You are all being played. A guy yanked out of an airline chair is peanuts compared to incidents of extremely violent police brutality happening every day in the US. While everyone watches the media circus, something really bad is happening today behind the curtain.

539  2017-04-11 by [deleted]


And that is...?

Myvarms are gettin tired with this drum roll.

I love your big lebowski referencing username.

Yeah it's pretty bad. Don't worry though, big government has a solution for every problem. Remember that talk of federalizing the police?

Works great in mexico.

How so?

Joke. It doesn't really work well.

Here in Mexico, we actually have local, state, federal, and military running around. And yeah it's a mess.

What's happening behind the curtain?

He was a member of the upper class. If it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone.

after the lawsuits....he's going to jump a few classes to rich AF.

For what? Refusing to get off a plane?

What right does he have to defy an entire flight crew?

They assaulted him. There's a difference. He'll seek millions. And he'll get it.

That was the airport police, not United Airlines.

They don't have carte blanche to brutalize you. There's a proper procedure to escalate that violence.

I saw the video. He refused to get up and they pulled him out of his chair. During the struggle his head appeared to hit an arm rest, and that's what knocked him out. The close quarters involved may have had an impact. I am the last to apologize for police misconduct, and spend many hours calling it out. I don't think this qualifies.

I agree this is not one sided.

The way he dragged him across the aisle looked humiliating though.

At least carry the man. These officers looked strong enough. I know how hard it is to remove someone that doesn't want to cooperate and said individual doesn't have to be a strongman either for it to be difficult. It's just the approach they used overall.

Hm yes he just knocked himself into an armrest.

Good thing he did, if not then he might have kept thrashing around and eventually shot himself in the back of the head twice.

I received the same kinda downvotes you did when I gave this opinion on the now deleted original thread.

Folks jumped to the extreme and were wilfully ignorant there too.

Lol you're wrong. Plenty of videos online of people telling police officers off that think just because they're cops people have to do exactly as they say.

As long as they are engaged in lawful duties you have to follow their orders. Or, you can fight them and see how that works out for you.

Is pulling a paying customer off of a plane bc an airline is pulling some shade shit a lawful duty? The police can be wrong too bud even if they were just following orders. Fighting is different than standing up for yourself. This guy yelled and flailed so that should definitely be considered

I will stipulate the airline has some shitty policies that are of the fuck you variety, but those policies are agreed upon when you purchase that ticket.

Ya they'd most likely get off in court due to some vague fine print if it came to it. Although I'm not one of those guys taking every chance I get to trip the police on the lines of the law, admittedly I was a lil triggered at the implication that you must always obey the police

Except they followed an illegal order, as they so often do. Arresting people for being poor, stealing their stuff without due process, racially profiling their targets.

They're terrible people, mostly.

None, but the way it turned out and the publicity nightmare it's become pretty much ensures that they'll fall all over themselves to settle quickly.

Why did the police release him and allow him back on the plane? Perhaps the the police figured out they were wrong?

This part makes me believe it was staged. Has he made a statement? What about the lady that followed him off the plane? Why is there no footage before things escalated to that point?

Yeah flying sucks. Keeps getting worse.

Not even remotely related to what I was saying. You give me great faith in our future

It's not like he snuck aboard and wouldn't leave.

He bough his ticket, was allowed to board, no one wanted to voluntarily leave the flight they all paid for, and then he was "selected" to be thrown off the flight he had every right to be on.

So... anyone can defy the pilot, flight attendants, and air marshals if you know you're right.

LOL! Are you people serious?


Are you?

Appealing to authority is not a logically sound arguement.

More like appealing to the operators of a flying vehicle. The pilot has the right to refuse anyone off his plane. He's the fucking captain.

He still has to follow the law no matter if he is the captain or not.

Airlines set their own "boarding priorities" -- the order in which they will bump different categories of passengers in an oversale situation. When a flight is oversold and there are not enough volunteers, some airlines bump passengers with the lowest fares first. Others bump the last passengers to check in. Once you have purchased your ticket, the most effective way to reduce the risk of being bumped is to get to the airport early. For passengers in the same fare class the last passengers to check in are usually the first to be bumped, even if they have met the check-in deadline. Allow extra time; assume that the roads are backed up, the parking lot is full, and there is a long line at the check-in counter.

Involuntary Bumping

DOT requires each airline to give all passengers who are bumped involuntarily a written statement describing their rights and explaining how the carrier decides who gets on an oversold flight and who doesn't.

that's an understatement. United's settlement will be yuge.
Though if he's really a doctor I'm sure he's already what most would consider rich.

not really upper class. upper middle perhaps.

To be in the richest 1% nationally, a household needs to have the annual income of at least $389,436, according to the Economic Policy Institute.

My assumption is that dual doctor incomes exceed $389k/year

perhaps am thinking too britishy, kinda have to be born into upper class rather than new money. there are super rich who are far from upper class here.

Class and economic bracket are very different things in the US. There are plenty of very wealthy people who by any class definition are trash and vice-versa. In the US, the real upper class is somewhat understated and generally made of nice, interesting people.

he was caught writing scripts in exchange for sex, 98 counts and 6 stuck.

so are you gonna tell us?

I wouldn't have said it like that lol but yea it does feel like another friendly distraction brought to you by the unsavory-untouchables, Facebook doesn't care about anything serious and it's everywhere.

I apparently cant post this video on r/videos of law enforcement wearing ski masks and threatening drug dealers because it was deemed to be "political."

So yeah, getting people on reddit to care about certain things is increasingly difficult.

One thing that really irks me is the fact that I am an artist who cannot post links to my artwork from my own website on r/art; I have to post it on imgur or any other approved websites.

This site died in 2010 and has been a decomposing zombie shuffling around eating brains ever since.

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Ah, the good old hands-folded-and-standing-upright-pose.

The universal body language for I'm enforcing, or guarding something on behalf of someone else.

Watch out for these guys.

they've been playing too much call of duty

lmao, looks like an ISIS video

Are you sure its not?

I think the message was that the masked cops are the ones that the dealers would know.

I want to be clear though, i am against this, and everything to do with the police state

Wow even that same kinda shitty music in the background like in the Isis death videos.

The tone and imagery of that video are a little extreme, but I agree with the message. Heroin and opioids are quite a serious problem, especially in Florida. Having lost a few friends to these kinds of drugs, I think these heroin dealers deserve what's coming to them.

You're talking about the CIA and big pharma, right?


Then you're looking in the wrong place. ISIS-5-0 in the OP can no-knock raid all the small time heroin pushers that they want. Perdue Pharmaceuticals is gonna keep pushing prescription opiates on the public, the CIA is gonna keep bringing in heroin from those nice Afghani poppy fields our troops have been protecting, Insys Pharmaceuticals is gonna keep the fentanyl flowing out to the streets to get mixed in with the bags of h, and people are still going to die.

And their organs are still going to make it into the transplant pool after a little bit of detox...

"Lets go with how did these drugs get here for 1,000

Heroin and opioids are quite a serious problem

They are symptoms of a decaying society. You find and kill every heroin dealer people will just go back to drinking a handle of vodka every night instead.

Killing all the current heroin dealers would leave a hole like taking your hand out of a bucket of water does.

The pharmaceutical industry also prescribes opiods like they're candy and get many people addicted, and heroin costs peanuts in comparison

Have to stop the CIA from importing it first

Is heroin really the problem or is it actually a Fentanyl epidemic?

Fentanyl can be blamed for the increased OD rate recently for sure. Since they're all opioids I would say it's an opioid problem overall.

They are not just a symptom. They are also a technology or a method that is used by other states to attack a state.

The problem isn't in the heroin and opioids themselves. It's in the abuse of them as an escape from the shitty economic realities of global capitalism.

Drug addicts don't need excuses like that to do drugs. I used to get high because it was raining and then get high because it was sunny. The problem is prescription pain killers being over proscribed and then easy access to heroin which is way cheaper.

Generally, addictions form as a means of escape.

You sound like you're in the Nile, dude.

I'm actually 10 months clean now. It was originally to deal with combat related trauma so you are correct. It begins that way for sure. It quickly turns into something else though. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

All I was trying to say is a problem of that size, something you can't control, is rarely the root cause of someone's addiction.

you were never an addict; nor have you ever really breached beyond the scum of the surface that is the bullshit reality we all currently live in.

Thanks man.

ooh story time; i live in tampa and there used to be a heroin dealer across the street from me; one day i saw a van with us navy license plates leave the dope house; probably unrelated but gave me a raging conspiracy boner seeing as the VA is also down the street (all within a few blocks of each other)

Hey, I go to that VA actually, Bruce B Downs right?

I've said too much lmao burns everything

Ha...oops, I meant the one that's on MLK, everyone disregard Bruce b downs

Is heroin really the problem or is it actually a Fentanyl epidemic?

when the police are dealing with drugs and drug dealers sometimes they buy from the dealer (undercover) to ensure they have the right person ..when they go to make an arrest or when the search warrant is served!! The reason they wear masks is to conceal their identities... Otherwise the dealer would realize he sold to a narc and that specific strategy would become ineffective!

They're ruining peoples lives, which is nothing to take pride in.

The most dangerous part of illegal drugs is the police who enforce the bullshit laws. Not just the bullshit laws that criminalize drugs, but also the bullshit laws that limit your economic opportunities and make life so shitty that people feel the need to escape.

I am simply playing devils advocate, not defending or condoning the behavior.

Oh, cool. I love devil's advocate. Especially during times of inquisition.

when I was 19 or 20 I was on the opposing end of the situation I previously described.. I walked into the hallway of my apartment building and was confronted by 4 to 5 fairly big cops all wearing bullet proof vests and dark clothes with ski masks and guns drawn and i was like a deer in headlights... I had no idea they were cops until they had me in cuffs.. Then I saw that on the back of the vests it said police or whatever .. From my point of view I was a 19 year old female (at the time I didn't have anything illegal on me even ) .. pretty much getting accosted by four or 5 masked menโ€‹ an obvious threat to my life ..and well being.. for doing what I needed to get by From the point of view of the cops that arrested me.. they were doing there jobs, they had been called numerous times by the people I lived by.. From the point of view of my neighbors, I was disruptive and as a result of my choices I was potentially putting them in harms way for my actions ..( everyone should have the right to be able to live with the expectation to have a safe place to live without a threat of danger ..)

That was when I was 19 or 20 .. I will be 26 on the 22nd of this month.. also I live in Canada.. the point I'm trying to make is that it's not a new tactic ..

My personal opinion however is that there are WAY WAY better approaches when it comes to drug related issues .. prosecuting, and imprisoning people that have drug issues is not effective ... There are countries that tackled drug issues in more productive and positive ways and have been successful.. Canada , the US and other countries should learn from that and implement a similar approach ...

I agree with you. And if you're going to follow conspiracies you have to be open to more than one school of thought or plausible reality. The masks make sense if they're indeed undercover agents. You can't deny every individuals choices that lead to their current situation in life. And implying that the decision to do heroin didn't ruin their life and it was the police is a bit ridiculous.

that limit your economic opportunities

In no world are you going to be handed money unconditionally, to free you so that you can do drugs with a more positive mindset than "the need to escape."

You can do drugs without being an addict.

You can live a life without money.

Money enslaves people. It doesn't liberate you.

OP is a drama queen

Have you considered that people are interested in things that happen when they happen and that whining about not paying attention to other things that happened 3days to over a week ago is unhelpful?

Don't fall into anchoring or temporal biases

People like being played. They like to read things that don't really threaten their mortality. People are disgusting. Can't wait for this cancer of the Earth to be removed, by anything.

Don't have to wait much longer...

I hate these types of posts. There's ALWAYS something worse. Right now, for example, there are children dying of starvation. Now, that's pretty bad - unless you look at all the families being dumped into mass graves somewhere. Seems pretty bad right? There's worse going on. Daily. Just because someone actually has video footage of an incident doesn't mean "Welp, that's it. This is all I am going to watch for the next 6 months". No. There are concurrent other events happening right now - there's just no video of it. There will be something else just as bad or worse in the future - perhaps with video - that will occurr. Then everyone will watch that and be outraged.

Point being - don't think everyone is 'being played' because of this event. It's just the current event. Nothing too special about it. I'm not saying that media doesn't manipulate its viewers, but saying we are all 'being played' because a recent event occurred and everyone's talking about it just seems small-minded.

Lol. Agreed.

If the idea is to remind people that something else is going on at this moment without pinpointing anything specific as to what this was supposed to distract us from, then this post ios kind of distracting on its own.

It's not that there is always worse stuff happening, it's that there is something happening that can lead to WW3 and effects every single person in the US (and other parts of the world) but instead, the media is parroting about a man getting kicked off a flight and the mindless masses eat it up and regurgitate it like a mother bird feeding it's young.

Your user name ๐Ÿ˜‚

People are the reason this story went viral. If we're being played we are doing it to ourselves.

Right?!?!? Isn't it possible to be concerned about more than one thing at a time? Isn't it possible to be upset about the United incident and still acknowledge that there are other problems? My Facebook feed today is a lot of people guilt tripping everyone. "While you all are botching and moaning about United Airlines gay people are being murdered in concentration camps in Chechnya!" Yes. And more people are probably latching on to the United incident because it's more local and they feel they can at least boycott the airline. Nobody has told me a damn thing I can do about Chechnya and I don't know where to start.

God forbid something gets attention that isn't the thing you want to talk about...

You are all being played. A guy yanked out of an airline chair is peanuts compared to incidents of extremely violent police brutality happening every day in the US. While everyone watches the media circus, something really bad is happening today behind the curtain.

Whatever man.

If someone is able to catch an act of injustice on video and it goes viral, it's going to get the attention of the public, no matter what it is.

Yeah, no one would have cared about Eric Garner had it not been captured on video and that video going viral and that goes for Michael Brown or Walter Scott and etc.

It sure sucks for the people who's death or beating wasn't caught on video.

Why not both?

This. Thank you.

Yes, people should pay more attention to police brutality in general. But this specific case deserves attention too. No one is getting "played."

Also, when a story get this famous it makes it easier for all the other people who complain about police abuse to make their point. So let's talk about all of it.

It's a big deal. The restrictions on travel have gotten more an more draconian. The minute you step into an airport, you're at the whim of a violent police state.

"Take off your shoes and let us touch your genitals. Because security"

You're at the whim of a violent police state while driving too.

And walking.

How many more 14 year olds are going to post the same thing?

Eating whatever they feed you does not make you mature. It makes you a moron.

I watched a video of someone getting harassed and felt that it was wrong -> I'm a moron

Where did I say it wasn't? Nice job trying to twist what I was saying.

Almost everyone here is a grown adult, idiot.

Oh! I did not know that, my bad. I guess that's worse then? I am mistaking grown adults for 14 year old kids.

Question for the people who constantly say "while you sheep are busy caring about (thing), (other thing) is happening right under your nose!!":

How are you able to drive a car if you only are able to focus on a single thing at any one time?

I disagree. The fact that this happens in the US is part of the gradual desensitizing of society to martial rule. It's one and the same thing. You should be mad at the dragging off a plane of a fair paying passenger just the same as all the other police atrocities. This game of whataboutism is the more obvious problem.

This is what I realized last night. What is it they are hiding though? The fake gas attack, the Chinese troops moving near North Korea?

I doubt it is a conspiracy, just the way people are. In 2 weeks everyone will be outraged about something else. 2 months and people stop caring, 2 years and no one will remember.

He was yanked from his chair for peanuts? Better than those lousy pretzels for sure.

that's all day every day, though...

genocide in south america?! now you can't concentrate on the genocide in Europe!

Selective outrage in narrow defined parameters. This airline has not paid the MSM enough.

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The scandal is not just the violence, It's the violence against a first class or second class citizen in America with no apparent crime committed. ( Not sure if Asian is still considered second class.)

this guy gets it, the UA news is definitely a distractor. You have to suspect something is up when the entire MSM swarms all over this story like flies around fresh shit. This doctor's criminal history is just way to convenient. Airlines overbook all the time and no one is ever dragged off for not volunteering. The UA thing happened because "they" made it happen. Keep your eyes peeled people.

We ride on airplanes and we identify with the doc. We do not care if the cops suppress the underclass, but we don't not want them to do it to us.

It really is possible to care about more than one thing.

Oh no people can't get hooked on heroin. How fucking horrible.

Come on. Do ski masks really scare people that much? Doesn't what they're doing matter?

Do people not realize that this guy thought he was wealthy and special and entitled, and that he wanted a poorer passenger, who had paid more for their ticket no less, to be kicked off the flight instead?


Are you?

Appealing to authority is not a logically sound arguement.

Oh, cool. I love devil's advocate. Especially during times of inquisition.

I agree with you. And if you're going to follow conspiracies you have to be open to more than one school of thought or plausible reality. The masks make sense if they're indeed undercover agents. You can't deny every individuals choices that lead to their current situation in life. And implying that the decision to do heroin didn't ruin their life and it was the police is a bit ridiculous.

And walking.

Thanks man.