We are in a peaceful revolution. Unity is our next big move.

21  2017-04-10 by LightBringerFlex

This country has been dubbed to be one of the most loneliest by many of my immigrant friends over the years. This is because the culture has really turned into an "every man for himself" culture. You take care of you, and I take care of me.

That's all great but the problem is that there is an imbalance here. Each person holds 1-3 gifts and each one of our gifts act like cooking ingredients. When we mix our gifts, then new experiences can be created. If I only take care of myself, then I am only experiencing my own gifts meaning there is a lot of room for potential. Suffering forces people into hopefully progressive action. Suffering overruns laziness and hopelessness and forces us to move. The very next major event is going to happen when all the surviving family nodes across the country are going to interlink into one massive cooperative system (instead of an uncooperative one). Many of us already experience cooperation in family but most of us haven't felt it across the masses. The suffering inflicted by our own hands is going to lead us to a united front across the country that continuously gets stronger and tighter. It will be a new experience for sure and many other countries are experiencing the beginnings of this already because they are woken up to the realization that without unity, nothing can happen.

I completely understand why they turned us against each other. It is because they don't want any resistance when they completely screw us over. This is why racism and prejudicial stuff have become such a big part of our society. They are even turning genders against each other which is very hard to do but they try.

The bottom line is that we need to unite before we can even formulate a real plan on how to shut these people down. A full blown cooperative model is needed. People really need to stop worrying about how much they can get for themselves and adjust their thinking and worry about how much they can get for all parties involved including the self. We are taught to take and take for ourselves but its more optimal to find a way to win as a society instead of winning as an individual by taking from others. This is how gangsters are born. Gangsters only take regardless of who gets hurt in the process. If we want to win, we need to be fair to all the parties involved in our every decision including ourselves. We are people too.

The faster we get adjust to this mode, the faster we can interlink across the country into a powerful unit which will give us a much better shot at ending this evil regime that is crushing our people. After that, we can unite with the world itself and watch these psychopaths go down like dominoes. Realistically speaking, this step is a must and all everyone is responsible for is fixing their own perspective. The fastest way to our goals (world peace) is to fully focus on fixing the self. A naturally united front will give us much more flexibility and many more options to work with.


we can never end evil, we are all capable of evil. dundundun

You are not who you think you are.

Good and evil is merely progress and regress. We can educate ourselves on how to avoid regress and why regress is against our best wishes. No problem except that the government didn't teach us this shit in school so we have to figure it out as we go.

Good post, Flex! producing food and other essentials is the best way, IMO. If we can produce enough to sustain ourselves (and our neighbors), then eventually we can live around the system of control. We are all in this together.

Thanks. Sure, a food, water, shelter setup (the basics) would be a fantastic start. That way, people can simply enter into this new society at will since the basics are covered and then the society would grow.

Well said!

no offense but you just described a communistic society or aka. communism.

Communism is a failed economic system. Just because communism has one element that is similar to another element doesn't make them the same. Communism and capitalism are both rigged systems that work against mankind. They were intentionally designed to be sinister.

Well you did describe communism with your whole post. Shame you can't see it.

That's communism from your perspective. You must be from the older generation who was brainwashed to call anything outside of the narrative communism. Unity is NOT communism. It is simply unity. I guess the family unit is communism too isn't it? Everyone works for free inside of the family unit. Should we all start charging our family members money for every little favor since the family institution is basically communism?

Wow you are so rude. But you are still promoting communism. Shame you can't see that. Then why do children get allowances for doing chores? You really need a better argument than that. At least I don't have to resort to name calling when discussing something.

I would not charge my family members for every glass of water they ask of me just because you think it's communism.

We can still be selfish bastards and not have a crooked ass country. The partisanship and head in the sand syndrome is the problem.

Its impossible to unite and be selfish bastards at the same time. Actually, if we all became selfish bastards, we would live in hell on earth.

Hate to bum your hippie rant, but human nature does not change. We can unite to a certain extent, but not entirely.

What if Green and Libertarians united, enoug

What you call 'human nature' I call a life of conditioning.

If you're not a liberal at 16 you have no soul. If you're not a conservative at 30, you have no mind.

  • Someone, paraphrased

Humans continue to get smarter and smarter. We aren't getting more ignorant. We have ups and downs but nothing can stop eventual progress. Our primitive ancenters didn't know any better. We are to a point now that all this hate between groups has to end or else the world will continue to fall apart. Any unity is good. We just slowly build upwards.

Unity is great, but thinking we're any smarter or spiritual or more evolved than our ancestors is fallacy.

The only change is through physical slow evolution and I doubt we're headed the right way on that front.

I believe most of our ancestry beyond the age of Moses were ignorant savages if you ask me.

yep, we are still ignorant savages. the internet and feminism haven't changed that.

I'd say we are barbarians now which is a step up but we can definetely get beyond this. Money is the new club we wack each other's head with.

Hahaha, nice.

Thanks for posting flex

Wow you are unbelievable. Why are you trying to fight about this? Kinda stupid. You are an extremely angry person. Please get some help. And yes what you proposed is communism. You should really learn what it is. But keep telling yourself it's not and turn a blind eye . Have a wonderful day.

You are not who you think you are.

Good and evil is merely progress and regress. We can educate ourselves on how to avoid regress and why regress is against our best wishes. No problem except that the government didn't teach us this shit in school so we have to figure it out as we go.

Its impossible to unite and be selfish bastards at the same time. Actually, if we all became selfish bastards, we would live in hell on earth.