What kind of intelligence does Trump get? He made an Impulsive attack without the consent of Congress based on Info that is false.

10  2017-04-11 by Beneficial1

Who is really running the country?

This action in Syria also goes against his previous campaign talking points of not doing anything there.

I can only now assume he is under the control of whoever pulls our strings. The cabal, illuminati, the super rich, whatever we want to call them.

But to the original point. This intelligence he used is bunk with fake Soros white helmets. It's all a production. And this is our president making choices that involve the Soros agenda. Our pres is controlled and now part of it. We knew Clinton was, but I think it's interesting to see Trump now controlled for the contrast.

I want to bring attention to how dangerous this is. Our pres acting impulsively off of fake info in conjunction with the agenda of Soros. That just happened. It's going to happen more. Start talking about it.


For that alone he should be impeached

Wouldn't that make Pence president?

It's already a neocon administration, the puppet up top doesn't matter

The fact that Pence believes in man-made climate change has nothing to do with it I'm sure.

I believe you are taking "puppet" too literally. He's not literally a guy with a fabric lining and an operator saying all his words. He's an actual person capable of input and some decision making, no matter how limited. Shit can get way more fucked, shit can get better, Presidents are largely puppets, but do have some pull.

If it didn't matter, Kennedy and Lincoln would've lived.

What about Obama's 26,000 bombs on Syria? What about him bombing a Doctors Without Borders hospital? Should that have got Obama impeached?

Stop thinking in such duality.

Yes of COURSE he should have been impeached but Obama is not in office now. No more like what about Obama or Hilary! Does that make it right that we know they would do it too? Fuck no it doesn't. If it's wrong it's wrong no matter who is in. That's how our two party duality system controls the society.

The level of selective outrage is insane.

Obama drops 26,000 bombs and gets awarded the nobel peace prize. Media and majority of society silent/ignorant.

Trump says "Grab her by the pussy" in a private conversation with a younger male, years ago WHILE he was in the entertainment industry, and the media and all retarded liberals want him immediately impeached.

You've already been shown that this was not an 'impulsive' attack.

Where's your evidence that the info was false? Go on.

I never said it was an impulsive attack I just said it was wrong. It's wrong when any party does it. You've gotta adapt and evolve beyond Trump vs Obama pal, or else we can't help you and you don't belong in here:

Nobody gives a fuck about the left right in here. Maybe you should be in r politics or The Donald, that's what those places are for...for noobs.

I never said it was an impulsive attack

The title of this post does.

You've gotta adapt and evolve beyond Trump vs Obama pal


Nobody gives a fuck about the left right in here. Maybe you should be in r politics or The Donald, that's what those places are for...for noobs. You've gotta look beyond that and start living in the real world. Right now you are just larping and acting out a fantasy.

HA HAAA! Dude get a grip

So because I posted in a sub that says that it means I agree with it? Wow, you are unhinged.

You've gotta look beyond that and start living in the real world

Oh I understand now. When you said this, you meant you have to look beyond/ignore the lack of evidence and believe whatever the hell you want because this is the 21st century and there's always other idiots on the internet who share your ridiculous beliefs. Gotcha

I'm not the one promoting war.

Trump engaged in military action without congressional authorization. He attacked a democratically elected regime which is a violation of international law. And that wasn't the first time. He should be impeached, removed and placed on trial for war crimes. He's is just like his predecessors now. There is no difference. There will be no drain the swamp.

The official reports said Assad used Sarin gas to attack his own people yet the first responders were not wearing masks or gloves and touched the "victims" without protection. If that was sarin gas the first responders would have died.

In sorry, but you are promoting war and violence and that is not acceptable.

The official reports said Assad used Sarin gas to attack his own people yet the first responders were not wearing masks or gloves and touched the "victims" without protection

Again, this is all you have. This is not undeniable proof it was a false flag attack. So what are you actually basing your belief on? Just this? Going to ignore the official reports because you want to?

In sorry, but you are promoting war and violence and that is not acceptable.

I'm not promoting anything, let alone war. I'm just calling you out for your ridiculous false flag claims based on flimsy evidence. You believe it's 'fact'. You won't believe anything else because that's what you want to believe. If you saw it happen with your own eyes you wouldn't believe it.

Oh old wise one . Maybe you should run for president and show everyone how it's done . Beneficial1 for president 2020

Hey, Fuck You. Thanks, but I would never want to be your superior. Your criticism might harm my fragile consciousness.

Since when is the president superior to anyone?? And whats with the over sensitivity in this sub lately, I can almost see the tears in the posts and replies lately. Don't be sad guys , and when was I critical of anyone ? For fuck sake you guys are making me feel as if I owe you all a rub and tug

It was sarcasm, I don't give a fuck about your sarcasm or your immature name, since you want to be an ass and engage me in conversation on that note, and say I'm some all knowing wise one.

I See it's been deleted. What ever thanks for wasting my time, fuck you.

Shut your fucking mouth you emotional cunt , stop acting like a little bitch on the mother fucking internet. I'll reply and delete as I fucking please you poor excuse for what ever the fuck you claim to be don't troll me again you god damn cunt

See, now we are getting to your intent. Let it out. If you don't like the things I say, cool. I don't like the things you say either. You have no interest in the topic just in me. I take it as a compliment.

bro, Ivanka told him to do it and we all love her right?

It's a weird kind of love. Like admiring a sentient robot

Talkers make me thirsty...

That's a conversation for an entirely different thread about the dimensions of sensory input. See you there.

honestly, if you thought trump is one of the good guys, you are naive. he got so much media coverage. when you are against the system you don't get any coverage at all. it was just a show. make believe.

I was a little naive and I admit I was buying his shit towards the end of the campaign. But in my defense it was in contrast to Clinton which is somewhat to blame for me believing he would drain the swamp.

But know what? Now I know. Thanks to you guys putting all these little pieces up, now I know. So thanks.

it is not a shame. i was impressed too. If i wouldn't have known that you can't get that kind of coverage, when you are against "them", i would have cheered for him too. in fact i did, just because it was such a sensation. but for me it was just a joke all along. but what do we know anyway.

I guess i wasn't really cheering for him , I actually think we should not have a president at all. Though he did play well on my disdain for Clinton so that was my draw primarily.

I in no way feel shame or anything for how I viewed this all before,there is always more to uncover and a bigger picture.

You're being fooled by /u/Zerwe

Who is really running the country?

The Eskimos? No, seriously, we do. (Well, not "me", but my people).

I was going to reply earlier with a half witted comment but there is actually truth in what you said. We do run this country, every aspect of it. The government manipulates us into run ing it their way though. That I think needs to change.

Don't need congressional approval for a one time strike if you aren't declaring war. Congressional approval is only needed to go to war.

Here is what I think happened;

-McCain visits Syria two weeks before the attacks. Why? Don't know, but that timing is suspect.

  • Deep State gassed Syria, tried to dupe Trump into boots on the ground and all out war in Syria.

-Congress would have voted for war. Trump took that option away from them.

-We bombed an airfield that didn't matter, thus in no way hindering the fight against ISIS (who is really the CIA/Mossad).

-Today Mattis says we will not be sending in troops nor will we seek regime change.

-Russia was warned of the attack.

-Putin says any further gas attacks would be false flags, thus taking that option away from the Deep State as any further false flag attacks would prove him right.

-Russian narrative is now dead.

-Trump managed to get the MSM on his side

-Trump knows damn well Assad didn't gas his people, hence why he went for an airfield that would not hurt Assad's fight against ISIS.

I'm not a Trump homer, just calling it like I see it, and I think he and Putin just cockblocked the Deep State's attempt to jumpstart major conflict in Syria.



Don't expect people to understand this, they don't want to believe it. They'll ignore this and go about on their tyrade

I don't care tbh. Let them shill away and downvote. Once you think outside the box and put puzzle pieces together it is awfully hard to deny what I just said.

Now, if we go into Syria in a month, I will eat my crow and happily take shit. But for now, I stand 100% behind my statement on the incident.

All my research points towards N Korea being the real threat. I have a gut feeling that they absolutely have ICBM's that are operational, we just haven't seen them.

After Xi meets with Trump, all of a sudden Chinese troops are at the border, and we have a naval fleet heading that way. Seems to me that evidence may have been presented that shows NK has become a legit threat to that region and KJU needs to be taken care of.

And it'd behoove the world to do so before Feb of next year. Winter Games are in Seoul, well within range of NK artillery and short range missiles. Do you really put it past Kim to not bomb Seoul during the games? I actually kind think that the tension and instability in that region is the real reason the NHL isn't allowing it's players to go to the Olympics.

The Olympics being there is adding even more interest to the area. And Usually the Olympics have the ability to stabilize an area because it's done in good will.

Is Kim that crazy?

Is he worth another nuclear problem and subsequent war? Cause Anywhere there is nukes there is the cabal raising tension.

I wouldn't put it past him.

I'm not at all saying an Olympic attack will happen. After all, everyone thought Brazil would be a shitshow and that turned out fine. Plus, a full on Olympic attack would absolutely bring the wrath of Hell down on NK, the likes of which we've probably never seen, and I'm not certain he is that crazy.

I just think if February rolls around, and he is still in power, BUT he feels trapped like China and the US will bring him down, that he'd possibly do something drastic.

I don't think Trump saying we are going to handle north Korea with or without China is helping to remove the tension in the area. He is an idiot if he thinks that is how you solve that problem.

But trump playing this hand seems to be self inflicting. Why Make a move militarily on obvious fake Soros crisis acting and bomb a basically empty target? It's forced and makes the act look incompetent, pointless, and raises suspicions like this thread.

Your other points are interesting and would suggest a trump/Putin collusion.

Here's what I think. I think Trump was forced into this move by the military cabal who badly wants war. I don't even think he authorized it. Though he did go along with it, thus he is controlled and going along with the agenda. He didn't speak out. He didn't Say " this intelligence is fake I'm not doing anything". So He has no power. He is a puppet.

Putin just said trumps attack was a false flag and there will be more. Putin imo just put a wrench in the cabal propaganda and continues the Russia narrative in his favor today.

I agree with a lot of what you said I just don't think Trump is strategizing or any of that. He has no military experience whatsoever and I doubt he knows how to do spy games or false flag deceptions.

You raise some very valid points. Also, I appreciate you handling your disagreement with some of my opinions in a respectful, civil way. Not enough of that around here so kudos to you.

Honestly, I've been doing rabbit hole research for nearly 20 years at this point, and I have NEVER seen things as convoluted as they are now. It is so hard to decipher truth, falsity, motive, etc etc.

Maybe I'm jaded on my views because I want so badly to see the Deep State toppled, and I willingly admit that I may being seeing things how I want because of that. So naturally, I appreciate it when people play Devil's Advocate like you just did.

That being said; the whole Syria thing is really fucky. I do think the original plan was all out invasion, but somehow someone kept that from happening.

thanks, we are on the same wave length. I won't go too far into meta physics but there is an aspect of it involved. Specifically twenty years ago there was a shift and people's minds did open and collectively we did begin a quest down the rabbit hole. We are doing this together. Well, like a third of us are doing it as more wake up.

I totally agree this is the most convoluted and dense and thick it is has been. It's like moving through alphabet agency soup. But you probably feel the other side approaching and are getting anxious to see it in your life, just like myself. This is the best time to cooperate. Come together. We are approaching this unknown of actually removing the deep state.

Syria is totally complicated there is so much misinformation. We don't get a straight answer from government, media, and finding sources of info that isn't convoluted is a task.

What I know is there is a lot of oil going through there. And certain countries have interest in owning that land. Because the dependency on fuel ,in our mad max dystopian world, equals unlimited wealth and power. That unlimited wealth creates a deep state to protect it. Every source of energy has been hijacked so those who control it maintain the unlimited power of that resource.

The catalyst is energy. It always has been. Tesla had it, shit I'm convinced our ancient ancestors had it. We don't have it but it's available.

The catalyst is energy. It always has been. Tesla had it, shit I'm convinced our ancient ancestors had it. We don't have it but it's available.

Nailed it.

I believe the pyramids (not just the great pyramids of Giza, but all) were sources of energy. I also think the fuckery in Antarctica has to do with all of it, too.

I agree on everything else you said in that comment as well. Spot on. Interesting times we live in...

Peace, love, and light to you my brother...or sister.

You too, thanks! Ill send you an invite to my sub, myself and a few others collect rabbit hole info and other oddities, maybe you might get something out of it. Take care.

Where's the undeniable evidence it was a false flag?

, the sarin gas being handled by exposed skin didn't make you question? then all the white helmet vids showing how the majority of them are members of Isis? What looks like footage of a chem attack is actors and a ...what do we call these clips the news show over and over? That is all manufactured.

Yes, it made me question, but is that undeniable proof that it was a false flag attack? Absolutely not. You're inflating 'evidence' because it's what you want to believe.

I don't think Trump saying we are going to handle north Korea with or without China is helping to remove the tension in the area. He is an idiot if he thinks that is how you solve that problem.

I'm not the one promoting war.

Trump engaged in military action without congressional authorization. He attacked a democratically elected regime which is a violation of international law. And that wasn't the first time. He should be impeached, removed and placed on trial for war crimes. He's is just like his predecessors now. There is no difference. There will be no drain the swamp.

The official reports said Assad used Sarin gas to attack his own people yet the first responders were not wearing masks or gloves and touched the "victims" without protection. If that was sarin gas the first responders would have died.

In sorry, but you are promoting war and violence and that is not acceptable.