The modern police state in America is everything the Nazi were working towards. We demonize the Nazi while praising the military and police. Will Americans figure this out before it's too late?

218  2017-04-10 by showmeurboobsplznthx


I do, I can't speak for anybody else.

Most wont

Anyone who doesn't already hate/fear cops is probably too far gone at this point.

I mean my dad has been a police officer for 30 years and I don't fear him. There are good cops out there who actually want to help and protect citizens. But I get what you are saying. I'm not a fan of what's going on either but I do respect police officers who aren't power hungry people. My dad doesn't do what he does to take away your rights. He does what he does to protect the people of his community. His partner was shot and killed when they were on call together trying to catch a dude who robbed people at gun point. So please don't generalize police officers. That's what is wrong with a lot of things, we try to generalize it.

By your logic, were there good Nazi?

I mean that's a stupid question dummy....there were many nazis who sabotaged the nazis mission from the inside, so yes you fucking nitwit. Think before you speak please

Only warning rule 10.

You're generalizing again. You understand you can't use an intangible thing to hate someone. That's totally ignoring anything and everything they have done. It's letting the fact that they are "this" stop you from seeing that they are actually "thîs"

This is true. It's just a subjective way to evaluate layers of control. It's a baited question but it's an important question.

Whats a bad nazi?

That is another baited question. I think it's anyone who throws out reasonableness and kindness for upholding the state in a time of error.

Probably the guys like henry ford

Has your Dad said or done anything to expose or prevent abuses of power within his department? Has he taken a meaningful stand against the bad cops, and suggested a path of reform? Has he suggested that reform from within is impossible?

I realize that it's not your Dad's job to make other cops better, but I tire of hearing about all these good—but utterly silent—cops who just want to protect people. If they really wanna protect people, they need to recognize who the bad guys are on both sides of the "blue line".

my dad has been a police officer for 30 years

Ask him if he thinks things have really changed in the last 5 or 10 years. It seems like so many new cops are transitioning from military service into law enforcement.

Just my opinion, but there should be a huge difference between a PD made up mostly of cops that were civilians vs one that's mostly ex-military.

you should fear your police officer dad. If he happened to pull you over one night and didn't know it was you. Lets just say you had some circumstance where he couldn't recognize it was you and he felt threatened. Your life would be in danger. Over some BS. Cops are all slaves to a system that is broken. If someone joins a broken system they are considered worthless, They should quit and find a job that doesn't involved violence. The difference starts with you. I'm calling for all police officers to quit. All agents of military and government should quit. I wouldn't join a street gang.. and I wouldn't join up with the government. Same difference. Both groups feel they are justified to engage in violence for one reason or another. I don't agree. If you join a group that commits violence you are just as bad as who you associate with. Tell your dad to quit.

About your dad's partner being killed that definitely sucks. I don't think you should respect police officers. If you look through their guidelines and laws they have to enforce I don't know how you could respect them. They enforce drug laws, patrol minority neighborhoods more aggressively than white neighborhoods. They are all racist, it's built into their rule book. Listen to a police scanner sometime.

All the cities around me identify subjects with code words. HMA is hispanic male adult, BMA is BLACK male adult. just the fact they identify the nationality is racist, it's not like they need that identifier when they have the persons clothing and vehicle description as well. No the reason they do this racist identification is because they are told to respond with more force if the person is Black or Hispanic. Just listen on the radio when they say it's a black guy like 5 cops are called for backup. If it's a white guy.. usually no backup.

Enough of them exist for them to get together and elect Donald Trump. Unfortunately, things will get worse before they get better.

Hahahaha my dad did not vote for trump or Hillary

If you blindly hate police you are a degenerate, while some are corrupt, a majority of them keep the peace and without them it would be anarchy.

Is there anything wrong with anarchism?

To be a cop, you have to be either: an asshole who never had friends and who enjoys finally having power over others, or: naive/stupid enough to think that your job consists of anything more than shaking people down on the street for inane violations. Most cops are a combination of the two. Police provide revenue, they don't help people. Detectives are an exception, but until the whole system is reworked, cops are shit. The people that would make decent cops are the same people who would NEVER become one because they know how pointless and ineffectual their efforts would be. Any police criticism is always followed by 'not all cops are this way, most cops do their jobs, blah blah blah'. That is apologetic B.S. Police are a scourge. They instill anxiety and fear in people that haven't done anything wrong, which is not how we should feel about 'the good guys'.

If cops didn't exist the world would be chaos, stop acting so paranoid


American police are rounding up jews and taking them to concentration camps?

Nah, blacks though.



Last time i checked blacks weren't being dragged off by soldiers to work camps

It's the police. And yes, they do work in prison. Read the 13th Amendment.

You commit crimes you go to jail. Very simple.

Yeah, the people who made the rules in this country made them for this very reason. That's why we have the highest prison population in the world. They ARE concentration camps.

What rules specifically discriminate against black people? Tell me specific laws that are inherently racist.

This was 49 years ago... and as a white guy who smokes weed with plenty of other white guys I can say for sure that this doesnt directly target blacks anymore lol. What about the violent crime rate for black communities though whats your comment on that?

hahaha. I'm done with you.

I guess when you have no substance for an argument besides a quote from 50 years ago the best thing you can do is leave.

There is a great book all about this called the new Jim Crow

Can you bother to get me a summary? I'm not gonna read a book on something I don't believe in.

I don't see how you can't believe in something that is fact. I suggest watching 13th on Netflix is more or less the same thing

Black people are not held down by society anymore at all. They can do whatever they want.

Maybe you could see they are if you bothered to educate yourself but you already stated you don't so I'm not going to bother with you past this message PDF of the new Jim Crow. All points backed up with resources.

It's easier to just marginalize them politically, keep them broken up and divided through a systemically racist criminal justice system in combination with an unjust-to-begin-with War on Drugs, keep them in low paying menial jobs, target them with predatory micro-loans and then send in the police when crowds/protests/riots happen.

Keep the black working class a little poorer than the white working class, put them on welfare, have one political party point to "the lazy moochers" to distract the slightly better off white working class and turn them against each other, and congratulations- the working class is divided and poses no threat to the bourgeois rulers.

Not everything has to be the exact same you stupid fuck, why would you assume that after 80 fucking years the oligarchs wouldn't think up a better way to keep people in chains? You don't need to be in a camp these days to be a slave, and you need a better education to see through it.

No one is holding the black community at gunpoint and making them work at Target or drop out of highschool or have single mother families. If you honestly think that every problem in your community is because the government you are ridiculous and unrealistic. People are responsible for their choices no matter how shitty their conditions were.

The problem with conservative "thinkers" like yourself is that you attribute everything to ~personal responsibility~ and treat systems as individuals rather than analyzing how masses of people behave and how those masses are affected by various legislation and public policy. This is why it's so easy for the oligarchy to win and control the working classes, they think strategically, you don't.

Nobody is holding anyone at gunpoint and "forcing them to work at Target," but when the rest of the system is constructed to facilitate that end result actually forcing people by gunpoint is unnecessary. Welcome to the fucking point of my post, dumbfuck. I'm sure it'll still go over your head because you believe in some stupid anarcho-capitalist voluntaryist dogma. Maybe someday you'll actually read some history of the labor movement that wasn't literally written by capitalists and you'll understand how fucking ignorant you are.

90% of this is insulting me so it took awhile to sort through the shit and find actual arguments.

First off blaming the system is such a shitty way to try to take the blame away from yourself. Every single community with a competitive system does it. I just know from experience growing up with a poor family around poor kids that the only thing that held them down was themselves and their cynicism for the system. They all got hooked on drugs and fighting and because of that naturally they would be in and out of jj and eventually prison. Nothing pushed them. They could've finished high school with reasonable grades and then went to a community college and made something of themselves.

Don't you dare make me out to be a terrible racist because I think that black people are responsible for their own actions. I think there is a problem with racism in America but not to the extent you do. I believe there is stigma around the black community and crime it would be stupid for me not to but the problem is that there is a basis for this. Blacks commit around 50% of violent crimes Facts aren't racist and neither is believing in them.

"I just know from personal anecdotes that my experience is reality!! ! !"


Lmao you realize you're just assuming that every cop hates black people and are just waiting to imprison them lol. what you're saying has less to do with drugs and more to do with the stigma that I already addressed.

Either way we're breaking the law by smoking pot so it shouldnt be so suprising that cops want to arrest us. You don't do the crime if you're not prepared to do the time.

How is the ghost of Nixon making America a systematically racist country? I really do want this answer.

Are you going to keep calling me a racist for having a different opinion because if you are i'm gonna dip.

Please point out to me where the above post "calls you racist"? Oh, lol, it doesn't, it merely points out that your personal anecdotal experience isn't something which should be relied upon when making judgments about systems affecting hundreds of millions of people.

How is the ghost of Nixon making America a systematically racist country? I really do want this answer.

Have you never taken a history class, or have you failed every one you've taken? Do you not understand that causes have consequent effects? That maybe decades of blacks being given 2-3x harsher sentences for committing the same crimes as whites might have something to do with all the single parent homes you insist that black people just "choose" to have?

Lmao you realize you're just assuming that every cop hates black people

It's not like there is data indicating the infiltration of white supremacists into law enforcement offices throughout the country or anything. It's also not like there are statistics on racial disparities in sentencing or anything, either!

Either way we're breaking the law by smoking pot so it shouldnt be so suprising that cops want to arrest us. You don't do the crime if you're not prepared to do the time.

"Lol they chose to smoke a weed so they deserve to be locked up three times longer than rapists! personal accountability is my jesus!"

I don't care if you "dip" because I'm done engaging you, you're dead set in your opinion that racism doesn't exist, our criminal justice system isn't racist at all as a result, and that all black people and all poor people just choose to be poor and there is literally nothing else to think about there beyond personal choices. You've made it apparent that you do not desire to think beyond your own personal experiences and narrow worldview, so why should I bother trying to enlighten you when I know from the beginning that any attempt is doomed to fail, your bias is set for life

P.s. thanks for ignoring the fact that all your BLACK PEOPLE DO ALL THE CRIME! ! ! bullshit falls apart when controlled for poverty, I guess inconvenient facts aren't facts to you

Does your mind just blank out when you've got people who were aides to Nixon admitting that the War on Drugs was, in large part, to break up and persecute the black community?

You keep calling it Nixon's "war on drugs" when it was LBJs.

This is how they keep the black community shackled under the yoke of single-party loyalty, despite the fact that 50+ years of such loyalty has only served to further erode the black community.

And you then have the audacity to blame "conservative thinkers."

You keep calling it Nixon's "war on drugs

Literally have not used this phrase once in all my posts, thanks for playing!

Literally have not used this phrase once in all my posts, thanks for playing!

Thanks for responding.

This is how they keep the black community shackled under the yoke of single-party loyalty, despite the fact that 50+ years of such loyalty has only served to further erode the black community.

Sorry for the snide response but I didn't see this comment when I originally responded to you.

P.s. I agree with this assessment, although IMO both parties are complicit in this. Distrust towards Republicans by the black community is not without just cause, but they're just the bad cop to the Democrats' good cop to maintain divisions in the working class.

Are you going to keep calling me a racist for having a different opinion because if you are i'm gonna dip.

oh yeah there's totally trucks of black people being brought to slave camps.


prison is totally the same as slave camps it's not like they broke a law to get there.

Who makes the laws?

So they stole a snickers and now they have to work making wallets for 5 - 10 years with no pay? sounds legit!

source? because last i check you can't get 5-10 years for stealing shoes.

I thought that the three strikes meant that anyones third offense is life in prison ?

Also, since the prisons are profiting from the prisoners, it is quite obvious that it is basically modern slavery in many cases

three strike rule mainly applies to felonies and in most cases at least 1 of the felonies must be a violent crime for the court to justify life in prison. so for someone to steal snickers to even be put in jail for a felony would have to be at least 500$ but in most states theft is only a felony if the total value of the objects is 1000$. so even then the person with the life sentence isn't a good person, to begin with, due to at least one violent felony on record. I do agree that it is fucked up that people can make money off incarcerated but it isn't exactly like slavery. yes the people in prison will do some work but nowhere near as physically demanding and they don't have to work as long as the slaves did. also, most prisons do have a thing called commissary and in most prisons any jobs performed will earn the prisoner a small sum of money to buy commissary items. most slaves didn't even earn money. I'm not advocating for the current prison system at all but i wouldn't necessarily call it slavery but it is somewhat similar.

LMAO this guy up here thinks Snickers are a shoe brand. I'm dying lol

didn't realize he was referring to the candy bars since thinking you can receive any jail time at all for stealing a couple of dollars worth of stuff is moronic.

Your great, great grandparents casually justified slavery using generalizations and universals in just they same way as you, today, are casually approving America's world-leading, disgusting, thoroughly racist, corrupt, embarrassing, counter-productive, did-I-say-racist, profit driven, enslavement slave camps that are today's prisons.

That's the for profit prison system for you. They have a percentage of capacity they have to fill or they're not profiting enough. It ties in to the hijacking of rap culture in the 90's. Turning everything into gangster rap to encourage and glorify gangs, shootings, drug dealing etc. Also, encouraging the use of welfare, to keep them in poverty. It's all part of the democratic plantation they want to keep them on.

Democratic plantation

Fixed that for you.

Rap industry is controlled by Zionist jewish music moguls.

Coincidence? I don't think so.,

I know.

Good boys who dindu nuffin

ICE is deporting people for rave and religion back to places the people will be murdered. They know the LGBT assylum seekers they are sending back to barbaric places will die.

They know the LGBT assylum seekers they are sending back to barbaric places will die.

I doubt they know if the person they're deporting is LGBT, I doubt they're tasked with investigating or authorizing requests for asylum, and, with the exception of Cubans, I'm not convinced that asylum should even be a reason for allowing someone into the country.

Operation Paperclip

As an outsider it' shocking to see the similarities between Nazi Germany and modern day America. The education system is basically Hitler youth, the media is like something Goebbels dreamed up.

The police have killed Americans with gas to disrupt protests, then we bomb Syria for doing the same.

An excellent point. The type of gas is irrelevant in this case. Murder is murder.

dont hate the power be better and become the power..ITS NOT US AGAINST THE POLICE,its US AGAINST THE ABUSIVE ELITES..fighting with each other will only make elite worthy reality show


its the police against "us." they believe they rank above the citizens, cue the old reliable chauvinism that continues its cascade downward and that's why "we" in-turn develop the compulsion to shit upon the next more vulnerable class from an irrational desperation to alleviate the sense of powerlessness and to unload the burden of humiliation.

isnt it easy and oddly satisfying to abuse those one deems lower than themselves?

social hierarchies are just subtle open-air slave plantations, they're called corporations now and everyone is accounted for an asset or a liability.

tldr; disperse and get back to work, L-class units!!

Well put and sadly, true.

I think you'll like /r/voteflux

Well, considering that lots of the elements of Nazi Germany were thought up by Americans, having similarities is not so strange.

It was too late years ago!

Well, our police are now going over to ISRAEL for training, so they are learning well from the worlds current Nazi's.

All part of the globalists agenda. Once they ban cash and weapons, they can shitcan the Constitution once and for all.

What? Banning cash would be a good thing.

A good thing for the oligarchy.

Nah, it would free us and take away the profit motive. The rich wouldn't have anyone to do their work if they had no cash to offer.

The burns.

OK, whatever. I'll keep advocating for the end of the corporatocracy.

Cash not money....

Oh. That would be bad.

Cashless society allows for easier surveillance, control, and manipulation of finances. Not only that but the bankers would be able to get away with way more. You want a cash society because you have freedom and it's much harder to control you.

Precisely. I don't even want to think about how civil forfeiture could be abused to stifle dissent in a cashless scenario.

No, because it is already too late for you guys...

You think gun laws from the 1700s is gonna protect from a tyrannical government that have shit like drones, polonium etc?

Your lives have been taken over by oppressors, and it is probably too late to ever get any semblance of them back...

Yup. If a point of no return does exist, its already passed. Aside from the right to bear arms, what other freedom do you realistically still have?

This was 49 years ago... and as a white guy who smokes weed with plenty of other white guys I can say for sure that this doesnt directly target blacks anymore lol. What about the violent crime rate for black communities though whats your comment on that?

Why do people always use the Nazis as an example? Did the Jews really burn the nazis into their heads that well?

The Statsi and their surveillance state would be more accurate.

Why do people always use the Nazis as an example?

I know, right? It's absurd, ann frankly, it hurts my feelings.

Man if they had had drones and cameras and microphones in every house (and pocket) plus all that cool stuff like sonic cannons, they would have done a little dance.

Would have been just like Springtime For Hitler.

No Americans will not. When you have an obese underclass there is impetuous for change.

I've been saying for years how hypocritical Americans are in regards to mocking Germans who were brainwashed by the Nazis. America is Nazi Germany 2.0.


The modern police state in America is far more like what the USSR were working toward, than the German fascists. The American government has taken several steps away from a notion of racial or ethnic cohesion or primacy. That being said, there are similarities to be found between any two authoritarian systems.


I mean that's a stupid question dummy....there were many nazis who sabotaged the nazis mission from the inside, so yes you fucking nitwit. Think before you speak please

You're generalizing again. You understand you can't use an intangible thing to hate someone. That's totally ignoring anything and everything they have done. It's letting the fact that they are "this" stop you from seeing that they are actually "thîs"

Whats a bad nazi?

hahaha. I'm done with you.

Literally have not used this phrase once in all my posts, thanks for playing!

Thanks for responding.