Won't get fooled again.

22  2017-04-09 by the_based_man

I was banned from The Donald for saying "Gotta keep him honest. We don't need another long war."

I was fooled. Furthermore it casts a light on all of it for me. I'm now convinced Putin and Un are also playing a part KNOWINGLY. So with that outlook I withdraw from taking anything geo-politically at face value. ANYTHING. AN-E-THANG.


Does it say the name of the mod who banned you?

No. Just "The_Donad (M)" too chicken shit I guess.

I was banned today too, for merely questioning whether the United States military should be the world's police force. I would estimate that probably 95% of Trump's supporters strongly oppose this action in Syria.

I think The_Donald has probably banned thousands of Trump supporters over the last few days.

I was banned for speaking out against Rothschild. That was about 3 months ago.

I got a one day ban for that about a month ago. In the past month or so, that prohibition on talking about the Rothschilds was apparently lifted, as there was a TON of discussion about them.

Now they are banning boat loads of people. That place is going downhill fast now.

I was banned for saying ivanka's clothing line was made in China.

worth it

Yea I haven't lost much sleep over it, I voted for Willie.

Sheesh. Something is dirty in the admin of the Donald sub.

They've been doing this all along with anyone who's dissented even the slightest bit. It's just now that finally caught you dissenting. While you were there and those of us outside were dissenting, you were useful. Once you started having your own opinion, you had to be banned.

That's not a community of people bound by similar political ideals. It's a group of fanatics.

It's the moderatoration of the forum that's the problem. They set up the forum as a pro-Trump forum only. And that was somewhat understandable (during the campaign), because it served as a way to promote his candidacy.

An overwhelming majority of Trump supporters OPPOSE this action in Syria. In the few days just before Trump announced the launching of 60 missiles, the forum was overwhelmingly referring to the "gas attack" as a false flag and almost all users were opposing any U.S. military escalation of the war. I'm talking like 99%+ opposing military action against Assad.

Trump supporters are not a cult of personality. If Trump betrays his principles, then his supporters will turn on him, and criticize him. That would be blatantly obvious in The_Donald, if not for the fact that the moderators ban anyone who does so and censor/lock those posts and comments.

But all along we've been saying he won't do what he says he'll do. He's been playing every angle for the entire campaign. It's almost impossible to know what he actually believes because he'll change his opinion on a dime depending on who's skirt he's blowing smoke up.

It's just now that some of you are realizing he's betrayed your trust. He talked about anti-globalization and anti-intervention, but he also talked about being for a huge increase on military expension. He spoke openly in favor of torture and war crimes, killing the families of terrorists.

Where was he going to use his massive military? Who was he going to torture and war crime? If we were going to be "America First", then why bother with these things? He never intended to be anti-intervention.

Anti-globalization? He himself is a globalist businessman. He uses cheap foreign labor, he makes his products in China, he builds his buildings with cheap foreign steel. He's benefitted from the global economy more than most. But now he was going to shut it down?

It was all right there. This wasn't a surprised to many of us.

It is possible to build up a military an not use it at all. The U.S. military has been gutted in many ways and does need to be re-built. And Trump said he wanted to "take out ISIS", which most Trump supporters would support. But Trump supporters do not support going to war against Assad.

No candidate is perfect. I think most Trump supporters oppose the use of torture. As with any politician, Trump supporters overlook some of the things we disagree with because 98% of what he was saying was good -- eg, anti-globalism, anti-interventionism, fix free trade agreements, America first, pro-gun rights.

But you can't say that Trump supporters are a "cult of personality" that will side with Trump on ANYTHING he does. If he goes against his campaign promises on the core agenda items, his supporters will turn on him -- as is now happening with Syria. You may not see it at The_Donald (b/c of all the censorship), but most of Trump's supporters are harshly criticizing Trump on this. You can see more evidence of it on Twitter.

The Donald is a neocon operated sub. That has been obvious from day 1

Now, yes. In the early days, I don't think that was the case. The early supporters of Trump were "alt right", white nationalist types. Most of Trump's supporters are still of the "alt right" variety.

No you're not. 55 days is nothing.

I've had 4 different accounts. Been banned there numerous times.

Why would you break the rules and evade the ban? That can can you banned on all of Reddit.

I got banned from the donald two days ago for criticizing his decisions with the Syrian strike - that sub is fucked up. I was avid poster there throughout the election and greatly enjoyed it

I unsubbed before this happened to me. I figured it was coming so I would just be proactive... I did enjoy it until they started with that, "Trump can do no wrong!" bullshit.

Me too man. It's sad really because I thought the community was a bunch of free thinkers with principals. I know there is a team aspect to it and you have to overlook shady shit like the Goldman dudes surrounding him but I thought us posters were on the same page. I was wrong OR a large chunk were bots or paid for. With how it's all playing out it seems the whole thing is a charade.

"I withdraw from taking anything geo politically at face value." Good job , congratulations

My highschool best buddy writes for 21st century wire. I'm well versed in how much of a show it all is. Some how my dumbass bought into Trump. Also I don't believe Putin isn't in on it. I ain't trust any of it now.

Yeah, I'm with you. If Trump was ever a rebel, he's been co-opted now. I think we've seen the slow devolution via Flynn's martyrdom and now Bannon's marginalization.

Not sure what to believe about anything anymore. Certainly possible PG is a head fake to distract from the real pedophile problem. We may be seeing the Cass Sunstein effect in motion: Fake conspiracies intermixed with real conspiracies, nobody can tell what's real and what's not.

But do you know who the target of the show was and why they made it? That's not so clear to me.

Also banned from the Donald.

Mods literally claimed anti-Semitism for questioning Israeli influence. I am Jewish lol

You you self-hating jew anti-semite-semite you!


Is this for real? I've seen countless comments encapsulated with (((example))) over there. This switch just happened after the bombing?

Holy crap this post is turning into an "I was banned from /r/the_donald" confessional.

They're becoming worse with their banhammer than /r/politics during the election, and that says something.

The problem is just government, period at this point. People all over the world have seemingly had enough of them overstepping their boundaries and getting away with it. Starting wars for nothing but resources and profit.

yeah and dipshit Don roped me into believing he was different.

I think it's time we started a new sub:


I posted over there. Lets hope it catches on. Can't wait for the blind Don followers to show up and act like they took over and "cucked" us. The self congratulating will be hilarious to see.

Finally learning about Kayfabe eh? Trump was in charge of that department when he worked for the WWE

I got banned and then unbanned.

Just make sure to tell the mods heil Trump! he's a glorious leader.

They'll let you back in.

I've been banned multiple times for simply sounding slightly too ambiguous on a point. Revelation folks: The_Donald hasn't a single honest player.

No one cares that y'all been banned from a stupid, childish subreddit. You guys just want sympathy cuz your butt hurt bout your favorite sub.

Can someone explain the conspiracy of going to an OBVIOUS FAN SITE like the_Donald and getting butt hurt feelings and running here to cry like a little 12 year old bitch with a skinned knee.

My highschool best buddy writes for 21st century wire. I'm well versed in how much of a show it all is. Some how my dumbass bought into Trump. Also I don't believe Putin isn't in on it. I ain't trust any of it now.

I posted over there. Lets hope it catches on. Can't wait for the blind Don followers to show up and act like they took over and "cucked" us. The self congratulating will be hilarious to see.