[META] Irregardless of the validity of the claim, why isn't there much on this sub about one of the most popular conspiracy theory?

0  2017-04-13 by [deleted]



Maybe after the FBI Deputy Director announced this conspiracy theory was "bullshit," it was basically case closed. I didn't ever see any good evidence of Russia influencing the election.

What the fuck? No offense, but I don't lurk this sub because they believe what the FBI tells them.

Most of the people that hate Trump on here don't even pay much attention to that stuff.

I think people on here don't care as much because they know the Russians didn't somehow help Trump win. Maybe Trump's team discussed stufd with the Russians befofe he was elected but that just seems so minor in the grand scheme of things.

This conspiracy is used by MSM to keeo us distracted on more important shit.

But can't it be both? MSM/intelligence agencies can be full of shit, but there is a merit to the idea that Trump is payed by the Russians.

No. Its ridicules nonsense.

FWIW I think this is a legit question. My guess is because there are people in the mainstream trying to track it down. Perhaps most of what gets traction in here is stuff the mainstream is ignoring.

33% upvoted. That's low by all standards.
Apparently this sub doesn't believe this to be a legit questions.

Mainstream might have to do with it. But I hoped that this sub might have some theories that go a bit further.

Nah, it's a mainstream propaganda story so we will let the news and r/politics talk about it.

because it's FAKE NEWS. We pay attention to real conspiracy theories not long debunked ones.

umm they had 2 congressional intel committee hearings. when's the last time that happened for pizzagate? doesn't that tell you something about which is real news and which isn't? and mind you, both committees are headed by republicans!

You must be new. Or a troll.

honestly? it baffles my mind that people can think of the trump-russia connections as not having substance. people have resigned over it, people have recused themselves. nunes spilled classified info in trying to cover it up. nothing even a tenth as impactful has happened about podesta and pizzagate. how can one think of one of them as real and the other as vaporware constantly amazes me. i try to understand but am always either accused of being a shill or worse. it's not conducive.

One is peddled and propagated at full force by the establishment. The other involves allegations that could seriously harm the establishment, is meticulously researched by sleuth and surpressed with full force by the establishment. If you can not see the huge difference than you are just a brainwashed drone and in the wrong sub.

meticulously researched

i'm going to stop you right here ...

and you didn't address my points at all! why on earth would flynn quit, manafort and page register retroactively under FARA, sessions recuse himself, nunes make weird WH trips, etc. etc. if there wasn't any substance to these allegations? are they part of the establishment or not?

have you seen clinton or podesta act in any sort of guilty or weird manner?

You are right.
This sub is fucking weird.

and crickets ... from the parent, except for copious downvotes. the cowards.

People resigned over DNC collusion against Bernie but that's largely accepted as fake news. I'm not saying you're incorrect, just that that argument isn't entirely valid based on a precedent set around the same time.

Podesta has been tied to Russian firms both politically and through holding securities, so even if Trump lost, these Russian-connection stories would only contain different names. The whole thing is a load of nonsense really. It's a game at our expense

People resigned over DNC collusion against Bernie but that's largely accepted as fake news. I'm not saying you're incorrect, just that that argument isn't entirely valid based on a precedent set around the same time.

fake news? who considers that fake news? i think it's overblown that bernie lost because of the collusion, but its accepted that DWS had her hands dirty. i didn't like clinton hiring her back. don't paint liberals into a monolith. we're far more critical of our presidents than a run-of-the-mill republican.

Podesta has been tied to Russian firms both politically and through holding securities, so even if Trump lost, these Russian-connection stories would only contain different names. The whole thing is a load of nonsense really. It's a game at our expense

you still haven't answered my fucking question. wonderful whataboutism. i'll ask again. what about podesta and clinton's behavior do you see that looks awfully similar or worse than how page, manafort, stone, nunes, flynn, and sessions have behaved in regards to the trump-russia collusion. if you can't find any, as a consequence, can you unequivocally state that trump-russia has far more to go after than pizzagate?

There is no whataboutism coming from me. It's devil's advocacy if you wish to apply a moniker. I don't paint liberals into a monolith, I don't even use the term liberal or conservative anymore as the definitions have become so skewed. I never once said that the alleged Russian collusion on the part of either side was good or bad in any way, just that both sides have connections. So if you'd like an answer to your question, there isn't one, at least not the way you worded it.

One aspect of the Clinton connection to Russia would be the sale of 20% of US uranium ore mining rights to the Russian government. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-clintons-putin-and-uranium-2015-4

Here's an article about Podesta's connection to a Russian state-funded entity. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-28/heres-story-behind-trumps-podesta-russia-tweet

But even still, I think you became upset and missed the point I was trying to make; that this "Russian connection" narrative would have played out the same way no matter who won. It isn't about parties and it isn't about left or right. If Clinton was president, they would have forced Podesta to resign over not reporting his stock options the same way Flynn was forced to resign. It's all to keep us from criticizing aggression in Syria by invalidating any pragmatic words coming from Russia urging caution against direct US military action.

Whenever you're inclined to resort to anger, ask yourself why.

Whenever you're inclined to resort to anger, ask yourself why.

because one has to deal with duplicitous people and one's patience wears thin under these circumstances.

that this "Russian connection" narrative would have played out the same way no matter who won.

how so? where's the ongoing FBI investigation into clinton-russia connections? when was podesta fired like manafort was?

remember, the russian connection alone isn't the issue. it's lying about the russian connection that is. did clinton ever lie about her russian connection?

If Clinton was president, they would have forced Podesta to resign over not reporting his stock options the same way Flynn was forced to resign.

there's plenty to point to before the trump administration to show how the two sides were different. what about the release of DNC emails by wikileaks timed almost seemingly in coordination with the trump campaign? there's no two sides to that is there?

And you still haven't answered my fucking question.

i'll ask again. what about podesta and clinton's behavior do you see that looks awfully similar or worse than how page, manafort, stone, nunes, flynn, and sessions have behaved in regards to the trump-russia collusion. if you can't find any, as a consequence, can you unequivocally state that trump-russia has far more to go after than pizzagate?

I answered your question as to what about Clinton and Podesta was similar, and I don't pay attention to pizzagate.

but their behavior subsequently wasn't. that leads me to believe that the "evidence" about their collusion with russia is vaporware. meanwhile on the trump side, there's smoke and people are choking every where you turn!

so you do agree with me then that pizzagate is a complete distraction compared to trump-russia or clinton-russia.

No I think that people dropped Clinton and Podesta investigations because she lost, Trump and Co. (I believe) are in the hot seat because they are now hold the highest offices in the country, and that any Russian connection is a distraction from what's actually going on in Syria.

dude, you're either trolling or disinforming or one dense motherfucker. it's not about the relations, it's about lying about them and then acting in all sorts of shady manners. until and unless you have a reasonable address to this point, there really isn't any point discussing things with you.

and i'll ask you once more.

so you do agree with me then that pizzagate is a complete distraction compared to trump-russia or clinton-russia.

Rule 4

how do you recommend one deals with such stubborn lack of discourse in good faith and whataboutism?

If people don't want to engage with your Shariah Bluepill talking points, you can't make them. Try another sub?

i'm not sure what shariah bluepill is, or what talking points you're referring to.

wow. in 2 posts you manage to bring pizzagate AND Podesta and clinton into the mix?shill agenda much.

in the sense that they are non entities? yeah.

Yup, and I think coordinated with the OP

You know they don't even have to coordinate these days. Just the same shill w/ tons of users open. Arguing as if there are a cacophony of people, only 1 paid shill every time.

What a truly sad existence. I pity them. Also, great user name!

:) thanks

People her do not believe there is anything to the claim that Russia influenced the election. The DNC claimed that Russia hacked them, but the reality is that EVERYBODY was hacking he DNC. Then he DNC refused to let the FBI run forensics on their computers.

Trump was openly friendly with Putin before the election, and that is the reason many people supported Trump. We do not want war with Russia.

Also, we are anti-establishment and Putin likes to stick it to the establishment i.e. The Rothschild Zionist banker Cabal. He can't be all that bad, right?

Do you wonder why it won't go away? Do you know why it won't go away? The CIA controls the media, and the media is being told to push this story.

If you believe the opposite of what the media says, then you will be closer to the truth. This may change in the future, but it holds for now.

Thanks for the answer mate!
But is what the media tells us a simple lie? Didn't Carter Page must admitted that he might have spoken to Russia about the sanctions (after he said he hadn't)? Manafort had a similar story. Or is that all a lie? I'm not saying trust the main stream media, just don't trust Trump.

And this sub seems to trust him. That, for me, is so fucking weird. It's like they can only see one bad guy, and assume the rest are hero's.

yeah, r_conspiracy is basically drinking the administration kool-aid. weirdest thing ever! they're the freaking administration ..

In your view, how does it all work? I just made several posts here, so you can get an idea about how I believe it works. I have a feeling you think differently if you do not understand Trump's position in all of this.

Coming into office, Trump was not part of the establishment. He was an outsider. This may have changed by now. I have been telling people that we will know when they turned Trump because the media will start reporting positive news about him. In the past week, did we reach that point?

which media? brietbart, infowars, fox news are effusively positive about this administration!

The mainstream media which is owned and controlled by about 5-6 people.

I heard infowars criticize Trump for the missile strike against Syria. I can find the video if you like, but Alex Jones was very clear in his criticism of it. And he should be, if he is a decent human being.

I honestly do not pay attention to Fox or Breitbart as much, so I do not know. Maybe I should look more...

I think what you see in r_conspiracy are posts from people that are anti-establishment. It just so happens that we have to support Trump because he is in a position to stick it to the establishment. The second Trump flips, the media will start praising him, and I believe people at r_conspiracy will start criticizing him more.

I support Bernie and his ideas, but I wanted Trump to win more than Hillary. Hillary is definitely establishment. I think it is funny that the establishment is now stuck with Trump.

trump. is. establishment.

When I say establishment, I mean the Cabal and people associated with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and/or the Council on Foreign Relations.

Being rich does not make one a part of the establishment, in my opinion.

So, why do you feel that Trump is establishment?

Keep in mind that the Cabal are members of the trillionaire class. Billionaires are mere pawns.

When I say establishment, I mean the Cabal and people associated with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and/or the Council on Foreign Relations.

i don't know of this Cabal.

and why those 3 organizations? why not the trump organization? or the society of new york billionaires?

trump has used capital and connections going back decades to primarily fund his wealth. his multiple bankruptcies, media connections, and wall street (look at all the goldman sachs people he's paid favors back to!) connections have kept his "empire" afloat amidst a ton of bad deals. no one not part of the establishment would get such a favorable golden parachute.

i don't know of this Cabal. and why those 3 organizations? why not the trump organization? or the society of new york billionaires?

Simply put, Trump's crew has nothing on CFR, Bildeburg-ers and the Committee of 300. Comparing his team to these players is like comparing a street gang to Delta Force. Trump may stretch back decades, but these guys go back centuries and exert political and economic dominance worldwide, not just in the US.

If you would like to learn more about how this group built it's foundation in the US, Noam Chomsky explains in great detail in the documentary Requiem for the American Dream. It is available on Netflix or YouTube.

Here's a documentary called Money Masters that explains in much more detail how these groups gained control of the American economic system. It's a bit long, but very informative.

Most people do not know about those organizations. They tend to stay in the background.

Under normal circumstances, both the Democratic and Republican nominees are associated with these organizations. That way, it does not matter who wins. This last election was different because only Hillary was associated with these organizations. I was not able to establish that Trump was. Neither was Bernie.

Read about them. They determine policy, mostly in secret. It is never voted on, and we are never asked what we think about it. They decide what two choices we have, and we are free to choose one of the two choices. However, we are shit out of luck if we really want a third choice.

The Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Morgans, DuPonts, Bushes, etc. are all in the trillionaire class.

Do the math on it. A billion dollars to a trillionaire is like a thousand dollars to a millionaire.

Boohoo someone spoke to the Russians about the sanctions. What a blasphemous and outrageous act. We should not be talking to our enemies. Make war, not conversation!

It's not that he spoke to them that bothers me. It's that he lied about it that makes me wonder.

Tell me... after all the scandals and accusations of being essentially traitors, do you think the people involved might have had a reason to lie about talking to the Russians that doesn't involve them being Russian 'spies'?

Could it be that they knew their perfectly legal actions would be painted as treason by a media determined to get rid of them and tried to hide their acts simply to avoid the accusations?

Could it be that simple?

Sure. He probably did lie, but there are more important things to take care of.

Don't you wonder why the Cabal and CIA are so afraid of Trump making peace with the Russians?

You used the word "mate" in one of your responses to me, so you are probably British or Australian. If you are British, doesn't it bother you that you have the City of London that does not care about you or the interests of the British people? In the US, we have the Federal Reserve, and we are pushing to burn that fucking place down. I personally feel that any profits the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Morgans, Duponts, Harrimans, Bushes, etc. made from the Federal Reserve should be disgorged and given back to the American people.

I am not as familiar with the Australian government, but I would bet my ass that they also have a privately owned central banking system.

So, Trump talked to the fucking Russians and this upsets you, but you are being robbed blind by the banking system and I wonder if you care.

It is interesting that the chants of "No more war! No more war!" were drowned out during the DNC. They chose to not listen, and they lost the election. Now the Republicans are choosing to not listen...

And, of course, the Cabal will never listen as long as they believe they are untouchable.

The policy is set by Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. It does not matter if a Democrat or Republican gets elected because they will be forced to implement the same policy. Trump is learning that he does not have as much power as he thought when he first one the election.

Trump is not a member of Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations, so he came into this not knowing about THEIR policies. Trump thought he was going to implement HIS policy, but this is not allowed. This is the source of the conflict between him and the CIA.

Hillary is associated with Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations either directly, or through Bill Clinton.

There is a Cabal in control, and the CIA is the only part of the Cabal that is a US government agency. The Cabal owns the media, so the media will only report what benefits the Cabal. We no longer have a free press; a press that is capable of reporting the truth if the truth is against the interests of the Cabal.

Trump is not a member of Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations, so he came into this not knowing about their policies. Trump thought he was going to implement HIS policy, but this is not allowed.

It is not that we like Trump or trust him. It is more that Trump was not a part of the establishment, so there was a hope he would go against their interests, or at least expose them and the system. People need to learn how it all really works. If you go to r/Politics, it is clear that they do not have a clue. They still think it is Democrat vs. Republican, Left vs. Right, The U.S. vs. Russia, etc. They do not know who the real enemy is. Do you?

Putin and Russia are demonized because the Cabal does not have as much control as they would like over this country. Same with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Syria.

It used to be true with other countries, like Egypt, Libya, and Iraq... Do you see a pattern?

To address the issues you raise about contact with the Russian, please keep in mind that Obama talked to the Russians before he was elected and before he was inaugurated. Hillary talked to the Russians before the election, too. So, who cares if Trump talked to the Russians before he was elected and before his inauguration. Hopefully, those talks will prevent war with Russia. If there is war with Russian, then we all die. The Cabal will probably survive, but we will not, and this is probably exactly what they want to have happen. We already know that they want to reduce the world's population to about 500 million people. I suspect they want the world to be like China is not. A small ruling elite whose power cannot be challenged, and a colony of slave workers that will be happy to just be alive.



Fake news.

Soros and his ilk are panicking because they know that if Trump and Putin get together against them, they are fucked.

There is nothing to go on. The conspiracy reads like this:

"US Government says Russians routing for Donald Trump"

Irregardless isn't a word, fyi.

This narrative is being dropped by the media and the powers that be and will be long forgetton by the summer

Off topic but...

When we put "ir-" in front of a word, we reverse its meaning. For example "regular" mean "a defined pattern" and "irregular" mean "no defined pattern".

When we put "-less" at the end of a word, it is like saying "without -". For example "childless" means "without child" and "careless" means "without care".

Therefore, when you take the word "regard", "to think of", and add "-less" to it, you change it to "regardless" mean "without thinking of".

When you then take the word "regardless" and add "ir-" to it, changing it to "irregardless", you've created a word that means "not without thinking of"... which is essentially the definition of the word "regard".

I utterly hate this stupid use of language which has apparently become more acceptable.

Thanks, America, for fucking up the English language even more than you have already.


When I say establishment, I mean the Cabal and people associated with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and/or the Council on Foreign Relations.

i don't know of this Cabal.

and why those 3 organizations? why not the trump organization? or the society of new york billionaires?

trump has used capital and connections going back decades to primarily fund his wealth. his multiple bankruptcies, media connections, and wall street (look at all the goldman sachs people he's paid favors back to!) connections have kept his "empire" afloat amidst a ton of bad deals. no one not part of the establishment would get such a favorable golden parachute.

You know they don't even have to coordinate these days. Just the same shill w/ tons of users open. Arguing as if there are a cacophony of people, only 1 paid shill every time.

i don't know of this Cabal. and why those 3 organizations? why not the trump organization? or the society of new york billionaires?

Simply put, Trump's crew has nothing on CFR, Bildeburg-ers and the Committee of 300. Comparing his team to these players is like comparing a street gang to Delta Force. Trump may stretch back decades, but these guys go back centuries and exert political and economic dominance worldwide, not just in the US.

If you would like to learn more about how this group built it's foundation in the US, Noam Chomsky explains in great detail in the documentary Requiem for the American Dream. It is available on Netflix or YouTube.

Here's a documentary called Money Masters that explains in much more detail how these groups gained control of the American economic system. It's a bit long, but very informative.

Most people do not know about those organizations. They tend to stay in the background.

Under normal circumstances, both the Democratic and Republican nominees are associated with these organizations. That way, it does not matter who wins. This last election was different because only Hillary was associated with these organizations. I was not able to establish that Trump was. Neither was Bernie.

Read about them. They determine policy, mostly in secret. It is never voted on, and we are never asked what we think about it. They decide what two choices we have, and we are free to choose one of the two choices. However, we are shit out of luck if we really want a third choice.

The Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Morgans, DuPonts, Bushes, etc. are all in the trillionaire class.

Do the math on it. A billion dollars to a trillionaire is like a thousand dollars to a millionaire.