Warning: They're in here with us

81  2017-04-14 by [deleted]

You heard me

Edit: Watch the comments, you'll see attempts at idealogically subversion through "cliche" arguments, probably close to ones you've had with people who can't handle this stuff and attack you for bringing it up, but intentionally. If one hasn't seen enough of this material yet, they are still vulnerable to these attacks.

Undermining Distracting Ad hominem attacks etc

Be wary

Edit: I'm not getting at fake articles etc moreso the undermining techniques of these people. But I do not doubt that there are fake articles here, I trust most of it though. I believe that most of the attempts at this point are through using your previously held truth paradigms, aka what you believed before you woke up, and attempting to get you back into those. Aka watching and trusting CNN


Sup haterz


Nothing to crazy I'm sure if we hit the nail on the head and it caught fire they'd have to take drastic measures. Apparently they've got compromising pictures of each other in their sex rituals, so we need to let some hackers know this. They might film it on film though... hmmm that's a good idea you know any?

Compromising pictures of each other in their sex rituals

What the fuck are you even talking about and how do you now 'they' have that.

Angelina jolie talks about it in her a video about her initiation, it was leaked

Also at 25 or so seconds you can hear a wail from the video sounds like something crazy... really fucked up


That was heavily edited. Look up the source then you'll see.

I've seen the source the only thing that's wrong is the end part about the snake, they were talking about pets and how they've died and how she had to kill her snake, probably because it was a python trying to eat another pet or her or something

The fact that they are/were/will be is...... a huge fucking tell.


Their humbling shall be great.

One of my favorite parts

There will be no humbling... they straddle everything. You can be right and wrong at the same time now and that's normal.

No they will be humbled, by their own karma if nothing else. Self destructive behavior always curls in, not out.

just as I was getting my paranoia under control

See enough of the actual truth from reliable sources and establish your ground. Then you can't be moved.

I do battle with them all the time. No worries.

Lol my bad

What's funny is that they think any of it works. The amount of money spent on creating these narratives are really as ridiculous as the narratives themselves.

I mean to someone who really knows what's going on, it's pretty damn obvious, but there was a time when I wasnt fully in the know and it took a while to reground myself and many loops due to life stances, I mean they've got america at least by the balls, Wikipedia. Rational wiki. Academia, national institutes, etc it's a lot to get over the fact your minds been abused since birth i think it's an actual trauma, I mean look at who were dealing with, it's pretty heavy and arguably more comfortable to some to just fall back into the game.

I mean to someone who really knows what's going on, it's pretty damn obvious, but there was a time when I wasnt fully in the know and it took a while to reground myself and many loops due to life stances, I mean they've got america at least by the balls, Wikipedia. Rational wiki. Academia, national institutes, etc it's a lot to get over the fact your minds been abused since birth i think it's an actual trauma, I mean look at who were dealing with, it's pretty heavy and arguably more comfortable to some to just fall back into the game.

Do you know what gaslighting is?

No please tell me

Never mind... Just so fucking evil

It is.

Thanks for sharing that, that's been my thing, especially after having all of these spiritual experiences, and their pushing of athiesm, and fucking people with no heart, just seeing that as an actual definition grounded me more.

In the warfare of the mind it helps to know the terms. When we can see our experience defined in words that we can relate to, we escape the illusion of being alone in the experience. You're welcome.

Well said, my friend well said.

The goal is to didrupt and dilute conversations. They don't have to be convincing.

example: it's disrupt, not didrupt, do you even have a brain?

My hand is screwed up, having trouble typing today. Why so rude man?

Sorry bout the hand. Me? Rude? Never. Satirical example, nothing more.

Yeah, you're one of the good guys. I was like wtf? Well played.

2nd most retarded injury in a life full of retarded injuries.

That sucks. I have my share of retarded injuries. Famous quote - "did I just do that? OWWWWWW!!"

One time I fell asleep on my arm at work on some medication. I severely damaged my radial nerve. Paralyzed my arm for like 4 months. Thought it was never going to work again the whole time.

I get hurt...napping.

I'm sorry..I'm laughing...I'm laughing even harder thinking it should've happened at band camp.

Hahaha. It's ok, that sjit is hilarious.

I get hurt...napping

Are you my dog? Because my dog has hurt herself twice while napping/getting up from a nap

No, sorry. I'm actually a cat.

I'm allergic to you :/

Sorry. I don't mean to bring the sneeze.

Shit I didn't catch that - yea man perfect

Shit I didn't catch that - yea man perfect

The irony is...we still diluted the conversation. So, it's a great example all in all.

Yea, I posted a video I saw on t.v. earlier, and it was a Jack n the Box commericial, had aliens n pyramids, check it out, 2 people commented basically diluting it, and I bought it. I was like oh that's funny, but they did what's being described here... toes... must be on them... this ain't no joke

Very likely unconstitutional, goes against the right to assembly.

Only if it is state actors. And while I am sure we have plenty of those around here, it would be difficult to prove. But at least right now I believe the bulk our problem is with PAC and privately funded forum manipulators.

It's not about working, it's about spamming this sub with noise. Petty divisive content. Limit discussion and be snarky as shit. They dont want us using the internet to investigate and share information, so their goal is to make it impossible to communicate with your brothers.

In here? "They" own this platform of communication. In fact, "they" are mining you for information.

I mean with handles specifically, they definitely own the hell out of Google too, Wikipedia not cool Satanist not cool

And now we can get banned for pointing them out. Cool.

I point with my finger curled....so, technically, I'm not pointing. Let's see them take that to court.

What do you mean?

He could be referring to Rule 10, which considers pointing shills out to be an attack on the shill. Shills are given carte blanche in this sub, and people are afraid to even say the word "shill" because it could get them banned.


Damn glad to know, I don't call anyone a shill then jeez love this sub

That rule has been there for at least 3 years. I've seen tons of people accusing others of being shills on this sub, even reported comments that blatantly violated rule 10 - nothing ever seems to happen though. So...

I would hazard a guess that you'd have to accuse a mod of being a shill, or spam the comments with shill accusations before you were banned.

Maybe it's there for certain shill organizations to take advantage of, so they can shill freely and without people pointing out to others that the shill is in fact a shill, so those comments get deleted fast (god forbid the community benefits from a member spotting a shill). You can call me a shill and I could report it, and the accusation will not get deleted (I tested it once). Perhaps the accusing the mods is what it's there for, but what happens when the mods are the shills, as we've seen in subs like politics? Oh well. The rule does not benefit the community, but rather the infiltrators attempting to turn this place and any of its discussions into a crummy commercial.

I accused one of a small group of topic-avoiding, thread-derailing maniacs of being a shill the day before yesterday and I got a warning straight away.

That's why before calling them a shill, you just back out of the conversation when you realize they're trying to get a reaction from you, and report them for trolling.

I never report people, but I agree you have to walk away from people just trolling. I just think it would be useful to point out shills who you've already spotted to others, so those people wouldn't waste their time arguing with someone who is paid to have a certain point of view.

During the election, I suspected some political shills were foreigners paid to defend a certain candidate. I cannot think of more of a waste of time than arguing about American political candidates with foreigners paid to disagree with you. You can tag them in RES or remember their username but you can't be helpful and warn others or you'll get deleted, much to the glee of the shill organizations, who probably can't believe their luck.

We know who they are. Its funny, post a certain topic and certain shills show up every time.

You can also tag people on the Android reddit app Boost, for all the mobile users.

yeah people are getting banned for shitty reaons

The regulars moved to another sub, I won't name it but if you miss the old r/conspiracy and are tired of the politics bullshit and snarky comments in here now, you will figure out what sub is now the real r/conspiracy

I'd like to know. Tired of arguing politics in here.

You for sure do not get to know

Ah, so by regulars you mean "not" regulars.

Good to know, 6 month old account.

Listen man, I've read your r/politics isn't so bad and our government is great posts. I'm calling out your bullshit account. Fuck if I ever let you manipulate another sub with your account

You sound like a real gem. Enjoy your 6 month account. Mr. Regular.

You sound like something else this sub is familiar with. Enjoy getting called out for what you are. Tell us again how rpolitics is legit.

Calling me a shill? Cute. You're such a big guy. My history doesn't have anything to do with /r/politics. Not sure why you keep bringing that up. I made a comment about them here yesterday wanting to ban the ShareBlue articles.

People are free to look at my history though.

It's your fucking snoring more than anyone. I've never come across anyone so fast asleep and unaware. Worse than a shill really

They're not moving to a /r/conspiracy that's not about politics. They're just pissed they can't circlejerk about shills in this sub hard enough.

You're "for sure do not get to know" because you seem like a reasonable person.

Lol, that actually makes sense in this realm. Thanks.

Oh the 'this sub' bullshit again. Tell us all how rpolitics is legit. Come on, why shouldn't we call you the fuck out?

Seek help.

No both you and him post the same bullshit over and over. It's time to call out and let people know there are new subs free of the bullshit tactics you have so wilfully adopted. PM me and I'll give you the name of the sub, lets see how you deal with being called the fuck out over there. Bring Groomper and Skyderper and Sasha Kendrick and any other accounts you may be familiar with.

Or just leave for that new sub. Not sure why you keep bitching about /r/conspiracy and talking about this new sub instead of just.. going to that new sub.

Listen man, we know what your account is all about. I'll be here and there calling out the manipulative accounts.

Who is "we"? lmao.

Putin's troll army? Or Cambridge Analytica?

Well there is a few and some private groups as well. Problem is the fracturing of groups and spkitting things even farther apart.

I 100% agree that it only serves to fracture, and short term that's a win for the shills/brigades. However, the sub I am alluding to seems to be cruising along right now. It's a lot like how this place used to be in the sense there is a lot of discussion to read and digest, not just a bunch of snarky comments telling people they are wrong for thinking a certain way. You can head over there and get quality over quantity. It's also pretty active these last two weeks, lots of thoughtful replies and genuinely curious people. I fought the fracture of this sub for a long time, and I am not a concern troll, there are many great posters still in here and to be the shill accounts are obvious now...But if you are done with the noise, head over to that other sub and free your mind again with some great thoughts and discussion

I might already be using it, but you want to keeps names hushed so I will. However between a private reddit and 3 other forums. i get more then my fill of info, makes it real hard to work when you'd rather be reading and thing a out other things, you know.

I know exactly what you mean, I should be getting ready to head out the door right now. I like the other sub though because of the length of the posts and the content. I can read it at work and not feel compelled to post. Lots of cool thoughts and ideas that are fun to just sit on and think over. On r-conspiracy I almost feel obligated to help people against the brigades/shills and it wastes so much time.

I know the feeling. That's why I spend some time here before moving on or going to look at some gaming nonsense.

Hmm. I'm on a few fringe subs, but I haven't yet found anything that offers daily discussion. I'm sure I'll find it/something eventually. I just don't want to move to voat haha

Meanwhile CIA identifies super secret conspiracy reddit sub with a click of posting history.

I don't post there with this account

This is what is fucked. Mods knowingly ban real users, it's exactly what happened to r-politics

nah f u op, should focus on the real stuff like pizzagate and assad gassing his people!

See this mind fuckery, pizzagate was real and Assad is the good guy (our politicians are so fucking dark it's not even funny)

I experimented in getting banned from the Donald sub and got expulsed right away. Only sub I've been banned from and my I can get pretty spicy as it is.

They are definitely among us.

FaceHammer is a mod at r conspiratard FaceHammer is a persona management team.




'His' motto is "Altered the course of history by manipulation of reddit votes"

Air Force seeks online persona management software http://www.scribd.com/doc/51066167/Online-Persona-Management

U.S. Military Launches Spy Operation Using Fake Online Identities



US military cyber force activated Operation Screaming Fist is go


Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada - [10:37] (youtu.be)


Professional blog attacks. https://i.imgur.com/NpbCXHB.jpg

"I get Paid to Chat on Reddit"


JTRIG online persona's How Washington and its Allies Use Social Media to Topple Governments & Manipulate Public Opinion


Revealed: Pentagon spent millions studying how to influence social media


Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media







Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders http://www.wired.com/2009/01/usaf-blog-respo/

Persona management, Operation Ntrepid Operation Earnest Voice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ntrepid

Glenn Greenwald: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

[GCHQ’s “Chinese menu” of tools spreads disinformation across Internet- “Effects capabilities” allow analysts to twist truth subtly or spam relentlessly.]


Keep thy enemy closer, saved ty

Any info on tv sets themselves?

I really don't care about them hearing me at all, I'm just wondering given the pyramid on the logo, if it's for some frequency thing inside of it, wouldnt doubt if it had a hidden camera

Apple is creating a screen for tv's with thousands of camra's in the pixels so the camera is present and on if the screen is on.

Apple patent embeds thousands of cameras among LCD pixels http://www.engadget.com/2006/04/26/apple-patent-embeds-thousands-of-cameras-among-lcd-pixels/

Holy shit i thought you were joking - now that shits crazy - you can't put tape on the screen... idk maybe a slightly reflective film or something - but still wtf

I swear there was a patent floating around somewhere that said there was technology in CRT TVs that could identify if someone was in front of it or not, and later model CRT TVs could tell how many people and differentiate between gender of the people through use of the screen.

I can't find it now, but I'm positive I've seen it before. Have you heard of this?

Not me. Crts just shot out electrons

yeah it is watching you.

Any brain scrambling hardware I mean? I know everything watching and listening to me, phone everything

not sure.

I heard that if it's on TV, then it's true.

I think I heard that on the TV.

Brain scramble? too late for that.

Why would these nice beautiful people lie to me? They've never lied once! They've got a clean track record - o well I don't think they can if they tried

Would you like to know more?



Would you like to know more?



Would you like to know more?


These people are silly.

How so? If the government had a leg to stand on in terms of corruption they wouldn't ever need this kind of tactic to deceive their own people.

We're not in here with them. They're locked in here with us.

Wonder how that turnover rate is going. Full awareness of the fabricated narratives has got to weigh heavy.

This one's for sure their graveyard shift. Always good to see what they're peddling though, i always have a dose of MSM too. Taking the pulse of the beast, if you will.

You should get hazard pay.

To them, we are white walkers. And Winter is coming.

Yea but I'm sure there's a psychopath test you have to pass or something

We're talking about corporate shills right. If so fuck them.

Ad hominem attacks etc

the irony

don't be naive - if satanic individuals are attacking you it's not equal to you attacking back - or defending yourself - or standing up for what is right

So not only are you allowed to use ad hominem attacks because you're the good guy, everyone who disagrees with you is satanic? Man your a self entitled prick.

Man don't be a fool - ad hominem attacks are the main way that these individuals seek out and attempt to thwart the truth - it's a simple tactic that's effective enough to work - If someone is using this against you you better believe you can defend yourself against it - I mean would a physical analogy be better so you can understand it? I'm being attacked with a knife, I have a knife in my pocket, there's no place to run, you better damn believe that i'm going to take that knife out stop this person - ad hominems are attacks on character - intentionally designed to undermine the individual - it's horrifying and sick - and it's done with the direct intention of darkness - if i defend myself you're saying that's bad? really? what's going on that you're not comprehending this? need another analogy?

Dismissing someones arguments because you call them a "shill" us itself an ad hominem. That is the ironic statement.

You can tell who they are, that's all this is about, either their ignorant as a brick, sorry bricks, or are people intentionally trying to poison the truth, listen to each argument thoroughly and decide for yourself, there's no need to attack their character, only the need to see through the veil. Maybe I should of used different words than attack, because I've been a victim of individuals like that, and probably the attack came out due to some resentment still, but you definitely need that wall.

Shhh, don't discourage them. They're supposedly (and finally) all leaving this sub so it can go back to normal before the /r/t_d invasion.

Mention Flat Earth and watch them flock.

They mention Flat Earth frequently as an insult

We know.

Yea it seems so, good for those who don't though

Yea it seems so, good for those who don't though

Yea it seems so, good for those who don't though

They try and get you to say words like libtard and shit so you can be categorized as a Trump drone. They also talk in extremes. It's easy to spot most of the time.

The solution to shills is to

  1. post information

  2. actually read any articles or links that they post and then point out their partial or complete flaws.

They HATE that, and they then disappear. Try it.

"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me"

Twitter is so bad. I replied to a guy spreading lies. I told him Trump is Hillary's cousin and he donated to her charity. Dude only replied in tin foil hat memes, then replied to the two links I sent him hours later and said "sorry I work a job all day every day, no free hands out here." I work in a bank with a communications degree and my phone is always on me. It's not hard to tweet from work. Shills galore.

Some douche nugget with trump banners and MAGA slogans all over his profile blocked me for simply replying to him.

Then other parts of twitter think I'm pro-Trump because I retweet WikiLeaks and anything critical or Obama and Killary. It's a jungle outchea mane.

Yeah, I have seen this too. And they will attack whatever you say if they have branded you as an enemy for whatever reason. It could wear you down if you do not understand what they are doing and why.

The psychological mastery, at least in some cases, by these psychos who maintain world disorder is what actually makes me uneasy. Not saying the shills are intelligent; but I'm saying their bosses' bosses are.

We know. They're getting desperate.

Wait till you get death threats. :)

On the bright side, as with so many other jobs, that work has been largely outsourced to India and China, and as such, their English isn't typically very good. If you suspect you're talking to shill, just ask them about Tibet - if they're Chinese, they won't answer, or they'll answer in a way that portrays China in a positive light.

poor tibet - probably the most enlightened and loving group of people on the planet - makes you wonder about china and if they're infiltrated by the illuminati - it makes sense

Most modern Asian countries are basically the result of sick, post WW2 social experiments. The world became a dark, dark place when the smoke cleared.

Part of their plan

thank god their traditions was so strong - couldn't find the caves with the enlightened beings in there

This sub Reddit was good enough until cuckservatives/Republicucks came along and pretend that they are in control of Reddit. This sub was meant for everyone to share different information. Turned out to be another safe place for cuckservatives.

wtf are you on about? This is beyond politics

Sorry bout the hand. Me? Rude? Never. Satirical example, nothing more.

I point with my finger curled....so, technically, I'm not pointing. Let's see them take that to court.

What do you mean?

yeah people are getting banned for shitty reaons

don't be naive - if satanic individuals are attacking you it's not equal to you attacking back - or defending yourself - or standing up for what is right

This is what is fucked. Mods knowingly ban real users, it's exactly what happened to r-politics