The American people are more outraged at United Airlines than the US government trying to start WWIII.

2449  2017-04-11 by Leoleomeomeo

I just wanted to say this. The people are so dumb that they forget what happened in 2013 when Russia threatened to intervene when Obama wanted to do air strikes. It is appalling that Reddit is so up in arms about one passenger who refused to give up his seat and was kicked off, but doesn't care about the Earth potentially being nuked. Could all this reaction against United be a distraction because of Shareblue or something?


Oh it's definitely a welcomed distraction that's being helped along

I said this today! I'm now doubting if it's even legitimate or not. How was he able to get back on the plane with a "concussion" and make a scene..?

Also not to mention standard operation would be to taze and handcuff them on a plane. Not smash their face and drag them out. My boi was a marshel back in the day and he said the last thing you do is touch or fight someone on a plane. Fake af

I would agree if those were Air Marshals but they were just United Security goon. It is not so unbelievable that some bully pricks got a badge, albeit an unimportant one, and became enraged that they weren't receiving "proper respect" for their "authority." Running back on the plane could simply be that the three security officers were accosted by their superiors and since they didn't cuff him, choosing instead to drag his limp body out of the plane, he got up and in shock went back to his seat repeating "I have to go home" and "they'll kill me" as his mind deals with what just happened.

I don't think anything about it was fake but it was most certainly being helped along by the media to distract from what the now well respected President Trump is doing. Legacy Media is run by warmongers so now they want to protect him.

I would agree if those were Air Marshals but they were just United Security goon.

They were officers from the "Chicago Department of Aviation Security." Not air marshals, but more than just United security goons.

Ah gotcha. I've been seeing conflicting reports everywhere. Some said it was United Security, some said CPD, some even said TSA but I knew that one was bs.

They had POLICE written right on their jackets in one video.

And one guy had a plain black jacket, I thought it was a combined effort.

Well these weren't air marshals, and they weren't armed...not yet, anyway. They have apparently been fighting for the right to carry weapons for a while now:

Viral video of a man being dragged off a United Airlines flight has virtually snuffed out any chance for city aviation security officers to be authorized to carry weapons, an influential alderman said Monday.


“If it’s not killed, it’s mortally wounded,” Zalewski said. “Considering that they’re fighting for the right to carry arms out there, it probably couldn’t have come at a worse time for their cause.”

Fake news.

I did think it was odd that so many "bad publicity" stories were all over the place.

Why are you making assumptions about how a concussion works when you clearly have no idea what it entails?

Just for education purposes here you go, i think you need this.

What assumptions are you talking about?

That someone with a concussion is incapable of resisting a police officer or making it back onto a plane. Many concussions go without being diagnosed for a good amount of time due to the symptoms not always being easy to notice.

It's not like you have a concussion and then suddenly you're incapable of doing anything or thinking...

Yeah true, I didn't mean it wasn't possible I just meant that he was being paid such close attention.

are you fucking kidding me... you seriously think this shit was set up and he was allowed on the plane... for what purpose?

Cops are incompetent as fuck. Chicago PD put out a statement saying the man fucking fell. I'm sure your own eyes see that's a lie, and you wonder how they fucked up and let him run away and back onto the plane?

The Sheeple people are too distracted. They are too wrapped up in their own little dream. It is much too scary to even try to think about something soo scary as Nuclear War. That is "the subject that is not discussed". But, really, came you blame people for that?

I don't blame them, but turning your back on evil doesn't make it go away. I fear many people are about to learn the hard way. One of two things is going to happen.

1) WWIII + Draft 2) Economic collapse

I'm leaning towards #2. Italy/Germany's banks are about to collapse. If France pulls out of EU, Euro will collapse & likely every world economy with it. While US economy is seeing best numbers since 1984, its a little to late. The bubble will burst.

Housing prices are just as bad as they were in 2008, if not worse. Nothing is being done about it. Obama stole 290 billion from Fannie/Freddy, which will compound the damage further & we haven't even got into what is going on in the rental market. In our area, renting an apartment has gone up 33% in 4 years. Its skyrocketing everywhere because its "the market".

Hold on to your butts, we are in for a long ride.

Yeah. They're making it more likely by not discussing it. It's time to grow up and talk about difficult things.


We don't get a say in important matters like wars. That stuff is decades in the making - "foreign policy".

I've noticed worrying things people can't control they avoid thinking/talking about. Especially in places like work for example.

For each of us, all it does is make it harder to concentrate on work - which is what pays the rent.

We don't have our fingers on the button, we don't have influence on those fingers either.

It's true, we don't get a sayear in foreign policy.

We need some Syrian toddlers and children to tweet some foreign policy ideas, they seem to have a real handle on current affairs.

For each of us, all it does is make it harder to concentrate on work - which is what pays the OLIGARCH LEADERS.

Fixed that for you. This is exactly what the leaders want. They want you to not think about real world stuff and just work, work, work. This is a big part of the problem with the US. We work so much, when we finally get free time, we just want to relax, not worry about the country.

We do get a say, it's just that the military-industrial complex has spent years convincing us otherwise.

IMO the opposite is true.

The more attention we give it the more we focus on that one specific, and horrible, outcome. Which directly validates the legitimacy of said outcome.

r/LawofAttraction in action.

BS. So how can you ever work on any of the world's problems without focusing on them?!

That's the trick. things can only change when you're not fixeted on the outcome. Think about every relationship you had that fell apart. Every goal you failed to achieve. Everytime you gave up hope...was it because you were more focused on what wasn't going right, or what was?

think about it?

its always been this way. the more you struggle the worse things get.

That's completely untrue. You are making very grand claims about the nature of reality. You are twisting things right around.

I will tell you a small story of a time I was in Basic Training, to illustrate my point.

I was in a fight, during combat training. A guy who was bigger than me got on top of me and pinned my shoulders with his knees and he choked me. The choke was illegal, so I waited for someone to stop the fight, but they never did. Rules can easily be overlooked when the person enforcing them just feels like it. Because I didn't fight back, I got choked out. In real life that is life or death. Afterwards somebody told me, "If you are ever in that situation you must wiggle with all your might to get an arm free."

I never forgot that soldier's advice.

Now of course there are times when struggling is bad, such as when being squeezed by a snake, or if you are in quicksand, but those are very particular moments. They are few and far between.

You act like you are speaking some law of the universe. Haha I am a scientist in training. I can tell you that there are very few actual laws.

Sorry your whole concept of reality is backwards and inside out. You've been brainwashed with new age spirituality. People literally get paid to create systems of beliefs, to keep the masses distracted. You fell for it. Please reconsider your course of action.

Sorry your whole concept of reality is backwards and inside out. You've been brainwashed with new age spirituality. People literally get paid to create systems of beliefs, to keep the masses distracted. You fell for it. Please reconsider your course of action.

good luck with whatever it is you are looking for from life. I found it. Nothing to reconsider. And I never spent more than a dime so how bad could it be? Why would I need to reconsider feeling good for free? This is my reality, my consciousness, and it works for me, so why should you pity me, or whatever it is you are doing?

Just work on yourself and I will work on me

You don't understand what I'm doing?

Look I think I get your point, but the language you are using is trapping you in a false reality. It happens to us all, but it is best to be aware of it.

I believe you mean to say, that complaining about the problem doesn't help. We must actively work on a solution instead, which is of course wonderful advice! However the way you phrased it, it comes off as mystical experience. This is all, merely physical.

I mean, if we are gonna dumb it down a ton, here it is: the law of attraction is about framing. If the only view of a situation you can understand is one from a perspective of lack, then how the hell are you supposed to identify aspects of the situation that are actually helpful.

The law of attraction is about using a perspective of appreciation, gratiutude and compassion without having any attatchment to a specific outcome, which allows you to fully realize the situation at hand without the ego getting butthurt and too involved.

With situations like this, with the possibility of war, by focusing on the "inevitable" you are driving that narrative home for the powers that be, regardless of whether or not it is true, which infects other people's perceptions and repeats the cycle.

Buuuuut, in terms of the mystical, I will say that "thought-work" has done wonders in my life, in a seemingless effortless way to the spectators in my life. And by thought work I mean visualizing the win and selectively choosing which thoughts suit me and my needs, vs. bring on depression and anxiety and have no real value to me.

Oh, so whitewashed Buddhism? Why didn't you say so? Lol...

The law of attraction works like trying to get out of quicksand. The more you struggle the faster you sink but if you do nothing you still sink. The only way out is to follow the 3rd way which is part of the lightworker code. Neither oppose nor accept the evil of this world but instead focus on what you DO want. Instead of opposing war people should be advocating peace. These are not the same thing.

This is how the Russians diffused the situation in 2013. Instead of just saying no, no, no we oppose airstrikes they offered a 3rd way out. Assad and Russia agreed to turn over chemical weapons and the UN approved the inspections. The choice isn't just YES war or NO war. There is always a 3rd option.


Spread the situation around, in many directions?

you said what I wanted to say but much better. I love it.

Yes I can agree with the way he said it :p

I still don't see why it has to be taken as mysticism when it is a purely humanistic, practical philosophy..

I still don't see why it has to be taken as mysticism when it is a purely humanistic, practical philosophy

Its because a purely humanistic, practiocal approach would empower people, and we wouldn't want that now, would we /s

i think we are on the same page

Sure, but I prefer to not use language which essentially brings people into a sort of new speak. The words we already had were good enough.

Instead of opposing war

Put another way, don't wage a war against war.

We can talk all you want and nothing changes. I don't understand what this thread is for.

That's defeatism. Just because you don't see cultural attitudes changing doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Cultural attitudes. Just because you perceive a thing happening doesn't mean it actually is.

Isn't it funny how this story is getting so much play on reddit... just when people are starting to question the chem weapon attack story?

God forbid you question the official narrative on some subs, been learning that the hard way.

The worst they can do is downvote.

As long as you don't say something stupid or let yourself be provoked by shills, you can hang in there and poke away at the false narratives.

Yes, you'll get downvotes. Yes, people will reject what you've said and disagree/argue with you. But you'll be putting those ideas out there whether they like it or not.

Oh yeah of course. This is the internet after all, trolls come standard.

Isn't it funny how this story (Guy kicked off plane) is getting so much play on reddit... just when people are starting to question the chem weapon attack story?

The classic redirect. This is what Magicians have been using for centuries. A tried and true method.

I read this as "That is what Mexicans have been using for centuries" and wondered how I missed it. Redirect, probably.


A Magician is a guy who gets up on stage and pulls rabbits out of hats and does card tricks. You are a young person who has never seen the art of "sleight of hand". When a Magician makes a coin disappear, it actually doesn't go anywhere...just out of your field of vision. So, by redirect I mean that the government shows you one thing to get your attention, and then, while you aren't looking does what they really want to do - in the hopes that you won't notice.

What the fuck? Did you just tell someone is too young to have seen a magician? And then explained what a magician is? And that magic isn't real?

Is your porch laminated?

Anyone who confuses a "Mexican" with a "Magician" is really fucking stupid or really young ... or both.

Not just reading a single word wrong in a sentence? Oh ok.

So what is the reason you think young people especially don't know what a magician is?

So what is the reason you think young people especially don't know what a magician is?

If you feel the need to ask, there can be no answer.

No no, there was no answer at the first place. You've no idea.

Is your porch laminated?

Never heard that one. Maybe his tin foil is bubble wrapped?

And now he's bringing Ivanka into it.

I think this Syrian deal had many angles. The biggest one being convincing the public that they were not cooperating. I think Assad Trump and Putin were in on it.

There's enough rumblings on the Internet that Flynn was talking to Russia about convincing Putin to change their relationship with Assad.

If Putin privately approved or even suggested the missile strikes... it's quite possible President Trump will be responsible for the biggest de-escalation of the perpetual middle eastern conflicts and the near century of Russian cold war and proxy conflicts.

If that's how this plays out, he has my applause.

I have more faith in President Trump than any other POTUS in my life time.

I'm trying to get this upvotes. British Journalist destroys MSM lies about Syria gas attack

Why is it that literally trivial things can get like thousands of upvotes in a few hours yet important stuff seems to get no where?

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Because reddit has been turned into a showcase for fakery.

Upvotes get manipulated on a regular basis in order to create the appearance of popularity/support/approval that does not actually exist.

I figured that may be the case. Is this common knowledge?

That united airlines thread is at over 40k upvotes now. Wtf.

you mean question why Trump sent missiles to destroy and airfield and didn't do that at all?

Its also because news like this is "allowed" to spread.



You can be mad at more than one thing at the same time.

No we can't. The American people get distracted so god damn quickly.


It's like a massive case of Alzheimer's

Debatable... but did you see what Kim Kardashian was wearing last night?

Last night's already old news!

Distracted by what?

I was thinking the same thing. Can't we be upset about more than one thing at a time?

No, thats unpossible. Also, if we do anything that isnt inline with russia thats literally starting ww3.


I've said this before and I will say it again: "We should do both. Not reacting to daily events and providing a dissident voice allows the NWO to continue its destructive course and propagandize the people."

Try actually not reacting to daily events and you will see that's actually the solution.

This is true and I think more people are talking about the UA incident is because more people identify with the doctor, or the airline employees, or the other flyers. Who doesn't know someone with a bad airline experience?

We know less about world politics (regardless of what the posters at r/politics say) and so we are less comfortable broaching the subject.

Very good way of putting it, I agree. Just wanted to, uh, put in my two cents I guess ha.

You can, the mindless masses are not though. They only get mad at what the TV tells them to get mad at.

I can be mad at UAL, airport security, and the pantywaist infantile tantrum-throwing passenger, so that's at least three.

maybe we need WW3 just to wake people the fuck up. that will get people thinking outside the fucking box...

Maybe we need WW3 to kill off everyone but the people in power so the world can continue to go on according to their plan.

Think before you speak.

I'm game for the chance if you are!

Got my homemade tank up and running!

will it?

has WW I and WW II helped people think outside the box?

Absolutely. We learned a lot about ourselves.

Because they don't know what we do about the world so they are more easily distracted by smaller dramas such as this United business. Where was the outrage when all of the real shit happened?

Why, didn't you see? We all wore pink hats to protest that! (/s)

No we can be angry about both. Chicago PD, a government organization, infringed on the 4th amendment rights of a passenger. Anyone idly accepting this is allowing the Government to strip our rights away.

People were/are pretty fucking mad about Trump bombing Syria

They are all telling themselves that it isn't all that serious. It is. I don't know what it's going to take.

A box in their living-room telling them it's serious.

There's as much evidence Assad's government used chemical weapons as there was that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. I.e. none. And it's far more likely the insurgents would use them to cause international reaction and further assistance in their efforts of toppling what once was a peaceful, progressive region of the ME.

We are in complete agreement. I'll go one further. The toppling is to aid in the greater Israel project, it's all for scumbag Israel. Netanyahu runs DC, and he wants that land, while many others want the resources.

not the american people ... just the MSM and its clear why. So they dont have to talk bout the fuck up from Trump in Syria which is not taken good by people.

It's been going on for years. Distracting the people from the main issues.

People aren't gonna talk about the potential for WW3 until it's here. Then it'll be too late.

Yes this is most likely a staged distraction much like the gay concentration camp. People emotionally connect more with those stories because they have been seeing gay support in the media grow in the last ten years so that's the new PC thing to get behind and who doesn't feel outrage about a airline customer being violently ejected from an airplane for no valid reason. It's like someone trying to cheat at cards so they say "hey look over there!" So you turn away while they slip cards in and out. Like someone faking a seizure at the pharmacy to grab everyone's attention while a buddy slips behind the counter and steals drugs. Oldest trick in the book.

I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again; what the fuck happened to the left in this country? I remember back when Bush was president, they vehemently opposed the Iraq war. But now that Trump is killing people in Syria and potentially dragging us into fucking WWIII, they are cheering him on, even though they Hated Trump and his pro war policies during the election. I feel like the liberals in America are becoming the new conservatives.

The Liberals of old have graduated from a two party system. The neo-liberals are going in circles chasing whats popular to hate.

Ignorant people chasing the newest outrage of the day is nothing new on either side of the aisle.

The Liberals of old have graduated from a two party system. The neo-liberals are going in circles chasing whats popular to hate.

I can agree that the neolibs are political opportunists, and the progressives are more focused in their hate.

Ask them, without context, how they feel about war. Then remind them about Syria. Now watch the cognitive dissonance.

That will help about 2%. The other 98% will just get mad.

Now, wait three days and remind them of it somehow. They will have completely forgotten you said anything.

I don't get it. Leftists aren't largely pushing for war in Syria.

Incredibly scientific post. I also enjoy how black and white of a world you live in.

Ask them how they feel about war, kill their parents and friends in front of them. Remind them about how they feel about war. Now watch the cognitive dissonance.

You realize that someone can be against war, but also have a differing sense of morality when things need to be done, like when a country attacks its own citizens with chemical weapons.

There is a large body of evidence proving that the 'Sarin' gas attack was faked.

An equally scientific post.

So, then I take it you support the toppling of the Saddam regime, given that the Halabja was never contested as faked?

I didn't realize a single sentence could be straw maned? I was just asking a question that seemed in line with the implications of your response.

Given, that there is confirmed use of chemical weapons in Syria: I think you should seriously reconsider 'large' body of evidence, be more specific in regards to which attack you're referring to. Direct Link to the UN report

Man, over all, you need to advance an argument before it can be straw maned.

Ask them, without context, how they feel about war.

Ask someone how they feel about food, now remind them that it's possible to eat human shit.

This is called leading questions, asking and answering, or any number of rhetorical techniques that's about creating a set up not about discussion.

"We've finally seen Trump be our President!" - Yikes..... quite a bit of bloodlust by the news people.

Wasnt Trump very anti war during his pre election? Genuinely curious bc I remember him saying shit that resonated like America doesn't need to be world police, we need to focus on ourselves etc etc?

He was. My main reason for support.

Same here, but it seems the military-industrial complex are far more power than I imagined. I have watched Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell speech numerous times yet everytime I watch it seems more true.

I'm convinced no one leader can change this. The foundations of this government are soaked with blood and corruption to where the only way to fix this is to start anew. Weakening the federal government. They always taught us in school that the Articles of Confederation were much worse than the constitution and a strong federal government, but I'm not so true that is true anymore. If states rights were more important than local elections would be more significant and the people could change the course of our own country.

Federal funding makes that not the case.

If you really thought trump was anti intervention, I dare to say you selectively heard what you wanted. He decidingly road the fence on the topic. At times placating the more libertarian stance, at others clearly speaking speakibg towards a more militaristic stance. Once he put mad dog as the sec of war, the questions about his willingness to act should have been answered.

But calm your tits on full blown intervention or regime change. In negotiations, it's not always good to take options off the table. Having the russians think we may act is in Trump's favor. He is not going to care about the peasents who think we might go to war being nervous. Until more happens, most are not going to be able to predict what is coming and that's a good thing. So, until more happens, to speculate is nothing more the an exercise in creativity.

serious question here (i'm not even american), did you honestly expect trump to keep up with his promises even though he had been shown to be a liar ever since he started his campaign?

Trump has already followed through with more of his campaign promises than Obama did in two terms. I really believe that Trump wants to move on from the whole Syria thing, but I'm willing to bet the pressure on him is insane. "The most powerful man in the free world" has a lot of people breathing down his neck.

His whole base is holding its breath

What did he follow through on?

I saved a post for this occasion one sec,

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have anything not written by someone on T_D? Might as well put breitbart

Well, the guy links sources (I'm assuming that's what the links are) in his post. It's conspiracy friend, I'll let you decide if it's worth your time.

Why would there be any place in the world for a better compilation of delivered promises than T_D?

It's literally a victory score card. They have every incentive to track and document everything.

Why would there be any place in the world for a better compilation of delivered promises than T_D?

It's literally a victory score card. They have every incentive to track and document everything.

alright, good point. do you think any of these things, particularly undoing the environmental restrictions is actually going to do any good? i mean, undoing the restrictions will actually harm EVERYONE in the planet except some of the oil corporations.

dude, the environment has been doomed for a long time. Those restrictions aren't doing jack either way, I would say the difference is so small it's almost completely irrelevant

and because of people like trump and his friends it's been doomed for some time now. instead of doing something, even now, they choose to ignore it. did you know that exxon knew about man-made global warming and its consequences since the sixties but decided not to give a shit because it would've been bad for business? these people have been procrastinating for so long that they can now say "whoops, too late, let's keep on killing the biosphere because money." instead of doing something, they have deceived the public for decades. and some of these people, including the leader of the free world, still claim the evidence is inconclusive. fuck them, i hope that these people are seen in the future as the cancer of humanity of our time.

did you know that exxon knew about man-made global warming and its consequences since the sixties but decided not to give a shit because it would've been bad for business?

I am 100% not doubting this, which is why I say we've been doomed for ages. Every single president since JFK has not had the full freedom of implementing the changes they've wanted to. I just think that making such a big ruckus about it now (was there as much outrage 5-10 years ago? I remember learning in school that we had to do something soon to save our future generations... but we never did) is also counter-productive to the even more threatening issues at our doorstep (it's pretty hard to believe on top of the worsening environment threatening every one of us and our future children, that there's even worse and more threatening things, but alas, there is).

This is all irrelevant from the initial point of Trump carrying through with his promises. Whether you disagree with it or not, the point was that he made a promise and carried through, so far he's having a MUCH better rate proportionally of carrying through on campaign promises than Obama ever did...

So it's pretty funny to see people go "WOOOOOW you really thought Trump wouldn't lie? Really? You are the reason America is in shambles!" Yes, ofc he was going to lie, all of them do... it's about how much he lies, how corrupt he seems, what the ulterior motives are behind the actions (foreign influences, etc) and compared to Obama (up until the Syrian airstrikes which he picked up from the expert Barack himself) he's looked good (now that he has made this stance though, fuck him... ironic to see Liberals start supporting his actions now haha)

jaja if only his campaign promises had been any good, then i would be applauding his honesty. also, what we do know to slow down the global warming would be very helpful to reduce the damage and have a better chance at having a smaller crisis. but then again, these politicians have 20-30 years of life ahead of them, so as long as they die rich, they don't fucking care. but apparently that hace absolutely no regard for those of us that have 60-70 years left on this earth. oh well, but i guess we are doomed so fuck us and our children, right?

oh well, but I guess we are doomed so fuck us and our children, right?

Trust me, protesting in the street about Climate Change is not going to save our children. I hope in my lifetime to be able to do something that can actually contribute something somehow, but if you think political change is the answer, bahahahahahahahha

Like you just said to me right now in your comment:

these politicians... as long as they die rich, they don't fucking care

You realise this is applicable to the last 100 years+ of politics and not just the Trump administration right? If anyone important enough was serious about climate change we wouldve done something years ago, the pressure on Trump is really no different than the pressure shouldve been on everyone before him. Oh well, keep complaining about the 'big issues in this world' that have only apparently come about in the last 2-4 months and have never been around for say, 100-1000 years

dude, the difference is that at least obama believed in the paris agreement and actually made progress towards a cleaner environment. the fact that the president of the us supports these kinds of things motivates other countries to do the same. trump simply destroyed that view for many americans, which is very dangerous. i mean, it's not true as of yet, but some people were jokingly saying that germany were now the leaders of the free world. also, the fact that trump is pretty much in bed with russia strengthens this view. as a non-american, i can tell you that trump truly is destroying the image of the usa. but then again, some people in america might see it very differently.

I certainly think that they will help big business... But that's irrelevant to my point, I was just saying that regardless of how you feel about Trump's policies, he is one of the more 'honest' presidents in recent history, insofar as he's actually following through on his campaign promises.

Having known people who have had to deal with thousands of dollars of costs and years of harassment by the EPA because they declared their backyard to be "marshland".

I'm entirely on board at radically shrinking "environment protection".

Also I'm tired how many times some retarded endangered bird, rodent, or lizard totally fucks up the progress of this country preventing companies from building homes and businesses. I don't care if shit has to go extinct for humans to keep expanding.

We're likely only several generations away from science to directly control our climate or conversely making climate not really matter by bioengineering plants and foodstuff animals that just don't care.

Next you have shit like where the EPA directly flooded that river with toxic waste water. The government is terrible at their job because they do too much. They spend so much time fucking over individual citizens and partying it up on their junkets they let the real problems be ignored or even manufacture themselves like with the waste water they dumped.

The man egregiously lied, as do they all.

Nope. Unfortunately, the media chose not to cover his policies nor the content of his rallies... instead focusing on controversy that gets clicks and $$$.

He has said his plan was to rid the US of enemies like ISIS quickly, even if it meant glassing the middle east. He said that he would only engage if they could win, and if that win would be quick.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I support all of his policies, but we should at least aim to be accurate in articulating why exactly we hate him, or where he has backflipped or lied.

Wasnt Trump very anti war during his pre election? Genuinely curious bc I remember him saying shit that resonated like America doesn't need to be world police, we need to focus on ourselves etc etc?

And he's getting BTFO by deep state, so he cut a deal.

He's known for wanting to strike deals. That was part of what got him elected. He's also known for fighting back over some of the stupidest things, such as over a innuendo regarding the size of his hands. This is also part of what got him elected.

He's a populist, and his position in negotiations is largely dependent on his public support. The media has successfully portrayed him as having virtually no public support, and so he has virtually no leverage in negotiations.

Even if he wanted to continue the Obama foreign policy doctrine, he has no means of achieving that within the bureaucracy that actually runs the country.

left-wing liberals cheering on trump?!

I'd actually like to hear your supporting arguments in liberals becoming the new conservatives.

he's just using the media in place of liberals.

Not one liberal anywhere is fucking cheering for Trump

What liberals are cheering Trump on? Wtf?

The liberal MSM supports it. Clinton and the rest of the liberal elite support it too.

I'm literally looking at major stories on CNN and the Atlantic trashing the decision.

I think you are conflating MSM sources condemning the use of chemical weapons and the Assad regime with supporting the missile strike. You can't do that.

I see a lot of people on this sub complaining about it but I haven't seen it myself. Honestly curious..

I love how everyone uses the mainstream media buzzword now. Like it didn't exist three years ago or something... same with fake news.


sarah palin? they've been demonizing the media for a long time now

so not liberals

I haven't seen a single positive price of news coverage about the Syria strikes from Right or Left outside of T_D.

If you watch the full Brian Williams clip and not just the part where he seems to have a stroke and ramble about how pretty the missile launches are, you'll see he's actually critical of the launches and doesn't think it was a good idea.

But yeah, that 8 second clip of the other guy saying 'Trump became president Trump' that's definitely some positive coverage that I hadn't seen (so you got me there).

Now, how you go from one guy on one station being positive to "liberal media fawning over attacks" like the title of that video, I don't know.

Who did Trump kill in Syria?

probably talking about drone strikes that happened while Trump was president, there are a lot of policies that are in place that Trump is working through.

Maybe I am not looking in the right places, but I am not seeing any of this. I see outrage on this sub about this (the left pushing for Syrian war), but not elsewhere. Even on reddit it seems like most people remember Iraq.

I had a freshman in college ask me "how long before 9/11 is not a big deal?". The next coming generation is doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past, hard.

Realistically this is the last generation. The iGeneration were little children when 9/11 occured. Some may even remember it but wouldn't have understood it.

The children of the iGeneration will be entirely disconnected from it. It will merely be history book stuff to them the Pearl Harbor is to us.

We understand Pearl Harbor was a big fucking deal, but it doesn't mean what it meant to people who lived through it or even lost friends and family members at Pearl Harbor or the war.

Your memory is incomplete. At the start of the Iraq war there was massive support for Bush in launching the attack. The opposition was always there, but only grew large after Saddam was ousted and the war raged on forever after that.

what the fuck happened to the left in this country?

You're tripping. It isn't the left or the right. There are interventionists on both sides of the aisle. They were against Bush for reasons that have little to do with geo-politics.

liberals in America are becoming the new conservatives.

They are, but not solely in the form of interventionism. There was a movement in the early 90s called New Democrats, where globalism was a focus, the educated upper classes sold out unionism and labor based politics, and quite honestly exactly what you implied happened. There's a pretty massive overlap between the economics policies of New Democrats and Globalist Republicans.

They're corporatists, both neo-liberals and neo-conservatives. That's all it is.

neo-conservatives ---> I'm actually not sure if this is true. The problem is that the neo-con label doesn't differentiate between the modern 'religious' right and globalist. I'm not convinced that the religious right actually is on board with corporatism except as a form of log rolling.

They're one in the same, as far as I can see. Religion is the belief in a higher authority, which lends itself nicely to the authoritarianism inherent in corporate globalism.

The only people on the right I respect are people like Ron Paul, who are actually against intervention and against ridiculous government spending.

I don't know man, I don't know. I felt so detached from the democratic party this election that I re-registered as a green party member before the vote.

I'm primarily a pacifist and the left used to feel so peaceful. We wanted to end the war in Iraq, end the war in Afghanistan, bring the troops home. This was a promise made by Obama and why I supported him.

... it literally took one generation and suddenly we're all about intervention in the middle east? What in the living fuck happened? This shit scares me. How can minds can change so quick?

Was it the generation after ours? Was it that they grew up and started losing their pacifist beliefs? Is Hillary saying we need to intervene and passing around a picture of a hurt child all people need as evidence?

They made it humanitarian to want to go into the middle east. They made it about saving babies. They figured out how to get into our heads. I think this is the primary cause for the drastic change, and I think that they know they can keep the military industrial complex happy and the people happy with the right spin.

What scares me is that I think they perfected their methods of control over public opinion. I think they amalgamated all their data sources, twitter, facebook, reddit, and used statistics to figure out how to sway public opinion and see how to spin something and visually get an idea if that method worked. I think simply by having a platform to do analysis like that, that's all they need for total control over the public.

It's the ultimate propaganda analysis machine. You drop a sound bite, you watch the meter go up or down. I think that's what it boils down to these days. The internet has freed us and allowed us to make a difference as individuals, but it's also allowed us to be controlled as a group. We built our own Orwellian future without even knowing it. We built the platform that would be perfect to control us. We built it, and they tapped its potential.

Its built up too much momentum. We can't stop kids from getting in on this without taking away ALL of their smartphones. We made them subject to the propaganda from the start. Four year olds have smart phones these days. We plugged them in willingly. From the cradle to the grave, the social media addiction will persist. We are social creatures and this lets us always be connected to friends and family. Those with money realized they could buy the data, tap it, throw engineering resources at it, analyze it. They realized that with that information, it's enough to influence our thoughts. Benign reasons, but villainous applications.

The average person isn't dumb, but the average person is emotional and reacts. By knowing exact responses of the public's reaction, they can predict reactions we'll have to any sort of event. With that knowledge, all it takes is spin.

We need a revolution in privacy, media consumption, and behavior in order to combat what they've done. This will need to be in part an education into methods that give us immunity to analysis at this scale. We need a revolution in investigation, open source and publicly funded investigation into the truth behind the pictures, the truth behind the politician's statements. We need investigators that can't be compromised if they exist, people willing to call out bullshit when they see it and make politicians accountable for the lies they spew and propaganda we see. We need independent and unbiased journalism that NEVER talks to politicians outside of an interview with a mic. We have watched the quality of our news go down a million fold. MSM plans events with politicians, spews bias, spews propaganda, no restraint. We need to enforce criminal laws for this sort of behavior.

Compromised media is their mouth, and social media is their eyes. We have to cut both out in order to change.

neo-liberals and neo-conservatives are both just pro-war military-industrial complex cheerleaders, dressed up in the clothes of public opinion.

98% of my friends are liberal, and not a single on approve of the US attack on Syria. I listen to liberal talk radio shows, and they all condemned the bombing.

Why are people so stupid? I know it comes off as pretentious by saying that but it just drives me crazy people care more about thw kardashians than they do about their government going around the world and killing ppl.

I know it comes off as pretentious by saying that but it just drives me crazy people care more about thw kardashians than they do about their government going around the world and killing ppl.

Media and their advertisers care more about the Kardashians than they do about the US government killing people worldwide.

Yeah but while MSM and all that bullshit is brainwashing people to be's still pretty easy to use your own head.

Once again I'll come off as a pretentious douche but I can speak for myself(and clearly many others on this sub) when I saw that I don't believe something just because CNN or Fox says it's true. I try to read every source I can and come to a conclusion. It seems like many simply chose to not care or put in the effort to think for themselves.

In a world where the government actually proposed operation northwoods and in a world where the MSM censors anything that doesn't fit their narative..people still think the government and MSM are the good guys.

In a world where the government actually proposed operation northwoods and in a world where the MSM censors anything that doesn't fit their narative..people still think the government and MSM are the good guys.

My point was that they want to keep the populace oblivious, so as to keep the consumerism going.

Expect inequality to rise, and corporations accelerate the process of offshoring, so as to leech as much wealth out of America as is possible before the collapse happens.

The government isn't starting ww3, stop being a drama queen

Stop being blind

Ww3 Is in full swing, just doesn't seem so for the moment

We've seen this all dozens of times before - Syria is no different.

Seriously. Russia and US are just jerking their dicks right now. As power hungry as the US and Russia are, neither of them want to drop nukes.

I voted libertarian not republican. However, I was n favor of Trump over Hillary because of Hillary's stated no fly zone position. This is a very serious situation and McMaster is a neocon, deep state, project for a new American century POS.

My experience engaging with people on these questions (mostly Americans) whom I know in real life, and this is purely anecdotal, but it's my subjective experience: is this:

  • People do not know have a clear picture what is going on
  • Perhaps due to this lack of basic knowledge, they often do not particularly want to have a conversation; the conversation is uncomfortable (again this varies)
  • They have a lot of presuppositions in their thinking, and are more-or-less willing to discuss these premises. For some, the ideas are so entrenched they are simply unwilling to have a conversation

My experience talking to persons from the Middle East that they are far better informed, have a grasp of the facts. They also have strong premises that inform their worldview and may or may not be open to discussion. At the least their premises lead to a coherent worldview.

I am kind of embarrassed by my preface, but I'm drunk so here goes.

I don't watch the news. I barely read news articles. Most of the "newsworthy" shit I get is from /r/worldnews. And that's if it makes it to my front page. I prefer pictures of cats and children falling over. Please keep this in mind.

One or two days ago, there were a shit ton of posts (that I admittedly scrolled past because I am a selfish piece of shit and just want to feel good) about people protesting all over the place due to corrupt governments.

There is one post today about China sending 150k troops to the NK border. Nothing more about Syria. Nothing about protests. No shit about Russian ties or whatever. Reddit is flooded with posts about United Airlines. Well.. maybe this is not entirely fair. My Reddit is flooded with posts about UA.

Obviously Reddit isn't the only source for information, and I likely just subscribe to shitty subs, so this could be and maybe is a garbage observation.

I will rejoin my box of wine and see if other news sources are addressing these things. Just some drunk. potentiallu irresponsible musings I guess.


Nah, I follow you

i like your style

My experience talking to persons from the Middle East that they are far better informed

I'd expect that someone from the Middle East would be better informed about intra-arab politics and it's global implications than someone in the US...

rarely involves getting down to evidence and being critical about sources

Here's the thing, literally anyone with on the ground experience or formal training in this subject is immediately subjected to massive ignorance due to the nature of the audience here. Attempting to have a nuanced discussion about Debaathification, Kurdish Separatism, or Iranian regional hegemony is like pulling teeth.

They have a lot of presuppositions in their thinking, and are more-or-less willing to discuss these premises. For some, the ideas are so entrenched they are simply unwilling to have a conversation

I'd be more than willing to provide the non-strawman arguments for American intervention, where I think the mistakes happened, where I think the Russians are doing well, and why I think that push comes to shove I'd rather see Iranian hegemony than Saudi, but I refuse to get looped into pointless argument where someone links the first twenty articles provided by google on why the US created IS.

My experience talking to persons from the Middle East that they are far better informed, have a grasp of the facts.

My biggest gripe currently with out foreign policy is that foreigners have a better understanding of what the US is engaged in than Americans do.

It is a level of classified bullshit that should not be tolerated.

And, from a strategic standpoint, it doesn't make sense, unless the intention is to turn America into an open police state.

Then again, it's not much longer that we can sustain this. Even without a collapse of the price of oil, there's going to be a collapse of the US dollar.

The conditions are not in place to repeat anything approaching the boom years experienced in the past, our debt is only growing and the budget isn't trajecting in a sustainable direction so much as it's tragic.

Meanwhile, our best and brightest seem determined to either continue strangling the globe into submission, or chasing after fantastical dreams of becoming the leaders in alternative energy, as if the Chinese won't steal all our designs either directly when we have them manufacture the components, or indirectly when they have the Russians hack our networks.

My thoughts exactly. Deep state is laughing at how dumb downed people are. It fucking hurts.

"No Child Left Behind"

Could also be taken to mean "Only children on the front lines"

Deep state

sudo-political marketing speak

Deep state is pseudo-politic.

I just posted this on a video re:united incident, but shit is obviously engineered. Who the fuck tries or succeeds to get on a plane after being forcibly dragged off by goons wearing shirts that say POLICE. Also, this guy who was dragged off is so fucking famous, late-night hosts are doing elaborate sketches less than 24 hrs after, social and mainstream media carrying the story like it's 9/11 part deux, CEOs releasing statements and press conferences about this, but no one knows the guy's fucking NAME. Meanwhile, in the background, WW3 is about to start

I'm glad to see this because I was thinking the exact same thing.

Everyone flies on airplanes. It's not really a deep seeded think piece. We empathize with what we can directly relate to

This is why people are numb to a war that is on the other side of the world. If the "war on terror" was on American soil, the public would have a different outlook on what was going on.

That and we've been talking about WWIII since 1945.

All of this "the human race is going to destroy itself any day now!" hysteria gets old after a while. If we die we die, but don't taze me bro.

Yeah it's up there with End Times, the big earthquake, and another 9/11.

They need a land war to evolve.

Americans don't see non-Americans as humans

It's clear the people have been voting for peace since Vietnam. You need to realize our government has nothing to do with what the people want.

Well the government wouldn't have any power if people didn't listen to them.

US soldiers could protest and refuse to follow orders unless there is an active invasion. It's not like they can do anything about.

This is what the Iraqis soldiers do. They just take the weapons and defect to the Islamic State.

The people could refuse follow laws that don't make sense. And they could fight anyone that harasses them.

This is how the Muslims do things. Government not taking care of you or abusing powers? No problem just refuse to listen to them do as you wish and if they harass you wage Jihad against them.

The Reddit frontpage is certainly not a representation of the American people.

No one I've talked to in real life is even aware of this united airlines thing

What happened? Never heard of it either. Just some shooting at an elementary school.

United overbooked a flight and had to remove four passengers. A Chinese doctor got "volunteered" but said he needed to get back to his patients. Then he got dragged off, literally.

He is on the verge of losing his medical license again after getting it back. He is already restricted to one day a week at an out patient clinic. He lost it the first time for giving out pain killers like candy to anyone and exchange sex for a medical bill. He was ignorant on what happens if you don't follow the law.

Time to smear the the doctor. That might save UA some money.

UA just asked him to leave the plane. When he refused they contacted airport security. If you look at the video you can see that. He got beat up resisting arrest.

Keep smearing, and maybe we'll forget that a paying customer was beaten up.

Not me though. You won't reframe this for me. But give it your best shot.

United Airlines isn't at fault, the security company/police officer is.

Didn't UA call them to assist? Didn't UA instruct them to remove him from the plane?

Yes, following the same policies they have had for years that all passengers are obligated legally to be aware of.

But your point was that UA wasn't responsible, the security company/police officer was. Here's what you wrote:

United Airlines isn't at fault, the security company/police officer is.

So can we finish one discussion before starting a new one?

United Airlines overbooked their flight when they NEEDED those seats. When people wouldn't volunteer they should have kept offering more vouchers until someone accepted. Instead they drag this guy off even though he paid and booked in advance? How is this not United's fault?

That's the risk he took when he refused to follow the rules. He first agreed with being bumped and getting a cash voucher for bumping him with his wife until he learned the delay could be up to 24 then he refused to get off. The moment he refused to get off he broke the contract of carriage you enter when buying a ticket. He flat out refused to move even after airport security was called. At the point in the video he could be considered resisting arrest. When air port security asks you to leave you have to comply or risk federal and state charges.

Did United hire you as a reputation management consultant. Can you provide any source at all that he agreed with being bumped off? I haven't heard that anywhere.

I read it as an account from someone that was on the airliner but I can't find the link so I apologize and will delete my orginally post.

No worries, sorry for getting upset. I hate Airliners

We all do

When you buy a ticket the fine print says they can do this if they need to do it. If someone got into your car after you agreed to give them a ride for a few bucks but they were an asshole and you wanted them to get out what would you do? Let's say you called a cop to remove them and they refused to leave after the cop told them to what do you expect to happen? If they resisted arrest and fought against being pulled out of your car is it your fault that he got hurt?

You're an idiot. If you think that justifies the policies that led to this incident, you are a lost cause. Have fun complying to your corporate masters.

Even if you don't like the policies you agree to them when you buy a ticket. It doesn't matter what reason you feel like you deserve to stay on the plane because by taking the ticket you entered into a legal contract with the airlines. In the contract it says if you don't leave the plane when asked you will be removed by airport security. Of course UA handled the whole thing poorly and the officer went over board removing the guy but it is all within their legal rights as owner of the airplane.

Removed. Rule 4.

Did United hire you as a reputation management consultant?

What does that have to do with anything other than blaming the victim.

It wasn't overbooked. 4 crew members had to take their places. Not other passengers

The plot thickens...

Then the flight was full of customers and United fucked up by forgetting to leave room for their employees. Being bumped once you've already boarded and are seated is not a normal thing.

It actually is

My GF is and she doesn't use Reddit. All the Chinese people know about this. It's blowing up on Weibo because the doctor guy was Asian.

Yea its all over.



No one cares until it happens to them, or their own Protected Class.

Well, she is Chinese and I asked her will the fact that this guy is Vietnamese affect her opinion, and she said no, she still retains the idea that United is an idiot. I know it's not that far off, but honestly, the Chinese barely acknowledge the Vietnamese. Some don't even know where it is on a map.

wtf? even here in Brazil a lot of people (who don't even know what reddit is) are talking about the UA incident

Poor white trash in the Midwest? They don't fly. They don't care. It was on national news but not local and we won't have a paper until Thursday. (weekly)

I don't think that's a representation of America either. All my colleagues were talking about it yesterday and it definitely was the leading story on my local news last night...

?? wha? Talk to in real life? Who does that?

Seriously? People need to be more up to date with what's happening in the country they live in. Even watching national news for 5 seconds and you see the United situation. Everyone I've talked to, stranger, acquaintances, friends, family, knows. Knows thoroughly what happened.

It was on the news here in Canada.

It's all over the news now.

It is now but last night? Nada. It's rural Trump county. Corn prices, Huskers football and Luke Bryan are 80% of all discussions

Do they live under rocks? Seriously?

I can't find a person who hasn't heard of it.

Today yes. Last night not so much

Dude...I work with like 10+ employees and not a single one knew about the United incident

exactly! the american people care even less than the average redditor lol. don't mind me though, continue bitching about other people while you take no action yourself.

Those in the peasant class. Particularly those on reddit are far more concerned with emotions and immediate surroundings rather than logic and reality.

"panem et circenses" Or Bread and Circuses is the most effective strategy for populace appeasement since the roman days.

Now the Peasants are given TV,Movies,Video games, Sports, MSM. At such a scale that an entire lifetime would not even scratch the surface of what is superfically consumeable.

Take my roommate for instance. The guy has watched thousands of TV shows and series. Going through "Thats sunny in Phili" 4-5 times. Put in up to a week in Fall out 4...etc. The list goes on and on. The second the kids done with school. The TVs on.

Holy shit mind blown

Now the Peasants are given TV,Movies,Video games, Sports, MSM. At such a scale that an entire lifetime would not even scratch the surface of what is superfically consumeable.

So true in a sense(but the upper middle class and wealthy are also the same so it is not a "peasant thing"), and the sad thing is that is that people care about more about fictional characters and their fake suffering, than the real suffering in the world of the downtrodden. Indeed since they spend so much time with entertainment industry nonsense they will believe the capitalist propganda that the poor create their own misery, rather than realizing they are the victims of a social hierarchy where money makes money and conversely where poverty is more often than not passed down from generation to generation.

I'll agree the professional class or merchant class in feudal comparison may be even more indoctrinated than the skilled and unskilled classes. They consume large amounts of NY TIMES, Investment, and Business propaganda which is littered with agenda.

They bought into the system fully (higher education(master/phd), pharmaceutical drug dealers(doctors), system leeches such as divorce lawyers/lawyers and are awarded accordingly ($$$).

Enough wealth is dished out to the professional class to give the poor incentive and potential to attain such status, when it reality it rarely is, even with hard work. Money makes Money.

This leads to something called "David Humes(economist) Demostrative Effect".

Where luxury purchased by the Professional Class is envied by the lower classes and is purchased by them, regardless if they can afford it or not. Usually on Credit, which leads to debt-servitude and more profit for the oligarchical class.

TIL college students use recreational activities to relax after school.

Using recreational activities is okay if done in moderation. The OPs roommate doesn't sound like moderation in the slightest. Now remember that the average american watches 5 hours of TV per day and tell me that the average citizen isn't wasting their time. 5 hours on top of working an additional 8 doesn't leave much room for things that matter.

Depends on what you consider "wasting time". Pretty much anything non-productive is a time waste by that reasoning. Might as well work and sleep and nothing else.

No. An hour or two of recreation is all that you need to be happy day to day but for overall self actualization there needs to be something more than just play in free time.

Perhaps for yourself and those around you. Everyone's brain makes connections differently. There are people who behave the exact opposite and are very happy and sure of their person. How can you say you know the end all be all for every person. I maybe spend ten hours a week looking at reddit/watching tv and I am quite an unhappy person. Just because it can affect you negatively does not mean it is the same for everyone.

Go back to highschool with that type of thinking. Anyopme that sits and consumes all day is not suite of themselves. They can't cope with boredom and thus must be occupied by frivolous things. Just look at religion and how its a coping mechanism for death and life's great mysteries. They never question the reality that is fed to them. Life is more than watching football on TV and drinking beer, its just a matter of actively pursuing something more that will make one truely happy within. You can disagree all you want, but there is more to life than TV, video games, and social media.

You're preaching to the choir. I am only saying making broad judgements about the entire population's happiness based on one condition is logicially unsound.

We're assuming they are even fully productive during those 8--which they probably aren't, as all research on this points towards 6 hours being the effective max before it affects the human detrimentally.

Many employees, in many different industries, spend at least a quarter of their workday on their smart phones, or surfing the web.

A week into fallout 4 you say? Those are rookie numbers.

is all your spare time productive? what are you doing to fix the problems with the world that your roommate isn't? do you realise how great it's always sunny is?

people love to complain about people enjoying themselves. I really don't get it. yeah things suck but if you let that ruin your life you have a problem.

Those in the peasant class

Don't be ridiculous...

"panem et circenses" Or Bread and Circuses is the most effective strategy for populace appeasement since the roman days.

Well yeah the Romans also watched people fight to the death as sport. That culture had some major differences.

Every time I hear people talk about things like "the peasant class" or anything similarly cynical, they seem to eventually go on to tell me about all their radical ideas. There's no need to be edgy about the link between distractions and poverty.

My language is representation of how the oligarchy thinks of the masses. Ignorance to Class differences is absurd and completely detached from the reality of our situation.

Feudalism is not gone only morphed. A recent study by Princeton confirmed the presence of an ruling oligarchy.

As for People watching gladiators frightening to death, is another incorrect assumption portrayed by Hollywood. Gladiators rarely if ever died in the arena. The elites of that time paid the Gladiators owners to battle in the arena. Death was extremely expensive.

It's the principle of Massive Football and Soccer games in Huge arenas similar to that of the Roman Gladiator arena.

And if you live in a developed country chances are you're in the 1%. The modern "peasant class" in countries like the US live much better lives than in the past. The biggest reason the "peasant class" would ever feel a part of that class is by looking at how much richer some other people are. That makes comments like yours what creates the "peasant class". And that's the kind of senseless edgy bullshit I think is absurd

And if you live in a developed country chances are you're in the 1%. T

This is meaningless to anyone living in poverty in this country, and demonstrates your desire to marginalize and delegitimize the reality of the suffering of the poor in the US.

"Chances are" implies that there are still poor Americans. But they're certainly not the masses like you want everyone to believe the oligarchy is oppressing.

That was an important point.

All our poor americans are FINE. It's all good. Food insecurity? fuck that shit. Being evicted? Whine whine whine. Those entitled assholes just need to get a job. Right you are. /s

That's not my point at all. While we do certainly have poverty, and I'm not trying to say that the problems that the poor in our country face aren't valid or even that they deserve to be poor, but that's a lot different than having a permanent peasant class.

but that's a lot different than having a permanent peasant class.

How would you differentiate a peasant class from intergenerational poverty in the US?

By that social status being imposed by a shadowy oligarchy working together to keep you down so they'll have a labor force. That doesn't exist. In fact those taxes that us "peasants" pay go towards funding for public schools so that people like the author above are less likely to drop out of school due to poverty and hopefully have a chance of making it out. If we really had a permanent peasant class we either wouldn't have public schools or this shadowy oligarchy would sabotage them so that they'd be so terrible anyone trying to advance in their education wouldn't stand a chance. Neither one of those is the case

Did you read the article? There is nothing about an oligarchy in that article.

I didn't say it did, but this conversation was about whether a permanent peasant class exists or not. If a permanent peasant class is one not just stuck in poverty but hopelessly stuck in poverty because of a cynical oligarchy oppressing them then that article isn't really talking about the same thing. So in a way my point was that you're right, the article isn't talking about generational poverty in the same way that the rest of this thread is.

but hopelessly stuck in poverty because of a cynical oligarchy oppressing them

I thought you were being sarcastic. I agree with you too.

There are more than a billion people who live in modernized countries. Rich and middle classes exist in other poorer nations too. You may have some sort of valid point but your percentages are way off.

And that's a fair point but the 1% number isn't really accurate for the kind of wealth bring described. The cut off for the 1% is about $400k a year I think and while that's certainly very well off that's not so well off that you don't have to work.

You originally said "live in a developed country." You can live anywhere and make $20k a year (any country). $400k a year is a ton of money.

You could but no one making $400k lives the same lifestyle as someone making $20k a year so they still have to work to maintain that lifestyle

It's kinda odd. I don't wanna make that kinda money (in the process of taking the LSAT(s) until I score high enough to study law on a good scholarship--so long-term potential is there). My thought process is that I would like to maintain my comfortable minimalism. I am a fiercely anticonsumerist bargain basement dweller and shun most activities requiring a lot of $$. I don't own much and basically purchase only what I wear and consume

Class issues were taken out of politics in 1960s. MLK movements were fine as long as the issues were cultural, the second the agenda shifted to class, he was taken out.

The Peasant class in America is indeed a reality. 22% unemployed.

The Household MEDIAN income is like 56k.

The Household Average is 150k+. It's manipulation. Working class don't know how poor they are in relation to the oligarchy.

Not to mention it is found that the common man have ZERO influences on policies.

As for Oligarchical oppression? Ever heard of taxes. Particularly mafia style Income tax that's not constitutional. Or Estate tax which takes a large percentage of money from the estate of dead parents before it is given to the child" Because there would be too much of an advantage for the next generation"

"Being edgy" was not my intention.

My intention was to change lights on the situation of class and shift perspective of ones place in society and how they are viewed by the majority wealth owners. For 99% of the population their place is to work, pay taxes, and consume.

For 99% of the population their place is to work, pay taxes, and consume.

Well yeah... The wealthy that don't have to work aren't the 1% though. They make up maybe 1% of the 1%. And part of the reason they don't have to work is because they haven't built up that wealth in the form of money but in assets like land, companies etc. They've made their money work for them which is just good money management. Either way producing (or working), paying taxes, and consuming is everybody's place in the world if you want to be utilitarian about it. That's why we all try to find meaning in life in other ways so it shouldn't be surprising that they see us as potential consumers. Everyone is a potential consumer including the 1% you're talking about.

uhh reddit is absolutely filled with a bunch of poor modern peasants

why do you think they're always advocating for retarded shit like basic income(literally free money)

But being is poor is not the same thing as a permanent peasant class.

And UBI is usually only even considered because there's this fear that automation will slowly take everyone's jobs so eventually it will be a necessary evil. I don't know if I buy that but I can at least understand the train of thought.

What do the non peasants do with their free time and what would you suggest the peasants did instead?

I don't know what the non-peasants do in their free time.

Well in difference to antiquity, the gift of a surplus of food. The current peasant population in America has a large surplus of time outside of work.

Where they can allot it to different activity. It can be used constructively organizing civil disobedience, Creating product to pull ones self out of peasantry, Learning, all these things were not accessible to our ancestors of non-noble birth.

Or one can play video games, watch TV, and accept the things the way they are.

It's up to the individual

As someone who keeps Sports and South Park on as background noise for reading about history and current events and the like I would agree that video games are more immersive and distracting from the real world, especially since people can socialize through the game now.

MSM throws crumbs to us sometimes with shows like "Nightly Show" which shed light on Big Data. PokeMon go being created by someone who worked in the State Department. And repeatedly claimed Scalia was murdered. (Cancelled this summer) Also "MDE: World Peace" which skewers everything about our modern society and guess what (Cancelled despite being #1 show on Adult Swim)

Don't forget politics that has been the most important part of the circus the last few years

Those in the peasant class.

Take my roomate for instance.

I agree with you for the most part, but I don't give a shit how others live their lives honestly. Saying they're doing things with their lives wrong is pretty closed minded. Other people want different things out of their lives.

Reddit is large enough that I think a statistician could make an argument that it is a significant enough sample to make determinations about the whole.

Pushes glasses up on nose


Reddit itself is merely a representation of a very small number of humans on Earth. Out of 5bl people there are only 15ml using reddit. That is not even a percentage point.

However, it must be understood that the hive here has the ability to get one of their misdirected individuals to do something illegal, or unethical, from time to time.

This should really be closely scrutinized, that a website has the ability to harness the uneducated and disturbed to do illegal and/or unethical actions, exacerbated by lying about content and context.

That is true in the sense that Reddit usually expresses white neckbeard and nerd opinion. But in this case the OP is correct, no one in the USA cares when brown people are bombed and millions of their lives are ruined by Western military interventions, they care more that they could potentially also as airline passengers be kicked off a flight.

Frankly, I think that criticism of reddit isn't true. It's not going to give you a perfectly balanced population representative of all the views and diversity within our country, but you'll get a better sense then from most other media platforms.

I wasn't surprised that HRC lost, for example, because I saw it coming on reddit.

It is very interesting that we all came together in outrage over the mistreatment of the doctor, at a time when we can hardly agree on anything.

Does it have anything to do with the huge role corporations play in our lives these days? It's almost like they are a third government, and we care about how they treat us.

It was only revealed recently on Wikileaks that the U.S. wishes to overthrow Assad to help defend Israel

Where do you expect the public to learn of these geopolitics? The mass media? Public schools? By scouring Wikileaks and "conspiracy" (independent media) sites daily?

The media has so conditioned the populace that, prior to the Wikileaks release, even thinking U.S. involvement in Syria was related to Israel would have been considered an anti-Semitic thought crime.

Of course, still no one is paying attention and people don't understand Syria is a front in the reheated Cold War proxy war - this time between Israel/U.S. and Iran/Russia. They either buy the humanitarian aspect pushed by the media, or at most the cynical suspect war profiteering.

And with Google and Facebook slapping "debunked by Snopes" on independent media, and YouTube censoring videos, our jobs of educating the pubic have become harder.

defend Israel

You spelled "enable Eretz Israel" wrong.

Alternate spelling: Golan Heights Oil.

How come I have never heard about oil in the Golan Heights? WTF?

Of course it is!

One situation is more relatable than the other is all

That's because its the same idiots. The one's who are cheering/applauding Trump for doing the strike are the ones so mad at United Airlines...

It's just one big mob of people who form a general opinion and everyone else follows suit... Retards, all of 'em.

That's because its the same idiots. The one's who are cheering/applauding Trump for doing the strike are the ones so mad at United Airlines...

It is really odd to see the leftists now praising WAR MONGERING TRUMP. I thought I was in Wonderland before, but not I feel like I'm in the 7th level of Wonderland, and it's opposite day, with silly hats.

It is really odd to see the leftists now praising WAR MONGERING TRUMP.

huh? Is that happening? I've seen plenty from the left criticizing Trump over Syria. The only people I see praising Trump (even in this thread) are, shockingly enough, Trump supporters. (Although I've also seen a fair few Trump supporters bail, or at least hesitant, over the Syria stuff)

If you come over to The Donald you'll see maybe one single post about it. We are staying focused about the fuckery going on in Washington.

I'd rather crush my testicle with my own hands.

You only have one?


what happened to your other one? did you lose it when you became a liberal?

no, he didn't lose both.

How many posts you got about how Trump bombed ISIS's main enemy? I guess that makes ISIS and Trump allies, really, doesn't it?

Yeah, I guess you could make that connection... If you're a complete fucking retard.

You're right. Having the US bomb the guy ISIS has been fighting against (and losing to) for years is really going to hurt ISIS.

I bet ISIS hate the fact that Trump blew up the planes that have been dropping air strikes on them for most of the last decade.

Haha I can't even take you seriously, you're like a little baby. Night night sweetheart.

Solid argument. Well argued.

Who the fuck said we were trying to start WW3? Its a retaliation for those fucks using chemicals on innocent people.

Assad did nothing wrong

Assad is allegedly responsible for the chemical weapons attack. I'm in the camp that believes the attack was a false flag. Why would Assad use chemical weapons now when there were peace talks taking place?

The US is amassing warships and troops in the middle eastern gulf region. China and the US are amassing troops around North Korea. Russia and Iran have vowed to attack on American troops if there is any further escalation against Assad.

My take is that Trump ordered the missle strike as a retaliation and nothing more, but McMaster is pulling the strings and is trying to coerce the US into taking out Assad and ISIS where Trump only wanted to take out ISIS. If we try to take out Assad, the Russians won't take that lying down and we will have a full blown war on our hands.

those fucks using chemicals on innocent people

We're still waiting for proof. Got some?

Anyone here checked out Noam Chomskys Manufacturing Consent? Not the book but the doco.

Its on youtube. Wrap your head around it.

Psychological operation. Same with that 'school shooting' yesterday too.

This is an example of how the deep state can control the narrative. Anytime they see fit.

I think it's because people feel they can actually have an affect on United's sales by spreading these posts and bring justice to that poor man. People feel they have no control or voice when it comes to world politics and give up trying to make a difference or protest the seeming "unstoppable war machine"..

corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television corporate television

It's ridiculous. Especially as 'bumped' passengers are not allowed to board the plane to begin with. More is clearly afoot...


Maybe this airlines scandal was staged to distract us from the much more important Syria issue.

US is trying to start WW3?

I think they are two different issues that have different implications.

The Syrian issue is harder for the American public to think critically on because of how cable news portrays it. Also I think people also feel removed from the issue and those in power are going to do what they want to do. I'm not sure if that is the case, just a thought.

With the United Airlines issue, I think it is easier for people to relate to that. Majority of Americans have been on a plane, and it is easy to sympathize sympathize with the injustice against someone who is just like us.

I guess for me, they are both important issues, Syria is important because of geopolitical tensions, United Airlines is important because how they responded to it paints a bleak picture of corporate power in America.

Just so people can't freak out. Obviously the war is going to happen. I wonder what other cat gifs they'll throw out there once someone drops a nuclear bomb.

I'm pretty pissed off about both. The United Airlines incident is taxpayer funded terrorism (remember, it was the police, not United, that made this man bleed from his mouth) against the American people. And of course our involvement in world events is all kinds of screwed up. I imagine it's easier for most people to latch on to the UA incident because it happened in the United States.

Not the American people, the ones controlling the narrative.

I know zero people who give a toss about this subject. War? Yeah, my co-workers are talking about that.

Energy flows where attention goes. Don't mind the elephant in the living room, just keep watching the tele. Interesting enough that when it comes to distraction from major issues, EMOTION is what is absolutely neseccary to produce. Because when you're experiencing strong emotion, you stop thinking, you stop analyzing.

The issue here is, the people don't have any weight on the decision when it comes to nuclear tit for tat. It just doesn't fucking matter. If the decision is made, it is made regardless of any discussion that may have been had regarding the ethics of geopolitical warfare; whether or not it is right for the 'US to instigate WWIII' -total non-starter

It just doesn't matter until the rationale behind violence is discarded. It really will not make a difference

so..what does that say about the people vs your bullshit post?

Can't people care about both? The rights of a passenger flying domestically as well as what our government is doing with foreign policy?

It's a distraction, but I don't think it's from WW3. I think something else is going on, but I have no idea what.

convenience uber alles!

/r/all had like 12 front page links in a row all about united. Meanwhile...

People are mad about a corporation acting like they can do whatever they want and ignoring bulkshit fear mongering about a WW3 that's never going to happen because of MAD. Sounds like OP is the moronic one.

The United Airlines story is tangible, visual, requires no thought on the end result. Its easy to see a 10 second video and speak out after seeing it.

The WW3 possibility is an uncertainty, something that requires critical thinking, research and effort.

Welcome to what globalist have been trying to do to the public, dumb them down and make them deny actual thought.

No one is going to nuke anyone. Countries have immensely more to lose by using a nuke than by not using them. The only people you should be afraid of with nukes are small orginizations getting ahold of one or NoKo finally losing it.

That's why Trump got elected. People not using their heads.

War is always a possibility, but the idea of mutually assured destruction keeps nukes off the table imo. No way to go about nuking without getting nuked. Everyone has em, no body uses em. Only america has ever dropped nukes on a real population. Don't forget that.

Yeah, context helps.

The United incident is much more relatable to the average person. I'd be more inclined to believe OP was a UA PR guy.

Could all this reaction against United be a distraction because of Shareblue or something?

Shareblue would want to highlight the impending nuclear war thing since they are anti-Trump, you have your motivations backwards.

Could all this reaction against United be a distraction because of Shareblue or something?

If someone wants to explain that logic, I'm all ears.

Or, is Shareblue just the go-to boogeyman, even when we're talking about Trump's actions?

We are a nation idiots.

Its time to stop asking the government for peace. Now is the time to tell the government what to do. Stand up this government was created by of and for the people and it shall never perish from this earth and the onus is on us to make sure it stays that way.

Nuclear weapons are a hoax

Yeah, you do realize that people have had this whole "RUSSIA WILL DESTROY US AND START WW3" jammed down their throats since 1946, right?

TIL people cant be outraged by more than one thing at a time.

I think you mean the "US government and Trump". HE choose to strike them. HE is the commander of the military.

Mainstream Media is great. really great

Oh fuck off with ww3 already.

It angers the people who already hate the authoritarian police state that the US has become and it angers those that are in denial about the police state because it contradicts their narrative.

probably because the American people know that we've been bombing Syria and have had troops on the ground there for years now and blowing up an airport isn't "trying to start WW3".

"The American people" are not one single tribal group, we're like 10 different countries all tied together. We don't all think or feel the same way.

We're also beaten down, poor, barely able to see a doctor and generally are being worked to death.

So what are we supposed to do? Vote? Storm the king's castle? Fire the apprentice president?

Nothing we do will change what our government does. It's completely owned by the corporate elite and won't change for decades at least.

So when everyone finally comes to this understanding, then we can band together and fix it. But as long as we keep seeing ourselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, then we're fucked because we'll never fix the root issues.

Who sees themselves as a millionaire? I just see myself as a good father.

That's because ww3 doesn't have a cool enough slogan to go along with it yet. They should call it The Great War or somethin...

If they could maybe come out with a online voting app so us Americans could vote on what to call ww3 maybe we'd care more.

World war three is just too oppressive of a term, I prefer: Gender neutral conflict resolution 1.0


How can a government try to start a war. Seems a fairly straight forward process if they wanted to or not

They have to get public support. If they just ram some shit through and 70% of the country is protesting the fuck out of it, that could destabilize the government, and they know it. They saw what happened with Vietnam.

They have to sell the public on the idea in order to stay in power.

the earth isn't on the verge of being nuked. Calm the fuck down.

Fucking morons

I would argue that people waking up to corporate abuse in the transportation sector is more relevant. It is narrow micro issues that the critical mass can turn on and make ideological headway against the powers that be. Indeed TPTB are the corporate overlords, not Donald Trump. In any case, some "WWIII" movement is tied into corporate hegemony anyways.

I care about both

Because the American people are actually being given the facts about the United Airlines situation.

The U.S. dropped 26,171 bombs last year but now we're trying to start a world war by bombing a almost empty air strip full of planes.

CTR & Shareblue where were you then?

I have been talking about this on social media this morning and "friends" are coming unglued over my ignorance to that poor hero doctor who was going to save the world.


sheep....sheep everywhere.

As soon as I saw the United airlines stuff I thought, Oh look, something to distract attention from Syria.

The United thing is more fresh in their minds. Everyone knew that once Trump was elected it was inevitable that he would get us into another war.

I agree, and Trump hasn't acted since the airstrikes (but eventually he will) so some people's fears of WWIII have had a chance to subside a bit. But also the United thing is another scary reminder of our police state so no wonder why people are horrified by that right now.

We have the right to be outraged at both things its not an either/or

They also forget about Vietnam - Pentagon papers and theyve forgotten about the Korean war and WMD's.

Its the Goering formula. Tell them theyre being attacked and the people will be brought to the bidding of those in power.

The majority are sheep and will always be sheep. Socrates Allegory of the cave describes this perfectly.

I keep reading UN instead of united airlines

The two are linked, even if people arent aware of yet.

Im talking about the brave new world being foisted over our minds, One thing that gave me hope was that woman saying stop, this is all wrong.

Maybe we will not perish in the night without a fight. I dont need to remind the conspiracy folk what the military-security-pharmaceutical have planned for us in the debate of security vs rights, more war = more loss of natural-born rights

Distraction 101. Both the media and politicians will exploit this. Free covering fire for their agenda's next move.

We the people aren't capable of deterring the US governments actions from a standpoint of foreign policy. It doesn't take a distraction for the US government to repeatedly do anything they want over seas. They have a volunteer military and they throw us in prison if we don't pay taxes.

As far as I'm concerned, tackling corporate malpractice is the only thing the People are capable of controlling because the dollar is the only true vote that matters.

People are ignoring anything to do with NK because it's NK and it will always end in them crying and doing nothing, maybe shooting another missile into the ocean and grandstanding about it. Eventually the truth about how fucked their country is will reach the people living in it and they'll starve to death frowning in disbelief or they'll rise up and hang Un and put someone in charge who isn't a psychopath with a god complex.

WW3 is never going to happen. No one country is going to attempt to take over the world anymore by force. It can't be done. Logically, almost physically, it cannot be done. WW3 will not be fought by nukes it will be fought in our hearts and minds. No one is worrying about a nuclear apocalypse because it is never going to happen, not now, not ever, everyone loses in a nuclear war. Everyone. Us, them, the Illuminati, the Jihadi's whose holy lands are reduced to radioactive rubble, everyone loses. The mad scientist or crazy super villian that wants to end all life on the planet, and is capable, does not exist outside of film.

People aren't worried about WW3 or Earth-nuking because it is not going to happen ever, ever, ever, it's the stupidest and most short-sighted idea of a strike and would be thrown out of any high-level conspiracy meeting between the elite. I can't stress that enough. Just put yourself in the shoes of some high-authority elite mug, why in Satan's demonic nutsack would you blow up the fucking planet you're living on, that you've worked centuries to control and develop? It's not about nukes, it's about image.

Why blow half the world up to control what's left when you can simply mesmerize them with dancing lights and sounds and use them to build and consolidate your power? Even better, they want it. Lots of people just want to be left alone, to live their simple lives amongst the consumerism rush from one movie to the next game to the next scandal and cycle repeat.

You have to be one truly delusional retard to believe nuclear war is a possibility

the government was probably behind the airplane incident, because they have been using these kind of tactics forever - keep the american public focused on one thing, while bigger shit is going on in the background

This belongs in /r/showerthoughts

Like a stray bullet, the American people are mislead.

Well most people are assholes and taught the world revolves around them, their comfort and entertainment. Look at Reddit is just a venue mainly to talk about cat gifs, the entertainment industry, and other shallow shit.

The mostly white college or college track audience of Reddit and that writes about politics online doesn't care about all the brown, black and marginally white people(like the constituent nations of the destroyed Yugoslavia full of failed states where all the youth want to emigrate) that their militaries and foreign policies destroy. What they care about is that they could be on an overbooked flight and inconvenienced.

WWIII where? Is this the timeline where Hillary is prez ?

No, it's "the timeline" where there is an armed conflict with America on one side, and Russia on the other.

We both know that if Hilary had got in, and pulled the exact same shit in Syria as Trump did (ie throw America back in another Middle East war, oh, and effectively ally America with ISIS), you'd be screaming "WW3".

I swear, it's really getting to the point where anyone still backing Trump isn't a political supporter, they're a cult member.

People outraged over a fellow consumer being treated poorly is reasonable. Especially in that fashion.

However, we can't do anything about our governments choices. If cannabis is still federally illegal, we don't have a say in shit. Especially when it comes to other countries violating cornerstones of the geneva convention.

Sorry you're upset, but probably get over it.

This is why I still believe popular vote shouldn't matter, but of course our voting representatives are corrupt af. The mass majority of people are just idiots swayed by the slightest imagery. Look at the Szechuan sauce thing, 99% of people had never tried it, for all we know it's just BBQ and sweetnsour.

What happened in 2013?


Gov't loves distractions that takes away attention from their ugly intentions.

Yes and more yes.

Hating on United Airlines is easy trying to convince the world the US is a war mongering bully is impossible.

Got to start somewhere. At least they're outraged out about something! It's the apathy that kills me!

hey im with you there mate, I am but a wee young'un as it happens. I feel like my generation are so fucking apathetic it brings me to tears. thats what frightens me the most. people just have their heads in the clouds.

That being said, there a lot more worthy causes that people can be outraged at. There's a lot of fucked up shit happening these days, i feel like its getting worse and worse. I dont know how my generation is going to handle it.

I wouldn't worry too much about it! Progress is two steps forward, one step back! progress is not a straight line, it has its ups and downs! Get yourself some guns, ammo, food, water, precious metal, some cryptocurrency, and I'm sure you'll be fine! Got to look out for number one, forget about all the knuckle draggers! I too am a youngin! At least I like to think so, in my 20's still!

My family has been personally fucked over by United airlines by outsourcing. When that particular business has troubles, I can't help but try to make life harder for them. I also do not want boots on the ground in Syria and I wish President Trump didn't bomb that base. The United airlines thing was nice because people on the left and right can equally hate something and unite. Can't always be 100% engaged in politics.

The media is fucking with people and trying to distract them. Freedom of discussion is being choked to death and people are being gaslighted into supporting this stupid war.

I'm really starting to think this is the elite trying to do a population cull.

Could all this reaction against United be a distraction because of Shareblue or something?

Wha? Isn't that backwards? Trump bombed Syria- surely the shadowy, omnipotent Shareblue would want to bring attention to that, to criticize Trump?

If anyone would want to run interference right now, it's Trump (or his allies/supporters). (not that I think that happened, but it makes 100x more sense than Shareblue )

That's the thing: Trump's Syrian action actually makes him look good to a lot of people - liberal media included. Shareblue can't have positive Trump news going on, and they can't exactly spin it because everyone agrees gassing people is bad, so the best play to make is to get people to stop talking about it.

I haven't seen much positive media, or positive public reaction, outside places like The_Donald (and, although many there backed Trump's move, I saw more negative reaction from Trump supporters than I've ever seen over anything else he did. Shit, even Ben Garrison and Richard Spencer basically ditched Trump over Syria). Most mainstream media stuff I've seen has been wary at best. At worst they talk about the possibility of WW3. Nothing I'd call "positive", at all.

Of course every knows Assad is a scumbag. But everyone also realises it's much, much more complex than that, with Russia and ISIS in the mix, let alone worries about Trump's first major military issue, lack of congressional approval, etc.

I got banned from Facebook for a month. I didn't even know about United until now. People are pretty advanced now. They can be angry at multiple things at once.

The right wing is in office BTW. You won't be able to blame leftist groups forever.

Probably because WWIII isn't going to happen and people care more about something that could easily have been them than worrying about cold war 2: electric boogaloo

I thought this was conspiracy and not I'm14andthisisdeep?

DAE think people are sheeple? Except us? Anyone? Right?

The Earth has been here for billions of years and will be here for billions of years after this stupid post and this stupid administration and this stupid life span is far into the past. Try the capitalist approach and figure out how you can make a buck out of WW3.

Did you forget what happened in the 80's and 90's when Russia threatened? Did you forget about the 60's when a Russia threatened?

You sound like you just had a thought for the first time in your life.

I was banned from t_d for commenting that the air strikes on Syria help ISIS... and they complain about censorship...

"Start" WW3? It's been ongoing for decades.

B/c they/just kill me

to be fair, United is a shitty airline

The difference - credible reporting by media companies. More effort is placed on broadcasting far and wide sensationalist anger-generating topics, with little impact on the political landscape, than on complex topics facing the country and decisions trees coming out of it.

If anything when I view traditional broadcast and printed media there is a sense of glee in the drum-up toward war - as if they are EAGER for a 'weapons of mass destruction in Iraq' excuse to kill and maim other humans. It's sickening.

Perhaps the masses are waking up, brother, and this injustice is what the rallying point is. If you think they're gonna finally wake up and rage at the stuff we know to be true, you can, unfortunately, keep looking forward to being disappointed, me thinks.

Don't think anyone's about to be nuked, but United can go fuck itself.

I actually thought this could be a conspiracy, as in a distraction. United was targeted before (see insider trading evidence pre 9/11)

If any country needs some democracy it's North Korea.

The US government isn't trying to start WWIII and you're an idiot if you think it is.

Because they feel like they can change United, and do not feel like they can change the deep state.

I think people are channeling their outrage in to things they think they can affect, which is logical behavior. However we can change our government more than most of us realize.

I think it was an outrage at first, but at the rate its been going, it's probably airline competitors posting it to social media including reddit.

When I was using the reddit app, all of my ads were about traveling.

this is ridiculous. there was an unconvenient situation and it was solved. chill down, whoever cares about this shit.

I agree mostly, but some reasons why this is important too

  1. It's about the police state, and corporate/police collusion.
  2. It shows that if an MD on a airplane can be beaten for nothing, then you can be anytime-- and certainly if you protest them in any way.
  3. The fact that personal info about this MD has been released, shows that corporations have instant access to the surveillance/ police state's dossier on everyone.

About point number three, Arrest records are public domain so how does that equate to surveillance? Arrests and convictions are actual events and this are reported on by the news...

Oh come on. We have 'news' outlets that can't even bother to fact check who has chemical weapons and they researched this themselves? Sure they did.

People have their "source" for news and tend to stick to it. I'm not sure about news feeds. Google's will occasionally allow RT into it. The liberal media cheered the airstrikes as it and the deep state felt Trump was "under their control." Even though the action was reckless. Anyone who pays attention to Russian media knows their not fucking around. Once Bannon was removed from the NSC this bullshit happens.

As for the people on Reddit. The site intentionally created echochambers and viral videos are instant clickbait. Manipulated viral video narratives out of Syria have many with a war boner cuz "think of the children" (Helen Lovejoy)

I would love to see a "debate the merits of the media" sub

I love how even the conspiracy is Reddit has something to say about this.

The American people were more outraged out the air pressure in a football than any atrocity committed by the US in the past 8 years.

This is no surprise.

They are 2 sides of the same coin. Destabilization of 3rd world governments furthers the cause of globalism. Corporations committing crimes against humanity with absolute impunity is just a symptom of corporatocracy. Who are the major players trying to bring about the new world order? Bankers, CEOs, the rich. It's all one big master plan to bring us all together under a universal plutocracy. There is no coincidence, only consequence.

dude at work says WWII doesn't affect him personally, but he has to fly, so this does. I told him nobody gonna be flying after WWIII except through the air in tiny pieces.


Of those that even follow politics, Americans will always root for their team in times of conflict.

Right now a liberal would support anything against Putin because they believe BS about Russian Interference and they are all mad about his supposed human rights abuses. That he is bent on world domination (ironic)

A standard conservative would believe similarly less or more hawkish as interference is not as big an issue nor are gay rights. Trump supporters would be skeptical he is being controlled by "globalists"

North Korea had it coming.

Trump should have spilled the beans on ISIS & the CIA , and focus most of his foreign policy of his term on Working with China to eliminate the North Korean government.

If the North Korean government was overthrown & the world were to see the living conditions there, and if Trump didn't bomb Syria then we might have seen Trump's ratings jump quite high, like what happened to Bush after 9/11.

If Kim is cocky enough to kill his brother with VX in a foreign public airport then he has to go, VX is so dangerous that Kim could have killed hundreds in the airport by accident. Kim's brother was the ACE card of the Chinese.

I wouldn't be surprised if what's happening to North Korea is a deal that China struck with Trump, the deal would allow trump to smack North Korea around. China would let Trump do that to put Kim in his place. The troop deployment is probably Refugee control.

What could we possibly gain from WW3? Makes no sense whatsoever.

What could we possibly gain from WW3? Makes no sense whatsoever.

Yeah, there is not going to be a WW3. If people paid attention all they do is play games with each other keeping the public on edge. You honestly think the millenial generation is going to fight fucking WW3. HAHAHAHAHA. Right.

1000000% right! We're too educated to fight a BS war!

Well that and millenials are just not gungho people like that en masse. Not a bad thing really.

United is being emotionally linked to the U.S. and it's other shitty travel coverage it has gotten since Trump.

No the media are just whores

Because the rational person understands that we aren't nearing WW3.

I've been thinking about this too and it comes down to one simple thing. People can relate to how this guy was treated. There was really no barrier between what we saw on someone's personal Twitter video and the public. The Syrian conflict has many layers to the onion that get convoluted by what news network you're watching and their agenda. It also does not affect everyone's daily lives like flying an airplane can. People think, "what if that was me?" People see war in a third world and think, "the problem is on the other side of the world, why should I care?"

People that care about what's happening in geopolitical warfare like OP and everyone else here actually care because we see beyond the headlines and the bigger picture.

B-b-but it's Hillary that wanted war!!

people don't understand Syria. I can't really say I do. Getting dragged off a plane on video people do.

'The American People'... yeah fuck you.

World war 3 will never start because of nuclear weapons. It's called deterrence. If Russia for whatever reason nuked the US, Russia would no longer exist. The us would survive.

The American people are more outraged at United Airlines

Are you sure that's not some MSM narrative control? In particular, SJW progressive MSM narrative control.

than the US government trying to start WWIII

The American people have been shilled with fear-mongering of WW3 since August 1945.

At this point, no one's using nukes, at least not until enough nations have nukes that nukes could reliably be used in a false flag.

That's as good a reason as any to prevent other nations from developing nukes.

Could all this reaction against United be a distraction because of Shareblue or something?

They're probably behind both the "outrage at United" and the current fear-mongering over WW3.

I'm wondering how the chinese guy got back on the flight after he was dragged off? There is a video of him where he re-emerges on the plane (without any security people) and is pacing back and forth talking about "he has to get home."


We don't get a say in important matters like wars. That stuff is decades in the making - "foreign policy".

I've noticed worrying things people can't control they avoid thinking/talking about. Especially in places like work for example.

For each of us, all it does is make it harder to concentrate on work - which is what pays the rent.

We don't have our fingers on the button, we don't have influence on those fingers either.

It's true, we don't get a sayear in foreign policy.

We need some Syrian toddlers and children to tweet some foreign policy ideas, they seem to have a real handle on current affairs.

IMO the opposite is true.

The more attention we give it the more we focus on that one specific, and horrible, outcome. Which directly validates the legitimacy of said outcome.

r/LawofAttraction in action.

We can talk all you want and nothing changes. I don't understand what this thread is for.

For each of us, all it does is make it harder to concentrate on work - which is what pays the OLIGARCH LEADERS.

Fixed that for you. This is exactly what the leaders want. They want you to not think about real world stuff and just work, work, work. This is a big part of the problem with the US. We work so much, when we finally get free time, we just want to relax, not worry about the country.

We do get a say, it's just that the military-industrial complex has spent years convincing us otherwise.

United Airlines isn't at fault, the security company/police officer is.

If you watch the full Brian Williams clip and not just the part where he seems to have a stroke and ramble about how pretty the missile launches are, you'll see he's actually critical of the launches and doesn't think it was a good idea.

But yeah, that 8 second clip of the other guy saying 'Trump became president Trump' that's definitely some positive coverage that I hadn't seen (so you got me there).

Now, how you go from one guy on one station being positive to "liberal media fawning over attacks" like the title of that video, I don't know.

Absolutely. We learned a lot about ourselves.