really depressed after the Syria false flag/attack? I literally can't trust anyone anymore, and now even my liberal friends are praising Trump. Clinton went on TV and praised is happening

377  2017-04-09 by FUCK_TPTB

I need to take a break from reality.


Nothing means anything, everything's permitted
Nothing is forbidden, so anything goes

"Everything is permitted" I still remember the first time someone told me that ;)

It seems that everything is permitted, until you really want justice.

The search for justice is also permitted, but so is the rejection of justice. Fear not. Justice is more appealing than the rejection of justice. Most people do not wish to have the "luxuries" that come with the rejection of justice.

Provided that it harms no one else, then... "Everything is permitted".

The world has gone insane

The world has always been insane, it is just becoming impossible to hide now. Humans are waking up.

I dont know about your friends..but here in europe no one is praising trump and war in syria I still think there are more sane people in world

Europe is wise and old. USA is the fraternity student always looking to party and brawl.

That why EU powers and Britain pushed for Iraq?
Is that why European powers pushed for Libya?

Smug Europeans like to pretend they're not in the Horrifying Late Capitalist Death Nightmare car just because they're not in the driver's seat.

Yup. I'm European myself, and this extreme short-term memory where all negative things are revisionistically wiped from the common conscience is ludicrous.

And current, ongoing things, like how French people patted themselves on the back for not joining the Iraq coalition as it was leaving bloody footprints all over West Africa.

Oil and pipelines. France's refineries are setup for Libyan crude which is the best crude. If they ran out their economy would implode.

That why EU powers and Britain pushed for Iraq?

Don't make shit up. France and Germany, the power center of the EU, were against Iraq.

This, plus Russia.

People like you are why pompous cunt is a stereotype for some europeans globally. I'm glad ive had the chance to speak with some humble ones though.

Europe is wise and old.

Europe is cucked. We should let them wither and die if they refuse to stand and fight.

Nah were cool watching you fat fucks get your asses kicked by Iraqi shepherds.

Or sitting back and watching Muslims take over your countries

can we stop with this bickering when we're basically on the same side? it accomplishes nothing.

you're all basically right.

almost everyone you know believes that neil armstrong walked on the moon

That's really good to hear.

It is the MSM and people like Clinton, McCain, Graham and some Never Trumpers. This is what they choose to praise Trump for?!? Very suspect indeed.

This is what they choose to praise Trump for?!?

The only ones who would use their support of Trump in this against them are themselves.

Meanwhile, they know how to deal with "warmongering" Republicans, and all they really need to perpetuate the myth that Trump and his supporters are rabid warmongers is a few soundbites. That's what their "support" is aimed at achieving.


Yes, this is more accurate.

Trump is a conman, say and do literally anything for power and ego boosting attention.

It's driven by greedy old men and religious psychopaths.

You've got that right

We are witnessing the dog being wagged.

What a time to be out of weed.


TIL lots of people shove drugs up their ass.

Duh, it gets you like, mega high bro...just be careful not to overdose...only 3 marijuanas can kill when put up your butt. 4 is okay tho because science. Also you don't get high the first time. But the 2nd time you will have a bad hangover.

Sound like someone from the Donald.

No I don't think so since they didn't use the word "cuck".

come to oregon, we have plenty

HA! I live in Oregon, I'm just out. :) Had a huge jar plus three smaller jars, and vaped that all winter. It was great. Now, I need some clones. Rock on.

Weed or billionaires

probably billionaires from selling weed! its a lucrative business right now :)

Dog wagged for certain. If anything ever is an example this is it. Trump let Russia know before Congress. I mean shit... This isn't complex.

Congress has let themselves become irrelevant on endless wars and government oversight.

Adam Curtis applies this to Trump campaign in Hypernormalisation in this clip.

Depressed? Lol

" I need to take a break from reality " You need to take a break from the media, media is not reality, it's shit they shove down your throats to distract you from doing anything worth a fuck for yourself , reality is going outside ,interacting with people not on the internet, going to work , interaction with the opposite sex , hobbies , family time , friends time (if you have them) life you live , reality is not what the media is feeding you , that's a sales pitch to make you buy into something that has nothing to do with you .

Except if you stopped paying attention to the news, you wouldn't know what is going on overseas. You may not know, from just reading it, also! However, I believe we can get closer to knowing, if we pay attention to many angles.

Except if you stopped paying attention to the news

I think the post you were responding to meant not watching mainstream media, like CNN. If you want to watch Corbett Report or something that's not just propaganda, have at it.

I'm not sure the Corbett Report isn't propaganda. I'm also unsure if all propaganda is bad. After all, an ad on a billboard that tells you to quit smoking is a form of propaganda.

What I want is a source which propagates, the truth. However when money is involved, the truth suffers. This is a big problem in a capitalism, for instance, where I can pay for segments of the truth forever and still never make it through the entire maze, due to time constraints.

If I could just, happen upon a temple where a single man could just tell me, all I need to know, that would be nice. If that man also had eyes and ears all over the planet, so that we could keep up on all that were relevant, that would be nice. It seems that is impossible, and so perhaps we may only have one of the two things we seek. We may know everything, or we may understand everything (that we know), but we cannot have both simultaneously ;)

If I could just, happen upon a temple where a single man could just tell me, all I need to know, that would be nice.

Ask god.

Oh how has that been working for you?

I'm not sure the Corbett Report isn't propaganda. I'm also unsure if all propaganda is bad. After all, an ad on a billboard that tells you to quit smoking is a form of propaganda.

All propaganda is bad because it appeals to you on an emotional level and attempts to bypass your reason and judgment. Whatever the aims of the propaganda, it manipulates you, and that makes it bad.

That is a fair and reasonable argument, if you are to judge every action by its intrinsic nature, presuming that it has a definitive nature indeed.

Rather than judging an action by that metric, I prefer to judge it based on the intention of the actor. I believe this single category takes into account that every action, and the effect of every action may have both a good and bad nature simultaneously.

If I could just, happen upon a temple where a single man could just tell me, all I need to know, that would be nice.

This is exactly why propaganda, psyops and groupthink works

How exactly??

Don't stop paying attention , but don't enthrall yourself to the point you can't function because you are so "depressed" and it effects your life . Anymore the news is pretty much entertainment , politics is like a soap opera ,people love entertainment in the form of other people's suffering and misery , it gives them a sense of they are doing better than the ones suffering , but to be depressed about some news from msm ( because the shit is faked for ratings and revenue) is taking things to a whole new petty level ,that is attention seeking SJW behavior for validation of generic feelings in the form of likes and karma points

You do have a point, because a main purpose of the game at play is the demoralozation of the consumer.

However, there is a way to separate oneself from the emotional aspects, long enough to sort out which emotions are necessary. Some measure of emotion, is usually necessary, but the trick is to get it just right.

Control of self is the only control possible. Good thing that is all that is required.

All hail the rise of objectivism and the death of postmodernism.

Your liberal friends probably praise him for it because the MSM is.

Are you a bitch ? Because you straight up sound like a little bitch. Stop being a little bitch !!!

Rule #10

Removed. Rule 2.

Next time just report it, or if you feel we're not addressing something, send us a modmail. We're not always awake or on duty to monitor these things, but pointing out rule violations in the open sub is itself a rule violation.

Fair enough.


Anyone really depressed after the Syria false flag/attack?


I literally can't trust anyone anymore...

You shouldn't have in the first place.

wtf is happening


I need to take a break from reality.

Stand your ground. Hiding won't protect you.

Stand your ground. Hiding won't protect you.


Et tu, Trump? lol. All ya'll drank the kool aid.

We're living in a holographic multiverse...create your own reality

99% of the time I take this stance and continue out my life.

1% of the time, though, I wonder why there's genocide, terrorism, war and destruction when I like to think that's not a vibrational match to my way of life at all. So if we create our own reality, then why does this exist? I ain't bringing it into the matrix.

I guess we still have to share said reality with other creators. Oh what fun it would be to be able to assume full control of this ship and be able to manipulate the entire "external" world for the better.

I'd have things like the Federal Reserve banks be taken by spontaneous sinkholes, for starters. The wouldn't know what was about to go down.

They wouldn't know what was about to go down.

I see what you did there!

No, you're falling for a ruse

isnt it funny how this sub has like 430,000 subscribers yet one can usually spot regular posters all the time? this is totally random but im stoned and this just occurred to me when I saw you post lol.

That's just a request that people block out their own awareness of the truths of the world around them. Telling them to create their own reality... obviously, they'll create a reality where everything is peaceful and big existential threats aren't looming.

Or... will they? Are you sure? Maybe you shouldn't spread this one. What if people really do want to create a reality where they're fighting for truth, justice, and the American way?

I am more depressed at how the sheeps bought the fake videos.

The academy awards gave a free-kin Oscar to terrorists.

Welcome to the land of broken toys.

That to me signaled desperation almost more than any other event.

At least in 2010 "Inside Job" got it. Must've been a loooot of pressure on the Academy this year.

Inside Job was very good. The white helmets award was a travesty.

"The American public doesn't believe anything until they see it on television."

-Richard Nixon

Syria false flag is nothing compared to 9/11

Try not to get too emotionally attached, this is what the system wants, control of your emotional state and demoralizing you. Remember these are just singualar events the big picture is all of humanity freeing themselves from this slave system with you included, if you feel helpless or confused always know you have the option of helping yourself.

is all of humanity freeing themselves from this slave system

That fantasy is just more of the same. The second matrix, for those who refuse to believe the first.

Nihlist, just kill yourself (don't) and get it over with.

You can type on reddit all you want but it only reaches out to the same people, how can you convince the world to stop buying this bullshit if you cant even convince the ones closest to yourself? Especially yourself, look around you and ask yourself is there still something you can immidiately correct? Your food? Your desires for certain luxuaries that are mere distractions? How you spend your time? Even if you are absorbing information you only cannot defeat the system, it takes everyone because thats where the power comes from.

The correct way out is to channel hatred against those who control the system. Peaceful extrication would work if we had a frontier to extricate ourselves towards, but to just close our minds up and declare that "humanity is freeing itself" doesn't do anything to make it true.

If you are going through emotional turnmoil from these events I believe its best to withdrawal yourself and focus on correcting how you precieve the information instead of simple attaching raw emotion to it. Fear changes the perspective of the information you recieve, if its too hard to handle, you can first start with helping yourself and the people close to you.

At the end of the day its our family and friends who you will have the most leverage in communicating with and changing perspective. I'm in no way advocating a wishy washy approach, I simple believe if big/outside events are creating so much fear you should first start with yourself and the people close to you. It angers me that the media has more leverage than me when it comes to people so close to me. Just small subjects such as health takes a lot of effort into correcting despite them being my family and friends. Global events are important but we should also focus on ourselves and places where you know you can make a difference.

So true. I loved what he represented. Now he doesn't represent that. It's asimple choice for me as a human to withdraw support.

The devil lurks.

nah...good and evil are human constructs,constructed to try and explain the phenomenon we call "life"...the universe doesn't give a fuck

Human constructs matter.

no they don't, because they're subjective... if you look at the world objectively you'll see right through all our constructs and realize they DON'T matter, at all

The devil exists he's just a man :)

no, the "devil" represents evil, which doesn't exist, so evil cannot be personify, because it doesn't exist

Don't worry.

There are millions more that think the cruise missile attack was insane.

Don't fall for the trap of believing that the main stream media and social media accurately represent the majority of public opinion since they directly profit off of conflict.

I need to take a break from reality.

What you are describing is media influence and not true reality.

Reality, unless you are in a region near the conflict has almost no connection to this conflict. I am not saying you should ignore the impacts of the conflict as those are very real, but try and put them in a real world perspective.

Take a break from media for a few days and you will see reality is a little less backwards.

These conflicts have more to do with reality than you'd think.

Case-in-point: American Consumerism directly feeds the war machine and effectively necessitates it's existence, since ownership over markets, or a changing market, is the reason for all wars.

Don't be depressed, shit like this has been going on for 1000's of years. Just be happy you are privy to this knowledge and that you can make decisions in your life based off of it.

Don't be depressed, shit like this has been going on for 1000's of years.

Knowing this should make you angry, and not depressed.

"A thousand years they've had the tools, we should be taking them; Fuck the G ride, I want the machines that are making them."

-Rage Against The Machine

This would make anyone angry, if they only had the power to do..anything about it.

It is my belief, that the feeling of depression is linked to the recognition of powelessness.

if they only had the power to do..anything about it

What? Do you feel powerless? That simply cannot be...

The Power of the Powerless

The Power of the Powerless is an expansive political essay written in October 1978 by the Czech dramatist, political dissident and later politician, Václav Havel. The essay dissects the nature of the communist regime of the time, life within such a regime and how by their very nature such regimes can create dissidents of ordinary citizens. The essay goes on to discuss ideas and possible actions by loose communities of individuals linked by a common cause, such as Charter 77. Officially suppressed, the essay was circulated in samizdat form and translated into multiple languages. It became a manifesto for dissent in Czechoslovakia, Poland and other communist regimes.

I will do what I must to survive, yes. I will use the system to get to that place, and then cut myself off from that system once I am ready.

I am not powerless (double negative).

I Am powerful.

All things come, in due time.

You can be both. In fact anger with no outlet or hope of making changes leads to depression

Not all media and not all liberals.

Here is a bunch of sanity from both MSM and the dreaded /r/politics

Yeah, I've been feeling really down for a few days now and am having a hard time functioning without despairing. I guess the feelings of hopelessness have become overwhelming for a lot of us.

the same as always ... shitty banker minions tell you some lies what they will change in politics and you guys fall for it over and over again ... you vote him in and than the mask is falling. 4 years later same shit starts over again

i laughed my ass of how people really could think trump would be one of them ... a fucking billionar ...

and hillary? ... same shit


Had a really bad mental breakdown on the day of the "attack". Woke up crying and not able to do anything without becoming emotional and frustrated. I took the day off work because finding my work uniform made me break down crying.

Haven't ever woken up like that before. I don't get like that without something causing it.

Humans have the inherent ability to make things truly great. We're waking up to this notion in droves. Our slavers are bothered by this fact, since we're heading towards self-reliance and a will to spread resources, knowledge and power evenly in our societies. They had total domination in their grasp, but we caught them. Their desperation will show in events to come.

Work on a way to free yourself from the system. They rely on us consuming their filth. Get off the plantation and help others who want to do the same.

Starve them.

Our slavers are bothered by this fact, since we're heading towards self-reliance and a will to spread resources, knowledge and power evenly in our societies.

You've been sold a lie, a fantasy crafted to make you think there's a true alternative.

There is a better way, but it's not some kumbaya, hug-it-out hippie fest.

I am a bit out of the loop on all this, can anyone TLDR the whole Trump/Syria/Media suddenly praising him thing?

can anyone TLDR the whole Trump/Syria/Media suddenly praising him thing?

The MSM is overjoyed that Trump can be portrayed as "warmonger." They have a playbook to run against "warmongers." They don't have a playbook to run against "populists." "Warmonger Republican" also plays well with their base.

They're celebrating death because they feel it gives them a political advantage in 2018. They are even more disgusting than the "evil rich" being whined about in this thread.

Journalism was taken over by warmongers who black out all effective advocates of peace while raising up only ineffectual ones. They're thrilled to see Trump apparently switching sides and joining them in their efforts to get foreigners murdered by the US government.

If I had a dollar for every intelligent American, I would have exactly zero dollars. These are the same mongoloids that praised the Iraq war for two years until it became trendy to be against it. America has never met a war it didn't like

We are descending into madness. Hug your loved ones. The elite aim to start WW3. Trump is an idiot and yes, I supported him. I always had a suspicion, particularly with how he deferred with so much worship towards the military. I immediately suspected that he was a sycophant for the military. He leans too heavily on his generals because of this. He has already abandoned his base and his platform of America first. They say he's smart, but every time he opens his mouth he shows little intelligence. His grammar and vocabulary are extremely limited, childlike. We truly have a Chauncey Gardner in the WH.

And you honestly didn't see until AFTER he got elected?

And you honestly didn't see that until AFTER he got elected?

It really wasn't clear. He said all kinds of conflicting things, including wanting to reform the intelligence agencies and opposition to war in Syria. He wasn't in any elite policy organizations, wasn't in any secret societies, etc.

I find almost everyone saying "it was just obvious" was politically invested against him and not thinking objectively. The only thing that was 100% clear in that election was that Hillary could not be trusted, and Trump was a much better prospect than someone like Jeb Bush.

Basically all of the critical thinkers out there that I saw were saying "we have no fucking idea what he will do, and I hope he does some good things."

We had a very good idea of what he would do if you were an actual critical thinker. He has a long history of public behavior to look at and compare, and realize he is full of empty promises. Things like how he claims to care about american middle class workers all of a sudden but has never in the past done a single fuckin thing to help them in any way with his billions of dollars.

His words were inconsistent with his past actions. Easy way to spot a liar. It was very blatant and obvious that he was not who he was claiming to be.

We had a very good idea of what he would do if you were an actual critical thinker.

You're thinking in very general terms, and I'm referring to specific policy alternatives. The elites are not unanimous on every issue, and there are people that may push "elite-approved" positions that are better than other "elite-approved" positions. i.e. Trumps' claims he would fight ISIS and not try to overthrow Assad.

Thinking in terms of 100% for us or 100% against us is a bad way to think. No one in Washington is 100% for us, or they'd be dead.

No, I started to see that the Israel influence creeping in after he was forced to walk back his comments on Israel/Palestine. I always liked what Trump was saying not so much the man himself. He was the only logical choice for the president because of left cover and the media. Now we see that the media loves and supports war and are rewarding him for it.

There was no alternative. Only the devil you know or the devil you don't

The elite aim to start WW3.

I disagree with that part of your statement. I don't think the various world-class elites want WW3, but are content to fight relatively small, proxy battles for geopolitical / economic spheres of influence and profit that can be mitigated via, e.g., the U.N. or World Bank, before any of them suffer the calamitous losses associated with a modern-day WW. I say this because the calamities associated with WWI & II would pale in comparison to a WW fought with modern weapons of mass destruction. Literally no-one would profit from that, at least not for very long, I mean, unless they consider surviving a thermo-nuclear war in a sumptuous underground bunker as a winning scenario. And even if they do, they wouldn't be able to survive the wasteland waiting on them when their bunker supplies are exhausted and they have to emerge.

I've heard otherwise.

Good lord you're apart of r/conspiracy and supported Trump?

This is a case where the difference between "apart of" and "a part of" makes a huge difference...

I thought Trump was the real deal (silly me). The only reservation I had about him was his sycophantic kowtowing to Israel. That worried me a little.

Yup, me too.

you have to learn to not give a shit...i'm not talking about apathy, you have to simply accept this reality is what it is, and more or less it's not gonna change for the better any time soon... might sound depressing, but that's where the not giving a shit part comes in...we gotta make due with what we got, it's not like we can eject our consciousness out of this reality...oh wait, maybe that's why DMT's,who give a shit?

Stay strong bro, everyone's a little down about the state of the world at the moment. Just remember there's more to life than world politics, even if MSM is constantly ramming it down everyone's throats!

Clinton supporters, may have hijacked the label liberal during the primary, but that doesn't mean they have liberal values at all. They're neo liberals, it's not comparable.

I'm infuriated by people claiming liberals are suddenly supporting this bullshit. Are some dems in favor of this? Sure, some GOP people are too.

But many aren't. I don't know who these "liberal friends" are that are suddenly pro-Trump after he wasted a ton of money on an airstrip in Syria that they were using the next day. People like the OP keep making this claim that liberals are all pro-Trump now, but other than some MSM personalities and politicians, I haven't seen this reaction from my mostly liberal east coast connections.

Lunacy. I don't think that the human race will come around anymore. We are not worth saving. They should just send all the nukes to get it over with. It will only get worse.

Or like it seems people are waking up and it does get better. Storm before calm.

The powers that be have decided they've indulged the trump controversy among the masses long enough and it is now time to return to normal so they can get on with America's business of relieving working families of their meagre wealth and all they work in order to enrich the already very rich.

Your liberal friends are the worst kind of liberals, don't worry about what they think.

Trump has a taste of what it is like to drop bombs, he will continue to flex his military boner while half of his supporters walk away. The bad part is the other half will make excuses for him.

This is the elite coming back together again after the schism of the election. Clinton was supposed to win, but they really didn't account for the disenfranchised working class and she didn't. This caused divisions in the party (and don't kid yourself, it's all one big party), but they have worked behind the scenes to get it all back together and now they have.

It's us against them.

Forget it /u/FUCK_TPTB, it's Chinatown.

The problem is there is hardly any independent critical thinking anymore. Peoples opinions and feelings are directed by whatever the media tells them it should be.

It's crazy to watch someones attitude change after it changes in the media. You just want to scream at them to have a freaking thought or opinion that is your own.


The point of these politics is to make us isolated and paranoid so our power is decreased. He divided the nation by party first. But I'm not sure cuz attacking Syria seems to make trump supporters change their mind. So now everyone should be against trump and on the same side nearly.

People are in mass hysteria. Trumps plan.

If that thing come by my house, I'll kill it.

It's "business". Those Tomahawks were from 1983. If they just discard them thats a loss of profit....if we USE them in war that a gain....don't you know most of these people have huge shares in the companies that make them and the like...the only way to stop the war is to make it unprofitable.

UN Peace Council Drops The Truth On Syria And Propaganda Media

I feel relieved because I feel like finally understand what's going on. It's weird but I feel great.

They have bought into a mindset describe by Sheldon Wolin, which he termed "inverted totalitarianism" in which there are politics for the point of politics and most decisions benefit corporate entities (and the never ending war machine) rather than people. There are free articles online with/about him as well as the preface to his 2003 book.

Damn. Your friends are brainwashed.

For clarity, try reading Russia supporters.

Anyone who believes Trump will release more video/pictures from Pentagon to prove a plane hit it?

And release many more informations of this sort?

Or is he just part of the cabal?

UN Peace Council Drops The Truth On Syria And Propaganda Media

Manufacturing consent

Just call out anyone praising the strikes as war monguerers. Don't be shy about it. Remind them there is no proof Assad did the chemical weapons attacks. Remind them of Iraq 2003.

It's simply a reminder of how useless the two-party system is and how it manages to completely stifle any kind of reasonable discourse or progress. There are no degrees, people are forgetting how to critically evaluate issues beyond black and white.

"If he's not wrong he must be right!"


Israel has the US under nuclear blackmail - Trump blinked

Not depressed, nor surprised. Enraged? Yeah. Outspoken about it? Yeah. I never trusted anyone in the first place. I'm used to being called 'crazy' or 'radical' and I usually end up being right because I don't deal with anything other than fact. What really amazes me is the extent of the PROGRAMMING in this country. Lie after lie after lie. Same strategies. And people still listen to the gov and media. It's fucking insane.

Yeah, it's spiritually oppressive. I'll pray for you, and everyone else feeling the same way. This is really bad, and we need to get grounded in hope again.

It made me allot more suspicious of Trump but as long as we hold his feet to the fire and he doesn't get us into an actual war with Syria then it will be fine. If he does though then we will cause a ruckus.

I'll you exactly what is happening: You are following demagogues instead of principles.

Learn your core principles, do your best to live by them every day, and be an example to others. After that you'll realize that politicians don't have principles and their actions will make more sense.

Seriously kids, that's some of the best advice you'll ever read.

Go protest outside a MSM office.

Instead of a 1M person march against DC, stage a 1M person march against CNN.

I hope it has made you realize what all the so called "news" networks or MSM have done to everyone in the country. They have pushed so much bs onto people that has everyone divided and then the one thing liberals are against, war, looks like it might break out then Trump becomes presidential. I support Trump but him striking Syria so quickly, to me, was wrong like many others on the right believe. But when I heard CNN and MSNBC saying stuff like Trump is now presidential for striking Syria so quickly it just confirms to me even more how phony the conspiracies against Trump the past few months have been. All of MSM, even Fox News, is bs. They are all pushing their agendas for The United States of America Incorporated. The corruption on both sides is so sick right now b/c of money that they easily blind the public with their bs FAKE NEWS to keep the train moving. Think about it, everyone talks about how corupt the gov't is with corporate money and corporate politicians but the media never does any type of investigative work on it and pushes nonsense till people are tired of it that nothing changes. Now everyone is quick to say striking Syria was the best thing to do, even the lefty media! Fucking bs. It doesn't smell right just like most of the bs they are shoving down everyone's throat.

Great username OP.

This is probably why Trump is going golfing all the time. He didn't understand 'the game'. Now that he has been red-pilled and threatened, he decided to throw his hands up in the air and say, 'Fuck it. I'm going to Mar-a-Lago.'

This is why I smoke weed every day.

The Deep State Strikes Back

I'm disappointed in Trump. I really thought he was going to stand up to the Deep State. But he caved like a deck of cards. He went for the praise of liberal assholes who were calling for his impeachment the day before. He's dead to me now. I have no hope for America, or for the West. All I can see is a gradual decline into poverty and servitude.

Lol you thought a reality tv host was gonna stand up to the deep state....

We've always been at war with...... ah, fuck it.

Eastern European natural gas interests and the central bank of Russia? Is that what you were gonna say?

He sold out. The war machine is too powerful. It really pisses me off. I've had heart palpitations since the airstrikes.

Many predictions of the novel 1984 have become true and yeah it's very sad for a place so associated with freedom and pursuing your dreams to become a place where so much authoritarian crap happens, just like in all of the other places we have always been warned about and/or attacked outright with bombs from far away.

But we have been taught about doublethink, Clinton explained exactly what they are doing with her secret "public and private position" speech. I'm sure she as a public and private position on sex, murder, stealing, bribery, fiat currency, and pretty much a lot of other dirty crap that's just what there is evidence of.

Same with Trump. In every country he does business, he does it with known mobsters. This stuff has all been known, but people thought apparently Hillary was dirty, and maybe due to other countries doing to us what we have done to them.

Most people don't know what it would have been like in the 3 states where the margins were most slim, don't think foreign intelligence agencies couldn't predict what we weren't seeing on CNN about the electoral college.

It's some real matrix shit. Some real doublethink. Actual evidence right in front of your face of what Chomsky calls "elaborate webs of deceit". Another way to describe a web is a matrix, not apples and oranges, just apples.

So why not panic!! OMG RUN TO THE HILLS!

First of all: Don't Panic (this is just basic stuff from the hitchiker's guide, further study will be rewarded)

Second of all: Courage is the virtue that makes all the others possible

At some point you have to choose to be courageous, or not. I think it's better to be courageous even if it means idk standing up for yourself, getting fired if you won't put up with being demeaned, speaking your mind when it's going to affect your paycheck or status, going to a protest or a lot of protests, being willing to get arrested in order to make a statement. History has lots of examples of people standing up for themselves with widely varying, sometimes horrifying results. One of my favorite movies is 13 Assassins, the Magnificent Seven, V for vendetta, the matrix, Mel Gibson movies lol.

Some people always go with the flow and the upside is maybe you can keep your job longer but the downside is you might slowly become a monster, tied to the mast of the ship, incapable of refusing increasingly questionable tasks that clearly hurt people.

Are you going to be a voice of reason or chaos? A voice of invention and futurism or primitive bigotry and territorialism?

What are you going to stand up for? Because if you don't stand up for anything, or are paralyzed by sadness, dismay or panic, then you are going to fall for anything.

That's the disease, make sure you and those around you are doing those things and even if you don't get to live in the utopia of your dreams, you will at least be a person of value and your contribution will be significant, and your friends will be cool, and that's a pretty straight forward way to a good life. (And maybe a "glorious death!")

I am afraid the homeland security will turn into a 'people trump doesn't like who post on reddit' force, and we aren't there yet. nuclear war would also suck....

But I'm not going to be a whining ninny, I am making my contrary voice as loud as I can. That's how I sleep at night. I jam the channels with my pirate signal, it's fun.

And maybe accentuate the positive a little? Just let me know if you hear about people being dropped from helicopters by the police, it is a time to be more aware of what the governmenet and police forces is doing. Let's use this forum to keep it as hard as possible for them to surprise everyone with bullshit.

That is all, carry on.

tl:dr have courage, stand up for reason and your viewpoint, throw wrench in gears of evil, tune your radio to the pirate band, keep your ear to the ground, get back to work doing your thing

oh and dont be the one fucking everything up, that's what we're trying to keep other people from doing and that's what the undercover secret police in america are trying to trick you into doing.

p.s.yes there are secret police in the usa in the form of undercover fbi and state police who infiltrate any potentially threatening assembly.
p.s.s. it would be really really interesting if a tool ever became available through wikileaks or whatnot that would actually tell you which nsa surveillance you had remotely installed on your phone or if fbi files were leaked etc....

What's happening is that presidential power is a popular myth. The only reason that i was excited about the trump presidency is that we will get definitive answers on how off-script a president can go.

I always thought it was weird how similar the George W years and Obama years were from a practical policy point of view, ignoring rhetoric. When trump won, i knew that if we just got more of the same from him then we know that potus is on a very short leash.

I think Trump's been outted as a neocon and I've never felt more cheated in my life - sad. I'm now worried about what next.

I am giving Trump the benefit of the doubt at the moment. The more time that goes past where despite all these scandals unearthing themselves no one has been arrested or charged or anything yet, the harder it is to believe we weren't all duped. The only reason I'm still keeping the faith is I know how long it legally takes to go about bringing an action against those type of high class white collar crimes. But the longer it continues with nothong happening the more it doesn't look good.

I know this isn't t_d so I won't shill too much.

The Syria strike was a master stroke. I don't believe Assad absolutely gassed his people. I accept it's possible but the whole thing is fishy.

Trump, politically, can't just pull an Obama and risk accusations of inaction. The GOP would sieze on that and the Dems would gleefully pile on.

So he launches some missiles into some military targets as a one-time show of force. That speaks volumes to the entire world and as a brand new president, he needed to do something.

Plus some awesome servicemen and servicewomen got to run a successful, casualty-proof mission that probably gave them all something to celebrate.

I think he'll grow into the foreign policy role now that he's been thrust into it. I still believe WW3 is less probable under Trump than under HRC.

As for Dems praising Trump, don't get used to it. Left wing praise for Republicans lasts about as long as a twig fire.

Hillary Clinton is Jeb Bush with a dick.

She's a neocon playing identity politics.

Donald Trump is Richard Nixon without a penis.

Nah. Not really. Everything is starting to click for people who previously ignored Trump's downsides. I feel like a kid on Christmas personally.

Are Liberals not allowed to support Trump? He is everyone's President not just yours.

I never know what's going on. Topics are always changing, especially in this sub. And with so many conflicting opinions and information, I don't know what to believe or who I should really be listening to. It's enough to make me want to stop paying attention all together and not give a shit about anything anymore.

The only thing that keeps popping in my mind is that photo of Trump on inaguration day sitting in the White House with a look of dread on his face. I'm pretty sure they killed him soon after and he was replaced with a clone.

If they don't go to war the dollar collapses

Go to r/wholesomememes and wait it out. It will be okay. Yes that was an over reaction on Trumps part, and it was wrong...but the out come of this attack ( whatever it may be ) is the end of the war in Syria. Russia will be requestioning their ties with Assad. Regardless of what you believe , the world believes it was Assad which is good thing. The world blames Russia and is holding them accountable for anything Assad does, and Russia does not want to do that. The war in Syria will be over by the end of the year, and then it will just be dismantling IsIs.

is all of humanity freeing themselves from this slave system

That fantasy is just more of the same. The second matrix, for those who refuse to believe the first.

The correct way out is to channel hatred against those who control the system. Peaceful extrication would work if we had a frontier to extricate ourselves towards, but to just close our minds up and declare that "humanity is freeing itself" doesn't do anything to make it true.

Congress has let themselves become irrelevant on endless wars and government oversight.

So true. I loved what he represented. Now he doesn't represent that. It's asimple choice for me as a human to withdraw support.

Adam Curtis applies this to Trump campaign in Hypernormalisation in this clip.

no, the "devil" represents evil, which doesn't exist, so evil cannot be personify, because it doesn't exist