What do you guys think about the North Korea situation.

20  2017-04-14 by INTELDracula

After the bombing of Syria air base everyone was thinking we was going to go to war with Syria but now the table has turned and we're pushing for a war in North Korea. What do you guys think about it? I know North Korea doesn't have a central bank and does not use the US dollar I believe. North Korea could also be a distraction to get everyone riled up for war but I'm not sure what do you guy think?


China will handle North Korea if they act up.

It looks like Orange has made the ultimatum to China that if they don't invade, we will. In the run up to WW3, this is important for three major reasons: 1) Chinese intrusion on the peninsula will freak out the S Korean people and push them back into loving their authoritarian government, 2) this gives China 5 years or so to transition from export to wartime economy, and 3) Chinese war fighting will increase their addiction to oil from the ME. China already imports a larger percentage of its oil from the area than the US (24% Chinese imported oil comes from Iraq). If that spigot is cut off or interrupted due to insurgency, that is where the Sino-American showdown comes into play - this gives the conflict of two major powers (plus a lot of little states) for Pike's plans of the 3 world wars.

There is no WWIII scenario coming out of the Korean peninsula. China and America are intensely symbiotic economically and neither country's ruling class can afford to disrupt that relationship.

I agree with most of your statements, especially about WW3 not starting on the Korean peninsula; my guess is that it starts near the Balkans or in the ME (and not for 5-8 years). Next major shoe to drop will be the fracture of the EU.

I think that Western and Chinese elites share the same issue of demographics that are problematic for holding power in the long term (too many useless eaters, particularly in the age of automation). In this sense, I think that a war favors both sets of elites. When the US economy finally tanks, we will be of no more use to China as a trade partner. Atlanta Fed just lowered 2017 Q1GDP to .5%... With assumed 2% inflation (of Fed mandate), how much growth is that? answer: -1.5%... in other words, the descent has already begun. By the way, most of Q1 took place before the second interest rate hike in a decade. Do you really think that the situation will improve as this credit adjustment works its way into Federal and private budgets??? The only way that things will look remotely normal to us over the next year is if China starts dumping all of their Treasuries (to counterbalance the banksters' greatest fear deflation).

Also, if the state brainwashing program in NK is half as effective as we are sold, then any occupation force could be looking at the same prospect (of citizens fighting to the death) that allegedly got the US to drop Fat Man and Little Boy on Japan in '45. Besides, American intelligence seems to be extremely skilled at arming/using insurgents to extend conflicts for as long as possible - makes mad $$$$ for the MIC. It could easily be US that invades, but that probably would start WW3 too early IMO (China is not yet mobilized for war with US).

I think that NK only poses a real threat to China, Japan, and S. Korea, and some surrounding islands.

I think the US only cares because all three countries I listed are incredibly important trading partners with the US. It all comes back to money. The US gov doesn't give a shit about the korean people, they give a shit about market stability.

I think China largely is on the same page as the US, and that someday the US and China will have joint military action to remove the Kim Dynasty from power, and leave SK to clean up the mess.

That someday may be coming sooner than we expected.

North Korea is a threat to the world banking cabal that is made up of the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF and the World Bank.

Any country that has an independent central bank as all of our enemies do, has the potential of issuing a value based currency such as a gold backed currency.

That would be an extreme threat to the central banking mafia since all of their currencies are backed by faith in governments alone.

Any value based currency would quickly destabilize the fiat currencies of the banking mafia so those countries are having huge debt loads created for them in order to force them to borrow from the central bankers mafia.

All debtors have to follow the rules laid out by their creditors and those rules will include that only fiat currencies may be distributed. Russia and China are already part of the central banking cabal and will not interfere.

lmfao, dude if you think that NK could destabilize currency markets by releasing a gold backed currency, you have literally no idea wtf you are talking about.

you wanna talk about trust and faith in currency? well who in their right mind would ever trust a NK currency, gold backed or no.

Saddam Hussein wanted to trade oil for gold he was killed for that. Qaddafi also wanted to trade oil for gold and create a Gold Dinar, so he was killed.

Any currency backed by anything of value would be preferable to fiat currency backed by nothing no matter what the source was.

Countries that were recently capable of creating a value based currency or still could include Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and Somalia. All of these countries will have or have had theis independent abilities removed by military means unless they give in to pressure from the US before they can be.

Details of past attacks here.


One small correction saddam started to trade oil for Euro not gold.

Here is an Hillery email that proves the african dinar was the reason for destroying the Libya: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/6528

No, but NK does export the most amount of counterfeit U.S. money in the world.

I'm against it.

Fakey McFaceFace. When's the last time you saw/heard KJU say something for himeslef? Why does MSM remind us of "possible" "may be planning" NUKE MISSLE tests, every day?!

It's likely all three of these reasons:

  • Guided deception

  • Pure distraction

  • Seed planting for future Central Bank Coup d'état

Very good point. US is probably planning for a regime change.

Are you suggesting that literally every remotely reputable media source on the planet is wrong about NK, and literally only the NK state media is correct about them? This isn't Libya or Syria or Iraq, we're talking about pretty much the only nation on Earth for which we have a global consensus that it's a corrupt hellhole.

As much as I hate the octopus emperors that comprise the world banks, at least it would result in less famine and disease for the citizens of NK.

Though tbh it isn't that great of a trade in the long run, just that quality of life is so fucking low there right now that even an African Warlord may be better for the people than the Kim dynasty.

what if JKU is actually a glorious leader and they have a utopian society there while not connected to any central banks?

Yeah no. Just look at a satellite pic of NK at night. See the lack of lights? That's not because everywhere is so safe no one needs streetlights.

Look at their internet traffic, maybe 10 people in the entire fucking country are allowed to go online.

Sure all of the escapee stories may be fabricated by SK's own propaganda machine. I highly doubt it though.

The song and dance they perform for tourists is so desperate that I actually feel sympathy for all of the poor farmers that can't get enough to eat so that they can fill an entire empty restaurant with a banquet just to convince two journalists that there is no famine.

The behavior of the citizens absolutely reeks of deliberate long-term cult of personality brainwashing.

NK has it bad, and its only been made worse by an incompetent leadership that is impossible to depose.

If you have some evidence that points to all of the above being anti-NK propaganda, then please post me some data regarding any possible utopia over there.

I really want to believe that it is a utopia, and all of the above reservations are just central bank propaganda bullshit.

Unfortunately, the evidence I have looked into speaks for itself.

where you from?

Earth, you?

Not trying to be rude, just direct. You sound like you're parroting bullshit that you've been led to believe, moreso than actual real-time information, backed up with legit data/statistics/analysis. It's terrific you care deeply about the farmers, etc., but I'd caution repeating all the talking points so freely w/out first hand sources.

You are being rude, and nothing you have said has contributed to any meaningful discussion, and you are even butting in on threads just to spread your pernicious bullshit.


Damn, you sound dumb (now I am trying to be rude). Quit talking shit. If you're SO interested in meaningful discussion, how about ADDING SOME SUBSTANTIATING FACTS TO YOUR CLAIMS? You know, like smart and good debaters do.

Blocked. LOL You know you're reading this...

It's fun to entertain the thought that the totalitarian regime in NK is actually a facade covering an actual utopian society, the oppressive regime itself covered by an obviously fake facade of a fake utopian society. What if the obviously fake facade and all the awful things we hear about NK are just propaganda to make everyone think it's a terrible place so nobody moves there? I'm not saying this is true at all, but it's fun to think about.

I'm not saying this is true at all, but it's fun to think about.

Lol, yeah that's why I put it out there....fun to think about, like Libya under Gadaffi had free education, jobs programs, a universal basic income to people from the oil money, etc.....the Deepstate/Clinton happened

That what I think about alot.

famine and disease for the citizens of NK

quality of life is so fucking low there right now

You were there? You interviewed citizens? You observed the terrible conditions... Or, were you told the conditions are terrible? Careful about believing what we're told. Trust but verify.

Yeah no, take your obfuscating propaganda bullshit elsewhere.

You're the one spreading information you could never verify - the very definition of propaganda, bub. I'm simply asking you to back up what you're saying. How dare I!!

Night satellites pics of NK, their import/export ratio and the amount of food aid they extort with their childish military pranks.

The unvarnished looks of amazement that NK refugees have when they see what a grocery store in SK looks like.

The desperate displays of food wasting presented to authorized tourists, where every table in an empty restaraunt is loaded with 'display food' that will never be eaten and is whisked away at the end of the meal to be put back on ice for the next dog and pony show.

All of these things are more than enough evidence to demonstrate that the leadership of NK is dangerous to their own citizens.

I have looked, I have judged, and every warning sign points to a totalitarian dictatorship grown fat off of the hard labor of their citizens in spite of their horrible mismanagement.

Lots of words. No actual evidence provided.

Either you're intentionally disregarding the rules of debating/sharing information (on a public forum where you're attempting to convince people), or you actually are this intellectually dishonest. Do yourself, and people having to listen to you, a favor -- show ACTUAL evidence when you try to make claims about far away people/places. Saying you interpreted a "look" on someones face (that you didn't see in person) IS NOT EVIDENCE.

I'm not necessarily disputing the conditions of NK, I'm asking the guy claiming he knows the conditions to inform the rest of us, and not just by saying "trust me, I can tell".


Now that it has been assured that Syria will have to borrow from the world central banking group, placing their policies and abilities in the hands of the BIS the World Bank and the IMF's hands, we can turn to the next country on our list of victims.

That country was expected to be Iran but somehow North Korea has presented a more attractive target of opportunity in the short term. Expect China to 'inexplicably' come to the aid of the US in this endeavor since China is a fellow signatory to the Bank for International Settlements. All of our middle east wars are about creating a money creation monopoly for the central banking mafia.

This list is telling for the names of the countries that are NOT on the list.

BIS member banks.


That country was expected to be Iran but somehow North Korea has presented a more attractive target of opportunity in the short term

"Somehow"? It seems pretty obvious for many reasons. Iran has a well equipped modern military that could actually put up a fight, unlike Iraq, and has a few friends in the form of Russia and Syria (not the most powerful friends, but still). The DPRK has no friends on the world stage, its military is a one-pump chump aimed at Seoul, and pretty much everyone who isn't KJU wants KJU out of power, including the senior military leadership of his own country.

Agreed. but only so much can reasonably be explained in a short comment.

How is it assured Syria will have to brrow from the world central bank? Last I checked Syria doesn't use the US dollar or have a central bank

They do have an independent, government owned, central bank. Interestingly that banks website has been taken out for the last couple of years to restrict their ability to do business, and their central bank building has been directly attacked to create a message to them wiithout actually destroying them. Syria's infrastructure has been virtually destroyed and their real estate has been demolished to create debt to make Syria borrow from the world's central banking cabal.

Details and corroborating links here.


Very interesting. The comment you linked gave me a better understanding of things.

At a practical level NK can't be allowed to continue its present behaviour. Even if we think the present capability of NK's equipment is exaggerated there is no doubt that continued testing will provide them with true nuclear ICBM capability and that capability will be in the hands of a potentially more erratic leader as sanctions and outside pressures increase on the country. To paraphrase Macbeth, "If it were best done then 'twere best done quickly."

The trick is to drawer the concentration of troops on the SK border to defend PyongYang and other critical areas in the North. This could be achieved by a Chinese incursion on the Northern border or a faked US invasion from the North Eastern seaboard around Wonsan. Carpet bombing and perhaps even the recently tested MOABs (remember them) would be particular effective against any remaining massed infantry or exposed artillery directly north of the SK border.

The timing of the events had better be precise.

The question is does North Korea actually have all those weapons and is Kim actually that crazy making all those threats? This could simply be westren propaganda to make US and the world hate North Korea so we can go to war with them and do a regime change. Every time Kim makes a threat you never hear it from him you hear it from other sources.

I think they should leave them alone. Which they won't. I'm thinking it'll be another Vietnam.

I think it's a distraction from something else

It came to me today ... Kim Jong-un wants a war. Why else would he be ceaselessly provoking America and South Korea? His nation is so bankrupt and so starving that he knows it can't continue as it has been going, so he wants a war to shake things up. War is like another throw of the dice for Kim.

Nothing will happen until the state department issues travel warnings to the Korean Peninsula and the US starts evacuating all non military personnel out of the area.

For one. I think something should be done to help NK either somehow peacefully get rid of KJU or somehow convince him that we are not the enemy and we could work to slowly reform the nation and make them a more stable and healthy nation.

With regards to their nuclear test and stuff: NK this whole time has just been like a kid getting bullied and they are just saying "please leave me alone" over and over until they stand up for themselves by showing that they are strong and won't accept being bullied. But they are crazy, so if we attack them for doing a harmless (I'm not actually sure if it's 100% harmless, and I'll admit that, I just can't figure out how it's harmful to anyone outside NK) nuclear test. They will fucking retaliate hardcore unless the first strike on them is enough for it to be the last.

Instead of wave after wave of soldiers we should be sending regiments of fucking diplomats to these countries.

The North doesn't have oil either. If anything, I think the US won't attack North Korea first. The US would prefer that North Korea attacked something first and then the US could retaliate.

The US doesn't want to be seen as the aggressor. On the wrong side.

The tomahawk missiles during Trumps meeting with the chinese president and the advance of US navy is just the start of the big plan. The MOAB bomb in afginistand sent a clear message to NK that fighting back would be useless. Whats next depends on Chinas reaction. The pressure is on them. I think Trump said something like if China does not solve the NK problems the US will.

It's in the hand of China right now.

Yeah no, take your obfuscating propaganda bullshit elsewhere.